• Published 8th Sep 2022
  • 950 Views, 37 Comments

Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Call of the Cutie

*Lance's POV*

I was sneaking up on Applebloom from behind since she was busy before I pounce on her, tickling her.

Applebloom giggles "*Laughter* L-L-Lance! Stop!"

I chuckle "That's payback for the hug you gave me back when we first met Zecora."

Applebloom spoke "Oh yeah?"

I spoke "At least I'm not as dense as my uncle is."

Sonata was covered up with a siren-sized blanket since she had come down with a flu.

Sonata spoke "Achoo!"

Manic was carrying a large bowl of soup with his magic over to Sonata.

Sonata spoke "*Shivering* Th-Th-Th-Thanks, M-M-M-Manic… Achoo!"

Manic was soon drenched in the broth.

Manic asks "*deadpan* Really Sonata?"

Sonata spoke "*Sniff!* Sorry, Manic. It’s this flu. I never know what could happen *Pant!* next…!"

Sonata started sweating.

A loud sneeze was heard from Adagio and Aria.

Manic asks "Do sirens get flu this season?"

Aria spoke "It's kind of *Achoo!* like a horn flu that alicorns get in the spring..."

Sonic spoke "You know Skittles, I could beat you in an Extreme Gear race with my wings tied!"

Rainbow asks "*ears twitching* What was that?"

Sonic spoke "Don't say I didn't warn you Rainbow Crash! I have more experience with Extreme Gear than you do!"

Rainbow spoke "Oh, it’s so on!!!"

Sonic spoke "Don't make me laugh!"

Tails sighs "Here we go again..."

Rusty spoke "Yeah..."

An orange Pegasus filly had jumped onto Rusty's back, knocking the three tailed fox over.

Rusty asks "Really Scootaloo?"

Scootaloo spoke "*Bashfully* Oh! U-Uh, sorry about that."

Rusty grabs Scootaloo before tickling the bottom of her hooves with his tails.

Rusty laughs "Nobody can best a Prower in a tickle fight."

Huey was laughing at his mother since Pinkie had pranked Asuna with a cucumber.

Asuna was definitely on her hands and feet like a cat on all fours.

Danyelle was fluffed up since she hated cucumber pranks.

Even Zoey, Dren and Anzu were fluffed up. Pigment was up in a tree.

Blaze was in the hospital since she had given birth to a girl.

Pinkie spoke "Whoa…"

Danyelle spoke "Pinkamena Diane Pie, you have five seconds to hightail it before I hit you with a Flamethrower!"

Pinkie already ran.

Danyelle spoke "Serves her right to..."

Danyelle glances at Rainbow.

Danyelle spoke "I'm starting to think that it was your first Rainboom that connected you to the other five without realizing it. If it wasn't for your Rainboom... Applejack would have remained in Manehattan, Rarity wouldn't have found the inspiration she needed for the dresses she makes, Pinkie wouldn't have left her home which in turn wouldn't have caused a certain stallion to become a party planner, Fluttershy would have died in that fall and Twilight would've failed her entrance exam."

Rainbow asks "Wait… What?"

Rei spoke "It’s true."

I spoke "I didn't see that one coming."

I was soon on my back since Applebloom had pinned me to the ground.

I groan "Seriously Applebloom?"

Applebloom giggles "Heehee! Pinned ya."

I spoke "Hey, let me up!"

Applebloom and I tumbled, only for me to lose.

Applebloom giggles "*Smirk* Pinned ya again."

I aim my tail at Applebloom's stomach, making her laugh.

Applebloom giggles "Not again!"

I chuckle "You can't best a member of the Sakurai clan or a Prower in a tickle fight."

Rusty spoke "I just had an awesome idea! We could set up a club for blank flanked ponies!"

Applebloom asks "*gasp* Really?"

Rusty chuckles "Yeah! We could call it Cutie Mark Crusaders!"

Scootaloo asks "Wow! You serious?"

Rusty spoke "I never tell a lie."

A pale purple unicorn filly with a blonde mane and yellow eyes asks "Could I join too?"

A white unicorn filly showed up. "What about me?"

I spoke "Sure!"

A tora-ge chakat with silver fur and bright blue eyes asks "What about me?"

Rusty asks "What do you think Lance?"

"I guess so." I answered honestly as the chakat smiled.

After a run in with a strange flower, Twilight had popped up with a Pegasus colt with the exact same colors as her.

Twilight spoke "That's the last time I trust you with a weird flower Asuna!"

Asuna retorts "How was I supposed to know what that flower was!"

Twilight spoke "Don't make me shove a Tamato berry down your throat."

The two were comically then in a fight cloud.

Due to the influence that Korra had on all ponies, Twilight sets Asuna's tail on fire.

Asuna yowls "GAH!!! Hot hot hot!"

Huey grabs a bucket of water with his Psychic and dumps it on the two before slamming the bucket on Twilight's head.

Twilight gasps "Gah! What the?!"

Asuna spoke "Phew... Thanks, Huey."

Danyelle and Michiru laugh.

Danyelle snickers "Talk about being soaking wet and clueless!"

Michiru spoke "Yeah."

Rei sighs "Man…"

Danyelle snickers "That was priceless!"

Michiru spoke "I'd hate to see what would happen if Fluttershy slammed a bucket on Blaze's head..."

Jasmine spoke "*Facepalm!* When he comes back, you’ll get the answer to that."

Danyelle growls "Do I need to roast a Draconequus?"

Jasmine spoke "No, just trying to warn ya not to jinx it."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Jasmine... I have the dimensional scream, I see things that have happened or have yet to happen."

A cry was heard, causing many ponies to freeze up.

Twilight asks "What was that?"

A flash of silvery white wings was seen just above the treeline as something large crashed down near Zecora's place.

Rei spoke "Oh, that can’t be good."

Danyelle spoke "If that was a Beast-lord, we better be careful. They are wild animals and can easily kill a Mobian or an Equian if angered."

Fluttershy asks "Um… can I come along?"

Grabbing a med kit, Danyelle spoke "Very well Fluttershy but do be careful."

The two females along with Asuna head to Zecora's hut to tend to the Beast-lord.

Asuna spoke "I'm tagging along just in case it attacks you two."

Danyelle spoke "Okay."

Asuna spoke "I'd rather not get an earful from the others if you two got hurt."

The trio soon arrive to where the Beast-Lord is.

A large branch was impaled in the Beast-lord's left wing.

Danyelle spoke "We'll have to put it to sleep before we can attempt to remove that branch."

Fluttershy spoke "Okay."

After Asuna used Hypnosis on the Beast-lord, Danyelle and Fluttershy work carefully to remove the branch.

Danyelle spoke "This one might never fly again..."

Fluttershy spoke "Not if we find a way to fully heal its wing."

Danyelle spoke "I'll have to ask Maria about it since she's a healer... And despite my blue eyes, my element is fire so maybe..."

Danyelle places a hand on the still asleep Beast-lord's left wing before searing the wound shut with fire.

The Beast-lord winced a bit in its sleep.

Danyelle spoke "Okay, that should do for now. We should back off before she wakes up."

Asuna spoke "Right."

The trio back off before the Beast-lord woke up.

Danyelle chuffs in the Beast-lord's tongue, asking if it was okay.

The beast-lord responded, confirming that.

Danyelle chuffs back, saying that she had healed the wound.

Danyelle spoke "Aw nertz! I have to get ready for that race!"

Danyelle flew off.

Asuna spoke "She seems to be in a hurry."

Fluttershy asks "Race?"

Asuna spoke "I overheard the blue hedgehog mention something about Extreme Gear."

Fluttershy asks "Um… Should we take a look?"

Asuna spoke "About that, the race is going to be held on Mobius. So I heard."

But then something hit Asuna. “Wait a minute… what would happen if someone from this planet went onto Mobius?”

Sonic spoke "I'll answer that one. Lillian was human prior to coming to Equestria so if she goes back, she'll revert back. But for someone like Twilight for example, she'd take on an alicorn-Cyniclon hybrid form due to Deep Blue. Anzu would likely remain a Mobian cat since she was born one. So basically, it varies with origin."

Fluttershy spoke "O-Oh."

Using his magic, Sonic draws out an image of what Fluttershy would look like as a Mobian on paper.

Fluttershy spoke "Oh my!"

Sonic spoke "Yeah and you're welcome to keep the picture if you want."

*One warp ring to Mobius later*

Rainbow spoke "Woah! I look awesome!"

Rei chuckles "Hehehe, heck yeah you do!"

Michiru was back in Beastman form.

Michiru spoke "This feels weird..."

Rei asks "Whaddya mean?"

Michiru spoke "I've been human for 17 years, tanuki beastman for a year then Mobian tanuki for 12 years..."

Rei spoke "That makes 30."

Danyelle spoke "I've been Mobian my whole life."

Jake spoke "Hawk beastman for 18 years, hawk Mobian for 12 years."

To Michiru's surprise, Luna was among the group.

Michiru spoke "Holy Shinx, you look amazing Luna."

To be Continued

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