• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,597 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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Interview With The Queen

Author's Note:

This chapter is a little short which is why I decided to publish it early, I hope you enjoy and I look forward to your comments. Thanks again to KR Chrome.

The remainder of the school day went by with the usual postings by Anon-A-Miss but the presence of Sunset’s followers put a stop to any attempts at physical confrontation. Sunset Shimmer headed towards her club room to meet with Diamond Tiara and Applebloom for her interview, she has prior experience being interviewed by the press and her mother has taught her how to be properly interviewed. None of which Sunset followed as she was brutally honest and spoke her mind, she recalled how she made the Newspony nervous when she answered his question about her plans for Equestria’s future.

“A future in which everypony knows who’s in charge,” Sunset repeated her answer all those years ago, a small smile on her lips.

She made it to her club room and entered to see the standard looking club room, focusing her magic, she ponied up and transformed the room into an elegant one complete with a small fancy table perfect for a small gathering, fancy snacks on top of it, three sets of fancy plates and cups and a pot of tea. Satisfied with how everything looked, Sunset decided to check up on Anon-A-Miss. opening her phone and checking Mystable, she saw the secrets that were posted the last couple of days and the responses.

“Where is she getting these secrets?” Sunset asked no one in particular.

Sunset thinks back to her mother’s lessons about acquiring information, how it takes time to gather and check if they are reliable. One must first build a network to better gather and process information, that part was already done with Anon-A-Miss using Mystable as a platform. The question now is how are they getting these secrets?

A knock on the door breaks her from her thoughts.

“Sunset, it’s me and Applebloom. We’re here for the interview,” Diamond Tiara called out from the other side of the club room door.

“Come on in,” Sunset said as she placed her phone away.

The door opened and Applebloom and Diamond Tiara walked in, gasping as they took in the room.

“Whoa, and ah thought yer dinnin’ room was fancy,” Applebloom said to Diamond Tiara as she looked around the fancy room.

“I’m glad you girls like it, but if you would rather have a normal-looking room I can arrange it.” Sunset offered, giving the girls a kind and welcoming smile.

“This will do fine,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Ah’m used to fancy stuff since hanging around Diamond Tiara,” Applebloom said, grinning as she nudged her girlfriend.

“Anyway, let's continue where we left off.” Diamond Tiara said, a slight blush in her cheeks.

Diamond Tiara and Applebloom took their seats on the opposite side of the table from Sunset, Diamond Tiara seated herself like her mother had taught her when attending very important social events, while Applebloom sat like she normally did.

“Where are yer guards?” Applebloom suddenly asked as she looked around the room.

“There was no need for them to be here so I sent them home,” Sunset answered as she picked up the tea kettle and poured herself a cup. “Tea?”

“Yes, please.” Diamond Tiara said as Sunset filled her cup.

“Ah would like some tea too, please,” Applebloom said politely, and Sunset happily filled her cup as well.

“Now then, Sunset Shimmer. Regarding my question during lunch, how did you get back to the top again?” Diamond Tiara asked, taking out her phone to take notes.

“It wasn’t by choice,” Sunset said as she took a sip of her tea.

“What do you mean?” Diamond Tiara questioned, she cast a glance at Applebloom to see her looking confused.

“I was content with just a simple happy life with my friends, but when Anon-A-Miss opened my eyes to the truth and everyone at school hated my guts, I had three options. Stand idle as the students take out their frustrations on me of having their secrets exposed, return to Equestria and never come back, or stand and fight.” Sunset explained, her tone hardening. “The whole school has become a minefield, the situation has become so bad that students planned to assault me after school.”

“What?!” Applebloom was shocked to hear this.

“All of my guards are the students that lured me into a trap so they can put a stop to Anon-A-Miss,” Sunset explained, watching the looks of horror on the girls’ faces. “If I hadn’t realized who I was then we might not be having this interview.”

“'Who I was'?” Diamond Tiara repeated in confusion.

"Oh, guess I should be clear about that now. My name is Sunset Shimmer and my mother rules Equestria."

“Equestria?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“It’s the world that Princess Twilight and I are from,” Sunset answered.

“But isn’t Princess Twilight a princess as well?” Applebloom asked.

“She’s the Princess of Friendship, but my mother is the ruler of our entire country,” Sunset explained.

“Doesn’t that make you a princess?” Diamond Tiara asked, her eyes widening.

“It does,” Sunset Shimmer claimed. “You see, there are several ways a pony can become royalty: you could be born into it, ascend into royalty by becoming an alicorn, or marry into royalty. I was the first.”

“If yah were already a princess, then why were yah so crazy about becoming Princess of The Fall Formal?” Applebloom asked.

“It’s a long story for another time,” Sunset answered with a smile. “Anyway, because of Anon-A-Miss, I felt lost. At least after the Fall Formal, I had my ex-friends to support me, but the only friend I have now is Princess Twilight and she’s another world away.”

Diamond Tiara and Applebloom saw Sunset’s smile drop.

“I was all alone, the pressure of the students and failing to find out the true identity of Anon-A-Miss was getting to me. But when my journal was knocked open to the conversation I had with Twilight previously, it all became clear.” Sunset said as her smile returned. “Stay strong, remember who you are, and find your family.”

Bright light behind Sunset caught Diamond Tiara and Applebloom’s attention, they saw a painting of a white alicorn, with her wing wrapped around a brilliant amber, coated unicorn. Both of them were smiling happily as they leaned into each other.

“Is the little pony, you?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“Yes, but I’m actually a full-grown mare,” Sunset answered as she looked at the painting fondly.

“Wait! Are yah saying yer a grownup?!” Applebloom said in shock.

“Yep, for some reason, some of our counterparts here are younger,” Sunset said with a shrug. “Once I remembered who I was, I started planning on how to take back the school from Anon-A-Miss. Remembering the lessons my mother taught me, I knew that I couldn’t do this alone, and with my ex-friends betraying me it only made the situation a lot worse.”

Diamond Tiara and Applebloom noted how Sunset sounded a little hurt and angry when she said how her former friends betrayed her, the young farm girl not liking how Sunset implied how her sister was the one to betray her.

“But as fate would have it, I got a text from Rainbow Dash who I later found out was Gilda using her phone to meet her at the school gym.” Sunset chuckled as she shook her head. “It was obviously a trap but I went anyway.”

“But you could’ve been seriously hurt!” Applebloom raised her voice, slamming her hands on the table as she stood up.

“And I would have, but I was trained to take out multiple ponies at once. With and without magic,” Sunset assured them as she used her magic to create a miniature scene of the events that took place. “They all came at me and I dealt with them all.”

The miniature Sunset took down several students with ease using martial arts skills and her superior strength, the miniature students had a look of horror when they realized that there was no way of beating Sunset and attempted to flee. But the miniature Sunset used her fire magic to stop their escape.

“They should’ve known better than to challenge me,” Sunset said with a sinister smirk, the miniature students cowered in fear of her power. “It was during this failed ambush that I had another realization, that my attempts to make up for what I did to everyone was for nothing.”

Applebloom and Diamond Tiara held on to each other in fear as Sunset was sounding more evil.

“After everything I did for them, they still think of me as the queen bitch of CHS. Well, if that's what they think of me, then I very damn well will give it to them.” Sunset’s smirk widened as the miniature students all kneeled before her, she finally noticed the frightened looks of Applebloom and Diamond Tiara. “Don’t worry I’m not planning to enslave anyone against their will.”

“But everyone’s afraid of yah!” Applebloom blurted out.

“I know, at least it’s better than being hated,” Sunset said with a shrug as she took a sip from her tea. “The students are kept in line and no one dares to pick a fight on my watch.”

“Then how can yah say yah had no choice?” Applebloom questioned.

“Because I never meant to rule this way,” Sunset said with a hint of sadness. “It makes it look like I never changed, that everyone who thought I would eventually go back to my old ways was right. But I’m done trying to please them, this school needs someone to bring order and Celestia knows that I’m the only one who can do it!”

“Celestia?” Diamond Tiara said in confusion. “What does our principal have to do with this?”

“It’s an Equestrian thing,” Sunset answered.

“But what about Princess Twilight?” Applebloom asked. “What does she think about this?”

“She didn’t like that her friend was making herself out to be the bad guy to save the school,” Sunset answered. “As I mentioned earlier, Twilight was the hope the school needed to rally behind and defeat me. But with her gone, there was no symbol to remind the students of the lessons she’s taught them.”

“Is that what you’re trying to become?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“No, at least not like Twilight,” Sunset said. “What the school needs is a firm hand to bring it under control so I can bring back peace, harmony, and order to this school. I am also working on catching Anon-A-Miss. You see, I know whose secrets belong to whom, and if they truly value their health, they should stop sending secrets to add fuel to the fire."

"You suspect students are sending in secrets?" Diamond Tiara asked, she had not considered that possibility

"Why not? After all, anyone here is capable of being as cruel and malicious as I was. Anon-A-Miss has proven that." Sunset as she waved her hand and the images of the students of CHS appeared neatly in front of her, she scrolled down the images as she continued to speak. “I’ve already set a plan of attack and once I’ve cut off the supply of secrets, all that’s left to do is find out who Anon-A-Miss is.”

Applebloom paled at hearing this, Sunset was going to catch her.

“What about your former friends?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Once you clear your name, are you going to be friends with them again?”

"They've already proven they don't trust me. The only way we can reconcile is to solve the root of the problem.” Sunset explained in a monotone voice. “But that’s entirely up to them, I’m not going to simply forget their lies.”

“Mah sister ain’t no liar!” Applebloom raised her voice and glared at Sunset. “The only one lying here is yah!”

“Applebloom!” Diamond Tiara looked at her girlfriend in shock.

“You really love your sister, don’t you Applebloom?” Sunset asked, smiling kindly as she looked into Applebloom’s eyes.

“Of course!” Applebloom strongly agreed.

“Family is important to you Apples, which is why you have to keep an eye on your sister,” Sunset said.

“What do yah mean?” Applebloom asked, blinking in confusion.

“Applejack may value honesty but she has a hard time telling someone the truth if it hurts their feelings,” Sunset said, taking a calming sip from her tea. “Not to mention that she’s really stubborn. It’ll take her a while to see sense but I won’t waste my time trying to convince her. I’m more focused on taking Anon-A-Miss down. I’m thinking of getting the police involved.”

Applebloom paled.

“The police?” she gulped.

“I was nearly assaulted because of Anon-A-Miss. If I had died, then the police would’ve gotten involved to investigate. I also think Anon-A-Miss has broken several laws with this stunt of hers.” Sunset explained, a sly smirk on her lips. “I’ve already told the Principals and they weren’t too happy with what almost happened, they wanted to get the police involved right away but I told them to hold off for a bit. At least until I've gathered enough evidence to clear my name.”

“I can see your point, hopefully, you clear your name soon.” Diamond Tiara said with complete honesty.

“Thank you, until then I’ll continue to reign in my subjects and fulfill my responsibilities as queen.” Sunset thanked Diamond Tiara. “Is there anything more you want to ask?”

“Just one, when you expose the real Anon-A-Miss are you going to step down as ruler of CHS?” Diamond Tiara asked.

“That all depends on the students of CHS,” Sunset said. “If the students continue to misbehave then I must continue to rule over them and put them in their place. Do you have more questions?”

“No, I think I have enough from you, Sunset,” Diamond Tiara smiled. “Thank you for being so cooperative.”

“Well, people in power need to befriend the press,” Sunset Shimmer smirked as she sipped on her tea. “I hope the story you publish will be flattering.”

“Don’t worry, Sunset. I’ll be sure everyone knows what you’re like. C’mon, Applebloom.”


Sunset Shimmer watched the two go and her eyes narrowed. One of the many skills she had improved in her time as Princess Celestia’s student was her keen observation. During the whole interview, Applebloom seemed nervous and fidgety, even more so when Sunset Shimmer mentioned that she would find evidence that would finally expose Anon-A-Miss. While she could brush it off as fear of her, she could not overlook or dismiss such detail as it could be important later.

Sunset Shimmer checked the schedule. She still had that meeting with Trixie later at Sugarcube Corner.

“Can’t keep her waiting for long,” Sunset Shimmer told herself. She considered being fashionably late but decided against it. It would be rude to keep Trixie waiting for too long.

Rainbow Dash sipped on her cup of hot chocolate as she waits outside in the cold, she peeks around the corner to the front entrance of her school.

“No sign of her yet,” Rainbow Dash said before pulling back. “Who knew stakeouts would be so boring.”

She picked up the sound of opening doors and peeked around the corner again to see Applebloom and Diamond Tiara.

“It’s just those two,” Rainbow Dash said dismissively and was about to look away when she heard Diamond Tiara speak.

“What was that back there?” Diamond Tiara asked.

"What do you mean?" Applebloom asked, not looking at Diamond Tiara.

"Yelling at Sunset, calling her a liar." Diamond Tiara listed.

"She called mah sister a liar first," Applebloom said with a frown. “Mah sister don’t lie.”

“Maybe not in the way you’re thinking,” Diamond Tiara said. “Sunset meant that your sister may have lied so she didn’t hurt someone’s feelings.”

“Whose feelings?” Applebloom asked.

“I don’t know, but Sunset does.” Diamond Tiara said.

“Ah wonder what else she’s hidin’?” Applebloom mumbled.

Rainbow Dash watched as the two young girls started walking away.

“Sunset’s hiding something huh?”

The double doors opened again and Sunset Shimmer stepped out.

“Target sighted,” Rainbow Dash said as she watched Sunset begin to move. “What the?”

Rainbow Dash notices the snow melting in Sunset’s path, even the falling snow evaporates as it nears Sunset.

“Just you wait, Sunset. I’ll uncover whatever evil plans you have,” Rainbow Dash vowed as she carefully followed Sunset.