• Published 23rd Nov 2020
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The Queen and her Court - Eternal Sunset

Anon-A-Miss has ruined Sunset's life, they have turned Sunset's friends and the students of CHS against her. But with some encouraging words from Twilight, Sunset is reminded of who she is and is ready to fight back.

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A Mother's Assistance

Sunset walked down the halls of CHS, classes were over and she needed to get home to write to Twilight about the situation.

Did I put unnecessary pressure on them?’ Sunset thought guiltily, remembering her earlier conversation with the CMC. ‘Not everything will go as you want, you have to adapt to the changing situations.’ Sunset recalled another of her mother’s lessons, she already had a plan in the works.


Sunset stopped and turned around to see an angry-looking Rainbow Dash with the rest of the Rainbooms behind her.

“Can I help you, girls, with something?” Sunset asked.

“This was your plan from the start, wasn’t it?” Rainbow Dash accused.

“I think you need to be more specific, Dash. I’ve got lots of plans,” Sunset responded.

“You turned the whole school against us!” Rainbow Dash shouted

“So, wait. You’re saying that I started Anon-A-Miss, made you abandon me, made the school hate me, got Gilda and her crew to attack me so I could make them my subjects, took your powers to rule the school, all so I could turn everyone against you?” Sunset summarised. “That sounds unnecessarily complicated and convoluted, Dash, don’t you think? If I wanted to turn the whole school against you, I wouldn’t need a complex plan like that.”

“Please, Sunset,” Rarity pleaded. “Everyone listens to you now. Just tell them we’re not the ones behind Anon-A-Miss.”

“Sounds like you need my help. I can tell them that but I can’t force them to believe me. Sorry.” Sunset said, a smug look on her face.

“Yah dirty, no-good,” Applejack growled.

“You know, how about this? I’m charitable. I’ll help but you all need to get on your knees and beg for my help,” Sunset crossed her arms.

“No chance, Sunset!” Rainbow Dash spat.

“What about the rest of you?” Sunset asked, looking at Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy expectantly.

“Ah’m not going to beg!” Applejack declared angrily. “Especially to yah!”

“A lady never begs,” Rarity voiced her disgust at the notion of begging.

“That’s not a very nice thing to ask people!” Pinkie Pie said.

“Um, I’d rather not beg. Please,” Fluttershy said shyly.

“There’s your answer Sunset,” Rainbow Dash asserted. “No way any of us will beg you for help!”

“I guess you all aren’t as quick to jump on the easy solution after all,” Sunset mocked. “But not to worry, I’ve already come up with a solution to your problem and by tomorrow, everyone will be begging you for forgiveness.”

With that said, Sunset turned around and walked away.

“What did she mean by that?” Applejack question, worries about what Sunset has planned.

“I’m not sure but we must be extra vigilant tomorrow,” Rarity suggested.

“There’s no telling what evil plan Sunset has up her sleeve but we’ll take her down!” Rainbow vowed.

As soon as Sunset got home she immediately went to her room, summoned her journal, and started writing to Twilight.

“I hope she responds soon,” Sunset whispered to herself.

To her delight, Twilight responded as words appeared in her journal.

Hi Sunset, it sounds like things have taken a turn for the worst.”

Unfortunately, and just when I found out the identity of Anon-A-Miss.” Sunset wrote.

You did?! Who is it?!” Twilight asked urgently.

It’s Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo.” Sunset wrote.

What?! Those Three?!” Twilight couldn’t believe it, suddenly she was hit with retaliation. “Of course! I should’ve known!”

What do you mean by that?” Sunset asked curiously.

Believe it or not, the pony versions of those three pulled something similar,” Twilight responded. “I can’t believe I didn’t see the connection.”

“Don’t worry about that, Twi. I talked to the girls and explained that they need to tell the truth but it has to be of their choice. If I bring them to the Rainbooms and explain that they’re Anon-A-Miss, they won’t believe me and accuse me of forcing them to take the fall for me.” Sunset explained.

“I’m afraid you’re right, so what can we do?” Twilight asked, hoping Sunset had a plan.

I have a plan, but I need Princess Celestia’s help.” Sunset wrote it was time to face her mother.

Are you sure?” Twilight asked, making sure her friend was ready for a confrontation with her former mentor.

Yes, can you arrange a meeting?” Sunset asked.

Of course, is there anything specific you want me to say?” Twilight asked.

Tell her, her foolish daughter is ready to listen.” Sunset wrote.

Wait! Daughter?!” Twilight was incredibly shocked to read that.

I’ll explain later once we all meet up,” Sunset responded.

Okay, I’ll get back to you as soon as I can,” Twilight promises.

Thanks, Twilight.” Sunset thanked her dear friend before closing the book. She stared absentmindedly at her book before letting out a sigh. “This is it.”

Sunset didn’t want to confront her mother under these circumstances, but her hand was forced and she needed to act fast to prevent further damage. Even so, Sunset began to wonder how her mother will react to hearing from her again.

As soon as Twilight closed the journal, she immediately got started on writing the letter to the Princess. Once she finished she quickly raced to find Spike.

“Spike! Spike!” Twilight called out, checking the rooms for her baby dragon.

“I’m right here!” Spike announced as he stepped out of a room with a towel wrapped around his waist and head. “What’s the emergency?”

“I need you to send this to Princess Celestia,” Twilight instructed as she handed him the scroll.

“What for?” Spike questioned as he took the scroll from Twilight.

“It’s a letter from Sunset asking to meet her,” Twilight explained.

“Seriously!” Spike’s eyes widened in surprise.

“That was my reaction too, but it gets even more surprising,” Twilight said.

“Like what?” Spike asked as he breathed fire on the scroll and sent it to the Princess.

“Sunset is the Princess’ daughter,” Twilight answered, a big smile on her face.


Princess Celestia is in the royal dining room with her younger sister, Princess Luna. The royal sisters are playing a game of chess.

“And that’s checkmate, dear sister,” Celestia said with a smug look.

“Argh! I can never beat you at this game!” Luna said in frustration as she banged her forehead on the table.

“Perhaps you would like to hoof wrestle instead?” Celestia asked, her smug look never leaving her face.

“Are you kidding! You almost tore my foreleg last time!” Luna said, rubbing her right shoulder. Celestia was really strong when they were growing up and it seemed that during her absence she had grown even stronger. “Not even earth ponies are as strong as you.”

“I am the older sister after all,” Celestia teased, winking at Luna.

“Emphasis on old,” Luna teased back, smirking as she saw her sister frown.

Before Celestia could reply, a scroll magically appeared in front of her.

“A message from Twilight?” Luna asked as she watched her sister take hold of the scroll in her magic.

“It’s a little unusual for her to send me a message this late-” Celestia cut herself when she read the note, her eyes widened in shock.

“Is something the matter sister?” Luna asked, worried after seeing her sister’s expression.

“Luna, can you accompany me to Twilight’s castle?” Celestia asked as she magically summoned an empty scroll, a quill, and an ink jar.

“Of course, but what’s this about?” Luna questioned, taking the scroll Twilight sent using her magic and her eyes widened when she read Sunset’s message. “Sister...is what she says true?”

“Yes,” Celestia answered simply.

“Then let's go to Twilight’s castle immediately!” Luna declared as she used her magic to teleport herself and Celestia to Twilight’s castle.

Twilight was waiting with Spike in the library for the Princess’s reply when they both suddenly appeared in front of them.

“Gah!” Twilight was surprised by the Princesses sudden appearance.

“Hello, Twilight and young Spike.” Luna greeted the two.

“Princess Luna, Princess Celestia!” Twilight quickly composed herself as she greeted the two monarchs. “I didn’t expect you to arrive so soon.”

“Apologies for not warning you, Twilight.” Luna apologized with a bow. “But I wanted to get to the matter of Sunset Shimmer’s claims.”

“Does this mean you want to see her?” Twilight questioned the princess of the sun.

“Yes, Twilight.” Celestia nodded. “Please let Sunset know that I agree to meet with her.”

“Of course, Princess,” Twilight said before she took the journal in her magic and began writing to Sunset.

Sunset is sitting on her bed, her knees to her chest and her arms wrapped around her legs. She had her face buried against her knees, her mind going over the possible scenarios of meeting her mother. None of them were good.

“Maybe this was a mistake,” Sunset mumbled as she lifted her head.

The sound of her journal vibrating caught her attention and she quickly snatched it from her nightstand. After reading the message, Sunset became even more nervous. She wrote that she would be on her way and after receiving Twilight’s reply, Sunset hurried to the portal. When she arrived at the school, she made sure that no one was around before standing in front of the portal.

“No turning back,” Sunset said to herself before entering the portal.

Princess Twilight was waiting in front of the portal when it activated and Sunset stepped out.

“Sunset!” Twilight happily called out Sunset’s name.

“Twilight!” Sunset happily responded, but she almost lost her balance for standing on her hind legs until she was on all fours. “Sorry, it’s been a while.”

“It’s good to see you,” Twilight said as she hugged Sunset.

“It’s good to see you too,” Sunset replied as she hugged Twilight back.

“The Princesses are waiting in another room,” Twilight informed her as she broke the hug. “Are you ready?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” Sunset replied before realizing what Twilight has said. “Wait, Princesses? As in more than one?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia brought her sister, Princess Luna,” Twilight answered. “Will that be a problem?”

“No, no problem at all,” Sunset assures her, she wasn’t expecting to meet her aunt so soon. “Let’s just get this over with.”

The two ponies made their way towards Twilight’s throne room, Sunset’s heart started pounding against her chest. Added with the fact that she had no idea which room was the throne room, so her nerves were on edge every time they neared a door. Finally, Twilight stopped at a door and gave Sunset one last smile before opening it to reveal the two monarchs of Equestria, upon seeing Sunset Shimmer, Princess Celestia rose from her seat, wings flared out and her eyes narrowed. Sunset visibly shrunk.

“Princess Celestia, guess who’s here.” Twilight nervously said, she could feel the tension in the room. “Umm..”

Sunset nervously looked at her mother who was watching her expectantly, steeling her nerves, Sunset took a deep breath before speaking.

“Mother, I know that I was a selfish brat who betrayed and abandoned you.”

“Sunset, what’re you saying?” Twilight questioned the unicorn, looking nervously between her and Celestia.

“What I’m saying is that the love, compassion, and guidance you tried to teach me I threw in your face.” Sunset continued as she stepped forward. “ I foolishly believed that I can be a better Princess than you, but I was wrong. I’ve learned that there’s more to being a princess than just power and I’ve used the lessons you taught me to help others. Which is why I’ve come to you now as a changed pony, humbly asking for forgiveness, guidance, and knowledge.”

Princess Celestia walked towards Sunset until she was right in front of her, Sunset withered under her mother’s stature.

“Or I can leave and you never have to see me again,” Sunset said as she lowered her head, her heart breaking. She felt a gentle touch under her chin that lifted her head to meet her mother’s stern gaze.

“I’ve missed you, my little Sunshine,” Celestia said, her frown changing into a smile.

“I-I’m so sorry,” Sunset apologized as she tackled her mother, wrapping her hooves around her left foreleg. Tears spilling from her eyes.

“It’s alright, Sunset,” Celestia assures her daughter, her tears stinging her eyes as she wrapped her right foreleg around her. “The blame doesn’t rest entirely on your shoulders, I should’ve tried to be more open with you, I could’ve contacted you through our journals but I was too much of a coward. Your misguided actions are because of my failure as a mother.”

“I’m the one who took the wrong path, you tried to show me the right way but I was too impatient and stubborn to listen,” Sunset assured her mother, nuzzling her coat and inhaling her sunflower scented shampoo.

“Where do you think you get it from?” Celestia questioned with a grin, nuzzling Sunset’s mane. How she longed to hold her daughter again. She pulled back to nuzzle Sunset’s head. “I’m so happy to see you, my little Sunshine.”

“Me too, I’ve missed you so much.” Sunset cried, returning the nuzzle.

Twilight had a big smile as she watched Sunset and Celestia make amends, Princess Luna walked towards her sister and niece. She gave them some time before she cleared her throat to make her presence known,

“Sister, aren’t you going to introduce us?” Luna asked from behind Celestia.

Celestia pulled away to turn around to face her sister, Luna smiled at Sunset who hid behind her mother.

“Sunset, this is your aunt. Princess Luna,” Celestia introduced her daughter to her sister.

Sunset peeked from behind her mother to the smiling lunar Princess, she didn’t know why she was acting like a scared filly. She noticed how the pony version of her aunt had a darker coat color than her human counterpart’s skin tone.

“Don’t be shy, I’m not going to hurt you,” Luna assured her niece, her smile never wavering.

Sunset slowly stepped out from behind her mother and walked towards her aunt, before sprinting towards her and nuzzling her chest. Luna squealed as she wrapped her hooves around Sunset and flew into the air as she twirled her around.

“Oh Sunset, you are just so adorable!” Luna gushed as she nuzzled Sunset.

“Well, I do have mom’s good looks,” Sunset said, holding tight to her aunt and nuzzling her back. “I’ve wanted to meet you since I’ve met your counterpart.”

“Oh? Hasn’t my sister told you about me?” Luna asked.

“Not really,” Sunset said as she looked to her mother. “Growing up, mom was the only family I knew. Until I went to the other world I had no idea I had more family.”

“I see our dear sister still likes to keep secrets, even to her flesh and blood.” Luna narrowed her eyes at Celestia who looked away sheepishly. “I didn’t find out about you until I read Twilight’s letter with your message.”

“Mom does have this bad habit of keeping important information to herself,” Sunset commented.

“Celestia likes to be in control,” Luna smirked.

“You can’t always be in control, I’m proof of that.” Sunset winked at her mother.

“Say, sister,” Celestia called out, a sinister smirk on her lips. “Would you like to see what Sunset was like as a foal?”

“Would I?!” Luna had the biggest smile on her lips as she flew to her sister with Sunset in her hooves.

“Um maybe we can do that later, I need your help,” Sunset suggested.

“Does it have something to do with Anon-A-Miss?” Celestia asked, her expression serious.

“How do you know about that?” Sunset questioned, surprised that her mother would know that name.

“Twilight has informed me about what has been happening after I received an alert from your journal,” Celestia answered, looking away suspiciously.

“What alert from my journal?” Sunset questioned, noticing how suspicious her mother looks. “Let me guess, is it another secret you’ve neglected to tell me?”

“Yes, if something happens to your journal, I received an alert via my cutie mark,” Celestia answered nervously.

“Seriously?” Sunset raised an eyebrow at her mother. “Even in another world I can’t escape your grip, next you’re going to tell me I have a built-in failsafe in case I turn on you.”

“That’s a good idea,” Celestia said as she had a thoughtful look.

“Mom!” Sunset raised her voice at her mother.

“Don’t worry Sunset, you remain the only pony beyond my control,” Celestia assured her, giving her a motherly smile.

“I don’t like the sound of that,” Luna said, looking at her sister suspiciously.

Twilight for her part was fascinated by what is transpiring, the dynamic between them is just like any other family. She knew that Princess Celestia likes to play jokes but it felt different when joking with her family. Family. Twilight couldn’t believe that Sunset is the Princess’s daughter, then again she had no idea that Celestia even had a sister! But she couldn’t help but wonder who Sunset’s father was.

“Um, Princess Celestia?”

“Yes, Twilight?” Princess Celestia turned to Twilight.

“If Sunset is your daughter, who’s her father?” Twilight asked.

“Sunset has no father, Twilight,” Celestia answered simply.

“Then how were you able to have Sunset?” Twilight questioned.

“That’s because I was-wait that’s not important right now!” Sunset quickly shook her head as she got back to the reason she was here. “Mom, how much has Twilight told you about what has been going on?”

“Twilight has filled me in on the important details but tell us everything,” Celestia said as they all took a seat and Sunset explained everything that had happened.

“So now everyone believes the Rainbooms are Anon-A-Miss and this whole situation has put too much pressure on the CMC,” Sunset finished explaining, feeling guilty for the last part.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself, Sunset,” Celestia assures her daughter as she lays a wing over her shoulder. “You can’t predict every outcome.”

“You have to adapt to the changing situation,” Sunset spoke her mother’s words. “Which is why I thought of a plan to have myself take full blame for Anon-A-Miss.”

“What?!” Twilight was stunned to hear this as she rose from her seat. “Sunset, you can’t be serious!”

Sunset looked down and chewed her lip, Celestia noticed there was more to this plan.

“Sunset, can you please explain how you came to this decision?” Celestia asked, her expression neutral.

“After I took back control of the school from Anon-A-Miss, I began to realize that I wasn’t entirely forgiven for my past deeds.” Sunset began. “Even after I proved myself, the slightest hint of trouble and everyone was quick to blame me. Even the Rainbooms who were like family to me threw me away.”

Twilight’s ears dropped at hearing that, she was reminded of the pain she endured when her friends believed the fake Cadance instead of her.

“My former friends were also victims of my past misdeeds, one, in particular, I badly hurt.” Sunset closes her eyes, a pained look on her face as she recalls the horrible humiliation she caused Rarity at The Spring Fling. “There’s no longer a place for me there.”

“Are you certain of that?” Luna questioned.

“They strongly believed I was Anon-A-Miss and refused to think otherwise,” Sunset sadly explained,

“The girls can be very stubborn,” Twilight commented. “Especially Applejack and Rainbow Dash.”

“Sunset, are you certain about this?” Celestia questioned. “How can you be so sure that everyone will believe you?”

“They’ll believe me, they already assumed the worst of me before,” Sunset answered bitterly. “But before I go, I plan to help the Rainbooms one last time.”

“Oh?” Luna tilted her head curiously.

“I’ve been helping the other students of CHS deal with their friendship problems, I’m the root of the Rainbooms problem,” Sunset explained. “The Rainbooms no doubt still harbor resentment towards me for what I did to them, but they never brought it up.”

“They probably didn’t want to hurt your feelings,” Twilight theorized.

“Perhaps, but I believe because we never properly dealt with them, despite them accepting me, they could never fully trust me,” Sunset explained.

“How do you want me to help you?” Celestia asked.

“I plan to make an announcement that I created Anon-A-Miss to sow chaos and mistrust so that I can swoop in and take over,” Sunset explained. “I will then reveal that I was sent here to conquer this world and get it ready for my evil mother’s arrival.”

“So I am to play the villain eh?” Celestia smirked.

“Can I help too?!” Luna asked eagerly.

“Sure!” Sunset said with a smile.

“What about me?” Twilight asked.

“I need you to watch so that in case anything unexpected happens, you can deal with it right away,” Sunset instructed.

“Got it,” Twilight nodded.

“How are you going to wrap this all up, Sunset?” Celestia asked.

“Simple, the good guys always defeat the villain right?” Sunset smirked. “The girls will use the Magic of Friendship to banish us back to the portal.”

“But the Elements of Harmony won’t do such a thing to us,” Luna pointed out.

“I know, which is why we’ll use our magic to send us through the portal to make it look like they banished us.” Sunset clarified.

“Very well, when you have everything ready, send a message and we will make our grand entrance!” Princess Celestia said excitedly.

“You’re a little too excited about this, sister,” Luna noted, raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps deep down you are a villain!”

“And what hope do you have to stop me, little sister?” Celestia smirked at Luna.

“Anyway, I better head back to prepare then,” Sunset said as she got up from her seat.

The four ponies walked towards Twilight’s library where the portal was located.

“Have a safe trip, my little Sunshine.” Princess Celestia said as she hugged her daughter.

“Thanks, mom.” Sunset thanked her mother as she hugged her back.

“I wished we had more time to get to know one another,” Luna complained as she hugged her niece.

“Don’t worry, auntie Lulu. We’ll have plenty of time after this is over.” Sunset assured her aunt as she hugged her tight.

“I really wished it didn’t have to come to this,” Twilight said with regret.

“Me too,” Sunset agreed as she hugged her friend, the one pony who stayed by her side since this ordeal began.

The two ponies broke the hug and with a final goodbye, Sunset entered the portal. Twilight let out a sad sigh.

“Is something the matter, Twilight?” Luna asked the Princess of Friendship.

“I’m just sad that it has come to this,” Twilight explained. “Sunset is sacrificing herself so that the girls’ names are cleared, why can’t they see that she’s a good pony?”

“Don’t worry, Twilight. I’m sure everything will turn out fine,” Princess Celestia assured her.

“Do you think so?” Twilight questioned.

“We just need to have faith that the counterparts of your friends' sisters will do the right thing,” Celestia told her. “And if they are anything like them, then we have nothing to worry about.”

“You’re right,” Twilight agreed, smiling hopefully. “I’m sure the CMC will clear Sunset’s name.”

The three Princesses smiled, it is up to the CMC to fix this before it’s too late.

Author's Note:

Sunset is going to make the ultimate sacrifice for her former friends, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I look forward to your comments.