• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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A Hellish Wedding Part 2

*Loona’s POV*

*Flustered whimpering* Oh man…. A lot’s going through my head about this…

I get a tail slap to the face from the brown Mew.

Danyelle spoke "Snap out of it Loonie, this is the most important day of your life!"

“Yeah, no shit.” I muttered.

I get a nasty glare from Irene.

Danyelle spoke "Watch your mouth around my kids."

“Sorry.” I sweated a bit.

Danyelle spoke "Consider it your first lesson for when you and Ryōta have kids of your own."

Twilight spoke "Phew! Found my dress!"

Nyx giggles "Silly mommy!"

"Uh, hello? You know that’s easier said than done since I’m from down there, right?” I pointed out.

Twilight spoke "Still, I wonder what’ll happen during this wedding."

Danyelle spoke "That may be so but kids are easily influenced by their parents."

Nyx sneezes, causing Twilight to get drenched with water.

Twilight spoke "Aw man..."

Blaze spoke "Looks like you got a waterbender."

Twilight spoke "Given how the moon controls the tides‘ ebb and flow, it makes sense."

Blaze spoke "Not only that, Nyx was once a part of Luna."

Beelzebub spoke "Welp, everything’ll be ready soon."

Danyelle spoke "Oh shoot, I gotta get Loona to Canterlot right now so she can be fitted for her wedding dress!"

Danyelle teleported with her kids, Beelzebub and I to Hazbin Hotel thus meeting up with Charlie and Vaggie before heading to Canterlot via portal with the nine.


Rarity and Blizzardstar pull me into a dressing room so they could get me ready.

“Is this really necessary?” I asked with a bead of sweat.

Rarity spoke "Of course it is dear."

“This is… embarrassing.” I admitted while now only in my bra and underwear.

Blizzardstar brings over a red kimono for me to try on.

Blizzardstar spoke "This would look good on you dear."

"You sure?" I asked.

Rarity spoke "Of course dear, Ryōta's of Neighponese origin since his dad is a demon."

"Wait-what?!” I gasped, totally shocked by that.

Blizzardstar chuckles "It's true, Ryōta's mom may be a pony but she married a demon. Even Mr. Rich's current wife is a demon."

"What’s his name?” I asked.

Rarity spoke "I believe his name is Tama, he's a demon dog."

“TAMA?!” I gasped, completely caught off guard.

While brushing the knots out of my tail, Kagome asks "How do you know my uncle in law?"


Kagome spoke "I guess they'd know about my father in-law as well, his name's Toga."

“Ya think?!” I deadpanned.

Kagome giggles "Well, it'll be a BIG shocker for every demon in Tartarus once they find out that you'll gain Tama as a father in law!"

Shit… That got me really sweating now.

Kagome pulled at a rather tough knot of fur, making me yelp.

“GYAH! What the hell?!” I growled at that sudden tightening.

Kagome growls "You love Ryōta right?"

“Y-Yeah?” I stammered.

Kagome spoke "Famous demon or not, you get your sorry ass out there and marry the man you love!"

“B-But… What if I’m not good enough…?” I whimpered, sitting against a wall.

Kagome spoke "Bullshit, Ryōta doesn't care about that. He loves you just the way you are, flaws and all. And I'll even let you in on a secret, Ryōta hates needles too."

“Wait, really?” I asked, making me giggle a tiny bit.

Kagome giggles "Yeah, he freaked the hell out the last time he got his shots."

That made me giggle so much that worrying I wasn’t good enough was completely gone from my head.

Soon enough, I was dressed and was now walking towards the reception hall with Kagome and Rarity since Blizzardstar had gone on ahead.

I heard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tDYMayp6Dk being played by one of the chakats as I entered the reception hall.

Danyelle had Blitzo's mouth clamped shut with magic.

Ryōta was wearing a Japanese tuxedo while waiting with three other males.

Inuyasha asks "You okay Ryōta?"

Ryōta spoke "Shut it Inuyasha or your wife will use the word on you."

Inuyasha immediately shuts up.

Ryōta was smiling when he saw me in my wedding kimono.

With Tama beside her, Celestia spoke "*ahem* We are gathered here today to join these two demons in matrimony, never before have I seen a love forged by a bond during the exorcists' attack. It almost brings tears to my eyes that we are to witness a union."

Tama spoke "And it wasn't that long ago that I reaffirmed my love for my mare but now, our eldest son is getting married and we couldn't be more prouder of the man he has grown into."

Celestia asks "Ryōta, do you take this hellhound woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto her for as long as you both shall live?"

Ryōta spoke "I do."

Tama asks "Do you Loona take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, in good times and woe, for richer or poorer, keeping yourself unto him for as long as you both shall live?"

Danyelle glares at Blitzo, stopping him from speaking out in objection.

And since Blitzo was magically tied to his seat, he couldn’t struggle much or at all.

Danyelle giggles since she was the one who had tied Blitzo to the chair with magic.

I spoke with tears in my eyes "I do."

Celestia spoke "Ryōta and Loona will now exchange rings as a symbol of their love and commitment."

Ryōta slides the wedding ring onto my ring finger as I did the same.

Tama and Celestia spoke "By the authority vested in us by Equestrian Marriage Ministries and the City of Canterlot, we now pronounce you husband and wife!"

Ryōta pulls me in for a kiss as the others cheer.

Rainbow flew high into the sky as she pulls off a Rainboom.

Rainbow spoke "BEST WEDDING EVER!!!"

*That night,*

The after-wedding party was underway as Ryōta and I had cut the cake with a knife.

Twilight was singing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJZU7ulZB94 as Ryōta and I got into the carriage that was headed for the Chuddle Hotel.

Ryōta asks "Ready to go?"

I spoke "I almost forgot!"

Right after I threw the bouquet, Sonic used a bit of airbending to make it land in Charlie's hands thus causing her and Vaggie to blush like crazy.

Ryōta chuckles "Hehe, that crazy hedgehog. He never changes.

I giggle "My adopted father nearly spat his coffee when he found out how many wives that hedgehog has. But I know you would never take another wife, right honey?"

Ryōta chuckles "Heh, you’re the only one for me, LooLoo."

I nibble at my husband's ears, causing his wings to fluff up.

“I promise you this, Ryōta, when we come back, we’ll both have changed.” I smirked.

Ryōta chuckles "And I have special plans for you Loonie."

“Who knows where our adventures in the Hotel and Blobtopia wait for us. And ya know, as much as I’m glad it’s just the two of us, I’d think it’d be a lot more fun if Bee and Tex was there with us.” I giggled as Ryōta smiled at that.

Ryōta chuckles "You naughty hellhound bitch, maybe I should punish you once we get our room."

My ears lowered with a smirk and half-lidded eyes as I crawled onto my husband’s lap while looking at him right in the eyes. “We’ll see who’ll be punishing who, my devious demon dog bastard.”

Ryōta chuckles "and in a year from now, our parents will have a grandchild or two to spoil."

I then started gyrating my hips on Ryota’s lap, making both of us blush as I giggled “Who saw we can have one or two. You and I both know we can have so much more.”

Ryōta chuckles "You naughty bitch, you think you can handle satyr kids?"

“I know I can, you devious bastard. Question is can you handle me during our fun, ‘cause we Hellhounds are absolute beasts when it comes to that.” I giggled as our foreheads and noses touched each other.

Ryōta playfully growls "I may be half alicorn but I have demon stamina."

I playfully growled too as our tails intertwined. “Then save the lust for after we eat and get to our rooms, Ryōta.”

Ryōta growls "With pleasure, Loona."

Ryōta and I then kissed, making out while hugging each other.

We soon arrived at the Chuddle Hotel.

Ryōta spoke "I heard that the Hellfire Suite is only reserved for the most hardcore demons."

“Is that a challenge?” I asked with a smirk.

Ryōta spoke "Don't make me laugh Loonie, my uncle Toga's one of the most hardcore demons I know."

The two of us playfully glared at each other before our stomachs growled like hell.

Ryōta asks "So you wanna check in?"

“Hehe, fuck yeah.” I smiled.

Ryōta laughs "Race ya!"

Ryōta flew off towards the check in desk, causing me to chase after him.

The two of us raced before arriving at the desk at the exact same time.

Ryōta chuckles "You're fast though nowhere near as fast as my cousin Sonic."

“Oh yeah? I could take him on.” I said.

Ryōta laughs "Oh please! Sonic's the fastest Mobian alive, not many can keep up with his speed!"

A female asks "Hello, you two checking in?

“Hmm?” Ryōta and I noticed before seeing a Mewtwo that was wearing a thin yellow scarf around the main neck along with a magatama.

Kita was heard howling as he got launched by his twin sister before he crashed into Mia, accidentally kissing the female Mewtwo.

Yuu laughs "Consider that payback for the shaving prank you pulled on me!"

Ryōta and I noticed that Yuu's tail had no fur on it.

Ryōta spoke "Those two are Yuu and Kita Ogami, they're my maternal cousins."

Kita got off of Mia. “Sorry!"

Kita then flew off with a blush on his face, leaving a shocked Mia blushing.

“Um, yeah, we’re checking in.” I answered, snapping Mia outta it.

Mia asks "Which room or where to?"

Ryōta spoke "We'll take the Hellfire Suite."

Mia spoke "*Bead of sweat* Are you sure? I heard it’s dangerously hot in there. But at least the food brought in are unaffected."

Ryōta spoke "My mom's the alicorn of the sun and my dad's a powerful demon, I can handle it. And so can my wife since she's a hellhound."

Mia spoke "Okay."

But then our stomachs growled again.

Mia spoke "And you’re in luck, there’s a perfectly functional food summoner in there."

Ryōta thanks Mia before carrying me bridal style to the hellfire suite.

“Think we should change for our meal?” I giggled.

Ryōta teases "Or we could go commando since it'll be just us in there."

That made me blush before I sighed with a smile. “And I was hoping for some suspense, but hey, commando’s alright for the first time. But you should know, demons would kill to lay a hand on my ass.”

Ryōta chuckles "Well sucks to be them though because your ass is mine now."

But then our stomachs growled again.

“Save it for after we eat, bad boy.” I teased.

Ryōta chuckles "Fair enough plus I have a fast metabolism, given who my mom is."

“Hehe, don’t get too cocky, smartass. Eating the food from here might do us some good, like making my ass bigger.” I pointed out while rubbing Ryota between the legs, making him blush harder.

Ryōta laughs "You're such a horny bitch but I love you all the more!"

Our stomachs growled once more.

“Well, time to strip down and eat some food, lusty bastard.” I smirked.

Ryōta ditches the clothes he was wearing, revealing that he was dog Mobian from the waist up but his legs were pony legs. And his flanks were blank since he didn't have a cutie mark.

“Hot damn…” I awed before smirking, stripping down too as I grabbed the food summoner while noticing a table.

Ryōta spoke "And no, I don't have a cutie mark since I can't figure out what the heck I'm good at."

I brought out a meal from the food summoner big enough to feed an army as I turned towards Ryōta with a slice of spicy cake while raising it to his mouth. “Well, perhaps you’ll need a… little help. *Lustful and hungry growl*”

Ryōta wipes the drool from his mouth.

Ryōta spoke "Curse my love of cake... I got that from my mom as well... And I forgot to mention that by marrying me, you're a princess now."

He… He’s right! But something in me is telling me to not worry about that. “Oh, I can freak out about that later. Down the hatch!”

I shoved the cake into my hubby’s mouth before he chewed and swallowed it, instantly gaining a pot belly. But then Ryōta shoved a piece of steak into my mouth as I gnawed and gulped it down, gaining a pot belly too with my breasts and ass looking a tad bigger.

Ryōta chuckles "Despite my high metabolism, looks like this fat isn’t going anywhere."

“Come on, chubby hubby, we have a feast to eat.” I giggled as we dug in, getting bigger and fatter as both of us couldn’t stop eating. After an hour, we were completely stuffed and each as big as the sun, each weighing nine nonillion pounds, and yet the room looked exactly the same, not cramped at all.

Ryōta spoke "Can’t believe we ate all that. *Belch!*"

“Yeah, but… *Burp!* I’m liking what I’m seeing.” I added, eyeing his assets as everything about him was big with him eyeing me and my assets. “You look goddamn fuckin’ hot like that, Ryōta.”

Ryōta asks "Really?"

“No shit.” I confirmed as I walked over to my husband with all of my body jiggling before I hugged him.

Ryōta spoke "Then I must admit you look like the most beautiful goddess like this, Loona."

“Thanks, now how about we have some REAL fun.” I challenged as I bit Ryōta in the neck, leaving a mark.

Ryōta gnaws at my neck, leaving a bite mark there.

*Some time later*

Ryōta was on his back with his wings spread wide while I was on his belly.

Ryōta chuckles "That was fun, we should go a second round."

“Hehehehe… Like you had to fuckin’ ask!” I said with a big smile before we started making out again with our tails twirling around each other while we were in a big fat hug.

But then we looked dead into each other’s eyes, seeing everything we needed and wanted to see, bringing dark smiles onto our faces. “Let’s fuck each other up!!!”

*Nine hours later*

*Panting* Okay… that… was… THE FUCKING BEST!!! We were both now on our backs right next to each other.

Ryōta asks "You outta gas?"

“Yeah… You?” I asked back.

Ryōta spoke "Tapped out. But wow… what a supernova of fun that was."

“Yeah. We should go all-out like this more often.” I agreed as we rolled onto our sides towards each other, our bellies smooching with my boobs kissing Ryōta's moobs. “Wanna sleep while still connected?”

Ryōta spoke "Hehe, that’d be perfect before we rest."

We then started making out slowly and gently this time, before falling asleep with both of us feeling only pure pleasure. I wonder what tomorrow will bring…


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