• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,594 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

The Queen's Charity

Author's Note:

Happy New year everyone! It's the chapter you've been waiting for, I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your comments. :twilightsmile:

Sunset is leaning against the Wondercolt statue as she waits for Trixie. After finding out what the punishment will be for those who sent secrets to Anon-A-Miss, Sunset kept a close watch over them along with her followers. Her presence not only kept them in line but also those who wished for retaliation. One look into her eyes and all the fight was drained from them.

A powerful presence to wash away the hate and animosity.’ Sunset thought, remembering another one of her mom’s lessons. She soon spotted Trixie exiting the school, the stage magician waving to her.

As Trixie hurried to Sunset, they were being watched by the Rainbooms. They watched Trixie talk to Sunset as they started walking towards the hospital, the Rainbooms made sure to stay a healthy distance away to not alert Sunset and Trixie.

“Are they following us?” Trixie asked Sunset.

“Just like I said they would,” Sunset smirked. “So Trixie, are you ready to use Rainbow Dash’s magic?” Sunset asked loud enough for the Rainbooms to hear.

“Trixie will demonstrate the proper way to use magic!” Trixie boasted. “Unlike that amateur.”

Rainbow Dash was fuming at the remark, Rarity watched on with suspicion.

“Perhaps Trixie can also use Applejack’s magic as well?” Trixie asked. “Trixie always wanted to be super strong.”

“Hopefully yah’ll get the cute accent too.” Sunset winked at Trixie, doing an impression of Applejack.

Applejack’s face turned bright red, either from anger or embarrassment at her accent being called cute.

“So what are your plans for the traitors who dare call themselves your friends?” Trixie asked, grinning mischievously.

"Oh, I can't say anything yet. You know, I hate to spoil the show, but it will be unforgettable." Sunset answered, smirking slyly before both girls burst into laughter.

“She’s the one who’s the traitor,” Rainbow Dash growled.

“She’s going to get her comeuppance that’s fer sure,” Applejack said, angry that Sunset is laughing at her.

“I wonder what she has planned for us?” Fluttershy asked nervously.

“It won’t matter after we bust her!” Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity remained quiet as she thought over Sunset’s words, something wasn’t quite right. The girls continued to trail Sunset and Trixie until they arrived at the hospital. As not to give away their position the girls went in one at a time with Rainbow Dash going in first.

“Hello, The Great and Powerful Trixie is here to visit the children's ward,” Trixie told the nurse at the front desk.

The nurse looked over some papers before smiling at Trixie.

“Go right ahead.”

“Thank you very much,” Trixie thanked the nurse as she and Sunset headed towards the elevator.

Rainbow Dash watched them wait for the elevator, she glanced back at her friends to see Rarity and Applejack with her but Fluttershy was still trying to get in the hospital without being seen.

“Wait a minute,” Rainbow Dash said as she looked around. “Where’s Pinkie?”

“Right here,” Pinkie Pie spoke as she peeked her head out from behind a large potted plant.

Rainbow Dash looked back at Sunset and Trixie to see them enter the elevator, but just as the doors closed, Rainbow Dash caught a glimpse of Sunset creating a blue magic orb as she handed it towards Trixie.

My magic!’ Rainbow Dash screams internally, she quickly raced towards the next elevator but just before she can press the button on the floor Sunset and Trixie stopped at, Rarity stopped her.

“Hold on a minute Rainbow Dash, they could be waiting for us!” Rarity warned.

“But they don’t know we’re here!” Rainbow Dash argued.

“There’s a possibility that they know and are probably waiting to surprise us,” Rarity said. “The way Sunset openly mocked you and Applejack to Trixie made me suspicious.”

“So now what? Do we just leave and let them get away with whatever they’re playing?” Rainbow Dash questioned. “I saw Sunset give Trixie my magic just before the elevator door closed.”

“If we’re going to proceed, then we shall take the stairs,” Rarity suggested.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Rainbow Dash questioned before dashing towards the stairwell.

“Wait up Dash!” Applejack called out to her friend, she glanced at the floor that Sunset and Trixie stopped at before chasing after Rainbow Dash.

The rest of the girls followed suit, unfortunately for them, the floor Sunset and Trixie stopped at was the 8th floor.

“Perhaps we should have risked the elevator,” Rarity said out of breath as she hauled herself up the final steps.

“We can’t take a break now,” Rainbow Dash urged her friends on, due to her high stamina she isn’t as tired as everyone else.

“Just give us a minute,” Applejack said as she caught her breath.

Rainbow Dash begrudgingly allowed them a small break before they resumed their search for Sunset and Trixie.

“So, which room is she at, Dash?” Applejack asked as the Rainbooms walked around the hospital.

“Um...” Rainbow Dash did not seem sure as she tried to remember the room that Sunset and Trixie were supposed to be in.“I think they said the kids’ ward.”

“Oh, we passed that like half an hour ago,” Pinkie Pie chimed in.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Rainbow Dash questioned.

“I had fun sneaking around.” Pinkie Pie answered with a cheeky smile.

Rainbow Dash groaned as she rolled her eyes, the Rainbooms followed Pinkie Pie to where she found the children’s ward. Once they found it they heard the children cheering inside.

“And now, the Great and Powerful Trixie will astound and amaze you with an incredible feat of magic!” Trixie announced.

Upon hearing Trixie’s voice, Rainbow Dash burst into the room with the Rainbooms as Trixie threw her smoke bombs. The Rainbooms were covered in smoke and Rainbow coughed as she tried to fan it away.

“Presenting my assistants: The Supersonic Rainbooms!” Trixie announced.

“Where’s Sunset Shimmer, Trixie!?” Rainbow Dash demanded as she cleared away the smoke and saw Trixie in her stage magician outfit in front of a room full of kids.

“How about you pick a card first, Rainbow Dash, and show it to our audience? What do you think, children?” Trixie asked her audience as she pulled out a deck of cards from her right sleeve and displayed the back of the cards to Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah!" all the kids in the ward, cheered.

"Pick a card, Rainbow Dash, or do you want to upset all the sick kids in here?" Trixie asked in a hushed tone.

Rainbow Dash looked at Trixie then the children who were looking at her with smiling and excited faces. She couldn’t disappoint them.

“Fine,” Rainbow Dash sighed as she picked a card, it was the Ace of Spades.

“Now remember your card, Rainbow Dash,” Trixie told the athlete as she took back the card and placed it in the deck, she did some fancy shuffling causing Rainbow Dash to roll her eyes. Trixie made the deck of cards disappear with a wave of her hand. “Nothing up my sleeve.” Trixie shows the children the insides of her sleeves. “Rainbow Dash, will you show us the ace up your sleeve?”

“My what?” Rainbow Dash questioned as she checked her sleeve and pulled out her card. “How did you…” Rainbow Dash trails off, as the card suddenly bursts into smoke.

“Behold! The Great and Powerful Trixie’s Great and Powerful Assistant!” Trixie announced as the smoke cleared to reveal Sunset Shimmer in a magician outfit similar to Trixie but with her colors.

“Hello everyone!” Sunset greeted the children who cheerfully greeted her back. “Is everyone ready for more amazing feats of magic?”

“Yes!” the children said happily.

For the next hour and a half, Trixie and her 'assistants' entertained the children. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash did some juggling but Pinkie Pie was balancing on a ball as she juggled and Rainbow Dash only used her legs to juggle, they even passed the balls between each other and wowed the crowd. Rarity put on a mystery show as the children helped her solve the mystery of the disappearing assistant. Trixie with the help of her lovely assistant Sunset pulled out animals from her magician’s hat that Fluttershy happily explained to the children what they are, their unique characteristics, and their importance to the ecosystem. Trixie pulled out a guitar from her hat and handed it to Applejack who started playing catchy songs that the children sang along to.

“Did everyone enjoy the show?” Trixie asked.

“Yes!” the children cheerfully answered.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is happy to hear that, she has enjoyed performing for all of you! You have all been a terrific audience!” Trixie thanked the children as she bowed, the rest of the Rainbooms followed suit just before they were engulfed in smoke and disappeared.

Outside the Children’s ward, Trixie smiled as she heard the children’s awed gasp before turning to the Rainbooms.

“Well done Rainbooms, you just made those kids' day even brighter.” Trixie thanked the Rainbooms.

Before any of the Rainbooms could speak up, a doctor and nurse exited the children’s’ ward.

“We can’t thank you girls enough for what you did for the children,” the female doctor-in-charge of the children's ward, with long red hair thanked the girls.

“I’ve never seen them so happy before,” the female nurse with blue hair spoke.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie appreciates your thanks but the credit should go to my lovely assistant, Sunset Shimmer,” Trixie said with a smirk as she watched the shocked looks of the Rainbooms, including Sunset. “It was all her idea.”

“In that case thank you, Sunset Shimmer, for organizing this. The kids truly enjoyed the show and won't forget it,” the doctor gratefully said.

“Oh, it was nothing, Anything for the kids. And I could not have done it without my friends. I hope they get better soon.” Sunset said as she shared the credit with the rest of the girls.

“How about I take a picture of you all to put on our website?” the doctor asked.

“We would be happy too. Whaddya say, Trixie?” Sunset asked.

“Oh, Trixie would be honored. Oh, and let’s not forget my assistants.” Trixie motioned to the Rainbooms as all the girls gathered together and smiled as their picture was taken.

“Thank you again,” the doctor thanked the girls before she and the nurse went back inside the children’s ward.

“Well, it’s been fun, Trixie. We have to do this again sometime.” Sunset told the stage magician.

“Trixie has grander plans for the next performance!” Trixie said with great enthusiasm.

“I’m looking forward to it,” Sunset said before turning to the Rainbooms and winking at them. “Later, girls.”

Sunset disappeared in a flash of light.

“A word of advice, you might want to brush up on your communication skills.” Trixie mocked before she threw a smoke bomb on the floor and disappeared.

“She’s gone! Oh wait, there she is!” Pinkie Pie pointed to Trixie peeking around the corner before she ran off.

“What just happened?’ Fluttershy asked.

“We just got duped into making Sunset look good,” Applejack answered.

“She played us from the beginning,” Rarity said in frustration.

“Damn it!” Rainbow cursed as she punched the wall.

“Hey, at least we made some sick kids smile.” Pinkie Pie pointed out. “We May have been tricked by Sunset but I really like making those kids smile.”

“That’s true, the happy looks on their faces when I talked about the animals was very heartwarming,” Fluttershy added, smiling.

"So what? She's up to something!" Rainbow claimed.

“We know that Dash, but in this case, it was making a bunch of kids happy.” Applejack said.

“Honestly, this is one manipulation that had some good come out of it.” Rarity said with a smile. “It felt good knowing what we did is the right thing to do.”

“But it was Sunset that made us do it!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice. “As Applejack said, this was all to make her look good!”

The girls were all quiet, Sunset had tricked them into helping her image but the result was making sick children happy.

“Dashie, didn’t you like seeing the children happy?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“What?! Of course!” Rainbow quickly answered. “It felt awesome making them happy!”

“So how is that a bad thing? We made them smile. Sure, Sunset tricked us but it wasn’t a dirty trick. It was like a surprise. Are we sure she’s gone bad if she wants to make kids smile?” Pinkie questioned.

“Pinkie, Sunset will do anything to improve her image.” Rainbow Dash said as she looked at Rarity. “Have you forgotten what she did to Rarity?”

Rarity lowered her head, her hair casting a shadow over her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself. What Sunset did to her when she ran against her for Princess of the Spring Fling was still painful, even after Sunset apologized and Rarity had forgiven her. But Rarity had lied, she couldn’t bring herself to forgive Sunset and pretended that everything was okay between them. The rest of the Rainbooms looked away in sadness.

“Sorry Rare,” Rainbow Dash apologized, she knew this was a sore topic for the fashionista.

“It’s quite alright, darling.” Rarity assured her athletic friend before raising her head. “It’s all the more reason to put a stop to whatever Sunset has planned.”

The Rainbooms nodded in agreement before they made their way towards the elevator, despite being tricked by Sunset they all felt good about what they had done.

And that’s what happened at the hospital,’ Sunset finished explaining, she is sitting on her bed with her journal on her lap.

‘Wow, I would have never figured Trixie to be such an outstanding pony- I mean person.’ Twilight responded she is surprised that the alternate Trixie would have such a heart of gold.

I know, just goes to show you can’t judge a book by its cover.’ Sunset wrote, a small smile on her lips.

How did the girls handle being tricked into this?’ Twilight asked.

They all seemed to be enjoying themselves too much to even care that I fooled them,’ Sunset answered. ‘Tomorrow I’ll be helping Fluttershy at the animal shelter at the request of Photo Finish.’

Good luck and try not to rile the girls up too much, especially Rainbow Dash and Applejack.’ Twilight warned, she knew how stubborn those two can be.

I’ll try not to have too much fun,’ Sunset snickered. ‘Later, Twi.’

‘See you later, Sunset.

Sunset closes her journal before laying back on her bed, tomorrow promises to be very interesting.

Rainbow Dash closes her locker as she finishes getting what she needs for her class, as she makes her way to her math class, she notices everyone giving her odd glances. It isn’t the usual mocking ones she used to receive, rather they are confusing ones.

"Hey, Dash!"

Rainbow turned when she heard her name and saw some of her teammates coming up to her.

"Hey, guys."

"Are you friends with Shimmer again?" Fleetfoot asked

"What!? Where did you get that idea!?" Rainbow Dash questioned, taken aback by her teammate’s question.

"Explain this then," Fleetfoot showed her the picture on her phone's screen. It was the one taken at the hospital.

"That, it's not what it looks like." Rainbow Dash quickly denied.

“It seems that you and your friends were cheering up some sick kids,” Soarin said with a shrug. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“Yeah, I guess Sunset convinced you girls that she’s innocent huh?” Spitfire asked, smiling at her teammate.

“What?!” Rainbow Dash was shocked.

“With everything that she’s done lately, it’s hard not to believe that she was Anon-A-Miss,” Fleetfoot said as she nudged Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash was about to say something but the late bell cut her off.

“Gotta go Dash. Glad to see you girls made up,” Soarin said as he, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot ran off to class.

Rainbow Dash stood there dumbfounded before growling.

“There’s no way we’re friends with that traitor,” Rainbow muttered before angrily storming off to class.

Rainbow Dash’s team were not the only ones to have seen the photo, as it was trending on social media, and the students at school were confused at seeing Sunset with the Rainbooms considering how they publicly denounced her.

Were they with Sunset? Had they joined her?

Well, if you can't beat them, join them.

This has not gone unnoticed by Sunset as she saw this as an opportunity to further improve her image to the school, the Rainbooms were also being affected as students would come up to them and ask whether they have reconciled with Sunset. Rainbow Dash and Applejack strongly denied it, while Rarity politely denied making amends with Sunset, Pinkie Pie simply wished that it were true, while Fluttershy was too shy to answer the question.

“This is Sunset’s fault,” Rainbow Dash complained to her friends, it was lunchtime and the group was seated at their usual table.

“How’d yah figure?” Applejack asked from across Rainbow.

“It just is, the whole school thinks we made up!” Rainbow Dash threw her hands in the air. “How ridiculous is that?”

“Um, maybe we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.” Fluttershy meekly said.

“Whether or not Sunset is responsible, she’s certainly reaping the benefits.” Rarity spoke from beside Fluttershy. "We heavily underestimated her."

"She tricked us to make herself look good and we fell for it," Applejack grumbled.

"Well, we just need to catch her red-handed," Rainbow decided.

"And what if she turns everyone against us, Dash?" Applejack asked.

"She won't." Rainbow Dash assured her.

"Like the Sirens didn't?" Applejack questioned, raising an eyebrow.

“This won’t be like the Sirens,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Putting the Sunset business aside for the moment, I’m excited to help you with the Animal Shelter photo shoot this evening.” Rarity said as she looked to Fluttershy.

“We’ll get those critters into good homes in no time!” Applejack enthusiastically said.

The Rainbooms are super excited about the photo shoot, at least Sunset won’t be able to ruin that.

“What are you doing here?!” Rainbow Dash demanded as Sunset arrived with Snips and Snails, Gilda and Dumbbell were also present as her bodyguards. She and the Rainbooms were getting the animals ready for the photoshoot.

“Oh, I was invited,” Sunset smirked.

“By who?” Applejack demanded as she was helping Rarity put cute Christmas themed outfits in the dogs.

“By me!” Photo Finish marched in with her entourage.

“Photo Finish, how could you invite Sunset Shimmer!?” Rainbow Dash yelled.

“Because she is a strong, confident, and beautiful woman who possesses za magicks!” Photo Finish answered, as her entourage started setting up.

“Well, we don’t want her here!” Rainbow Dash crossed her arms.

“Rainbow...” Fluttershy spoke.

“Very well. I know when I’m not wanted,” Sunset shrugged, turning around to leave.

“If Sunset Shimmer will not do the photo shoot, then I will not be here!” Photo Finish snapped her fingers and her crew packed up her things.

“Wait!” Fluttershy yelled. “Excuse me, Photo Finish.” Fluttershy pulled Rainbow Dash aside. “Rainbow Dash, please, let Sunset stay.”

“What? But, Shy-”

“We need Photo Finish and if that means letting Sunset Shimmer be part of the shoot, then we have to let her.”

“But she’s-”

“I’m afraid she’s right, darling.” Rarity agreed with Fluttershy, although she didn’t like it.

“It’s for the sake of the animal shelter. Please, do it for me.”

Rainbow Dash huffed but she had to compromise for her friend.


“Photo Finish, it’s fine,” Fluttershy smiled.

“Now, places everyone so we may begin za magicks!” Photo Finish commanded.

“You better not try anything, Shimmer.” Rainbow Dash threatened.

“You're cute when you try to act tough, Dashie.” Sunset winked at Rainbow Dash, whose face turned red at her nickname. “But don’t worry, I’m only here to help these adorable animals.”

While the Rainbooms did not look bad as they posed with the animals, it was Sunset Shimmer who stole the show. A lot of the dogs and cats seemed to like her and willingly gravitated to her. Sunset would hug, cuddle, and play with the animals as Photo Finish took photos of her, losing herself in ‘the zone’.

“Oh, yes! Yes! Yes! Very good!” Photo Finish snapped photos of Sunset. “Very nice! Look over here! Flash that smile! Now, with the puppies and kittens! Yes, yes! This is za magicks!”

Photo Finish also took photos of Sunset’s group with animals of their own, Gilda received a bunny which she adored, Dumbbell had a turtle, Snips had a parakeet and Snails had a snail.

“Yes! That’s it!” Photo Finish said as she took photos from different angles. “Now, you five! Pose with Sunset!”

With a bit of reluctance, the Rainbooms did as she said, posing with Sunset in group shots and individual shots.

“Such intensity!” Photo Finish said as she took photos of Sunset and Rainbow Dash who posed with dogs in a way that indicated they were rivals.

When Sunset posed with Rarity, their animals were cats and Rarity had her head resting on Sunset’s shoulder as their cats rested on their laps. Pinkie and Sunset are jumping around with rabbits. Sunset and Applejack had their arms linked with parrots perched on them, Sunset and Fluttershy were playing with the cats, dogs, rabbits, and hamsters. For the group photo, Sunset was at the center with the Rainbooms around her, each one of them holding an animal as they smiled at the Camera.

“Brilliant!” Photo Finished said as she showed the girls the photos.

“These look lovely,” Fluttershy complimented as she looked through the photos.

“I do have to admit that these photos do look brilliant,” Rarity admits as she looks at the photos of her and Sunset. “For some bizarre reason, Sunset’s presence seems to bring out the best of us in these photos.”

Rainbow Dash groaned at this but she hated to admit that Rarity was right, also she did see Sunset as a rival before the Anon-A-Miss mess. Now she is the villain that the hero (herself of course) must defeat.

“You look great, your majesty.” Gilda complimented.

“As one would expect of your greatness,” Dumbbell added.

“Thank you so much for your help, Photo Finish. I’m sure this will help get these lovely animals into wonderful homes.” Fluttershy thanked her fellow student.

“But of course! These animals are as good as adopted!” Photo Finish said as she had a parrot roosting on her arm. “Speaking of which, I would like to adopt my friend here, he has za magicks!”

“Of course!” Fluttershy said happily, she is more than happy to do so.

“I guess my work here is done,” Sunset said as she made her wait towards the exit but stopped when she noticed that her bodyguards are still playing with the animals.

“So much for your loyal bodyguards,” Rainbow Dash mocked, smirking at Sunset.

Sunset noticed the life returning in their eyes and smiled, it would be best to let them stay and let the animals help them recover from their trauma.

“Dashie, you know that I don’t need bodyguards. Besides this works out fine, these adorable animals are helping them.” Sunset smirks at Rainbow. “I have to be pretty wicked to deny them this.”

Rainbow Dash glared at Sunset as she turned around and left with Snips and Snails right behind her, Rainbow waited a minute before going after them.

“Rainbow, wait!” Applejack called out to the athlete as she chased after her, she spotted her peeking around a pillar. “Rainbow, what are-“

“Quiet,” Rainbow Dash interrupted Applejack as she motioned for her to come closer. “Sunset’s up to something.”

Applejack peeked around the pillar and saw Sunset talking to Snips and Snails.

“Alright, meet me at Canterlot Orphanage at around 4 pm after school.” Sunset instructed them. “And don’t forget the goods.”

“Yes boss!” both boys saluted her as they ran off.

“Those orphans are going to enjoy what I have in store for them,” Sunset smirked as she walked away.

“Did you hear that?” Rainbow Dash asked. “Sunset’s planning something evil for the orphans.”

“Ah knew she’d slip sooner or later,” Applejack commented. “We gotta tell the girls.”

Both girls rush back to their friends to warn them about Sunset’s sinister plan.

The following day, everyone at school is talking about the photos taken of the animals of the animal shelter. Already a large majority of the pets were adopted, making the photo shoot a huge success. A lot of that success has to do with Sunset Shimmer, the camera loved her as her presence seemed to bring out the charm of the animals. The students were even more convinced that Sunset and the Rainbooms were friends again and that maybe she was innocent after all.

“Can you believe what everyone’s saying about Sunset?” Sweetie Belle said to her friends as they’re eating lunch.

“That Sunset isn’t so bad and that she and our sisters are friends again,” Scootaloo scoffed as she answered.

“What’s wrong with that?” Silver spoon questioned.

“Sunset is proving that she’s the same trustworthy person she’s always been,” Diamond Tiara said as she took a bite of her salad.

“Is she though?” Applebloom questioned. “Ah don’t agree with the way she’s ‘helping’ everyone,” Applebloom air quoted.

“You heard her yourself Applebloom, this wasn’t Sunset’s choice.” Diamond Tiara reminded her.

“Ah know, but it still ain’t right,” Applebloom said, looking at her sandwich absentmindedly.

“Besides, once she catches Anon-A-Miss, her name will be cleared.” Diamond Tiara said which causes Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo to tense up.

“She’s probably going to incinerate them,” Silver Spoon said. “Or maybe she’s going to do something much worse for all the trouble they caused her.”

Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo paled at hearing this, Silver Spoon is right, Sunset will destroy them when she finds out they are Anon-A-Miss.

The Rainbooms followed Sunset as she made her way to the orphanage, despite their stealthy approach, Sunset already knew they were following her.

They never learn,’ Sunset thought as she made her way to the orphanage, they almost made it too easy.

The Rainbooms continued to follow Sunset until she finally arrived at the orphanage, they waited until she entered the building before they closed in. They watched from the door’s window as Sunset talked to a woman before she led her down a hallway, they quickly entered the building and followed them. From a corner they saw Sunset thank the woman before entering a room, they noticed her sinister smirk just as she went inside.

“C’mon,” Rainbow Dash said as they rushed towards the door, she grabbed the doorknob, nodded at her friends before opening the door.

“Sunset, we’re here-!”

"Oh, good! You made it!" Sunset cheerfully interrupted as she put Santa hats on their heads. "You're just in time!"

"Fer what!?" Applejack asked, taken aback by Sunset’s current actions.

"Well, to help hand out presents to these orphans," Sunset grinned as she gestured behind the curtain to a group of kids that were no older than 6 or 7. "Now, make those kids smile! Chop-chop!"

“What makes you think-”

“Rainbow Dash, I don’t think we’re in any position to oppose her,” Rarity said as she gestured to the children. “Unless you want to make a scene in front of the children?”

Rainbow Dash looked to the children, her fists clenched before she lowered her head in defeat.

“She got us again.”

“Turn that frown upside down!” Sunset said in a chipper tone as she brought the corners of Rainbow’s mouth up to make her smile. “Show some enthusiasm, Dash, those kids will love you and Pinkie's energy.”

Rainbow Dash, resisted the urge to lash out at Sunset and simply nodded.

“That’s the spirit! Let’s go make some orphans smile!” Sunset cheerfully said the Rainbooms could do nothing but follow her lead.

Five minutes later, Sunset stepped out from behind the curtain, dressed up in a Santa suit, complete with the big fat belly and beard. The Rainbooms were also wearing Santa suits minus the beard and belly.

“Hohoho! Merry Christmas, boys and girls!” Sunset greeted, her voice full of jolly. The children cheered upon seeing Santa Claus. “I know you all have been very good boys and girls, and do you know what good little boys and girls get?”

“Presents!” The orphans cheered.

“That’s right!” Sunset said as she motioned for the Rainbooms to stand beside her. “Now I want you all to close your eyes and when you open them, you will be in a line in front of one of my assistants.”

They were confused by this but it quickly turned to excitement as they closed their eyes, Sunset began to concentrate and the Rainbooms noticed her pony ears sprout from on top of her head and a ponytail emerged from her hat which she quickly hid. With a wave of her hands, the children were magically lined up in front of the Rainbooms.

“Okay, you can open your eyes now,” Sunset said with a smile.

The children opened their eyes and were immediately in awe, they couldn’t believe what just happened.

“Now, there is a special reason why you are lined up in front of my assistants,” Sunset said as she walked to the line in front of Rainbow Dash. “This group, for example, is very loyal to their friends, always having their back and is always reliable.”

Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but feel that what Sunset said was a subtle jab at her, Sunset moved to the line formed in front of Rarity.

“This group of children is very generous, happy to give time, share possessions they own, and kindness to others in need.” Sunset cast a glance at Rarity. “When you’re generous, you put others before yourself.”

Rarity stared into Sunset’s eyes, she saw no malice in her eyes nor her words. She spoke in admiration of her best quality, but for a brief moment, she saw a sadness in them. The children were happy to hear of this special quality in them. Sunset then makes her way to Applejack’s group.

“You all are honest, but honesty is more than just telling the truth,” Sunset spoke, placing a hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “It also means you have integrity, you are trustworthy, fair, and sincere.”

Applejack felt like she was being insulted, especially after seeing the disappointed look in Sunset’s eyes before walking towards Fluttershy’s group.

“This group has the virtue of kindness, showing concern, care, warmth, and being friendly to others.” Sunset listed. “But being kind also requires the courage to believe in yourself and the strength to remain true to yourself.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened as she listened to Sunset’s words, Sunset cast her a glance which caused Fluttershy to tense up. Sunset looked away as she approached the last group.

“Laughter is indeed the best medicine, but like the other virtues it’s much more than simply laughing at something funny.” Sunset began to explain. “It’s lifting the spirits of those around you, making someone’s day even brighter, and not letting anything bring down your smile.”

The children smiled at hearing this, Pinkie was reminded of how much she made sure that Sunset always had a smile after the Fall Formal. The laughs they shared, the good times they all enjoyed. How she missed that.

“But when you combine all those virtues…” Sunset motioned for everyone to form a circle and hold hands. “You make something wonderful.”

A bright flash momentarily blinds everyone, but when it subsides there are presents in the center of the circle.

“The magic of friendship,” Sunset said happily as the children excitedly rushed to the presents.

The girls watched as the children tore open the wrappings and the absolute joy on their faces as they saw what their present was. Sunset and the Rainboom’s hearts warmed at seeing the children share their gifts, the Rainbooms looked back to Sunset who was smiling proudly at the orphans before she motioned for all of them to leave the room.

The Rainbooms and Sunset were in the office of the orphanage headmistress who had a big smile on her face.

“Thank you, girls, so much, you’ve made these children's day.” the headmistress thanked the girls from the bottom of her heart.

“We’re very happy to do this, right girls?” Sunset turned to the Rainbooms, smiling at them. They are all wearing their normal clothes again.

“R-right,” Rainbow Dash answered unsurely.

“It is an honor to help bring a smile to those children’s faces,” Rarity said.

"I'm so glad to see such kindness and generosity coming from young ladies like yourselves. It warms my heart." the headmistress spoke as she placed her hand over her heart.

The headmistress gave the girls some cookies before they exited her office, they walked down the hall in silence but once they exited the building, Rainbow let her feelings be known.

“What the hell are you up to Sunset?!” Rainbow demanded.

“I thought that was obvious,” Sunset said as she turned around to face them. “To make some orphans smile.”

“We all know that’s a lie,” Rainbow Dash said, rolling her eyes.

“Really?” Sunset smirked as she looked at her former friends. “Just like how you knew for sure that Applejack canceled on you about her bake sale.”

Rainbow Dash was fuming at that remark but before she could act on her anger, Rarity spoke up.

“Sunset, however, did you come up with those lines about our elements?” Rarity asked, folding her arms.

Sunset lost her smirk.

“My mother told me about the elements when I was little,” Sunset answered sadly.

“I bet she must be so proud of what you’re doing,” Rainbow Dash mocked, hoping to get a rise out of Sunset.

"Yes, she'd be proud of me spreading joy," Sunset smiled. "It's what a good queen should do. It took me a while to realize that. Anyway, hope you guys have a Merry Christmas, and thanks for your help. I may need your help again in the future."

Sunset waved goodbye as she started to walk away, the Rainbooms watched her leave with looks of annoyance and uncertainty.