• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Audience With The Queen

Sunset let out a sigh, she had just returned from her bathroom break and wanted to write a message to Twilight, letting her know the progress of her plan. But she found her journal missing from her backpack.

“Can’t say I’m surprised,” Sunset said, a hint of annoyance in her voice.

“Don’t worry your majesty, we’ll search high and low for the ones responsible. ”Gilda vowed a fierce look of determination in her eyes.

“Thank you, Gilda. But that won’t be necessary,” Sunset assured her faithful follower. She snapped her fingers and her journal appeared in her hand. “I’ve already predicted this would happen and planned accordingly.”

“Well played your Majesty!” Gilda complimented her queen, she should’ve realized that Her Majesty would be steps ahead of everyone.

“With all the students against me because of Anon-A-Miss, I figured they would try to steal my belongings as a way to get back at me,” Sunset said as she looked at her journal. “I couldn’t let that happen so I created a fake journal that would burst into flames if someone attempted to tear the pages or write in it.”

Sunset opened her journal and channeled magic to her hands which caused new words to appear after her entry about Rarity’s slumber party.

“So whoever stole my fake journal read my entry from the night of the slumber party at Rarity’s,” Sunset said, the gears in her head turning as to who might be the one who stole her journal. “No matter, it’s of little concern at this point.”

Sunset closed her journal and placed it back in its pocket dimension, she put her backpack on and was about to leave when Vice-Principal Luna came up to her.

“Sunset Shimmer, my sister would like to have a word with you regarding your request earlier for a room where you can help the students with their issues.” Vice-Principal Luna said.

“Sure thing,” Sunset simply said as she and Gilda followed the Vice-Principal to the Principal’s office.

“Just so you know, Miss Shimmer. My sister and I never believed you were Anon-A-Miss,” Vice-Principal Luna said without turning around.

“Really?” Sunset was a little surprised to hear this. “How do you know that it wasn’t me?”

Vice-Principal Luna glanced back at Sunset and flashed her a smile that was unlike the other times she saw her smile, this one felt more personal.

“That’s also something my sister and I would like to talk to you about,” Vice-Principal Luna said before looking back in the direction she is going.

Sunset is perplexed by this, what could they want to talk to her about? Can it be used to prove she isn’t Anon-A-Miss? The trio walked in silence the rest of the way and when they reached Principal Celestia’s office, Vice-Principal Luna blocked Gilda’s path.

“I’m sorry, Gilda. But we would like to speak with Sunset in private.”

Gilda looked to Sunset who simply nodded.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you outside the office,” Gilda said as she walked away.

“Sorry about this Sunset Shimmer,” Vice-Principal Luna apologized as she closed the door. “But we figured it was best to tell you this first and let you decide if you wish to tell your companions.”

“What’s going on?” Sunset asked as she looked between the Principal and Vice-Principal.

“Relax, Sunset. There isn’t anything malicious going on,” Principal Celestia assures her. “We just want to talk to you and ask a few questions.”

“I believe you know what they are,” Vice-Principal Luna said as she walked to stand beside her sister. “But first we want to tell you that your request for a room to help the students has been approved. However, it’s only available for clubs so to use it you need to register as a club.”

“Sounds simple enough,” Sunset said, her mind already thinking of ideas for possible club names.

“We figured you would say that,” Principal Celestia said as she glances at her sister. “It’s good to know that the counterpart of my daughter thinks well on her feet.”

Sunset freezes at this, she looks at Principal Celestia to see her smiling smugly. The same smile that she would see on her mother whenever she catches her doing something she’s not supposed to.

“I’m surprised it took you this long to bring this up,” Sunset said, calming herself down as she gives a small smile at the Principals.

“In our defense, we didn’t know how to best approach you with this.” Vice-Principal Luna said as she gave Sunset that smile again. “We were still trying to wrap our heads around how there is another Sunset.”

“That explains why you two have been slightly awkward when trying to talk to me,” Sunset said, smiling as she recalled how the two principals would stutter when trying to talk to her and even avoid eye contact as much as possible.

“You were no better yourself young lady,” Principal Celestia raised an eyebrow at Sunset, her smile never faltering. “You were acting like a scared kitten whenever I tried to talk to you like I was going to throw you in the dungeon.”

“Y-yeah,” Sunset laughed nervously, at first she thought that her mother had followed her through the portal and was going to banish her or worse.

“You were pretty nervous around me,” Vice-Principal Luna said. “But it wasn’t out of fear, more like you didn’t know how to talk to me.”

“That’s because I never knew Mom had a sister,” Sunset said. “Finding that out caught me completely off guard.”

Both sisters were confused at this.

“How could you not know that I have a sister?” Principal Celestia asked.

“Well...she was never around while I was growing up,” Sunset answered. “Mom never mentioned anything about having a sister, as far as I know, Mom is the only family I have.”

Sunset lowered her gaze to the floor, a sad look on her face as she remembered her mother. She missed her so much.

Celestia looked at Sunset with worry, drawing comparisons with her daughter, she knows just how much Sunset loves her family. She cast a glance at her sister who looked like she wanted to go over there and hug Sunset.

“But you know, Mom always kept secrets. She probably does have a sister but something happened and she doesn’t plan to tell me about her,” Sunset said, a little annoyed that her mother always kept secrets from her.

“I see that never changes,” Luna mutters, narrowing her eyes as she looks at her sister.

“I’m sure she has a good reason for not telling you,” Celestia said as she winked at her sister.

“I’ve heard that before,” Both Sunset and Luna said in unison, they blinked before giggling.

“You look like Celestia but take after me,” Luna said proudly.

The trio had a good laugh it appears that Sunset took after her aunt. A part of her wanted to ask the Vice-Principal about herself, get to know her aunt. But another part of her felt that she shouldn’t until she has met her Equestrian aunt.

“Now, let’s get your new “club” set up shall we?” Principal Celestia said as she took out the new club form.

Sunset nodded as she took the form and started filling it out, as she got to the club name, she stopped. She started thinking of what to call the “club” and smiled when she thought of a name before writing it down. Once she was done, she handed the form over to Principal Celestia.

Kingdom of the Sun?” Celestia read aloud the club name Sunset had chosen.

“Yeah, since my Mom is the ruler of Equestria-”

“Wait! Ruler?!” Luna gasped, her eyes wide in shock.

“Oh right, you don’t know. You see, your Equestrian version is the princess of Equestria,” Sunset explained, shocking both principals.

“I’m...a princess?” Principal Celestia muttered, hardly believing it.

“As your daughter and heir to the throne, I have certain responsibilities like representing our kingdom when I’m visiting neighboring kingdoms,” Sunset added. “Hence the club name, I’m representing our kingdom and using what I’ve been taught to help ponies or people in this case.”

“That is some responsibility,” Luna said, impressed at her niece for having such an important role.

“It’s more of a chore but I do my best not to conquer the kingdoms,” Sunset shrugged.

Luna and Celestia were taken aback by this before they realized that Sunset must be joking, but considering who Sunset used to be…

“Anyway, Sunset. You’re all set up and ready to begin helping your fellow students,” Celestia said as she put away the form.

“Thank you, Principal Celestia.” Sunset thanked the Principal. “I’ll be on my way.”

Sunset turned around to leave but was stopped by Principal Celestia.

“Just a moment, Sunset.” The Principal called out.

“What is it?” Sunset asked.

“If you ever want to talk, my office is always open.” Principal Celestia said, giving Sunset a motherly smile that she only uses for her.

“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” the former unicorn thanked the principal, giving her a sad smile which the sisters noticed.

“And if you feel that you can’t talk to my sister, then you are more than welcome to talk to me!” Luna said proudly.

“I will!” Sunset chuckled before leaving the office.

“Did you notice her smile, sister?” Vice-Principal Luna asked in a serious tone.

“Yes,” was Celestia’s simple reply.

“Something must have happened between her and your counterpart,” Vice-Principal Luna noted. “Perhaps they fought?”

“You may be right, Luna. Sunset also seems to be suffering from separation anxiety,” Principal Celestia added.

“I’ve seen her giving you long stares when you’re not looking,” Luna said, after the fall formal she would catch Sunset looking at her sister with regret and remorse. “Sunset must greatly miss her mother.”

“And whenever I’m around it must bring back painful memories,” Celestia sighed. “I wish there was a way we could help her.”

“Same here,” Luna agreed with her older sister as she laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. “But right now the only one that can help her is the other you.”

“I wish there was some way to contact the other me and tell her that our Sunshine needs her,” Principal Celestia said with worry.

“We are so dead!” Rainbow Dash said in a panic, gripping her hair as she paced around the club room.

“Sunset’s going to kill us!” Applejack said, hunched over on a chair with her right hand holding her head.

“Now, darlings. I’m sure if we explained what happened, Sunset won’t be too mad at us.” Rarity tried to assure her friends.

“Yeah, I’m sure Sunset will understand that we stole her journal!” Rainbow Dash spoke in a sarcastic tone.

“She’ll never forgive us!” Fluttershy said in a panic. "We destroyed it!"

“Hold on a minute girls!” Pinkie Pie gasped. “Don’t you girls see what’s going on?!”

“Pinkie, what are yah gettin’ at?” Applejack asked in confusion.

“That we’re panicking like Sunset was still our friend!” Pinkie Pie raised her voice.

“What?" Rainbow Dash gave the party girl an incredulous look. “Pinkie that has nothing to do with-”

“Then why are we afraid of what Sunset will do to us?!” Pinkie Pie questioned, grabbing on to Rainbow Dash’s shoulders.

“Because we destroyed something valuable of hers, darling.” Rarity answered, not seeing Pinkie Pie’s point.

“But if Sunset is the bad guy we think she is, then why does it feel like we messed up a friend’s book?” Pinkie Pie asked.

The rest of the Raibooms were silent, Pinkie Pie was right. Why did it feel like they let a friend down?

“Because Sunset was our friend,” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “She was more than that, she was family.”

“And she threw it back at our faces,” Applejack bitterly commented.

“But why?” Pinkie Pie asked. “Why would Sunset do this?”

“Pinkie, haven’t you been paying attention? Sunset has an army! She was even harassing someone!” Rainbow Dash said in irritation.

"So what does she need Anon-A-Miss for? If she's trying to take over, what's the point?" Rarity suddenly brought up.

“How should I know? I don’t know how bad guys think!” Rainbow Dash said as she threw her hands in the air.

“Then let’s find out,” Applejack said. “Let’s investigate Sunset and find out what she’s really up to.”

“But what about her journal?” Fluttershy asked as she looked at the spot where the journal burst into flames.

“We have to tell her the truth,” Rarity suggested.

“Do we have to?” Rainbow Dash asked, a little nervous.

“We have to Dash,” Applejack said. “It’s the right thing to do.”

“I figured you’d say that,” Rainbow Dash said with a sigh. “How much you wanna bet she uses this against us?”

“I don’t doubt that,” Rarity said.

“Let’s get this over with,” Rainbow Dash grumbled as she and her friends left their clubroom.

Sunset and her group were inside the clubroom that would serve as their base of operations to help the students of CHS.

“Kind of cramped in here isn’t it, your majesty?” Gilda asked as she and the rest of Sunset’s group had just enough room to lift their elbows.

“True, but not for long,” Sunset said as she started to concentrate, her pony ears sprouted from atop her head and her hair extended into a ponytail. Sunset snapped her fingers and the room got more spacious as it was transformed into a throne room. “Might as well go all the way, right?”

“Right, your Majesty!” Sunset’s followers all shouted in unison.

Sunset walked down the carpeted path towards the throne, it was exactly like her mother’s but it had the symbol of her cutie mark on the headrest. On the wall above the throne is a regal portrait of her mother in her pony form and a stained glass window with the image of Celestia’s cutie mark.

“I’m going to do it right this time, Mom,” Sunset whispered before she took her seat on the throne, her followers kneeled before her.

This is what the old Sunset would have wanted, sitting on her throne as the ruler of CHS with her loyal subjects kneeling before her. But she was not that person anymore, and she didn’t choose this.

“It’s funny,” Sunset suddenly spoke.

“What is, your majesty?” Dumbbell asked, still kneeling.

“I did everything I could to get more power and rule the school, but I was easily defeated by the magic of friendship.” Sunset began as she recalled her defeat. “But now I easily claim power and the magic of friendship can’t stop me.”

“Is your Majesty not pleased by this?” Lightning Dust asked cautiously.

“I hate it,” Sunset laughed. “My so-called friends think I’ve betrayed them, the whole school hates and fears me again, everything I’ve done amounted to nothing in the end!”

Sunset raised her voice in irritation, startling her followers.

“B-but it can’t be helped, your majesty!” Hoops tried to assure his queen.

“Y-yeah, the whole school is out of control!” Gilda said. “With you in charge, they’re too scared to start a fight.”

“Ruling through fear,” Sunset scoffed. “Mom always did say that being a ruler meant that you had to do things you wouldn’t like. But that didn’t mean that you can’t make up for it after.”

“Do you have something in mind, your majesty?” Dumbbell asked.

“Yeah, I’m going to put on a little show for everyone.” Sunset sneered. “And I’m going to recruit a certain illusionist to help me.”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

“Looks like we’ve got our first problem that needs fixing,” Sunset said with a smile. “Open the door and let them in.”

“So what do we say?” Rainbow Dash asked as she and the rest of the Rainbooms waited outside Sunset’s club door. Vice-Principal Luna told them where they could find Sunset.

“The truth, that we stole her journal and it suddenly burst into flames.” Applejack answered.

“Do you think she’ll believe us?” Fluttershy asked.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Rarity said as the door opened to reveal Snips.

“Oh, it’s you guys.” Snips said in a disappointing tone.

“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Rainbow Dash asked, crossing her arms and arching her right eyebrow.

“What do you guys want?” Snips asked, a little annoyed.

“We would like to have a word with Sunset,” Rarity answered, a little annoyed with Snip’s attitude.

“Hey boss, the Rainbooms want to talk with you!” Snip’s shouted behind him.

“Let them in!”

Snip’s nodded as he stood aside and held the door open for the Rainbooms to enter.

“Thank you,” Rarity thanked the young man as she stepped inside the room and gasped as she saw the interior.

“Whoa,” Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened in surprise as she looked at the decor. The beautiful light blue marble walls and columns, the expensive-looking drapes, the stained glass windows depicting images of the sun as well as earth ponies, Pegasus, and unicorns in harmony. As well as several images of Princess Celestia, either basking in her ponies’ praise, raising the sun, and defeating Nightmare Moon. “This is a club room?”

“It’s simply divine!” Rarity said with glee.

“Wow! You can host a party for the whole school here!” Pinkie said in excitement.

“Check out the host,” Applejack motions ahead where Sunset Shimmer is sitting on her throne.

“Seriously?” Rainbow Dash scoffed.

“Easy there, Rainbow Dash. We’re here to apologize not pick a fight with Sunset,” Applejack warned her athletic friend.

“Fine,” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

The Rainbooms made their way towards Sunset Shimmer, following the red carpet towards her throne. Sunset’s loyal followers stood on either side of the carpet, neither of them looking at the Rainbooms as they walked past. Rainbow Dash looked at Gilda, Lightning Dust, Hoops, Score, and Dumbbell, four of which are bullies and one was a reckless showoff. It didn’t surprise her that they are working for Sunset now. They stopped in front of Sunset’s throne as the former Equestrian looked down on them, Rainbow Dash hated that.

“Welcome to the Kingdom of the Sun. How can we help you?” Sunset asked, smiling kindly at her former friends.

“Well, it’s not so much as how you can help us but rather that there’s something we must confess.” Rarity said, looking ashamed.

“Oh?” Sunset blinked in surprise, a part of her was hoping that they had come to their senses and wanted to apologize. But judging by Rainbow’s look of disgust at seeing her on her throne, she sadly realized that that wasn’t what they wanted to confess.

“Sunset, we stole yer journal.” Applejack confesses, removing her hat and placing it against her chest.

As soon as those words left Applejack’s lips, Sunset narrowed her eyes at Applejack as she rose from her throne and began marching towards the Rainbooms. The girls huddled together as Sunset approached before stopping a few feet in front of them and pinching the bridge of her nose.

“Alright, hand it over please?” Sunset asked as she extended her hand out towards Applejack.

The girls looked at each other with nervous expressions before looking back at Sunset.

“We can't,” Rarity said.

“Why not?” Sunset asked.

“Because your journal burst into flames,” Pinkie Pie answered, laughing nervously.

Sunset growled at the news.

"You stole my book and destroyed it," she growled, eyes flaring angrily.

"We took it coz we needed it to call Twilight!" Applejack defended.

“So, instead of just asking for the journal, you decided to steal it,” Sunset scowled. “And now it's gone. Congratulations. You’ve messed up yet again. You did not just destroy a journal. It was something my mother left me and you destroyed the one thing that allowed Twilight to open the portal freely. Now she'll have to wait for the portal to open naturally."

"We wouldn't have stolen your journal if you hadn't gone bad again!" Rainbow Dash shot back.

"And I keep telling you, it wasn't me, but I guess it goes in one ear and out the other. Let me make things clear: I’m not Anon-A-Miss but the fact you keep insisting proves how little you know about me. What I desire, my ambition is to take control. I never do anything just for shits and giggles. If I collect secrets, I don’t post them online for everyone to see. I’d use them as blackmail to hold over people to control them. That’s how I do things."

“We’ll stop you as we did before,” Rainbow Dash threatened.

“You have no magic, no Pony Princess, and no plan,” Sunset Shimmer listed. “I, on the other hand, have power and an army. Face it, you’re all powerless. There’s nothing you can do but everyone expects you to save them. That’s why you’re doing this because it’s expected of you. The problem with the students in this school is that if you don't live up to their expectations, they'll turn on you. They all attacked me when they thought I went back to my old ways and they already tried to attack Fluttershy because you all failed to defeat me."

The girls gasped as they turned to Fluttershy.

“Fluttershy, is this true?” Rainbow Dash asked, looking at her best friend with wide eyes.

“Yes,” Fluttershy replied, casting her gaze down. “I was cornered and they demanded that we do something about Sunset...or else.”

“Fluttershy, why didn’t you say anything?” Rainbow Dash half asked, half demanded.

“I...I didn’t want to bother any of you,” Fluttershy replied sadly.

“Why would you think they would be bothered?” Sunset asked, gaining everyone’s’ attention. “You had no problem telling me off.”

Fluttershy flinched at that.

“Hey! Lay off of Fluttershy will you!” Rainbow Dash glared at Sunset.

“They’re your friends Fluttershy, you aren’t going to bother them by asking for help,” Sunset said in a gentle and assuring tone. "After all, friends need to support each other, through good times and bad. They also need to talk when things go wrong."

Sunset turned around and looked at the portrait of her mother.

“If there’s no trust between friends, then are you truly friends?” Sunset questioned.

“Funny yah should mention that,” Applejack grumbled as she narrowed her eyes at Sunset.

“You’re right,” Fluttershy said in a defeated tone, she looked at her friends with apologetic eyes. “Girls, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.”

“Don’t sweat it, Shy.” Rainbow Dash said as she laid a comforting hand on her childhood friend’s shoulder.

“We had no idea that something like this would happen,” Rarity said as she approached Fluttershy. “I’m terribly sorry for leaving you alone and vulnerable, darling.”

Sunset’s eye twitched when hearing that.

"As sentimental as this is, if you have no other business, you may leave. I'm a busy queen and my time is valuable," Sunset dismissed them.

"We'll stop you," Rainbow Dash swore.

“Actually, Rainbow, before Christmas day comes, you’ll all be helping me with my plans,” Sunset promised.

“As if we’ll help you!” Applejack states angrily.

“You won’t have a choice,” Sunset said as she glanced back at the Rainbooms with a sly smile. “It’s for the greater good.”

Sunset started walking back to her throne, Rainbow Dash and Applejack glared at Sunset’s retreating back.

“By the way, if the students try to gang up on any of you, I’ll be sure to remind them of their place,” Sunset said without looking back as she approached her throne.

“Tch! As if you’d help us,” Rainbow Dash scoffed at the idea.

“I helped Fluttershy with those students that ganged up on her,” Sunset said as she sat down on her throne and watched in amusement as the Rainbooms looked at her in shock. “As Queen, I have to help my subjects.”

“Hey Boss, Lyra, and Bon Bon are here to see you!” Snips called out.

“See you later girls,” Sunset waved goodbye to the Rainbooms before motioning for snips to let in Bon Bon and Lyra.

The Rainbooms made their way out and past an annoyed Lyra who won’t even look at Bon Bon.

“Okay, now what?” Rainbow Dash asked as they were outside Sunset’s club room.

“There aint nothin’ much we can do without Twilight or our magic,’' Applejack sadly admitted. “Ah hate to say it, but Sunset’s right.”

“She can’t be right!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice. “I refuse to believe anything she says!”

Rainbow Dash storms off.

“Darling, where are you going?!” Rarity asked.

“To prove the traitor wrong!” Rainbow Dash answered as she made her way to the Rainbooms band practice room.

The rest of the Rainbooms watch her go with looks of worry.

“I’m worried about Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy said worriedly.

“This whole thing has riled her up,” Rarity commented.

“Ah wonder if this is also part of Sunset’s plan?” Applejack asked out loud.

“There’s only one way to find out,” Rarity said as she pulled out her elegant detective hat and put it on. “Detective Rarity is on the case!”

Author's Note:

Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your comments. Thank you KR Chrome for your help.