• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,551 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

The Queen's War

“Are yah alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked her sister as she looked at her from the rearview mirror as Big Mac was driving them to school, Applebloom looked exhausted.

“Yeah, ah just didn’t get enough sleep last night,” Applebloom answered it’s hard to sleep when you’re filled with guilt.

“Do yah wanna talk about it?” Applejack gently asked.

“No,” Applebloom said simply, her gaze cast downward.

Applejack didn’t pry any further, she guessed that Applebloom is still upset over being separated from her girlfriend.

Once they arrived at school, Applebloom headed towards the CMC clubroom. She closed her eyes as she recalled how she stormed out of there in a panic and her friends had to calm her down, with Sunset finding out they were Anon-A-Miss, her sister forbidding her from seeing Diamond Tiara, and the students thinking Applejack and Rarity created Anon-A-Miss and framed Sunset was simply too much for her to deal with at once. Applebloom arrived at her clubroom and opened the door to see Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

“Hey, Applebloom.” Scootaloo greeted. “How are you feeling?”

“Lousy,” Applebloom responded as she stepped inside the clubroom.

“I know what you mean,” Sweetie Belle spoke. “I guess Sunset was right about things getting worse.”

“And we’re the only ones who can fix this,” Scootaloo added. “Talk about pressure.”

“Girls, ah’m scared,” Applebloom confessed. “Things have gotten so bad, ah only wanted to split Sunset and mah sister but now ah can’t even see mah own girlfriend.”

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo wrapped Applebloom in a hug as she cried.

“It’s okay, Applebloom.” Sweetie Belle assured her, her tears stinging her eyes.

“Girls, ah can’t keep doing this,” Applebloom said as she pulled back. “Ah’m going to tell Principal Celestia the truth, that ah’m Anon-A-Miss.”

“You can’t!” Sweetie Belle raised her voice in shock.

“Ah have to,” Applebloom said.

“Did you forget that all of us had a hand in Anon-A-Miss?” Scootaloo questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“We all share the blame,” Sweetie Belle corrected.

“Thanks, girls,” Applebloom thanked her friends, smiling genuinely.

“Time to face the music,” Scootaloo said worriedly.

But just as they exited the clubroom, an image of Sunset’s face appeared in the hallways.

“Hello my loyal subjects,” Sunset addressed the entire school, an evil smirk on her face. “I’m broadcasting to the entire school using my magic and I want to tell you how pleased I am with everyone.”

In one of the classrooms, the Rainbooms were watching Sunset’s announcement.

“What is she up to?” Applejack questioned.

“Since everyone has been so good, I’m going to reward you by telling you a little secret,” Sunset said as she got close to whisper to everyone. “I was Anon-A-miss the whole time.”

Everyone watching gasped as Sunset snickered.

“I knew it!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice as she stood up from her seat.

“I needed a way to make everyone distrustful and create chaos so that I can swoop in and save the day!” Sunset confessed. “It worked spectacularly, even better than I could have imagined. So I want to thank every one of you for making this happen, now my true mission for being in this world is complete.”

The students started mumbling about what Sunset meant by her true mission.

“Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that I was sent to this world by my mother to secure a safe zone where we will start conquering this world?” Sunset said sheepishly.

“What?!” The CMC said in shock.

“Sunset, what are you doing?” Flash asked no one, watching Sunset’s revelation in class.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to greet my mother when she arrives.” Sunset waved goodbye before ending the broadcast.

“So that was her plan all along!” Applejack said in irritation.

“Now do you believe me that Sunset was bad all along?” Rainbow Dash asked as she turned to Fluttershy.

The shy girl didn’t say anything as she simply stared back at her best friend, a heartbroken look on her voice.

“Girls, there’s no time to waste, we must stop Sunset now!” Rarity urged everyone.

Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash nodded, Fluttershy hesitated a bit before nodding.

“I-if Sunset has been bad all along, then we have to stop her,” Fluttershy concluded sadly.

“Atta girl,” Rainbow Dash smiled as she laid a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

The Rainbooms raced towards the Wondercold statue, hoping they could stop Sunset before it was too late.

“No turning back now,” Sunset said as she wrote a message to Twilight, telling her that it was time. She waited for Twilight’s reply which she didn’t have to wait long as her journal started glowing and vibrating. After reading Twilight’s reply, Sunset closed her journal and teleported herself to the Wondercolt statue.


Sunset turned around to see the Rainbooms.

“How wonderful, the welcoming committee is here.” Sunset mocked, smirking evilly as she looked at her former friends.

“We should’ve known that you had something big planned,” Rarity spoke, glaring at Sunset.

“Oh please, you girls are hopeless without someone to hold your hand.” Sunset mocked as she rolled her eyes, she decided to agitate her former friends to help bring out the lingering resentment they have for her.

“Take that back, you bitch!” Rainbow Dash cursed, taking a step forward.

“Especially you and Applejack, you girls have no brains that I wonder why anyone would even be friends with you.” Sunset’s smirk grew seeing Rainbow and Applejack’s faces turn red, she wondered if she should be concerned that she enjoyed that.

“You know, Sunset. I would think that you would have learned something about friendship during your time with us, but I guess even intelligence can be faked.” Rarity insulted Sunset’s intelligence.

“At least I’m not easily taken advantage of,” Sunset shrugged, she noticed Rarity stiffen and knew she hit a sore spot.

“You really are a witch,” Rarity grumbled in anger.

“At least I’m honest about how I feel about others,” Sunset continued to agitate them.

“What do yah know about honesty?” Applejack huffed. “Yah lied to our faces about being our friend.”

“If it’s honesty you want then honesty you get,” Sunset smirked, she was going to let them know exactly how she feels about them. “You girls are-”

Sunset was interrupted as a wave of darkness erupted from the portal, Sunset was surprised by this but she felt something familiar about this darkness. The darkness engulfed everything around them and blocked out the sun, the Rainbooms looked around nervously before the portal rippled as a black magical shaped horn emerged, followed by a head and face. Her slitted, moderate cyan eyes looked down at those in front of her, her magical flowing hair resembled the stars so much, it was as if it was plucked from the night sky itself. As the rest of her body emerged, she is covered in light blue armor, her skin tone is a very dark cornflower blue, and a symbol of a crescent moon is on the front of her chest armor. Her wings were in the shape of a bat’s, but instead of a wing membrane, they had feathers. She towered over everyone present and her smirk sent shivers down the girls’ spines.

KNEEL BEFORE NIGHTMARE MOON!” Nightmare Moon declared using the royal Canterlot voice, she took a step forward...and immediately fell flat on her face.

Sunset hurried to Nightmare Moon’s side and helped her up.

“Are you alright?” Sunset whispered.

“I’m alright,” Nightmare Moon assured her, using her normal voice. “So much for a first impression.”

Once Nightmare Moon was back on her feet, she raised an eyebrow at the Rainbooms.

“Not much of a welcoming party,” Nightmare Moon scrutinized.

Just then, fire shot out of the portal before expelling a large fireball that exploded in the sky, clearing out the darkness and revealing an equally tall woman with light gambogeish gray skin, she’s wearing dark orange armor but unlike Nightmare Moon, she has armor on the top part of her wings where her feathers connect as well as a crown that also functions like a helmet with a red jewel at the center. A golden horn made of magic sprouts above the jewel, her hair is made of fire and a mark of the sun is on the center of her chest armor. Her amber eyes scan the area and lock on to the Rainbooms who felt overwhelmed by her presence.

“How unusual,” the woman commented as she inspected her hands. “What a bizarre dimension.”

“Hello, mother.”

Sunset’s mother turned to see her daughter kneeling before her.

“Sunset, it’s been so long.” Sunset’s mother said as she floated down to her daughter, she wobbled a bit as her feet touched the ground but Sunset helped steady her. “It would seem that I need to get used to this form before we begin our takeover of this dimension.”

“You’re not taking over anything!” Rainbow Dash shouted defiantly.

Sunset’s mom looked back to the Rainbooms.

“Who dares defy, Daybreaker. The Empress of Equestria?”

"Just a bunch of weak, powerless, and helpless humans, mother. They did possess magic but I stripped them of it so they would not become a nuisance," Sunset informed Daybreaker, dismissing the Rainbooms as a threat. "How is everything on the other side?"

"All taken care of, dear niece. Twilight Sparkle and her Elements of Harmony have been dealt with," Nightmare Moon said.

"What did you do to Twilight!?" Applejack demanded.

"The same thing we will do to you if you don't get out of our way," Daybreaker threatened. "So kneel before us before we make examples out of you."

"Be smart about this, Applejack," Sunset advised. "You have no magic, no plan, and stand no chance against us. You didn't even stand a chance against just me. How will you hope to defeat all three of us?"

“That doesn’t mean we won’t try,” Applejack answered.

“Stubborn to the end,” Sunset sighed as she shook her head.

“Now, now daughter, if they wish to be destroyed then so be it,” Daybreaker said, a malicious grin on her lips. “But I prefer to see the hopelessness in their eyes just before they meet their end, so I will allow you to fight for your world at full strength.”

“Mother?” Sunset looked at her mother in confusion.

“And to give you a sporting chance, you will only be fighting Sunset,” Daybreaker explained.

“Are you scared to fight us yourself?” Rainbow Dash mocked, crossing her arms.

“Then I welcome you to attack me,” Daybreaker smiled as she beckoned them. “I’ll give you all one free shot.”

“What about our magic?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Sunset, give them their magic,” Daybreaker ordered.

“Yes, mother.” Sunset bowed before facing her former friends, she started to concentrate and could feel the magic of friendship buried deep in the girls’ hearts. The magic of the Rainbooms responded to her magic, causing the Rainbooms to pony up.

“I’ll end this in an instant,” Rainbow Dash said, grinning confidently as she punched her palm. She dashed towards Daybreaker at an incredible speed and punched the Empress in the face. “See? No-ah!” Rainbow Dash suddenly pulled her fist back and held it against her chest, a very pained look on her face.

“Thanks for the gentle breeze, so when are you going to attack me?” Daybreaker mocked, smiling innocently as she is unfazed by Rainbow's punch.

“Are you alright, Dashie?” Pinkie Pie asked as she attended to her friend, a worried look on her face.

“My sister alone is beyond any of you, with but a mere gentle flap of her wings she can burn you to ashes.” Nightmare Moon warned.

Rainbow Dash merely glared at the smiling Daybreaker before she rushed at her again.

“Dash, don’t!” Applejack warned.

Rainbow Dash zoomed around Daybreaker to try to confuse her, she then aimed a kick to her face again, only to instead zoom behind her and attempt to kick her behind the head. But before her kick could land, it was blocked by Sunset.

“The Empress only allowed you one free hit,” Sunset reminded Rainbow before she grabbed onto her leg and threw her back to the others.

Rainbow Dash stopped herself and gently landed on her feed.

“You’re going to pay for everything you’ve done!” Rainbow Dash vowed as she pointed an accusing finger at Sunset.

“I already did, Dash,” Sunset said before walking towards the Rainbooms, and then walking past them. “Let’s go to a more suitable location to solidify your defeat.”

Sunset led the group into the school, no one was around to see the portal begin to ripple.

The CMC was in their clubroom, trying to come to make sense of Sunset’s announcement.

“Why would Sunset confess to being Anon-A-Miss?” Scootaloo questioned as she paced around.

“Do you think she’s covering for us?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“But why would she do that?” Scootaloo questioned. “It makes no sense for her to take the blame.”

“Maybe because she’s not as bad as we thought,” Sweetie Belle said, her voice soft.

“As bad as ah wanted her to be,” Applebloom admitted, feeling ashamed. “Even after she caught us, even after we ruined her life, Sunset wants to help us.”

“Rarity was right,” Sweetie Belle admitted, feeling guilty and ashamed. “Sunset has changed.”

“We have to tell our sisters that we are Anon-A-Miss,” Scootaloo stated.

“Let’s find them before things get even worse than they are now,” Sweetie Belle urged.

“Let’s go!” Applebloom said as she and the CMC rushed out of the clubroom and hurried to find their sisters.

The door to the Sunset’s clubroom opened as the royal family and the Rainbooms walked inside, they walked down the red carpet towards the single throne.

“I’ll make another seat,” Sunset said as she was about to snap her fingers but her mother stopped her.

“We’ll take care of that,” Daybreaker said as she and Nightmare Moon walked up to the small throne, as soon as Daybreaker took a seat on the throne the marble columns burst into flames. The throne transformed into a throne that suited her stature with a miniature sun floating above the headrest.

Nightmare Moon walked to stand beside her sister, darkness spread from beneath her feet and a light blue throne with bat wings emerged. A crescent moon sits on top of the headrest while a larger, dark crescent moon loomed above it. The throne room then transformed to incorporate the tastes of both rulers.

“Now, Sunset.“ Daybreaker spoke. “Crush these foals and take your rightful place at our side.”

“With pleasure,” Sunset grinned as she faced her former friends, she snapped her fingers but nothing happened.

“What was that fer?” Applejack asked, narrowing her eyes at Sunset.

“I’m letting the whole school witness your defeat,” Sunset explained, smiling devilishly as she made a fireball in her hand and threw it at the Rainbooms.

The Rainbooms dodge it but little did they know that the fireball wasn’t real but an illusion, Rainbow Dash quickly flew around Sunset to confuse her but Sunset wasn’t falling for it. She knew Dash well enough to predict where she would strike and she reached to her left just as Dash appeared and grabbed her arm.

“Gotcha!” Sunset sneered.

“Let go of her!” Applejack demanded as she shoulder tackled Sunset, thanks to her magic enhancing her strength, Sunset was sent flying back.

“Haaa!” Pinkie Pie shouts as she kicks Sunset’s side.

Sunset rolls across the floor before coming to a stop, she struggles to get up as she holds her side in pain.

“Is that all you got?” Sunset questioned, she manages to stand and her hair casts a shadow over her eyes.

“Ah’ll show you!” Applejack fumed as she charged at Sunset, pulling back her fist. “This is fer posting mah secret!”

Applejack throws a punch at Sunset but she easily catches it.

“Let go,” Applejack demanded as she struggled to pull her fist away.

“You heard her!” Rainbow Dash said as she swooped down towards Sunset but the former unicorn’s hair burst into flames causing Rainbow to stop.

Applejack noticed that the whites of Sunset’s eyes have turned black.

“Hey Rainbow Dash, catch!” Sunset said as she threw Applejack at Rainbow but not hard enough to hurt them.

Rainbow Dash catches Applejack and uses the momentum to push them away from Sunset.

“You alright, Applejack?” Rainbow Dash asked as she set her best friend down.

“Yeah, thanks Dash.” Applejack thanked Rainbow.

“Now that got the blood flowing,” Sunset said as her skin started turning red and red bat wings sprouted from her back. “Let’s stop playing around and fight for real. Fight as your very lives depend on it!”

The CMC were running down the halls when a holo image showing Sunset’s battle with her former friends appeared floating in the hallway.

“We’re too late,” Applebloom said dejectedly.

Sunset engaged Rainbow Dash in the air, the rainbow-haired girl was much faster than her but Sunset was able to keep track of her and easily counter her attacks.

“Damn it!” Rainbow cursed as Sunset dodged another one of her punches.

“You’re just so easy to read, Dashie.” Sunset mocked, trying to get under Dash’s skin to bring out the hidden resentment.

“Shut up!” Rainbow Dash screamed angrily going for another swoop at Sunset but once again she dodged it.

“Not to mention you’re just so easy to lead along,” Sunset continued to mock, knowing full well that this would strike a nerve with Rainbow.

“I told you to shut up!” Rainbow Dash shouts as she zooms towards Sunset but the queen catches her.

“You’re the element of Loyalty Dash, but you couldn’t even stay loyal to your so-called friends,” Sunset pointed out, easily holding on to Rainbow Dash’s arms. “You never even bothered to find out why Applejack bailed on you.”

“Let go!” Rainbow Dash demanded as she struggled to free herself from Sunset’s grip

“Maybe you were glad to finally be rid of her?” Sunset grinned. “She was your rival after all, with her gone, nothing was in your way to be the best. Nothing except me of course.” Sunset saw the flash of anger in Rainbow’s eyes and knew she found what she was looking for, she loosened her grip which allowed Rainbow Dash to break free.

“YOU BITCH!” Rainbow Dash cursed, she flew at Sunset so fast she created a sonic Rainboom.

Sunset braced herself as Rainbow Dash slammed into her.

“YOU TOYED WITH US, MADE US LOOK LIKE IDIOTS, MADE ME LOOK LIKE A TRAITOR!!” Rainbow Dash shouted tears started streaming from her eyes as she and Sunset zoomed across the room. “I KNEW YOU WOULD BETRAY US, IT’S WHAT YOU DO, IT’S WHAT SCUM LIKE YOU ALWAYS DO!!”

Rainbow Dash and Sunset zoomed towards the ground, Rainbow Dash made sure that Sunset was facing the ground so she took the full impact as she slammed her on the ground and made a big crater. The Rainbooms rushed towards the crater just as Rainbow Dash was thrown out.

“That’s it Dash, show me how you truly feel.” Sunset grinned devilishly, wincing slightly from the impact but already using her magic to heal herself. She charged at the Rainbooms and swiped at Rarity with her claws but the fashionista dodged it.

“Rarity!” Fluttershy called out in worry but Sunset turned to look at her which caused the shy girl to freeze.

“Poor Fluttershy, too much of a coward to stand up for your friends.” Sunset mocked with glee, she moved her head back to dodge a punch from Applejack.

“Yah leave her alone!” Applejack warned.

“Oh Applejack, where were you when I was bullying Fluttershy?” Sunset questioned as she grabbed the farm girl’s fist. “Why did you abandon her?” She easily pushed Applejack back.

“Yah snake, yah are done messing with us!” Applejack vowed as she attacked Sunset.

Sunset grinned as she breathed fire at her but just like the fireball, it was just an illusion.

Applejack’s eyes widened as the blaze approached her, but she was saved by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy who lifted her to safety. Sunset was about to fly up to attack them but was stopped by Rarity who took up a fighting stance.

“Normally I detest violence, but I cannot let you get away with your vile acts!” Rarity said, her eyes narrowed at Sunset.

“Just like the Spring Fling?” Sunset questioned a sly smirk on her lips.

“You will not do to my friends what you did to me.” Rarity vowed as she engaged Sunset.

Sunset knew that Rarity was a black belt in martial arts, despite her delicate appearance, the fashionista was more than capable of defending herself. Especially with the use of magic. Sunset dodged and blocked Rarity’s attacks, she was a skilled fighter too, personally trained by her mother who had centuries worth of combat experience.

“Honestly Rarity, I thought you had let go of the past.” Sunset mocked as she dodged a punch.

“How can I, when it rears its ugly head.” Rarity insulted, gracefully dodging Sunset’s low kick. She conjured up a barrier to block Sunset’s fire breath.

“And here I thought it was beneath a lady to hold on to petty grudges,” Sunset continued her mockery of Rarity, if she was going to get to her then the incident at the Spring Fling was her best bet.

“Petty?!” Rarity threw her shield at Sunset who shattered it with a single punch. “Petty is getting upset for not having your way! Petty is making others miserable to satisfy your ego!” Rarity focuses magic in her hands and fires a magic beam at Sunset who countered with her red one. “Petty is sabotaging my dress to come undone IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE CROWD JUST TO WIN A DAMN PAGEANT!!”

Rarity’s anger fueled her magic and she began to push Sunset’s attack back.

“YOU DON’T KNOW HOW MUCH I WANTED TO GET BACK AT YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!!” Rarity raged, her ruined mascara running down her face.

“Then why didn’t you?” Sunset questioned, adding a bit more power to push back Rarity’s attack a little. “Is it because you were above petty revenge or because you loved how pathetic I looked after you all rainbow-blasted me at the Fall Formal?”

“We opened our hearts to you!” Rarity shouted.

“Did you really?” Sunset questioned as she put more power into her attack and overpowered Rarity.

“I got you Rarity!” Pinkie Pie said as she tackled Rarity away from Sunset’s attack.

Sunset was about to move in but she felt someone restrain her.

“Yer not going anywhere!” Applejack said as she looped her arms under Sunset’s arms.

“Well if it isn’t the so-called Element of Honesty,” Sunset turned her head to grin at Applejack. “What lies are you going to tell this time?”

“Ah aint no liar!” Applejack angrily denied. “Yer the one who lies and manipulates people, just like how yah manipulated and drove us apart.”

"I may have driven you girls’ apart, but who was the one that kept you apart? You didn't even try to get the real story from Rainbow. You just stopped talking to her. I didn’t even have to keep you apart! You did the rest of the work for me! For someone who claims that her friends are like family, once they make you look stupid, you disown them like nothing! Isn’t family about sticking together? You couldn’t even do that with your other friends!" Sunset pointed out, her anger at Applejack’s hypocrisy seeping in.

"If you have been real friends, it wouldn't have worked! It only worked because, deep down, you believed the worst in each other already! And you stayed apart because of one little thing that could’ve been resolved if you’d just talked."

“Yah wanna know the truth?!” Applejack had had enough, her rage fueling her strength as she threw Sunset over her shoulder. “AH NEVER WANTED TO BE YER FRIEND IN THE FIRST PLACE!!”

Sunset rolled across the floor but before she could get up she was kicked in the face, causing her to fall on her back. She then felt a weight on her stomach and saw Applejack above her before she started punching her face.

“AH DON’T CARE WHAT TWILIGHT TOLD US, THERE WAS NO WAY AH WAS GOING TO BEFRIEND A NO GOOD, BACKSTABBING, SNAKE IN THE GRASS, BITCH LIKE YAH!!” Applejack screamed, tears stinging her eyes as she continued to punch Sunset’s face, the ground shattering underneath them from the sheer force of her punches.

Daybreaker tightened her grip on the armrest of her throne, causing the marble to crack. Seeing her daughter getting pummeled so brutally was too much for her to take.

“Easy sister,” Nightmare Moon whispered.

“I don’t know how much more of this I can handle,” Daybreaker growled, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

“This isn’t easy for me either,” Nightmare Moon said, she wanted so badly to stop this. “But we must put our trust in Sunset.”

“Very well,” Daybreaker agreed through gritted teeth, she needed to hold on just a little bit longer.

“Sweet Celestia!” Twilight cried out in horror at seeing Sunset getting her face smashed by Applejack, if she was as strong as her pony counterpart, then Sunset is in real trouble. To make sure she wasn’t seen by the girls as they followed Sunset, she kept herself at a distance and hid from the other students but she lost sight of them.


Upon hearing her name being called, Twilight turned to see the CMC.

“What are you doing here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I’m here to help Sunset,” Twilight answered simply. “She’s told me about Anon-A-Miss and your connection to her.”

The CMC looked down in shame.

“Listen, girls’, Sunset plans to take the fall for Anon-A-Miss to help clear your sisters name.” Twilight explained as she bent down to their level.

“We figured that out and we want to stop her and tell our sisters the truth,” Applebloom said.

“Then we better find them quick, if only I knew where they are.” Twilight bit her lip in frustration.

“We know where they are!” Sweetie Belle said.

“Then take me there, quick!” Twilight said urgently.

The CMC led Twilight to Sunset’s club room, hopefully, they weren’t too late. As they hurried to stop the fighting, the rest of CHS couldn't stand to see what was happening.

“Boss,” Snips whispered Sunset’s name worried as he watched her get her face smashed.

“What the heck is Applejack doing?!” Trixie cried out in shock. “She’s going to kill her!”

“Sunset,” Flash Sentry whispered Sunset’s name, he grits his teeth as he balled his fist in anger before running towards Sunset’s club room as fast as he could. “Just what is it that she’s doing?”

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watched in fear as Applejack let out her frustration on Sunset’s face. The Principal and Vice-Principally are appalled at such brutality and quickly left their offices to stop this madness.

“Her majesty!” Gilda cried out, she couldn’t stomach this anymore.

“We gotta save her!” Lightning Dust started as she and the rest of Sunset’s followers raced to the clubroom.

The rest of the Rainbooms looked on as Applejack rearranged Sunset’s face, Rainbow Dash and Rarity felt glad while Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie looked worried. But as Applejack was about to deliver another punch, Sunset once again catches her fist.

"You done venting?" Sunset asked as Applejack's punches did no damage. "Because it sounds like you lied about keeping your promise to Twilight." Sunset lifted her free hand to flic Applejack’s forehead, sending her flying back.

Pinkie and Rainbow Dash quickly reacted to catch Applejack.

“You okay, Applejack?” Pinkie asked worriedly.

“Y-Yeah,” Applejack answered, rubbing her forehead where she had a small bruise. “Careful girls, Sunset’s a lot stronger than she shows.”

“How sad that your friends are quick to come to your aid but yet you easily abandoned them,” Sunset mocked as she stood up.

“Shut up!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Wait Rainbow Dash,” Applejack said as she turned to face her friends, a remorseful look on her face. “Sunset’s right.”

“What?!” Pinke, Rainbow, and Rarity said in shock.

“Because of mah stubbornness, ah never bothered to try and ask Rainbow Dash why she didn’t show up.” Applejack confessed as she looked at Fluttershy. “Because yah were closer to her than the rest of us, ah assumed yah were on Dash’s side. Ah’m so sorry fer not being there fer yah, Fluttershy.”

“You’re not entirely at fault, darling.” Rarity spoke up. “I’m also guilty of letting my pride cloud my better judgment.”

“How cute, you’re bonding.” Sunset gushed.

Rainbow Dash glared at Sunset before turning to look at her friends with soft eyes.

“Girls, I’m sorry for not trying to figure out what was really going on.” Rainbow Dash apologized. “I was just really upset that Applejack made me look bad in front of the whole soccer team that I vowed never to speak with her again.”

“That’s always been your problem, Dashie,” Sunset spoke.

Rainbow Dash angrily turned to face Sunset but she was gone.

“Your anger can easily lead you astray,” Sunset said from behind Dash as she was in front of Fluttershy. “You all left poor Fluttershy here at my mercy.”

“Get away from her!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she and the girls rushed at Sunset.

Sunset smirked as she flared her wings which knocked them all back.

“It seems once again your friends are in trouble but you’re too much of a coward to do anything,” Sunset mocked, she needed to push the right buttons to bring out the shy girl’s resentment.

“Get away from her you meanie!” Pinkie Pie lept at Sunset but she froze in mid-air, her body covered in a red outline.

“How odd, Pinkie Pie is willing to throw herself at danger to help you even after you gave her the cold shoulder.” Sunset grinned as she held Pinkie in place with her magic.

“That’s what friends do!” Pinkie shouted, tears spilling from her eyes. “If you’ve given friendship a try, you would understand!”

Honestly, Sunset wasn’t sure if Pinkie even held any resentment towards her, since she was put in the Rainbooms care, Pinkie did make a genuine effort to befriend her.

“Why?” Fluttershy questioned, tears spilling from her eyes. “Why are you doing this?”

“Because I can,” Sunset answered before laughing evilly.

Fluttershy clenched her fists as Sunset continued to laugh, she always looked down on her, mocking her animal friends and hurting nice people. Her anger started building until it finally spilled over.

“You..big….MEANIE!” Fluttershy shouted as she tackled Sunset and pinned her to the ground. “YOU ALWAYS MADE FUN OF ME, OF MY FRIENDS! YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT ANYONE ELSE BUT YOURSELF!”

“Finally someone grew a backbone,” Sunset smirked as she teleported away from Fluttershy, her back was facing her mother and aunt. “What do you say we end this.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” Rarity said as she looked at her friends. “Ladies, it’s about time we wipe away this eyesore.”

“Gladly,” Rainbow Dash agreed, as she glared at Sunset.

The girls held hands as they stood defiant against the royal family. The Magic of Friendship coursed through them as they rose into the air, Sunset smiled as she faced the end with her head held high. But just as the Rainbooms were about to fire their Friendship laser, the door to the clubroom burst open.

“Wait!” The CMC rushed in, followed by Twilight.

“Sweetie Belle?” Rarity was confused to see her sister here.

The CMC got in front of Sunset Shimmer just as the Rainbooms unleashed their attack.

“Watch out!” Sunset warned as she quickly got in front of the girls with her arms and wings spread out to shield them.

Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon joined her in protecting the CMC as they took the Rainboom beam.

“Applebloom!” Applejack cried out in horror, as she and the rest of her friends watched the CMC disappear in the Rainbow.

They descended on the ground as the Rainbow dispersed and revealed the royal family, Sunset was once again taking the form of Daydream Shimmer. She wasn’t the only one transformed as her mother now had a beautiful white gown with golden bracelets on each arm and a golden necklace, a golden crown with a purple gem on the center rested on her head, her flowing multi-colored hair greatly resembled Principal Celestia’s. She greatly resembled the Principal if she dressed like a princess. Princess Luna had a navy blue gown with a black necklace with a white crescent moon on it, she had on a black tiara and her flowing ethereal hair was like the night sky. She too resembles their Vice-Principal except for her hair and Princess look.

“Why did Sunset change into that form again?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Wow,” The CMC was awestruck by the ethereal look of the royal family.

“Are you girls alright?” Sunset asked as she turned to face the girls.

“Y-yeah,” Sweetie Belle answered.

“Twilight?” Fluttershy was confused to see Twilight here.

“Hi girls,” Twilight waved at them as she walked to stand beside Sunset.

“Twilight, why are yah standing beside Sunset?” Applejack questioned.

“Girls?” Twilight turned to the CMC.

The CMC took the hint and walked in front of the princesses.

“Applebloom, what are yah and yer friends doing?” Applejack asked, she didn’t understand what was going on.

“Sunset isn’t Anon-A-Miss,” Applebloom said, getting straight to the point.

“We are!” Sweetie Belle added.

“Girls, this isn’t something to joke about.” Rarity warned as she narrowed her eyes at Sunset.

“Is Sunset making you do this?” Rainbow Dash questioned as she glared threateningly at Sunset.

“No, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo said. “Sunset was never Anon-A-Miss, it was always us.”

“We can prove it,” Applebloom said as she took out her phone and logged in to Mystable, she then showed her phone to the Rainbooms. “Mystable has an account recovery so I brought back Anon-A-Miss.”

“No,” Applejack went pale at seeing the account logged in on her sister's phone. “But that would mean…”

“That Sunset was telling the truth,” Rarity realized, her eyes wide in shock.

“I knew it,” Fluttershy collapsed onto her knees as she started crying profusely. “I knew it all along!”

“But then why did she confess to being Anon-A-Miss?!” Rainbow Dash questioned, raising her voice. She looked devastated and lost.

“She did it to shift the blame away from you three to herself,” Twilight answered. “Sunset planned to clear your names by becoming the villain and making you girls defeat her and banish her back to Equestria.”

“But what happens to you?” Pinkie Pie asked, her hair deflating.

“I’m back home while you girls are hailed as heroes again,” Sunset answered. "You won't have to see me ever again. Everyone wins."

The Rainbooms were speechless, Sunset has gone above and beyond for them and all they did was blame her for everything.

“Well girls,” Sunset motioned to the CMC. “I think Principal Celestia would like to know who’s really behind Anon-A-miss.”

The CMC looked at Princess Celestia.

“Not this Celestia,” Sunset said as she and her family powered down and led the girls towards the exit.

Applejack saw the crater she had caused and winced as she caused this by repeatedly punching Sunset’s face with all her strength. She stared at her hands before looking at Sunset’s back.


“Hmm?” Sunset slightly turned her head to look at Applejack.

“Ah-ah'm sorry fer hitting yah so viciously,” Applejack apologized, looking very remorseful.

“No, you’re not,” Sunset said dismissively as she faced forward.

“But ah really am!” Applejack was stunned by how Sunset dismissed her apology.

Sunset stopped as they reached the door and turned around to face everyone.

“There was more to my plan to help you girls than simply taking the fall for Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset began to say. “I wanted to help you deal with any lingering issues you still have over me, we never really talked about what I did to you girls and as a result, you never truly accepted me into your hearts.”

The Rainbooms didn’t say anything, except for one person.

“I did,” Pinkie Pie spoke softly but everyone managed to hear her.

“I know,” Sunset smiled before it vanished. “Which makes what you did all the worse.”

Pinkie Pie felt so ashamed.

“By defeating and banishing me, you girls’ will have closure.” Sunset turned back and opened the door. “No one wants me here anyway.”

As soon as the door opens, Sunset is met with a large group of students who immediately surround Sunset.

“Are you okay, Sunset?” Flash Sentry asked, a look of concern on his face.

“Are you hurt, your majesty?” Gilda asked as she looked over Sunset for any visible injuries.

Sunset is taken aback by everyone’s concern.

“Didn’t everyone see my message?” Sunset asked.

“We did,” Lyra spoke up. “But we’re not buying it.”

“We may have been fooled once but we’re not that stupid,” a female student spoke up.

“We already knew you had nothing to do with Anon-A-Miss,” Dumbbell said with a cheeky grin.

“We also heard the confession,” Lightning Dust pointed to the still floating holo image.

“I knew I was forgetting something,” Sunset realized before snapping her fingers, causing the holo images to vanish.

“It appears that everyone didn’t immediately assume the worst in you after all,” Princess Celestia said with a sly smile.

“I guess not,” Sunset smiled as she rubbed the back of her head,

“Speaking of Anon-A-Miss…” Principal Celestia spoke up as the crowd parted to reveal her crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes at the CMC. “Would you three please follow me to my office.”

The CMC swallowed a lump in their throat before following the Principal.

“Now that that’s taken care of,” Sunset turns to her former friends. “Let’s have a chat, shall we?”

Author's Note:

The truth has finally been revealed but the damage is done, Sunset's plan didn't pan out as she wanted, and now everyone has to deal with the consequences. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your comments.