• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Avoid the Void

*Twilight’s POV*

We were following Shatterverse Shadow.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "I’ve tracked you as you’ve gone from Gateway to Gateway."

As we moved, we looked to our right and saw a blue Gateway.

Maurice spoke "No Place."

Soon, we saw a green Gateway.

Maurice asks "Boscage Maze. *Looks down* What’s down there?"

What was below us was pitch black.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Not sure. From what I can tell, it’s an eternity of darkness. That decays all life."

Maurice asks "*Sigh* Game over. Why didn’t you just follow me in?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "You can get into those places, but I can’t. With one exception. When you unleashed a shockwave from New Yoke it blew me to the outer reaches of the Void. And lead me here. And for reasons I haven’t figured out yet this Gateway let me in. Maybe it’s because the shatter space isn’t fully formed, or maybe it’s decaying, I’m not sure. But it’s not whole. Like a ghost."

We arrived at a yellow Gateway.

Sonic spoke "That's gotta be where our fox is though."

Danyelle asks "What will happen to Mangey and the other alternate counterparts once the prism's restored?"

“Let’s not think about that for now.” I said.

Maurice asks "So, then… what is this place?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Come see for yourself.

Shatterverse Shadow Jumped into the gateway as we followed after him, landing on ground while Maurice fell on his face while his gloves and shoes’ colors looked like 3D layout of a virtual reality game.

Maurice spoke "Whoa, this one looks like home! *Runs around* The loop de loop! Hedgehog’s Pass. Tails’ lab! Palm trees! *Hugs one of the trees* Mmm, just like home."

But the rest of us noticed the colors looking a little bleak.

I spoke "I got a bad feeling about this..."

Danyelle asks "What do you think Bayonetta?"

Bayonetta spoke "Well-"

Tails’ voice spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

Maurice spoke "*Spotting something on the beach* Tails!"

Maurice went to the beach as we followed him.

Tails’ voice spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

We then looked behind us, seeing Shatterverse Tails in the air thanks to his two tails.

Maurice spoke "Oh, Tails, you have no idea how much I’ve missed hearing that."

Amy’s voice spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

We then saw Shatterverse Amy sitting on a rock with a pink flicky flying next to her.

Maurice spoke "Amy!"

Knuckles’ voice spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash.

Then we saw Shatterverse Knuckles doing bench presses with a giant rock.

Maurice spoke "Ah! Boy, have I missed you guys! Even you, Knuckles.

Rouge’s voice: You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done."

Now we saw Shatterverse Rouge hanging upside down on a palm tree.

Maurice spoke "Nah, no complaints from me, Rouge."

Then our Tails showed up. “You guys don’t know?"

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!

Maurice spoke "Huh? Yeah, you just said that. Buddy, I’m right here."

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles? spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Shatterverse Rouge? spoke "You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done.

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always…

Maurice asks "What’s wrong with them?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "It’s a Shatter space, Maurice, just like the others. A cruel version to make us suffer."

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles?: I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Shatterverse Rouge? spoke "You may not like the way I do things, but I get things done."

Shatterverse Tails? spoke "As long as I’m around, you’ll always have a wingman!"

Shatterverse Amy? spoke "The forest is the most beautiful place on Earth."

Shatterverse Knuckles? spoke "I don’t need the details, just tell me who to smash."

Maurice spoke "*Sits on a rock while looking at his hands* It was cool the first couple of times. *Sigh*"

Sonic spoke "Look other me, nothing starts until you take action. if you have time to worry, then run!"

Blaze spoke "Our stories will only end once we stop running, so you can't give up now!"

Moeru spoke "They're right Maurice, we can't give up."

Maurice asks "*Stands up* How do I fix this?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "*Sigh* Come with me."

He then ran off as we followed him, passing by Big with Froggy on his head.

Shatterverse Big? spoke "No problem, Sonic. *Froggy croaks* No problem, Sonic. *Froggy croaks*"

We soon went up a mountain and found a cave at the top.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Sonic."

Maurice nervously held his right arm as we went to the mouth of the cave.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I guess that's a ghost, too."

We saw a Paradox Prism, but it was completely transparent, except the yellow shard as it glowed.

Maurice spoke "I would do anything to be back..."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Home. There is a chance."

We went to the prism.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Every Shatter space contains a shard, creates a distorted version of our reality. That means this one..."

Maurice and Moeru spoke "Has to be real!"

We noticed Maurice's shoes glowing and pulsating.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Exactly. *Stops Maurice from reaching out* Don't!"

Maurice spoke "I wasn't going to touch it. I was just pointing at it to tell you not to touch it."

After pulling my sword out, I notice that the blade was glowing as well.

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Here's the plan. The Ghost Prism shows us how the other shards need to be placed together. If we bring them back here and connect them to this one, this real one, then maybe..."

Maurice spoke "Yeah. Yeah, that could work. It has to work! We gotta show Nine. He's, like, super smart! He knows a ton about Prism Energy. He-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No."

Maurice asks "No?"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No."

Maurice spoke "Why no? I just said he's, like, super smart."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "He can't be trusted."

Maurice spoke "What are you talking about? Of course he can! He's just like Tails. He's just a little, angsty, that's all."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "No. He's not Tails, he's Nine. And they're not your real friends."

Maurice spoke "Dude, he's real. This is his reality. And you know what else is real? Nine's tech on my kicks and punching sticks. So back up off Nine."

Danyelle asks "But the black hedgehog is right Maurice, I know what will happen if we hand the shards over to Nine. He'll use them to create a new reality. One that will ERASE the others! Think about Mangey though, how would you feel if he disappeared for good?"

Moeru spoke "She's right Maurice... If Nine got his hands on the shards... then our friends will be lost forever..."

Maurice spoke "You're talking crazy. *Sigh* Okay, look. What matters right now is that I get the shards. I'll bring them back here and then we-"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "That's not the plan."

Maurice: Wait, dude, not the plan? I'm totally confused. I thought a moment ago you said-"

Shatterverse Shadow growls "Sonic, you literally broke our world. Why would I trust you, any of your counterparts or their friends to do anything?"

Maurice spoke "Okay, I can see how you might think that."

I ask "But what can four hedgehogs, three cats, a bat and an alicorn-alien hybrid do?"

Zoey yowls as she landed face first into a crystal.

Zoey spoke "That meowing hurt!"

Maurice spoke "But-"

Shatterverse Shadow attacked Maurice, sending him into a wall as he started getting up.

Shatterverse Shadow growls "Your turn with your “friends” is over. I’m taking the tech and I’m going after the shards myself."

Maurice spoke "No way, Shadow! I know what you’re capable of, and that’s not gonna happen! Nine and all the rest of them are real! So the only way you’re taking my tech is over my dead-*Knocked into a wall again before giving a heavy sigh* You could’ve at least let me finish what I was going to say!"

The two hedgehogs started fighting each other as they ran outside before our Sonic stopped us.

Sonic spoke "I’ve done this enough times with our Shadow to know that we should let this Sonic and Shadow play this one out."

Danyelle spoke "This will only end in disaster, I just know it!"

Sonic spoke "Trust me, it’ll work out."

We kept an eye on the fight as Shatterverse Shadow soon got the left hand tech. We then followed their fight to the beach as the black hedgehog soon got the feet tech. They kept fighting, even when they went into the water as they came back out, with Shatterverse Shadow having the right hand tech. He was about to leave before Sonic put the feet tech back on him and gave a quip, before the two started battling again. We then followed their fight as Shatterverse Shadow got the right foot tech.

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* One left. Come at me, bro!"

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Nah, I’m good."

The black hedgehog turned around, revealing himself to have all four tech pieces with Maurice’s gloves and shoes back to normal.

Maurice spoke "Huh? No!"

Shatterverse Shadow: So long, Sonic. See ya back home. *Runs off*"

Maurice spoke "No, no, no, no!"

Maurice chased after Shatterverse Shadow, but seemed a little shaky as they went off the top of the mountain with a barrier forming around Shatterverse Shadow before he leapt, then suddenly vanished with an explosion. Maurice tried to follow, but started falling before he smiled and went straight down, picking up speed as a barrier started forming around him and dove nose-first to the ground, then suddenly vanished with an explosion right before he could hit the ground.

“They must be back in the Void!” I realized.

I slash open a portal while grabbing Sonic, Blaze, Moeru, Tails, Danyelle and Bayonetta with my magic before going after the two.

We saw the two hedgehogs still fighting as they dodged falling crystals. But then a bright light shined from the red Gateway.

Maurice asks "Huh?"

Shatterverse Shadow elbowed Maurice away before a giant ship emerged from it as it started moving forward with the black hedgehog going after it.

Maurice asks "The Chaos Council?"

We then saw it heading for the green Gateway.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no. They’re headed to the Boscage!"

We and Maurice chased after them as the ship went inside the Gateway as Shatterverse Shadow tried to break through, but was sent flying back with a pained yell.

Maurice spoke "Shadow!"

We then went after Shatterverse Shadow as he crashed against a giant crystal before another giant crystal smashed into it, shattering them.

Maurice spoke "No! No, no, no, no! *Lands* Shadow! Shadow!"

We then saw Shatterverse Shadow falling to the dark depths as we went after him before Maurice grabbed him as we landed on a giant crystal before jumping back up onto another crystal while Shatterverse Shadow came to.

Maurice spoke "*Panting* Whoo! I am exhausted! You’re not dead. You’re welcome. On the bright side, I’ll get to hold this over you forever."

Sonic snickered at that.

The Shadow I know soon shows up via Chaos Control and he wasn't alone, Ash and the rest of the Element Bearers were with the black hedgehog.

I ask "Why are you all here?"

Ash spoke "You can’t do this alone.

Maurice spoke "Oh, and, er, I’ll take my tech back.

Shatterverse Shadow grumbled before he noticed the tech on him was gone and back on Maurice.

Maurice spoke "Ha-ha, got ya!

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "Rrr, I don’t understand. I thought the tech would get me through the Gateways. Why didn’t it work? I saw Nine give you the tech. In the lab, you kicked up the prismatic energy when you ran fast and crossed over into the Void. I just assumed it was the tech. But it’s something else… it’s you.

Maurice: I guess that makes me kinda special, right?

Shatterverse Shadow: *Grumbles* The only way to fix the reality you shattered is if we… work…

Shatterverse Shadow and Maurice spoke at the same time "Together."

Maurice spoke "*As Shatterverse Shadow groaned at that* Wow. Coming from you that’s, well, not like you at all. Man, you must really hate having to admit you need me."

Shatterverse Shadow spoke "You need me.

Maurice spoke "Sure, I’m big enough to admit that. But, not as much as you need me."

Maurice jumped off the crystal and dived onto the green Gateway.

The other Bearers and I along with Shadow, Moeru, Blaze and Tails follow after Maurice.

The 23 of us soon land in a tangled pile in Boscage.

Ash spoke "Gogo, get your butt out of my face."

Indigo spoke "I’m trying!"

We soon untangled as we started moving forward across the treetop platforms while Maurice’s gloves and shoes were in their Boscage forms again as we saw the giant ship flying.

Maurice spoke "I won’t let you down, Shadow. All of us together, we’re gonna fix this."

Shatterverse Shadow was still in the Void since he couldn’t get past the Gateways as we headed on.


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