• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Alolan Adventures

*Danyelle's POV*

I soon felt another sharp pain in my body before I pushed out what seemed to be an egg.

Asuna asks "H-how?"

Orion spoke "I thought she was more Mobian than Poké-Mobian!"

Sonic spoke "It's a total mystery but there was that ball of light that was floating around Danyelle during the battle with Chaos..."

“That was Tikal.” Knuckles answered.

Asuna asks "Who?"

Sonic spoke "Long story short, she was one of the earliest known guardians of the Master Emerald but her father's selfishness and brutal ways caused her to sacrifice her life to seal Chaos away."

I spoke "I also saw an alicorn in that vision... Dark mulberry coat, blue eyes, mint green and white mane..."

Twilight gasps "We should warn Celestia about this since she might know more."

“Right.” I agreed.

Twilight spoke "Might as well warn Newlestia too, given that shi might have the same memories as Celestia."

A yell was heard since Newlestia had set Eggman's ass on fire.

Twilight spoke "Wow, sooner than thought."

Newlestia had punted Eggman over towards the group.

Maria groans "I'm disappointed with you Ivo."

Eggman scoffs "What makes you think you know me!?"

Ears pin back, Maria asks "Does the name Maria Robotnik sound familiar to you?"

Eggman gasps "What!? How do you know that name?!"

I spoke "I don't think you've heard of Project PHOENIX then."

Eggman asks "What?"

Maria spoke "I may be a fox-eagle hybrid now but round about 50 years ago, I was once human."

I had a wing draped over my daughter, shielding her from Eggman's sight.

Twilight was protecting Coal and Akari.

Eggman asks "*Getting annoyed* Just what are you trying to tell me?"

Zoey spoke "For Amaterasu's sake... What Maria is trying to say is that she is the very Maria Robotnik that was killed roundabout 50 years ago by G.U.N because Project Shadow was deemed dangerous."

Mental images of Maria's human self appear in Eggman's mind.

Now Eggman was a confused mumbling mess.

Rainbow spoke "Yep, you definitely broke him."

Yui snapped her fingers, as Eggman suddenly wore a straight jacket.

Yui spoke "Something tells me he’ll be like this for a while before he calms down."

Twilight spoke "Out of the baddies we've faced so far... nine have been reformed, one was killed, one was sealed in a snowglobe, one's a stammering mess, and one was scared senseless by Celestia and Newlestia."

I spoke "That may be so Twilight but there are still other baddies out there."

Rainbow Dash facepalmed. “Now you’ve gone and done it.”

Twilight spoke "What?! That means…!"

Twilight started stressing out as that made me really worried if I should’ve said that.

I spoke "Twilight, calm down or I will ask Miyuki to ice you."

But then I realized something; where is Miyuki?

Tails spoke "Miyuki's got her hands full with Kohaku and Ruri."

“Oh.” I noticed.

Coal mewls.

Twilight spoke "To be honest, I'm not looking forward to the day Coal starts school."

“Why’s that?” I asked.

Tails spoke "Main reason is that Neighsay jerk.... Another reason is Spoiled Rich..."

I facepalmed at that.

Asuna asks "But didn't Neighsay get scared senseless by Celestia and Newlestia?"

“Oh yeah. Bet he won’t be showing his face anytime soon.” I realized.

Twilight spoke "I agree with you Dany. Friendship isn't just for ponies, it's for all creatures."

Discord asks "Hold on, that soon?"

I spoke "The Cutie Mark Crusaders is a mixed group of kids.. There's a few ponies, a three-tailed fox, three hedgefoxes, three cats, a chakat and a gryphon."

Twilight giggles "I swear, Neighsay has a 39 and a half foot pole stuck up his ass."

“Heehee, yeah. But I definitely think we need a vacation.” I noted.

Twilight spoke "Yeah but we can't leave Equestria unguarded too long."

Rainbow spoke "Twi, calm down."

I spoke "She has a point Rainbow but then again, there won't be any baddies for a good while, we can take some time off! Alola region, here we come!!!"

Various folks cheer.

My right ear twitches before I hear jazz music.

I giggle "Oh! Oh no! Sounds like Scat Cat and his gang have dropped by!"

Serena spoke "And where the Jazz Cats are, Thomas and his family can't be too far behind."

Mane 6 ask "Who?"

Serena spoke "Friends of mine from the Kalos region. Scat Cat and his friends are real party-goers and love having a great time. And yes Pinkie, they'd be able to handle your bubbly personality."

Pinkie smiled so big, she practically exploded with joy.

I spoke "I think I know a pair of Brazilian Mobians that love to party."

That got Pinkie’s attention even more.

I write up a letter before sending it to Nico via flame breath.

I laugh "They'll be arriving in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

A warp ring appeared.

A female spix macaw Mobian flew out of the warp ring before crashing beak first into a window.

The female squawks "Ow! que doeu!"

Rainbow Dash asks "Say what now?"

The female macaw spoke "Eu te culpo por isso brincadeira Nico!"

Sonic spoke "She's speaking Portuguese, one of the various languages there is."

Tails groans "*Searching his namesakes* Ugh… where’s that translator?"

I spoke "Roughly speaking, she was scolding Nico for the prank he pulled on her."

Thorax was stammering.

I giggle "Something tells me Thorax has something he wants to ask Amy."

Thorax gasps "What? No I don't!"

Applejack, Crosswind and Shirou spoke "Liar."

Thorax was definitely blushing up a storm.

Chrysalis scoffs "Oh for the love of..."

Chrysalis punts Amy in the rear, sending her crashing into Thorax causing the two to kiss.

Chrysalis spoke "Heart butt's not here though."

Twilight giggles "Heehee! Something tells me you might make a new rival, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis spoke "You're one to talk Sparkle butt, you're a bigger bookworm than Ocellus."

I spoke "Heh, I never pegged you as a prankster Chryssie."

Serena asks "Anyone seen the Axew?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Maybe she’s busy with the Drakeon."

Shirou sniffs the air.

Shirou spoke "I got bad news everyone... Both of them are dead... Metal Sonic killed them both..."

Zoey spoke "I'm sorry but I can't bring Iris back a second time... And I don't think the dragon balls can help..."

A voice spoke "I dunno about that."

We turned around, seeing Goku.

Goku spoke "The Namekian Dragon Balls can definitely help."

Zoey spoke "I'm sorry Goku but Iris can't be brought back a third time. Once she dies a second time, that's it for her."

I had my tails curled around the egg I had delivered thus keeping it warm.

Sonic spoke "Besides, it took about 4000 years for Tikal to be reborn after her original death."

Goku spoke "Man, you guys really don’t get it, do you? The Namekian Dragon Balls can revive anyone, no matter how many times they died or how they were revived before."

Korra whacks Goku with a stick.

Korra spoke "There are two drawbacks though, old age or fully incinerated body..."

I spoke "Korra's right Goku. If we attempted to revive someone like Professor Robotnik for example, his body wouldn't hold itself together long."

Goku spoke "Come on, Krillin was revived with the Namekian Dragon Balls, and he was totally fine. So I know they’ll be totally fine too."

Korra spoke "If we tried to bring Aang back, it just wouldn't work since his soul had already reincarnated."

Goku spoke "Hmm… Dende just told me that Iris’ soul is somewhere else, so that decides the first wish."

Korra places a hand on her stomach since she was expecting a child.

Korra spoke "Oof... I felt a kick."

A flash of pink light appears before fading away, revealing a pink furred Mobian whippet female with angel wings.

The whippet spoke "I'm sorry but there are strict rules though."

Goku spoke "Welp, Dende just told me that Iris’ soul is back on Mobius, no problem at all. He’s making the next two wishes now."

The whippet snaps "EXCUSE ME?!? I just said that it's impossible to bring someone back once their soul has been reincarnated! I heard about it straight from Raava herself, Aang can't be reborn since his soul had been reborn as Korra. But since Raava is no longer bound to Korra, the Avatar cycle is broken and no amount of wishes can fix it."

But then Iris and Haku suddenly appeared, completely fine and unchanged, much to the whippet’s shock.

But something was off about Iris, it was as though her soul wasn't there anymore.

Sonic spoke "Annabelle's right though Goku, no amount of wishes can bring a soul back once it has reincarnated."

But then something flew through the air and went into Iris’ body as she gasped, wide awake.

Goku spoke "I don’t think King Yenma have the green flag on that."

But then something seemed off about Iris now. She looked like she was growing some fur and feathers.

Korra's fox ears had flattened since she couldn't sense her child's lifeforce anymore.

Mako spoke "Look what you've done! You've caused Korra's unborn child to lose its life!"

Goku asks "How was I supposed to know that would happen?"

But then Korra’s child was suddenly absorbed into Iris.

Korra flew off in a depressed state.

Zoey slaps Goku across the face with her claws out.

Zoey spoke "Your actions cost the life of an unborn child! One that Korra was waiting to bring into the world! Now, it won't EVER have that chance!"

But then Iris screamed in pain, before I suddenly saw her spirit split in two as one half flew into Korra before the two halves suddenly grew whole.

Sonic spoke "Woah, I did NOT see that coming!"

“Yeesh, if Korra’s child wasn’t on the way, Iris would’ve gotten a split personality.” I realized with a shudder.

Serena spoke "Or worse... She would've gained the power over fire, water, air and earth as well..."

Twilight spoke "It could have gone either way."

Goku spoke "Huh, that kinda makes Iris and Korra’s kid like Piccolo and Kami now."

I spoke "I think one of my counterparts is raising a Changeling filly named Iris."

Twilight spoke "Whoa."

I spoke "Yeah, it's so weird. Plus that universe's Lance is a hedgecat instead of a hedgefox."

Lance asks "Say what right now?"

“It’s complicated, I know.” I agreed.

Twilight asks "What about me?"

I spoke "Hmm... chakat and a Pegasus for now."

Applejack facehoofed at that.

A crack was heard from the egg.

That definitely got our attention.

I spoke "Huh, it seems my innate ability sped up the development process."

Twilight spoke "All that aside, it's time for a VACATION!!!"

The others cheer happily.

Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXSdXD-V3mc

Twilight was wearing a backpack as she carried Akari in it as she walked with the others to the airport.

I followed while carrying Irene and the baby echidna in a backpack that was designed for babies.

Asuna and Zoey tag along with their children.

Sonic asks "Whoa, why you’re bringing him along?"

Eggman was still a muttering mess of confusion.

Maria spoke "Insane or not, he's still my cousin."

“Heehee, I think he’s rethinking everything he knows.” I giggled.

Shadow scoffs "If he even thinks about returning to his evil ways... Maria's PTSD or not, I'll kill the fatso."

Maria spoke "Shadow."

Ruby spoke "Dad, you're a disaster waiting to happen..."

A pair of soot-gray paws had covered Jasmine's eyes, spooking her.

The male draconequus chuckles "Gotcha Jas-Jas!"

Jasmine giggles "Heehee! Will, you sneaky lion."

Will spoke "I know."

Ruby spoke "Get a room you two."

Will chuckles "Heh, I may be a croc, Jazzy, but I’m also a lion. *Lustful growl*"

Jasmine giggles "Heeheehee! Aw, you!"

The two Draconequi wrapped around each other.

Ruby teleported the two to the hotel.

Twilight calls out "Hey Ash! You coming?"

Ash showed up, a bit out of breath, but totally excited.

Serena and a few others arrive.

Kai flew in from Paldea with his girl following.

A small Lugia was clinging to the female Lugia's back.

“Aww! Who’s this little cutie?” I asked.

Kai chuckles "This little troublemaker is Gale."

Gale chirps as he flapped his wings, knocking Ash's hat off.

Emma giggles "See what I mean?"

A Latias Poké-Mobian grabs Ash's hat before hiding it.

Ash asks "Huh?"

Kai spoke "Knock it off Bianca."

Emma sighs "That Latias is gonna be trouble."

Twilight asks "What’s going on?"

I spoke "Bianca, give Ash his hat back right now."

The Latias Poké-Mobian gave the hat back to Ash before zooming off.

I spoke "We're gonna be late for the plane!"

*One plane flight later,*

Ash chuckles "Guys and gals, welcome to the Alola region!"

“Wow!” The rest of us ooh’d and ah’d in amazement.

Roll had a grip on Sonic's tail since he was freaking out.

“Maybe we should help Sonic relax.” I noted.

Aria spoke "I doubt it'd work since we're surrounded by water, lots of it."

“I’m guessing hypnotic suggestion’s out of the question?” I assumed.


Roll sighs "Good thing I brought custom-made cobalt blue life jackets for Sonic."

Blaze spoke "Count me out, fire and water don't mix."

My eyes flash white suddenly, showing me a vision of the past.

I mutter "Amaterasu.... 15 brush skills.... divine reflector... devout beads.... Tsumugari.... Orochi..."

Twilight asks "Huh?"

Blaze spoke "She's seeing something from the past."

Twilight spoke "Oh. *Sigh* But I really wish that Shining Armor and Cadence were with us."

Newlestia asks "Who?"

I spoke "Everyone, I fear an ancient enemy is about to return..."

Sonic groans "Oh come on! What now?!"

I spoke "Relax everyone! It'll be a good long while before Orochi reawakens! So for now, let's just relax and have a party."

Sonic spoke "Don’t kill the mood like that!"

I spoke "I better warn Aph to keep Ein under control. Last thing any of us want is an idiotic hyena breaking the seal on Orochi."

Twilight spoke "It’d be better not to let Ein know about it either."

I fired a plasma bolt at Ein, making him fall from the tree he was in.

I growl "Don't even THINK about it mister!"

Passing the two babies to Twilight, I pounce on Ein and beat the crap out of him.

A flash of a divine reflector had sent Ein flying with a Goofy yell.

Sonic laughs "He had it coming!"

Ash spoke "I wonder how the others are doing."

I shot a flamethrower up into the sky, causing Kiawe to see it.

I spoke "They'll be here soon."

Ash chuckles "Heehee, man, they’ll definitely be surprised."

I giggle "Hay yeah, they don't know that you and Serena are married."

Serena spoke "I always wanted to come visit Alola."

A female Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid was relaxing in a beach chair.

Twilight spoke "Same."

Maria whacks her cousin on the back of the head.

Eggman was still a nurturing confused mess.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid asks "What's with him?"

“He’s rethinking everything he knows.” I giggled.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid asks "Let me guess, he thought his cousin was dead but in fact... She was alive the entire time?"

“Yep.” I nodded.

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid spoke "There's a whole colony of Mewtwo hybrids though. But we have to keep hidden or bad people will capture us and use us for sick experiments..."

That caught Orion’s attention.

Even Asuna, Huey, Pigment and Jericho were intrigued.

Zoey spoke "Mewtwo hybrids huh? I'm rather curious about them."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Huh, that’s new."

The Mewtwo-Eevee hybrid spoke "I'm Haru by the way."

Ash spoke "Besides, you won’t believe the food they got here! It’s awesome!"

Haru giggles "I've already tried a malasada, it's good."

Ash excitedly spoke "I know!"

I had burped up a scroll from Master Hand, warning me of an oncoming threat that was targeting the colony of Mewtwo.

I spoke "Zoey, you and the Mewtwo should go help the colony. I fear someone is after them."

Zoey spoke "Right Danyelle! Asuna, Orion, Jericho, Haru! We have to help them!"

The alicorn-cat hybrid flew off fast with the six Mewtwo to the colony.

I spoke "While Zoey and the six Mewtwo handle that, let's unwind for a while."

Ash gasps "We should check out the Battle Royale Dome!"

I spoke "I'm SO IN!!!"

Sonic asks "But are non Poké-Mobians allowed to compete?"

Ash spoke "Hmm… Last I checked, I think so."

I spoke "But I thought only Poké-Mobians were allowed. And given that I have Plasmeon and Mew blood in my veins..."

Ash spoke "Well, Kukui thought it would help if the Battle Royale expanded their horizons."

My right ear twitches.

I spoke "Alola Kukui!"

Kukui chuckles "Haha. Alola, Danyelle."

I spoke "I'm kind of curious about what other Poké-Mobian genes I have. I already know about the Flareon, Jolteon and Mew genes though."

Kukui asks "Did something happen?"

Ash spoke "Long story short Professor, Danyelle has the genes of an unknown Eeveelution species alongside Mew genes but she's unsure as to what else she has."

Kukui spoke "Huh. That’s definitely surprising. Heh, but Burnet will definitely be more surprised."

Ash asks "Oh! How’s Lei doing?"

A small stark white kitten with red eyes was on my head.

Kukui asks "Lei’s doing great. And who’s this little kitten?"

I spoke "My firstborn daughter, Irene. And before you ask, it was just dumb luck she was born with stark white fur and red eyes."

The infant echidna climbs up my back.

Tails asks "Can someone slap Knuckles?"

Ash shocked Knuckles with a thunderbolt, snapping him out of it.

Serena asks "What is your beef Knucklehead?"

Knuckles spoke "Nothing."

I spoke "I don't need to be the element of honesty to tell that was a lie."

Knuckles turned away, clearly not wanting to talk about it.

Kukui spoke "Hehe, who knows, maybe the Battle Royale will have eight competitors, especially with my little sis back to visit Alola."

I ask "Little sis?"

Kukui spoke "Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you guys about that. She was traveling the world as a wrestler."

Twilight spoke "I straight up killed the boss of Team Rocket when he attempted to foalnap Nyx."

Kukui spoke "Yeesh, you sound worse than when I was exhausted while UB Black was draining the light out of Alola."

Twilight spoke "I may be half alicorn half Cyniclon but I've learned to control Deep Blue's power for good."

I spoke "Any mother would go to the extremes to protect their children."

Serena asks "UB Black?"

Ash spoke "That would be Necrozma."

Serena spoke "Oh."

Ash spoke "Hehe, and when we thought it was happening again, it turned out Professor Kukui only had a cold."

I giggle "Asuna and Orion would get a kick out of that! Oh, I hear Kiawe's wingbeats now."

Ash spoke "Nice!"

I giggle "Something tells me Pigment just said wadala."

Blaze giggles "Heehee, even I find that funny."

Roll giggles "Can't be no funnier than the times Orion had told Asuna off."

But then I suddenly giggled at a feeling I had.

Roll spoke "Danyelle, you are the most WEIRDEST nekomata I've ever known."

Tails had sent a bratty Shaymin Poké-Mobian flying with an air blast.

Tails spoke "I hate that stupid Brad... He's so freaking bratty!"

“We know the feeling, Tails.” I nodded.

Ash exclaims "Come on! Let’s get to the Battle Royale Dome!"

Sonic spoke "That'd be up your alley Knux."

Knuckles spoke "Heh, I’ll make sure they’re only down for the count."

The ground shook violently as all of Equis split into seven pieces while the Elements of Harmony were rendered inert.

Sonic spoke "Oh just great! It's the Dark Gaia incident all over again!"

To be continued...

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