• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,598 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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The Queen's Appreciation

Sunset let out a yawn as she made her way to school, her talk with Abacus Cinch had left her tired and she immediately fell asleep when she got to bed. She managed to write a quick message to Twilight, telling her that she’s too tired to write to her. She soon arrived at school where her loyal followers greeted her.

“Good morning, your majesty!” They all greeted in unison.

“Morning,” Sunset greeted, before yawing.

“Did you sleep okay?” Rainbow Dash asked in concern.

“Yeah, I guess my body still hasn’t woken up,” Sunset replied.

“A queen must be well-rested and appear strong before her subjects,” Trixie commented as she approached Sunset.

“I don’t know how my mom does it,” Sunset said before hugging Trixie.

“Hello, Sunset.” Trixie greeted her friend, returning the hug.

“I trust you slept well?” Sunset asked as she broke the hug.

“Naturally,” Trixie responded as she flipped her hair back.

The rest of Sunset’s group soon arrived and they made their way inside to their classes, the school morning went on normally but during lunchtime, Sunset was called into the Principal’s office.

“You wanted to see me, Principal Celestia?” Sunset asked as she entered the Principal’s office.

“I wanted to ask how your therapy visit went?” Celestia lied, she wanted to keep Sunset occupied while Luna arranged a little surprise for her otherworldly daughter.

“It went well,” Sunset simply answered. “Miss Cinch was very professional and understanding.”

“Abacus has always been very professional if a little blunt in her approach but she deeply cares about helping children,” Celestia said with a kind smile. “She may appear intimidating and mean but she’s someone I can trust to help you, my Sunshine.”

Sunset blushed at the nickname, Celestia received a text from Luna, telling her that she was ready.

“Sunset, would you come with me to the gymnasium? I want your opinion on something,” Celestia asked as she stood from her seat.

“Uh, sure.” Sunset agreed, a little confused.

“Thank you,” Celestia thanked Sunset as the two made their way towards the gym.

As the two made their way towards the gym, Sunset noted how quiet the hallway was except for the sound of their heels clicking against the floor echoed around them. When she saw the gym door ahead, she couldn’t help but think back to the night of her failed ambush. Sunset shook the feeling away, there’s no way that Principal Celestia would be leading her into a trap.

Principal Celestia opened the gym door.


Sunset was taken aback as a large gathering of students and faculty were all in the gym, confetti rained down on her and Principal Celestia.

“W-what is this?” Sunset asked in surprise as the whole gym had been decorated in balloons, tables, streamers, and a banner that read “Thank you Sunset Shimmer.”

“It’s a Sunset appreciation party!” Pinkie shouted as she emerged from the crowd.

“You’ve done so much for the school that you should know how much we appreciate your efforts,” Celestia said.

“All hail, her majesty!” Gilda shouted from the crowd.

“Here, here!” The crowd shouted back.

Sunset covered her mouth with both hands, as tears welled up in her eyes. Her eyes scanned the crowd, practically the whole school was here. She saw her former friends waving at her, shouting way to go, she felt something wrap over her shoulder and turned to see a smiling Trixie.

“Don’t just stand there, it’s your party so let’s celebrate!” Trixie shouted to which the crowd loudly agreed.

Sunset laughed as the tears fell, she nodded as Trixie guided her towards the large crowd to celebrate. For the rest of the school day, the whole school celebrated Sunset Shimmer. There was plenty of laughter and joy as they all played holiday games and shared Christmas stories, the Rainbooms played for the crowd as well as Trixie’s band with their newest member, Sunset Shimmer. The former unicorn used Trixie and Rainbow Dash’s gift to play a holiday song which resulted in her ponying up, Sunset was having the time of her life, she smiled so much that her face hurt. She spotted the Rainbooms near a table having a conversation with their other friends when Sunset’s eyes landed on Rarity, her eyes widened as she had an idea.

Trixie is serving herself some punch when she felt someone tap on her shoulder, she turned to see Rainbow Dash.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash.” Trixie greeted.

“Hey, Trixie. Can I ask you something?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“If it’s about my magical secrets, sorry but a magician never reveals the secrets of her trade,” Trixie told Rainbow Dash as she took a sip from her punch.

“It’s about the guitar,” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“You mean the one you were selling that Trixie bought?” Trixie asked a smirk on her lips.

“Y-yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “Why did you tell Sunset it was from the both of us?”

“Because it was,” Trixie said matter of factly. “When you first asked Trixie for help, it was under the condition that Trixie tells Sunset she helped.”

“But I sold the guitar because I renounced our friendship,” Rainbow Dash said. “You could’ve just given her the guitar as a gift from you, you didn’t need to add me to it.”

“Trixie wanted to,” Trixie shrugged. “As Sunset’s best friend, Trixie wants her to be happy.”

“Since when are you two best friends?” Rainbow questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“The point is that Trixie helped you out through her great generosity!” Trixie boasted.

“Trixie, Rainbow Dash.”

Both girls turn in the direction their names were called and saw Sunset approaching them.

“What is it, your majesty?” Rainbow asked.

“I need your help with something,” Sunset said.

“Of course, Trixie will gladly aid her best friend.” Trixie couldn’t help but boast.

“You can count on me,” Rainbow Dash vowed.

“Thank you,” Sunset thanked both girls, she is very excited about what she has planned and couldn’t wait to get started.

“Thank you for helping me with finishing these orders, Sunset.” Rarity thanked Sunset as they are both in Rarity’s room working on some designer scarfs and hats.

“No problem,” Sunset said as she adjusted the hat on Sweetie Belle who they were using as a mannequin.

Sweetie Belle did her best to stay perfectly still, as she endures her punishment for betraying Rarity.

“Rarity are you busy tomorrow?” Sunset asked as she removed a scarf from Sweetie Belle and replaced it with another one.

“Not too busy,” Rarity answered as she inspected the hat on Sweetie Belle for any imperfections. “Why do you ask?”

“I’m holding an emergency meeting tomorrow in the throne room, my mom and aunt are coming for a visit to discuss the announcement of the royal family to all of Equestria,” Sunset explained, putting away a hat and scarf inside a fancy gift box.

“ A royal visit!” Rarity said in surprise. “Is it a formal or social visit?”

“Don’t worry, Rarity. Everything has already been taken care of, including outfits.” Sunset assured her.

“Are you sure? Maybe I should have a look at them to see if they match the occasion,” Rarity insisted.

“Trust me, Rarity. Your outfit will look amazing,” Sunset assured her as she places her hand on her shoulder.

Rarity looks into Sunset’s eyes before relenting.

“You’re right, I trust you Sunset.”

Sunset smiled as the two got back to work, Rarity stole a few glances at Sunset, watching her work diligently. She didn’t even ask Sunset for help, the former unicorn knew that this would be Rarity’s busy season and her friends were busy today to help so she offered her assistance. Rarity stole a glance at her bed more precisely what was underneath it, Sunset’s gift is waiting to be given. Sweetie Belle noticed where Rarity was staring and was about to say something to help her when Sunset spoke up.

“Rarity, I’m a bit thirsty. Is there any more tea?” Sunset asked politely.

“Oh, let me check.” Rarity went over to where she placed her teapot and checked it to find it empty. “It appears that we are out of tea, but not to worry I’ll make us some more.”

Rarity exited her room and as soon as her door closed, Sunset turned to Sweetie Belle.

“Sweetie Belle, can you help me with something?” Sunset asked the young girl. “It’s very important.”

“What is it?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“We appear to be out of tea but I hope you don’t mind hot chocolate,” Rarity said as she stepped inside her room with a tray that had three mugs of hot chocolate with a single marshmallow in it.

“That will do just fine, Rarity. Thank you,” Sunset thanked the fashionista as they moved to an area where there were no outfits nearby in case they accidentally spilled some hot choco on them. Sunset took a mug and handed it to Sweetie Belle.

“Thank you,” Sweetie Belle thanked Sunset as she took the mug from her.

“Careful, it’s hot.” Rarity warned as she handed Sunset her mug.

Sweetie Belle took a sip and slightly recoiled. It was too hot.

“Let me help you with that,” Sunset offered as she pointed at the mug and the rising steam was pulled to her finger. “Try it now.”

Sweetie Belle took another sip and was surprised to find it not as hot as before.

“Thanks, your majesty.” Sweetie Belle thanked her queen.

“No problem, my mom used to do that for me when I was a filly,” Sunset said with a smile as she took a sip from her mug.

“Have you been talking with your mother through your journal?” Rarity asked, taking a small sip from her mug.

“Not really,” Sunset said as she took another sip. “After they went back to Equestria I have mostly been talking with Twilight.”

“Well, why not?” Rarity half demanded, sounding very surprised by Sunset’s answer. “You haven’t seen her since you arrived in this world right? I would figure that you two would want to make up for the lost time you were apart.”

“You’re right about that but the circumstances for our reunion weren’t ideal,” Sunset said, staring at the steam rising from her mug. “I wanted to face her when I was good and ready, but with the whole school blaming you and Applejack for starting Anon-A-Miss I was left with no choice but to face her before I was fully ready.”

“I’m so sorry, darling.” Rarity apologized, feeling guilty for pushing Sunset to face her mother.

“You don’t have to apologize for that,” Sunset assured her. “Nobody expected that you and Applejack would be blamed for Anon-A-Miss, besides it’s a good thing I faced my mother now.”

“Darling, why do you sacrifice so much for us?” Rarity asked, tears pooling in her eyes. “Especially after what we put you through?”

Sunset reached for a napkin and handed it to Rarity.

“Because I don’t want you, girls, to go through what I did,” Sunset said with a smile.

“Oh, Sunset,” Rarity said as she started crying, she dapped the corners of her eyes and blew her nose on the tissue. “Your mother must be so proud of the woman you’ve become.”

“Yeah,” Sunset agreed as she flashed a toothy grin.

“How was your reunion?” Rarity asked curiously. “Was it a tearjerker?”

“Definitely!” Sunset said with a smile. “I was so scared when I saw her glaring and my aunt was there too with an impassive look. Even after I gathered the courage to apologize for my past actions, she continued to glare at me. I assumed that she still hated me and I resigned myself to return and never see her again, but she smiled and told me she missed me.”

Sunset wiped away a stray tear, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle are holding on to each other and crying.

“Oh, darling. Of course, she would miss you!” Rarity cried, she and Sweetie Belle brought Sunset into a hug.

Sunset laughed as she hugged them back, after their break was over they got back to finishing the rest of the orders before Sunset had to leave.

“Get home safely, darling.” Rarity told Sunset as she and Sweetie Belle saw her off.

“Thanks,” Sunset simply said as she exited Rarity’s home and closed the door behind her.

“Why didn’t you give her the gift?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I was still second-guessing myself,” Rarity answered, feeling ashamed.

“Then how about you give her your gift tomorrow?” Sweetie Belle suggested. “I’ll take it with me so she doesn’t get suspicious and you don’t chicken out again.”

“You’re really determined aren’t you?” Rarity sighed.

“I just want to start acting like a sister and look out for you,” Sweetie Belle answered, smiling widely. There was also another reason that she’ll tell Rarity tomorrow.

“Isn’t that the big sister’s job?” Rarity questioned a sly grin on her lips.

Both girls started laughing.

“Say, Sweetie Belle. What do you say we go downstairs and watch our favorite Christmas movie?” Rarity suggested.

“You mean it?” Sweetie Belle gasped. Her eyes shining hopefully.

Rarity nodded which caused Sweetie Belle to squeal before running downstairs, Rarity followed after her but not before taking one last look at her bed.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle arrived at school and greeted their friends and fellow followers of Sunset.

“Where’s Sunset?” Rarity asked as she noted that the former unicorn wasn’t present.

“She had to go to Equestria for a quick visit” Rainbow Dash answered.

“I hope everything is alright?” Rarity said with worry.

“Not to worry, Sunset just needed to get something,” Trixie assured her.

The surface of the statue base started rippling as Sunset stumbled out.

“Whoa!” Sunset managed to catch herself before she fell over, she looked to her followers and friend and flashed them a smile. “I’m back!”

“Welcome back, your majesty!” Sunset’s followers said.

“Did you get what you needed?” Trixie asked as she approached Sunset, her eyes motioned behind her.

Sunset looked behind Trixie to see Rarity.

“Yep,” Sunset simply answered as she showed Trixie a wrapped box before it suddenly disappeared.

The school bell soon rang and the students started filing in, while Sunset’s followers went to their lockers, Sunset made a quick visit to Principal Celestia’s office. Rarity was in her English class that she had with Applejack, the farm girl had a smile on her face that Rarity hadn’t seen since Anon-A-Miss was exposed.

“You seem to be in high spirits, darling.” Rarity said a smile on her lips.

“Sure am,” Applejack said with a smile.

“Any particular reason why?” Rarity asked.

“Can’t say,” Applejack responded.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Rarity inquired.

“Yah’ll see,” was all Applejack said before she winked at Rarity and went back to paying attention to the teacher.

Rarity eyed Applejack suspiciously, was she hiding something? The rest of the morning went by normally and when the lunch bell rang, Rarity went to the lunchroom but she strangely found the hallways empty. When she arrived at the cafeteria it was also empty.

“Where is everybody?” Rarity asked out loud.


Rarity turned around to see Sunset running towards her.

“Sunset, do you know what happened to everyone?” Rarity asked the former Equestrian as she stopped in front of her.

“They’re in the throne room preparing for the royal visit,” Sunset answered.

“How come I wasn’t aware that it was happening now?” Rarity questioned, placing her hands in her hips and raising a questioning eyebrow at Sunset.

“The meeting was supposed to be for later but I’ve got a message from Twilight saying that my mom and aunt are at her castle and ready to cross over,” Sunset quickly explained as she took Rarity’s hand. “We need your expertise on the decor so let’s hurry.”

Rarity let herself be dragged to the clubroom, with important events like this she knew from experience that an important client could show up unexpectedly. But she started to wonder why Sunset needed all hands on deck if she can just magically make the room into whatever she wanted, granted asking for her expertise on royal decor made sense but Sunset is a royal who no doubt knows all the customs and formalities when hosting a royal gathering. Which begs the question, why has Sunset personally went to find her when her presence was very important for an event such as this?

They soon arrived at the clubroom and Sunset knocked on the door but Rarity noted how she knocked twice then paused for a split second before knocking three more times. The door opened and the two stepped inside, Rarity gasped as she saw the beautiful decore, the throne room changed to a fancy ballroom and everyone was dressed fancy. Rarity noticed that all eyes were on them and she suddenly felt underdressed.

“Sunset, don’t you think we should be getting ready ourselves?” Rarity whispered.

“Way ahead of you,” Sunset said as she ponied up and used her magic to style her hair and make a beautiful gown in her colors.

“Aren’t you forgetting someone?” Rarity questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“Your dress is this way,” Sunset said as she offered her hand to Rarity.

Rarity looked at the offered hand before deciding to take it, Sunset lead Rarity to the center of the ballroom. The crowd parted to let them pass, and at the center is Princess Celestia, Luna, and Twilight along with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna. The three royals are wearing fabulous gowns while the two Principals are dressed in their work clothes.

“Your royal highnesses,” Rarity curtsied before the princesses.

“It’s good to see you again, Rarity.” Princess Celestia said with a smile.

Twilight stepped forward to hug Rarity.

“I didn’t realize that the royal visit would include you as well, Twilight.” Rarity commented as she returned the hug.

“Um, about that,” Twilight said as she broke the hug. “We’re not here for a royal visit.”

“You’re not?” Rarity was surprised and turned to Sunset. “But I thought you said-“

“I lied,” Sunset interrupted, a sheepish smile on her lips. “This gathering is for you.”

“For me?” Rarity questioned.

“Rarity, I want you to have the night you should have had at the Spring Fling,” Sunset said as she magically summoned the wrapped box from earlier and presented it to Rarity.

“W-what is it?” Rarity nervously said as she reached for the box with a trembling hand.

“Open it and see,” Sunset encouraged as she handed the box to Rarity.

Rarity took the box and carefully undid the wrapper, she carefully opened the lid and gasped. Inside was the dress she wore at the Spring Fling, the dress that Sunset had ruined. Rarity looked at Sunset with wide eyes.

“H-how did you get this?”

“I had help from Sweetie Belle,” Sunset said as she winked at Sweetie Belle who is behind Rarity. “Not to mention your pony counterpart helped with the repairs.”

“Is that why you went to Equestria?” Rarity inquired as she felt the dress.

“Yep, I asked Twilight if she knew anyone who could repair it and she mentioned your counterpart.” Sunset explained, a smile on her lips. “She was able to easily fix it, especially with how I...rigged your dress to fall apart.”

Sunset suddenly ponied up and used her magic to not only switch Rarity’s current clothes with her dress but give her the accessories and hairstyle she had at the Spring Fling. The whole ballroom was in awe at Rarity’s beauty.

“And now for the most important part,” Sunset turned to her mother and nodded.

Princess Celestia and Principal Celestia stepped forward, the Principal held a wooden box in her hands.

“Rarity, your devotion to your friends, your generosity towards others, your commitment to helping others shine are exemplary traits that a Princess should strive for.” Princess Celestia listed.

“Your fellow students seem to agree as they have voted you to be the Princess of the Spring Fling!” Principal Celestia said which caused the crowd to cheer, she opened the wooden box to reveal a golden Tiara, decorated with beautiful gems and a single purple jewel on the center of the crown. Rarity was in awe at the crown’s beauty, unlike the fake crown that Sunset had won, this one was real. Princess Celestia picked up the crown and Rarity bowed as she placed the crown on her head.

The entire room erupted in cheer, Rarity looked around with pure joy. She spotted her friends and sister cheering for her, this was exactly how Rarity envisioned her victory night at the Spring Fling was supposed to be.

“May I have the first dance with the Princess?” Sunset asked as she offered Rarity her hand.

“Yes, you may,” Rarity accepted the offered hand as she and Sunset started dancing to the music the band was playing. The two danced under the spotlight as all eyes are on them, Rarity felt like she was on cloud nine. All too soon the dance ended but a handsome young man wanted to dance with Rarity, she was happy to oblige. Rarity had the time of her life, dancing with every handsome boy and especially her friends who congratulated her. It was everything she could have ever wanted and more.

“Let’s have a round of applause for our Princess, Rarity!” Sunset announced which the crowd gladly complied, Sunset watched Rarity light up with joy. Just one last thing to do. Sunset thought. “Rarity has always been a great person who goes out of her way to help others, generously offering time and resources without asking for anything in return.”

Rarity is very touched by Sunset’s words, the former unicorn went above and beyond to make this moment very special. She felt a tug on her sleeve and looked down to see Sweetie Belle with the gift she was going to give Sunset, Rarity took the gift from her little sister and looked back at Sunset. She opened her mouth to call her over but her eye for detail took notice of how parts of Sunset’s dress are starting to come undone. Her eyes widened in shock as she realized that Sunset was about experience what she had at the Spring Fling. Then it hit her, Sunset conjured that dress herself, she planned all of this and she was going to humiliate herself for her.

Once again Sunset is going to sacrifice herself. Her mind is brought back to the night of The Spring Fling where her dress fell apart and she saw the satisfying grin on Sunset’s face, that grin slowly faded as Sunset’s eyes widened, realization dawned on her on what she had done. Rarity saw regret and horror in those eyes. A spark ignited within Rarity, she couldn’t allow Sunset to do it. Rarity rushed over to Sunset as her dress was coming apart, she felt the familiar surge of magic as pony ears emerged from on top of her head and her hair extended into a ponytail.

“Rarity is-” Sunset cuts herself off when she sees Rarity rush towards her, she moves her body to face her which causes the dress to completely fall apart.

Rarity opened the box and used her magic to levitate the outfit inside and launch it at Sunset when the clothes impacted her body she is covered in a blue glow and when it disappeared she is wearing a new leather jacket with an orange line on the sleeves over a lime green blouse with a see-through skirt, skin-tight jeans, and boots with an orange stripe/line on the front. The crowd gasped at Sunset’s sudden transformation.

“What is this?” Sunset questioned as she looked at her new outfit.

“Your Christmas gift,” Rarity answered as she used her magic to gather up the remains of Sunset’s dress in the box.

“Rarity, you ponied up!” Sunset said in surprise.

“I suppose I have,” Rarity nonchalantly said as she inspected herself. “More importantly, darling. Your dress was coming undone, just like mine was at the Spring Fling."

Sunset laughed nervously as Rarity crossed her arms.

“So you noticed huh?”

“Darling, why would you do such a thing?” Rarity questioned.

“To make your night truly memorable,” Sunset answered. “You being crowned Princess and me humiliated.”

“Oh, darling!” Rarity wrapped her arms around Sunset and hugged her tight. “You’ve already made this a night I will never forget, it’s everything I hoped for and more. And you know why?”

“Why?” Sunset asked as Rarity broke the hug to look her in the eyes.

“Because a wonderful woman who I’ve greatly wronged went to all the trouble to not only make up for her mistake but prove what generous friend she truly is,” Rarity said, tears in her eyes. “Which is why I made her the outfit she now wears, to show everyone just how wonderful I believe she truly is.”

Both girls hugged each other as they cried on their shoulders, the crowd around them clapped at the heartwarming scene.

Author's Note:

Things appear to be looking bright, I hope you enjoy the chapter, and I look forward to your comments.