• Published 23rd Nov 2020
  • 8,551 Views, 1,301 Comments

The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

  • ...

Hostile Takeover

Sunset, I’m a little uneasy about this plan of yours,” Princess Twilight wrote, Sunset had explained to her about her plan and she had some reservations. ‘Are you sure there isn’t another way to do this?’

I wish there was Twilight. But without my friends and the whole school against me, this is the only way,’ Sunset wrote back.

I’m still your friend,’ Twilight responded. ‘You’re not facing this alone.’

‘Thanks, Twilight.’ Sunset wrote, a smile gracing her lips. She hadn’t lost all her friends, Twilight is still with her.

Is there anything I can do to help?’ Twilight wrote.

Not at the moment but I’ll let you know when I need you,’ Sunset wrote.

Understood, make sure to keep me informed on the progress of your plan, okay?’ Twilight wrote.

Sure thing, goodnight, Twilight.’ Sunset wrote.

Goodnight, Sunset.’ Twilight wrote back.

Sunset closed her journal before putting it away in her backpack, she then got off her bed and proceeded to get ready to go to sleep.

So who are we going to make submit today?’ Sunset asked with a cheeky smile as she walked alongside her mother.

Sunset, we’re not making anypony submit,’ Celestia said with a playful roll of her eyes. ‘We’re just going to delegate with the foreign dignitaries.’

Until they get out of line and we remind them who’s in charge,’ Sunset smiled proudly, she loved making arrogant nobleponies squirm.

Now Sunset, please try to keep your intimidation to a minimum. We don’t want a repeat of what happened last time,’ Princess Celestia warned her daughter.

It’s not my fault that noblepony screamed and ran at the sight of me,’ Sunset said with an arrogant smirk, that noblepony no doubt heard the rumors about her. Something about how she gives off an aura of terror and fear like that of Nightmare Moon, some say if you stare into her eyes, it was like Nightmare Moon was staring back.

Sunset, there’s more to a princess than just simply intimidating your foes,’ Princess Celestia said.

‘Didn’t you say that it is our job to protect our ponies?” Sunset questioned while raising an eyebrow.

Yes,’ Celestia said, looking over at Sunset.

And that I mustn't let myself be used by ponies?’ Sunset asked.

I did,’ Celestia answered.

Then I must show these ponies that I’m not one to be messed around with,’ Sunset said with great confidence.

Sunset, ruling through fear and intimidation isn’t always the best option,’ Celestia said.

You need love and friendship,’ Sunset said in a mocking tone.

That’s right!’ Celestia said with a smile as she nuzzled her daughter.

A blush formed on Sunset’s cheeks but she still nuzzled her mother back. Celestia pulled back and brought her right hoof up to caress her daughter’s cheek, Sunset’s eyes are the spitting image of Luna’s. Celestia vowed to herself on the day that Sunset was born that she will not fail her daughter as she did her sister.

My little sun, always remember this. A princess rules with Kindness, Generosity, Honesty, Loyalty, and Laughter,’ Princess Celestia said.

Aren't those the Elements of Harmony?’ Sunset questioned.

Indeed they are,’ Princess Celestia said. ‘Those virtues will help you unlock your true potential, My little Sunshine. And who knows, you could unlock a hidden virtue that will benefit all of Equestria.

You think so?’ Sunset asked, her eyes shining with hope.

I know so,’ Princess Celestia winked at her daughter.

The next morning, Sunset was making her way towards CHS, her mind was occupied with thoughts of her plan and the dream she had.

“Mom,” Sunset whispered, it had been years in this world since she last saw her. “I didn’t listen to you before but I promise to use what you taught me in the way you always intended me to use it.”

Sunset could see the school in the distance as well as her followers, upon seeing Sunset, her followers immediately lined up and faced their Queen.

“Good Morning, your Majesty!” They all said in unison.

“Morning everyone, I trust you all had a good night’s rest?” Sunset asked as she stopped in front of them.

“Yes ma’am!” They all said in unison.

“Good, and to make it official…” Sunset started to focus her magic which caused her to pony up, a red magical aura covered her right hand as she waved it in front of her entourage. Her cutie mark appeared on the upper right side of their coats. “That’ll show everyone where your allegiance lies, once we establish a proper base of operations you can ask me to customize it to your preference.”

“Thank you, your majesty!” The students all thanked their queen, very happy and proud to wear her mark.

Sunset walked past her followers and stood in front of the school. Her entourage waiting for her instruction.

“OK, Canterlot High. The Queen Bitch is back!” Sunset Shimmer sneered, as she marched forward with her entourage following close behind.

The doors slammed open and Sunset Shimmer entered. The rest of the students saw her strut into the school like she owned the place. They would’ve said something if they had not seen the army she had marching behind her, daring them to say anything at all.

One moron did not get the message.

“Hey, She-Demon!”

Sunset sighed. There was always one idiot who could not read the room.

“Dust, Gilda, Dumbbell, teach him a lesson,” Sunset ordered. “Snips, Snails.”

“Yes, Boss?” the two boys asked.

“Record it. I want to make an example of him."

Snips and Snails did as instructed, taking out their phones to document these students’ punishment.

“Hold it right there, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset turned around to see her five former friends glaring at her.

“Just what do you think you are doing?” Rarity demanded as she crossed her arms.

"What am I doing?" Sunset repeated. "It should be obvious but I'll be spelling it out for you anyway: I am taking control."

"So you weren't happy with Anon-A-Miss and decided to show your true colors?" Rainbow Dash said, glaring at Sunset defiantly.

"If you still believe I am Anon-A-Miss, then you are as blind as the sheep here. Even at my worst, my actions had a purpose. I may get a kick out of being Queen of Mean, but it was because of the power I held and control I had over people. And if I was Anon-A-Miss, I would not paint myself as the obvious culprit. I'm smarter than that." Sunset explained, she’s starting to get very annoyed by their accusations.

“Cut the crap Sunset! I heard you yesterday at the gym!” Rainbow Dash raised her voice.

“Oh really?” Sunset raised an eyebrow. “Knowing you, you probably only heard part of what I said and jumped to conclusions.”

“Why you,” Rainbow Dash growled as she was about to go give Sunset a piece of her mind but Applejack held her back.

“Don’t do it, Rainbow Dash. That’s exactly what she wants,” Applejack warned as she motioned to Snip’s and Snail’s holding their phones. “She’s batin’ yah into doin’ somethin’ rash so she can use it against yah.”

“Now that sounds like something the old me would do,” Sunset smiled before raising her hand as a red aura surrounded it. “But I don’t think I’ll be needing that to take care of Dash.”

“You think I’m scared of your magic?” Rainbow Dash scoffed. “In case you forgot, we have magic too.”

“Yeah, the magic of friendship!” Pinkie Pie shouted.

"It's not magic you should be afraid of," Sunset said as she dug a phone out of her pocket. "Lose something?"

“That’s my phone!” Rainbow Dash said in shock. “How’d you get it?”

"Gilda told me she got it from you. She used it to lure me into an ambush but I managed to turn the tables and now they all work for me. And look around. There's only five of you but I got an army."

“We beat a she-demon like you before and you had the entire school enslaved,” Rainbow Dash pointed out.

“Hate to break it to you, darling, but we’re the ones coming out on top,” Rarity said confidently.

"Okay, go ahead," Sunset shrugged and crossed her arms. "Go ahead but let me warn you that it won't work."

“You won’t be saying that after we leave you in a smoking crater like last time,” Rainbow Dash said. “C’mon girls, let’s wipe that arrogant smirk off her face.”

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie cheered.

The Rainbooms held each other’s hands and closed their eyes, they searched deep inside for the magic of friendship.

"Just like when you tried it with the Sirens the first time," Sunset sighed. "Anyway, mind moving out of the way? I'm gonna be late for class."

The girls ignored Sunset’s mockery and soon they started to feel that familiar feeling of magic, Sunset watched as her former friends were surrounded by an aura of magic. Pony ears sprouted from on top of their heads and their hair extended into a ponytail.

As soon as the magical transformation took place, it began to fizzle and glitch. Something was wrong. Sunset noticed this and had an idea, she discreetly used her magic on the girls to help stabilize them.

“Get ready, Sunset!” Applejack declared as she snapped her eyes open, for a brief moment when her eyes were closed, she saw an image of a happily smiling Sunset. The Sunset who was their friend.

“Bring it,” Sunset challenged as she spread out her arms, daring them to attack. She turned her head to address her followers. “You guys better stand back.”

At first, they wanted to refuse but the look Sunset gave them told them that she’s got this, without a word they all took cover. Sunset turned back to see her former friends floating in the air, the crowd of students around them starting cheering them on. The magic surrounding the girls began to intensify before it fired a rainbow beam at Sunset, it circled her just like it did the first time. Sunset closed her eyes, accepting her fate as the rainbow beam completely covered her.

Once they were sure it was done, the girls hovered to the ground. Smoke covered the spot Sunset was on. When the dust settled, they expected to see Sunset lying in defeat but then they saw her silhouette standing in the smoke.

She emerged, dusting herself off, completely unharmed.

The Rainbooms and students gasped. This was impossible!

"Hm, no effect. Guess your hearts weren't into it," Sunset remarked. "Here's the thing about the Magic of Friendship: it's all about intent and harmony. Since you're done, guess it's my turn."

Sunset raised her hand towards them but a surge of magic washed through her body.

“Huh?” Sunset was confused by this, she felt a familiar warmth in her heart as she started to rise into the air.

The Rainbooms looked on in shock as Sunset’s attire changed to a beautiful white gown, her hair rising into the air like fire and a stigma appeared across the bridge of her nose. Wings of golden light spouted from her back

"All hail Queen Sunset!" Gilda called out.

"ALL HAIL QUEEN SUNSET! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!" Sunset’s followers cheered with glee at seeing their queen looking more radiant than ever.

The Rainbooms could not believe what had just happened, their magic made Sunset stronger.

“Well what do you know, I guess your magic did work after all,” Sunset said as she looked at her hands. "Now nobody can stop me and it's all thanks to you."

The rest of the student body looked upon their supposed saviors, disappointed, and even betrayed.

“This cannot be!” Rarity said in disbelief.

"Seeing is believing, darling. Your magic has failed you and deemed me worthy of all your power." Sunset said as she looked down at the Rainbooms. “And the first thing I’m going to do....” They braced themselves for her attack when the bell rang. "Is head to class. See you, ladies."

Sunset happily waved goodbye as she floated down and turned back to normal, she took one step forward before realizing something.

“Oh! Before I forget,” Sunset reached inside her pocket and pulled out Rainbow Dash’s phone. “Gilda.”

Realizing what she’s supposed to do, Gilda ran up to her queen and accepted the phone before going over to Rainbow Dash.

“Here’s your phone back, Dash. Sorry, I stole it,” Gilda apologized as she handed the phone to a surprised Rainbow Dash.

“Uh, thanks.” Rainbow Dash said in confusion as she took her phone back from Gilda.

Gilda hurried back to her group as they all made their way down the halls and to their separate classrooms.

“Um, what do we do now?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“I’m at a loss myself,” Rarity said. “Our magic made Sunset stronger, why?”

“Girls, what did yah think about when we blasted Sunset with our magic?” Applejack asked.

“Well...I thought about wanting my friend back,” Fluttershy shyly confessed, she thought of the good times she and Sunset had.

“Me too,” Pinkie Pie said sadly, remembering Sunset’s beautiful smile and laughter.

“As did I,” Rarity said, hugging herself as she cast her gaze down. She recalled how she and Sunset would work on an outfit together.

“Can’t say ah didn’t think the same,” Applejack said, as she lowered her hat to cover her eyes. She remembered how Sunset helped her out on the farm and tutored her, she even babysat Applebloom.

“So our magic didn’t work because we still thought of Sunset as our friend?” Rainbow Dash questioned as she looked at her phone’s wallpaper. “Is Sunset our friend?”

Nobody knew how to answer that.

“C’mon yah’ll, we better head to class.” Applejack reminded them.

The five friends wordlessly headed towards their classes, doubt hanging over their heads.

After her little show of power, the students gave Sunset a wide berth out of fear. They now knew she was powerful and understood that she was not to be messed with. The only ones who stayed close were her loyal followers. They swore to protect her, acting as her bodyguards. Well, they proved to be useful so far.

Snips and Snails had recorded her little performance. She had yet to tell them to release it.

She hated playing the villain but if that was how her friends saw her then she might as well play the part. It might be painful, but it was all part of the plan.

Anon-A-Miss no doubt had witnessed it all. Whoever they were, they better watch it. Sunset Shimmer was no longer alone.

A group is far stronger than an individual who only fights for themselves.’

Sunset’s mother’s words echoed in her mind.

Sunset knew Rainbow Dash was prone to jumping to conclusions, especially when she did not get the full picture. She eavesdropped and thought Sunset had gone evil. Perhaps she could use that to her advantage to manipulate the situation. But why was she there in the first place? She couldn’t have been involved with Gilda’s misguided group and judging by what she heard, Sunset surmised that she must have been around after she broke the group that planned to assault her. Could Rainbow Dash have realized what was about to happen and rush to save her?

“Can’t you and your friends do something?”

Sunset was snapped out of her thoughts by a group of five students surrounding Fluttershy.

“Um, w-we’re working on it,” Fluttershy meekly responded.

“Sunset’s strutting around like she’s in charge and the rest of us want you girls to do something about it!” a male student with spiky red hair said in frustration.

“How come your magic didn’t defeat her like last time?” a female student with blonde hair tied in a ponytail asked. “Did you guys go easy on her because she’s your friend?”

“Don’t tell me you’re working with her!” another male student with shoulder-length green hair accused as he narrowed his eyes at Fluttershy.

“N-no, it’s not like that!” Fluttershy denied the accusation.

“How can we be sure we can trust you?” another female student with long purple hair questioned.

Fluttershy backed up against the lockers, the students looked at her expectantly with angry eyes.

“They take their anger out on the easiest targets. How pathetic,” Sunset said, narrowing her eyes at the group as she marched towards them.

“If you want us to believe that you aren’t with Sunset then you better take care of her,” the spiky redhead threatened.

Suddenly, the students that surrounded Fluttershy felt a chill go up their spines.

“What do you sheep think you’re doing?” Sunset demanded, emitting an intimidating presence.

The group of 5 jumped at the voice and slowly turned around to see Sunset with her entourage.

“S-Sunset!” the green-haired student stuttered nervously.

“I asked you a question,” Sunset narrowed her eyes at the group, the air around her suddenly becoming heavy.

“W-we were just asking Fluttershy a question,” the purple-haired girl replied nervously, she felt herself being crushed under Sunset’s presence.

“By harassing her?” Sunset questioned while raising an eyebrow.

“I-it isn’t like that!” the blonde-haired female quickly said.

“Oh really,” Sunset raised her right hand at the group. “Then let me see for myself.”

Sunset’s hand is covered in a red aura which made the 5 students scream before running off.

“Cowards,” Sunset muttered as she lowered her hand and approached Fluttershy. “You okay, Shy?”

“Y-yeah,” Fluttershy nervousness responded. “Thank you, Sunset.”

“You really shouldn’t listen to people like them. They’re just mad because they didn’t get what they want but instead of doing anything about it, they just go after someone weaker to vent. It’s annoying. One moment they’re with you but then they’re against you when things don’t go their way.” Sunset said bitterly.

Fluttershy could feel resentment emanating off of Sunset.

“Anyway, I’ll see you later, Fluttershy.”

Sunset was about to leave when Fluttershy yelled, “W-wait!”

“Yes?” Sunset looked over her shoulder.

“Sunset, what are you planning?”

“I’m bringing order,” Sunset said with a smile before continuing on her way towards her destination.

Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle retreated into the girls’ bathroom. After checking to see that all the stalls were empty, they gathered together.

They were freaking out.

“This is bad! This is very bad!” Sweetie Belle panicked.

“Look, it’ll be fine,” Applebloom urged. But she sounded like she was trying to convince herself more.

“Fine!? It’s not fine! Sunset’s gotten power and our sisters couldn’t do anything about it!” Scootaloo yelled.

“Scootaloo, please, not so loud,” Sweetie Belle shushed her.

“Sorry, but now Sunset’s got magic and an army,” Scootaloo frowned. “And what are we supposed to do now? I doubt we can use Anon-A-Miss against her.”

“Maybe we still can,” Applebloom said.

“How?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“By gettin’, everyone riled up and against Sunset,” Applebloom explained. “We keep posting and make it look like Sunset is using the site to make herself look good by being the hero.”

“Are you sure that will work?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Sunset just showed us that she’s still bad,” Applebloom pointed out. “She hasn’t changed.”

“Then why didn’t our sisters’ magic work on her then?” Scootaloo questioned.

“Ah don’t know, ah’m not a magic expert!” Applebloom raised her voice.

“Maybe Princess Twilight knows,” Sweetie Belle brought up.

“But she’s back in her world and we have no way of contacting her,” Scootaloo reminded her.

“Oh yeah,” Sweetie Belle’s said in a sad tone.

The girls were silent as they thought about their situation, it didn’t look good for them. Suddenly, they heard a commotion outside and went to investigate. They say an all too familiar sight of several students fighting in the hallways, the CMC hated to see what their school has become since they started posting everyone else’s secrets on Anon-A-Miss.

“Alright break it up!”

Sunset Shimmer separated two fighting students and her entourage helped separate the others.

“There’s no fighting in school!” Sunset said using the royal Canterlot voice. “So knock it off!”

The students she separated glared at her before they cowered under her glare.

“O-okay, sorry Sunset,” the male student with blue short-haired apologized.

“Hey! You will address her as Her Majesty!” Gilda shouted.

“R-right, sorry your Majesty!” The blue-haired boy quickly and nervously said.

“Listen up, If you have problems with each other then come to me!” Sunset said. “I’ll help you resolve them without you having to beat the hell out of each other!”

The students grumbled under their breath as they cast glances at each other, they felt reluctant to agree but realized that this was better than facing Sunset’s wrath. The students agreed to Sunset’s proposal which made the former unicorn smile.

“That’s great to hear, I’ll talk with Principal Celestia about this and inform you all on where we should meet for your counseling,” Sunset said as she let them go, she then made her way towards the principal’s office with Lightning Dust and Gilda. The rest of her entourage stayed behind to make sure no one else started fighting.

The CMC is stunned to see Sunset so easily put an end to the fighting and offer help.

“She sure is something huh?”

The CMC was startled by the voice and quickly turn next to them to see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Talk about commanding total respect,” Diamond Tiara said, very impressed with Sunset’s display.

“It’s not respect, Diamond!” Applebloom disagreed with her. “They’re afraid of her!”

"Well, how else is she gonna get people to listen?" Diamond asked. "And doesn't Vice Principal Luna do the same thing? We respect her too but we're also afraid of her. You can't have respect without a healthy dose of fear."

“This is Sunset Shimmer we’re talking about here! She’s the biggest bully at CHS!” Applebloom stated.

“So was I,” Diamond Tiara reminded her.

“Yer different, ya changed!” Applebloom was quick to point out.

“And Sunset saved us from the Sirens. Now she’s the one in charge and she has real power. You know, maybe I should talk to her. Maybe she’ll be my mentor,” said Diamond.

“You want her to be your mentor!?” Applebloom was shocked to hear this.

“She’ll graduate soon and someone needs to take over. I could be her heir so I need her to teach me the ropes and show me how to do it right.” Diamond Tiara said, smiling as she saw the shocked looks of the CMC. “I’m just kidding Bloom, relax!”

“Yeah, mah girlfriend wants Sunset to be her mentor, and ah’m suppose to take that well,” Applebloom pouted.

Diamond Tiara giggled at Applebloom’s pouty face, she always found it cute. She leaned in to kiss her on the cheek.

“You make the cutest faces when you’re angry,” Diamond Tiara teased, a cheeky smile on her face.

“Knock it off,” Applebloom said, her cheeks rosy.

Diamond Tiara simply continued smiling as she reached for Applebloom’s hand and was delighted when the farm girl laced their fingers, they had been dating ever since Princess Twilight and the humane five defeated Sunset at the Fall Formal. Diamond Tiara asked Applebloom out to the Fall Formal.

“Get a room you two,” Scootaloo gagged, she didn’t like seeing two of her friends all lovey-dovey in front of her.

“Aww, I think they’re cute!” Sweetie Belle gushed, she can hardly believe that Diamond Tiara, their former bully was now dating Applebloom. Then again she couldn’t believe that they were now friends with the rich girl and Silver Spoon.

“I agree with you there,” Silver Spoon said, smiling slyly at her two friends. It was strange and at the same time fun seeing this side of Diamond Tiara.

“Whatever, I still got dibs on the maid of honor!” Scootaloo said, grinning at the couple.

“Hey! Who said who can be the maid of Honor?” Sweetie Belle questioned as she crosses her arms.

“I just did,” Scoootaloo answers simply as she stuck her tongue out Sweetie Belle.

“Well I’m going to be the godmother of their first kid,” Silver Spoon declared.

“Oh yeah? Well, their first kid is going to be named after me!” Scootaloo said.

Silver Spoon, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle continued to argue while Diamond Tiara and Applebloom’s faces are bright red.

“So how’s your family, Applebloom?” Diamond Tiara asked, hoping to change the subject.

“Oh! Uh, they’re good. We’re makin’ our famous warm Apple cider,” Applebloom explained.

“What about you and your sister? Did you get to do the things you do together for the holidays?” Diamond Tiara asked, Applebloom had told her how her sister was too busy to spend time with her.

“Yep! We decorated our Christmas tree, made cookies, went Christmas shopping, an’ we all shared Christmas stories by the campfire!” Applebloom said excitedly, with Sunset no longer in the picture, she and Applejack were able to do the things they would normally do this time of year.

“I’m happy to hear that!” Diamond Tiara said, genuinely happy for her girlfriend.

“I had an intense snowball fight with Rainbow Dash yesterday!” Scootaloo said excitedly, although she lost she still had a lot of fun. “That was the best day ever!”

“I got to help Rarity with her dresses and added some creative input,” Sweetie Belle said proudly, her friends looked very impressed by that. But truth be told, Sweetie Belle’s designs almost made Rarity faint.

“It’s great that your sisters are spending time with you all again,” Silver Spoon said. “I guess something good came out of Sunset’s betrayal.”

“Silver Spoon!” Diamond Tiara said in shock. “What if Sunset hears you?”

“Oh relax, Diamond Tiara. It’s not like she’s here,” Silver Spoon assures her best friend.

“No, but we are.”

The CMC was startled by the voice and quickly turn around to see the Rainbooms.

“Hi, Applejack.” Applebloom greeted her big sister.

“Hey there, Applebloom.” Applejack returned the greeting, her tone sad.

“Is everything alright?” Diamond Tiara asked, noticing that all the girls looked a little uneasy.

“We’re fine, it’s just…” Applejack trailed off, rubbing her arm nervously.

“Sunset beat us,” Rainbow Dash blurted out, crossing her arms and looking away. “We had the magic of friendship and yet it only made her stronger.”

“But why though?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Why did it make her stronger?”

“I wish we knew,” Rarity said sadly.

“I bet Princess Twilight would know,” Silver Spoon said.

The Rainbooms eyes widen at this.

“Of course!” Rarity said with excitement. “Princess Twilight will surely know what to do!”

“But doesn’t Sunset have the only thing that we need to get in touch with Twilight?” Pinkie Pie asked.

The Rainbooms let out a disappointing sigh, Pinkie Pie was right.

“There’s always the portal,” Rainbow Dash brought up.

“But I doubt it’s open and we need to communicate with Twilight to open it,” Rarity pointed out.

“Looks like Sunset holds all the cards,” Applejack admitted.

“We could try checking her locker to see if she left her journal there,” Rainbow Dash suggested, she felt a little uneasy about this.

“It would help if we knew her locker combination,” Rarity pointed out the obvious problem.

Rainbow Dash swallowed a nervous lump, she knew the lock code for Sunset’s locker. But she Pinkie Promised her that she would never tell anyone unless she said it was okay or it was an emergency, and for some reason, her gut was telling her that this wasn’t an emergency.

“Oh goodness, I almost forgot!” Rarity suddenly realized.

“What is it?” Applejack sighed, knowing Rarity, it probably has something to do with her hair.

“I’m supposed to return a book that I borrowed from the library,” Rarity said as she searched her backpack for the book and was relieved to find it.

“Well yah better hurry, yah know what Miss Cheerilee does to people who are late returning books?” Applejack warned.

“I had to help her take inventory,” Scootaloo sighed.

“I had to place back the returned books on their proper selves for a week,” Sweetie Belle said.

“I had to collect the books that people forget to put back on the shelves,” Diamond Tiara groaned in annoyance.

“Then I better hurry and give back this book,” Rarity said as she made her way towards the library. “I’ll see you later, darlings!”

Sunset was in the library, doing some studying. Gilda was by her side.

“OK, I need to use the bathroom,” Sunset said as she got up.

“I’ll go with you, Your Majesty.”

Gilda escorted Sunset Shimmer out of the library, leaving her backpack unattended.

Rarity walked into the library and went directly towards Miss Cheerilee’s desk, she handed over her book and after checking it over the librarian smiled and nodded at her. Rarity made her way towards the exit when her eyes caught the familiar backpack of Sunset Shimmer.

Could it be?’ Rarity thought as she made her way towards the backpack, sure enough, it was indeed Sunset’s backpack.

Seeing the opportunity in front of her, Rarity calmly reached for Sunset’s backpack and opened it. Her eyes immediately caught sight of Sunset’s cutie mark on a thick book.

The journal!’

Rarity quickly glanced around to make sure there wasn’t anyone nearby before grabbing Sunset’s journal and stuffing it inside her backpack. She then closed Sunset’s backpack and quickly made her way out of the library.

The rest of the Rainbooms are all sitting at their usual table at lunch when Rarity rushes into the lunchroom.

“Girls! You’re never going to believe this!” Rarity said with excitement as she reaches their table. “Feast your eyes on this!”

Rarity dramatically presents her friends, Sunset’s journal.

“How in tarnation did yah get that?!” Applejack asked in shock, she couldn’t believe that Rarity managed to get that from Sunset.

“I saw an opportunity and I took it!” Rarity said with glee. “Now we can contact Princess Twilight.”

“Maybe we should do it somewhere private,” Fluttershy whispered.

“Perhaps yer right, let’s go to the band room.” Applejack suggested.

The rest of the group nodded as they made their way towards their band room, their hearts pounding against their chest as they knew they did a bad thing by stealing Sunset’s journal. But what choice did they have? They burst into their club room and locked the door behind them.

“Quick, write a message!” Rainbow Dash urged.

“Hold yer horses, Dash.” Applejack tried to calm down her athletic friend.

Rarity pulled out the journal and started flipping through the pages to find an empty spot, but then her eye for detail caught the words, girls, and family.

“Hold on a minute, It appears that Sunset wrote about us.” Rarity said as she started to read.

“What does it say?” Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

The girls crowded around Rarity and started to read the journal entry from the night of Rarity’s slumber party.

Dear Twilight,

My second slumber party with the girls, and already I feel so much closer to everyone! I haven’t felt so loved, so accepted in...well...ever! I feel like I finally have a family again. Without all of you to help and support me, I’d be- well you know what I’d be. Anyway, I should get some sleep. But I wanted to let you know, before I do...that I love you all.

Sunset Shimmer.

The girls were silent as they finished reading that entry.

“Sunset loves us,” Fluttershy was the first to speak, tears welling up in her eyes. She then recalled the way Sunset protected her from those students.

“Did...did we make a mistake?” Pinkie Pie questioned, her hair now flat as the realization that she pushed away a friend for no reason.

“But why did she act the way she did earlier?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Certainly her actions now kind of contradict what she wrote,” Applejack said. “Ah don’t get Sunset at all.”

The Rainbooms are now even more confused than they were before, just what exactly is going on with Sunset? Rarity flipped to the next page and found it blank.

“It would appear that Sunset has not written back to Twilight after that,” Rarity said, starting to feel bad for the way she accused and abandoned Sunset.

“We should still write to Twilight,” Rainbow Dash reminded them. “Maybe she can help us figure out this whole thing.”

“It’s a good a place as any to start,” Rarity agreed as she took out a pen and prepared to write, but before she could even write her first word, the journal burst into flames.

Rarity threw the journal on the ground.

“Quick! Get the fire extinguisher!” Applejack shouted.

But before anyone can go get it, the flames shot up from the journal and form the head of an angry unicorn. She looked at the group menacingly before disappearing.

The girls were stunned by this, they looked down at the journal to see that nothing remained. Only one thing was on their minds.

‘We are so screwed!’

Author's Note:

Sunset has made her presence known and there's nothing anyone can do to stop her, I look forward to your comments. Thanks to KR Chrome for his help again.