• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,598 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Royal Duties

Author's Note:

Surprise chapter! I hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to your comments! Special thanks to KR Chrome for his help!

Rainbow Dash angrily stormed into the music room and grabbed her guitar.

“No magic, huh? You’re gonna eat your words, Shimmer!”

Rainbow Dash played her guitar furiously, putting all her emotion into it. Their music could bring out their magic so maybe it could trigger it again. She continued to play and a full five minutes passed. Sadly, she accomplished nothing, as the familiar pony ears and pegasus wings did not appear.

Rainbow Dash stopped abruptly and dropped her guitar. She tried to feel for the pony ears. They were not there. She could not even feel the familiar surge of magic she always felt.

It was just gone.

“Why?” Rainbow Dash whispered as she fell to her knees, despair washing over her. “Why can’t I use my magic?”

Rainbow Dash caught sight of a poster of the Rainbooms on the wall, it showed each of the girls playing their instruments. Except there was one band member that was scratched out with a black sharpie.

“Sunset,” Rainbow Dash whispered her name, gritting her teeth in anger. “She must’ve stolen our magic!”

Rainbow Dash recalled how Sunset transformed into that ethereal being after being hit by their magic.

“Yeah, that's what happened. She stole our magic to make herself stronger,” Rainbow Dash told herself.

The door of the band room suddenly opened to reveal the rest of the Rainbooms.

“Dash, are yah alright?” Applejack asked in concern as she hurried over to her friend, she noticed Rainbow’s guitar on the floor. “Ah’m guessin’ that playing yer guitar to summon yer magic didn’t work huh?”

“No, and I know why.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at Applejack. “Sunset stole our magic.”

“She what now?” Applejack looked at Dash in confusion.

“Think about it, Sunset was able to turn into that angel form of hers by using our magic.” Rainbow Dash explained.

“Wait, if she’s bad now, wouldn’t she have turned into a she-demon?” Pinkie Pie asked. “I mean, the last time she put on Twilight’s crown, it turned her red with big devil wings and big black eyes. So what’s so different now that makes her turn into an angel?”

“It’s just a trick!”

“Ah, dunno. Remember back when we beat her? Twilight said that magic revealed what she was truly on the inside,” Applejack said. “What if magic just showed us what she truly is on the inside?”

“You can’t seriously believe she’s an angel on the inside, right?” Rainbow Dash questioned, Sunset an angel? Yeah right.

“I don’t know what to believe. I mean, she said she helped Fluttershy when she had no reason to.” Rarity pointed out.

“It’s true,” Fluttershy confirmed. “She didn’t even ask anything from me.”

“Then this could just be part of her plan!” Rainbow Dash said, sounding a little desperate.

“What plan?” Applejack questioned.

“Her plan to use Anon-A-Miss to steal our magic!” Rainbow Dash said matter-of-factly.

“...ah beg ya pardon, Rainbow, but could yah repeat that?” Applejack asked.

“It all makes sense! Sunset Shimmer set up Anon-A-Miss to steal our magic!” Rainbow Dash repeated. She saw her friends looking unconvinced. “No, listen! She sets up Anon-A-Miss, gets the school all riled up, and when we decide she’s gone bad, we use our rainbow laser on her but she knows it was not going to have any effect! She wanted us to blast her so she could steal our magic!”

“So you’re saying that Sunset Shimmer set up some kind of Xanatos Gambit?” Rarity asked.

“I don’t know who this ‘Xana-who’ is, but Sunset planned all this to get our powers and take control! I know it!” Rainbow Dash said with confidence.

“Ah dunno, Dash. That sounds kinda farfetched, even for me,” Applejack said. “Ah mean, how was Sunset sure that our magic would make her stronger anyway? If she’d gone bad like before, it would’ve beaten her, not made her stronger. It didn’t work on her, coz, deep down we still thought of her as our friend.”

“Maybe that was part of the plan too!” Rainbow Dash quickly said. “She knew that our magic could beat her if we thought of her as an enemy, so she wormed her way into our hearts to make us think of her as a friend!”

“Darling, I think you’re grasping at straws at this point.” Rarity said with a sigh. “Why do you desperately want it to be Sunset so badly?”

“I...I dunno okay!” Rainbow Dash blurted out. “Who else could it be?!”

Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash then at the rest of her friends, she had a good feeling why.

“Is it because you’re afraid to find out that you were wrong?”

Rainbow Dash froze upon hearing that.

"Sunset Shimmer has always been cunning," Rarity reminded. "Even when she was bad, she was never caught doing anything wrong. She's also smart. The more I think about it, the more I see that Anon-A-Miss just isn't her style. Anon-A-Miss is just too blatant and lacks subtlety."

With every word Rarity spoke, the more the rest of her friends realized how Sunset being Anon-A-Miss just didn’t make sense. Their blood ran cold as the painful and horrifying truth started to sink in.

“But…” Rainbow Dash started to say. “She’s bad now.”

“Does an innocent person resort to this?” Applejack questioned, feeling a great weight on her shoulders.

“An innocent person who was forced to do this,” Rarity answered sadly.

The room was silent, each of the girls mulling over what they have just learned. Rarity turned around and opened the door.

“Where are yah going Rarity?” Applejack asked.

“To do what I should’ve done since this whole mess started,” Rarity said as she lowered the front of her hat. “Get to the bottom of this.”

With that said Rarity left the room.

“She’s right,” Rainbow Dash spoke up as she took a deep breath to steel her resolve. “If Sunset is up to no good then we gotta stop her, magic or no magic.”

Rainbow Dash quickly left the room.

“Ah reckon that’s about the only thing we can do at this point,” Applejack noted as she looked to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie. “Yah girls up for it?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie said with great enthusiasm. “It’ll be fun!”

“It couldn’t hurt to try,” Fluttershy reasoned.

Applejack smiled as the trio made their way out of the club room.

“Oh my gosh!” Pinkie Pie suddenly shouted as they left the room.

“W-what is it Pinkie?!” Applejack was startled by Pinkie’s outburst.

“I totally forgot to mention that the painting above Sunset’s throne looks very familiar!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Seriously?” Applejack rolled her eyes.

“Now that you mention it, it did look similar to that image of the unicorn when Sunset’s journal burst into flames,” Fluttershy noted.

“Do ya think they’re the same?” Applejack asked.

“Maybe we should ask Sunset?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Ah guess it couldn’t hurt to ask,” Applejack scratched the back of her head. “But she said she was going to be busy.”

“Then we’ll just ask her tomorrow while we spy on her today!” Pinkie Pie said with a bright smile.

Applejack laughed nervously before they started walking.

“We promised to always be honest with each other but she lied to my face!” Lyra fumed as she pointed an accusing finger at Bon Bon.

“Lyra, I keep telling you that when I joined the club I’m not supposed to reveal what goes on in there!” Bon Bon argued.

Sunset listened to the two best friends squabble, Bon Bon and Lyra are always honest and open with one another. They seldom keep secrets from each other except for the occasional birthday surprise. But apparently, Bon Bon joined a club that she never told Lyra about, which was posted on the Anon-A-Miss page.

“You still don’t get why I’m angry!” Lyra glared at her so-called best friend.

“I’d understand if you’d tell me!” Bon Bon argued.

Sunset rubbed her temples. Listening to them argue was like listening to an old married couple. Honestly, how long were they going to keep up this whole BFF facade when they were clearly a couple?

“OK, stop, stop. I’ve heard enough,” Sunset commanded. “You’re going around in circles. Now, here’s what I’ve gotten so far: Lyra, you’re mad at Bon Bon for keeping things from you, right?”

“Yeah,” Lyra confirmed.

“And Bon Bon, you’re upset because you think Lyra doesn’t trust you, am I right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Then why not invite Lyra to the club?” Sunset suggested. “I mean, if she’s a member too, then there wouldn’t be any need for secrets, right?”

“It’s not that simple. There’s a bit of a selection process involved.”

“Well, if you really care about your friendship, you could at least try, right?”

Lyra and Bon Bon glanced at each other.

“I guess it couldn’t hurt to try,” Bon Bon said, the intensity in her eyes lessening.

“Good, try it out and if it doesn’t work I might have another solution,” Sunset said. “Is that alright with you Lyra?”

“That’s perfectly fine by me,” Lyra said with a smile.

Lyra and Bon Bon curtsied at Sunset before holding hands and exiting her throne, a minute later, Flash Sentry and his band entered the throne room.

“Flash?” Sunset was surprised to see him here. They had dated a long time ago. Back then, she had only used him to gain popularity. After all, he was good looking and a musician. They did have some fun while dating but Flash soon got fed up with her nasty personality and broke up with her. To save face, she spread the news that she had dumped him, not the other way around. She had not really cared beyond that. However, now, she regretted how she had used him and treated him. He’d always been a good guy and sweet. He had to be to tolerate her bitchiness.

“Sunset, can we talk?”


“In private.”

Sunset Shimmer dismissed her court. They left the two alone but Gilda gave Flash a warning glare.

“Alright, we’re alone. So, what did you want to talk about?” Sunset asked as she crossed her legs.

“Sunset, why are you doing this?” Flash asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

“I’m doing this because Anon-A-Miss has turned the school against me. I’m doing this because someone has to take control and enforce order. I’m doing this because someone has to do it so that this school doesn’t fall apart.” Sunset Shimmer stated firmly, her eyes narrowed.

“But did you have to act like that? Did you have to take control?” Flash questioned, he didn’t fully understand why Sunset would take this route.

“A ruler needs to know when to show mercy and when to harden their heart, Flash, so they can do their job. You might think I’m being cold, but I’m doing whatever it takes to save this school.” Sunset answered, repeating the words her mother had spoken to her.

“Even go against your friends?” Flash spoke softly, staring at Sunset with sad eyes.

“Ex-friends. They threw me away when they thought I was Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset corrected a hint of resentment in her voice.

“So, then you’re not doing all this to spite them then?” Flash asked, crossing his arms and arching an eyebrow.

“Hmm, maybe a little,” Sunset answered, smiling cheekily. “I won’t deny that it felt good to wipe the arrogant smirk off their faces, but I’m not doing this for revenge,”

“You could’ve forced them to be your slaves if you really were bad,” Flash said with a smirk.

“Then it’s a good thing I’m not!” Sunset stuck her tongue out at him.

Both of them had a good laugh before the door to the clubroom opened and one of Flash’s bandmates stuck his head inside.

“Flash, are you done?” a boy with sunglasses asked.

“We want to talk to her too,” another boy with light blue hair said as he shoved his bandmate aside.

The boy with glasses glared at his bandmate which caused Flash to sigh.

“Sunset, these two have an issue that they want you to help them with,” Flash said.

“No problem, helping her subjects is what a queen does,” Sunset said as she ordered them along with her court to come back.

Sunset’s guards resumed their positions while Flash’s bandmates stood before the queen.

“So what is it that you need my help with?” Sunset asked.

Flash stood behind his bandmates as they explained their problem to Sunset, he watched as Sunset listened to them with interest. Actually caring for what they had to say.

She’s nothing like how she used to be,’ Flash thought, previously Sunset would only feign interest in their conversations and only pay attention when it benefited her. But now she was paying attention to his bandmates every word, not a hint of boredom, and offer advice with genuine thought and care.

Flash turned his head to look at Sunset’s guards, one of which is a known bully with a seriously bad temper. But looking at Gilda now, stood up straight, disciplined, and fully alert. It was a far cry from who she used to be.

“What did Sunset do to make them like this?” Flash whispered to himself.

“We picked a fight with her majesty.”

Startled by the voice, Flash turned around to see Lightning Dust was the one who had spoken.

“What did you say?” Flash asked.

“We picked a fight with her majesty. We tried to jump her. We lured her into an ambush but it didn’t matter how many of us there were, she managed to beat all of us. She could’ve killed us if she wanted to but she decided to show us mercy instead. That’s why we’ve decided to serve her. She’s strong yet merciful, the kind of ruler this place needs.”

Lightning Dust shuddered as she recalled the nightmares Sunset had inflicted them with. It didn’t need to be said, at least in her opinion.

Flash Sentry’s eyes widened in horror as he looked back at Sunset, who was calmly talking to his bandmates. His eyes then scanned all the students who had become her guards, there were quite a number of them. Flash swallowed a lump in his throat. If they had succeeded in their attempt to jump Sunset, then he doubts she will be here right now.

“Her Majesty truly has no equal,” Gilda spoke up.

“Her so-called friends couldn’t stop her,” Dumbbell said with spite.

“Her reign will last forever!” Hoops said with glee.

Flash was a little unnerved by the blind devotion they all had for Sunset. It just seemed like she had brainwashed them.

"Okay, you guys are a band so you need harmony but you each want to do something different. So how about you come to a compromise that benefits the whole group?" Sunset advised.

“I guess you have a point there,” The band member with the sunglasses said.

“We’ll give it a try,” the boy with the light blue said. “Thanks your uh majesty.”

“You’re welcome,” Sunset said with a kind smile.

The three band members wave goodbye to Sunset before exiting the throne room.

“Dude, Sunset is so awesome for helping us out!” the band member with the sunglasses said.

“I can’t believe you used to date her!” the light blue-haired band member said to Flash as he nudged him.

“Yeah,” Flash said sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Maybe you should ask her out,” the boy with the sunglasses suggested.

“No way, I broke up with her, remember?” Flash reminded him.

“But that was when she was a bitch, now she’s changed!” the band member with the sunglasses pointed out.

“You can be her king!” the light blue-haired band member said.

Her king huh?’ Flash thought as he imagined what that conversation would be like.

You know, you could sit at my side, Flash,’ Sunset smiled seductively. ‘A Queen does need a King after all. We could rule the school together.

It was tempting. To be honest, Flash had seen Sunset change and become better and wanted to give their relationship a second chance if she wanted to. He would not force her to take him back. He wanted it to be mutual.

Flash always found Sunset to be attractive. Even when she used to be bad, she had this charisma that drew people to her and now she was using that charisma to gain a loyal following. The only thing he hated about this situation was that she had been forced to do this for her protection, all because of Anon-A-Miss.

Sounds good, Sunset, but I think I'll pass,’ Flash politely declined.

Oh, that's a shame. I thought we could have some fun. After all, I may need help 'siring an heir' if you know what I mean.’ Flash blushed at the implication. He knew what she meant. ‘I'll leave the door open for you if you change your mind. You can even call me if you like.

"Yeah, I'll think about it, Sunset," Flash spoke aloud.

“What was that?” the sunglasses-wearing band member asked.

“Huh?! Nothing! I didn’t say anything!” Flash quickly said, his cheeks rosy.

“Wait! What was that?” the blue-haired band member noticed Flash’s red cheeks.

“Nothing!” Flash tried to deny it.

“Dude, you’re blushing!” the sunglasses-wearing band member said with a sly smile.

“Just knock it off, you guys!” Flash said as he walked ahead of his companions.

His two bandmates high fived each other before following after him.

A few hours later and Sunset managed to help a few dozen students before the lunch break, normally a monarch would dine in private but Sunset wanted to maintain a powerful presence to CHS. She and her guards are sitting together enjoying lunch while the students stare at them fearfully, but the peace was disturbed when Anon-A-Miss posted a secret about a student's boyfriend cheating on them which caused the girl to become hysterical and attack her boyfriend. Fortunately, Sunset used her magic to stop the violence and brought both of them in front of her.

“So, did you cheat on your girlfriend?” Sunset questioned as she looked at the guilty student with menacing eyes.

“O-of course I didn’t!” the blonde-haired male student denied.

“You liar!” the red-headed girlfriend screamed at her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend. “This picture proves you did!”

The photo in question was of him and the girls kissing as they came out of the movie theaters.

“A cheater and a liar,” Sunset said in a disappointing tone as she used her magic to force the male student to his knees. “I’ve dealt with ponies like you before, the scum of society.”

“Rip him apart, Sunset!” the redhead said with venom as she glared at her ex-boyfriend with hate-filled eyes.

“No,” Sunset said simply as she lifted him back on his feet.

“NO!?” the redhead was stunned.

“This doesn’t warrant death, but don’t worry he’s not off the hook.” Sunset smiled deviously. “He has a clean reputation of being a nice, safe guy. But now that everyone knows he cheated on his girlfriend who herself is club leader of the science fiction club and book club who everyone likes, I doubt anyone will ever look at him the same way again.”

The blonde student fell to his knees as he realized his reputation at CHS is now ruined.

Sunset smiled down at him before going back to eating her lunch.

“Did you see that?” a blue-haired student spoke.

“Sunset laid down the law,” a female green-haired girl spoke.

Whispers flooded the cafeteria of Sunset’s display of authority, a certain group of 5 girls had mixed reactions.

“It serves him right,” Rarity said with a humph.

“That wasn’t a very nice thing for him to do, she is such a nice person,” Fluttershy said disapprovingly.

“No doubt that scoundrel deserved it, but did yah see how smug Sunset looked?” Applejack asked.

“It looked like she enjoyed crushing that piece of shit,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Wouldn’t you?” Rarity asked.

“Maybe a little,” Rainbow Dash said sheepishly.

At another table, the CMC was discussing what they had just witnessed.

“I hate cheaters,” Diamond Tiara said with venom in her voice. “I’ve seen enough of the drama shows my mom watches to despise them.”

"But Sunset just ruined him," Scootaloo argued.

"He did it to himself and got caught," Diamond Tiara argued. During her bully days, she looked up to Sunset Shimmer as a role model as she was powerful even if she was cruel. Then she turned over a new leaf and saved them from the Dazzlings. This whole Anon-A-Miss scandal turned her into a pariah but instead of running away, she took control and now ruled the school as a tough but fair ruler. She could be kind and cruel to those who deserved it and the students were beginning to look up to her.

Diamond Tiara picked up her tray.

"Where are you going, Diamond?" Applebloom asked.

"I'm gonna sit with Sunset Shimmer and ask for an interview," Diamond Tiara answered.

“What?!” Applebloom was shocked to hear this. “Why would yah do that?”

“Because she's the best example of changing yourself for the better,” Diamond Tiara answered.

“How is ruling over the school changing for the better?” Scootaloo questioned. “It’s the same thing she did before.”

“Not quite,” was all Diamond Tiara said before going to Sunset’s table.

“H-hold on!” Applebloom called out as she quickly got up from her seat and went after Diamond Tiara. “A-ah’ll join yah.”

“Applebloom, I’ll be fine by myself.” Diamond Tiara said as she and Applebloom walked towards Sunset’s table.

“Ah know, ah just want to be with yah to give yah support,” Applebloom said.

“Thanks, Applebloom.” Diamond Tiara leaned in to kiss Applebloom on the cheek. “I can always count on you.”

“Wouldn’t be much of a girlfriend if ah’m not there fer yah,” Applebloom said with a smile, truthfully she didn’t want Diamond Tiara to be alone with Sunset now that she was back in power. Who knows what Sunset might do to her.

Sunset was still in the middle of holding court when she saw Diamond Tiara and Applebloom approaching their table. She once considered having Diamond Tiara as one of her minions before she settled on Snips and Snails. Back then, Diamond Tiara’s wealth and connections would have been useful, but the girl was ambitious and could’ve tried to overthrow her. Snips and Snails were easier to manage since they weren’t ambitious.

Diamond Tiara, like herself, had a position of power. As editor of the school newspaper, the girl could use it to spread news and information, which were valuable in their own way. When Sunset looked at Applebloom, her back was hunched and she tried to not make eye contact. That was odd.

“Good afternoon, Sunset Shimmer,” Diamond Tiara greeted politely. “Can we talk?”

“Sure, take a seat,” Sunset smiled. She turned to her court, “Make room for them.”

Her guards did as told and made space for Diamond and Applebloom to sit across from Sunset Shimmer.

“So, Sunset Shimmer, as you know I’m the editor of the school newspaper,” Diamond Tiara smiled.

“Yes, I know,” Sunset Shimmer acknowledged.

“Well, I was hoping I could schedule an interview with you.” Diamond Tiara said.

"Oh?" Sunset was intrigued.

“I’m curious to find out how you got back to the top again and I think my readers deserve to know too.” Diamond Tiara said, getting into journalist mode.

“Well, if it’s an interview you want, I should be free right after school,” Sunset answered. “Although, if you want, I can give you a bit of something to write about.”

“Oh?” Diamond Tiara pulled out her phone and started recording.

“I wouldn’t be where I am without Anon-A-Miss. Thanks to them, I was able to realize who my friends are. They also made me realize that this school needs order and someone to enforce it, someone like me. After all, you need power to maintain order.” Sunset said with finality.

“And do you think you’re doing the right thing?” Diamond Tiara prompted.

“Right or wrong, as long as it gets the job done, that’s all that matters. If you want to talk further, let’s talk after school, OK?” Sunset asked.

“That’s not right!” Applebloom spoke up. “There is a better way to do this, Princess Twilight used friendship to unite everyone!”

“That she did, but without Twilight here to become a beacon of hope, everything fell apart,” Sunset said.

“What do you mean by that?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“I’ll explain in our interview and you can bring your girlfriend too,” Sunset winked at the two.

The lunch bell rang and the students started calmly walking back to class, Trixie was about to exit the cafeteria when she was stopped by Sunset.

“Trixie, do you have a minute?” Sunset asked.

“What does the Queen of Canterlot High want with The Great and Powerful Trixie?” Trixie asked.

Applebloom and the rest of the CMC cast a glance at Sunset and Trixie before leaving the cafeteria, but they aren’t the only ones as the Rainbooms also notice Sunset talking with Trixie as they leave the cafeteria.

“Ah wonder what Sunset wants with Trixie?” Applejack asked.

“Whatever it is, it can’t be anything good.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Let’s spy on their meeting,” Pinkie Pie whispered.

“Ah can’t, ah have some chores to do.” Applejack said with a sigh.

“The boutique is super busy this time of year and they need all hands on deck!” Rarity said with great urgency.

“It’s the same over at the shelter,” Fluttershy said.

“And I have a Christmas party to plan!” Pinkie said with glee.

“Then I guess it’s up to me, as always.” Rainbow Dash whispered the last part.

“Do be careful, darling.” Rarity said with worry.

“Sunset is very crafty, don’t let her pull the wool over yer eyes.” Applejack warned,

“Don’t worry, I’ve got this!” Rainbow Dash said with great confidence. “I’ll find out what Sunset’s up to and put a stop to it!”

“How about yah find out and tell us first so we can form a plan to stop her,” Applejack suggested.

“Right, I’ll do that.” Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

Rainbow Dash was going to stop Sunset and get her magic back, there’s no chance of Sunset pulling a fast one on her. Nope, not a chance.