• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Cherry's Return to Equestria

*Luna's POV*

Some time after Zoey had checked on the other Cyniclons, Cherry asked me what Equestria was like now since she had been away for a thousand years.

“Well, daughter… instead of telling you about Equestria, why would we bring you back there?” I offered.

Cherry asks "Really?"

“*Giggle!* Of course. You’re much overdue for a return anyway.” I smiled.

Cherry spoke "I don't know mom, I've been living here in Tokyo for a thousand years... But something's calling me back to my true home..."

“That’s you wanting to see the rest of your family, Cherry.” I informed.

Zoey spoke "Much like Sonic, I've got a foot in two different worlds."

Cherry asks "Really?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah and dad, you probably won't be needing clothes once we go back to Equestria. Given that I don't know what you will turn into."

Shintaro asks "Okay?"

Zoey spoke "Male Mobians along with pretty much all Equians don't wear clothes."

Shintaro spoke "Oh, if you say so."

Zoey spoke "Pretty much."

Zoey brought out a warp ring.

Zoey spoke "I should warn you first. There are a few chakats that live in Ponyville but you should never refer to them as an it. The correct term is Shir, shi or hir. I had to learn that the hard way when Dren accidentally insulted Blizzardstar."

Shintaro asks "Okay?"

I spoke "She has a point though, calling a chakat an it is very insulting to the species in general. Two morons never seem to understand."

Zoey groans "*Deadpan* Such as Ein and Pierce."

I giggle "Yeah, those two idiots never learn."

Cherry excitedly asks "Well, shall we get going?"

Zoey spoke "Yeah."

After passing through the warp ring, Zoey automatically retakes her Mobian cat form.

Zoey spoke "Come on, mom and dad. It’s safe."

Cherry stepped through first, automatically retaking her original form after being in human form for a thousand years.

Balancing on her hind hooves, Cherry spoke "This feels so weird..."

Zoey whistles loud, getting Starswirl's attention.

Zoey spoke "Can't be no worse than growing fur."

Cherry "Well, guess I’ll have to get used to it."

Zoey asks "You coming dad?"

Shintaro spoke "I suppose so."

A pissed off Indigo had tail slapped Pierce, sending the Mobian sheep flying with a goofy yell.

Zoey spoke "*sweatdrop* It just goes to show... Never pull a prank on Indigo..."

“Indeed.” I nodded as Shintaro stepped through.

Zoey spoke "You think Indigo's bad when he gets pranked, Danyelle and Peach are a LOT worse!"

Indigo yells "I'm gonna KILL THAT DAMN SHEEP!!!"

Zoey bites back a giggle since Indigo's fur was dyed pink.

Shintaro spoke "Whoa! Check me out!"

Zoey spoke "Full Mobian cat, nice."

Shintaro asks "Huh?"

Cherry spoke "*facehoof* I'm the one that's half wolf though..."

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Cherry spoke "I never said this because of the amount of hate between humans and Beastmen so I had to lock myself in human form so that I wouldn't stick out."

Zoey asks "*Feeling a bit dizzy from that much info and realizing* Whoa… I’m cat, alicorn and wolf?"

Cherry spoke "I had to lock you in human form when you were born since humans and beastmen hated each other. You've always been half alicorn half wolf beastman but your beastman blood was lost when that blonde jerk caused you to become half cat."

Zoey spoke "Darn, least I got the alicorn half though. I'm no Danyelle but something tells me that Blondie's in a LOT of trouble..."

Cherry spoke "*Sigh* Yes. But that can be dealt with later. *Pure excitement* Right now, I wanna see the rest of my WHOLE family!"

Zoey yowls loud, calling in Sonic and the rest of the Ogami family.

Cherry spoke "*Excited gasp* Look at all of you!"

Soon enough, the rest of my family arrived.

Akane was hiding behind Volt.

Sonic chuckles.

Michelle asks "Wow, so you’re my aunt-in-law, huh?"

A loud bleat was heard since Pierce got beaten up by Indigo.

Pierce spoke "HELP!!!!!"

Cherry asks "Mm-hmm! I am! *Notices Rekka and Bolo carried in Michelle’s arms* Oh! Who are those adorable little cuties?"

Sonic spoke "My step-children."

Rekka and Bolo noticed Cherry and reached out to her.

Michelle spoke "Aww, looks like my little wrecking balls wanna meet you."

Zoey spoke "I should warn you mom, they don't have full control of their unbound forms."

Cherry asks "Unbound?"

Michelle spoke "A lot to explain, but their average weight in that form is around 200 pounds."

Cherry spoke "Still, I wanna see them up close."

Lance's left ear twitches.

Lance asks "Does anyone hear barking?"

Lance zooms off to the farmhouse.

Sonic spoke "I've never seen Lance that worried."

Roll giggles "Thinks he has a crush?"

Michelle let Cherry carry Rekka and Bolo in their 200 pound forms, but she was struggling a bit.

Cherry spoke "Okay, maybe I should’ve went back to training over the last 100 years."

Danyelle pops up with her 14 kids.

Danyelle giggles "Forgetting somecat thought Sonic?"

Sonic spoke "Oh right! This is Danyelle, my adopted sister."

Danyelle spoke "And these are my kids. Eldest to youngest are Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Irene, Dart, Pouncer, Ruffrunner, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

Sonic spoke "As for my kids... There's Lance, Volt, Jazz, Percival and Flare Blitz so far. Aria and Sally have kids on the way, Pixie's got a Vulpix egg in her arms, Zephyr's got a Pidgey-Mewtwo baby in her arms and Molty's got a Moltres egg in her arms."

Cherry spoke "Wow. *Giggle* And call me crazy, but I have a feeling our whole family will be a little more special sooner or later."

Tails whines "Hey, what about me, Sonic?"

Volt snickers "You want some cheese with that whine Uncle Tails?"

Sonic spoke "Through Pixie, I got a nephew named Rusty along with twin nieces named Kohaku and Ruri."

Rei and his four wives suddenly appeared with their kids.

Rei asks "Someone call?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic may be an Ogami but he's got connections to the Sakurai clan which is Roll's family, the Felis family which is Blaze's family, the Prower family which is Pixie's family, Inuyasha's family since Luna is Celestia's younger sister and a future connection to the Apple and Pear clans which is Applebloom's family once Lance is older."

Sonic asks "Dimensional Scream again?"

Danyelle spoke "You know I can't turn the dang thing off... And Sesshomaru's still an ass."

Sonic spoke "Yeah."

Sesshomaru growls "What was that you blue rat?"

Danyelle spoke "uh-oh...."

Danyelle and the others immediately backed away from Sesshomaru.

Soon, Sesshomaru and Sonic were in a fight cloud.

Cherry spoke "Heehee, wow. What a family I have."

Michelle giggles "Wait until you see who’s my adoptive sister."

Danyelle spoke "You sure about that Michelle? If I know Jas, she can be rather chaotic at times."

Anzu spoke "MOM!!! TOWA BIT ME!!!"

Zoey groans "Not again…"

Cherry spoke "I’ve been leading a different life in another world, I can handle chaotic."

Sonic spoke "Just don't provoke Shadow though, he's got a hair-trigger temper. And I dare not say what can easily piss him off though."

Tails spoke "That was fast."

Sonic spoke "Pays to have an unbound form."

Danyelle spoke "On top of having a werehog form that only comes out at night."


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