• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Burned Bridge

“Say, Applejack. Are you still going to have the Christmas party at your house this Christmas eve?” Pinkie Pie asked as she and the Rainbooms are all in the gymnasium which they didn’t have with Sunset.

“Sure am,” Applejack answered with a smile. “It’s an Apple Family tradition.”

“Will you be inviting Sunset?” Rarity asked, sitting behind Applejack on the bleachers.

“Do ah have the right to ask her?” Applejack questioned sadly.

“It couldn’t hurt to ask,” Fluttershy said with a kind smile.

“Ah have next period with her so ah’ll ask her then,” Applejack said.

“Don’t worry, darling. It’ll work out,” Rarity assured Applejack as she placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“In the meantime how about a quick basketball game to get you ready?” Rainbow Dash suggested as she spun the basketball on her finger.

“Sure yah can beat me this time, Dash?” Applejack asked with a grin as she stood up.

“In my sleep!” Rainbow Dash said confidently.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack played basketball for the remainder of the period, despite a close match, Rainbow Dash was the victor. The next period bell rang and the girls wished Applejack luck on asking Sunset, the farm girl went over in her head how she was going to ask Sunset. When she walked through the door of her class she spotted Sunset already seated.

Here goes nothin’, Applejack thought as she made her way towards Sunset.

“H-hey, Sunset?”

“Hm?” Sunset looked up from her book at Applejack.

“C-can ah ask yah somethin’?” Applejack nervously asked.

Sunset took note of Applejack’s nervousness and had an idea of what she wanted to ask.

“Sorry Applejack, but I’m afraid I have to turn you down.”

“Oh,” Applejack softly said, a wave of sadness washing over her.

“Sorry but given what’s happened I can’t go out with you,” Sunset explained apologetically.

“Wait what?!” Applejack was taken aback.

“Weren’t you going to ask me out?” Sunset asked.

“N-no, ah was going to ask yah if yah wanted to come to the Christmas party at Sweet Apple acres!” Applejack clarified, her face beat red.

“Oh, but isn’t that only for the Apple family?” Sunset questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Yer right, but ah want to invite yah as mah guest. There’s nothing against inviting guests,” Applejack explained.

“Hmm, in that case, I accept.” Sunset accepted, smiling at Applejack.

“Really?” Applejack asked, a surprised and happy smile on her lips.

“Of course, it would be very rude to refuse an invitation from one of my followers,” Sunset said. “What time should I be there and should I bring anything?”

“It starts at 8 an’ yah don’t need to bring anything,” Applejack explained, happy that Sunset will be attending the party.

“I’ll be looking forward to it then,” Sunset said with a smile.

Applejack nodded as she went to take her seat, she spends the rest of the period smiling.

“Put your backs into it!” Sunset ordered as she and her followers are shoveling snow from the school entrances and parking lot. “Just a little bit more!”

“Your majesty, can’t you use your magic to clear out all the snow?” Rainbow Dash asked as she pushed the snow onto the street.

“You can’t always depend on magic, Rainbow Dash,” Sunset told her former friends as she pushed the snow into a big pile of snow.

“It sure would make this easy though,” Rainbow said as she wiped some sweat off her brow.

“Since when are you afraid of a little hard work?” Sunset questioned with a grin.

“Never!” Rainbow Dash said with a grin of her own.

“But if you need a break…” Sunset trailed off as she brought Rainbow Dash close and ran a finger down the side of her face. “I’ll be happy to give you one.”

“That’s okay I’m fine!” Rainbow Dash quickly said as she pulled away from Sunset and resumed shoveling the snow.

Sunset giggled as she resumed her work, she enjoyed this kind of revenge on Rainbow. Her smile drops as she remembers her conversation with Cinch, about how it’s not bad to seek revenge on her former friends. But Sunset couldn’t help but feel guilty for enjoying Rainbow’s embarrassment, there must be a way to seek her revenge without feeling guilty.

Once they finished shoveling the snow, Sunset dismissed her followers as she headed towards the mall with Rainbow Dash.

“How’s everything at work?” Sunset asked, initiating conversation.

“Fine, but it’s busy this time of year with the holidays and all.” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Are you managing okay?” Sunset asked with concern.

“Yeah, I managed to do my job and spy on you when I thought you were up to something evil.” Rainbow Dash assured her.

“I’m surprised you managed to focus on your job with me always on your mind,” Sunset winked at Rainbow.

“I’m great at multi-tasking,” Rainbow winked back.

Both girls laughed, it felt just like when they were friends. The two made it to the mall and they parted ways, Sunset made her way through the shopping crowds until she spotted a certain stage magician performing basic illusions to a small crowd.

“Hi, Trixie,” Sunset called out to her friend as she jogged the remaining distance. “Did I keep you waiting?”

“Not at all, Trixie is just dazzling the crowd with her amazing feats of magic!” Trixie boasted.

Sunset pulled off her clothes to reveal her magician’s assistant outfit underneath, both birls began performing for the crowd that grew larger with each amazing performance. When the show was over, Sunset and Trixie headed over to the food court.

“Another amazing performance!” Trixie bragged as she took a sip of her hot cocoa.

“By me of course,” Sunset bragged before she and Trixie burst into laughter.

“So what’s troubling you, Sunset?” Trixie asked.

“What makes you say that?” Sunset asked, looking away suspiciously.

“As your friend, it’s my job to notice these things.” Trixie pointed out.

“Wish my old friends thought the same,” Sunset mumbled.

“So it’s about your traitorous friends?” Trixie questioned, a sly grin on her face.

“Yeah,” Sunset admitted, closing her eyes. “I’m still upset with them for betraying me and a part of me wants to get back at them but…”

“You feel guilty for wanting revenge?” Trixie guessed.

“The therapist said that it was okay to pursue revenge as long as I’m not hurting anyone,” Sunset said as she opened her eyes to look at Trixie.

“Well, you’re off to a good start with embarrassing Rainbow Dash,” Trixie pointed out as she took a bite of her muffin.

“But I still feel guilty about it,” Sunset told her. “I even had a nightmare where I beat them up!”

Trixie watched as Sunset covered her face with her hands, she was really bothered by this.

“I don’t know what to do,” Sunset said.

“You can’t rush these things you know,” Trixie said. “You’ve been stressing yourself a lot these past few days, it’s the holidays, enjoy yourself and save this for next year.”

“You make it sound so easy,” Sunset said.

“That’s because it is,” Trixie said as she finished her hot chocolate. “Don’t you spend the holidays with your family?”

“Not really,” Sunset replied sadly. “I was never very close with my family in Equestria, and before I came here I fought with my mom.”

“Sorry about that,” Trixie said with compassion as she laid a comforting hand on top of Sunset’s. “But you two must have made up since she helped you right?”

“Yeah and I met my Equestrian aunt for the first time too,” Sunset said happily.

“See, you should use this chance to spend time with them.” Trixie pointed out. “That’s what the holidays are all about, spending time with family.”

“Family,” Sunset said in a soft voice, an image of the Rainbooms flashed in her mind which caused her to grimace.

“What’s wrong?” Trixie asked in concern.

“The Rainbooms thought of me like family, but they stabbed me in the back,” Sunset growled, clenching her fists in anger.

“Can you forgive them for what they did?” Trixie asked, her tone serious.

“I want to but I can’t right now,” Sunset answered in a frustrating tone.

“It’s because of revenge right?” Trixie inquired.

“Argh! I hate this,” Sunset groaned as she ruffled her hair. “I thought I was better than the person I used to be but I guess not.”

“We can’t all be flawless,” Trixie commented with a smile. “You do have a bad temper.”

“Gee thanks,” Sunset said sarcastically.

“You’re welcome,” Trixie grinned. “Talking about your problems also helps and Trixie is a great listener.”

“Thanks, Trixie,” Sunset thanked the stage magician. “With Twilight being a world away, you’re the only friend I’ve got.”

“Trixie promises to be there for you,” Trixie promised. “I will never betray you.”

“I wish I could believe you,” Sunset said sadly, her former friends’ betrayal has soured her trust in new friends.

“Then Trixie will prove you can trust her,” Trixie said. “Trixie will show you what true friendship is!”

Sunset smiled at Trixie’s declaration, a part of her hoped that this friendship would work out. After they finished their meal, they went window shopping for a bit before spotting Rarity with, Flash Sentry, Hoops, Score, and Dumb-bell. Rarity spotted the duo and waved them over.

“Hey, Rarity.” Sunset greeted. “How are you enjoying your escort?”

“They’re perfect gentlemen,” Rarity complimented with glee.

“We’ll make sure she gets home safe, your majesty,” Flash assured Sunset, the former unicorn was concerned that Rarity will be going home alone today since the rest of the Rainbooms leave work later than her so she asked for volunteers to escort Rarity home.

“I’m counting on you boys,” Sunset said as she bid the group goodbye.

“You still worry about them despite what they did?” Trixie asked Sunset.

“Of course, I’m not a monster Trixie,” Sunset answered. “I know Rarity can defend herself but I’d feel better knowing someone was with her.”

“The Rainbooms didn’t know how lucky they were to have you as a best friend,” Trixie commented as she laid her arm over Subset’s shoulder.

“I don’t know whether you’re complimenting me or insulting them,” Sunset said with a grin.

“A little of both,” Trixie shrugged, the Rainbooms' loss was her gain.

“Then thanks for the compliment,” Sunset thanked the stage magician.

The two continued to hang out at the mall before it was time for them to go home, Sunset made a few stops at Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy’s workplaces to make sure they had a safe travel home. After Sunset made sure that everyone got home safe, she made her way home. When she got home, Sunset thought about what Trixie had told her about taking time off with her family. Trixie is right, she should spend the Christmas break with her family. Sunset retrieved her journal and wrote a message to Twilight to pass on to her mother, a few minutes later Twilight wrote back, telling her that she will pass on the message. Sunset smiled and wrote a thank you to Twilight before closing her journal.

“Say ah,” Sunset cooed as she held a spoonful of jello to Applebloom who reluctantly opened her mouth and took a bite of the jello. “That’s a good girl.”

“Yah got some on yer face, Applebloom.” Applejack said as she used a napkin to clean her sister’s face.

It was lunchtime and Sunset and Applejack are babying Applebloom as they feed her her lunch, the youngest Apple is red in the face as the rest of Sunset’s followers are snickering at the display. Diamond Tiara had a big smile on her face as she watched her girlfriend be doted on by her big sister and queen.

“There, yer all clean.” Applejack said with a smile.

Applebloom didn’t know how much of this she could take, but she knew that she was getting off easy compared to what she made Sunset and her sister go through. She felt a pair of lips on her cheek and turned to see that her girlfriend had kissed her.

“That’s for being a good girl,” Diamond Tiara said with a smile.

Applebloom managed a small smile which she hid as she covered her face with her hands due to everyone around her saying aww. Applebloom was saved from further embarrassment when the lunch bell rang, but when Diamond Tiara took hold of her hand and Applebloom leaned close, the awws started again. Sunset watched Applebloom with a playful smile, she debated whether or not to embarrass her further but decided not to. Unlike with the Rainbooms, Sunset didn’t feel guilty for embarrassing the CMC. Maybe it had to do with her not feeling any resentment towards them, come to think of it she hadn’t told the CMC if she forgave them or not.

I’ll change that real soon,’ Sunset thought as she and the rest of her classmates filed out of the lunchroom.

“Get ready, Scootaloo.” Rainbow Dash warned as she kicked the soccer ball in Scootaloo’s direction.

Scootaloo prepared herself as the ball was rapidly approaching, she leaped to her right but her fingers only grazed the ball as it passed her and into the goal behind her.

“Good try, Scootaloo,” Sunset complimented from the sidelines, the three were in Canterlot park where Scootaloo and Rainbow would practice together. It is something just for the two of them but to Rainbow and Sunset’s surprise, Scootaloo suggested they invite Sunset.

“I was holding back but you managed to read the path of the ball and almost got it!” Rainbow Dash complimented.

“All I did was graze it though,” Scootaloo said in a disappointed tone.

“That’s a good start,” Sunset said. “Soon you’ll catch it.”

“And one day you’ll be ready for me to try for real,” Rainbow Dash said with a grin.

“You think so?” Scootaloo asked, looking at Rainbow with hopeful eyes.

“Without a doubt!” Rainbow Dash answered confidently, Scootaloo had a lot of potential.

“How about a game of two on one?” Sunset suggested as she walked towards Scootaloo. “You two against me?”

“Isn’t that kind of unfair?” Scootaloo questioned.

“True,” Sunset agreed as she reached the goal post and turned to face Rainbow and Scootaloo. “That’s why I won’t be using my hands to block the ball, to give you two a fighting chance.”

“Are you saying we can’t beat you without a handicap?” Rainbow Dash questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“I beat you girls’ while holding back, right?” Sunset stated with a grin.

“You didn’t technically beat us,” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “You...let us win.”

“That’s right,” Sunset’s grin widened as she saw the look of realization on Rainbow’s face. “Tell you what, if you can score one goal I’ll stop embarrassing you.”

“What happens if we can’t?” Scootaloo asked, fearing the answer.

“Then I’ll end your embarrassment after one last big one,” Sunset answered with an evil grin.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash visibly gulped, they feared what Sunset had in mind for their final embarrassing act.

“What do you think, Scoots?” Rainbow Dash whispered.

“I think we should do it,” Scootaloo suggested.

“Are you sure?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “If we lose, then we have to endure a big embarrassment.”

“It wouldn’t be underserved,” Scootaloo pointed out. “Besides we don't really have anything to lose,”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash admitted somberly before facing Sunset. “We accept!”

“Then bring it!” Sunset declared as she got ready.

Rainbow and Scootaloo nodded as ran towards the goal post, passing the ball to each other as they neared Sunset. Scootaloo kicked the ball and it appeared to be going over Sunset’s head, Sunset smirked as she stepped back a little before jumping up to headbutt the ball into the air.

“You have to do better than that,” Sunset mocked.

Rainbow Dash rushed towards the ball, she jumped into the air and turned around to do a backflip, and kicked the ball back towards the goal. Sunset met it head-on with a kick of her own, causing the ball to fly back at Rainbow Dash. The rainbow-haired athlete maneuvered herself in the air to kick the ball at Scootaloo who was nearing the goal.

So that was their plan,’ Sunset thought as she watched Scootaloo stop the ball with her left leg and continued towards the goal, Sunset rushed at her, and as Scootaloo was about to hit the ball Sunset jumped to the left and blocked the ball from being passed to Rainbow Dash.

“How’d you know I was going to pass to Rainbow Dash?” Scootaloo asked.

“Who do you think helped Rainbow Dash practice this?” Sunset questioned, crossing her arms and smirking. “She needed help figuring out the skill level so she can teach you it.”

“Really?” Scootaloo asked in surprise as she looked towards Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah, her majesty helped me with a lot of the moves I taught you.” Rainbow Dash said. “She’s the perfect training partner, she can play at any skill level which helped me create moves that will work best for you.”

“I had no idea,” Scootaloo said in shock.

“That’s why Rainbow Dash hasn’t been hanging out with you lately,” Sunset said, frowning slightly. “You would know if you just talked to her.”

Scootaloo rubbed her arm in shame.

“Anyway let’s get back to you two losing,” Sunset winked at the two.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo looked at each other before looking back at Sunset with determined looks, the three continued their game but no matter what play they did, Rainbow and Scootaloo couldn’t score a goal on Sunset.

“It’s impossible,” Scootaloo whined as she watched Sunset bounce the ball on her knee.

“It’s only impossible if you believe it is,” Sunset said with a playful smile as she balanced the ball on her head.

“It’s like playing against you, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo pointed out.

“Yeah, who knew I was this awesome!” Rainbow Dash said with a proud smile.

“Seeing as how you two couldn’t score a goal, I guess I win,” Sunset said with a grin.

“Fine, what’s the embarrassing thing you planned to do to us?” Rainbow Dash begrudgingly asked.

Sunset approached Rainbow Dash who didn’t like the sly smirk on her lips, she leaned close to Rainbow’s ear.

“You’ll know soon enough cutie,” Sunset whispered before kissing Rainbow’s cheek.

The rainbow-haired athlete’s face turned bright red, which caused Sunset to giggle.

“I have something very special planned for you two,” Sunset winked at Scootaloo.

Sunset and Rainbow Dash took Scootaloo home before Sunset walked Rainbow home.

“Um, your majesty?”

“Yes?” Sunset asked as she glanced at Rainbow Dash with a smile.

“I appreciate you walking me home but do I have to do this?” Rainbow Dash questioned with a blush on her cheeks, she is holding on to Sunset’s arm and the two are very close together. If someone were to see them they would assume they were dating.

“It’s what you get for losing,” Sunset said in a sing-song tone, before planting a kiss on top of Rainbow Dash’s head.

Rainbow Dash blushed even harder which made Sunset laugh, the two girls continued their walk in silence before Sunset spoke up.

“Thank you, Rainbow Dash.”

“Huh?” Rainbow Dash looked at Sunset in confusion. “Why are you thanking me for?”

“For coming to my rescue at the gym,” Sunset replied, a small smile on her lips. “How did you know I was going to be ambushed?”

“Gilda came up to me to ask me where she could find you so she and some friends can stop you from posting any more secrets, of course, I wasn’t stupid and knew she was going to jump you so I refused.” Rainbow Dash explained, frowning at the memory. “But she stole my phone and lured you anyway, when I found my phone missing I knew what happened and I rushed over to your apartment hoping I could warn you but along the way, I noticed something off about the front of the school door. After finding tape over the latch and a single trail of footprints I knew you were here, I followed the footprints and saw you giving orders to your followers.”

“You went a complete one-eighty after that,” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Sorry about that,” Rainbow apologized, looking very remorseful. “Your majesty, there’s something I have to tell you.”

“What is it?” Sunset asked as she looked at Rainbow.

“Because I was mad at you, I got rid of everything that had to do with you.” Rainbow shamefully admitted.

“You didn’t get rid of the picture on your phone,” Sunset brought up. “I saw it when Gilda handed me your phone.”

“Oh yeah!” Rainbow quickly reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, turning it on she was greeted with the wallpaper of all her friends including Sunset.

“Why did you hold on to that?” Sunset asked.

“I guess deep down I held on to hope that you weren’t Anon-A-Miss,” Rainbow Dash answered sadly.

“Your actions spoke differently,” Sunset said in a monotone voice, looking away from Rainbow.

“You’re right,” Rainbow Dash lowered her head in shame.

“It’s the same with my journal,” Sunset suddenly spoke. “Despite how angry I was with my mother, I held on to it because deep down I knew I was making a mistake.”

“At least you made up with your mom, right?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Yep, and I’ll be spending winter break with them,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Glad to know you won’t be spending Christmas alone,” Rainbow Dash said with a small smile.

“What if I did?” Sunset questioned. “What would you do?”

“I’d spent it with you,” Rainbow easily answered. “And I’m pretty sure the others would too.”

Sunset simply smiled as the two remained silent until they arrived at Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Thanks for seeing me home,” Rainbow Dash thanked Sunset, a slight blush on her cheeks.

“Anytime,” Sunset said with a wink.

Rainbow closed the door and Sunset started to focus, she ponied up and created a sphere of magic that flew from her hand and into Rainbow Dash’s room. Once that was done she made her way home.

When Rainbow Dash opened the door to her room she was momentarily blinded by a bright light before she a box on her bed, she carefully approached it and opened it. Her eyes widened as she saw all the things she had gotten rid of that reminded her of Sunset, she couldn’t believe it. Tears welled up in her eyes as she knew who did this.

“Sunset,” Rainbow sobbed her name as she fell to her knees and cried, she cried for several minutes before wiping her eyes and standing up. She looked at the photos of her and Sunset, they looked so happy. “I promise, Sunset. I will make it up to you.”

Author's Note:

Sunset is finally going to take a well-deserved break and hope is growing ever stronger. I hope you enjoy the chapter and I look forward to your comments. Just one more chapter to go.