• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,593 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Meeting With The Great and Powerful

Author's Note:

Another short chapter, have fun and I look forward to your comments. Thank you to KR Chrome for his help.

Trixie Lulamoon is sitting on a sofa inside Sweet Shoppe, a steaming mug of hot chocolate, with a single marshmallow and sprinkles on top, in her hands. Trixie smiled as she looked at the falling snow outside the window, she always enjoyed watching the snowfall. A flash of red caught the corner of her eye as Sunset waved at her, Sunset opened the door and stepped inside followed quickly by Rainbow Dash.

“Hi, Trixie. Did you wait long?” Sunset asked as she took a seat next to Trixie.

“Not really,” Trixie said nonchalantly as she took a sip of her hot chocolate. “Trixie only just got here a few minutes ago.”

Trixie Lunamoon was an aspiring magician with an ego that rivaled Rainbow Dash’s if that was possible. She had a pretty bombastic attitude, often referring to herself as the “The Great and Powerful Trixie”. But just like Rainbow Dash, she had the skills to back it up. Trixie was talented in music and although she still had a ways to go on her stage magic, it was enough to give her a great stage presence and draw in the crowds.

Sunset once considered Trixie a threat when she heard her boasting about how powerful her “magic” was, but completely dismissed her once she found out it was just bad illusions. Sunset ordered a hot choco for herself and once Mrs. Cake brought it to her, the negotiations began.

“You know, Sunset Shimmer, Trixie was surprised by your invitation,” Trixie said.

“Well, there’s been a lot of surprises these days,” Sunset replied.

“Yes, with you turning into a demon, the sirens, Anon-A-Miss, and now you’re back on top and ruling the school once again,” Trixie remarked. “But Trixie is wondering what you could want with The Great and Powerful Trixie. You have your guards.”

“They are loyal but I need someone who can think outside the box, someone who can provide misdirection when I need to do something,” Sunset said as she took a sip of her hot choco.

“No really, what do you want from Trixie?” Trixie asked, not buying Sunset’s answer.

“I’m serious, I may have my guards but they are nothing but yes men at the moment and I need someone who’s not afraid to speak her mind,” Sunset explains.

“What’s wrong with having servants who agree to everything you say?” Trixie questioned, taking a sip from her hot chocolate.

“That’s the problem, I don’t need someone who agrees with everything I say. I need someone with ideas of their own, someone to voice them and especially someone with the guts to tell me when I’m wrong.” Sunset explained.

“Trixie has no problem telling you that,” Trixie said with a sly smirk. “But what does Trixie get out of this?”

“An assistant,” Sunset stated. “After all, every great magician needs an assistant.”

“That’s true, not to mention it would be great to have the feared Queen of Canterlot High work under Trixie,” Trixie said, imagining her shows with her lovely assistant. “Plus you can teach me magic.”

Rainbow Dash who was sitting behind them gasped.

“Even better, I can give you magic.” Sunset offered, glancing behind her. She already sensed Rainbow Dash following her since she left the school. “Specifically the Rainbooms' magic.”

“Their magic?” Trixie said in surprise but then she noticed Sunset making gestures with her hands, as a stage magician she was familiar with what she was signaling. Sunset was telling her that they were being eavesdropped on and to play along.

“Yep, I took their magic when they hit me with their magic of friendship.” Sunset explained, a sly smirk on her lips. "And I can bestow it upon people who I believe are worthy, people I can trust."

“You don’t say,” Trixie said with a smirk. “Will I get wings?”

“If I give you Rainbow’s magic,” Sunset answered, knowing full well that this will get a rise out of Rainbow Dash.

I knew it, she did steal our magic!’ Rainbow Dash thought as she gritted her teeth in anger, the thought of Trixie of all people getting her magic greatly upset her.

"So what do you say?" Sunset asked.

"The offer is tempting but how does Trixie know she can trust you?" Trixie asked.

“By letting you use it at the Canterlot Hospital tomorrow after school,” Sunset said, smirking as Trixie’s eyes widened in shock.

“How did you know about that?” Trixie questioned.

“One does not become queen without knowing what goes on in her kingdom,” Sunset answered, smirking mischievously.

“I see, very well. The Great and Powerful Trixie shall accept your proposal,” Trixie said with a smile and a nod. “Trixie shall be looking forward to using Rainbow Dash’s magic.”

“And rub it in her face too,” Sunset said with a smile.

Both girls started laughing while Rainbow Dash was fuming behind them. Not only had Sunset taken their magic, she was giving it away to people she deemed worthy as long as they promised to serve her. Dealing with Sunset who had magic was bad enough but a whole army of magic users was just too much.

"So can Trixie count on your help for her show?" Trixie asked as she finished her hot choco.

"Just tell me what I need to do. Since I'll be your assistant, do I get a cute outfit too?" Sunset asked playfully.

“I’ve got the perfect outfit for you,” Trixie said with a wink.

The two finished their business and made their way out of the Sweet Shoppe, Rainbow Dash glared at their retreating backs as she took out her phone.

Applejack wiped the sweat from her brow as she was shoveling the snow from her driveway, she later had to check the farm tools to see what repairs they needed and then check on the animals. Her phone started ringing and she pulled it out of her pocket to see that it was Rainbow Dash.

“Hello?” Applejack answered.

Applejack, Sunset did steal our magic!” Rainbow Dash immediately spoke.

“Huh?” Applejack blinked.

She stole our magic and is going to give mine to Trixie tomorrow!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Why tomorrow?” Applejack questioned.

Because they’re meeting tomorrow at the hospital for Trixie to use my magic!” Rainbow Dash answered.

“Why the hospital?” Applejack asked.

I don’t know, but we can get our magic back if we stop them from doing whatever it is they’re doing!” Rainbow Dash said.

“Okay, we’ll talk to the girls later when everyone gets off work.” Applejack said.

Sounds like a plan, I’ll continue to follow Sunset for a little while longer.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Alright, try not to do anything that’ll get you noticed.” Applejack warned.

Will do,” Rainbow Dash confirmed before hanging up.

Applejack puts her phone away and continues with her chores, but her mind is not on her work.

Just what could Sunset an’ Trixie be up to at the hospital’ Applejack thought as she shoveled the snow.

Rainbow Dash dashes from cover to cover as she follows Sunset, she notices how despite it snowing, Sunset herself is snow-free.

“Must be using her magic,” Rainbow Dash mumbled as she hid behind a snowman.

Sunset walks into a crowd of people and Rainbow does her best to weave through them and keep Sunset in her sights. She sees Sunset go inside a grocery store and carefully follows her, only to find her gone.

“What the?!” Rainbow Dash looked around frantically for Sunset. “Where did she go?”

“Need some help, Dash?”

Rainbow Dash was startled by the voice and quickly turned around to see Sunset hold a bottle of soda.


“That’s my name,” Sunset said with a playful smile.

“H-how…” Rainbow Dash couldn’t finish her sentence.

“Are you shopping for more Apple cider?” Sunset asked, her playful smile never leaving her face. “I think I saw some of the Apples famous Apple cider in the back, if you hurry you can get some before they sell out.”

“T-thanks! I’ll get right on it!” Rainbow Dash quickly and nervously said as she turned around.

“Glad I can help,” Sunset said as she watched Rainbow Dash walk away. “Just like you’ll be helping me tomorrow.”

Rainbow Dash found the cider and checked around to make sure Sunset wasn’t around.

“How did she sneak up on me?” Rainbow Dash wondered, leaning against the wall and crossing her arms. “She must’ve used her magic.” Rainbow Dash was headed to the register with her bottle when it soon dawned on her that Sunset had tricked her and used the distraction to slip away.

“Oh come on!”

Sunset had pulled a fast one on her again.

Sunset closed the door to her apartment, she removed her coat, hat, gloves, and hung them on the coat hanger beside her front door. She went to her sofa and summoned her journal to write to Princess Twilight about the day's events. She closed her journal and went to make herself something to eat as she waited for Twilight’s reply. As she was cooking, her mind was going over how Anon-A-Miss was receiving the secrets. There was no doubt that the students themselves were sending them to her, Sunset gritted her teeth in anger as she recalled the faces of the students who accused her of being Anon-A-Miss, knowing that some of them sent secrets to the blog.

Hypocrites. Anon-A-Miss was not the only one using her as a scapegoat. Sunset’s grip on the skillet and spatula tightened, as their accusing words echoed in her mind. Her pupils started turning into slits, the air around her started to heat up, the heat she was emitting transferred to the eggs she was cooking until the pan burst into flames. Sunset started seeing red as she remembered what her former friends had said to her, her hair burst into flames and triggered her smoke alarm which snapped her out of her anger.

“Oh, pony feathers!” Sunset realized that her food was now on fire and quickly extended her palm towards it, pulling the flame away from the pan and into a fireball in her hand before she dismissed it. “Great.” Sunset grimaced as she looked at her now burned food.

She tossed the now burned food in the garbage and went to silence her smoke alarm, once that was taken care of she went to cook again when she caught something off the corner of her eye. She turned to see her reflection on the toaster and finally noticed that her hair was on fire. She ran both her hands down her fiery hair to put it out.

“I better just make myself a sandwich,” Sunset said aloud as she took out the necessary ingredients.

Once she had her sandwich made she went to her room to retrieve her journal and found it glowing and vibrating. She quickly picked it up and opened it to the recent entry.

‘Hello Sunset, it sounds like everything is going according to your plan.’ Twilight wrote.

Sunset sat on her bed, placed her plate beside her, and responded to Twilight.

Hi Twilight, everything has gone smoothly so far and I’m proceeding with the next phase of my plan.’ Sunset wrote. ‘I’ve even managed to recruit someone new of their own free will.’

Really? Who is it?’ Twilight asked, curious as to who would willingly join the evil Sunset Shimmer.

It’s Trixie,’ Sunset replied.

TRIXIE?!’ Twilight wrote. ‘You asked Trixie of all ponies to join you?!’

I know it sounds crazy but Trixie isn’t all that bad,’ Sunset wrote. ‘In fact, she’s got a big heart.’

‘Are we talking about the same Trixie here?’ Twilight questioned.

Yes, and I’m also planning to have more people join me.’ Sunset wrote, she already had one student in mind to help her cut off Anon-A-Miss’ secrets.

At least having people willingly join you is better than joining you out of fear,’ Twilight wrote.

To be honest Twilight, it doesn’t matter.’ Sunset wrote.

What do you mean?’ Twilight asked.

‘Anon-A-Miss did more than expose the students’ secrets, they showed me that all my efforts to make up for my past mistakes were for nothing.’ Sunset wrote, her resentment seeping into her words. ‘I’m done. If they still think of me as the bad guy then I'll be the bad guy.'

“I believe you’ve changed Sunset, and if everyone at your school can’t see it then it’s their loss!’ Twilight wrote.

Thanks, Twilight,’ Sunset wrote, a grateful smile on her lips. ‘I’m really glad to have at least one pony who believes in me.’

I think there’s one other pony who believes in you Sunset,’ Twilight wrote.

Who?’ Sunset asked.

Princess Celestia,’ Twilight wrote.

What makes you say that?’ Sunset asked, after their fight, she wasn’t sure if her mother wanted anything to do with her.

Because when I returned with my crown, the first thing she did was ask about you,’ Twilight wrote.

‘She did?’ Sunset was surprised and happy about this.

‘Yep, she sounded concerned. So I know that whatever may have happened between you two in the past, she doesn’t hold it against you,’ Twilight wrote.

Sunset smiled at those words, despite how they parted, her mother still worried about her. She noticed more words appear on the page.

Do you want to see her?’

A lump formed in Sunset’s throat at reading that, was she ready to face her mother? She really wanted to see her, especially after what Twilight told her, Twilight continued to write.

It would certainly help to get more ponies you are familiar with on your side and she can help us.’

“It would certainly help to have her input,” Sunset said aloud.

However, if you feel that you aren’t ready to face her, then we’ll just carry on with just us,’ Twilight wrote again.

Sunset was relieved to read that, she knew Twilight would never pressure her into doing something she wasn’t ready for.

Thanks, Twilight. The current situation doesn’t require Princess Celestia’s help, so it’ll be just us and my followers.’ Sunset wrote.

Gotcha,’ was Twilight’s simple reply.

I’ll write to you tomorrow to tell you how the next phase of my plan goes,’ Sunset wrote.

Understood, good luck Sunset. I’m just a message away if you need me.’ Twilight wrote.

Thanks, Twilight. Goodbye.’ Sunset wrote and closed her journal after receiving Twilight’s goodbye.

Sunset was glad to have at least one friend in her corner. While she missed the Rainbooms, they had made their decision.

Princess Celestia is in her private study looking over some documents when her cutie mark started flashing. Princess Celestia’s eyes widened as she knew what this meant.
