• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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Hearth's Warming Day

I awoke with a start. I’d dreamed I’d found a way to bring my friends and loved ones into Equestria, and had been introducing them to my Ponyville friends - I’d have been the happiest man alive if I could make that happen - and was now wide awake. I automatically put my hand up to brush the hair from my eyes, only to have them come back full of leaves.

“How did I get leaves in my hair?” I mused to myself. “Must’ve picked them up from last night.”

The seconds ticked by, and then…

Jumping out of bed, I dashed to the living room where my pile of gifts, courtesy of Pinkie Spy, was sitting. I was about to grab and tear open the nearest one, when I stopped myself. Just because I was alone didn’t mean I should forget my priorities. I knelt down in front of the pile, clasped my hands, and prayed, thanking God for allowing me to take part in what was sure to be a wonderful holiday, and to watch over my family and friends back home for Christmas.

“Amen,” I concluded.

Now, first item of business: whatever it was that Lyra and Bon Bon had sent me. It had been taunting me ever since it arrived. I zipped over to the huge wrapped shape sitting against the wall, grabbed the paper wrapping it, and tore it away. My mouth fell open.

“No way…”

Yes way. There, standing proud and new, was an honest-to-goodness upright mahogany piano! There was even a stool sitting in front of it, and a book of music sheets sitting in pride of place, with a card sitting in front of them. Picking this up, I read, while hearing the pair’s voices in my head,

Dear Dave,
Happy Hearth’s Warming! Here’s something to give you some extra practice before your next Sunday session.
Lyra and Bon Bon

“Way to go above and beyond, gals,” I said, grinning from ear to ear.

My own piano. My very own piano! This was amazing! As eager as I was to try it out, however, I had to hold off until I’d gotten to everything else. So, not without reluctance, I turned away from the glorious instrument and returned to my pile of gifts. As my hand strayed toward the nearest one, I was interrupted anew by the sight of something paper-like sitting atop it. I picked it up to examine it, but nearly dropped it when I did, not out of butterfingers, but of shocked surprise.

It was an autographed mugshot photo, not of Trixie, but of Daring Do! The black-and-white image of the pegasus explorer grinned confidently up at me, her name written in bold lettering below her smile. I flipped it over, but there was nothing on the back. No card, no notice, nothing. Who had sent me this? I was thrilled, but also incredibly baffled, just like when Harry got his Invisibility Cloak.

Well, I supposed one shouldn’t look a gift horse in the mouth, and set it gently on the table, before finally returning to the rest of my gifts. I dragged Pinkie’s forward, as it seemed my best friend should have the honor of having the first gift unwrapped (after that piano, that is), and opened the card that came with it. Pinkie’s chipper voice rang through my head.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, Davie!
I know how much you like music, so I thought this would make a fantabulous addition to your house! It might even give you some inspiration for piano practice!
Pinkie Pie

Intrigued, I ripped the paper off to reveal...a phonograph. Now, like I said, I enjoyed antiquity as much as modernity, so this was quite a welcome sight for me.

“Thanks, Pinkie,” I muttered, gratefully, as I gingerly set it aside.

Stacked behind where it had stood were three similarly-shaped gifts, from Rainbow Dash, Vinyl Scratch, and Octavia. Judging from their size, shapes, and their placement, I had the feeling I knew what these were. Picking up Rainbow Dash’s, I read her card, hearing her voice in my head.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!
This here’s just a little reminder of your first big performance. Hope it helps with your practicing!
Stay awesome,
Rainbow Dash

The gift turned out to be, as I had anticipated, a record. It was titled ‘Dave’s Enchanted Melody’. I was perplexed by such a title, as well as by the fact that Rainbow had gotten me a record, which would have been pointless unless she knew whether or not I had something to play it on.


Wait a minute.

I placed the record onto the phonograph’s turntable and started it up. Through the horn came a very familiar tune: the exact same melody I had played on the piano when Rainbow had given me that potion-spiked water! If she had a record of it, and Pinkie had gifted me a phonograph, did that mean the two had been in on the whole thing together? I had no idea Pinkie was even involved!

“Man,” I muttered to myself, “Rainbow wasn’t kidding when she said she and Pinkie were Best Pranking Pals. They got me good.”

I turned to the other two identically-shaped gifts, having no doubt what they were now that I had opened Rainbow’s. Sure enough, they were both records, Vinyl’s of some of her club jams, and Octavia’s of classical music.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, D-dude!
This is for those days when you’re itching to hear some wubs but can’t make it to the club!
Rock on!
Vinyl ‘DJ PON3’ Scratch”

“Dear Dave,
I hope you are fairing well this holiday season. It is absolute bedlam here in Canterlot, ponies rushing hither and thither to make their last purchases. My ensemble and I are still preparing for our concert on New Year’s. I am not a braggart by nature, but I have the feeling it is going to be a spectacular night. On that note, if you’ll pardon the pun, I thought you might enjoy this record of some of the classical pieces my ensemble’s performed in the past. If you would like me to sign it, I’ll happily do so the next time I visit Vinyl.
A very Happy Hearth’s Warming to you!
Yours sincerely,
Octavia Melody”

I decided to put Octavia’s record into the phonograph, as something of a backdrop while I continued unwrapping my gifts. While it played, I next turned to the package Big Mac had given me, from the Apple family. It turned out to be an entire set of ceramic cookware, all colored red and green, with the pots and pans all bearing the same apple motif. Now I could have a lot more variety with what and how I cooked, on those days when I wasn’t too lazy to do anything but grab a bite from Sugarcube Corner. Judging from the individual signatures, Granny Smith had written the card’s message.

Dear Davey-boy,
We saw this in the marketplace and thought it would add the perfect touch to your kitchen. Here’s hoping it adds a little spice to your mealtimes.
Happy Hearth’s Warming!
From Applejack, Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith”

Fluttershy’s gift was a cookbook entitled Exquisite Equine Edibles, by Chef Bon Appetit. The cover depicted a buff-chested chestnut stallion with a long, thin mustache, beaming as he held up a pot full of simmering vegetable stew. How fitting to get this along with some new cookware.

“Dear Dave,
Bon Appetit is a marvel among cooks, and his recipes have really helped me add a touch of variety in the kitchen. I’m not sure if you really like to cook or not, but I thought it would be a nice read anyway.
Have a Happy Hearth’s Warming!
From Fluttershy”

Rarity’s gift was, as I expected, a new suit of clothes, namely a dressy white button-down shirt and tan khakis, topped by an honest-to-goodness fedora. Now, I loved top hats, but I also loved fedoras, so this was a most welcome surprise.

My dear Dave,
There’s nothing wrong with alternating casual for snappy, so I thought this ensemble might liven up your wardrobe.
Happy Hearth’s Warming, darling!
From Rarity”

Below these was a blue polo shirt with something stitched across the chest. Looking closer, I saw that it was a Crusader patch, rather crudely put on. The note attached told me all I needed to know.

I snuck this in when Rarity wasn’t looking. I’ve learned a few sewing tricks from her, so I hope you like it!
Happy Hearth’s Warming!
-Sweetie Belle”

I couldn’t help suppressing a chuckle at this. She really was a thoughtful filly.

Twilight’s gift was, shock of all shocks, a book, but the cover threw me for quite a loop at first. It was titled How to Care for Your Multi-Digited Extremities: A Reference Guide, and had a picture of a hand on the cover. I couldn’t help laughing.

Dear Dave,
I don’t know how fastidious about hand or foot care humans are, but I thought this might make for a good read for you. I even asked Lyra for her opinion, and she agreed that it was a fascinating read. Even ponies need to keep proper hoof care.
Happy Hearth’s Warming!
From Twilight, Spike, and Owlowiscious”

I wasn’t really much for hand or foot care, but if I could will myself to go to the spa, I suppose this wasn’t too far-fetched. Still, it was a bizarre book to imagine ponies writing.

From the Hooves family came a basket of fresh, assorted muffins: blueberry, chocolate chip, corn, and banana nut. The combined smells were intoxicatingly delicious, and I resolved to have one for breakfast.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!
Just a little something from the Hooves kitchen to spruce up breakfast or snack time. It’s never the wrong time for a muffin!
From your neighbors, the Hooves”

A bulky one from all of my friends at the bowling alley turned out to be another very welcome surprise: my own bowling ball and bag, but the ball had finger holes! My fingers fit just right, too!

“Dear Dave,
All of us chipped in to get you your very own bowling ball. The finger holes were the Doctor’s idea.
Happy Hearth’s Warming!
From Big Macintosh, Cheerilee, Magnum, Pearl, Caramel, Meadow Song, the Doctor, Lyra, Bon Bon, and”

The last name was incomprehensible, but I could hazard a guess that it was Screwball’s.

From Berry Punch came what looked like a bottle of wine. However, upon checking the label, I was relieved to see that it was only grape juice. Berry had been thoughtful when choosing her gift for me.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!
I haven’t forgotten what happened during cider season, so I figured some of my specialty grape juice might sit better.
Berry Punch”

Zecora had sent me a set of wind chimes made from some dark, glossy wood. Looking at her card, it was amazing to me that she even wrote in rhyme.

To Dave, on this magic time of year
In hope that its tones will bring you good cheer
Happy Hearth’s Warming from me,
Zecora of the Everfree”

Screwball’s, the second-to-last, looked like an ordinary desk lamp. However, when I pulled the chain to turn it on, I heard a sound like someone blowing a quick raspberry, and the bulb inside glowed green. I clicked it off, making another raspberry noise. Clicking it back on, the light turned blue. I kept at it, making the light turn red, then purple, then plaid, then argyle, then checkerboard, until I finally stopped, mixed between laughter and bewilderment. Screwball’s card was written backwards again, but deciphered, it read,

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!
This thing’s always given me a good laugh, and I have an extra, so I thought you’d like this one.
From Screwball”

Last of all (not intentionally) was Moonlight’s. Inside hers was a real surprise: a Daring Do plush, the size of an average teddy bear. It was made of soft felt, and the pith helmet was even removable. It was several moments before I remembered the card.

Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!
I found this while shopping in Canterlot. Can you believe this was one of the last ones in stock? They must be really popular, so I thought you’d like it.

A Daring Do item, one of the last in stock in Canterlot, and she had managed to snag it...for me. I certainly knew that was no easy feat.

“Thank you, everypony,” I said, quietly. “I just hope my gifts to you make you as happy as these have made me.”

I then began busying myself with putting everything away in their new places in the house. I had just hung up the clothes from Rarity and Sweetie Belle, and was planning to grab breakfast, when there came a knock at the door. Wondering who it could be, I put on my jacket and opened up to find Minister Ironmane standing at the doorstep, a canvas bag sitting beside him.

“Good morning, David. Happy Hearth’s Warming.”

“M-Minister Ironmane!” I said, spluttering involuntarily. “Happy Hearth’s Warming to you too! What brings you here?”

“It’s Sunday, is it not? Am I interrupting other business you are conducting?”

“Well, no, sir, but I wasn’t sure if you’d come here today, since it’s a holiday.”

“I am off duty for today, David, and decided to bring my wife with me. She is at the marketplace at the moment, and we shall meet up again after my business here.”

“Oh, ok.”

For a second, I didn’t completely register what he said, then the word ‘wife’ hit me like a boxing glove to the cranium.

“Wait, wife?!” I asked, incredulously, but I backpedaled at his raised eyebrow. “Er, I meant, *ahem*, well, forgive me, sir, but I had no idea you were married.”

“You are forgiven,” said Ironmane, crisply. “However, you can understand my desire to keep this visit brief.” He cleared his throat. “Let us not stray off topic, David. First of all, your dues.”

He levitated the usual bag of bits to me, but it felt heavier this time.

“I added a special holiday bonus this time around,” he explained.

“Well, gosh, thank you, sir,” I said, gratefully.

“And it is next I who must thank you,” said Ironmane.

Was it my imagination, or was he smiling?

“I don’t know how you found out, but your gift for me took me quite by surprise. I was hoping to attend Miss Octavia’s New Year’s concert.”

“Oh!” I said, innocently. I probably shouldn’t say that I had overheard him talking about it. “Well, her music is quite the experience. I hope you have a great time.”

“Thank you, David. Speaking of gifts, I have something to deliver to you from the princesses.”

Before I could fully register the fact that he had included the princesses in that sentence, he drew a package from his bag, placing it in my hands.

“I would also like to inform you, David, that after New Year’s, you should expect a new written assignment. As a forewarning, it shall deal with the wild creatures of Equestria. Fear not,” he added, seeing me about to open my mouth, “you shall have the proper reading material for it, but do not be afraid to seek Twilight Sparkle if you need assistance.”

“Thank you, Minister,” I said, flummoxed by the gift and the information.

“Well, with that, David, I must depart. Enjoy the rest of your day.”

“You too, sir.”

Ironmane packed away the bag beneath his cape, turned sharply about on his hooves, and marched back toward Ponyville. I waited until he was out of sight, then went back inside, putting down the gift and taking my jacket off.

“Well, this is turning into a full morning,” I said, “and it’s not even 9.”

I then turned my attention to the parcel. What did the diarchs of this land, governesses of the sun and moon, over a thousand years old, and my primary employers, think to gift simple me? Well, only one way to find out.

I don’t know what I was expecting, but this still came as a surprise. Beneath the wrapping paper was a very thick, heavy book, its bottle-green cover faded but still intact. A sepia-toned map stood out on the front, and the silver lettering told me this book was The Unabridged History of Equestria. The pages were littered with tabs, probably to distinguish each section from each other. I recognized the penmanship as Princess Celestia’s, from the letter I had gotten from her on my very first day in Equestria.

A very Happy Hearth’s Warming to you. In the spirit of the season, we thought you might like to have this book. It is a very special edition of The Unabridged History of Equestria, and we are confident you will find it an interesting read.
Yours Sincerely,
Princesses Celestia and Luna

A special edition? What was different about it? Maybe it was a collector’s item. If Twilight had her own copy of the book, perhaps we could search for the difference together. In the meantime, I went to put it away, and ended up placing it beside my notebook, the one I’d come into Equestria carrying. I couldn’t suppress a frown as I glanced at it, but I couldn’t tell why. Feeling like I was constantly delaying myself, I went to clean myself up and grab breakfast.


I spent the rest of the morning testing out my new phonograph. Vinyl’s ‘compositions’ were wild, funky, and full of so much bass that I was worried my windows would rupture if I dared turn the volume up. How did that pony listen to this kind of music on a daily basis and not be deaf? Octavia’s pieces, on the other hand, were much more relaxed. I could distinctly pick out her cello in each of the compositions, and while I didn’t really recognize them as anything familiar, they were all wonderful to listen to. I even took time to flip through Twilight’s book, if not out of curious humor. There were chapters dedicated to nail care and proper skin cleansing, making it sound like the kind of thing better suited for a spa’s magazine rack. The thought that a pony had actually put together a book like this was absolutely mind-boggling, especially since there were also sections devoted to griffons and minotaurs, as they had talons and hands themselves, respectively.

Around 11, I decided to take a walk out into town. Maybe I’d run into a few of the ponies who had been on my list and thank them for their gifts. At first, Ponyville looked a little deserted. Perhaps ponies were still unwrapping gifts or spending time with their families. Nonetheless, I found several ponies milling around, chatting about this and that, though they stopped to wave to me and wish me a Happy Hearth’s Warming, which I reciprocated. By a pleasant coincidence, one of these happened to be Cheerilee.

“Dave!” she called, trotting up to me. “Thank you very much for your gift!”

“And thank you for the bowling ball,” I said. “I really appreciate it.”

“You’re very welcome,” said Cheerilee. “Any big plans today?”

“Not really. Just going to see if anything’s going on.”

“I think there is, actually. The mayor has a stage set up and everything.”

“Oh, really? Sounds interesting.”

“I’ll let you get to it, then. Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave!”

“You too, Cheerilee.”

The two of us parted, and sure enough, as I neared town square, I began to see signs of activity.

A big crowd of ponies was gathered in front of a stage set up in front of town hall. Mayor Mare was standing behind the podium, apparently waiting for everypony’s attention. I mixed in with the crowd, sticking out like a sore thumb in a sea of pastel coats and manes. There were several familiar faces, but I couldn’t see anypony who had been on my list. As I waited to hear what Mayor Mare had to say, I felt someone tap me on the arm. Turning about, I was at once engulfed in a tight embrace by none other than Moonlight, hovering so that she was face-level, her pale face aglow with joy.

“You are the absolute best friend a pony could ask for!” she said, squeezing tighter and nuzzling her cheek against mine. “Thank you so much for your gift! I don’t have a projector, but I know I can borrow one from Twilight. I saw it when I visited the library once. Again, thanks so much!”

“It was no problem, Moonlight,” I said, in a strained voice. “Your gift for me was really great too!”

(And here I thought Pinkie was the overly-huggy one.)

At that moment, Mayor Mare began to speak, and Moonlight released me so the two of us could listen.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, everypony! I have called you all here to take part in a special, fun event for the occasion. This may seem rather unorthodox, but I have gotten requests for something like this in the past, so...welcome to the first annual Hearth’s Warming Snowball Fight Free-for-All!”

This was met with much cheering and enthusiastic chatter. Moonlight and I looked at each other eagerly. This actually sounded like a lot of fun!

“You are allowed to work individually or in teams of up to three,” the mayor continued. “You can only be hit once. If you’re hit, you’re out. The last pony or team standing shall be deemed the winner, and shall receive a fabulous prize! Once you have decided your teams, please come up to the stage to receive a bucket of snowballs to use as ammunition. You are allowed to restock from the snow around you, but be quick.”

At this, the ponies began to converge or separate, forming their own teams. Moonlight stuck right by my side, so it looked like the two of us would be working together. The teams went up to the stage, and each was given a large bucket full of perfectly-packed snowballs. As Moonlight and I received ours, I spied Pinkie, Marble, and Limestone off in the distance. They waved energetically, and I waved in return.

“Who are those two with Pinkie?” Moonlight asked.

“Her sisters, Marble and Limestone,” I explained.

“Those are her sisters?” Moonlight asked, disbelievingly. “I can hardly see a resemblance.”

“You haven’t seen Pinkie with her mane down. That’s where some of the resemblance lies.”

“Ohh,” said Moonlight, before she added, in another confused tone, “Wait, Pinkie actually styles her mane that way? I always thought she had permanent bed-head.”

“Is everypony ready?” called the mayor. “Form a ring around the square, and begin on my count.”

The teams formed a wide ring around the town square, separated from each other by about three feet. Now that the crowd wasn’t so intermingled, I could pick out ponies I recognized. Minuette and Golden Harvest had formed a team of three with a pony I recognized as being named Cherry Berry, as had the three flower mares Daisy, Lily, and Rose. Caramel was paired up with a blue-coated blond pegasus, who I guessed was this Sassaflash he had talked about at our first bowling night. He said he was planning to pop the question, but I’d heard nothing else about it afterwards, even if that didn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. Besides Pinkie, I didn’t see anyone else from the circle of seven, though they were probably with their families or spending the day inside.

“Get ready…” said the mayor. “Get set...GO!”

In the next second, everything was pandemonium. The air was thick with snowballs, and ponies were running this way and that, strafing and dodging to avoid getting hit. One by one, unlucky competitors were struck and forced to step aside to let the competition continue. Some of the sillier ones took it as if it were a bullet or arrow, and collapsed with much drama, as was the case with Caramel, who jumped in front of Sassaflash to keep her from getting hit. This allowed her to take out the assailant with her own snowball out of ‘revenge’. Pinkie and her sisters had formed a kind of three-way firing squad, keeping ponies from coming anywhere near them. The only thing that would have made this crazier was if Pinkie had been using her party cannon to fire the snowballs. The Pies had some crazy throwing hooves.

As for Moonlight, I had expected her to be somewhat reluctant, being in the midst of such a brouhaha. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Her face full of concentration, she tossed snowball after snowball, now from the ground, now from the air, but always managing to avoid the slushy projectiles. I myself couldn’t tell if I was hitting anyone, as I was doing what I could to keep from getting hit. As much as I disliked sports, I had been fairly decent at dodgeball when I was a kid, and it looked like those reflexes weren’t failing me now.

The crowd of disqualified ponies mounted, including Golden Harvest, Minuette, Cherry Berry, the flower mares, and Marble and Limestone. The two sisters had finally been stopped by an effective double-team effort, which was retaliated upon most viciously by Pinkie. I hadn’t really been keeping track of who else was left, as at the moment, I was locked in a feinting bout with a stallion I recognized as being named Noteworthy. The two of us were constantly trying to fake each other out, snowballs held at the ready.

“Dave!” Moonlight shouted. “Duck!”

I whipped around just in time to see Pinkie, reared up on her hind legs, lob a snowball right at Moonlight, who ducked down, so that it came at me! Just in time, I managed to duck, and felt my hair rustle as the projectile whizzed overhead. With a *PIFF*, it struck Noteworthy instead, who fell back with a yelp. As if acting by an instinct, I rose back up and immediately hurled my own snowball right at Pinkie, as Moonlight chucked hers at the same time. Both balls hit her squarely in the chest, and she clasped her hoof to the spot, as if she had been shot by a gun.

“Augh!” she cried, in a dramatic display of grief. “You got me! Everything’s...going cold...going dark…” She wobbled on her hind legs, then collapsed onto her back, feebly reaching out to us with her other fore hoof. “Remember me...as I was...Goodbye…”

She flopped her head into the snow, tongue lolling and eyes closed. The disqualified ponies applauded her performance, even after she finally raised her head up again, grinning in that silly way of hers.

“And the Oscar for ‘Hammiest Death Scene’ goes to Pinkie Pie,” I muttered sardonically to Moonlight, who giggled.

“The winners!” called Mayor Mare from her podium. “Team Dave and Moonlight has come out victorious! Come on up here, you two!”

Moonlight and I approached the stage amidst polite applause from the crowd, and Mayor Mare held up what looked like an envelope.

“As this was a dual effort,” she said, “this envelope contains two tickets to tonight’s Hearth’s Warming pageant at the Ponyville Drama Theater, 6 o’clock tonight! Prime seats, as well! Right up in the gallery! Congratulations, and enjoy!”

She handed the envelope over to the pair of us, and the ponies who had taken part in the snowball fight began to get up and go back about their business. Pinkie bounded over to us, followed by Marble and Limestone, who of course walked in a more normal fashion.

“You two really got me!” said Pinkie. “Congrats on winning! I think you’ll really like the pageant. I was in the Canterlot one last year!”

“I heard about that from Twilight,” I said. “Did you enjoy being on stage?”

“Yep! It was a lot of fun, and I got to make everypony smile with my performance! I hear Ponyville’s local actors are really good, too. You and Moonlight should really enjoy it. Anyway, I’d love to stay and chat, but I’m still showing Marble and Limestone around. We’ll see you later, ok?”

“All right. Have fun, you three.”

“We will. And by the way, thanks a bunch for the candy!” Pinkie added, beaming.

“Thank you for the phonograph,” I said. “You’re right, I do love music. You know me all too well.”

“Hee-hee!” Pinkie giggled. “Well, see ya!”

Pinkie bounded away, Marble and Limestone tagging along behind her. Moonlight and I began walking back to our neck of the woods, talking and laughing about what had happened during the snowball fight. She had actually made some very impressive throws, like hitting Minuette right on the cutie mark from halfway across the square. This pony was much more than met the eye.

“Well, Moonlight,” I said, as we neared home, “if you’re up for it, we can go see this show at the drama theater tonight.”

“I’d like that,” said Moonlight, grinning. “It’s a date.”

It must have taken a few seconds before she realized what she had said, and it looked like it hit her like a sack of Legos.

“I-I don’t mean we’d be on a date!” she said, flustered. “I just meant-”

“Relax, Moonlight, relax,” I said, placatingly, while hoping that no one had heard that outburst and would get the wrong ideas. “I know what you meant.”

“Oh, good,” sighed Moonlight in relief. “So, when should I be ready?”

“Hmm…” I murmured, thoughtfully. “How does 5:30 sound?”

“Sounds good! I’ll see you then!”

We headed to our respective houses, but as I was heading for the door, I saw that there was something sitting on the doorstep. This was odd, as I didn’t think there would be a delivery on a Sunday, especially a holiday. Picking it up, I found it to be a package, addressed from my fellow council members from the Round Table! Hurriedly, I took it inside to open it.

The package turned out to be a very handsome calligraphy pen, red and gold, with a new pot of ink, and official-looking stationary with a personalized letterhead: ‘From the Desk of Councilstallion Dave’. Now that was a nice touch. Each signature inside the card was done in the individual council members’ hand, er, hoofwriting.

Happy Hearth’s Warming to Councilstallion Dave,
From Minister Ironmane, Princess Mi Amore “Cadence” Cadenza, Cornelius, Eagle Eye, Sure Shot, Apollo Ignatius Griffellow II, Rolling Stone, Rock Solid, and Brutus

Tucked into the bottom of the letter was what looked like a post card. The landscape looked barren, rocky, and volcanic, and in full view were two red pits of lava. Scrawled on the back were the words,

A prime relaxation spot. You might wanna check it out for some R&R some time.

“Nice thought,” I said, “but I don’t think he realizes humans can’t survive in lava.” Almost as soon as I said that, I felt a shiver run through me. “Even so, I wouldn’t mind a bit of warmth right about now.”

Setting these carefully aside, I went to get some lunch started. Chucking snowballs around really gives one an appetite.


I had never realized Ponyville had a drama theater. Then again, what else would you call a building with the iconic comedy-tragedy masks hanging over the door? Though we were early, ponies were already filing in in droves. It seemed this show really was as popular as Pinkie had said.

Moonlight and I made our way up the stairs to our gallery seating. I’d never been in a theater gallery before, and I wasn’t sure how I would fancy it, since I was never good with heights. Truth be told, when we arrived, I did get a brief, unpleasant swooping feeling in my stomach as I looked down at all the seats below, as well as the sensation that I would lose my balance and plummet straight down, but once I was sitting down in my seat, the feeling began to subside. Moonlight settled herself beside me.

“I feel just like royalty,” she said, in a voice that was bordering on giddy.

“I know the feeling,” I said, grinning. “I never thought I’d be up in one of these myself, partly because I’m not very good with heights.”

“Oh, really? Well, I don’t mind using my wings, but I don’t really like flying too high. I like it better on the ground, with all of my friends.”

I smiled at her. At that moment, the orchestra began to pipe up, and both of our eyes flitted right to the stage. A colt, dressed like a castle page, complete with tunic and plumed cap, stepped through the curtain, a spotlight shining down on him.

“Once upon a time,” he said, loud enough to carry over the now silent theater, “long before the peaceful rule of Celestia, and before ponies discovered our beautiful land of Equestria, ponies did not know harmony. It was a strange and dark time. A time when ponies were torn apart...by hatred.”

The colt said this last word in a dramatic whisper, and I heard Moonlight gasp beside me. Ponies, divided by hatred? I would never have imagined that by looking at any of them. Eager to see where this went, I leaned forward in my seat, absorbed in the play as it went on for the next hour or so.

From what I could glean, the three tribes of ponies had lived in a constant state of mistrust and dislike. The Earth ponies grew food for both the unicorns and pegasi, in exchange for the former maintaining the sun and moon, and for the latter controlling the weather. Things only became worse when, one day, a mysterious blizzard overtook the land, devastating the livelihoods of all three tribes. The Earth ponies couldn’t grow their food, and the pegasi and unicorns could do nothing to abate the bad weather, and the threat of starvation loomed over them. A council was called for to decide on a course of action, attended by the three leaders of the tribes: the snooty Princess Platinum of the unicorns, the hot-tempered Commander Hurricane of the pegasi, and the eccentric Chancellor Puddinghead of the Earth ponies. As might be imagined, negotiations didn't go so well, and the three leaders decided to set out separately to find their own home, aided by their more reasonable assistants, Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie.

The chancellor, by far, had some of the best lines in the play.

“Can you think inside a chimney?”

“I’ve got a newsflash for you, Cookie: the Earth is round. There is no up or down!”

“I planted mine earlier than first!”

It was just like watching a comedy movie at home. My cheeks were sore from laughing, even though there was still plenty of drama and tension, especially when the cave the leaders and their assistants took refuge in began to freeze from the inside.

“Earth ponies are numbskulls!”

“Pegasi are brutes!”

“Unicorns are snobs!”

I felt a chill go down my spine at these spiteful words. I honestly hoped nopony in this day and age felt that way toward opposite pony clans, because none of those were true.

“No matter what our differences, we’re all ponies.”

I heard Moonlight sniffling at this, and I drew a comforting arm around her. It was a touching scene: Clover the Clever, Private Pansy, and Smart Cookie willing to perish side by side as friends. That was powerful.

By the end, when the six united and named the land Equestria, Moonlight and I jumped up from our seats to join in the standing ovation being given, continuing our unbroken applause as the actors and the narrator all took their bows. The orchestra began anew as bells started ringing, and everypony in the hall began to sing. The lyrics were on the back of the programs we had received going in, under the title ‘The Fire of Friendship’, so my and Moonlight’s voices joined in.

The ‘Fire of Friendship’ indeed. In this close-knit society, it did feel like a strong flame, ever-burning, never dimming. The strong bonds and ties of affection that these ponies held for each other really was something amazing, especially considering how it helped found this land in the first place. My hands were smarting from clapping, but I hardly even cared. Pinkie was right: this had been a spectacular performance.


“WOW!” Moonlight gushed, while we made our way back home. “I can’t believe how well the actors did!”

“I thought they did great, too,” I said. “I had no idea that was how Equestria was founded, but it makes sense that members of each tribe of pony would come together and unite under one cause. Still, I never knew it was even before Celestia’s time.”

“She must be really old,” said Moonlight.

“But she still looks really young,” I said. “I’ve only met her once, but I’ve heard she lived through over a thousand years.”

“Wow,” murmured Moonlight, awed.

We reached her house, and she turned to me, smiling.

“Yesterday was wonderful, but today was really special, too. Do you want to know why?”

“Why?” I asked, unable to keep from grinning at her sunny face.

“Because I got to spend them both with my best friend,” she said, flapping up and embracing me.

This time, I had no reason to feel guilty for being called her best friend. I hadn’t failed her in the end. She had had a great Hearth’s Warming after all. This time, then, I returned the hug just as warmly.

“Thanks, Moonlight,” I said. “I’m glad I got to share this holiday with you. You’re an amazing friend.”

Moonlight gave me another squeeze, then pulled back with a happy laugh. Long gone were the days when she cowered from a thunderstorm alone in her house. I guess the public exposure from getting that job worked wonders for her.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Moonlight,” I said.

“Happy Hearth’s Warming, Dave,” she replied.

I headed slowly back to my own home, while Moonlight waved at me from her porch, intending to get some dinner started, then maybe listen to my new records some more. It had been my first Hearth’s Warming ever, and though I deeply regretted not being able to spend it with my family, I couldn’t deny it had been one of the best holidays I had ever experienced.

Author's Note:

Just a reminder: who would you like to see in a special alternate POV chapter? It can be anyone seen in the story thus far.

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