• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,597 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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Doubts and Plans

Author's Note:

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you're having a wonderful time and enjoying yourselves! Here's a present from me to all of you! I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your comments! Thanks again to KR Chrome!

“The food is delicious Spike!” Twilight said in delight as she took another spoonful of the delicacy her baby dragon has made.

“Thanks, Twilight!” Spike thanked the princess, hearing Twilight praise him always brought him great joy.

The two were enjoying a delicious meal that Spike had cooked up when a bright light blinded them.

“What in Equestria?!” Twilight shouted as she used her wing to shield her from the intense light, she used her magic to bring Spike to her to protect him in case of danger.


“Princess Celestia?!” Twilight recognized the voice as the light faded to reveal the Princess of the Sun. “What are you doing here and why do you look so panicked?”

“Twilight, it’s Sunset!” Celestia said in a panic. “She’s in danger!”

“Danger?” Twilight questioned, watching as the princess looked around frantically. “Princess Celestia calm down, you’re not making much sense.”

“The journal, Twilight! Where’s the journal?!” Princess Celestia asked almost hysterically as she desperately looked around for the journal.

“It’s right here Princess,” Twilight said as she levitated the journal in front of the princess. “Princess Celestia, what has gotten you so worked up?”

Princess Celestia took the journal in her magic and flipped through the pages until she found today’s entry, she quickly read through it and discovered that Sunset was safe. However…

“Twilight, what is going on with Sunset? And who is Anon-A-Miss?” the sun Princess asked, flipping through the previous entries.

Twilight was about to explain when she noticed Celestia’s eyes narrow before looking back at her.

“Never mind, Sunset explained it very well.” The Princess closes the journal with an auditable snap before floating it back to Twilight.

As Twilight took hold of the journal with her magic, she watched the solar Princess take several deep breaths to calm herself.

“My apologies for the outburst earlier Twilight,” Celestia apologized to the Princess of friendship, now fully regaining her composure.

“Don’t worry Princess, I understand. Sunset means a lot to you,” Twilight assures her mentor, glancing over at Spike. “I know I would act the same way.”

“Thank you, Twilight. If it’s alright, may I ask what has been going on with Sunset in the other world?” Celestia asked.

“Sure thing, Princess,” Twilight said as she set the journal down on the table. “Spike, can you make the Princess some tea please?”

“Right away!” Spike saluted before going to prepare the tea.

“Please have a seat, Princess.” Twilight motioned for the Princess to sit.

Spike quickly came back with a tray that had a teacup and two teacups, he sets the tray down and poured a cup for Celestia before handing it to her.

“Thank you, Spike.” Princess Celestia thanked the young dragon, taking the tea in her magic.

“You’re welcome, Princess,” Spike said with a smile as he poured another cup of tea and handed it to Twilight.

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight thanked Spike as she nuzzled him.

Spike appreciated the affection before taking a seat by Twilight’s side, Celestia watched with a hint of envy. A reminder of what she had lost.

“Now then,” Twilight cleared her throat before she started to explain to the Princess what has been going on.

Fluttershy layed on top of her bed facing the ceiling, she was conflicted. Honestly, things had not been going so well for her and her friends. After Anon-A-Miss posted those embarrassing photos of their slumber party, they had angrily thrown Sunset Shimmer out of the group. Once her anger subsided, Fluttershy wondered if they had made a mistake but she had been afraid to voice out her opinion.

Now, things at school have gone crazy. Sunset Shimmer had once again taken over the school and she also had taken their magic. But what bothered her was when a group of students harassed her after she and her friends failed to defeat Sunset Shimmer. It was Sunset who had helped her.

What if they had made a mistake? What if Sunset was not Anon-A-Miss? That still didn’t explain why she decided to go bad again. If she wasn’t Anon-A-Miss, shouldn’t she try to clear her name?

Fluttershy wanted to talk with the girls about this but it seemed they were focused on bringing Sunset down. Rainbow Dash also seemed obsessed about it, like it was some kind of sacred mission. She knew her friend had an ego and loved to be the hero but it was like she wanted Sunset Shimmer to be evil because then it would be alright to beat her. Rainbow Dash simply refused to admit she was wrong.

Fluttershy brought her phone up to her face and looked at her contacts. There was someone she could talk to, Pinkie Pie. She’d probably understand.

“I hope she’s not still at work,” Fluttershy hoped as she checked the time on her phone, it was half-past six so Pinkie Pie should be out of work. She pressed her number and placed her phone against her ear, she heard it ring twice before a cheerful voice answered.

Hi, Fluttershy!’ Pinkie answered happily.

“Hi, Pinkie. Do you have a minute?” Fluttershy asked, sitting upright.

Of course! What do you want to talk about?’ Pinkie Pie asked.

“It’s...it’s about Sunset,” Fluttershy answered, a little nervously.

Oh,’ the cheeriness in Pinkie’s voice was gone.

“If you don’t want to talk about her then I understand!” Fluttershy quickly said, hoping her friend wasn’t mad at her.

'It's fine. Let's talk about Sunset. If you need to vent, I'm here.' Pinkie Pie assured Fluttershy.

"I'm starting to think she's not Anon-A-Miss," Fluttershy said, getting straight to the point.

'...You too, huh?'

"Pinkie? You mean you're..." Fluttershy was surprised to hear that Pinkie Pie had second thoughts about Sunset’s guilt.

'I talked with Maud. She made me reconsider a few things about Sunset and Anon-A-Miss but it started when our magic did not work on Sunset like we thought it would.' Pinkie explained.

“Rainbow Dash believes it’s because Sunset stole our magic,” Fluttershy said.

But that still doesn’t explain why she turned into an angel instead of a demon,’ Pinkie Pie pointed out. ‘And then there’s the whole taking over the school thing.’

“I’m really confused, Pinkie. One moment Sunset helps me the next she’s back to her mean ways,” Fluttershy said in frustration. “I don’t understand Sunset at all.”

‘....Did we really understand her?’ Pinkie Pie questioned, more to herself than Fluttershy.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

I think we should discuss this with the girls tomorrow,’ Pinkie Pie suggested. ‘I wanna hear their answer,’

“Okay,” Fluttershy simply said. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Pinkie.”

See you, Fluttershy.’ Pinkie Pie said farewell, her tone soft.

Fluttershy hung up and placed her phone on her nightstand and when she did she noticed that her hand was shaking.

“Why am I shaking?” Fluttershy asked herself. “Am I..afraid?”

Fluttershy was confused, what was she afraid of? She held her shaking hand and tried to calm herself by taking deep slow breaths, her hand soon stopped shaking and Fluttershy got up from her bed to go feed her animals.

“And that’s what has been happening with Sunset, Princess.” Twilight finished explaining.

Princess Celestia has her eyes closed, her expression unreadable. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at Twilight, a smile slowly formed on her lips.

“Thank you, Twilight. Sunset truly needed a friend in her hour of need and despite the distance, you were there for her.” Princess Celestia thanked Twilight.

“I only did what any good friend would do,” Twilight humbly said, her cheeks a little rosy.

“And she needs that friendship more than ever now,” Princess Celestia said as she used her magic to open the journal to Sunset discussing her plans. “Becoming the worst of what everyone assumes of you just to bring about peace, Sunset has placed a heavy burden on her shoulders.”

“She has,” Twilight agrees sadly, her ears dropping. “Princess, Sunset feels that her efforts to change were all in vain and the sad part is that she’s right.”

“Twilight, Sunset has been in that world for a long time. Only she knows the extent of the torment she has inflicted on the students there, I fear that despite how much Sunset tries to make up for her mistakes, she might never be truly forgiven.” Princess Celestia said sadly.

Twilight was even more saddened by this, she had hoped that everything would be back to how they used to be. But it appears that Sunset will always be alone in that world without a friend, Twilight looks at Celestia and sees that she’s not happy about this either.

“Celestia, would you mind helping us?”

“But I thought you two didn’t need my help yet?” Celesta questioned.

“That’s true, but the thought of Sunset only having one pony there for her isn’t right,” Twilight explains. “I think she would be really happy to have you in her corner.”

“I don’t want to push her into doing something she’s not ready for,” Celestia said, fearing that this will only stress Sunset further.

“You won’t, but you said so yourself that Sunset needs a friend now more than ever. She needs us,” Twilight argued, a smile graced her lips as she spoke the next words in a soft voice “But maybe who Sunset really needs, is you.”

Princess Celestia cast her gaze on her teacup, ever since Sunset left for the other world she has been going over in her mind what exactly went wrong. She realized what went wrong when she recalled the look in Sunset’s eyes, it was the same look that her sister had given her. A look of anger, frustration, and betrayal. It was her fault, if she had acted sooner then maybe Sunset wouldn’t have gone down the path that she has. She had failed her sister and now she had failed her daughter, how could she have been such a fool? She had longed for a chance to make up for her mistake and with the return of her sister, her hope only grew that one day her family can be whole again.

But there was always that nagging voice in the back of her head, telling her that she’s going to mess up. That she’s going to once again push her daughter away, Celesta shakes her head, now is not the time for self-doubt. Her daughter needs her.

“You’re right, Twilight. I would be happy to help Sunset.” Celestia said, looking at Twilight with a smile.

“Great!” Twilight was happy to hear this, and Sunset will be very happy too. “By the way, Princess Celestia. How did you know that Sunset was in trouble?”

“Oh! It’s simple, I’ve placed a spell on Sunset’s journal that alerts me if something were to happen to it.” Celestia explained.

“Sunset didn’t mention this,” Twilight said, wondering why Sunset wouldn’t tell her this.

“Sunset isn’t aware of the spell,” Celestia said sheepishly.

“Well, you’re going to have to tell her that when you two reunite,” Twilight said.

“I’ll be sure too,” Celestia assured her former student, getting up from her chair. “Thank you, Twilight. I must be heading back now, let me know when Sunset writes back.”

“Will do,” Twilight said as she watched the Princess teleport herself back to the royal palace.

The following morning, Rainbow Dash is tapping her foot impatiently as she waits by the Wondercolt statue. She spots Applejack approaching and quickly goes to meet her.

“About time!” Rainbow Dash said, in an irritated tone.

“Good morning to you too, Dash.” Applejack said sarcastically.

“Hello, darlings!” Rarity waved to her friends as she approached them.

“Now we just gotta wait for Pinkie and Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked in the direction the two usually come from.

Right on cue Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy came into view, both girls waving at their friends.

“Now that everyone’s here, I got some serious news to tell you, girls.” Rainbow Dash spoke in a serious tone.

"What a coinkidink! We've got something to say too and it's super important!" Pinkie Pie said cheerily but there was a serious glimmer in her eyes.

"OK, but I bet it won't be as serious as my news."

Pinkie Pie nudged Fluttershy forward. Fluttershy hated being put on the spot like this but she owed it to Sunset to speak her mind. She had a lot of time to think about Anon-A-Miss, Sunset's involvement, and her mission to take control of the school. Rainbow Dash may not want to hear it but it needed to be said.

"...I think you're wrong about Sunset Shimmer," Fluttershy spoke softly but still loud enough for Rainbow Dash to hear.

Rainbow Dash blinked, surprised and unsure of what she just heard coming from Fluttershy.

"What was that, Shy?"

"I think you're wrong about Sunset Shimmer," Fluttershy repeated as she put more courage in her words and stance. Pinkie Pie pumped her fist.

"Wrong? I can't be wrong! Sunset's gone bad! She's evil!" Rainbow Dash argued, she can’t believe that her childhood friend would defend the one who betrayed them.

"And I think you're wrong!" Fluttershy shouted back. "And you know what else I think? You just want Sunset to be the bad guy so you don't have to feel guilty about how we treated her!"

Normally, Fluttershy was soft-spoken and shy like her name implied but when she got furious or passionate she could really raise her voice. Rainbow Dash was shocked by the accusation, she tried to argue back but no words came out of her mouth.

“See? You know I’m right!” Fluttershy stated.

“Easy there, Fluttershy.” Applejack tried to calm down her friend, placing a hand on the shy girl’s shoulder. “We’re all friends here.”

“I admit that I do feel bad for the way I treated Sunset,” Rainbow Dash spoke, a hint of regret in her voice. “But I heard her plan Fluttershy, I heard her command her army, just like I heard her plan something with Trixie using our stolen magic at the Canterlot hospital.”

“Canterlot Hospital? Are yah sure about that Dash?” Applejack asked, wondering why Sunset would want to go to a hospital with Trixie of all people.

“Positive, I heard them talking about putting on a show there.” Rainbow Dash said seriously.

“But why would Sunset and Trixie choose a hospital to use our magic?” Rarity questioned.

“Ah dunno what Sunset’s up to but she can’t be up to any good,” Applejack said.

“We gotta stop her. This is our chance to get my magic back.” Rainbow Dash urged her friends.

“Your magic?” Rarity questioned, raising an eyebrow at Dash.

“I mean our magic,” Rainbow Dash laughed nervously.

“How can you be so sure that that’s what Sunset said?” Fluttershy questioned.

“Fluttershy, I was there!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice. “How many times do I have to tell you that I heard Sunset myself!”

“But what if she knew you were there and she’s just stringing you along?” Rarity asked. “We know that Sunset is great at deceiving people, she did deceive us after all.”

“But what if that’s also a deception?” questioned Rainbow. “Like you said, Sunset is a manipulator. She could be stringing us along and we may never know what she’s really planning, that’s why we have to act on every lead.”

“Do we really know what Sunset is capable of?” Pinkie questioned, gaining everyone’s attention.

“What’re yah sayin’, Pinkie?” Applejack asked.

“Girls, from all the time we spent with Sunset, can you honestly say you know her?” Pinkie Pie asked in a serious tone.

“Why would that matter now?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Pinkie, what brought this on?” Rarity asked, curious as to what the party girl was thinking.

“I’ve been thinking a lot about Sunset’s ‘betrayal’,” Pinkie Pie air quoted. “And I’ve noticed that all we know about Sunset is of her as a bully, I don’t remember ever learning anything else about her.”

“She knows how to play guitar,” Rainbow Dash brought up.

“She’s a hard worker?” Applejack half asked.

“She has a very unique style,” Rarity said matter of fact.

“I don’t know anything about her,” Fluttershy said honestly, she is a bit saddened with this admission.

“Me neither,” Pinkie Pie agreed, saddened that she doesn’t really know who Sunset is.

“So what if we don’t know anything about Sunset,” Rainbow Dash said dismissively. “It doesn't change what we know she is now.”

“An all-powerful Queen.”

The girls are startled by the voice and quickly turned around to see Sunset.

“Good morning, ladies.” Sunset greeted her former friends, smiling fiendishly at them.

“What do you want?” Rainbow Dash asked, glaring at Sunset.

“Nothing, just observing the state of CHS only resistance cell. But I suppose calling you that is too much,” Sunset mocked.

“What did you say?” Rainbow Dash said in a threatening tone.

"I mean how effective are you, really? No magic, no army, no plan. You certainly aren't united if what I’ve seen is any indication,” Sunset insulted them.

Rainbow Dash had had enough and marched up to Sunset.

“Listen here Sunset, you’re going down and this time you’re going to stay down!” Rainbow Dash vowed as she got close to Sunset’s face.

“You have very pretty eyes, Dashie. So full of intensity,” Sunset winked at Rainbow.

Rainbow Was taken aback by this and stumbled back.

“What the heck?!” Rainbow Dash did not expect Sunset to say that.

“What’s the matter, Rainbow Dash? Can’t take a compliment?” Sunset teased. “You were always one to be shy when complimented on your femininity.” Sunset looks to the other members of the Rainbooms. “Despite her generosity, Rarity is very vain, Applejack is as stubborn as a mule, Pinkie Pie is just Pinkie. As for Fluttershy...you get the picture.”

Rarity was visibly offended by this, Applejack groaned in annoyance, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy looked down in sadness.

“Face it, you girls can’t do anything to stop me. So just fall in line like everyone else,” Sunset said with a smile as she walked past them and towards the school.

“Still think she’s not Anon-A-Miss, Shy?” Rainbow Dash asked, glaring at Sunset’s back.

Fluttershy remained silent, watching Sunset enter the school with sad eyes.

“We’re going to show her when we stop whatever plan she has with Trixie at the hospital,” Rainbow Dash vowed.

Inside the school, Sunset looked at her locker, all clean. The graffiti had been washed off, much to her pleasure. The students knew not to mess with her and Sunset is intent to keep it that way.

“Today is going to turn out very interesting,” Sunset smirked.