• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Visiting a New World

*Twilight’s POV*

Queen Novo said that the other portal gateway was ready as we went to Mount Aris.

Danyelle spoke "Not all of us will be going though since those with young children are likely going to stay behind."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Strange thing is M’Della, K’Dagon, Draven, Kiri, Ankha and Teermakus aren’t that excited to come with us. It’s like they wanna stay here."

Honeystar snickers "<Maybe they're just being a group of scaredy Skitty.>"

Skystar spoke "Well, what’re we waiting for?! Let’s go!"

Danyelle spoke "I'm staying behind since Akoya is too young to be left alone for more than two minutes. Twilight will also be staying behind because of Nyx and Akari."

“Oh… Right.” I realized.

Rainbow Dash spoke "Don’t worry, Twi. The rest of us can handle this."

Danyelle spoke "Fluttershy's also staying behind since she's got a child on the way. So the ones staying behind are Rarity, Fluttershy, Twilight, Asuna, Zoey, Blaze, Spitfire, Rainbowtwo, myself and Myth."

Applejack spoke "Dang. Sorry about that."

Sonic spoke "She's got a point Applejack. You know Rarity and Fluttershy aren't fighters unless provoked."

Rainbow spoke "Welp, let’s go!"

The Mewtwo-Night Fury spoke "We not know what could leap out, we take at least 10 Mewtwos."

Novo spoke "I’m coming along, to make sure Skystar doesn’t get into trouble."

Skystar spoke "But mom, you have a kingdom to protect."

Novo spoke "I know, and that's why I'm coming along."

Danyelle was growling suddenly since the Storm guards have showed up.

I growl as well.

Novo asks "Oh, you noticed them?"

Danyelle growls "I'm the one that offed the Storm King though."

Fluttershy asks "You seem tense. Do you wanna talk about it?"

One of the storm guards grunted in confusion.

Danyelle growls and chuffs in the storm guard's tongue, asking the general what happened.

The general responded.

Danyelle spoke "Sounds like Heartless. I've already alerted Zoey and Sora, they're heading to the Stormlands to get rid of the Heartless there."

I spoke "Good call."

But then we heard a storm guard freely sobbing into a tissue as Fluttershy soothed the guard.

Fluttershy spoke "There there, it's okay. Let it all out."

Maria was comforting a different storm guard as it cried.

Rainbow asks "Anyway, we gonna check out this new world or what?"

Soarin spoke "Oh no you don't Skittles, I have plans for you and Fleetfoot."

Rainbow stutters "Huh?"

Soarin drags Rainbow away by her tail through a portal to the Chuddle Hotel.

Applejack asks "Welp, that’s new. Anyway, everyone who’s comin’ along ready?"

The Mewtwo-Night Fury spoke "Ready!"

Novo nodded in agreement, ready too.

Orion spoke "I don't think Queen Novo should go though."

Skystar spoke "Sorry, but when my mom really decides to do something, there’s no stopping her."

High Goddess Faust suddenly appears.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Divine blessing or not, she could get killed and I know the hippogriffs would not want that."

Novo spoke "I’m serious about this."

A portal opens up before a hippogriff male steps out.

The male asks "N-Novo, is that you my pearl?"

Novo froze at that voice completely.

High Goddess Faust spoke "I had to search all over Mobius to find the guy."

Sonic asks "Hold on, he was on Mobius the whole time?"

Danyelle spoke "We probably never saw him though Sonic."

Sonic asks "How?"

Danyelle spoke "We didn't have our wings back then. Duh!"

Sonic asks "Oh. But who is he?"

Skystar gasped in shock at the sight of the hippogriff male.

Danyelle had transformed into a female version of Tails yet the clothes remained the same.

Danyelle spoke "*voice sounded like Tails* My guess would be that Novo somehow recognizes the guy."

Sonic asks "What the?! Since when could you...?"

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* Mews can transform into any Pokemon they can think of. Oh hey Ben."

All Ben saw was a female version of Tails.

Ben asks "Tails?! What happened to you?!

Tails spoke "I'm over here Ben! That vixen isn't me!"

Ben gasps "Wha?! Two Tails?!"

Danyelle giggles as she flirts with the nekomata.

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* Come on, kitty cat. I know plenty of female friends, I bet they'll all take a liking to you. *Soothes tails against Ben's chin* Who knows, maybe we can join that special nekomata of yours."

Ben was blushing up a storm with steam hissing out of his ears.

Danyelle giggles "*voice sounded like Tails* You are so easy to tease!"

Ben was practically frozen as Danyelle decided to add one more touch while gently grabbing Ben by the chin.

Danyelle asks "*voice sounded like Tails* Then how about this?"

*One quick transform later,*

Danyelle now looked like a female version of Sonic.

Sonic spoke "Whoa. Did NOT see that coming."

Danyelle spoke "The forms are affected by how long I've known someone for. Given that I practically grew up with you Sonic, I can look like a female version of you with Transform. I can't take on a female version of Shadow since I haven't known him as long."

Danyelle then kissed Ben on the lips.

Sonic's wings shot up in surprise.

Roll and Blaze spoke "Wow, we didn't see that coming."

Danyelle disconnected before becoming female Tails again before she gave Ben another kiss on the lips.

Dany-Tails drags Ben off to the Hotel.

Tails asks "What about the male hippogriff?"

Novo had fainted from shock.

Orion spoke "And Novo fainted..."

Sonic asks "What about Skystar?"

Skystar was crying while hugging the male hippogriff.

Poseidon hugs his daughter back.

Poseidon spoke "Just look at you Sky, you've grown into a fine young adult. Just like I hoped you would."

Skystar spoke "I... *Sniff!* I can't believe it... You're back, daddy!"

Akoya was clinging to Myth's back.

Applejack asks "Everyone ready now?"

Michiru spoke "Ready!"

Myth spoke "Good luck ponies."

The group went into the gateway.

*Applejack’s POV*

When we went out of the gateway, we suddenly found female guards in yellow clothing pointing spears at us.

Michiru spoke "Looks like they were expecting us when they noticed the gateway working again."

Since Sonic and Sonia went with the group, the two hedgehogs unfurl their wings thus indicating to the guards that they were royalty.

Sonic spoke "Ladies please, we mean no harm. My name is Prince Sonic Ogami, eldest grandson of Princess Luna."

The guards stood down a bit, but remained vigilant as one of them walked up.

The guard spoke "You are fortunate that the Empress and princesses are coming here personally."

Michiru was back in Beastman form.

Michiru spoke "Not again.... This always happens when I'm not in Equestria..."

The guard spoke "Odd, your abilities is similar to a Zaterran, yet you are not."

Sonic asks "Wait, did you say Zaterran?"

The guard spoke "Of course, you are in Outworld."

Dren was back in his Cyniclon form since he was with the group of Equians and Mobians.

Sonic spoke "My adopted sister told a pair of female Zaterrans off when they were about to straight up murder a pair of Kytinn and a Vaeternian... And as for Dren, he's a good guy once you get to know him. Just don't ask about the scars he has..."

Dren spoke "I don't want to talk about them though."

Next thing we knew, the guards pointed their weapons at us again.

The guard gasps "Kytinn and a Vaeternian?! Why would you protect such monsters after what they did to Outworld?!"

Dren knocks a spear out of one guard's hands.

Dren spoke "Cool it ladies! I'm also an alien but I'm not dangerous unless provoked."

Sonic growls "Plus Honeystar's also an alien, and there's also a few Black Arm refugees!"

But that only made them draw their weapons closer at what Dren did.

“Sonic! Dren! Stop and calm down! Yer makin’ things worse!” I pointed out.

Sonia restrains her older brother with magic.

High Goddess Faust suddenly appears, causing the guards to freeze.

Dren's eyes were glowing blue in anger.

Zoey spoke "Dren Ikisatashi, STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!!"

Dren immediately calmed back down.

Looking at the guards, Zoey spoke "Ladies, you shouldn't provoke an alien... Especially if they're a purebred Andalite, those tail-blades are sharp enough to cut Black Arm skin."

The guards weren't intimidated by that however.

Zoey spoke "Just trust me on this ladies, Honeystar's one alien you don't ever want to piss off. Shi will kill you if you anger hir."

The guards were still unfazed.

"Guys, stop aggravatin' them!" I urged.

Honeystar's tail was thrashing a bit, causing the others and I to back away from hir.

Zoey spoke "Oh crap...."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Honeystar, calm down right now!"

But the hybrid was too aggravated to listen.

A commanding voice spoke "Enough!"

Hair suddenly wrapped around Honeystar, completely restraining hir and hir tail. We looked ahead to see the one responsible for restraining the hb.

The guard spoke "Empress Sindel."

The guards immediately stood down as two young woman were behind the now known Empress with the three of them approaching us.

Sonic and the others bow in respect.

Sonic spoke "I do apologize for Honeystar's behavior, shi's not acting like hir usual calm self. Oh, my name is Prince Sonic Ogami. I am the eldest grandson of Princess Luna Ogami and Prince Shirou Ogami. The others are Applejack, Michiru, Zoey, Dren and my sister."

Sonia spoke "I'm Princess Sonia Ogami."

High Goddess Faust spoke "And I am High Goddess Faust, creator of Equis."

Sindel spoke "Well, as Tanya has said, I am Sindel, Empress of Outworld. And these are my daughters, Mileena and Kitana. And I know of Equis, and I’m quite surprised that the gateway reopened after all this time."

High Goddess Faust spoke "As was I, it was meant to remain closed but with the recent string of events... It had opened."

Sindel spoke "So then you know of the tournament."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Sadly, yes."

Dren asks "Have you noticed anything unusual lately?"

Sindel spoke "No, there hasn't been any disruptions."

But then I noticed Faust and I lookin' like humans as the two of us wore clothes in our style.

Sonic and Sonia were unaffected though since they were born Mobians.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Two Zaterrans got told off by a nekomata a while ago whey they thought the nekomata was attacked by a Kytinn."

Mileena gasps "What?! Why would you protect-"

Sindel spoke "I'm certain they have their reasons, Mileena, as unbelievable as that may seem since Kytinn have tried to invade Sun Do before."

Sonic uses his magic to play back a memory from the time Danyelle defended the two Kytinn from Kiri and Ankha.


Kiri spoke "You're making a big mistake letting them stay here. The Kytinn harvests other species to make their hive grow in numbers. And the Vaeternians are currently on conquest since their homeworld Vaeternus is on the path of self-destruction."

Ankha spoke "Vaeternians can fortunately only come out during the night, but they are skilled with blood magic. They're known to capture other species to either feast on them to satisfy their ravenous hunger or breed them to make their numbers grow."

Danyelle snaps "SHUT UP KIRI!!! I believe that all creatures deserve a chance to be heard. I don't care if the creature in question is Mobian, pony, chakat, gryphon, yak, dragon, Changeling, hippogriff, Abyssinian, Diamond Dog, zebra, Poké-Mobian, Cyniclon, human, Andalite, Beastman or even a Kytinn. I believe that all opinions matter, no matter where it comes from! And if you make a remark like that towards them again, you two are no better than the Black Arms!"

Kiri spoke "My sister and I are telling you this because their kind tried to invade our home realms before, even though they were repelled."

Ankha spoke "We don't want this realm to be invaded like ours had been before, from both inside and outside."

One of the female Black Arms spoke out "They refugees, just like us. They need place to live in."

Ankha spoke "If so, then they'll have to earn the trust of my sister and I."

Danyelle growls "You two Zaterrans have lost my trust. If you want to get it back, you have to leave M'Della and her sons alone. Besides, you two aren't the only aliens in Equestria. There's three Cyniclons in Mobian skin, an Andalite-chakat hybrid, a Mobian cat with Cyniclon powers, a group of Black Arm refugees.... Heck, Twilight's half Cyniclon because of Momo and Deep Blue."

Kiri and Ankha said nothing as they walked away while vanishing.

Danyelle spoke "With all the alien species now living in Ponyville, perhaps it's time I became a peacekeeper so that fights don't end with someone getting killed."

*End memory*

High Goddess Faust spoke "Miss Danyelle believes that all creatures deserve to voice their opinion, regardless of where they came from."

Sindel spoke "Let us hope that belief is true and her choice proves wise."

For some reason, I saw Mileena and Kitana as Luna and Celestia.

Sonic asks "Wait, if Mileena and Kitana are your daughters, then who's going to be the next empress?"

Sindel spoke "Mileena is my heir, since she is my eldest daughter."

Sonic spoke "Danyelle told Shadow off when he was about to kill the Black Arm refugees though."

Sindel spoke "I do apologize for the Umgadi's hostility. Their duty is to protect the royal family of Outworld as they are warrior priestesses."

Sonic spoke "True plus the weight of the crown is heavy in any universe."

Sindel asks "Should I assume that you would want to see Sun Do and its sights?"

Sonic spoke "Sure plus we've been busy getting things set up for a Nightmare Night party."

That left the Outworlders confused, but they decided not to question it.

High Goddess Faust spoke "Oh, that's a Equian term for Halloween."

Sindel spoke "We have of such a time in Earthrealm."

Sonic spoke "As do Mobians. But I should warn you... There is a hyena Mobian that often pulls a cuss ton of pranks... But when the prank backfires on him, he screams like a girl!"

Sindel giggled. “That certainly sounds amusing.”

Sonic spoke "There was this one time he pulled Danyelle's tails.... Next thing we knew, he was char-grilled to the point he smelled like hickory smoked hyena!"

Mileena snickered.

Dren chuckles "If you think that's funny, I pulled a dynamite prank on Shadow but pinned the blame on Ein."

Kitana covered her mouth, keeping her laughter in.

Sindel asks "Okay, enough. Now do you want to see Sun Do?"

High Goddess Faust spoke "Sure."

Honeystar spoke "<Uh... this is extremely uncomfortable...>"

Uh-oh! We gotta find another chakat!

Sonic used his magic to teleport Honeystar into Rainbow's suite.

Sonic spoke "That should stifle the peak male phase..."


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