• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Strange Days Part 2

*Twilight/Deep Lilac's POV*

After arriving on Mobius, I was on edge because of the out of control weather.

I spot a Scyther Poké-Mobian male.

Ash asks "Tracey! What is goin on with the weather?"

Tracey spoke "I don’t know! But it’s nothing good!"

To Tracey's surprise, Ash was a Kantonian Raichu-Mewtwo hybrid.

A small Fennekin-Mewtwo hybrid was on Ash's head.

I spoke "We heard it from Danyelle, the weather's out of control because Moltres has vanished."

Tracey spoke "Okay, explaining what happened to Ash can wait."

Ash spoke "Long story short Tracey, I've always been a Mewtwo hybrid."

Serena spoke "Come on! Let’s move!"

Hotaru pulls his dad's left ear.

Asuna spoke "Even with two sets of the Element bearers, it's not going to be easy."

Pixie spoke "Let’s get going!"

Sonic spoke "Oh no you don't Pixie, you've got eggs on the way and I rather not get electrocuted by Tails or iced by Miyuki if you got hurt."

Zephyr asks "What the?! Can’t I help out?"

Sonic spoke "Just be careful though Zephyr."

Zephyr spoke "Thanks."

Danyelle had stayed behind in Ponyville with the rest of the Mane Six to defend it from any danger.

Clarity was in an anthro form while wearing clothes similar to what Inuyasha wears but in a pink color.

Clarity spoke "Be careful guys, we don't know what will jump out at us."

But then we heard thunder roaring.

Clarity's horn crackles with electricity before shooting it at Zap, asking what happened to Moltry.

But then Clarity head her head in pain as we heard a thunderous screech.

Kai roars at Zap, causing the electric bird to stop.

But then a red bolt suddenly struck Zap as she screeched furiously again.

Kara opens her mouth before singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqpXrDuLqE0 to calm the raging bird down.

Soon enough, Icy hears the song as she lands by the electric bird.

But then a being made of red lightning appeared.

Kai growls, as did the Mewtwo Poké-Mobians.

I growl "That can't be good..."

Even Tails was growling as his whole body crackled with electricity.

Rain readied for combat as the being started charging up for an attack.

Tails shot off a Thunder at the same time Ash did, causing the attack to hit the being hard.

But the being somehow absorbed the attacks as he launched a powerful attack at us before Rain used his staff and water magic to fire an enhanced water beam, causing the two attacks to collide before they canceled each other out.

Serena shot a Flamethrower at the being, inflicting a nasty burn.

Rain grabbed the water orb floating above his staff before throwing it to the ground right underneath the being, creating a whirlpool trap that sucked the enemy in before blasting it back out into the air.

I spoke "Grr! This jerk's got either Lightning Rod or Volt Absorb as their ability which puts Ash, Tails and other electric types at a major disadvantage! PYRO ARROW!!!"

Several flaming arrows get fired at the being.

That seemed to have dealt some damage.

Knuckles threw a rock at the being, dealing massive damage.

Tails spoke "Guys, we might be dealing with a Rhydon!"

Rei spoke "I'm not sure about that, look. That being is made of pure red electricity, we might be dealing with some kind of electrical djinn here."

Shahara manifests suddenly.

Shahara spoke "Hold it everyone! That's a cousin of mine!"

Sonic asks "...Say what now?"

Looking at the genie, Shahara asks "Why are you doing this Blink?"

The being suddenly turned into a genie as his face was blank before he prepared to attack again.

But a sudden punch from Shahara knocks some sense back into Blink, snapping him back to normal.

Unfortunately, that also knocked Blink out cold.

Shahara spoke "That should get him back to normal."

“Now there’s only Moltry left.” I noted.

Moltry had escaped her containment and was in pain.

Rei spoke "We need healers here."

Kara spoke "It's not that Rei... She was raped..."

What Kara had said caught everyone gathered off guard.

Rei groans "*Facepalm!* Now that's a new low."

Sonic spoke "Someone should look after her though... In case whoever raped her comes back for a round 2..."

Then I noticed black/garnet flames floating around with orange lightning running across the ground before we noticed two blue/lilac gleams.

Kara sighs "Talk about timing, then again, we could use the help. Come on out you three."

A Galarian Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres showed up.

Kara spoke "Haven't seen you boys since my trip to the Galar region."

Despite her fiery wings, Moltry hid behind Sonic since she was wary of the Galarian Moltres.

Kara spoke "These boys are from Galar. Their names are Arteyce, Zapdash, and Moltire."

Sonic spoke "I'm Prince Sonic Ogami, nice to meet you three. The fiery chicken that's hiding behind me is Moltry."

Moltry spoke "HEY!!!"

Icy sighs "He was teasing..."

A 2 year old silvery black Mobian she-cat with a kimono much like her father was chasing her two cousins about.

The she-cat whines "Towa! Give me my ribbon back!!!'

A 2 year old silver-white female Mobian dog with a small stripe of crimson red fur on her head spoke "Not a chance Moroha!"

A 2 year old black female Mobian dog with a matching stripe on her head spoke "Towa, you're an idiot..."

Towa spoke "You take that back Setsuna!"

The twin sisters were soon in a fight cloud.

Sonic asks "...Did I miss something?"

Kagome spoke "*sweatdrop* They're always like this..."

Asuna spoke "Kind of reminds me of the one time Orion bit me back when I was a baby Mew."

Orion spoke "You JUST had to bring that up!"

Soon enough, Asuna had her brother in a headlock.

Soon, the weather was back to normal before the stomachs of Sonic and his wives growled ferociously.

I spoke "Even though I have the teeth of a carnivore, I still have the digestive system of a plant eater."

I spot a large bush that smelled oddly addicting before tearing into it.

Pixie spoke "Seems like Twilight's found the catnip..."

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, I can make a MASSIVE feast!"

Zoey spoke "*Sweatdrop* Uh Michelle, I should warn you that catnip is highly addictive to Mobian and Poké-Mobian cats... And given that Deep Blue's Mobian form is a cat... He'll be as bad as Tarb on a sugar high..."

*Kagome's POV*

Michelle started making the feast as some of us decided to check on Twilight/Deep Lilac.

I wasn't gonna question why the red haired female was half Mobian cat half alicorn.

I spoke "Miroku... Get your hand away from my ass before I tell Sango on you."

Miroku spoke "Eep!"

A 5 year old light purple male Mobian fox spoke "Dad, you seriously need to stop your lecherous ways..."

Sonic asks "*As Michelle kept making food* Who's this?"

I spoke "That's Hisui, he's Sango and Miroku's son."

Pixie asks "Really?"

I spoke "Yeah, thank stars he didn't take after Miroku for bad habits."

I giggle "So says the tod that has a crush on Setsuna."

Myth was giggling like crazy.

Hisui's head blushed red.

Moroha spoke "Mom, you're weird."

I closed one of my eyes while sticking my tongue out with a “Nyeh!”

A tipsy Deep Lilac spoke "Real *hic* mature Kagome..."

“Says the being who’s drunk on catnip.” I fired back.

Deep Lilac asks "Do I need to *hic* roast a cat?"

Deep Lilac hiccupped again, with bubble flames coming out of her mouth a bit.

Deep Lilac mentally asks "{Did you do this to me Momo?}"

Momo mentally spoke "{It was Deep Blue.}"

Deep Lilac growls "{Can you strangle him? I'm not supposed to have more than one element.}"

Momo giggles "{Sure thing, but the bubbly flames are a side effect of being drunk or tipsy.}"

Deep Lilac spoke "{I know for a fact that cats can get high from catnip.}"

Zoey was hissing loudly since Elliot was holding a pokeball in his hand.

Rei asks "*Deadpan* Seriously, dude?"

Zoey hisses "He's the reason why I became half cat in the first place... And then after my alicorn side made itself known, it screwed up my cat DNA to the point where I became a Mobini!"

Michelle exclaims "FOOD’S READY!"

There was a ginormous table, filled with indeed a HUGE feast!

Zoey stuffs food down Elliot's throat, causing him to bloat up.

Sonic and his wives’ stomachs growled again, getting Zoey’s attention as she giggled nervously.

Zoey spoke "You are the most CRAZIEST hedgewolf-alicorn hybrid I've ever known!"

Deep Lilac growls at Indigo since he took her carrots.

A lot of funny shenanigans happened as we ate.

Zoey was munching on a taco, much to Sonata's dismay.

Sonata started eating more tacos than Zoey.

Zoey spoke "So it's a challenge then!"

After applying a rubber spell to her clothes, Zoey chows down on more tacos than Sonata.

Jasmine showed up and put a rubber spell on Sonata's clothes as she started eating as much tacos as Zoey.

Jasmine spoke "Just wanna make sure things are fair."

A spatial tear opens up before a cherry red furred Mobian she-cat with a short bladed sword strapped to her hip fell out.

The she-cat spoke "Itai..."

The Mobian fell unconscious as one of our healers finished eating.

Zoey spoke "Barring the sword, she kinda looks like my Mobian form... If I had cherry red fur instead of black..."

Zoey and Sonata were still eating tacos neck-and-neck, despite Zoey talking.

Sonata had shifted back to siren form.

That allowed Sonata to eat more tacos than Zoey as she noticed that and growled.

Zoey tags out so Midnight could continue.

Zoey spoke "*Smiles at Jasmine* If you could..."

Jasmine spoke "Done."

Jasmine snapped her fingers, transferring the weight she gained from eating to Midnight, who didn't mind, as the hybrid was eating tacos neck-and-neck with Sonata.

Midnight had a demonic appetite thus he ate thrice the amount of food.

Sonata ate more and more, catching up with Midnight.

Korra spoke "I remember the stories of how my past life often caused trouble in the Earth kingdom..."

Rei spoke "Let me guess... *Morphs face into a cabbage merchant with his voice* MY CABBAGES!!!"

Sonic and the others all burst into laughter after hearing that.

Korra laughs "Exactly!"

But then Sonic and his wives let out loud, hearty belches, having had their fill of lunch.

Indigo was on edge since he sensed a temporal crack in the sky.

Indigo asks "Does anyone else see that?"

Zoey asks "Something wrong?"

A Mobian hawk falls out of the temporal crack, causing Korra to fly at the hawk and grabbing him.

Wings flapping while holding the unconscious hawk by a leg, Korra asks "Say Rei, remember when you imitated Lau Gan-Lan's dad?"

Rei asks "Yeah, why'd ya ask?"

Korra spoke "Call it a hunch but I think this hawk is my past life..."

Danyelle arrived with her six kids along with Korra's daughter.

Rei spoke "Huh, judging by the arrows on him, makes sense."

Michelle spoke "Wow, didn't see that coming."

I looked at Sonic and his wives, and before this meal, they only had extended bellies like they had a lot of food, each being around 200 pounds, but now they looked like they each weighed 500 pounds, and none of them minded one bit.

Akoya flings a small amount of water at the hawk, jolting him awake.

Korra gasps "Danyelle! You have to keep the fact you're of the same class as me a secret!"

Danyelle spoke "That was Akoya's doing."

The hawk groans "Ugh... What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "My guess would be that you fell through a temporal crack in the sky."

All the hawk saw was four cat Mobians, a hedgecat Mobian, a foxcat Mobian and an echidna Mobian beside a pair of winged fox Mobians.

The hawk asks "What the? What's going on? Who are you?"

Danyelle spoke "I'm Danyelle Hikari and these are my little ones. There's Irene, Rani, Tikal, Akoya, Daria and Damien."

Korra spoke "I'm Korra and this little one is my daughter, Iris."

The hawk spoke "Wow. Well, my name's Aang, and I'm the Avatar."

Danyelle and Korra both look at each other fearfully.

Danyelle spoke "About that... Korra and I..."

Korra shuts Danyelle up.

Korra whispers "Don't tell him."

Danyelle whispers "Really?"

Korra whispers "We gotta get him back to the past."

Danyelle whispers "We'd have to talk to Dialga about that."

Korra whispers "Right."

Danyelle asks "So Aang, do you remember how you ended up in my timeline?"

Aang asks "Huh? Timeline?"

Danyelle spoke "It's a long story."

Twilight spoke "Or more correctly, this time period."

Danyelle spoke "Cork it Sparkles!"

Korra thought to herself, "Let's just hope Aang remembers nothing about this when he gets home."

Danyelle thoughtspoke "{Agreed since I did tell Dialga to erase Aang's memories of meeting us after the hawk is back in his correct time period. And until then Korra... you can't use firebending, earthbending or airbending. I can't use waterbending, earthbending or airbending in the meantime.}"

Korra thoughtspoke "{Right.}"

Danyelle growls suddenly as her tails thrash.

Rei asks "What is it?"

Danyelle growls "Someone is targeting Aang.... If he dies then Korra and I along with our kids cease to exist!"

Rei facepalmed. “Why am I not surprised?”

Danyelle growls "It's a nasty chain effect..."

But then a dust devil appeared before it formed into Geras as he fell onto his knees with wounds before they healed as he got up.

Danyelle asks "Geras! What in StarClan's name happened?"

Geras spoke "There is no time to lose, you must come with me to the Hourglass."

Akoya and her siblings all cling to Danyelle as she and Korra followed Geras to the Hourglass.

Danyelle spoke "I sensed that Dialga was going insane."

Geras spoke "Indeed, and I need your assistance to defeat and restore him."

Danyelle spoke "Only problem is, I can only use firebending and Korra can only use waterbending for the moment until Aang's back in his time period."

But then the group heard a roar.

Danyelle roars back in retaliation.

But then Primal Dialga appeared.

Five small blue gears were hovering around Danyelle in her magic, further aggravating Primal Dialga.

Danyelle spoke "Korra, take my kids and hide. I can't fight Dialga while protecting them at the same time."

*After Korra hides with the children*

Danyelle roars loud as she flew at Primal Dialga as https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPGuiZ48PbA was heard.

Geras suddenly vanished as sand formed into Geras above Primal Dialga as he did an elbow drop on the back of his head, dealing a bit of damage.

But due to Primal Dialga's steel typing, Geras' attack did little damage.

Danyelle snaps "You dunce! Dialga is a Steel-Dragon type! Normal type attacks deal very little damage!"

Danyelle shot a Flamethrower at Primal Dialga, causing some damage.

Geras spoke "I am aware of that, but I am mostly capable of physical attacks."

Danyelle teleports fast to dodge Dialga's attack before throwing Fairy Wind at the dragon.

But due to Dialga being steel type as well, that attack only did a normal amount of damage.

Danyelle dug underground while holding the time gears close to dodge another Roar of Time.

Geras raised his hand up, summoning a sandstorm from below Primal Dialga as an attack, dealing some good damage while knocking him into the air as the steel/dragon type fell to the ground after getting hit by that special attack.

A sudden Ice Beam hits Primal Dialga from underneath as Danyelle connects the Dig attack to the underside.

That combo-attack got Dialga onto his last leg.

Danyelle dug back underground before striking Dialga down with another Ice Beam-Dig combo.

That attack made Dialga faint from too much damage.

Danyelle teleports over to the altar before putting the time gears in thus restoring balance.

Dialga groans "Ugh… What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Long story short, you went berserk so I had to snap you back to your senses."

Dialga asks "Wait, did anything happen while I was crazy?"

Danyelle spoke "*sweatdrop* Well.. Ya did... We have to get Aang back to his own time period with memories of meeting me and Korra erased from his mind."

Dialga asks "Wait... Did I cause that?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, this time period can't handle ten Avatars at the same time..."

Korra asks "Don’t you mean Avatars of the present AND past?"

Irene mewls "Mya!"

Danyelle spoke "Sorry, Korra. My bad."

Irene asks "Mya?"

Danyelle spoke "I should give my little ones a bath soon."

Irene protests "MYA!"

Akoya squeals "MYA!!!"

Danyelle asks "Hmm?"

Korra giggles "Seems the six of them don't like baths."

Later, Danyelle, Korra and their kids were back as a portal back to Aang’s time appeared.

Danyelle was holding onto all of her children with magic so they didn't follow after the hawk.

Danyelle spoke "I guess this will be the only time we'll see you."

Aang spoke "Well, it was good to see you."

Danyelle spoke "Too bad you won't remember any of this when you return to your time."

Aang spoke "That’s alright. ‘Cause I think we might’ve already known each other here anyway."

Korra spoke "You could say that since I'm you in a way."

Aang chuckles "Hahaha! Yeah, I could tell you were the next me all along."

Korra asks "…Huh?"

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Aang chuckles "Gotcha. Hahaha!"

Korra and Danyelle laugh "Get going on back to your proper time you cheeky hawk!"

Aang spoke "Sure thing. Later!"

Aang jumped into the portal before it closed.

But Aang soon forgot who Danyelle and Korra were since his memories of the two were erased.

Danyelle spoke "Well, there he goes."


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