• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,597 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Opening Up

“We’re home!” Applejack called out as she and Applebloom entered their home.

“Welcome back,” Granny Smith greeted her granddaughters. “Ah’ll get yah somethin’ nice and warm to eat.”

“Thanks, Granny.” Applejack thanked her Grandmother, she and Applebloom hang up their coats by the coat hanger near the door, and as Applebloom was about to head towards her room she stops her. “Wait a minute, Applebloom. Ah, want to have a word with yah.”

“O-okay,” Applebloom nervously answered, she followed her big sister into the living room where she took a seat on the sofa and gestured to Applebloom, to sit next to her.

“Applebloom, why didn’t yah come talk to me if yah were feeling left out?” Applejack asked.

“Because yah wouldn’t have listened,” Applebloom answered. “Yah was so busy hanging out with Sunset that when ah tried talking to yah, yah brush me off.”

Applejack sighed.

“Yer right, ah was so focused on Sunset that ah didn’t pay much attention to anythin’ else.” Applejack admitted. “But that still doesn’t excuse yah fer what yah did.”

“Ah know,” Applebloom said sadly. “Ah’m sorry fer posting yer secret Applejack, ah was just so angry at yah and Sunset.”

“Ah know, ah’m sorry fer ignoring yah.” Applejack apologized. “Applebloom, do yah know why we had those slumber parties fer Sunset?”

“Why?” Applebloom asked.

“Because we didn’t want Sunset to be alone fer the holidays,” Applejack answered. “Sunset’s always been alone ever since she arrived in our world.”

“She’s always been alone?” Applebloom was surprised to hear this.

“Yep, ah’ve always had my family that the thought of someone being alone fer the holidays is heartbreaking.” Applejack explained. “That’s why we had those sleepovers, no one, especially Sunset deserves to be alone for Christmas.”

“And ah ruined everythin’,” Applebloom regretfully said.

“Yer plan only worked because ah was dumb enough to fall for it,” Applejack said. “Ah jumped to conclusions and it cost me a great friend, almost cost yah yer girlfriend too.”

Applebloom looked to the floor, this whole mess with Anon-A-Miss came back to bite her terribly.

“Applejack?” Applebloom softly said her sister’s name.

“Yeah?” Applejack looked at her sister who’s hair obscured her eyes.

“Do yah hate me fer what ah did?” Applebloom timidly asked.

Applejack got up from her sofa and walked in front of Applebloom before kneeling, causing Applebloom to look at her.

“No,” Applejack simply replied. “Ah can never hate yah, Applebloom. Yer mah family and ah’ll always love yah.”

Tears welled up in the corners of Applebloom’s eyes before she hugged her sister tightly.

“Ah’m so sorry, Applejack!” Applebloom sobbed against her sister’s shoulder.

Applejack wrapped her arms around her little sister, she felt like such a hypocrite for saying those words. She thought the same of Sunset but her actions failed to reflect that, now she serves Sunset as her loyal follower. Sunset had given her a chance to prove she could be trusted, which was already more than she deserved. She looked at her hands as she could still feel the impact of her fists against Sunset’s face, it will no doubt continue to haunt her.

Granny Smith watched from the doorway, smiling proudly at her Granddaughters before going back to the kitchen to prepare Applejack’s food.

“We’re home!” Rarity called out as she entered her home with Sweetie Belle, she placed her fashionable coat on the coat hanger and helped Sweetie Belle with hers. “Sweetie Belle, do you mind assisting me?”

“W-with what?” Sweetie Belle asked nervously.

“With my outfit designs, I require a model.” Rarity answered.

“O-oh, okay.” Sweetie Belle agreed, following Rarity up to her room. Rarity made Sweetie Belle stand on a stool as she retrieved a box from her closet of shame, Sweetie notices how beat up it looks.

Rarity removes the lid and sighs as she stares at the contents, a brand new outfit she designed for Sunset. She picks up each article of clothing and places it on Sweetie Belle who watches her sister put on her glasses as she carefully checks over the blouse.

“Of all the trouble you and your friends have gotten into, this is without a doubt the worst.” Rarity said, not taking her eyes off the blouse. “It could have gotten much worse if Sunset hadn’t acted, Sweetie Belle, why would you do something like this?”

“Because Sunset stole you away from me,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“How did Sunset steal me from you?” Rarity questioned, looking at her younger sister.

“You spend so much time with her that you barely have time for me anymore,” Sweetie Belle pouted.

“Sweetie Belle, just because I’m spending more time with Sunset doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you.” Rarity said. “We’re sisters, I’m always going to be there for you, Sweetie Belle. But Sunset isn’t as lucky.”

“What do you mean?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Sunset was all alone, she had no mother, father, or sister in this world.” Rarity explained sadly. “That’s why Applejack suggested the sleepovers, to make sure Sunset is never alone and knows that we’re here for her.”

Rarity reaches into the box to pull out a pair of heeled boots, she inspects them for any imperfection.

“Rarity, can I ask you something?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Certainly,” Rarity said as she placed the boots down after finding nothing wrong.

“After what Sunset did to you at the Spring Fling, why did you become her friend?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Because I promised a friend,” Rarity sadly answered. “After helping me see through Sunset’s deceit and bringing her down, it was the least I could do.”

“So it was because you promised Twilight?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“Exactly,” Rarity confirmed. “If it wasn’t for that we wouldn’t have become friends, or so I thought. I still hate her for what she did.”

“That’s another reason why I did it,” Sweetie Belle said. “I wanted to get back at her for what she did to you.”

“Normally I would say that revenge is never the answer but that would make me more of a hypocrite than I already am,” Rarity smiled sadly. “I did get a sense of satisfaction seeing Sunset defeated and exposed for the person she was but the pain never truly went away.”

“Then why did you want to be friends with her again if you still hate her?” Sweetie Belle questioned. “You can’t truly be friends with someone you hate.”

“Because Sunset is my family,” Rarity answered. “Another hypocrisy, but Sunset is as precious to me as you are.”

Sweetie Belle felt elated to hear that.

“But like Sunset said, we never got around to properly talking about what happened so my ill feelings were locked away until Anon-A-Miss stirred them up.” Rarity explained, noticing Sweetie Belle’s guilty look. “Sunset made me release all the negativity I’ve felt for her to give me closure before we banished her and her family back to her world, but thanks to you three that never happened.”

“You were right all along, Rarity. Sunset is a great person,” Sweetie Belle admitted.

“I’m glad you see that now, thankfully Sunset’s punishment for you three framing her is not very severe.” Rarity said.

“I’m not sure about that,” Sweetie Belle nervously scratched the back of her head, remembering how Sunset treated her like a little kid.

“At least she doesn’t despise you three,” Rarity pointed out. “Despite how playful Sunset is with us, I feel as though she finds enjoyment in getting back at us for our betrayal. I don’t blame her though, Sunset’s methods of getting back at us are tamed in comparison to her old self.”

“Has she done anything to get back at you?” Sweetie Belle asked curiously.

“No, in fact, I don’t think she plans to.” Rarity said.

“Why do you say that?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I believe it’s because of what she did to me at The Spring Fling, I think it also explained why she didn’t want me to kneel.” Rarity theorized.

“So...she can’t get even with you because of that?” Sweetie Belle questioned.

“I wished you didn’t put it like that, but I think it’s more than that. Like we’re on equal footing,” Rarity said. “We both caused each other great pain and we want to make up for it.”

Sweetie Belle glanced down at the clothes she’s wearing and looked back at Rarity.

“These are for Sunset aren’t they?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yes, it’s a miracle they weren’t damaged when I took out my frustrations on Sunset’s betrayal,” Rarity air quoted.

“Do you still plan on giving them to her?” Sweetie Belle inquired.

“I want to but…” Rarity trailed off.

“You’re afraid she’ll reject it?” Sweetie Belle finished.

“I wouldn’t blame her if she did, but I don’t think my heart can bear it.” Rarity said as she hugged herself.

“I don’t think she’ll reject it,” Sweetie Belle said with a smile. “I think Sunset will accept your gift.”

“How can you be sure?” Rarity asked.

“It’s like you’ve told me, Sunset is a nice person. I can’t see her turning down a wonderful gift like yours,” Sweetie Belle said with confidence. “Since Sunset has been alone for the holidays for so long, she’s probably never received a gift with a lot of thought and love. She’s going to love it.”

Rarity smiled before enveloping Sweetie Belle in a hug.

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle.”

“What are sisters for?” Sweetie Belle asked as she returned the hug.

Rarity was very grateful for Sweetie Belle’s words, it would seem that Sunset being a changed person had finally sunk in. Too bad it didn’t for her. Rarity would have to overcome this together with Sunset, she isn’t sure this is something she alone could fix.

“I’m glad you gave the girls a chance, Sunset.” Twilight wrote.

They were determined to make up for their mistake,” Sunset wrote, she’s in her bed with the covers pulled up to her waist. “But we’re still not friends, this is just to earn my trust.”

“I’m sure they won’t waste this chance,” Twilight wrote, smiling on the other side. “They’ve learned their lesson.”

Hopefully it sticks this time,” Sunset wrote, her words sounding annoyed.

Of that, I have no doubt.” Twilight wrote back.

You’re optimistic aren’t you?” Sunset wrote with a grin.

Of course!” Twilight responded smiling widely.

The two continued to write for a few hours before they called it a night, Sunset stared at her ceiling as sleep alluded her. Her former friends now served as her servants and now refer to her as their Queen, except for Rarity who she is thinking about. Sunset really hurt Rarity at the Spring Fling and has been thinking of a way to make it up to her, it had to be grand and flashy since Rarity loved that. Maybe she should ask Twilight if the other Rarity might help her, who would know Rarity better than herself.

“Maybe Sweetie Belle can help me,” Sunset said aloud, it couldn’t hurt to ask her about her big sister.

Sunset decided to ask Sweetie Belle tomorrow and tried to get to sleep, maybe her aunt will visit her dreams again.

Sunset yawned as she was walking to school, her aunt didn’t visit her dreams but she managed to sleep peacefully. Come to think of it, there’s still a lot she didn’t understand about her aunt’s powers or what exactly her role is compared to her mother.

“I really need to schedule some quality time with aunt Luna,” Sunset said as she saw the school up ahead.

The students greeted her and her loyal followers lined up to greet her, she spotted Rainbow Dash among them.

“Morning everyone,” Sunset greeted her followers, her eyes landing on Rainbow Dash. “Are you all ready to tackle the day?”

“Yes, Your Majesty!” they all said together.

Sunset walked over to Rainbow Dash, the rainbow-haired girl stood straight.

“Dashie, you and Lighting Dust will be assisting me in training the junior soccer team,” Sunset ordered.

“Yes, your Majesty!” Both girls said without hesitation.

Sunset smiled before leaning close and nuzzling Rainbow Dash’s face, causing her to turn red.

“Looks like someone has Sunset’s favor,”

Sunset turned around to see Trixie approaching.

“Hi, Trixie.” Sunset greeted the stage magician.

“Hello, my Great and Powerful Assistant,” Trixie greeted Sunset before hugging her, winking at Rainbow Dash. “Hello Rainbow Dash.”

“Hey, Trixie.” Rainbow Dash greeted halfheartedly.

“Is that any way to address your superior?” Trixie smiled playfully as she broke the hug with Sunset.

“Like hell, you’re superior to me,” Rainbow Dash said, narrowing her eyes and crossing her arms.

“Knock it off, Trixie,” Sunset said as she nudged Trixie with her elbow. “No one is above anyone, except for me.”

“But seeing as you are Trixie’s assistant, you have to do as Trixie says.” Trixie reminded her.

“Remind me why I asked you for help again?” Sunset questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Because you needed the Great and Powerful Trixie,” Trixie boasted.

“It was mutual, I got the girls to help make your show even greater,” Sunset said. “And last time I checked, real friends don’t remind friends about how much they owe them.”

“I’m just playing Sunset, relax,” Trixie assured the former unicorn, she was a bit surprised and delighted that Sunset considered her a friend. “You’re not just my assistant but also my friend, which is why I have something very special to give you.”

“Really?” Sunset was surprised, they haven’t been friends for very long and she was already giving her a gift.

“Yep, Trixie would like to give you your gift when we’re in your throne room,” Trixie said, casting Rainbow Dash a smirk.

“Oh, okay,” Sunset said, curious as to what Trixie’s gift would be that it requires them to be in her throne room. She notices a familiar truck pull up and sees Applejack and Applebloom step out. “Good morning Applejack and a good morning to you too Applebloom.”

Sunset picked up Applebloom and spun her around before hugging her.

“M-morning, yer Majesty.” Applebloom greeted her queen, her cheeks red in embarrassment which is made worse when Sunset placed a helmet on her head.

“Safety first,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Good morning, yer Majesty.” Applejack greeted her queen as she bowed before her.

“Your Majesty!”

Sunset saw Pinkie Pie waving at her along with Fluttershy.

“Good morning, your Majesty.” Fluttershy greeted her queen with a bow followed by Pinkie Pie. Fluttershy then greeted Applejack and Rainbow Dash. “Good morning, girls.”

“Mornin’, Fluttershy.” Applejack returned the greeting.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash greeted her long time friend, she caught sight of a familiar figure behind her and saw Scootaloo approaching.

“H-hello, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo greeted nervously.

Rainbow Dash simply stared at Scootaloo, her expression neutral. Scootaloo looked down in sadness, her relationship with Rainbow Dash was destroyed. But she felt herself being lifted off the ground and into the arms of Sunset.

“Morning, Scootaloo.” Sunset greeted the young girl happily as she hugged her close.

“Wah-your majesty!” Scootaloo was taken aback by the embrace but then she felt another pair of arms wrap around her and to her surprise, it was Rainbow Dash.

“Gotcha!” Rainbow Dash said with a smile as she and Sunset smothered Scootaloo.

“Noooo!” Scootaloo screamed in horror as she was being fawned over by her sister figure and Queen.

“There, there Scoots. Your big sister is here,” Rainbow Dash cooed as she patted Scootaloo’s head.

“We’ll be here whenever you need us okay?” Sunset assured the young athlete, she shared a look with Rainbow Dash and the two kissed Scootaloo on her cheeks.

“Oh come on!” Scootaloo couldn’t take much more of this mushy stuff.

“Sorry, Scootaloo. But you did bring this on yourself,” Rainbow Dash whispered in her ear.

“You both did,” Sunset said as she picked up Rainbow Dash bridal style as she held Scootaloo, the rainbow-haired athlete was taken off guard by this. “How does it feel to be held like a Princess, Dashie?”

Rainbow Dash didn’t answer, she pulled up the hood of her jacket to try to conceal her blushing face. It also didn’t help that Sunset called her by her cute nickname.

“Hello, darlings!”

Everyone turned to see Rarity approaching with Sweetie Belle.

“Hello, Sunset.” Rarity greeted her queen as she curtsied.

“Rarity, you don’t need to do that,” Sunset said, as she put Rainbow down much to her relief.

“I know, but I am showing proper manners when addressing royalty.” Rarity said.

“You do make a good point,” Sunset realized, being all prim and proper, Rarity would be all too familiar with the customs of royalty. She turned her attention to Sweetie Belle who bowed.

“Good morning, Your Majesty.” Sweetie Belle greeted.

“A good morning to you too, Sweetie Belle,” Sunset said with a smile. “Now that everyone’s here, shall we head inside?”

Sunset’s followers nodded, Sunset lifted Applebloom on to her shoulders and held on to Sweetie Belle’s and Scootaloo’s hand. Rainbow Dash joined her in taking hold of Scootaloo’s other hand and they merrily entered the school. The students greeted Sunset and commented on how adorable the CMC looked.


Sunset stopped as she saw the Vice-Principal approach.

“Hi, Auntie Lulu.” Sunset greeted her Aunt’s human counterpart, the Rainbooms was surprised when she called her aunt but realized that it made sense since she is her aunt’s counterpart.

“Hello, Sunset, and hello to everyone.” Vice-Principal Luna greeted.

“What can we do for you?” Rarity politely asked.

“I just want to inform you that you will be receiving one on one counseling with me today after school, except for Sunset. Her counseling will be with someone else.” Vice-Principal Luna explained.

“Why can’t you council Sunset?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because of conflict of interest,” Luna said. “Despite being from another world, Sunset is still my niece. It’s unethical because it could endanger the relationship between a therapist and their patient.”

“That makes sense,” Applejack said.

“She’s an old friend of my sister and she explained to her your unique circumstances,” Luna said.

“Is that wise?” Rarity questioned. “I know she’s an old friend but isn’t it bad if more people find out about Sunset’s origins?”

“This will be strictly off the record, whatever goes on in the session will be between her and Sunset,” Luna assured the fashionista.

“If you and mom trust her then so do I,” Sunset said, having faith in her human mom’s choice.

With that taken care of, Sunset and her group proceeded to go to their lockers before going to the club room. Sunset transformed it into her throne room and took her seat on her throne.

“Okay, Trixie. What is this gift you wanted to give me?” Sunset asked with a smile.

“Trixie will require Rainbow Dash’s assistance,” Trixie said as she smiled at Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash glanced at Sunset to see her nodding, with a bit of reluctance she went to stand next to Trixie.

“So what do you want me to do?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Trixie requires your help in reaching inside Trixie’s hat to pull out the gift,” Trixie instructed.

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow. “Can’t you do that yourself?”

“Trixie could but she wants you to do it,” Trixie said with a grin as she removed her hat and turned it over.

Rainbow Dash didn’t trust that grin.

“It’s okay, Rainbow. I trust Trixie not to pull a prank on you,” Sunset assured the rainbow-haired athlete.

“Okay,” Rainbow Dash said, trusting Sunset’s word. She reached inside Trixie’s hat, it felt deeper than it looked. She felt around until her hand grabbed on to something. “I think I got it.”

Rainbow Dash felt the familiar feeling of guitar strings against her fingers as she pulled on the object she was holding, her eyes widened when she pulled out a very familiar guitar.

“Behold! Your new custom guitar!” Trixie announces as she presents the guitar to Sunset.

“But this is..” Rainbow Dash trailed off as she looked at the guitar she made for Sunset with wide eyes.

Sunset quickly walked towards Trixie and Rainbow Dash, a wide smile on her lips.

“Trixie, I can’t believe you did this!” Sunset said as she approached the two and looked at the guitar.

“Trixie must admit that Rainbow Dash deserves most of the credit for this magnificent guitar,” Trixie admitted.

“Rainbow Dash?” Sunset looked at Rainbow Dash in surprise.

“Rainbow Dash made this for you before Anon-A-Miss and asked Trixie for her assistance in making the greatest custom guitar!” Trixie boasted. “I hope you like it?”

“Like it?” Sunset questioned as she took the guitar from Rainbow Dash. “I love it! Thank you so much!” Sunset brought Rainbow and Trixie in for a hug.

“You are most welcome,” Trixie returned the hug, smiling smugly as she glanced at Rainbow Dash.

“Y-yeah,” Rainbow Dash said as she slowly brought her arms up to hug Sunset, she cast a glance at Trixie to see her smug smile.

“Alright, today you’ll be working on your passes.” Sunset informed the junior soccer team who were lined up in front of her in the gym. “You will form lines in front of myself, Rainbow Dash, and Lightning Dust who will kick the ball to you and you kick it back. After that, you quickly move out of the way so that the next person in line can go.”

The kids nodded as they lined up in front of the three girls, they practiced their passing and a few of them stumbled.

“Don’t worry about stumbling, you’ll get it next time.” Lightning Dust encouraged.

This went on for a while before Sunset ordered them to do laps around the gym.

“Hanging in there, Dash?” Lightning Dust asked as she jogged beside her fellow follower of Sunset.

“Yeah, can I ask you something?” Rainbow Dash asked ash she kept pace with Lightning Dust.

“Go right ahead,” Lightning Dust said.

“What happened to you?” Rainbow questioned. “You used to be so egotistical and not care about what happens to others if it meant you got ahead.”

“Simple, Her Majesty happened.” Lightning Dust answered. “After the ill-conceived plan to assault her failed badly she gave me a chance rather than kill me.”

“I’m glad you guys’ plan failed,” Rainbow Dash commented, with how late she arrived at the scene she hated to think what would happen if they succeeded.

“Same here,” Lightning Dust laughed. “I’m much happier now compared to before when I was kicked out of the soccer team, Her Majesty is amazing.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said softly as she looked at Sunset in front of her. “She is.”

After they were done with their laps, Sunset had the players practice against each other as she and her assistants observed and offered tips. Once practice was over, she asked Rainbow Dash to help Scootaloo who was benched for the rest of the season and had to pick up the team's equipment after each practice. The two were working in silence before Scootaloo dared to speak up.

“Rainbow Dash, do you hate me?” Scootaloo asked fearfully.

“No,” Rainbow Dash answered as she picked up the soccer balls, she looked back at Scootaloo and smiled. “I can never hate you.”

“B-but I wrote those mean things about you when I posted the photo of your test and the photo of you kissing Gilda,” Scootaloo didn't understand why Rainbow Dash wasn’t upset.

“Don’t get me wrong, I'm very upset with you but if I learned anything from all this is that holding a grudge won’t help me deal with what happened.” Rainbow Dash said as she crossed her arms. “So be prepared for an intense training session on the weekends.”

“Right,” Scootaloo agreed, she wasn’t looking forward to Rainbow Dash not holding back against her but at least she didn’t hate her.

“Why did you do it, Scoots?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Because I was jealous of how you spent more time with Sunset than me and when you do all you talk about is Sunset,” Scootaloo answered.

“Oh Scoots, why didn’t you say anything?” Rainbow Dash sighed.

“There wasn’t a chance to talk to you,” Scootaloo said as she looked down. “You probably wouldn’t have listened anyway.”

Rainbow wanted to tell her that she would but considering how she didn’t even listen to Sunset, Scootaloo was probably right.

“Some big sister I am huh?” Rainbow Dash said as she rubbed the back of her head. “I didn’t set a good example for you and you ended up repeating my mistakes.”

“It’s not your fault, Rainbow! I choose to do what I did, nobody made me.” Scootaloo insisted.

“At least you’re taking responsibility,” Rainbow Dash said with a smirk. “We both got a lot of work ahead of us to make up for what we did.”

Rainbow Dash looked towards Sunset who was putting away the rest of the equipment with Lightning Dust, she caught Rainbow staring and blew her a kiss.

“Is this her way of getting back at you?” Scootaloo asked.

Rainbow just laughed nervously as she waved back at Sunset.

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo apologized, feeling ashamed for what she had done.

“Me too,” Rainbow Dash said as she knelt in front of Scootaloo. “Let’s both be better in the future.”

Scootaloo tackled Rainbow Dash and hugged her tightly, lightly sobbing against her, Rainbow Dash held on to Scootaloo as she cried. She couldn’t help but feel like a hypocrite for not being there for Sunset when she needed her.

Sunset looked on with a smile before getting back to work.

The school day was over and Sunset was standing in front of the room where her therapist is supposed to be, she steeled herself before knocking.

“Come in.”

Sunset opened the door and saw a well-dressed woman with light opalish gray skin and her purplish hair tied in a bun.

“Hi, I’m Sunset Shimmer. I was told to report to you for my counseling.” Sunset greeted very politely as she extended her hand out to the woman.

“I am Abacus Cinch,” Cinch introduced herself as she accepted Sunset’s handshake, she eyed the girl critically. “Principal Celestia has told me some interesting things about you.”

Author's Note:

Gasp! The Principal of Crystal Prep is Sunset's therapist! I have a bad feeling about this, I hope you enjoy the chapter and I look forward to your comments.