• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Dome Sweet Dome

*Gild's POV*

First thing was we be fighting Nine, next thing, both Shadows threw us out of Grim as we landed on crystals.

Maurice spoke "I don't care what Shadow says. If he thinks I'm about to run from a fight, he has another thing..."

Then we be hearing screeches.

Maurice asks "...coming?"

Alpha Grim Birdie along with its Grimions came out and headed for us.

Maurice spoke "We'll stop you eventually, Nine."

We then be making our escape, kicking crystals at the Grim Birdies, only for them to be unaffected as we soon got a bit hurt.

Maurice spoke "Need... solid... ground!"

We were then sent flying into another crystal before we started running and flying while fighting Alpha Grim Birdie.

Maurice spoke "You want to play rough? Fine by me."

We dodged as the Grim robot as it crashed into a crystal.

Maurice spoke "Eat rock, you hunk of junk!"

We then kicked a large crystal at Alpha Grim Birdie, taking out one of its eyes as its Grimions chased us while sending us flying into a crystal. Maurice and Sonic made a twister before we vanished, confusing the mechanical birds as we hid.

Maurice spoke "That's right. Move along, nothing to see here."

The Grim Birdies looked, but couldn't find us as we hid farther.

Maurice spoke "Sorry, Shadow. We're going to need some help to stop Nine."

We then saw the red Gateway.

Maurice spoke "And we know just the place to find it."

We then jumped into the red Gatway, entering New Yoke as Maurice crashed on a dumpster lid.

Maurice spoke "Ugh, never thought I'd be glad to be back in New Yoke."

A nine-tailed version of Deep Lilac spots Maurice.

New Yoke Twilight growls "Who are you?"

Maurice spoke "No time, we gotta see what’s going on."

We went up of a roof into the air, seeing what was going on.

Maurice spoke "Whoa."

We then landed on the roof as New York Twilight went to us.

Maurice spoke "Everything is collapsing. This is terrible."

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Is it? That seems odd coming from you. As far as I can tell, you only care about your own home."

Maurice asks "Nine, we were supposed to fix this together. Are you doing this?"

Nine (Hologram) spoke "No. this disruption was inevitable once the Chaos Council opened these portals. I’m just taking what I need to keep my world safe. And now I just need the finishing touch.

Maurice spoke "Then you’re going to have to catch me and Deep Lilac."

We then started running on the streets.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Don’t you realize the power I have in my fingertips? None of you can run away from me."

We soon stopped as we fell onto a wall before standing on it.

A civilian spoke "Ah! Oh, no. *Hanging onto a lamppost* What’s happening? Agh!"

The civilian slipped off before we caught him, saving the civilian.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "I know you’re fast enough to save them all. That’s the hero you are."

We then started saving falling civilians before we fell onto the buildings on the other side.

Maurice spoke "Oh, not again."

We then kept saving civilians before seeing New Yoke Big and Froggy hanging on.

Maurice spoke "Hang on, we’re coming."

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You and your so-called friends can’t do this forever, Sonic. You and Deep Lilac are all alone now. Help me, and all of this stops."

Maurice spoke "No, that’s not true. We can save-"

We were then knocked up by a building as New Yoke Big and Froggy fell.

Maurice spoke "No!"

But then someone saved them and brought the two up, revealed to be… Prim?

Then we heard a screech as we saw Boscage Birdie and Thorn before they grabbed us while Rust Rose grabbed some civilians and we noticed the Kraken and the rest of the Boscage Gang as Gnarly and Mangey saved some civilians as well before we all got on the Kraken.

Maurice taunts "What was that about us being all alone?"

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You’ll never-"

The hologram was cut off as New Yoke’s gravity returned to normal.

Hangry spoke "Who was that? He looks like Mangey."

The two Bigs and Froggies noticed each other as Mangey growled.

Rust spoke "The fox has betrayed us."

Maurice spoke "It’s kind of a long story."

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, Nine betrayed us."

New Yoke Twilight teleports before reappearing with a white furred Mobian vixen with green eyes.

New Yoke Twilight spoke "You're gonna need all the help you can get."

Eyeshade spoke "Aye, we do."

New Yoke Twilight whistles loud, calling in New Yoke Danyelle and the rest of the New Yoke Mane Six.

Renegade glided in as Rebel carried another civilian.

Renegade spoke "*Landing on the Kraken* Sonic. Should have known you'd be here. Nine finally showed his true colors. I tried to warn you."

Rebel spoke "She's the last one. Move towards the Yoke.

That last bit caught Maurice, Moeru and those not from this universe by surprise.

Maurice spoke "Weird. It sounded like you just said, "Move towards the Yoke".

Renegade spoke "She did. It's the safest place to keep us away from those giant tears that are growing by the second."

Maurice spoke "Yeah, I know that's a problem, but it's the Yoke, hideous eyesore, monument of tyranny, home of the Chaos Council. That can't be safe."

Rebel asks "Look around, Sonic. Nowhere is safe. Where else would you have us go?

Maurice was about to say something before we heard screeches.

Maurice spoke "Oh, no."

I spoke "Argh, we don't have time ta argue!! We have ta warn tha Council about what that backstabbin' fox is doing ta all the realities!"

Danyelle spoke "If we don't do something then all hope is lost... forever."

Sonic spoke "Move it other me!"

Then Alpha Grim Birdie appeared with the two Grimions as the Nine hologram appeared again. "I'm tired of waiting for you and Deep Lilac to accept your future, Sonic. Bring those two to me alive.

Rebel asks "Are those...?"

Maurice spoke "Angry metal death birds? Yep. Worst petting zoo attraction ever. These birds are after me and Deep Lilac. We need to move. We'll see you back at the Yoke in a jiffy."

Maurice and Deep Lilac ran/flew off as I followed them with the Grim birds chasing the two.

Maurice spoke "Here, birdie, birdie, birdie!"

The two ran before running from the Grimions and dodging attacks before the two crashed into a way, finding the Grimions cornering them on both sides, readying to fire. Maurice and Deep Lilac lured the two into firing at each other as they jumped into the air.

Maurice spoke "*Chuckle* Works every time."

But then the two were grabbed by Grim Alpha Birdie before being thrown to the ground as they got hit by the Grimions.

Maurice spoke "Ugh... I probably shouldn't have made them angry."

The two started running/flying again as they dodged the Grimion's attacks before stopping as they landed with the Grim Alpha Birdie right behind Maurice and Dee Lilac. The two dodged the Grimions' attacks before knocking them away and started running again before hologram Nine appeared again. "You and Deep Lilac can run as fast as you want. It doesn't matter. I know where you're both going, Grim Birdie Alpha, head for the Yoke."

Alpha Grim Birdie flew ahead.

Maurice spoke "We won't let you hurt anyone else."

We chased after the Alpha Grim Birdie as the three of us attacked it onto the Yoke as Maurice and Deep Lilac panted.

Maurice asks "Had enough?"

But then Alpha Grim Birdie and the two Grimions surrounded us.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "Poor Sonic and Deep Lilac. So brave. So powerless. Bring them to me! *Vanishes*"

A voice spoke "Hey bird brains. Get off my lawn!"

We turned around, seeing Dr. Done-It as he revved up his tennis ball walking stick plasma blaster before Mr. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Babbles in their mech, and Dr. Deep in his mech suit showed up as the old man fired at the Grim birds before the other three charged at them.

Dr. Done-It spoke "This is where you thank us, you miserable animals. *Fires at Grim Birdies*

Maurice asks "You're helping us?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Helping? More like using. We need your energy."

Maurice asks "For what?"

Dr. Deep spoke "We'll talk later. Plus, if we don't stop this crazy fox, *As a building turned into crystals and shattered* New Yoke City and us won't be around for much longer."

New Yoke Inari spoke "We have to stop Nine before we all disappear for good!"

We fought the Grim Birdies before the hologram Nine appeared again. "You're only drawing things out. There's nothing you can do to stop me."

Mr. Dr. Eggman scoffs "*As Alpha Grim Birdie screeched* Oh, really?"

Maurice spoke "I can't believe I'm saying this, but Eggmen, let's go bash some birds."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Behind me, simpletons. I'm the leader here."

Dr. Deep spoke "Au contraire, Mr. Doctor. I clearly lead this multitude."

Maurice spoke "Alright, let's speed this up, Eggmen. We have belligerent bird bots to bash."

We started fighting the Grim Birdies as Dr. Deep threw explosive shurikens at a Grimion, only for it to dodge. "Hold still, you confounded cockatoo."

Maurice, Deep Lilac and I held the Grimion still as Dr. Deep threw more shurikens, hitting the enemy as it was smoking and crashed on the ground before it shut down.

Maurice spoke "Nice shot."

Dr. Deep spoke "Indeed, it was. And now for another."

Maurice asks "We're on the same side right now, remember?"

Dr. Deep spoke "Old habits."

The three of us joined Mr. Dr. Eggman and Dr. Babbles in a combo attack on a Grimion as the baby in the mech knocked it down before pounding it, knocking it apart and shutting it down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "*Aims weapon* Age before baby."

Alpha Grim Birdie screeched, knocking the old man out of his seat by spooking him before jumping onto Babbles' mech before pecking it, before Maurice, Deep Lilac and I attacked it, knocking the metal bird off before Mr. Dr. Eggman, Dr. Done-It and Dr. Deep started firing at Alpha Grim Birdie, with the onslaught make the metal bird fall down.

Dr. Done-It spoke "That one was mine. I saw my shot. Hit it first."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Oh, please. With your eyes? You couldn't hit the ground if it weren't for gravity."

Alpha Grim Birdie got up before flying away threw a crack in the sky.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "*Frustrated groan* No. Not yet. Not again."

The hologram vanished.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Come back, coward. We are not done."

Maurice spoke "It looked to me like he didn't want to go. I think his powers are on the fritz."

Dr. Deep spoke "How? If he's managed to complete the prism, he should have nearly unlimited power."

Maurice spoke "He still needs something. Me and Deep Lilac's sword."

Deep Lilac spoke "He can't have my sword since it's a part of my soul! Well, mine and Deep Blue's souls but you know what I mean."

Later, we were inside the Yoke.

Dr. Deep spoke "This is preposterous. Just having these things in our home is an affront to everything we hold dear.

Renegade spoke "You know what? *Cracks knuckles* You keep talking, Doc, and my fist will be an affront to your face."

Dr. Babbles babbled.

Maurice spoke "Enough. Stop."

Renegade spoke "They started it."

Rust spoke "They started all of this."

Dr. Deep spoke "And we'll gladly finish it. You ungrateful-"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Oh, for the love of, *Pulls Deep's right ear* put a sock in it, Deep, and let the hedgehog speak."

Maurice spoke "*Sigh* I made a deal with the Chaos Council."

Okay, that pretty much shocked all of us.

Black Rose asks "You made a deal with these egg-omaniacs?"

Maurice spoke "*As Mangey walked off* Nine is using the Paradox Prism to siphon energy into the Grim. He's created this protective dome to keep his world safe, which has accelerated the decay of the Shatterverse *To Chaos Council* started by your portals. *Mr. Dr. Eggman smiled nervously* We're running out of time. We can't escape him anymore, not while he's got the prism. But if we use my energy, Deep Lilac's sword's energy and the Council's Shatter Drive, we can protect ourselves without doing any damage to the Shatterverse. At least until we can figure out how to stop him. So the deal is, Deep Lilac and I charge their drive, and they give us sanctuary inside the dome."

Rebel spoke "I want to hear it from them."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Ugh, the hedgehog speaks the truth. Once the dome is up, we'll let most-"

Maurice spoke "*Ahem!*"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "All who wish will be allowed inside."

Deep Lilac pulls the prism energy out of her sword before putting it into New Yoke Inari.

Deep Lilac spoke "Nine thinks that I still have the prism energy. But with this, he won't come after me."

Dr. Don't pushed a button, showing the energy extractor before we saw Mangey in there, looking at the controls.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Hey, what's he doing with the energy extractor? *As Mangey messed with the controls* Stop him. Heel, you beast.

Dr. Don't spoke "Oh, hey, look. Efficiency just increased by 38%."

Renegade asks "So you're going to let them drain your energy?"

Rebel spoke "There has to be another way."

Maurice spoke "I don't think there is. You've all seen it. The worlds are falling apart. This dome is our only hope."

Prim asks "How much energy are we talking about?"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Heh, nothing the hedgehog and sword can't spare, I assure you."

Rust spoke "Sonic, you realize that you cannot trust the council."

Maurice spoke "I know, but I don't have a choice. Look, I know you don't trust each other, and you probably shouldn't. But right now, we all have bigger problems."

Renegade spoke "Told you we couldn't trust that fox."

Rebel spoke "As much as it pains me to admit it, Sonic's right. For once, everyone in New Yoke is on the same side. We're all just trying to survive. Once this is over, we'll go back to freeing the city."

Thorn spoke "And protecting our forest."

Black Rose spoke "And saving our seas.

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "And we'll go back to crushing you under our heel. Uh, but only after we've saved New Yoke.

Since Danyelle still had communications with Amiya open, the rabbitgirl spoke "I hate to break it to you lot but things are getting worse in my world!"

Deep Lilac spoke "I don't even have the prism energy in my sword anymore."

Danyelle spoke "Don't be such a pain in the neck Twilight, we only have one shot at this!"

Soon, Maurice and New Yoke Inari were in the energy extractor.

Maurice spoke "See you on the other side."

The two started running very fast before lightning made of prism energy struck the dome, making the place rumble a bit.

Dr. Don't spoke "Structural integrity of the yoke is at 67%. Guy's got game."

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Another blast like that and this whole building will collapse on top of us."

Prim and Rebel flew outside as they saw the hologram of Nine above the dome.

Nine (Hologram) spoke "You're only delaying the inevitable. Nothing will stop me from getting Sonic and the rest of that prism energy."

Two more Birdie Grimions showed up.

Prim and Rebel spoke "We need that shield up, now!"

Dr. Done-It spoke "Faster! Faster, you fools!"

Maurice and New Yoke Inari started going faster before the shield soon covered the Yoke, shielding the dome from the Grimions and prism lightning as one of the Grimions exploded from crashing onto the shield. Prism lightning struck, but no effect.

Renegade asks "So, it worked?"

Mr. Dr. Eggman spoke "Of course it worked, you insipid fool!"

Renegade spoke "Oh, that's it. Time to crack some eggs."

Soon, Mangey and Danyelle helped Maurice and New Yoke Inari come out of the energy extractor as the latter two were tired while Gnarly helped Mangey carry Maurice.

Rust asks "Are you able to function?"

Maurice spoke "Who, me? Sure. Never better."

New Yoke Inari spoke "I'm all good."

Nine yelled in frustration before his hologram vanished.

Deep Lilac grabs Renegade with magic, restraining the echidna.

Deep Lilac spoke "Cool it will you? You're as short tempered as Shadow is."

Deep Lilac shoves a bowl of grapes into Renegade's hands.

Deep Lilac spoke "Shut up and eat your grapes."


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