• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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All Hail The Queen Part 2

Once Rainbow Dash was calm, Pinkie Pie volunteered to go next.

“Sunset was very down after we beat her,” Pinkie Pie began, her voice melancholy. “I did my best to make her smile and when she did, it was amazing. Sunset was ready to make up for what she did to everyone and put smiles on their faces, but nobody wanted her. Her help would always be rejected, but Sunset never gave up. With a smile on her face, she kept trying, and I tried to cheer her up whenever things got too much for her.”

Pinkie’s smile widened.

“After the battle of the bands, Sunset’s smile just got better. Everyone finally saw how hard she worked to make up for her mistakes and finally gave her a chance, Sunset’s smile changed.” tears spilled from her eyes. “Her smile was no longer about the happiness of being accepted by everyone, she smiles because she’s happy to have us in her life.” Pinkie Pie’s puffy hair deflated. “Sunset wanted to make everyone as happy as to how we made her feel, she loved us! And now I took her smile away! She no longer looks at us with happiness, her smile is that of pain!”

Pinkie Pie started wailing, which prompted her friends to hug her, Pinkie latched on to them for dear life. How could she destroy the smile of one of her important friends?

“Sunset opened her heart to us,” Fluttershy spoke up. “After we beat her, she felt extremely remorseful for what she did. Especially when she tried to kill us. I tried to console her by telling her that it must be because she was consumed by dark magic, but she said Twilight’s crown amplified the darkness inside of her. Those actions were still her own, I told her that everything will be alright that we were all there for her.”

Fluttershy wiped her eyes but the tears still kept coming.

“I never held it against her for bullying me, she did her best to make it up to me by volunteering at the animal shelter and helping me whenever she could,” Fluttershy said. “After the battle of the bands, I talked to Sunset about how she banished her darkness, but she said that it’s still there and that it will always remain a part of her.” Fluttershy sobbed as she told the next part. “But because she had friends like us, she can keep it in check and no longer has to be afraid of it!”

The rest of the Rainbooms started crying as well, Fluttershy’s words painfully reminding them of how devastated Sunset was after they betrayed her.

“I was so angry at her for what I thought she did that I told her she wasn’t our friend!” Fluttershy wailed.

“She wasn’t pretending to be our friend, she was our friend!” Pinkie Pie cried.

“After all we’ve been through, we couldn’t see the truth.” Rarity sobbed, her mascara running down the sides of her face.

“She didn’t take advantage of us, we were the ones who took advantage of Sunset’s trust.” Applejack bitterly cried.

“Even after we abandoned her, Sunset never abandoned us!” Rainbow Dash cried, clutching the journal to her chest. “She sacrificed herself to clear our names, knowing that she would leave this world forever...she cared about us so much!”

Rainbow Dash opened Sunset’s journal to the night of the sleepover at Rarity’s.

My second slumber party with the girls, and already I feel so much closer to everyone! I haven’t felt so loved, so accepted, in...well…ever! I feel like I finally have a family again. Without all of you to help and support me, I’d be well, you know what I would be!

The girls crowded around the journal as they read the entry.

Anyway, I should get some sleep. But I wanted to let you know before I do...that I love you all.

The girls cried even harder at reading those words, it was even more painful reading them the second time due to their reminiscing. Memories flooded their minds of the good times with Sunset, her kindness, generosity, honesty, laughter, and loyalty. The virtues of their elements that were supposed to define them, strongly defined who Sunset had become. Fluttershy turned to her closet, she hesitated for a moment before she shook her head and walked to her closet. She searched inside until she found what she was looking for, she walked back to her friends with a present in her hands.

“I got this for Sunset,” Fluttershy said, still crying. “I wanted to give it to her at your family’s Christmas party, Applejack. But after we...parted ways with Sunset, I couldn’t bear to look at it so I hid it in my closet. Along with everything that reminded me of Sunset.”

“Yer not the only one,” Applejack said. “Ah got Sunset somethin’ too, but because of Anon-A-Miss, ah threw it out mah window and threw out anythin’ that had to do with Sunset.”

“Great minds think alike,” Rarity glumly said. “I ripped apart all of the pictures with Sunset, including sketches. Her gift...I tore at the box in anger before tossing in my closet of shame.”

“I made Sunset an awesome custom electric guitar, but after we cast her out, I got rid of everything that had to do with her and put the guitar up for auction.” Rainbow Dash sadly explained, looking at Sunset’s journal. “No sense in throwing away a good guitar might as well make some money off of a mistake.”

“Can’t you cancel the auction?” Rarity asked.

“Too late,” Rainbow Dash replied, her bangs casting a shadow over her eyes. “Someone bought it this morning and I quickly packaged it and sent it to them, glad to be finally rid of it.”

“I gathered up everything that involved Sunset and gave it to my sister, Maud, to throw away.” Pinkie Pie explained. “We’re awful friends!”

“You can say that again,” Rainbow Dash muttered but her friends still heard her.

“We’ve failed both Sunset and Twilight,” Rarity said.

The Rainbooms wallowed in their shame, Sunset was the greatest friend that anyone of them could have ever asked for.


Sunset lay on top of her bed in the darkness of her bedroom, as she stared at the ceiling. The sides of her head stained with tears, as soon as she got home she went straight to her room. She may have appeared strong and unaffected by today’s events, but as soon as she got home it finally settled in what had happened. She had a real fight with her former friends, they showed their true feelings about her that they tried to bury deep in their hearts. Sunset raised her hand to touch her cheek, still feeling the sting of Rarity’s slap and the impact of Applejack’s fist. She raised her hand away from her cheek and in front of her face, in her mind her hand was red as she batted her former friends away. Despite being part of her plan, Sunset felt good taking her former friends down. A small part of her wanted revenge for their betrayal.

“Maybe the girls were right,” Sunset said as she lowered her arm and rested her forearm over her eyes, fresh tears trailed down the sides of her face. “I haven’t changed.”

Mentally and physically exhausted, Sunset’s eyelids started feeling heavy until she finally closed them. Her consciousness fading as she fell asleep.


Applejack’s back slammed against the wall as she struggled to free herself from the strong grip on her neck.

“What’s the matter, Applejack?” Sunset sneered as she lifted Applejack off the ground. “Don’t you have something to say to your family?”

Sunset pulled her fist back and punched Applejack in the face, sending her flying back and landing next to where the rest of the Rainbooms were.

“You think you can betray me and get away with it?!” Sunset demanded as she approached her former friends, she raised her hand into the air and created a fireball. She threw the fireball at her friends which exploded on impact, but as the smoke cleared she saw a force field over the Rainbooms.

“What?!” Sunset was furious as her hair burst into flames, she was going to attack again when she felt a hoof on her shoulder.

“Calm yourself, Sunset.” Princess Luna spoke.

“Aunt Luna?!” Sunset was shocked to see her aunt in her pony form. “What are you doing here?”

“I am the Princess of the Night, thus it is my duty to come into your dreams,” Luna explained with a smile.

“A dream?” Sunset questioned as she looked to her former friends who faded away, her hair turning back to normal.

“You still have strong feelings over what happened,” Luna noted, lowering her head to nuzzle her niece.

“It’s just...I’m starting to think that maybe the girls were right about me.” Sunset sadly admitted.

“About what?” Luna asked, standing in front of Sunset.

“That I’m still the same, angry, vengeful, and bitter person,” Sunset gritted her teeth. “That I enjoyed getting back at them for betraying me!”

“Sunset, there is nothing wrong with what you’re feeling,” Luna said as she smiled at her niece. “It’s natural to feel frustrated and anger for the suffering that you had to go through, what’s important is how you choose to express it.” Luna raised her hoof to caress Sunset’s cheek.

Sunset lifted her arm and placed it on her aunt’s hoof, she smiled at her aunt before she started glowing and turned into a pony.

“You are a beautiful pony, Sunset.” Luna complimented her niece, finally seeing how she looks like as a pony. “You shine as brightly as my sister.”

“Thank you, auntie.” Sunset blushed at the compliment.

Luna wrapped her wings around Sunset and brought her close.

“Sunset, despite my sister claiming you have her faults, you also have her good qualities,” Luna said, smiling lovingly at Sunset.

“Really?” Sunset asked, looking at her aunt with wide eyes.

“You rule with grace and dignity befitting a princess like my sister, you work hard to solve problems and never give up,” Luna began. “You were willing to sacrifice your reputation to save your former friends, just like how my sister made sacrifices for me when we were living alone.”

Sunset was surprised by this, there was this chapter of her family’s past that she had no idea about. Princess Luna hugged her niece tightly before she started flying away.

“Aunt Luna, wait!” Sunset cried out to her aunt.

“You are a good pony, Sunset. Don’t ever doubt that.” Luna shouted before she vanished.


Sunset’s eyes snapped open, she slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes.

“What a dream,” Sunset said, she glanced at her clock and noticed that it was seven in the morning. With a sigh, Sunset got off her bed and went to get ready for school. Today would decide whether there’s any hope of ever being friends with the Rainbooms again.


The Rainbooms were all in their band room, they decided to play their instruments to help them relax as they were feeling quite anxious. But their anxiety seeped into their music.

“It’s no use,” Applejack sighed as she stopped playing. “We haven’t been able to play right since…”

“Since we abandoned Sunset,” Rarity finished sadly.

Rainbow Dash took out her phone to check the time when she noticed the wallpaper of her friends that included Sunset. She had completely forgotten about this, they were all smiling happily, and Rainbow Dash had her arms around Sunset and Applejack’s shoulders. Placing her phone back in her pocket, Rainbow Dash picked up her guitar and started playing. She sound was somber before it started to become happier, Rainbow Dash smiled as she poured her feelings out through her music. She thought of the good times they all shared which caused her to play faster. The rest of her friends enjoyed the good vibes that Rainbow music was emitting and joined in, all their thoughts were on their friendship. From their first meeting, the challenges they’ve faced and met a new friend.

Magic started to surround the girls as they continued to play, tears spilled from their eyes as the Magic of Friendship filled their hearts. Their hair extended into ponytails, and pony ears sprouted from on top of their heads, as they were finally able to pony up without Sunset’s assistance. When they stopped playing their pony features went away, and they all looked at each other with smiles.


Sunset Shimmer sat on her throne, a serious expression on her face as she looked down on her loyal subjects. The school day has ended and she is waiting for the Rainbooms to give her their answer.

“Yer Majesty?”

Sunset focused her gaze at Applebloom who flinched at the intensity.

“A-are yah, okay?” Applebloom asked nervously.

Sunset blinked a few times before smiling at Applebloom.

“I’m just a little on edge,” Sunset replied. “Sorry for scaring you.”

“It’s okay,” Applebloom assured her. “It is our fault that yah have to go through this.”

“It couldn’t be helped,” Sunset said. “We never got around to talking about our issues, something like this was bound to happen. Except for the Anon-A-Miss part.”

There was a knock on the door and Snips went to answer it.

“Boss, the Rainbooms are here!” Snips called out.

“Let them in,” Sunset ordered.

Snips stepped aside and fully opened the door to let the Rainbooms in, the girls walked down the red carpet towards Sunset’s throne, their expressions neutral. They all lined up side by side in front of Sunset’s throne.

“Have you made your decision?” Sunset asked, looking at them with a critical eye.

“We have,” Applejack replied seriously.

“Then what is your answer?” Sunset asked, narrowing her eyes at them.

Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Applebloom looked nervously between the Rainbooms and Sunset.

“We want to be your friend again,” they all answered in unison.

The room was silent as Sunset simply stared at her former friends, she rose from her throne and descended the small stairs towards the Rainbooms until she stood in front of them. Sunset locked eyes with each of her former friends, searching for a sign of weakness.

"This whole experience has made me realize that you never trusted me," Sunset spoke, her tone hard. “How can we be friends if we don’t trust each other?”

“We want to earn back yer trust,” Applejack said, her eyes softening.

“We’ll do whatever it takes,” Rainbow Dash vowed. “You mean so much to us, Sunset. We’d be fools to lose you again.”

“We don’t expect you to forgive us, but please allow us the chance to prove to you how sorry we are.” Rarity pleaded.

Sunset continued to stare at her former friends before turning her back to them.

“You have some nerve wanting to befriend someone who was a complete bitch to you.”

“We’ve been bitches to you too,” Rainbow Dash said. “We picked a fight with you over something you never did!”

Sunset glanced back at Rarity.

“Are you certain you want to be friends with someone you hate, Rarity?”

“Why would I be friends with someone I hate?” Rarity questioned. “I want to heal the pain between us so that we can become real friends.”

“Even if you say no, we will respect your decision,” Fluttershy said.

“We trust you, Sunset.” Pinkie Pie said which earned a glare from Sunset but she didn’t flinch. “I know what I said is crazy, but we’ll prove it.”

“You’re right, it is crazy,” Sunset said as she turned to face her friends. “You want a chance? Then I’ll give you a chance.”

The Rainbooms smiled widely.

“You will serve me to prove your trustworthiness,” Sunset said with a smirk.

“Of course,” Applejack readily agreed without hesitation, the rest of her friends nodded in agreement.

“Then everyone except for Rarity will kneel,” Sunset ordered.

The Rainbooms quickly complied, Rarity looked at Sunset in confusion.

“Sunset, why don’t you want me to kneel as well?” Rarity asked.

“Because it wouldn’t be right after what I did,” Sunset answered as she focused her magic and ponied up. “I welcome you, my newest subjects.”

Sunset snapped her fingers as her cutie mark appeared on the right side of their shirts.

“Rarity, if you want to change the location of my mark to make it more fashionable then feel free to tell me,” Sunset said.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Rarity thanked her new queen.

“Thank yah fer giving us this chance, Sunset.” Applejack thanked her.

“You shall refer to me as Your Majesty,” Sunset warned. “Only my friends may refer to me by my name.”

“R-right, sorry yer Majesty.” Applejack quickly apologized.

“Then you are all dismissed,” Sunset said.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!” Everyone thanked their queen before exiting the throne room.

“Welcome to the club,” Trixie said as she approached the Rainbooms.

“Hey, Trixie.” Applejack politely greeted the stage magician.

“I wonder what roles, Sunset will assign you?” Trixie playfully wondered.

“Knock it off, Trixie,” Sunset said as she crossed her arms. “Can you keep Applebloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle company while I talk with them?”

“Sure thing,” Trixie sad said as waved goodbye to Sunset before walking away.

Once Trixie left, Sunset spoke up.

"I don't blame you. You were all forced to take me in, as an obligation to Twilight. You were trying to accept me but we never addressed the things I did to you and I never really apologized.” Sunset looked at the girls with remorse. "When I found out your little sisters were behind Anon-A-Miss, I needed them to confess. I couldn't tell anyone it was them. Who would believe me? You being accused of being Anon-A-Miss was not a part of my plan. It's just the kids heard and believed the rumors.”

Sunset smiled as she turned to look at the painting of her mother.

“Even my mother who everypony considers perfect makes mistakes,” Sunset turned to look at her former friends, her smile disappearing. “My mistake was letting you into my heart too soon.”

The Rainbooms looked visibly hurt, but they understood why. Or so they thought.

“Don’t misunderstand, I am not fully blaming you.” Sunset further explained. “It’s just something that relates to my mother and by extension me, she is the sun and provides warmth to those around her but burns those closest to her. She burned her sister and we burned each other.” Sunset air quoted.

“We’re just going to make sure we don’t get burned this time,” Rarity said, smiling slightly.

Sunset smiled at her former friends, the first genuine smile she ever gave her former friends since their betrayal. The girls leave the throne room where Trixie and the CMC were waiting.

“Miss Tiara, may I speak to you for a moment?” Rarity asked when she noticed Diamond Tiara with Applebloom.

“Sure,” Diamond Tiara said.

“I would like to offer my sincerest apologies for accusing you of going back to your old wicked ways,” Rarity apologized, feeling ashamed for her actions. “There is no excuse for my actions.”

“It’s alright, I accept your apology.” Diamond Tiara said with a smile.

“Thank you,” Rarity thanked the young girl before casting a glance at her sister. “I have no doubt you’ll be a good influence on my sister.”

“I’m only doing what they taught me,” Diamond Tiara smiled as she held Applebloom’s hand and laced their fingers.

“How cute!” Rarity gushed.

“Oh, Your Majesty.” Rainbow Dash called out to her Queen as she took out her journal from her backpack and handed it to Sunset.

“Thank you, Rainbow.” Sunset thanked her new subject as she took the journal back, she couldn’t wait to write to Twilight.

The group exited the school and went their separate ways, except for Rainbow Dash and Sunset who's route home is the same way until they split. Both girls were silent until they neared the point in which they had to split up and Sunset spoke.

“Have a safe journey home, Dashie,” Sunset said in a sweet tone, she smiled teasingly before leaning close and nuzzling Rainbow’s face.

“Y-yeah, have a safe journey, Your Majesty.” Rainbow Dash nervously bid farewell, her face burning red as she walked in the opposite direction of Sunset.

Sunset smiled before resuming her way home, she was going to enjoy being affectionate with Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

The Rainbooms now serve Sunset in an effort to earn her trust, will they succeed? I hope you enjoy the second part and I look forward to your comments.