• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

  • ...

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A Step Toward Home

I was awakened the next morning when I felt something heavy land on my stomach, jolting me into a sitting position. I found that it was a small cake, and there at my bedside, beaming, was Pinkie.

“Pinkie? What’s going on?”

“Happy Weekiversary, Davie!” she said.

“Happy what?”

“It’s been one week today since you came to Ponyville! I was gonna throw you a dayiversary party, but that didn’t sound as good as weekiversary! Besides, if we went by dayiversaries, you’d have 7 of them in a week and 30 in a month! We’d need a lot of flour for that many cakes!” She giggled. “And just wait until it’s your monthiversary!”

As Pinkie gibbered on, I couldn’t help but find her words worthy of reflection. It had already been one week since I’d come here to Ponyville. It had felt like an eternity, and that was small wonder, as so much had happened in only one week. It was so easy to lose track time amongst these lovable equines.

And yet, it also meant one week since I’d departed from the human world, where my disappearance was sure to have caused some stir, if the passage of time between worlds even worked that way. One week since I left my parents and my friends without a word, leaving them to guess what might have been the cause of my disappearance, leaving them before I’d had a chance to say goodbye properly. Days, weeks, months…How long was a body to endure being away from home under such uncertain conditions?

And on top of that, what was I to do if I was to continue my stay here? I could get a job and earn some bits, but I couldn’t keep taking advantage of the Cakes’ generosity, yet there was still no surety of how long I was to remain in Equestria. So much uncertainty, so much guesswork.

“Davie?” I heard Pinkie say, touching my arm with her hoof. “Don’t you like it?”

“What? Of course I do, Pinkie! This is a very sweet gesture, and I’m very grateful. Come here, you.”

I drew her into a side-hug, and she gave me a warm nuzzle.

“By the way,” she said, “I do appreciate you bringing me in last night. I should have brought a blanket with me.”

“As if I was gonna let my best pony friend sleep on the cold hard street," I said.

Pinkie smiled warmly at this.

“Well, I’m gonna go grab breakfast, and then it’s back to my post!” She giggled. “Get it? Post? Mailbox?”

“Yeah, I got it,” I said, with a chuckle, and she bounced off.

I’d set my ‘weekiversary’ cake to the side, when there came a tapping at the window. Looking up, I saw Owlowiscious, who was tapping the glass with his talon, a piece of rolled parchment in his beak.

“Owlowiscious?” I went to the window and slid it open. “What are you doing here?”

The little owl spat the piece of paper into my hand and hooted.

“For me? Is it from Twilight?”


I unrolled the paper and read,

‘Dear Dave, I have great news, and not so great news. Come to the library as soon as you can. -Twilight.’

I turned the page over. That was all that was written.

“Do you know what she’s talking about?” I asked Owlowiscious.


“I’ll take that as a no.”

Heading over to Pinkie's writing desk, I took up a quill and, after dipping it into its ink well, I scrawled on a piece of parchment,

“Received your message and will be along presently. -Dave.”

“Can you deliver this to Twilight?” I asked Owlowiscious, handing it to him.


He received the paper in his beak, flapped his wings, and took off.

“Now I’ll just go wash up and see what Twilight has in mind,” I said, though there wasn’t really anyone to hear me but Gummy.

As I made for the bathroom, however, my eye rested on the cake Pinkie had baked.

“And I suppose there’s nothing wrong with cake for breakfast,” I muttered, with a smile.


“Dave! Glad you got my message! Come in, come in!”

There was a serious urgency to Twilight's voice, as if what she had to say couldn’t be prolonged , so I followed her inside. Laid out on the big table in the center, the one housing the horse head statue, were several open books and hastily-scrawled notes.

“Well,” said Twilight, with a sigh, “brace yourself, because this is extraordinary even for me.”


“The good news is, I may have a spell that can send you home!”

…Did I hear her right?

Something must have been wrong with my ears. She couldn’t have just said that.

“Y-You do??” I finally managed to ask.

“It took some digging around on Princess Celestia’s part, but she uncovered a spell in the Canterlot Archives, in the Star Swirl the Bearded wing!”

“Twilight, that’s great! So I do have a chance of going home?”

“…Yes and no,” said Twilight, with a reluctant look.

Oh no…

“Is that the not-so-great news?” I asked, my hope dying.

“Yes. The spell is extremely intricate. Every astrological aspect has to be in perfect alignment on the day it’s to be cast, and it’s not very easy to predict when another could happen. It could be months from now, or even an entire year. On top of that, I don’t know if I have the necessary magical power to do it. It came upon me so suddenly. To try and prepare everything now, on such short notice, would be insanely difficult, if not impossible, and everything points to today as a perfect day, too. I’m so sorry, Dave.”

She looked at me with a such a piteous and sorry expression, but even if the disappointment hadn’t struck me like a freight train, I couldn’t have stayed mad with her. After all, she knew how magic worked, and I hadn’t a speck of a clue. Still, it was a mighty sore blow to know that I’d been so close, yet was still so far.

I slowly collapsed into an armchair and put my befuddled head in my hands. I felt Twilight come up to me and rest her cheek comfortingly against mine. At last, when I finally found the will to speak, I raised my head to look at her, and said,

“Twi, I want you to know something right off the bat.”

“Yes?” she asked, with slight hesitation.

“I’m not mad at you. How could I be? I haven’t the faintest clue how Equestrian magic works, and you’re a scholar with it. Of course you’d know when something is impossible. Who am I to question it?”

Twilight looked faintly relieved.

“I’m glad you understand, but I’m still so sorry that I unleashed such a disappointment on you.”

“Well, I had to find out sooner or later, I suppose. You were honest with me, and I respect that.”

“I just wish it didn’t have to be so specific,” muttered Twilight. “It’s supposed to send foreign objects or ponies summoned by magic back to where they came from. If it were only an object, I could manage it easily, but with a pony, or in this case, a human of your size, it would take immense magic that could take days to prepare, and that’s taking into account knowing when another opportunity like this will happen.”

“See? This is why I don’t think I’ll ever understand real magic. So many rules and restrictions. And, you wanna know what else, Twilight?”


“Despite how much I've wanted to return home, I honestly don’t know if I could really stand leaving so early. It would mean saying goodbye to everypony I’ve known. I still can’t believe it’s only been a week. You all know how to grow on a person.”

Twilight finally smiled and nestled against my cheek again.

“I’d certainly hate to see you go so soon. Princess Celestia is still evaluating all that you’ve told me of your world.”

“To be honest, my biggest concern is the people I know back home," I said. "They'll have no idea where I was or sent to. It's been weighing on my heart ever since, especially knowing I never even said goodbye."

“Oh, that's right," said Twilight, sadly. "I’m sorry, Dave.”

“If only there was a way to be able to let them know, a way to send a message to them, but I doubt Spike’s fire-delivery would work.”

“No. It’s meant to only be a connection between Spike and Princess Celestia, but I know what you mean.”

...Hold the phone…

What was it Twilight just said?

“It’s supposed to send foreign objects or ponies summoned by magic back to where they came from. If it were only an object, I could manage it easily…”

Objects…objects transported by magic…

I had been transported by magic, but was there something else that could fall into that category, something that could be considered an object?

My notebook!

Ever since I’d arrived, it had sat unattended to, annoying me with its missing page. I hadn’t even found any use for it ever since I’d arrived, as I had never really considered making notes in it. But now that I thought about it, maybe I could…



“That’s it!” I crowed, sitting up straight. “THAT’S IT!!”

“That’s what?” asked Twilight, surprised by my behavior.

“My notebook, Twilight! My notebook!” I said, gripping her hooves. “It came with me from my world! It fits the spell’s criteria! I can write a message on it to my parents on its paper, and send that message back home! That way, they’ll know where I am, what I’ve been up to, how I’ve felt about them ever since I was whisked away! It’s perfect!”

Now it was Twilight’s turn to become excited.

“Yes! That makes perfect sense! That’s a wonderful idea!”

Laughing ecstatically, I jumped and danced around with her, whirling her about in a transport of joy over hatching such a great idea, her giggling wildly all the time. At last we stopped, and I took her face in my hands.

“Twilight Sparkle, you are an absolute marvel!”

And I planted a grateful kiss on her snout.

She blushed very deeply, but hopefully she knew that kiss was out of joy and gratitude. The next instant, I had thrown my arms around her, and she hugged me in return.

Even if I couldn’t go home, I could tell me family all, that I was safe, that I was among friends, that my deepest regret upon being grabbed out of my world was that I was unable to say goodbye…Oh, it was too good to be true, but it felt so wonderful!

We broke apart, and I said,

“Can you summon the others here tonight? The spell conditions will still be in effect, right?”

“Until midnight, yes.”

“Good. I don’t want them to miss this. I’d rather they were present anyway, for what I plan to do.”

“I understand. Come at 7, and we’ll all be here.”

“All right. I still can’t thank you enough for this, Twi. Having to stay longer in Equestria is worth it if I can dispel any lingering doubt for my folks back home.”

“I knew some good would come of this news in the end,” said Twilight, warmly. “Now, you go do what you’ve got to. I need to concentrate on making sure I’ve got the spell down-pat.”

“Right. See you then.”

I took my leave of the bookish unicorn, my head full of wonder and my heart full of gratitude. Oh, Twilight Sparkle, I’d never, ever forget this service you were rendering to me.


As Twilight had said, they were all assembled at the library at 7 when I arrived with my notebook: Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity. Pinkie had accompanied me, though I hadn’t told her what the business was yet. All I told her was that it was something important that she would have been sorry to miss out on, so, of course, she managed to tear herself away from the mailbox for that.

“And here’s the man of the hour!” said Twilight.

“Hello, ladies," I greeted, "Glad you accepted our summons.”

“But what’s it all about?” asked Rainbow, in a tone that bordered on impatience.


“Right.” She turned to the others. “Girls, Princess Celestia contacted me early this morning about an astounding new development.”

This produced an excitable reaction from the five other mares.

“What is it? Is Discord loose again?” asked Applejack.

“Is it another Changeling invasion?” asked Fluttershy.

“Is Princess Celestia declaring an Annual Cupcake Day?” asked Pinkie.

This earned her a round of odd stares.

“What? Tell me you wouldn’t want that put on your calendar. Go on, tell me!”

“Anyway,” said Twilight, with a roll of the eyes, “it’s none of those things. She uncovered a spell that could allow Dave to return to the human world.”

A round of gasps followed this, and all eyes fell upon me. One pair of eyes, however, was noticeably sadder than the others, and I felt a pair of forelegs wrap protectively around my waist. Poor Pinkie.

“I know, I know,” said Twilight, “This came completely out of the blue, and as much as Dave has been very much welcome in Ponyville, we all know his real home is back where he came from. Unfortunately, the timing in which we found this spell was…well, a little unfortunate.”

“How so?” asked Rarity.

“This spell is extremely tricky. It has to be performed on a certain day when certain planets and stars are in alignment, and it’s difficult to tell when these alignments will occur. It could be weeks from now, months, even years. Sadly, today would have been a perfect day for it.”

“But, if it still works today,” said Rainbow, “why not zap him back now? You’ve done loads of super-powerful spells before! This one’s gotta be cake for you!”

At the words ‘zap him back’, I felt Pinkie’s grip tighten.

“Because it takes an enormous amount of magic to be able to perform this spell. If I had Princess Celestia or even Princess Luna aiding me, we together might have the power to do it, but since they’re both occupied, it’ll be almost impossible to utilize the necessary amount of magic.”

A collective, sad “Oh” went around the five other mares.

“But, there is a plus to all of this.”

All ears were perked and attentive again.

“The spell doesn’t require nearly enough energy for smaller targets. You see, the spell in question sends objects or individuals summoned by magic back to where they came from. Dave’s notebook came with him when he was brought here.”

I displayed the notebook for all to see.

“But what the hay’s the good in sending that back?” asked Applejack. “It’s just a notebook.”

“True, Applejack,” I said, “but I’ve written a message to my folks back home on its paper, in the hopes that it'll reach them. I may not be sending the notebook back, but the paper still fits the criteria. If I may confess, one of the things that’s sat with me the hardest ever since I came here was not being able to let my family know what’s become of me, and I’ve felt guilty about leaving them so abruptly with no explanation or assurance.”

“Oh, you poor darling,” said Rarity, sympathetically. “We had no idea…”

“That sounds just awful,” sympathized Fluttershy, “I’d hate to imagine something taking me away, and I wasn’t able to let my friends know I was ok.”

“Well, that’s what Twilight’s spell finally fixes,” I said. “And I called you all here to bear witness to it.”

I laid the notebook down and opened it to the next leaf, pulling it out to show that I had ripped it loose from the inside. On both sides were written the following lines:

“Dear Mom and Dad,

You have no idea how awful it’s felt, being separated from home by means I can’t explain, and not being able to let you know what’s become of me. There isn’t a strong enough apology in the world to make up for leaving you in such considerable worry over my absence, but I'm going to put those worries aside. By some odd occurrence unknown to me, I’ve been transported into a whole new world, a world called Equestria, full of talking ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Yes, I know it sounds fantastic and even ridiculous, but it’s true. In fact, I’ve made friends with 6 of them, 6 wonderful ponies who I’m absolutely honored to have fallen into company with. Twilight Sparkle, a very bright unicorn librarian, and student of this world’s princess; Applejack, a hard-working apple farmer, very kind and honest; Fluttershy, a pegasus who loves animals, quiet but sweet as honey; Rarity, a unicorn fashion-designer, very sophisticated and equally generous; Rainbow Dash, a speedster of a pegasus, always up for some fun; and last but definitely not least, Pinkie Pie, an Earth pony who found me when I first arrived, and has been my best friend ever since.

I cannot say for certain how long my stay will endure, as the spell that will allow me to do so is complicated, and unfortunately, there isn't enough power to send me back on such short notice. However, I wanted to be able to send this your way with what can be done with the spell at the moment, as reassurance of my safety. It pains me that this is all I can do, but it is some relief at least. My phone is still back there with you, so if you can, please let Leanne know what’s happened, and tell her I love her even across the divide of separate worlds.

I love both of you so much, and can’t offer enough of an apology for all of the times I’ve been short-tempered or snotty with either of you, when neither of you deserved such treatment. If I could go back and undo any of those moments, I would in a heartbeat. Take care of yourselves.
Warmest love,
Your son,

The paper was spotted here and there with the dried remains of tears I couldn’t hold back as I was writing, but it was all perfectly legible. I could hear sniffling from some of the girls as they read, though I had no idea they’d be so struck by my own writing.

“Dave, that’s right beautiful,” said Applejack.

“I’m not gonna get sappy, I’m not gonna get sappy,” Rainbow was muttering stubbornly to herself, head turned, though her voice was telling me otherwise.

“I think it’s a very considerate sentiment,” said Fluttershy, tenderly.

“Thanks, girls,” I said, “but words alone aren't enough. You know what this really needs?"

"What?" asked Rainbow.

"A group photo! That way, my folks will know I'm telling the truth!"

"Great idea!" said Twilight. "Hang on, I'll go grab my camera."

"Come to think of it, where's Spike?" I asked, as she went up. "I haven't seen him at all."

"He's feeling a little under the weather, so he's resting. Don't worry, I won't leave him in the dark about what's going on."

"That's good."

Shortly after, Twilight returned with an old-fashioned bellows camera levitated in front of her. She moved it around several spots on the floor, probably trying to get the perfect shot for us to be in, and finally stopped with the camera facing one of the shelved walls.

"Ok, everypony, gather around."

We all grouped together, with me being in the center. Twilight pressed the button for the camera, which seemed to have a timer function, as she galloped over and joined us.

"Say cheese!" said Pinkie.


The camera flashed, and then spat out a photograph. Twilight picked it up in her magic and showed it to us for all to see. Pinkie and Rainbow had huge toothy smiles while Applejack, Rarity, Twilight, and Fluttershy had more gentle ones. As for me, I could do nothing better than a simple closed-mouth smile; whenever I tried to smile with my teeth for a picture, it ended up coming out like a grimace or something.

"Looks great!" I said.

"I suppose," said Rarity, "although I wish I'd done my mane up a little better. If this is for your family to see, I don't want to look like a train wreck."

"What are you talking about, Rarity? You look great!"

"Oh, that's very sweet of you to say, dear," she said, kindly.

"But is this really going to work, Twilight?" I asked. "Is the photo going to go with it, even if it wasn't brought here by magic?"

"No reason why it shouldn't," said Twilight, tucking the photo underneath the letter page. "The spell didn't list any precautions about it."

"All right, then. And now, Twilight, I leave the rest to you.”

Twilight nodded, fixed her eyes on the letter, and then, closing her eyes, tensed herself with gritted teeth, her horn flaring up with a purple-pink fire. Even though the windows were closed, a high wind began to blow inside the room, though the letter stayed where it was. This, then, became surrounded in the same fiery aura emanating from Twilight’s horn, and began to intensify second by second, until finally, with a burst like a firework, the entire page, along with the photo, vanished from where they had sat on the table.

“And that’s done,” she said.

I felt as if a stone had just been taken off of my shoulders. My heart felt considerably healed from having sent that message.

“Thanks, girls. You have no idea what a load off my conscience this is.”

“So, does this mean you’re gonna be staying with us even longer?” asked Rainbow, in a hopeful tone.

“Looks like it, Rainbow," I said, grinning. "Until further notice, Ponyville's now my home away from home!”

Pinkie, with a look of absolute, inexpressible glee on her face, began to shudder in place, as if she were about to explode, and I was indeed going to duck and cover, when she suddenly shrieked,


She launched herself at me, wrapping me in the tightest, warmest hug she had ever bestowed upon me yet. With equal warmth, though less suffocating strength, I felt the five others group around and join the hug with squeals and sighs of delight: the four ground-bound ponies grouped around me from below, while the two pegasi were at each cheek.

“Dang it, girls,” I said, in a voice choking up with emotion, “you’re gonna get me crying again, but you’re all the best, just the best…”

I don’t know how long the group hug lasted, and frankly, I wouldn’t care how long it did. It felt wonderful, being in the warm embrace of these six wonderful friends, who so honestly and earnestly welcomed this stranger into their homeland with open hooves. If only it could have been like that more often in my world.

“Of course,” I said, at last, when we broke apart, “if I’m going to be staying in Ponyville, I’m going to need to arrange a home of my own.”

“A home of your own?” asked Pinkie. “But-”

“It’s no use arguing, Pinkie,” I said, stopping her. “I refuse to continue being a freeloader at your and the Cakes’ expense. I can’t possibly stay for free under an indeterminate frame of time, and you know that. It wouldn’t be right.”

She did seem to know it, as her ears drooped in sadness. It did hurt my heart some that she’d be losing her roommate so quickly, so I put my hand under her chin and tilted her head up to look me in the eye.

“Buck up, Pinks,” I said, consolingly, “We’ll still be friends, and if I can arrange it, I’ll have a house close by. We’ll still be able to see each other as often as possible.”

“...Yeah, I guess you’re right,” said Pinkie, finally smiling again.

“That’s my girl,” I said, giving her mane a good ruffle.

“I could arrange for a meeting with Princess Celestia,” said Twilight. “She can probably settle you with a stipend.”

“A stipend? You mean pay from the government for offering my services? Including a house?”


“Well, tell Princess Celestia that I’m more than ready to offer whatever services I can for her,” I said, with a grand bow.

“Great! I’ll get a letter started as soon as I can!”

“I say this calls for a celebration!” said Rarity.

“Yeah!” said Pinkie, with her old enthusiasm, “Come on, ponies! Dinner for Dave, on us!”

And before I could express surprise at this sudden idea, or embarrassment at their offering to treat me, I was swept out the door, out into Ponyville, my new home for the time being.


That evening, back at Sugarcube Corner, I lay awake in bed, my stomach full of a hearty dinner and my head swimming with thoughts both wonderful and varied. My conscience felt wonderfully light now that I had at least given my parents the confessional notice I had been dying to give them from the start, as well as proof that I wasn't just spouting nonsense. They at least knew I was sorry for disappearing so suddenly, that I was in safe hands, er, hooves, rather, and that I still and always have loved them.

I was going to be living in Ponyville, officially, from here on out. Of course, it was only until Twilight could find another time to get this spell going, but with the way the spell sounded, with how accurate it had to be, it sounded like it was going to be for quite some time yet. I was gonna miss having Pinkie for a roommate, truth be told.

Speak of the devil, as these thoughts were floating through my head, I felt something climb onto my bed, its weight making the frame creak, and I felt it nestle up by my side. Looking down, I saw, sure enough, that it was Pinkie.

“Pinkie, I thought we had an agreement,” I said, in a voice that was more serious than I was really feeling.

“I know,” said Pinkie, “but I just wanted to sleep next to you tonight, since we might not be roommates for very long.”

“Hey, now, don’t carry on that way,” I said, gently, drawing an arm around her. “Like I said, we’re still going to be the best of friends. You can visit me whenever you want. As if I’d ever deny my best pony pal a chance to see me. Is it a deal?”

Pinkie beamed.


And at the same time, we both participated in the motions of the Pinkie Promise:

“Cross my heart-”

“-And hope to fly-”

“Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Pinkie giggled and snuggled deeper against me, and I lay my head down on the pillow, though I could feel Pinkie’s candy-scented mane tickling against my neck.

“Good night, Davie.”

“Good night, Pinkie.”

She mumbled something else as she began to drift off, but I couldn’t quite distinguish what it even sounded like, so I let it slide, and soon drifted off myself, the explosion of thoughts that today generated mingling with my dreams.

Author's Note:

**Edit: Since people pointed out the logical flaw of Dave's idea, and honestly, it should have been something I'd considered right away, I added in an extra bit where he takes a photo with the girls as proof. Hope it adds to it for the better. Thanks for your feedback. =)

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