• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Nightmare Night is Back Once Again!/ The truth about Martha

*Vinyl's POV*

Some time after Twilight had killed Ghetsis, preparations for Nightmare Night were underway at Hotel Transylvania since I had talked Twilight into having the celebration there.

I spoke "Hey Drac-bite."

Dracula spoke "Hmm? Oh, Hey Vinyl."

I spoke "I still can't believe that I was able to talk Twilight and Danyelle into putting Nightmare Night decorations up here at Hotel Transylvania."

Dracula chuckles "Well can you believe that creatures actually like monsters?"

I giggle "And to think that this all started back when Sonic's daughter had busted out a bunch of monsters that were sealed away deep underground. And for the sake of the skeletons, we shouldn't get Dennis a puppy. Last thing we need is a pile of drool covered bones."

Dracula asks "*Confused* What? You’re saying I need a vacation?"

I spoke "Oh stars no, I was talking about dogs."

Dracula spoke "Oh well. I’ll take a look around the hotel to check if everything’s going well."

Danyelle was hanging off a wood beam since there was a large group of werewolf puppies under her.


Yeesh… That’s a lot.

Twilight was also up on the same wood beam.

Twilight spoke "Even if Spike asked for a pet dog, I'm NEVER getting one for him!"

I noticed Draven wondering about something.

I ask "Hey Draven, what's up?"

Draven spoke "Oh, I’m just wondering about Outworld, and what it’s like there."

I spoke "Based on what Applejack told me, the Outworlders don't like the Kytinn or your species that well."

Draven spoke "I mean, from what M’Della told me, Vaeternus used to be allies with Outworld before they started hunting for survival."

I spoke "Yeesh... and here I thought the mere idea of Dennis getting a puppy was scary..."

Draven asks "What?"'

I spoke "Just a thought I had. and I'll be right back..."

I gallop off to find a washroom before throwing up in the toilet.

I groan "Ick... DRAC!!!!"

Dracula asks "Hmm?"

I had a warm smile on my face despite the fact I was sick.

I spoke "I've got a surprise for you."

Dracula asks "What is it?"

I spoke "I'm pregnant and the foal is yours."

Danyelle flattened her ears before Dracula started shouting in happiness.

Dracula was in his bat form as he was whooping and cheering in the sky.

Soon enough, the news had reached Mavis' ears.

Mavis asks "Huh?"

A random patron spoke "Sounds like your dad's excited about something."

Danyelle spoke "I heard him shouting in happiness earlier."

Mavis asks "What's going on?"

Danyelle giggles "In a year's time, you'll have a new sibling."

Twilight spoke "So that explains why I heard Vinyl screaming Drac's name earlier..."

Mavis asks "*Ear twitch* ...What?"

Danyelle and Twilight giggle "Clean the cotton out of your ears, we said that you're getting a new baby sibling in a year from now."

Mavis was definitely shocked, although her body froze at that.

Twilight pokes Mavis in the nose, causing a bat squeak to be heard.

Twilight spoke "Uh Dany, I think we broke her..."

Danyelle pops a balloon in Mavis' face, startling the vampire batpony.

Mavis yelps "Gah!"

Danyelle spoke "You freaked out... and you also squeaked like a bat with Twilight poked your nose. *giggle* Which sounded really cute."

Mavis asks "Huh?"

Danyelle grabs Mavis by the tail, dragging the vampire batpony mare over to where I was.

I spoke "Oh hey Danyelle."

Mavis asks "Okay, what’s going on?"

I spoke "It's just like Danyelle and Twilight said, I'm expecting a foal."

Mavis asks "…What?"

I spoke "Drac! Get your tail in here and explain!"

Danyelle spoke "Nah, I think she understands. It’s just hard for her to process, and she’s a bit like Twilight in that way."

Twilight spoke "I HEARD THAT GUZZLE GUTS!!"

Danyelle asks "…What did Star flank just call me?"

I spoke "This will not end well..."

Danyelle and Twilight charged at each other, about to fight before Drac showed up and glared at the two, completely freezing them midair.

To Drac's shock, Twilight was holding a sword in her magic which had fallen to the ground right after the alicorn was stunned.

I held back all of the werewolf kids with my magic since Twilight's sword was made of an unknown material and could possibly hurt them.

I sigh "I better call Ben and Flash in to deal with these two."

Mavis spoke "Okay."

Twilight soon calmed down, causing the sword to vanish into thin air.

Danyelle growls "As soon as I'm let go... I'm gonna FEED YOU A QUESADILLA TWILIGHT ANDROMEDA SPARKLE!!!"

Twilight froze at that.

I giggle "Still scared of quesadillas huh Twilight?"

Mavis asks "Huh?"

Twilight spoke "D-don't ASK!"

Danyelle snickered.

Twilight spoke "Don't make me burn your strawberries Danyelle!"

Danyelle spoke "NO!!!!"

Draven spoke "Whoa, this is pretty intense."

There was some spooky music being played as the Crusaders chase each other and the other children about the hotel.

Twilight picks up a cookie up off a plate before eating it.

Twilight spoke "Oh hey Luna."

Luna spoke "Hello Twilight."

Twilight spoke "It had been Vinyl's idea to have the Nightmare Night party at Hotel Transylvania this time since the last party was in Ponyville."

Luna spoke "And it is indeed scary."

I spoke "I agree."

Twilight spoke "Uh-huh."

Nyx and Akari were on their mom's back.

Akoya was on Danyelle's head.

Danyelle spoke "Aww you."

Akoya mewls.

I giggle "She's so tiny."

Mavis spoke "Aww... He looks like Dennis as a baby."

Danyelle spoke "Akoya's a girl. Same with Irene, Rani and Tikal."

Mavis spoke "Sorry. Kinda hard to tell."

But then we heard fighting outside as we saw Draven fighting a scouter heartless before he picked up a jack-o-lantern with some mold on it and smashed it onto the heartless’ head, causing creepy crawlies to come out of the jack-o-lantern as the heartless tried to get them off before falling to its hands and knees in exhaustion. That’s when Draven ran toward the heartless and kicked the jack-o-lantern, sending it flying with its decapitated head when it the carved pumpkin shattered against the front door with a splat as it rang the doorbell while it fell to the mat as it revealed the decapitated heartless’ head before it disintegrated with its headless body as a howl was heard with more creepy crawlies moving out of the shattered pumpkin. Looks like there won’t be any interruptions.

Renee and Misty were up on a wood beam in fright since they hated bugs.

Mavis spoke "Makes sense there were bugs in that moldy jack-o-lantern."

Zoey spoke "I don't like ghosts that much but I've mellowed out some once I found out that Pigment was a Ghost-Psychic type Mewtwo."

Danyelle spoke "But wow, that was awesome."

Zoey asks "but why do those heartless keep attacking us?"

Danyelle spoke "No idea."

Zoey spoke "I wish the Heartless would leave us alone on holidays...."

Danyelle puts a cucumber behind Zoey, causing the black cat to yowl in fright.

A Pegasus stallion with a red curly mane flew in. "Huh, why aren't you spooked by that, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "I'd rather not scare my daughters."

The stallion asks "Oh. So who's that?"

Danyelle spoke "The eldest is Irene, the Mew and echidna are Rani and Tikal, the shiny Mew is Akoya. Plus I have two more on the way."

Looking at the stallion after I removed my sunglasses, I spoke "I heard from Mavis that you're a DJ. If that's the case, I challenge to a DJ battle!"

The stallion gasped dramatically. "No."

"Yes." I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "Oh boy, she's got the Eye of the DJ."

Twilight snickers "What's the matter Johnny? Too much of a scaredy Skitty to face off against another DJ? Especially one that's a vampire?"

Johnny spoke "Heh, never said I was scared. I was just surprised, and yeah, I ACCEPT the challenge."

Johnny suddenly brought out a large backpack before instantly turning it into a table by hoof before bringing out some speakers, and a computer.

Courtesy of Sonic, I soon had my DJ table set up.

Danyelle shivers a bit.

Danyelle asks "Did anyone turn the heat down?"

Even though the others couldn't see the Gengar, Pigment could.

Pigment asks "Wada?"

Zoey asks "Hmm?"

Danyelle spoke "I sense a Gengar hiding somewhere... Most likely female..."

I noticed Drac’s shadow looking odd as the shadow’s eyes were red.

Danyelle asks "Say Drac, didn't your previous wife have blue eyes?"

Drac asks "Martha did. Why do you ask?"

I blinked and shook my head to check, seeing that the shadow’s eyes were indeed blue.

Zoey spoke "Well, Pig senses a Gengar hiding in your shadow."

Drac asks "Gengar?"

Pigment floated over to Drac before poking the stallion's shadow, causing the Gengar to pop out.

Ash spoke "A Poison-Ghost type Poké-Mobian often said to be the spirits of dead people."

Dracula asks "Wait what?"

Danyelle pulls out a Pokédex before looking up Gengar's dex entry.

a mechanical voice spoke "Gengar, the Shadow Poké-Mobian. It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it was once human itself, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans. In this case, it was once a batpony."

Danyelle spoke "Odd...."

Twilight asks "What?"

Danyelle spoke "According to the Pokédex, this particular Gengar was once a batpony."

I ask "Uh Mavis, you okay?"

The Gengar was soon looking at me.

Dracula asks "What? What is going on here?"

I spoke "I have no idea... but something about that bracelet reminds me of a friend I lost roundabout 124 years ago...."

Mavis was definitely shocked about something.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps my Dimensional Scream can shed some light on what happened..."

Danyelle touches my forehead as she uses a Memory Recall spell to show everyone else what happened 124 years ago.

*Flashback to 124 years ago*

*No POV*

A slightly younger Vinyl was galloping full speed towards Castle Lubov to warn Dracula of the oncoming mob of ponies that wanted to rid the world of vampires.


But as Vinyl went inside, a small spark was seen that would start burning the house down.

Vinyl spoke "Oh buck..."

Vinyl barges into the room where Dracula was.

Vinyl spoke "Dracula, we have to get out of here! An angry mob is coming to kill the four of us!"

But then the burning flames were starting to be seen there were growls of “vampire”.

Vinyl puts up an anti-heat barrier around herself and the trio.

Vinyl asks "Drac, how are we getting out of here?"

Dracula spoke "I will reason with them."

Vinyl spoke "I'll do what I can to keep Martha safe, she's my friend."

But then Vinyl noticed Martha carrying an infant Mavis.

Vinyl spoke "If we weren't under attack, I would have time to admire her."

An arrow was soon lodged in Vinyl's flank, knocking the unicorn out as a Pegasus stallion stabs Martha in the heart thus killing the mare.

Vinyl growls "AGAIN WITH THE FLANK???"

A furious Vinyl rips the stallion's neck out.

Holding a crying Mavis with a foreleg, Vinyl screams "DRACULA!!!!"

A few seconds earlier, Dracula was trying to reason with the ponies before he heard Martha’s scream.

Dracula spoke "Martha!"

Vinyl pulled the arrow out of her flank.

Vinyl growls "Why do ponies insist on firing arrows at my flanks?"

Dracula showed up as Vinyl kept Mavis safe before giving her to him.

Vinyl spoke "I'm sorry, I couldn't save her... But I know for a fact Martha wouldn't want you to be sad forever. And one day, we creatures of the night will be able to walk among the mortals. After what happened today, I think we should go our own ways. It's so that ponies don't track us down and find us."

Vinyl hugs Drac before going through a portal, closing it for the next 125 years.

Little did the two vampiric ponies know, Martha's spirit had become a Gengar Poké-Mobian thus remaining at the ruined castle for the same length of time.

*End flashback*

*Vinyl's POV*

Danyelle soon took her hand away.

I gasp "Now it all makes sense now... I killed the stallion responsible for Martha's death..."

Danyelle spoke "Wow, this is a lot to take in."

I spoke "If I hadn't been there, Mavis would have been killed as well."

Mavis spoke "Let’s not think about that."

I spoke "Your mother would be proud of the mare you've grown into though Mavis."

Mavis spoke "*Smile* Thanks."

Danyelle spoke "I think she already is."

I spoke "I heard about it from Korra though, Martha's spirit has finally passed onto the afterlife."

Danyelle spoke "Huh. Drac’s shadow is back to normal."

The bracelet that the Gengar was wearing had been left behind as a reminder that Martha would be watching over her family from heaven.

Picking the choker up, Danyelle spoke "Mavis, I think your mother would want you to have this."

Mavis asks "Really?"

Danyelle undoes the clasp before putting the choker around Mavis' neck.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah."

Mavis hugged Danyelle. “*With happy tears* Thanks, Dany.”

Danyelle spoke "No problem. Hey Vinyl, Pinkie! Let's get this party started!!!"

“Now don’t tell me you forgot about my DJ battle with Johnny, did ya?” I smirked.

Danyelle spoke "You're one to talk hornball, you've got a foal on the way."

That piece of news had startled Johnny.

Johnny asks "Whoawhoawhoa, what?"

I spoke "Well, the Meowth's outta the bag now... I indeed have a foal on the way but I won't know what it'll look like until after it's born."

Johnny spoke "Whoa! Guess a party’s gotta be planned!"

I spoke "Chill out will you? I'm not that far in though so it'll be 11 months before I have the foal."

Twilight suddenly giggled at the mention of “party.”

Danyelle spoke "Oh and Twilight?? Quesadilla."

Twilight flew up in fear.

Kit was on his stomach while laughing.

Tails asks "Kit? You’re here?"

Nazuna asks "*wide eyed* Uh Tails, have you looked in a mirror yet?"

Tails asks "What? Do I have something on my face?"

Danyelle pulls Tails' other seven tails with magic, causing the nine-tailed Mobian kyubi to yelp thus surprising the others who didn't know yet.

Midnight laughs "By the goddess' mane! You've grown seven more tails! If it wasn't for the fur color and eye color, you could have easily passed for a younger version of my dad!"

Tails screams "WHAT IS GOING ON?!"

Danyelle spoke "I blame Ein for this... He probably threw either a fire stone or an ice stone at the back of your head, causing you to grow seven more tails. And if it wasn't for your yellow fur, you'd could easily pass for a male version of Miyuki."

Tails spoke "Hey!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't blame me Tails, you have Vulpix blood in your veins so it was bound to happen sooner or later."

But then Danyelle sighed.

Danyelle spoke "Maybe the Pokédex can figure out what variant of Ninetales you are then Tails."

Danyelle uses the Pokédex to scan Tails.

The machine spoke "Ninetales, the Fox Poké-Mobian. Unknown variant. Possibly Electric-Flying type."

Danyelle spoke "That’s a new one."

Tails spoke "You're one to talk Danyelle, you've got both Flareon and Jolteon alongside Mew blood in your veins."

Ash spoke "Unknown variant huh? This could send Kukui and the other professors into a frenzy."


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