• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Team Plasma Attack

*Twilight's POV*

Not long after Myth had sent out a warning message via Psychic, Coal and the other babytwos had gone missing.

AJ and the others came back from their visit to Outworld.

I was pacing about in anger since Coal was missing.

Tail thrashing, I ask "Applejack, did you get an alert message from Myth?"

Applejack asks "…Whaddya think?"

Okay, that’s definitely a yes.

Blizzardstar spoke "Opal's gone as well and I heard from Mr Cake that Gummy's gone missing."

Asuna spoke "I can't find Huey!"

Zoey was upset since Pigment was missing.

Rainbowtwo spoke "Even my sweet little Rosebud's gone."

Raptor went underground and away, knowing that this was gonna get ugly.

Danyelle and the others soon return from the Chuddle Hotel.

Danyelle growls "That freaking does it! Nobody kidnaps MY kids and gets away with it!"

Oh, this fight against Team Plasma won’t be a battle, it’ll be a massacre for them.

Asuna was outright FURIOUS since Huey was missing.

Ash and Serena were worried about Hotaru.

Danyelle brought out a warp ring as it was right to Team Plasma’s home base.

But all of a sudden, something had cancelled the warp ring's power.

Danyelle spoke "Great StarClan! It seems the head of Team Plasma was made aware of Warp rings..."

“I saw a clear look at that place, so I can teleport us there.” I said.

Danyelle spoke "No can do Sparkles, you can't teleport there."

“How come?” I growled.

Ash spoke "Remember that grunt that had been scared shitless by Danyelle? That grunt probably told Ghetsis about the Pony Guard and the Mobian Guard."

Danyelle spoke "I just sent a letter off to Ember's dad, he might be able to help us."

*Meanwhile in the Dragon Lands,*

Ember spoke "Father! I have a letter for you from a two tailed cat that's in Ponyville!"

Torch asks "Hmm?"

Ember spoke "A group on young Poké-Mobians have gone missing... And so has Wendy... I heard it straight from Lucy."

Torch spoke "…I’ve been wanting a good reason to fight once more. But to think that they’d kidnap my own daughter…"

Ember spoke "I heard that an alicorn straight up murdered the leader of Team Rocket one time."

Torch chuckles "I didn’t think they would have it in them."

Ember spoke "You know what they say... Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned."

Natsu soon arrived since he flew in from Canterlot.

Natsu spoke "Dragon Lord Torch, I bring bad news from Princess Celestia. Moonlight Shadow has vanished."

Torch growls "Seems these plasma crooks truly are cowards."

Natsu growls "And a bunch of scaredy Skitty too..."

Ember giggles "Good one Natsu!"

Natsu spoke "I try."

Ember spoke "I also heard rumors that the queen of the hippogriffs freaked out when her husband came back."

Torch spoke "Heh, that’s happened before."

Grandeeny giggles "Remember when we first met a thousand years ago Torchy?"

Torch chuckles "How could I forget?"

Grandeeny spoke "Old Metalface was flirting with me and you really let him have it."

Torch chuckles "All that hardness and I still dealt a good blow."

Grandeeny giggles "Yeah, you sure showed him not to mess with a fire dragon."

Torch spoke "Indeed."

Grandeeny spoke "That aside, we should help the ponies out."

Torch spoke "Agreed."

Celestia pops up suddenly.

Celestia spoke "Dragon Lord Torch, Lady Grandeeny."

Torch spoke "Celestia."

Celestia spoke "You're probably already aware of what's going on so I'll get straight to the point. On behalf of the ponies, we need help stopping Team Plasma."

Torch spoke "Of course."

Grandeeny spoke "I'm worried about Wendy..."

Torch spoke "We'll get her back."

Grandeeny spoke "I know we will."

Celestia spoke "The other nations are becoming aware of the situation and are now rallying their forces."

Torch spoke "I can understand that."

Celestia spoke "Yes but we can't waste time. Who knows what sort of sick experiments those goons will do to Wendy and the others."

*Meanwhile at the Team Plasma base,*

Wendy was shielding the children from the grunts.

Wendy hisses "LET US GO YOU JERKS!!!"

The grunt spoke "Sorry, but King Ghetsis needs all of you for experiments."

Wendy shot an air blast at the grunt, sending them flying.

Wendy growls "You jerks made the mistake of taking Akoya once already... And once my dad finds out.... Let's just say it WON'T END WELL!!!"

Coal growls "Plus my adopted mother was the one that killed the head of Team Rocket!"

The grunts were unfazed at that.

The ground rumbles violently as an army of Equians, Mobians and Poké-Mobians led by a furious Twilight heads towards the base. Even the creatures of the Everfree Forest marched alongside the army.

Wendy laughs "You punks are so in for it now! My dad and several others are here!"

Twilight slashed the door open with her sword.

Twilight spoke "COAL!!!"

But then an electrical barrier formed.

Ash zaps the machine, shorting it out and cancelling the barrier.

Serena used Psychic to fling grunts about.

Asuna was full on Brooklyn Rage mode as she flung shadow ball at various grunts.

Twilight blasts one or two grunts with fire.

Raptor crashed through with Dragon Rush, knocking away plenty of grunts.

Haru fires a Swift attack at the grunts, landing an auto-hit since Swift was a move that never misses a target.

Katrina charged in with Waterfall, making other grunts flinch.

Danyelle used her waterbending in tandem with Katrina's Waterfall to freeze several grunts in ice.

Katrina spoke "Not bad."

Raptor spoke "That was awesome, Katrina!"

The Feraligatr's head blushed red with steam rising from it.

Danyelle yowls as the timber wolves charge into battle, attacking the grunts.

Two or three grunts got turned to stone because of the cockatrices.

Rei delivered some Night Slashes against some grunts.

Twilight was snarling as she heard a roar but it wasn't from Spike or the other Equian dragons.

Raptor spoke "Guess he noticed us."

Twilight growls "Yeah... But his head is MINE!"

Twilight transformed into Deep Lilac before flying at such a high speed that could put Sonic and Rainbow to shame, impaling Ghetsis in the chest with her sword.

Since Deep Lilac hadn't directly touched Ghetsis, the Druddigon's ability did not activate.

But then Ghetsis did a Thunder Punch on the sword, which conducted it and shocked Deep Lilac.

But Deep Lilac had protected herself with a barrier spell since she had a foal on the way.

Deep Lilac growls "Did you just try to hurt MY unborn foal?"

But then Ghetsis used Outrage, going out of control.

Deep Lilac pulls the sword upwards, slicing through the madman's neck and head thus killing him.

Raptor spoke "Whoa... That was brutal."

Ember spoke "It's just like I said to my dad... Tartarus hath no fury like a mare scorned!"

But then Katrina tackle-hugged Raptor, knocking him down.

Danyelle and the others laugh.

Danyelle laughs "She got you good Riptorn."

Raptor spoke "HEY!!!"

Katrina giggles "*Nuzzling* My awesome Rip... Don't leave me."

That calmed Raptor down instantly.

Rainbow spoke "Guess Twilight, Danyelle, Fleetfoot and I can get away with calling you Riptorn for a while since we know you refuse to hit a pregnant female."

Raptor spoke "HEY! Even I have morals!"

Honeystar spoke "<Least I can get away with it since I could easily kill you if you attacked me.>"

Raptor asks "What? You wanna fight me?"

Honeystar spoke "<Watch it Scaleface, I'm a trained warrior.>"

Raptor growls "Same here. And isn't that the name of the dragon-chakat who knocked you up?"

Honeystar growls "<Cork it Riptorn, I wasn't even in peak female phase at that time!>"

Danyelle spoke "Calm down you two!"

Honeystar growls "<He started it.>"

Raptor spoke "I didn’t start this fight!"

Honeystar growls "<Liar!>"

Danyelle snaps "ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU!"

Honeystar growls "<I challenge you to a battle then Riptorn!>"

Raptor growls "BRING IT!"

Danyelle groans "Oh chicken wings..."

Honeystar attacks Raptor with a sand attack, blinding him.

But then Raptor went underground before emerging and uppercutting hir in the jaw.

Honeystar tail slaps Raptor with the blunt side of hir tail-blade hard, sending him crashing into a wall.

Raptor leapt out and used Thunder Fang on Honeystar, biting one of hir shoulders.

But due to the sand in the eyes, Raptor had missed Honeystar and bit Blizzardstar instead.

Blizzardstar spoke "ICE DRAGON ROAR!!!"

Raptor was soon trapped in ice.

Danyelle spoke "Honeystar, Raptor, we don’t have time for this."

I spoke "Drop it Danyelle, the two have energy to vent out so a battle will wear them out."

Danyelle spoke "But he was smart for going for only the head and shoulders."

I spoke "Not with sand in the eyes though... Hence why Blizzardstar retaliated."

Danyelle spoke "But he went underground while having sand in the eyes, and it’s pitch black underground most of the time."

The ground shook violently, causing the ground to break open.

Danyelle shouts "CHAOS CONTROL!!!"

Danyelle and everyone that fought the Plasma grunts disappear fast before reappearing in Ponyville with Wendy and the kids.

I spoke "That was freaking close!"

Danyelle spoke "The base must’ve been on self-destruct."

I spoke "If you hadn't reacted like that, we would have all died."

But then Danyelle felt a warm shiver. “Somehow, I feel like someone else would’ve saved us if I failed.”

I ask "You mean High Goddess Faust?"

Danyelle spoke "Maybe, but I don’t know for sure."

Twilight spoke "Regardless, that's the second time I've killed someone..."

Danyelle spoke "And again, for a good cause and it was the only choice."

Ash spoke "There's still Team Magma, Team Aqua and Team Galactic to deal with but it's not a good idea for Twilight to keep fighting once she's further along."

“The same could be said about Danyelle.” I added.

Danyelle spoke "You're further along than I am though Sparkle Butt."

I spoke "Cat flank."

Danyelle spoke "Egghead."

I counter "Gamer Cat."

Danyelle and I glare at each other before laughing.


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