• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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A Day at the Spa

By the time I woke up the next day, it was past 8 o’clock, and I could hear ponies clamoring downstairs far below. The breakfast rush must have come while I was sleeping. Then again, it had been a very busy night.

Pinkie was still sound asleep by my side, hooves curled up in front of her face in a very adorable way. In addition, Gummy had crawled up and curled up on top of the covers. He awoke as I shifted, blinking his eyes unevenly at me.

“Morning, fella,” I said, scratching under his chin. “When did you get up here?”


“Just thought you’d join in since Pinkie was sleeping beside me?”


“Can’t blame ya.” I turned to Pinkie. “Hey, Pinkie, time to get up.”

Pinkie mumbled and shifted over.

“Hey, come on, Pinkie. What happened to being an early bird? You’re always up before me, and we missed the breakfast rush.”

I shook her shoulder, but she mumbled again, pulling the covers tighter over her, exactly like a child not wanting to go to school.

“Oh, so that’s how we’re gonna play, is it? Gummy, you’re my witness. She asked for it.”


Slowly, I pulled away the covers, and then, quick as a blink, initiated a tickle offensive on Pinkie’s exposed belly. The result was immediate, though gradual. First she started giggling softly, but then the volume escalated as I kept it up, and she was soon rolling on the bed, kicking her hooves and laughing. Gummy had leaped off to avoid getting flung away, thankfully.

At last I stopped, and Pinkie found herself looking me straight in the face, blinking in puzzlement.

“Hey, sleepyhead,” I said, pleasantly.

“Hi, Davie,” said Pinkie. “You really know how to fight unfair, you know that?”

“What? All’s fair in a tickle war,” I responded, poking her nose, which made her give another giggle. “Anyways, it’s time to get up. It’s already past 8.”

“WHAT??” Pinkie shouted. “Oh no! I overslept!”

She bounded out of bed, pacing about in a frenzy.

“Oh, no! I’m an over-sleeping snoring-sleep sleepy-pants!”

“Pinkie, calm down,” I said, getting up myself. “It’s not like it’s the end of the world. Besides, even if you don’t normally help with the rush, you can still mingle.”

Pinkie's pacing gradually slowed down, and she became calmer.

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she said, “but I’ve never overslept before. I don’t know why I did today.”

“Well, to be fair, we did have a long night last night. I was pretty exhausted when we came back from dinner.”

“Me too. Maybe that was it. Anyway, I can’t stick around, Davie. I’ve got to-”

“If you say ‘go stand by the mailbox’, Pinkie,” I said, sternly.

“Aww, how’d you guess?”

“Pinkie, please. You’re gonna worry yourself stupid if you keep stressing about this letter business. The response will come, just be patient. I mean-”

But something caught my eye. I’d moved to the window as I was talking, in order to just take a look outside, when I saw a familiar gray and blonde pegasus standing at a mailbox.

Pinkie’s mailbox!

“Pinkie!” I cried. “Derpy! She just put something in your mailbox! It could be it!”

Pinkie sat up straight as a bolt, irises shrunken for a brief moment before expanding to fill her entire eyes. She let out a squeal that wouldn’t have been out of place coming from the lips of a fan girl at a rock concert.

“OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!!” she yelped, and zipped right down the stairs like a bolt of lightning.

There came a sound of confused voices, some “Sorry”s and “Excuse me”s, and the next moment, I saw her outside with Derpy. I didn’t hear what they were saying, but Derpy seemed to be happily affirming something to my pink pal. I heard Pinkie squeal again and saw her grab Derpy in a tight hug before grabbing a letter from the mailbox and dashing back inside. She was back up in her room in an instant, the letter clutched in her teeth.


“Great! Now let’s see what it says!”

Pinkie took it out of her mouth, and was about to open it, when her face suddenly changed from an excited expression to a more subdued, almost worried one.

“Pinkie? What’s wrong? This is what you were waiting for, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, but I’m kinda worried about what’ll happen. Can you open it and read it for me, Davie?”

“You want me to? Really?”

“Yes. Please?”

“Well…Ok, if that's what you want.”

I accepted the letter from her, opened the envelope, and took out the parchment inside. It read as follows,

“Dear Sis,

How’ve you been? It’s been ages since we heard from you! You’ve no idea how much we’ve all missed you. Sounds like you’ve made some great friends since you moved away. Don't feel bad about not writing in so long. It sounds like you've had enough on your plate as it is.

Everything’s going as it always has here, rocks as far as the eye can see, and that's how we like it. The mine's putting out quite a bit of money as well. Marble's the same as ever, but she still talks about you a lot. Maud's pursuing her rocktorate in Rock Science, so she's been away from home doing research around Equestria.

Things have actually been a little sad without you around, sis. Mom and Dad have really lightened up since you threw your first party for them, but it just hasn’t been the same. We miss your big smile, your big parties, and your big hugs. Dad’s more or less his usual quiet self, but Mom says he prays every night that you’re doing all right. Grammy’s still with us, and as fun as ever, though she also says things haven’t been the same without her Pinkie Pie.

As much as all of us would love to see you, we can’t all leave the farm, since the autumn rotation is coming up. If you could come to see us, though, that would make us super happy, even Dad, though he’ll probably never admit it. And don’t worry about the farm work. We’ve had plenty of volunteer farm-hooves over the years. Some stuck around, some left on account of the work (what’s the big deal? We’re just moving and breaking rocks). Some were plain weird, especially the unicorns. Anyways, we have it all under control.

Hope to hear from you again soon!

Your sister,


As soon as I finished, I looked at Pinkie, who had heard it all with wide eyes and slightly agape mouth.

“See, Pinkie?" I said, smiling. "They still love you and miss you like any family would miss their daughter/sister.”

Pinkie said nothing. Instead, she looked as if she was about to burst into a fire hydrant’s worth of tears, her lip quivering and her irises once more expanding to fill her entire eyes. She even gave a small sob that went to my heart.

“Oh, come here, you,” I said, comfortingly, as I knelt down in front of her with open arms.

She threw herself at me, hugging me and crying against my shoulder, while I patted her back consolingly.

“I’m…I’m so happy,” she sobbed out. “All this time I was worried about what they’d say, and now I know they do miss me and love me. I should never have doubted them.”

She finally pulled away to look me in the face.

“Oh, Davie, what am I going to do? I can’t get a letter like this and not go see them!”

“Well, you’ve got plenty of time to prepare," I said. "Just let Mr. and Mrs. Cake know. I’m sure they’d be happy to know you’re visiting your family.”

“Yeah! You’re right!” said Pinkie, sounding much more like her usual self. “And what’s more, I’ll bring you, Spike, and the girls with me when I go! If I’m gonna see my folks again, then they get to meet my bestest-best friends!”

“That’s the spirit!” I encouraged, ruffling her mane.

“I’ve gotta get started right away!” She bounded over to her planning table. “If they’ve missed my Pinkie Pie Parties, I’ve gotta get my Party Cannon primed for this!”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m gonna go shower and take a walk around Ponyville, give you some alone time to get things ready.”


A loud growl suddenly emanated, double-fold, from both of us. We exchanged sheepish looks.

“And grab breakfast, of course,” said Pinkie.



With all of that squared away, I left Pinkie to her planning, and was just stepping out into Ponyville’s main street, full of relief at seeing Pinkie so excited about seeing her folks again, when-


A thud like a cannon shot reverberated through the air, and I could swear I heard the cracking of glass. The reverberation itself almost knocked me off my feet.

“What the-?!”

“Good morning, Ponyville!” came a voice I thought I recognized, tomboyish and slightly crazed.

Glancing up, I saw a familiar white unicorn with a frizzy blue mane leaning out of a second-story window, about a block down.

“Vinyl Scratch?” I called up, when I had come just below the window.

She looked down.

“Oh! It’s you, human-guy! What’s shakin’?”

“Every house within a hundred square miles, I'd say," I said, dryly. "What the heck was that noise? It sounded like a cannon!”

“Chillax, man. I always greet the day with a good ol’ bass boom! Wakes up the neighborhood like a charm.”

“Bass boom? You mean that came from your speakers?”

“You got it!”

Words failed me for a second or two, especially at how proud she was of declaring this.

“…How are you not deaf?”

Vinyl laughed.

“You’d be surprised how many ponies ask me that!”

“Actually, I don’t think I would be surprised," I said, flatly, "but besides that, it’s almost 9 o’clock. Not quite an early bird, are you?”

“Hey, man, you party hard, you crash hard,” she said, in a slightly sour voice. “I was up late last night at a gig. You try getting up after a night behind the turntables with the bass still pounding in your veins. It’s like my body’s still rocking while my mind’s trying to chill. ”

“Oh. Sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude.”

“Psh! Don’t sweat it, man,” she said, back to her usual self, “I’ve taken worse guff than that from worse ponies.”

“But you say you do this every morning? I’ve been here a week, and this is my first time hearing that ‘bass boom’ of yours.”

“Ah, that. Well, a good buddy of mine was borrowing my bass speaker, and just returned it last night. Good thing he didn’t scuff it, or he’d have a hard time chewing without teeth in his mouth.”

I gulped at how casually she lay out this threat.

“And it was my Wub-Meister’s loud, proud voice I just graced your ears with. No need to thank me,” she added, rubbing her chest with her hoof in a proud way.

(Good Lord, she even named it,)

“Well, at least I know what to expect from now on,” I said.

“Fat chance,” said Vinyl. “The DJ-PON3 way is to hit them when they least expect it! YOW!”

She punctuated this yell with a point to the heavens and a huge toothy grin.

“Uh-huh," I said, non-plussed. "Well, you have a good day, Vinyl.”

“Thanks! Same to you, bro!”

And she shut her window while I went on my way, feeling nothing but deep, deep pity for her poor, probably long-suffering neighbors.


I was still milling about Ponyville, pondering how I should occupy my time, saying hi to the occasional pony I met, when-

“Dave! There you are, darling!”

Rarity came trotting up towards me, wearing her saddlebags.

“Hey, Rarity. What’s up?”

“It’s spa day, that’s what’s ‘up’, and you’re coming with.”

That caught me by surprise.

“Huh? But-”

“Come now, no buts. I shan’t take no for an answer. In any case, it wouldn’t do to keep Fluttershy waiting.”

There was a brief flash from her horn, and I found myself suddenly dragged by my wrist by…nothing. Unicorn magic could do that?

“But this is so out of the blue!” I protested. “I wasn't prepared for this! I don't even have the right clothing for it!”

“That’s why I thought ahead, dear,” said Rarity.

Briefly releasing my wrist, she opened the flap of her saddlebag and levitated an article of clothing out, clothing that looked like…

“Are those…swim trunks?” I asked.

“That they are!” said Rarity, proudly. “I knew you might feel a little embarrassed if you had nothing on at the spa, so I made these for you. Do you like them?”

I took the trunks in my hands and looked them over. They looked genuine: elastic waist, proper lining, and they were a nice sea green.

“I do," I said. "They look pretty good.”

“Splendid! Then you have nothing to worry about. Shall we?”

“Lead the way, then, milady,” I said, with a bow.

And Rarity, smiling in an amused way, led the way down the street, toward the Ponyville spa.


I should bring up that Equestria seemed to have a fondness for medieval-style architecture, with their thatched-roofed houses being just one example. The spa had a roof resembling pitched tents, in a style that reminded me irresistibly of a Renaissance fair. Across the way was a building with a roof resembling a jester’s cap, which, when I had first seen it, I rightly guessed to have been the resident joke shop.

Rarity led me through the spa door, which rang as we entered, and we found Fluttershy sitting in a waiting room chair, reading a magazine. She looked up as we entered.

“Sorry I’m late, Fluttershy," said Rarity. "I just ran into Dave and had to bring him along.”

“Oh, that’s fine. Hello, Dave.”

“Hi, Fluttershy. I hope you don’t mind my joining you, even if it is at the last minute.”

“Not at all! You’ll love it here.”

“The usual, Lotus,” Rarity told the pony behind the counter, a blue Earth pony with a silky pink mane done up behind a white headband. “And we’ll be including our friend, Dave, here,” she added, giving me a nudge. “He’d like to change out of his clothes, first.”

“Of course, Miss Rarity,” said Lotus, speaking with a strong, I wanna say Eastern European, accent. “Aloe!” she called. “Could you see to Miss Rarity and Miss Fluttershy?”

“Of course, Lotus!” came the response, higher in tone, but still with the same accent.

Lotus turned to me.

“If you would accompany me, sir, I will show you to a changing room.”

“Thank you,” I said, following her as she stepped from behind the counter, showing that her cutie mark was a flower blossom.

As we went, another pony trotted by, who looked exactly like Lotus, only she was pink with a blue mane. I suppose they were sisters.

“So, this is your first time at the Ponyville spa?”

“It’s my first time in a spa, period.”

“Oh, you poor dear. I can only imagine how tense and sore you must be. Well, fear not! We here at the Ponyville Spa guarantee complete refreshment, relaxation, and rejuvenation!”

“Sounds great.”

She stopped at a door that read ‘Changing Room’.

“As soon as you’re ready, you may head to the sauna to join your friends. It’s just down the hall, to the left.”

She indicated the spot with a point of her hoof.

“Thank you, miss.”

With a genial smile, Lotus left me to my business, and I went into the changing room.


By the time I caught up to Rarity and Fluttershy, having swapped my clothes and glasses for the new swim trunks (which felt very comfortable), they were already seated inside the sauna, their manes done up with towels.

I had to say, it felt a little awkward being in their presence wearing nothing but these swim trunks. So far, I’d been completely clothed when around these ponies, so the sight of my half-naked self must have been something new to them. Even back at home, I never really liked going shirtless, because I had always felt self-conscious about the fact that I was slightly overweight. At the very least, I was glad that Equestrians were smart enough to know that my clothes weren’t a part of my physical being. I did see them glance at me once, but said nothing about it, so I let the matter drop, though it still nagged me vaguely.

“Sorry to keep you waiting, girls.”

“Oh, not at all, Dave,” said Rarity, “we were just about to get started.”

I took a seat myself, and the pink pony, Aloe, tipped a ladle of water onto a pile of coals, sending a hissing cloud of steam to enshroud the room. She stepped out, leaving us to ourselves.

How can I describe it? It was hot, and growing hotter every moment, and yet, it felt strangely relaxing. I wasn’t the type of person who enjoyed outdoor activities, as I didn’t like getting hot and sweaty, but here, without the strain of being outside in the hot sun, my muscles sore from physical activity, it felt refreshing as the sweat broke out over my whole body, as if something inside me had pulled a switch and began flushing the toxins out through my skin.

“How are you holding out, Dave?” asked Rarity.

“I’ve never felt anything like this before,” I said, almost dreamily. “My skin feels like it’s crying with relief.”

“That’s exactly how I felt my first time,” said Fluttershy. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

“It’s fabulous...”

I sank back against the wall, feeling hot and damp all over, and yet strangely complacent, even letting out a sigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Rarity beam at how well I was taking it, and turned to Fluttershy to, I assume, resume a conversation that had been broken off.

“So, as I was saying, the other day, this mare walks into my boutique, complaining that the dress I’d made her was too large.”

“Oh, dear. Had you made a mistake?”

“Darling, you know me. My track record is nearly spotless. Well, the slip-up was easy to figure out. Her husband had pre-ordered the dress weeks ago, you see, and, well, it’s highly improper of me to say, but she had been rather portly until recently.”

“Oh…Oh! You mean he didn’t know she had lost weight?”

“Exactly! It would have been quite humorous if it hadn’t meant so much to her. When I told her my opinion on the matter, she said she was going to give her husband a piece of her mind. I tried to ease her with a refund and an offer for a personal fitting, which she did consent to, graciously, but she was still rather sore at her poor hubby.”

“Goodness, I would say the husband was justified, since he ordered it weeks before, and probably didn’t realize his wife was dieting, but then again, he should have at least noticed.”

“Oh, I quite agree. Men can be so unobservant sometimes. No offense, Dave.”

“None taken,” I muttered, already drifting off in the soothing warmth.

Their conversation carried on, but I hardly caught another word of it until we were finished in the sauna.


After a good cool-down from the sauna, we were taken into another room with recliner chairs set up. Here, I was given my own robe, size stallion, and was set down at my own recliner. The two spa ponies returned and, with amazing quickness for a visually disgusting process, Aloe slathered a mess of greenish goo across Rarity’s face, while Lotus dabbed two spots delicately on Fluttershy’s cheeks. Both spa attendants then placed a pair of cucumber slices over Rarity’s eyes before coming over and doing the same for me.

“You know, I always did wonder what these were supposed to do,” I said, my eyes full of nothing but green and seeds.

“They work wonders on the eyes,” I heard Lotus say, “and reduce puffiness and unsightly bags.”

“Oh, is that it? Maybe I oughta use them instead of eat them more often.”

I heard the two ponies titter, and even heard giggling from Rarity and Fluttershy.

“Now, we’re going to move on to the massage portion,” I heard Aloe say. “Would you prefer a nice, easy one, or one more vigorous?”

My first massage, huh? Might as well take it slow.

“Nice and easy,” I said.

“Very well. Lotus, I shall attend to him while you attend to Miss Fluttershy. It seems both of them have the same tastes. Now, Mr. Dave, I’m going to ask you to lie on your stomach, if you please.”

I complied as best I could with my sight impeded, putting my chin on my arms, and the next thing I knew, I felt a pair of hooves dig against my back and side, pressing and moving in slow, easy circles. I’d seen people getting massages in the cartoons, letting out little yelps and moans of pleasure and contentment, and now I could feel just what made it so. It felt as if the muscles Aloe was rubbing had been wound up tight, like a spring, and her movements were unwinding them, loosening them, spreading a wonderful tingly feeling across my frame. I could feel myself becoming putty under her care.

“Ooh…Ohhhh…That spot’s been harassing me for ages…Aloe, you are a miracle worker…”

“Thank you, sir,” said Aloe, pleased. “We always strive for complete customer satisfaction.”

I don’t know how long the procedure went, and frankly, I didn’t want it to end anytime soon. I just lay there as she worked her Earth pony magic on my sore muscles. It was heavenly…

All too soon, she stopped her massage, but I felt immensely better, much looser, less stiff.

“Now, if you will follow me, sir, I shall direct you to the mud bath.”

“Easier said than done,” I said, as I felt around to make sure I got up the right way.

Suddenly, the cucumbers disappeared from my eyes. Aloe had taken them gently in her teeth.

“Ah. Thanks.”

With a nod of assent, she led the way past the reclining chairs, where I could see Fluttershy, eyes closed in bliss, as Lotus kneaded her muscles, while Rarity was being thumped vigorously along the back by the hooves of an intimidating-looking blonde masseuse.

I never did get how mud was supposed to be cleansing if it would just be getting you dirty, but I figured it must be some special mineral composition. I removed my robe and settled myself into the nearest tub, the mud within being surprisingly warm, until I was up to my neck. There, Aloe replaced the cucumbers onto my eyes, and I settled back, allowing the warm goo to envelop my newly-loosened self. This was turning out incredibly relaxing so far.

My repose was momentarily interrupted by an amused titter that I knew was Rarity’s.

“Looks like someone’s enjoying his first time,” she said.

“Immensely,” I replied, not moving from my spot.

“Wonderful, darling. I’m so glad I brought you along, then. Who knows what you might have missed out on?”

There was a splash, indicating that she had plunked down into the tub next to mine.

“I gotta say, Rarity,” I said, “I know this probably isn’t typical dirt mud, but I never expected you to want to be anywhere near something that even looked like mud.”

“Normally, you’d be right. It’s absolutely unladylike for a pony such as myself to stoop down to dirt-level and get my hooves besmirched. That’s more something of Applejack’s tastes, meaning no offense to her, of course.”

“Of course. Does she ever frequent the spa? With how hard she works, I bet she’d be in paradise to relax those apple-bucking muscles of hers.”

“I know! I told her the exact same thing, but she told me, plain and simple, that she wouldn’t be caught dead in here unless we were there with her. Can you imagine? In fact, I was only able to drag her here once when I was getting a hooficure with the girls, because I told her she didn’t have to take one, so she settled for a massage that I believe did her much good. Still, it’s a shame she can’t do more than that.”

“What about Rainbow Dash? She seems like a girl who would be all about attention to her physical health.”

“Oh, she’s even worse than Applejack,” said Rarity, in a pitying tone. “I got Applejack to come here for a massage, but Rainbow Dash told me she wouldn’t come within 10 feet of here unless she wanted to tell me something while I was in the middle of a session. I almost got her to get a hooficure too, but she complained about not wanting her hooves touched. Tch.”

“Guess you can’t win them all,” I said.

“I suppose not, but it doesn’t matter to me. Fluttershy is the best company I could ask for on our spa days.”

“Thank you, Rarity,” I heard Fluttershy say. “That’s very sweet of you.”

“And I mean it, darling.”

Although my view was obscured by the cucumbers, I couldn’t help but smile at hearing this compliment to the meek pegasus. Some of these ponies really did seem to have certain stronger bonds with each other, even though they were all unanimous friends. That was truly heartwarming to me.

A little while later, I felt the cucumbers removed from my eyes, and beheld Lotus looking down at me.

“How have you been enjoying yourself so far, sir?” she asked.

“Madam,” I said, “your spa has effectively wrung all the tired out of me like a sponge.”

“Wonderful!” said Lotus, gratified. “But it wouldn’t be a trip to the Ponyville spa without a dip in our famous hot tub. Shall we make that your final station in your visit?”

“We shall,” I said, with enthusiasm.

“Excellent! Let us get you rinsed off, then. Your friends shall join you shortly.”


I’d only been in a hot tub once or twice before, at hotels, but never a bona fide one like this. As soon as I settled into it, having rinsed off the mud bath, I felt as if I had dipped myself into a vat of heaven. The warm waters, the gentle bubbling, all of it seemed to wash away whatever weariness the other procedures hadn’t quite dug away from my body. There was even a flowery scent around it, as if some special oils or herbs had been mixed in.

Sure enough, disrobed, but with their manes still toweled, Fluttershy and Rarity joined me, with looks on their faces that told me they were experiencing much the same feeling.

“By the way, Rarity,” I said, “I meant to ask. If these swim trunks are any indication, are you still dabbling in human fashion?”

“Certainly! In fact, I’ve been working on something I’m sure you’ll love, especially since you have an upcoming appointment with Princess Celestia. I’d started it before Twilight even had the idea.”

“Huh? Oh! Right, I remember now. My head’s still a little fogged from last night, but are you sure you’re not overdoing things? I assume you have clients nearly every day.”

“Of course. Hardly a day goes by without a new dress here, a new suit there. Don’t fret about me, darling. I’ve pulled many a long night to get something done perfectly, and they’ve always paid off.”

“Just, promise me you won’t go overboard, for my sake? I’m very grateful that you’re taking the time and effort, but I don’t want you to risk your other important projects just for me.”

Rarity regarded me with a soft smile.

“Dave, you’re so considerate, and I really do appreciate your concern. You needn’t worry about me going ‘overboard’, but I do sincerely hope you’ll be pleased with what it comes to.”

“Anything from you, Rarity, is bound to be no less than magnificent.”

“Oh, you…”

I glanced at Fluttershy, who gave me a sweet smile, and the three of us settled back into the warm waters, all giving a unanimous sigh of contentment.


All too soon, our time at the spa was ended. After we’d dried off and I’d changed back into my clothes, the two ponies stopped at the counter to pay for our visit. I offered to chip in, but they declined the offer, saying it was their treat for me. I always felt embarrassed when I received such gifts or compliments, but had a thought that it was useless to persist in insisting.

What did baffle me, however, was how Fluttershy was able to pay. As far as I knew, she didn’t have a major city job like the others (although I didn’t really know what Rainbow Dash did), and seemed to spend her days looking after the animals that frequented her cottage, like the gathering I’d seen when we first met. Maybe she ran other services on the side, like pet-sitting or grooming. I wouldn’t have been surprised if she had veterinary skills.

“Thank you very much,” said Lotus, “We’re always grateful for your patronage. See you again soon, ladies, and Mr. Dave?”

I looked up.

“Don’t be a stranger now.”

“Trust me, Lotus, I’ll be back one of these days. After today, how could I not come again?”

Lotus beamed.

“Take care now.”

The three of us left the spa, the noonday sun beaming down pleasantly as we stepped out into the street.

“Thanks, girls. I feel like a new man. I feel like I could take on the world!”

I threw a few punches in the air as I said so, greatly enjoying the new limber feeling in my limbs. Rarity and Fluttershy giggled.

“Glad we could help, Dave,” said Fluttershy.

“We’ll certainly bring you along again one of these days,” said Rarity, “now that we know how much you enjoyed it.”

“That’s sweet of you, Rarity, but only if it doesn’t make too big a dent in your payment.”

“Oh, pish-posh. A good friend is always worth a few extra bits. Now, I hate to part, but I must return to the boutique. I’ve got a filly’s cutecenera dress to finish up before tomorrow, and the parents demanded plenty of beading. Ta, darlings!”

“Bye, Rarity!” Fluttershy and I both said at the same time, and the lovely unicorn trotted off toward Carousel Boutique.

“I should be off as well,” said Fluttershy, “that is, if you don’t mind being left to yourself.”

“It’s fine, Fluttershy. I’m giving Pinkie some breathing room today, so she can plan a visit to her family.”

“Her family? Goodness. I don’t remember her saying much about them except about the time she got her cutie mark.”

“Right: rock farmers that she taught how to smile. Normally, I’d be skeptical, but then again, it’s Pinkie Pie.”

Fluttershy nodded knowingly.

“Well, tell her I hope it all goes well,” she said. “Goodbye, Dave.”

“Bye, Fluttershy.”

With a flit of her wings, Fluttershy took off, flying low as she made for the general direction of her cottage.

I was alone once more, but, after the session at the spa, I felt like I could do anything, if something would just throw itself at me. I imagined, with a half-smile, what my friends and family back home would think of me when they saw how much sprier and more energetic I was, after knowing me as one who preferred relaxing in my room all day. It was funny, but after a whole week, those days felt…strangely far gone. I hadn’t once felt a dependency for my phone or my computer or any of my video games. All of these wonderful ponies had helped stave off any of the electronic habits I’d had back in my world, habits that had turned me into an introverted hermit of sorts. I imagined I’d just swing back into it once I did return, but for the time being, it was nice to have this bit of a change-up. It made me feel, forgive me for sounding clichéd, fresh, renewed, reborn, clean-slated.

I felt…alive.


My thoughts were interrupted by seeing Twilight galloping up toward me.

“Oh! Hi, Twi.”

“You’re looking hale and hearty,” she said, stopping before me. “What’s the occasion?”

“I just finished a spa session with Rarity and Fluttershy. I feel wonderful.”

“Oh! That’s great! I’ll bet you’ll feel even more wonderful after this news!”

“News? What news?”

“I received a response from Princess Celestia this morning. She’d be really glad if we could see her in Canterlot this Saturday, to arrange your living conditions!”

“This Saturday? So soon?”

“I know! Isn’t that great?”

“Well, yeah, of course. I just didn’t expect it to come so soon. I just hope Pinkie doesn’t take us not being roommates any harder than necessary. We already had a talk about it last night, but I’m still a little worried.”

“Don’t be,” said Twilight, comfortingly, “Pinkie may act a little pouty about things like this, but deep down, all she can ever be is happy for you.”

“Thanks, Twi. I’d better warn her about this, though. She’s already planning for us to meet her folks one of these days.”

“Really??” asked Twilight, surprised. “I’ve never met Pinkie’s family before! It should prove an interesting visit.”

“Well, as a scheduling buff, you’ll understand how we can’t have two conflicting appointments.”

“Of course. She ought to know.”

“But, uh, could I ask a favor of you, Twi?”


“Would you mind letting Rarity know? She said she had something in the works for me that your plan to have a meeting with Princess Celestia kinda gave a new purpose to.”

“Oh? Well, sure, I can do that. I was heading that way, anyway.”

“Great! See you, Twi!”


And the two of us went our separate ways, one for the Boutique, one for Sugarcube Corner…

Author's Note:

I have never personally been to a spa, so forgive me if I get some details wrong. ^^;

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