• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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The Queen's Councel(ing)

Sunset had transformed her throne room into a small room with a round table for everyone to sit around, Princess Celestia and Luna were in a separate room to give them all some privacy.

“Would anyone like something to drink?” Sunset politely asked.

“I would like some tea please,” Rarity politely said.

Sunset stood up, she magically conjured a teacup in front of Rarity as well as a fancy teapot in her hands before pouring Rarity some tea.

“Thank you, darling.” Rarity thanked Sunset before taking a sip of her tea to calm her nerves. “It’s delicious.”

“Thank you,” Sunset politely accepted the compliment. “Anyone else?”

“Why are you being so nice?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “Especially after how we treated you.”

“You still think low of me?” Sunset raised an eyebrow at Rainbow Dash.

“What?! No! I was just-” Rainbow Dash quickly tried to correct herself but Sunset stopped her.

“Relax, Dashie. I was just playing,” Sunset giggled at seeing Rainbow’s face turn red. “Just like how I messed around with you girls when you tried to uncover my 'nefarious' plan.” Sunset air quoted.

Sunset noticed that Fluttershy looked very sad and snapped her fingers which caused two stuffed Alicorns of Princess Celestia and Luna to appear in front of her.

“I know you like to hug a cute animal to help you relax,” Sunset said with a smile.

Fluttershy grabbed the two Alicorn plushies and held them tight against her as she cried.

“Why?” Fluttershy whispered. “Why are you so nice to me after what I said?!”

“Because what you said is true,” Sunset answered, her expression neutral. “I know that I forced you, girls, to say how you truly feel, but seeing how my original plan has changed, if you have anything else you want to say to me, now is your chance.”

The girls looked at each other with uncertainty, but ultimately Rarity stood up and walked towards Sunset. Twilight had a sinking feeling in her stomach as she feared that Rarity might hit Sunset, her fears came true as the fashionista slapped Sunset hard across the face. Everyone gasped and Sunset’s eyes were wide in surprise, she wasn’t expecting that from Rarity but as soon as she saw the tears and hatred in Rarity’s eyes, Sunset knew what this was about.

“Rarity!” Twilight was aghast.

“Let her speak, Twilight,” Sunset said, placing her hand onto her reddening cheek.

“The Spring Fling was supposed to be the greatest night of my life, but your ego couldn’t handle someone else winning the title so not only did you make sure you would win but you also made it miserable for me!” Rarity angrily said, angry tears mixing with her ruined mascara as they slid down the sides of her face and creating ugly black lines. “You ruined the dress that I worked on for weeks! And you replaced the special shampoo that I carry In my purse with one used for horses to make people believe that I use animal products!”

Twilight watched as Rarity vented out what Sunset had done to her at the Spring Fling, she didn’t know the extent to which Sunset humiliated her.

“I will never forgive you for what you did to me that day, I swore to get you back and make you feel as miserable as I did.” Rarity seethed with anger, her body trembling.

“Why didn’t you?” Sunset asked, her eyes brimming with tears of the pain she had caused Rarity. “After the fall formal, I was at my lowest. You could’ve taken your revenge and I wouldn’t complain.”

“I promised Twilight that I would help you,” Rarity answered. “You were finally being punished for your crimes and everyone at school openly hated you. I figured that you were suffering a small fraction of what I suffered so I offered my hand in friendship.”

“About that...” Sunset trailed off as she addressed the rest of the Rainbooms. “Were we ever really friends?”

“I thought so,” Pinkie Pie was the first to reply timidly, a stark contrast to her usual bubbly self.

The rest of the girls looked at each other before answering together.


“I see,” Sunset simply said, despite her neutral expression her eyes gave away how betrayed she felt as tears cascaded down her cheeks. “That makes all this even more painful.”

“Sugarcube-” Applejack was about to say something when Sunset cut her off.

“Don’t, Applejack,” Sunset warned, her eyes and voice hardening. “Listen, I get why you thought I had betrayed you given our history. But if we were really friends then you would’ve given me a chance to explain or realized something wasn’t adding up! For Celestia’s sake given my past actions, you should’ve known it wasn’t me!”

Sunset’s hair burst into flames as she stood up, her tears evaporating.

“Yer right, ah was a lousy friend and yah deserved better.” Applejack admitted as she took off her hat and held it in front of her. “Ah’m so sorry Sunset, ah was a fool.”

“I’m sorry, Sunset.” Rainbow Dash apologized. “I know apologizing won’t be enough to make up for how I’ve hurt and betrayed you but I’m willing to do whatever it takes.”

“Me too,” Pinkie Pie said. “I’m sooo sorry, Sunset. You’re a better friend than I deserve.”

“I’m sorry for not being a good friend, Sunset.” Fluttershy cried. “I was so cruel to you and you were so kind to me!”

“I showed you my ugly side when you needed me,” Rarity spoke. “I’m so sorry, Sunset. Despite our betrayal, your heart remained ever beautiful and true.”

Sunset looked at her friends' genuine sorrowful looks, they apologized for their betrayal but not for their exposed hatred of her.

“I would also like to apologize to everyone,” Twilight spoke up, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Why are yah apologizing, Twilight?” Applejack questioned. “We’re the ones who screwed up.”

“Don’t get me wrong, I am very disappointed with you girls.” Twilight narrowed her eyes and looked at the Rainbooms with disappointed eyes. “You didn’t learn from your mistakes and once again severed your friendship with a friend.”

The Rainbooms looked down in shame.

“But I realized that I was being unfair in asking you to watch over Sunset,” Twilight explained. “I failed to take into account the history you girls have with her and the difficulties it will bring. I assumed that you girls would be like my friends back home, that was unfair of me to compare you to them. I see now that despite the great similarities, there are differences as well.”

“Like what?” Rainbow Dash asked softly, curious as to how different she is from her Equestrian counterpart.

“Experience for one,” Twilight answered. “My friends and I have gone through a lot that has shaped who we are, you girls haven’t gone through what they did. I’m sorry, Sunset. You suffered because of my mistake.”

“Now hold just a darn minute there!” Applejack said, her eyes narrowed at Twilight. “Yah don’t need to apologize to Sunset, yah were there fer her like a true friend!”

“It’s true, darling. We’re the ones who are at fault for Sunset’s suffering,” Rarity said.

“I’m not blaming you for this, Twilight,” Sunset assured her as she laid a hand on her shoulder, her hair was no longer on fire. “You only had the best of intentions and it did work out for me...at first.” Sunset looked back to the girls, her eyes narrowed. “Which brings us to what happens next.”

The Rainbooms shifted nervously in their seats.

“Do you girls still want to be friends with me?” Sunset asked and stopped the Rainbooms from answering right away. “Don’t be so quick to answer, I want you girls to think really carefully. You have until after school tomorrow to decide.”

Sunset stood up and walked towards a door and knocked on it.

“We’re done,” Sunset said before the door opened to reveal her aunt and mother.

“Your royal highnesses,” Rarity formerly addressed the Princesses as she stood up and curtsied.

“I believe we haven’t been formally introduced, I am Princess Celestia, bringer of the day, and ruler of Equestria alongside my sister.” Celestia introduced herself.

“I am, Princess Luna. Bringer of the night, the younger sister of Celestia, and co-ruler of Equestria.” Princess Luna introduced herself.

“It’s nice meeting yah, yer highnesses.” Applejack rose from her seat and bowed before the monarchs, the rest of her friends following suit.

“Regrettable that we had to meet under these circumstances,” Princess Celestia said, her expression and tone neutral. “No doubt, you girls have a long road ahead of you to make up for what you’ve done.

The Rainbooms merely nodded.

“If you ever need guidance, I am just a note away.” Princess Celestia offered.

“As am I,” Princess Luna said. “If there’s anything that you can’t talk to my niece, Princess Twilight, or my sister about, I’m willing to listen.”

“Thank you, your royal highnesses.” Rarity thanked the two sisters. “But I’m afraid that Sunset’s journal has burst into flames.”

“Oh?” Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow at this.

“Yeah, we stole Sunset’s journal to try to ask Twilight for help when it burst into flames.” Rainbow Dash explained, she and the girls looked guilty.

“About that…” Sunset trailed off as she summoned her journal in her right hand.

“How’s that possible?” Rarity asked, shocked to see the journal in one piece.

“The journal that was destroyed was a fake,” Sunset explained. "I wanted you all to think you lost your way of contacting Twilight. Even if you succeeded in contacting Twilight, she’ll try to convince you that I’m innocent and I doubt any of you would listen to her.”

“I’d no doubt get upset with her and accuse you of lying to her, and turning her against us.” Rainbow Dash admitted shamefully.

“Here you go,” Sunset handed Rainbow Dash her journal.

“W-why are you giving me this?” Rainbow Dash asked, confusion on her face.

“To see for yourselves how I feel about you girls,” Sunset said as she turned around and started walking away. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to see the royals off. It’s a Queen thing.”

Twilight suppressed a giggle while Luna and Celestia smiled, the three royals followed Sunset out of the clubroom. The Rainbooms gaze lingered on the door before they decided to leave.

“So what now?” Rainbow Dash asked, holding the journal close to her.

“We read the journal,” Applejack simply answered.

“Do you think there’s another reason why Sunset gave us her journal?” Rarity questioned. “I can’t help but feel that Sunset is testing us somehow.”

“But what’s the test?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“I’m not sure,” Rarity answered, unsure of herself of whether she’s just assuming things again.

“Well, we already screwed up. I can’t imagine how we’ll make things worse between us.” Rainbow Dash pointed out. “When do you girls want to read it?”

“Seeing as how we only have till tomorrow to decide on whether we want to be friends with Sunset or not, ah think we should take a look at it now.” Applejack suggested.

“Shall we head to our club room then?” Rarity asked to which her friends nodded.

“That was very sneaky of you Sunset,” Princess Luna said with a smirk as she and her three companions exited the school.

“What do you mean?” Sunset asked innocently.

“Whatever you wrote in the journal will no doubt influence their decision,” Princess Celestia commented. “Which reminds me, Sunset. What do you want to do about them?”

“I want to help them,” Sunset simply answered.

“But will you help them as their queen or friend?” Celestia questioned.

Sunset remained silent as they reached the portal, she turned around to look at her friend and family.

“I guess I’ll have to wait till tomorrow to find out,” Sunset vaguely answered.

“Whatever you decide, you’ll have my support.” Princess Celestia assured her daughter.

“Same here,” Twilight spoke up, smiling gently at Sunset.

“You can count me in as well,” Princess Luna said as she laid a closed fist on her niece’s shoulder.

As the Equestrian royalty reached the portal, Twilight realized that there is still a lingering issue.

“Princess Celestia, can you tell me how you were able to have Sunset if she has no father?” Twilight asked.

“That’s easy, magic,” Celestia answered with a smile.

“Magic?” Twilight questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s kind of how you used magic to hatch Spike, but in my case, I used magic to create Sunset and carry her inside me for 12 months just like any other mother,” Celestia explained.

“Oh, so you used the spell that same-sex couples use to have children.” Twilight realized.

“Precisely!” Celestia smiled, before frowning. “But I didn’t expect to make a clone of my sister.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Luna and Sunset frowned.

“See what I mean?” Celestia giggled. “Sunset may have my good looks, magic, and intellect but she has her aunt’s eyes and heart.”

“Really?” Sunset blinked in surprise.

“My sister always had a gentle and kind heart,” Celestia complimented. “In stark contrast I’m....”

“Arrogant, tyrannical, quick to anger, aggressive.” Luna listed, grinning at her sister.

“Anyway, that’s how Sunset came to be. Do you want to see her baby pictures?” Celestia asked, grinning mischievously.

“I would love to!” Twilight said with excitement.

“Okay, time to go now!” Sunset hurriedly said, not wanting to get embarrassed further.

Luna, Celestia, and Twilight shared a laugh before hugging Sunset and entering the portal. Once they were, Sunset let out a sigh.

“Even after all this time, mom still knows how to embarrass me,” Sunset said, as she smiled. Despite her original plan not working out, this alternative isn’t so bad.

“Sunset Shimmer.”

At hearing her name being called, Sunset turned around to see Vice-Principal Luna.

“There you are, my sister sent me to find you.” Vice-Principal Luna said as she approached the former unicorn.

“What for?” Sunset asked curiously.

“She prefers to tell you in person,” Vice-Principal Luna answered.

Sunset is curious as to what Principal Celestia would want to say to her; she decides to follow Vice-Principal Luna but not before hugging her.

“What’s the hug for?” Vice-Principal Luna asked.

“Can’t I hug my aunt?” Sunset playfully asked. “I’ve already given my Equestrian aunt one so it’s only fair that you get one too.”

“I see,” Luna said with a smile as she hugged Sunset back. “To be honest it’s a little strange to be hugging an extra dimension version of my niece.”

“You’re not alone there, auntie Lulu,” Sunset replied with a smirk as she pulled away.

“Will you be calling me that from now on?” Luna asked as she leads Sunset back inside the school.

“Only if you want me to,” Sunset said as they entered the school.

The CMC stood nervously in front of Principal Celestia, Applebloom glanced at her grandmother at the corner of the room who looked at her with disappointed eyes.

“I am very disappointed with you three,” Principal Celestia spoke, her tone hard. “You engaged in a slander campaign against a fellow student and then expanded it to the rest of the school, what possessed you to do such a thing!”

“It was because we were jealous of how much our sisters were hanging out with Sunset,” Applebloom shamefully confessed.

“Jealousy?” Principal Celestia pinched the bridge of her nose in disbelief. “Was that your only reason?”

“We also wanted to get back at Sunset for what she did to our sisters,” Sweetie Belle answered sadly.

“Petty revenge too?” Principal Celestia couldn’t believe it. “Girls, do you have any idea what kind of damage you’ve caused?”

“Yes,” all three replied grimly, casting their gaze down.

Before Principal Celestia could continue, there was a knock on the door.

“Yes?” Celestia asked who was there.

“It’s me,” Luna answered from the other side. “I’ve brought Sunset as you requested.”

“Excellent, please come in,” Celestia instructed, the door opened as Sunset and Luna walked in. “Sorry to call you in so suddenly, Sunset. But I have a favor to ask of you.”

“What kind of favor?” Sunset asked.

“I was wondering if you can oversee these girls' punishments like you’re doing with the others,” Celestia asked.

“Sure thing,” Sunset agreed without hesitation, glancing at the CMC. “What will their punishment be?”

“For starters, they will publicly apologize to the students they have affected with their slander in an assembly, later on, they will write a ten-page essay on the dangers of cyberbullying and what they have learned from this incident.” Principal Celestia started. “Not to mention a written apology to you Sunset, they will also receive 6 months of detention which they will serve under your supervision.”

The CMC remained silent as the Principal explained their punishment, their gazes locked on the floor.

“Girls’, look at me please.” Principal Celestia instructed. “If it wasn’t for Sunset’s swift actions, the situation could’ve been a lot worse.”

“Y-yeah,” Applebloom agreed, remembering how Sunset told her about the failed ambush.

“Now then, please return to your classrooms. I’ll announce the assembly shortly.” Princess Celestia said.

The three young girls nodded as they quietly left the Principal’s office, Granny Smith following behind them. Sunset was about to follow suit but the Principal stopped her.

“Sunset, wait a moment please.”

“What is it?” Sunset asked as she turned to face the Principal.

“Are you alright?” Principal Celestia asked with concern.

“Yeah, despite the beating I took it didn’t do any real damage,” Sunset assured her, although she could still feel Applejack’s punches on her face.

“What about mentally?” the Principal questioned.

“Exhausted,” Sunset answered. “On top of dealing with Anon-A-Miss, I had to keep the students from tearing each other apart, then the whole school believes the Rarity and Applejack were Anon-A-Miss which I had to deal with by asking my Equestrian mother for help which is complicated by the fact that we didn’t part on the best of terms.”

“That’s a lot of responsibility on your shoulders,” Luna noted with worry.

“It’s the burden of a Princess,” Sunset said.

Celestia and Luna looked at each other with worry, they had a silent conversation before Luna turned to Sunset.

“But even a Princess can be mentally strained,” Luna said. “Which is why I recommend you see a therapist.”

Sunset opened her mouth to argue but Luna stopped her by placing her hands on her shoulders.

“Please, Dream catcher. With everything that has happened, your fight with your friends, everyone turning on you. I fear that you may have some trauma and not realize it.” Luna pleaded with her otherworldly niece, using the same nickname she called her niece.

Sunset was a bit taken aback by the Vice-Principal’s worry and was touched at the nickname, how could she possibly say no.


“Thank you, Sunset.” Luna smiled as she hugged her niece.

“Your friends will also need consoling as well,” Celestia pointed out. “No doubt these series of events have greatly impacted them.”

“I’ll be sure they get help,” Luna promised her sister.

“For the record, they’re not my friends,” Sunset reminded them. “They’re the ones who threw me out and they’re the ones who will decide whether or not they want to be friends with me again.”

“Will you take them back?” Principal Celestia questioned.

“I’m not entirely sure,” Sunset confessed. “But I’m sure I’ll have my mind made up by tomorrow.”

“Why tomorrow specifically?” Luna asked.

“It’s the time limit I gave my former friends to decide if they wish to be my friends,” Sunset answered.

Luna and Celestia didn’t say anything, with nothing more to say, the Principal dismissed Sunset.

“She masks her pain well,” Luna noted. “Just like you, sister.”

“I just hope she will be able to help Sunset,” Celestia said, referring to the therapist that she has in mind to help Sunset.

“She’s good at her job, I’m sure she’ll do just fine,” Luna said positively. “At least she only has to help one troubled teen instead of 5.”

“Good luck,” Celestia told her sister as she took out her cellphone and searched her contacts until she found who she was looking for.

The Rainbooms were gathered around Sunset’s open journal, Fluttershy’s quiet sobs echoed in the room as each girl processed what they had just read in the journal.

"We're horrible friends!" Fluttershy wailed.

“Sunset thought the world of us,” Applejack spoke, feeling even more guilty and ashamed of herself.

“She never stopped fighting for us despite everyone being against her,” Rarity said as her mascara ran down the sides of her face, if she was in Sunset’s position she would no doubt be a miserable wreck and depressed for days. “She was suffering under everyone’s scrutiny.”

“She never even once turned her back on us,” Rainbow Dash covered her face in her palms.

“Sunset is a true friend!” Pinkie Pie cried as she cried a waterfall of tears. “We don’t deserve a friend like her!”

“No, we don’t.” Applejack admitted sadly.

“Applejack, are you thinking of not wanting to be friends with Sunset again?” Rarity questioned.

“Considering how bad we screwed up and not to mention our issues with her, how can we ever truly be friends?” Applejack questioned more to herself than anyone else.

“So you’re just going to give up?” Rainbow Dash asked in a demanding tone.

“Ah never said that,” Applejack clarified.

“But you were thinking it!” Rainbow Dash said. “What if you not wanting to be friends again hurts Sunset even more!”

“And if we do become friends again, what if we don’t learn our lesson and hurt Sunset again.” Applejack argued.

“There’s no easy answer to this,” Rarity stated as she wiped her eyes with a napkin. “The fear of losing Sunset is there in whichever option we choose.”

“Well my mind is already made up,” Rainbow Dash said. “I want to be friends with Sunset again and make up for my screw up.”

“Is that the only reason you want to be friends with Sunset again?” Rarity asked.

“Of course not!” Rainbow Dash said. “I...l” Rainbow Dash tried to come up with another reason to be friends with Sunset again but making up for her mistake was the stronger one. “Damn it.”

“Don’t beat yerself up, Dash.” Applejack comforted her friend as she laid a hand on her shoulder. “Ah’m sure yah have other reasons but yah are too focused on making it up to Sunset right now.”

“Honestly, we all want to make it up to Sunset. But we can’t have that be our only reason or Sunset will assume we’re forcing ourselves to be her friends again.” Rarity added. “That’s why Sunset gave us plenty of time to think this over, we’re going to do a lot of soul searching to find the answer.”

The girls agreed as they exited the band room, Rainbow Dash held on to Sunset’s journal as they headed towards their next class.

“Girls?” Fluttershy meekly spoke.

“What is it, Fluttershy?” Rarity asked as she faced her shy friend.

“I-I think we should have a sleepover at my house tonight,” Fluttershy said.

“Shy, ah don’t think now is a good idea for a sleepover.” Applejack pointed out.

“Now is the best time for it,” Fluttershy said.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand what you mean,” Rarity said in confusion.

“Since we’re all going to reflect on our relationship with Sunset, maybe we should do it together and I figured a sleepover is the best way to do it,” Fluttershy explained.

“You mean a Sunset slumber party!” Pinkie Pie said in excitement, her straight her regaining some of its puffiness.

“It’s a little strange to be having a sleepover about Sunset without her,” Applejack voiced her concern. “Especially since we originally had the sleepovers for her.”

“I’m up for it,” Rainbow Dash spoke up.

“You can count me in!” Pinkie Pie said in her usual enthusiastic way.

“How can I possibly refuse,” Rarity said with a smile.

The girls looked to Applejack.

“No way Ah’m missing out on this,” Applejack said with a smile.

In high spirits, the Rainbooms head towards their next class. Finally looking forward to something.

Applebloom looks nervously at her math partner, Diamond Tiara. Ever since class started and they’ve been partnered like always, her girlfriend hadn’t said a word to her.

“I should’ve figured you had something to do with Anon-A-Miss,” Diamond Tiara finally spoke, not looking at Applebloom as she worked on their math assignment. “It’s kind of obvious with how much you hate Sunset and how the first secrets posted we’re about your sisters. I can’t believe I didn’t see the connection.”

“Ah’m sorry, Diamond Tiara.” Applebloom remorsefully apologized.

“What are you apologizing for?” Diamond Tiara asked, still refusing to look at Applebloom.

“Fer being Anon-A-Miss,” Applebloom said. “And fer getting yah caught up in this mess.”

Diamond Tiara finally looked at Applebloom who was looking at her with sorrowful eyes.

“Resentment is a pretty awful thing huh,” Diamond Tiara said. “It makes us do stupid things and blinds us to those we hurt.”

Applebloom could detect the hurt behind Diamond Tiara’s words which made her feel worse for what she did.

“Why didn’t you talk to me?” Diamond Tiara asked, her voice breaking.

“Because ah wasn’t thinkin’,” Applebloom answered.

“I would have talked you out of it,” Diamond Tiara said. “I would have convinced you three to talk to your sisters.”

“Yah probably would,” Applebloom agreed. “But ah would probably be too stubborn and refuse, we’d probably have a big fight.”

“And broken up,” Diamond Tiara said sadly which caused Applebloom’s eyes to widen.

“Are yah going to break up with me?” Applebloom fearfully asked.

“No,” Diamond Tiara answered, which caused Applebloom to smile. “But you’re going to work hard to make it up to me.”

“Ah promise, Ah’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you!” Applebloom vowed.

“I’ll hold you to that,” Diamond Tiara smirked, she knew that Applebloom made a mistake and is genuinely remorseful for what she did. Even so, she planned to make sure that Applebloom would never leave her out of the loop again. “You can start by being more open with me about what’s bothering you, if there’s something you have to get off your chest no matter how small or silly you can always tell me.”

Applebloom nodded eagerly before she and Diamond Tiara shared a hug, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle watched with happy smiles from another table.

“That’s so sweet!” Sweetie Belle gushed.

“I figured Diamond Tiara wouldn’t break up with Applebloom,” Silver Spoon said. “Although she’s really going to make Applebloom work for her forgiveness.”

“I’m sure glad I’m not Applebloom right now,” Scootaloo commented.

“Don’t think that you two are off the hook,” Silver Spoon said, frowning at her two friends. “You two are going to make it up to Diamond Tiara for your part in this whole mess.”

“We know,” Scootaloo sighed. “We didn’t mean to get her in trouble.”

“I know, that goes to show how things have spiraled out of your control.” Silver Spoon said. “Luckily Sunset acted quickly and minimized the damage.”

“She did,” Sweetie Belle said sadly. “She even sacrificed her new reputation just to help our sisters.”

“She was fair to us when she found out we were Anon-A-Miss,” Scootaloo added. “Now I know why Rainbow said Sunset was probably more awesome than her.”

Suddenly, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo realize something.

“Oh no,” Scootaloo groaned.

“What is it?” Silver Spoon asked curiously.

“Our sisters,” Sweetie Belle answered. “Rarity is going to kill me when I see her again.”

“Rainbow Dash will no doubt disown me after what I did,” Scootaloo said sadly, she can already imagine Rainbow Dash angrily renouncing their sisterhood and declaring that she was dead to her.

Silver Spoon looked at her friends with pity, in their attempt to destroy Sunset’s friendship with their sisters they have undoubtedly damaged their bond with them.

Suddenly the school intercom came alive.

“Attention everyone, please report to the auditorium for an important assembly.”

Author's Note:

The Rainbooms have a difficult choice ahead of them, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I look forward to your comments!