• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Return of The Crystal Empire/Royal Wedding

Author's Note:

Mash-up of Canterlot Wedding and Crystal Empire episodes

*Twilight's POV*


A random guard had galloped into the throne room with urgent news.

The guard spoke "Princess, I bring news from the North! It... has returned!"

Celestia gasps "What?!"

The guard spoke "A sky blue cat with two tails sensed it in her clairvoancy and took off flying from Ponyville with Shining Armor and Princess Cadence in tow."

Celestia spoke "Pyre, we should send a letter to Twilight."

Pyre spoke "Agreed, Celly."

Celestia spoke "And since Shirou's part of the Mobian Elements of Harmony, this might concern him as well."

Celestia soon sends the letter to Twilight before going to talk to Shirou.

Outside Luna's room, Celestia asks "Luna, is Shirou in there with you?"

Celestia’s ear twitched before she heard something in there that made her giggle. “Guess that answers my question.”

Celestia walked off.

A different guard spoke "Princess, I received a troubling message from a hedgehog named James. He has a problem that he can't get out of."

Celestia asks "Hmm? What is it?"

The guard spoke "Arranged marriage..."

Celestia asks "*Tick mark* …What?"

The guard spoke "The firecat, Blaze, also had the same problem but she couldn't get out of an arranged marriage since from what I heard, her paternal grandmother was rather stubborn... Which in turn caused her dad to make the decision. But that aside, James' parents are rather determined to get their son to marry a female he doesn't like."

Celestia spoke "…One moment."

Celestia walked out of sight, before fire erupted from somewhere and faded with her roar of anger before Celestia came out with a calm smile.

A random Pegasus guard was up on the ceiling due to the noise.

The Pegasus guard thinks "{I swear, that alicorn is part nirik....}"

Celestia asks "You were saying?"

The unicorn guard spoke "Aside from General Swift Strike being up on the ceiling like a scaredy cat..."

Swift spoke "OI!"

The unicorn guard spoke "James seriously needs help and since Twilight and her group of friends along with Sonic's group heading north, they can't help him."

Celestia spoke "I see."

Swift spoke "Plus I heard that Twilight had gone ballistic on someone since they had the nerve to take Nyx."

Celestia spoke "A mother’s instinct."

Swift spoke "On top of that, Twilight's starting to become an alicorn as well."

Celestia asks "Is it the sprouting wings?"

Swift spoke "Yes ma'am, it happened just after Twilight reverted back from her Deep Lilac form for the first time."

Celestia spoke "I see."

I soon skid to a stop in front of Celestia even though I had a shirt on to hide my wings.

I spoke "I'm here Celestia!"

Celestia spoke "Good timing."

Maria pops up via Chaos Control.

Maria asks "Is something the matter?"

Celestia spoke "It’s about Shining Armor, Cadence and Danyelle. But if he’s following them, it could be also Rei."

Maria spoke "I suppose it had something to do with the recent vision Danyelle had."

Celestia spoke "Yes."

I spoke "I'll do whatever it takes to save the empire!"

Maria and I soon meet up with the others.

Sonic spoke "We're still waiting on Shirou though."

Michiru asks "Where is the dumb wolf anyway?"

Celestia giggles "*Smirk* He’s actually busy right now."

Shirou spoke "Not anymore Sunbutt."

Celestia asks "That was fast."

I giggled.

Sonic chuckles "Cheeky wolf."

The others and I head to the Crystal Empire.

Maria spoke "We should be careful Twilight, we don't know what could be lurking out here."

Spike spoke "Exactly."

But then Rei erupted from the ground.

Maria spoke "For the love of, you gave me a freaking heart attack.... Even though I'm immortal!"

Rei spoke "Sorry about that."

I spoke "Sorry Rei but this isn't your problem."

I knock Rei out with the flat of my sword.

But Rei instantly woke up. “I was following Danyelle, so it kinda is.”

Wearing a scarf around the neck and goggles to keep the snow out of her eyes, Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan... I didn't ask you to follow me Rei!"

Rei asks "Is it wrong I wanna help out my friends?"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry but this is part of Twilight's test. Plus Miyuki's worried about you."

Rei spoke "I guess when you put it like that…"

But then a snow arm grabbed Rei.

Rei spoke "Guess she wants me somewhere out here."

The snow arm dragged Rei away.

Rei was suddenly back in Ponyville.

I spoke "Awkward...."

Shirou was growling since he heard something off in the distance.

Shirou spoke "RUN!!!!!"

The seven ponies, five Mobians and the dragon took off towards the barrier before Shirou fired a powerful howl at the dark shadow.

The voice spoke "Why you…!"

Shirou rips off his collar, causing him to switch to his Ginrou form.

Ginrou snarls "YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!!!"

Ginrou held Sombra off long enough for the others and I to get inside the barrier before Danyelle put Chaos Barrier back up, easing Cadence's burden.

Danyelle spoke "Cadence and I have been overworking our magic to keep that evil unicorn out."

Shirou soon returns but his horn was covered in dark crystals which prevented him from using his magic or his Ginrou form.

Shirou spoke "This will be harder than I thought."

Maria spoke "Not even Chaos Heal can fix that."

Radiant had a scared look on her face but she had to help in some way.

Radiant spoke "We have to stop Sombra... I... just want my friend back..."

“What’s going on?” I asked.

Danyelle spoke "Sombra's been trying to take back the Crystal Empire ever since I shattered the spell he had put on the place but Cadence and I have been working our tails off to keep him at bay."

Cadence spoke "Believe me, it’s not easy."

Danyelle spoke "Between Cadence's magic and my Chaos Barrier, Sombra's been trying to take back what's his."

Michiru spoke "I have an idea Twilight!"

“What is it?” I asked.

Tail wagging, Michiru excitedly spoke "The others and I can set up a crystal faire to boost the morale of the ponies that live here!"

Danyelle spoke "That's a great idea Michiru. You and Pinkie can handle that."

I spoke "We can do this."

Danyelle spoke "As for the flugelhorn, best to leave that to me."

Rainbow Dash asks "The what?"

Radiant spoke "It's part of the Crystal Empire's history."

Danyelle explained everything she knew to the others and I.

I spoke "Spike, we have planning to do!"

Spike spoke "Okay!"

The others got right to work.

At the library, Sonic and Roll were zipping about while looking for any info on the faire.

Sonic spoke "Hey Twilight, I found something!"

“Really? What is it?” I asked.

Sonic hands me the book on the Crystal Empire's history.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and Princess Cadence are counting on us to save the Empire."

“You sure?” I asked.

Unaware of the growing wings on his back, Sonic spoke "Yes."

Rainbow asks "Uh, Sonic?"

Sonic asks "What?"

Roll spoke "Turn around..."

Sonic turned around. “What is it?”

Roll spoke "Y-you've got wings on your back..."

Sonic asks "…Say what now?"

Roll tugs on her husband's left wing.

Sonic spoke "GAH!"

Roll changes tactics and started massaging Sonic's new wings, causing the hedgehog to purr.

A mild purr was heard from Sonic even though he wasn't a cat.

Even though she didn’t say anything, I could tell by her smirk that Roll was thinking about helping Blaze learn how she was doing it so the both of those girls would give Sonic the Double Whammy.

Sonic spoke "Don't even think about it Roll dear."

Roll giggles "Heehee, no promises, Speedy."

Sonic chuckles "How in the wide world did I end up with such a generous wife?"

Roll giggles "*Feigning ignorance* Oh, I don’t know. Maybe winning me over?"

Shirou spoke "Even Applejack and I know that's a lie."

Applejack spoke "Darn right."

A loud roar was heard outside.

Sonic spoke "Well that blows."

Radiant spoke "I have to stop him!"

I ask "You sure about this?"

Radiant asks "The Crystal Empire's my home and if I don't fight for it, who will?"

Sonic spoke "I would."

Radiant spoke "But you can't even fly yet."

Sonic spoke "I’m the fastest thing alive."

Radiant spoke "But you don't know Sombra like I do."

The crystal unicorn mare trotted to the edge of the barrier alone.

Radiant spoke "Sombra! No... Obsidian Shield! Enough!!!"

The monster charged before it froze as it looked like something was trying to break free from inside.

Sombra spoke "It’s no use fighting me, you weak colt!"

Radiant spoke "The Obsidian I once knew was such a gentle stallion..."

Sonic started getting ready.

Sombra snaps "Grr!!! He’s gone! As long as I am here, he will never be free!"

Radiant had tears in her eyes.

Radiant spoke "I don't want to raise a foal on my own...."

Wait… WHAT?!

“What?!” The group of us gasped at that as Sombra suddenly froze completely before he seemed to be in pain.

Sombra spoke "Fool! You cannot be rid of me! No matter how hard you attempt!"

Radiant spoke "Obsidian please... Come back to me...."

Sombra started turning into black smoke just as Danyelle traps him with Chaos Barrier, stopping him from escaping. But then we heard coughing.

Radiant asks "Obsidian?"

We saw a stallion on the ground.

Maria uses Chaos Heal on the stallion, bringing his health back to normal while Danyelle seals Sombra inside a snowglobe that he can't get out of.

Danyelle spoke "Guess we knocked that ball right out of the park."

I spoke "Yeah but there's still one thing to do."

I teleport to the top of the castle before reappearing with the Crystal Heart.

I spoke "Cadence, you should be the one to put this where it belongs."

Cadence asks "Really?"

Danyelle spoke "It's part of what your cutie mark is, you're meant to rule the Crystal Empire. Plus I can tell that Shining Armor has something he wants to say to you."

I ask "Shining?"

Shining was suddenly blushing madly at Cadence.

Deep Blue takes control of my actions before he roundhouse kicks Shining in the rear, causing the stallion to kiss Cadence on the lips.

Sonic chuckles "Real smooth Twilight! Or should I say Deep Lilac?"

Danyelle spoke "Hehehe! Wow, guess Deep Blue got real impatient there."

Sombra scoffs since he was trapped within the snowglobe.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, I need to add something to this snow globe."

I spoke "He can't escape though."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, but it just kinda needs something that makes keeping Sombra in here fun."

Spike soon burps up a letter from Celestia.

Spike gasps "Huh? *Reads letter* WHOA!"

Shirou chuckled, “I’ll handle the other surprise.”


Still trapped in the snowglobe, Sombra thinks "{I hate that cat so much, I need to get out of this thing.}"

Shirou chuckles "Hehe, you caught on already?"

Danyelle spoke "*To Shirou* Hehe, yep. *To Sombra* And don’t even think about trying to escape, Sombra. You can’t get out."

I snicker "I have an idea Danyelle, why not give the snowglobe to Luna as a wedding gift?"

A large collection of old books appears inside the snowglobe so that Sombra had something to read since he couldn't escape.

Danyelle laughs "Heeheehee! Oh, for sure."

I snicker "She might be surprised though!"

*At the train station,*

*Roll's POV*

I was with the others while waiting for the train to arrive.

Sonic asks "See anything yet Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "Nothing yet!"

Twilight asks "What’re you looking for?"

I spoke "Celestia and Luna along with Ash and all of his friends should be arriving by train soon. Plus I do believe Flash is also on the same train too."

Cadence and Shining were with us as well since they had invited Blizzardstar, Crosswind, Flowerstep, Soarin and a special guest.

My ears perk up when I hear the train pull in.

But the others and I sweatdrop when a female Axew Poké-Mobian was heard shouting.


“Oh boy… She hasn’t changed at all.” I noted.

Danyelle groans "Typical Iris... She's such a little kid..."

Iris snaps "I HEARD THAT!!!"

Ash spoke "She's not wrong Iris, you used to call me that several times. I found it rather annoying... Plus you've got a crush on Cilan."

Iris and Cilan were actually confused at that.

Iris asks "What’re you talking about?"

Cilan asks "Are you eating right?"

Ash electrocutes the two, causing Iris' hair to go poofy.

A female Vaporeon Poké-Mobian burst into giggles.

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Hey Misty."

A female Piplup Poké-Mobian spoke "This place is amazing! I'm so working the idea into my next performance!"

A female Blaziken Poké-Mobian with fireproof clothes spoke "Jeez Dawn, you can be such a pain at times... And like what the hedgefox had said about the Axew, you can be such a little kid at times."

A male Marshtomp Poké-Mobian spoke "That was a bit rude May."

May spoke "Oh shut up Brock. Plus you tried to flirt with Princess Luna despite the fact she's engaged."

May had to grab Brock before he could attempt to flirt with the mares.

May spoke "Oh no you don’t."

Misty asks "Besides, remember Olivia?"

Brock sighed lovingly at the mention of that name.

Misty spoke "Plus I heard from the lazy Vappy that the lilac pony has a secondary soul in her body. And unless you want to get run through with a sword, leave her alone."

Brock stammers "R-Right."

Misty spoke "Hydro may be lazy but I wouldn't want him any other way."

Dawn spoke "Know what I heard? There's been rumors going around that the head of Team Rocket died of blood loss when he had gotten an arm chopped off."

May spoke "*Wince!* Yeesh. Not a pretty way to go."

James spoke "Giovanni made the wrong choice of taking a young foal hostage which in turn pissed Twilight off big time."

The others were on guard, ready to fight James, Jessie and Cash.

Ash spoke "Cool it everyone! They're not evil anymore, not since Twilight scared them senseless right after she killed Giovanni."

Danyelle was on her back because of Bluestar and Ravenpaw.

A female Meowth Poké-Mobian with a red ribbon on the tail and tattered clothes collapses near Cash.

Cash gasps "Oh no!"

The female Meowth Poké-Mobian groans "C-Cash?"

Cash spoke "Meowzie!"

Meowzie asks "Wh-where are we?"

Danyelle spoke "Everyone, welcome to the Crystal Empire."

Iris asks "A bit on the nose?"

Elsa whacks Iris on the head.

Iris spoke "HEY!"

Elsa spoke "Watch it dragongirl, I could ice you faster than I could ice Hydro."

Danyelle spoke "Here's a gift for you Celestia, you'd be surprised as to who I was able to trap inside it."

Danyelle passes the snowglobe to Celestia.

Ash spoke "Jeez Iris, you can be such a little kid at times."

Cilan chuckles "Need a dish starring Rawst berries to soothe that burn?"

Serena and the other Poké-Mobians burst into laughter.

Ash chuckles "Nice one Cilan."

Cilan spoke "Why thank you."

Iris walked off in anger at that remark.

Danyelle pulls Iris back by the stubby tail with magic.

Danyelle spoke "Calm down with you? We were only joking."

Iris spoke "What kids."

Ash spoke "Don't make me zap you again Iris."

Iris spoke "Try it, bolt boy!"

Serena growls "Watch it missy, that's my boyfriend you're sassing."


The three froze in fear at the tone of Danyelle's shout.

Danyelle spoke "For the love of StarClan, can you three get along for today? It's a special day for Princess Cadence and Princess Luna so neither of them want you three to start fighting with each other!"

Ash spoke "Sorry Iris."

Iris spoke "Sorry."

Seto roundhouse kicked Cilan in the rear, sending him crashing into Iris thus causing the two to kiss.

The two separated and were completely furious.

Iris snaps "What’s the big idea?!"

Cilan snaps "That was completely rude!"

Danyelle glares at the two.

Iris spoke "But he clearly had the wrong idea!"

Cilan spoke "One should not jump to conclusion, that is true."

Cadence spoke "Don't make me use my magic on you two."

*Some time later,*

Rarity and Renee were busy working on the wedding dresses for Cadence and Luna.

Rarity spoke "This is so exciting!"

Renee spoke "I do apologize for Seto's actions, he's got a lone wolf kind of attitude but deep down... He means well."

Rarity spoke "But I must admit, he was off the mark there."

Renee spoke "In the length of time I've known Danyelle, she's never raised her voice. Plus it's so obvious that Iris has a crush on Cilan but she's just too stubborn to admit it. Guess it's a dragon thing."

Rarity spoke "I’m not certain about that. It really didn’t look like that at all. I mean, we could be letting our imaginations run wild. Besides, you know the age difference between them."

Renee spoke "I'm 29 though, Seto's 26 but that's besides the point and knowing Cadence... She'll try anything to get the two together."

Rarity spoke "But no creature is flawless."

Renee spoke "Try telling Deep Blue that some time... Zoey, Corina, Bridget, Kiki and I were rather shocked when he changed his ways."

Rarity spoke "Sure thing."

Renee spoke "Even so-called gods can make mistakes."

Rarity giggles "Too true."

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* I heard that!"

Renee giggled at that.

Renee spoke "Even though Deep Blue's over a thousand years old, he looks about 20 but he never married. So I heard..."

Rarity asks "Really?"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* And you better not think of hooking me up with that grass-monkey. I'm not gay."

Rarity spoke "Heavens no! I wouldn’t!"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* He's got a better chance with the tusked dragon girl anyway, regardless of what she says."

Rei asks "What about that Cinccino Professor?"

Ash spoke "Dude... She's 40ish... Cilan's 22... That's a 20 year age gap there!"

Deep Blue spoke "*via Twilight* Exactly! Plus she's bound to be married by now."

Serena spoke "I heard rumors that she had married a Zigzagoon Poké-Mobian male."

Pinkie spoke "Huh? I thought it was a Cofagrigus."

Renee spoke "Unless you want a screaming cat on your hooves, never mention anything about ghosts around Zoey. Now.. All of you, out! Rarity and I can't focus on making dresses for the girls and tuxes for the guys!"

We left the two alone.

I spot Cilan by himself.

I ask "What's wrong?"

Cilan asks *Confused* Hmm? What do you mean?"

I spoke "It's as though you're dealing with internal struggling..."

Twilight was talking with Cadence when the lilac mare collapsed from a sudden fever.

Cilan spoke "We’ll discuss that later, because we got trouble right now."

Zoey spoke "Corina! Rainbow! Fly as fast as you can back to Ponyville and get Sardon, Redheart and Gingerheart! Tell them that Twilight collapsed!"

Rainbow spoke "On it!"

Corina spoke "Okay!"

Danyelle carries Twilight into one of the rooms so the mare could rest.

The two females soon return with Sardon in tow since Redheart and Gingerheart were too busy with work.

Dren and Tarb show up with Bridget, Kiki, Blaze, Anzu and a few others.

Dren asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Not sure."

Sardon spoke "My guess would be that a second soul has appeared within Twilight's mind. But since none of us can check, Princess Luna will have to check things out."

Danyelle asks "On her big day?"

Luna spoke "Shirou and I are having our wedding later on."

Anzu closes her eyes before focusing on Twilight to see who else was inside the mare's mind.

*Inside Twilight's mind*

*Anzu's POV*

I look around before spotting Deep Blue.

I ask "I hate to bother you but have you sensed any other Cyniclons within the lilac mare's mind?"

Deep Blue asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "You don't know me but I'm Anzu Ikisatashi. I recently took up healing since your current host had fainted from shock when another soul had entered her body."

Deep Blue gasps "What?!"

I spoke "One of my adopted uncles assumed that another Cyniclon soul had merged with Twilight."

I soon spot a peach-blonde haired female Cyniclon with green eyes.

“Are you okay, miss?” I asked.

The female spoke "Leave me alone little hybrid freak!"

The female lashes out at me with an energy blast.

But the energy blast never hit me.

I gasp "What the...?"

Deep Blue spoke "Calm down... Momo..."

Momo spoke "That freak's mother was the reason why you got killed 13 years ago!"

Deep Blue spoke "But I’m still alive, and so are you."

Momo snaps "Bull shit! A pathetic healer can't even fight despite the fact that her parents can! And need I remind you that it was your fault that Dren has scars for life now?"

Deep Blue spoke "If you kill the body we’re in, we’ll both die."

I spoke "Along with putting a young foal's life in danger and rendering one set of Elements of Harmony useless."

The shock of what I had said causes Momo to drop her weapon.

Deep Blue asks "Are you willing to listen now?"

I giggle "I'm no Cadence but even I can see that you have a huge crush on Momo, right Blue?"

And then Deep Blue turned Bright Red, if you get my meaning. Hahaha!

I was on my back while laughing.

Momo was suddenly frozen stiff, and I knew why, which made me laugh more!

I laugh "It's as obvious as the fact that May, Dawn and Iris all have it bad for Ash!"

The two were then confused.

I spoke "I'll leave you two lovebirds alone."

I snap back awake.

I was soon snickering since I had something to tell Ash later.

Danyelle asks "What’re you snickering about?"

I giggle "I'm not telling~!"

To be continued

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