• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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A Brief Lull

I had another bizarre dream that night. It started out with me sitting at my piano, dressed in a tuxedo, and playing, appropriately enough, Billy Joel’s ‘Piano Man’. As I played, solid musical notes flew from the top of the piano and floated off, like dandelion seeds on the wind. As they went off, I could’ve sworn I saw Derpy amongst them, wearing a mailbox around her barrel, like some kind of boxy metal girdle.

It was hard to concentrate, however, because Lyra and Bon Bon were having an argument. Apparently, Lyra, who for some reason had to use a megaphone to be heard, had made a batch of what she called ‘Bon Buns’. Bon Bon, wearing a pair of coke bottle glasses, was refusing to let Lyra sell them, as Lyra had supplanted a picture of her (Bon Bon’s) rump beside the name on the packaging.

Off in another corner, Moonlight, Pinkie, and Rainbow were gorging themselves on bowls of Brimstone Lounge crystal candies, the latter two with visibly bulging bellies, while Moonlight remained as thin as ever. Trixie was waltzing with Fergus the Fantastic, while Button Mash, dressed like Link from Legend of Zelda, was sword-dueling with Minister Ironmane, dressed like Ganondorf, while Sweetie Belle, dressed like Zelda, watched, wide-eyed, and with her hooves over her mouth. Meanwhile, Rarity, decked out like Cleopatra, was reclining on a sofa, while Spike, garbed like an attendant, was alternating between fanning her with a palm frond and dropping chocolates into her mouth, as though they were grapes.

I had no sooner finished playing when, in a puff of smoke, Leanne appeared beside me, sitting on the piano bench. I was so stunned that words failed me. Looking about at everypony doing their thing, she turned to me with a raised eyebrow.

“Is this what Equestria’s like, Dave?” she asked.

I grinned sheepishly, but then, her face split into a wide smile.

“Because I like it!” she said.

A wave of relief swept through me at this. Taking her in my arms, I leaned forward, lips prepared, as she did the same.

And then I woke up.

Darn it. Wasn’t that always the way? Right at the best part. Blinking against the sun filtering in through the windows, I had only one thing to say:

“I wonder what Luna would say about that one, if she even saw it.”

As I got up and went about my morning routine, I wondered what I ought to do today. I wasn’t working with Bon Bon and Lyra anymore (and had not been told if they planned to continue the diet routine with me), I had no work for the council (yet), no other pending pet projects or engagements with friends, not even a Crusade planning session with the Crusaders. I had nothing to look forward to but my daily walk.

However, as I got dressed after showering, an idea dawned on me. It happened when my right hand gave an unpleasant twinge, making me wince. It had never felt quite right after all of the work I’d had to do for the council, and as it was my dominant hand, using it so much for day-to-day stuff wasn’t making the dormant soreness go away any quicker. As I reflected on this, that’s when the idea came to me, and I knew what I wanted to do today.

I needed to find someone who could help me alleviate the pain once and for all. The only question was, who should I seek for that kind of help? It ought to be someone who must know what it’s like to have hand cramps. Well, that ruled out almost everypony in Ponyville; they all had hooves.

Hold on a second.

It ruled out everypony, but it didn’t rule out everydragon!


“Me? I was the first one you thought of?”

Spike and I were sitting at the main table in the middle of the library. Twilight was upstairs, deeply engrossed in a book, though she had the time and courtesy to bid me a good morning before excusing herself. The little dragon looked both confused and self-important at knowing that I was coming to him for advice.

“You’re the only one in Ponyville who can understand what I’m going through, Spike,” I said. “You write for Twilight all the time, so you must have gotten writer’s cramp before.”

“Ugh, more times than I can count,” muttered Spike, nursing his wrist almost automatically. “I mean, don’t get me wrong: I like helping Twilight out, but have you seen the size of some of her checklists? I have to write and check off everything on them! I think I’ve written more than Star Swirl the Bearded!”

“Yeesh,” I said, grimacing. “So, what do you do when your hand-er, claw’s aching?”

“Oh, that’s easy,” said Spike, grinning. “I ask Twilight for a little time off so I can take a trip to the spa. One massage later, and I’m back in the game, baby.”

Of course!

Why hadn’t I thought of it? It was as simple as a trip to the Ponyville spa.

To be honest, I couldn’t believe I’d gone so long without returning, especially in light of all the aforementioned work I’d been engaged in. Well, that settled it. This afternoon, I was going to take a trip to the spa for the same treatment Rarity had treated me to on my first visit. I was already looking forward to it.

“Thanks, Spike,” I said, gratefully.

“Don’t mention it,” said Spike, proudly. “Guys like you and me have to stick together, after all.”

“Heh, too true,” I concurred.


It was wonderfully warm when I entered the reception area and took off my coat. The sweet smell of aromatherapy candles assailed my nostrils. At the moment, there didn’t seem to be anyone else besides me, except for one pony at the counter. Aloe, the pink-coated spa attendant, was behind the counter, attending to them.

“Your usual today, Mrs. Rich?” she asked.

“But of course,” said the customer. “Why would somepony like me ask for anything less but the best, and from the best?”

Something about that mare’s tone didn’t sit well with me. It was grand and sophisticated, and yet there was unmistakable smugness in it. Judging by the diamond ring cutie mark on her flank, she also must’ve had a heck of a lot of money to burn.

That mare must’ve sensed I was looking at her flank, as she turned to look at me, her eyebrow raised, and I got a good look at her. She had a salmon-pink coat, blue eyes, and an extensively-styled purple mane and tail. She wore a gold chain necklace, a sea-green blouse, and a golden belt around her middle.

However, if I might be frank, she wasn’t exactly what I would call ‘pretty’. There were lines under her eyes, the signs of a double-chin, and her nose...Good Lord, her nose! I knew the stereotype of snooty people putting their noses in the air, but this was ridiculous! It was literally curved upwards, like a rhino’s horn, as if someone had grabbed it and twisted it backwards into that shape.

“Tut-tut,” she chided, with a shake of the head and twitch of the tail. “It’s not gentlecolt-ly behavior to stare at a mare’s flank, my good sir, especially at that of a married mare.”

“O-Oh, no, miss!” I stammered, my face growing hot. “I-It’s not like that at all! I was j-just seeing what your c-cutie mark was!”

She continued to gaze steadily at me, then her muzzle curled into a small smile.

“Then I don’t blame you,” she said. “It is rather stunning, isn’t it? Then again, what else would you expect to adorn the flank of a pony such as myself?”

That smug tone was back once again, and it made my skin crawl. However, looking at her, I realized who she was. She was the mare standing with Diamond Tiara and Filthy Rich during my speech!

“Begging your pardon, miss,” I said, “but you wouldn’t happen to know Filthy Rich, would you?”

That small smile of hers widened a little, and she gave her mane a prim toss.

“Know him? I have the pleasure of being his wife. Spoiled Rich is my name.”

“Charmed,” I said, humbly.

“And you are Councilstallion David, are you not?”

“Y-Yes, Miss Rich,” I said.

“My daughter, Diamond Tiara, has spoken of you before.”

“Has she?”

“Oh, yes. She tells me you’re a fair-minded young man, and yet,” she added, her smile fading a little, “I can’t help but pity your choice in company.”

What did she mean by that?

“I beg your pardon?” I asked, still trying to be polite, but feeling a surge of anger at this.

“Oh, nothing,” said Spoiled Rich, casually. “I merely wish to say that, as a member of the royal council, it would be beneficial to surround yourself with those befitting your station and standing, such as myself. Believe me, my dear fellow, a mare of my standing could do wonders for your future achievements. I have connections, you know. I can put you in touch with the most prolific ponies in Equestrian high society. You know Fancy Pants in Canterlot? A dear friend of mine, never too busy to come down and ask me for investment advice. I practically made his fortunes for him, didn’t you know? In this life, it’s not what you know, but who you know.”

Before I could properly respond to such a grandiose (and quite frankly, self-centered) speech, Aloe said,

“All right, Mrs. Rich, right this way.”

“Good day, Councilstallion,” said Spoiled Rich, giving me a smile I did not like. “Consider what I said. Let me know when I can set you up for a consultation.”

And she passed through the door leading to the rest of the spa. I just stood there, staring after her, unsure what to think. I’d thought that Lightwing was hard to listen to, but this woman was on a different level. I supposed this might explain why Diamond Tiara acted so high and mighty all the time; like mother, like daughter.

“Mr. Dave?”

I started. Aloe had returned, and was looking at me with polite curiosity.

“Ah! Er, right,” I said, stepping forward. “Sorry about that. I’d like the same treatment I received on my last visit. I realize it’s been a while,” I added, sheepishly, seeing Aloe look puzzled. “It was a steam, massage, mud dip, and a soak in the hot tub.”

“Ahh, yes,” said Aloe. “No problem at all. Right this way to get changed, Mr. Dave.”

Aloe gestured to the door she had just led Spoiled Rich through, and I walked on through, hoping I wouldn’t have to run into her again. Even if not for the impression she left on me, it would be like saying goodbye to someone, then leaving, only realizing you’re both going the same direction. I hated when that happened.


“Ohhhh...Ohhhh, man...Lotus, you can not believe how badly I needed this…”

I was in heaven. Well, to be more specific, I was lying on a recliner, in my swim trunks, as Lotus’ hooves kneaded my muscles, post-steam room. The best part, however, was when she got to my aching hand. First, it felt painful as she handled it, but then, as she massaged away, especially at the wrist, that sweet, blissful feeling of relief flowed through it, and I just lay there as she worked her Earth pony magic. It felt like her hooves had released a tap in my hand, letting pent-up circulation flow soothingly through it.

“I can guess, my dear,” said Lotus, kindly. “Your poor hand felt so tense, so overworked. You should have come to us sooner.”

“I know,” I mumbled. “It was a mistake not to. I’ve just been so busy lately.”

“I understand,” said Lotus, “but it’s important to take time for yourself. Even humans deserve a little pampering, no?”

“Absolutely,” I said.

When the massage was over (it could have gone on forever, and I’d have been content), and after soaking in the mud bath and hot tub, I once more felt like a new man, full of new energy. In fact, it felt even better than the last time I was here. It must’ve been something to do with my diet.

Just as I had handed over the payment for the treatment, the doors opened, and in walked Rarity, accompanied not by Fluttershy, but by Moonlight. The first thing I felt was surprise at seeing the two together, as I couldn’t exactly remember seeing them spend time together by themselves. Then I noticed that Moonlight had once again decided to change up her mane. Now it hung loosely in a silky curtain down the back of her neck and over her shoulders, though not as long as Fluttershy’s.

“And I know it’ll feel a little strange, stepping into mud,” Rarity was saying, “but once you try it, I think you’ll really-”

She broke off, seeing that Moonlight had stopped in her tracks at the sight of me. She caught sight of me, too, and her face took on an expression of delighted surprise.

“Hello, darling!” she said.

“Hi, Dave,” said Moonlight, with that kind smile of hers.

“Hey, girls,” I said. “Introducing Moonlight to the spa, Rarity?”

“Why, yes,” said Rarity. “Can you believe the poor dear’s never been to one?”

Moonlight’s cheeks went pink, and she muttered something about ‘never really considered it’.

“It’s almost as shocking as hearing you say it, when I brought you along,” said Rarity.

“And that was months ago,” I said, ruefully. “Well, I’ve hopefully made up for it by coming today. I really needed it.”

“That’s wonderful,” said Rarity, smiling. “Did you have a good Hearts and Hooves Day?”

“Yeah, I did,” I said. “It was a fun day at Bon Bon’s, playing the piano for customers.”

“Speaking of Bon Bon,” said Rarity, her voice suddenly taking on a hushed, conspiratorial tone, “is it true? Are she and Lyra really…?”

I nodded. Rarity let out a delighted little squeal.

“I knew it!” she said. “The signs were always there! I knew there was something between those two! It’s like something out of a Jane Hossten novel! Oh, isn’t it wonderful when two best friends find love in each other?” she added, dreamily.

“It is,” agreed Moonlight, beaming. “I think it’s really sweet. Good for them.”

“I agree,” I said. “So, how about you two?”

“Oh, my Hearts and Hooves Day was pleasant,” said Rarity. “Spikey-wikey dropped by with a box of Bon Bon’s Hearts and Hooves chocolates. He’s such a sweet boy, isn’t he?”

“He’s thoughtful, that’s for sure,” I said.

“So I rewarded him with a nice big topaz I’d been saving just for him. Ohh, I wish you could’ve seen how his face lit up. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he never did. He just ran out the door with that topaz clutched in his claws.”

(I may be wrong, but I think I know what he wanted to say.)

“How about you, Moonlight?” I asked. “What was Sugarcube Corner like yesterday?”

“Jam-packed,” said Moonlight. “It was like one of Pinkie’s parties, it was so crowded! And speaking of Pinkie,” she added, becoming a little giggly, “she actually asked everypony who was a couple, on a bullhorn, no less, to step up to the counter, so we could celebrate them. Almost everypony there went up, even Mr. and Mrs. Cake. It was really sweet.”

“I’ll bet it was,” I said, smiling. “Ah, but look at me, blabbering on, when you two have a date with the spa. I really shouldn’t delay you any longer.”

“Oh, it’s no bother, really, Dave,” said Rarity. “It’s never a waste of time, catching up with a good friend.”

“Although, that reminds me,” I said, “I’m a little surprised Fluttershy’s not here with you.”

“She couldn’t come, unfortunately,” said Rarity. “She’d remembered she’d already agreed to spend the day with her parents, and I was not about to let her cancel that on my account. Very sweet ponies, let me tell you. Then I bumped into Moonlight, and she agreed to be my spa buddy today when she knew what my plans were.”

“I just didn’t want you to have to be by yourself,” said Moonlight, sweetly.

“So considerate of you, darling,” said Rarity, kindly.

“Well, I hope you two have a good time,” I said, grinning.

“Thanks, Dave,” said Moonlight. “We’ll catch you later.”

“Ta-ta, darling.”

“See you.”

And with that, the three of us parted, but I still heard Rarity call out ‘the usual’ before the spa door closed behind me.

Friday, February 15


The next day, once again having nothing better to do, I decided to just take a stroll, see where the wind took me. It was less cold now, and more bearable to be out longer. Today, my feet seemed to feel inclined to take me towards Sweet Apple Acres, so, to Sweet Apple Acres I went. With the winter weather, I didn’t think the Apples would be busy with farm work. Then again, I wasn’t a farmer, so I didn’t know how things got done on one. Plus, this being Equestria, they might very well have something else to do in winter.

The sound of a dog barking broke my thoughts. I just barely had enough time to see Winona sprinting through the snow before she pounced on me, almost knocking me off my feet as she started licking my face.

“Down, Winona, down!” I cried, though I couldn’t help laughing. “Take it easy, girl! It’s good to see you, too!”

Gently disengaging myself from her, I petted her head to try and calm her down. That seemed to work, as she simply sat in the snow at my feet, her eyes closed and her tail wagging like mad. She was such an adorable pup.

“Winona! Where’d you run off to, girl?”

I knew that voice, and so did Winona. Barking, she jumped up and ran towards the source. Sure enough, Applejack came trotting up, dressed in a blue winter jacket.

“Oh! Howdy, Dave!” she said, beaming at the sight of me.

“Hey, Applejack,” I said. “Been a while since I’ve been to Sweet Apple Acres, so I thought I’d just take a stroll over. I haven’t really had much to be up to lately.”

“That so? Well, how’d you like to join us inside for a mug of cider? I tell ya, sugarcube, there’s nothing like sittin’ by the fire with a mug full to the brim of our farm’s finest.”

“Cider?” I asked, tentatively. “I don’t know, AJ.”

“Oh, don’t go worryin’ about that,” said Applejack, breezily. “This stuff’s a lot lighter than what you had at cider season.”

“How do you mean?” I asked, puzzled slightly.

“Turns out I made a bit of a mistake,” said Applejack, looking sheepish. “That barrel I saved for you and the girls was actually full of some of our harder stuff, so it had more than a bit of a kick to it. Ah hadn’t realized at the time.”

So that was what my whole song and dance thing was about!

“Ohhh,” I said, comprehending. “So the whole thing with me getting tipsy-”

“-Was ‘cuz I mixed up the barrels,” said Applejack. “Sorry, hun. You missed out on the rest of cider season on account of me,” she added, contritely.

“Hey, I’m not mad about it,” I said, and I was far from feeling it. “It was just an honest mistake.”

The corners of her mouth twitched at the word ‘honest’, but she stopped looking so guilty, at any rate.

“In any case,” I said, “I would be more than happy to have a mug with you, if you’re offering. Lead the way.”

“Fantastic!” said Applejack, smiling broadly.

And, turning around, she led the way towards the farmhouse, Winona gamboling happily at her side.


She was right: there was something to be said about this. The four Apples, Winona, and myself all sat gathered around the fireplace. Granny Smith was in her rocking chair, swathed in a thick blanket. Big Mac sat in an armchair that seemed ready-made for a stallion his size, only missing a pipe and slippers to complete the image of comfort he gave off. Applejack, Apple Bloom, and I sat together on the sofa, and Winona lay curled up on the rug at our feet. Well, my feet, and their hooves. There was a slight smell of something flowery, even something spice-like, in the air. It turned out to be coming from Apple Bloom, who had spent the morning helping Zecora make potions. I couldn’t help feeling like she was well on her way to a cutie mark in potion brewing, but only time would tell better than I, with only a bit of book knowledge on the subject, could.

We had all been provided with mugs of cider Applejack had whipped up. True to her word, this batch was not like the one I’d tasted all the way back during cider season. It still had the same sweet, tart flavor, but it didn’t give me a heady rush or a feeling of giddiness like before. It merely sent a warm, tingly feeling through my mouth and down my throat. It was one of the most delicious things I’d ever drunk.

“So how was Hearts and Hooves Day for you all?” I asked.

“Pretty quiet for this old gal,” said Granny Smith. “You might not believe me, Davey-boy, but I used to be quite the head-turner when I was younger. Had a whole slew of stallions trippin’ over their tails just to ask me out.”

The three Apple siblings looked at each other, then covered their muzzles to stifle their laughter. Granny didn’t notice.

“Oh really?” I asked. “You don’t have any admirers today?”

“Well,” said Granny, pondering, “there is this one feller down at the marketplace. Always tries to offer me some pretty good deals, but I’ve got his number. He’s just tryin’ to get the secret of how we make Zap Apple Jam; every time we talk, he always leads into that sooner or later. That’s when I know it’s time to clam up and move on. Right, Big Mac?” she added, turning to her grandson.

“Eeyup,” said Big Mac, nodding solemnly and straight-facedly.

“Sounds like Zap Apple Jam’s pretty praiseworthy,” I said.

“It’s the best!” said Apple Bloom, zealously. “Just you wait ‘til the season rolls around, Dave! Yer gonna love it!”

“I don’t doubt that,” I said, grinning.

Something tapped my knee. Looking down, I saw that Winona was pawing my leg, her tail wagging. Seeing that she had my attention, she then lay down and rolled onto her back, her paws curled up against her chest. It made me chuckle.

“What are you trying to say, Winona?” I asked, playfully.

“Oh, she does that whenever she wants a good belly rubbin’,” said Applejack. “Looks like she wants you to give her one.”

“That so?” I asked. “Well, if that’s she wants, who am I to say no?”

Setting my mug aside, I knelt down beside Winona and started running my hand along her stomach. Her eyes closed blissfully, her tongue lolling, her hind paw twitching. She was irresistibly reminding me of a dog I had back at home, who acted just the same way. I was soon alternating between her belly and behind her ears, and it was clear she was loving it.

“Who’s a good girl, Winona?” I said, adopting that baby-talk tone all pet owners use when giving their animals affection. “Who’s a good girl? You are. Yes, you are.”

I could hear the Apples chuckling over Winona’s little whines of pleasure. After a little while, I finally eased off, and Winona settled herself more comfortably on the rug. I returned to the sofa and retrieved my mug.

“So, what’ve you been up to, sonny?” Granny asked.

“Me? Well, I spent most of the week helping out Lyra and Bon Bon at the sweet shop, for Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“Well, that was real sweet of ya,” said Applejack, grinning. “No pun intended.”

“Thanks,” I said, grinning back.

“Ohhh, so you must’ve seen Sweetie Belle go in and buy that chocolate heart she got Button Mash!” said Apple Bloom.

I hesitated slightly. My promise to Sweetie Belle was to keep it from Rarity. She hadn’t said anything about her friends, but I still didn’t think I ought to outright admit to it.

“I might have,” I said. “It was pretty busy that week. For Button Mash, you said?”

“Yeah,” said Apple Bloom. “She gave it to him, blushin’ fit to burst, and he just scarfed it down in a few bites! Didn’t even say ‘thank you’ or give Sweetie Belle anythin’ in return! Can you imagine?”

“Oh, wow,” I said, slightly bemused. “That does sound pretty rude. How did Sweetie Belle take it?”

“Well, she got kinda huffy about it for a little while,” said Apple Bloom, “but by the time school was out, she’d gotten over it.”

“Oh, good,” I said, relieved. “She doesn’t seem the type to stay mad for long.”

“Nope, never does,” said Apple Bloom.

“Well, in any case,” I said, “right now, I haven’t really got anything going on. After the whole Crystal Empire and Brimstone Lounge events, I’ve just been glad to have a little downtime.”

“I should think so,” said Applejack. “You’ve had a lot on your plate, sugar. Only natural that you’d want some ‘you time’.”

“Heh, yeah,” I said.

Then, remembering the thought I’d had on my way home Thursday night, I added,

“Well, you know, it would be nice to travel around, see more of Equestria while I have the chance. Cranky Doodle told me about all the places he’s visited, and it’s gotten me interested in seeing them. Trouble is, I don’t know where to start. I’ve already visited Canterlot, Cloudsdale, and the Crystal Empire, but that’s not to say I wouldn’t go back to any of them,” I added, quickly.

Applejack looked thoughtful at this. After a pause, she finally said,

“Well, if you want my advice, I’d just wait and see what crops up. Yer workin’ for Princess Celestia’s council, right?”

“Yeah,” I said, “but my boss is on vacation.”

“Well, wait until you hear back from him, then you can think about where and when you wanna go,” said Applejack. “Winter Wrap Up’s comin’ up, so you’ll wanna take that into account, too, if yer plannin’ to help.”

There was sense in that. It made me glad knowing Applejack was so easy to talk to about things like this.

“That sounds like a plan to me,” I said, giving her shoulder a pat. “Thanks, AJ.”

“Yer welcome, sugar,” said Applejack, smiling.

“Well, y’know,” said Apple Bloom, “Ah’ve kinda been thinkin’ about somethin’.”

“Yes, Apple Bloom?” I asked.

“The girls and I have been doin’ lots of things tryin’ to earn our cutie marks,” she said, “but Ah guess we never got to askin’: is there anythin’ you wanna do to try and earn one? Somethin’ you always wanted to give a try?”

I could feel a slight weight in the pit of my stomach. I still didn’t know what would happen if I ever told the girls humans didn’t earn cutie marks, but I wasn’t about to find out. Still, her question gave me food for thought, and I had to mull it over, swishing the dregs of my mug around almost automatically.

“Hmm...Well, I’d always wanted to learn how to play the piano,” I said, finally, “but now I can. I guess, logically, the next step would be to play for an audience, which I did, for the patrons at Bon Bon’s for Hearts and Hooves Day. Still, it might be a neat idea to do something a little bigger, for a bigger audience.”

“Ooh!” said Apple Bloom, sounding interested. “Like a concert?”

“Mmm...Yeah, I’d imagine so. I mean, I never used to be good in front of crowds, but that was before I gave a speech about the return of the Crystal Empire. I think a concert wouldn’t be too much of a stretch, then, either.”

“That sounds great!” said Apple Bloom. “Ah’ll have to run it by the others and see what they think, but Ah like the sound of that already!”

She was bouncing up and down on the cushion in her excitement. Granny and Big Mac chuckled. Applejack rolled her eyes, an amused smile on her face.

“Anypony up for another round?” asked Big Mac, rising from his chair.

This was greeted with a unanimous ‘yes’ from his sisters and grandmother, and me.


I’d spent a few pleasant hours at Sweet Apple Acres, then returned home. I had bought a couple books full of sheet music from Serenade’s the other day, after my trip to the spa, and I decided to spend the afternoon going through them and giving the songs in them a go. Even I was amazed at how well I was picking up on them, after all those practice sessions at Lyra and Bon Bon’s, and preparing for Hearts and Hooves Day. I still wasn’t ‘perfect’, but I was much better than when I’d started out. At least now I wasn’t the kind of pianist who could only play one song.

As it started to grow dark, there came a knock at the door. Upon answering, I found Moonlight, beaming up at me.

“Hey there,” I said, smiling back. “Enjoy your time at the spa?”

“Oh, it was wonderful!” said Moonlight, with adorable enthusiasm in her voice. “I’ve never had such a relaxing time, or an opportunity to really spend time with Rarity. She’s so nice, and so generous. She paid for the both of us, even though I was willing to pay for myself.”

“Heh, yeah,” I said. “She’s charitable to a fault. I felt the same way when she first offered to make me new clothes.”

“So, are you up to anything right now?” asked Moonlight. “I figured we could finish the little of Amulet of Atonement we haven’t finished yet.”

“Not really,” I said. “I was just practicing some new songs on the piano, but we can definitely finish what’s left of the book today. Please, come in, my lady,” I added, bowing grandly.

“With the greatest of pleasure, my good sir,” giggled Moonlight, bowing in turn before stepping in.


For all of the twists and turns that the series threw at us, neither of us were expecting what the ending of this book had brought us. Moonlight’s eyes were moist, and I was feeling a little choked up myself.

“I can’t believe Dowser’s leaving, just like that,” said Moonlight, sadly.

“Neither can I,” I muttered, “but Daring thinks he’ll be safer if they don’t work together anymore. We saw what happened with the Quetzalcoatl Empress. She’s right; he could have been killed.”

“I know, but still,” said Moonlight. “They’ve been through so much together.”

“I know,” I said, nodding. “It doesn’t mean he’ll be gone forever, though. He just won’t be traveling everywhere with Daring anymore. He might pop up in future books. Heck, maybe he’ll get a spinoff.”

Giving a wipe at her eyes, Moonlight brightened slightly at this.

“Yeah,” she said. “That wouldn’t be such a bad idea. And you’re right, it’s not like he’s gone forever. Who knows? Maybe things’ll get more interesting now that Daring’s all by herself again.”

“Yeah,” I agreed. “Trouble is, I wonder when the next book’ll come out.”

“Oh, yeah,” said Moonlight. “This is the newest one currently out. Phooey.”

She crossed her forelegs and pouted. I knew she was exaggerating, but there was something so cutely childish about it that I couldn’t help chuckling.

“Hey, come on, now,” I teased. “Don’t be such a grouchy filly.”

I complimented this with a one-handed tickle to her unguarded middle. That wiped the frown off her face, and set her giggling.

“We’ll have to keep on the watch for the next one,” I said. “In the meantime, we can find plenty of other things to do together.”

“Yeah, I know,” said Moonlight. “I was just being silly.”

“That’s because you’ve been hanging around Pinkie so much,” I said, “which is by no means a bad thing.”

Moonlight giggled again. The rest of her visit passed amicably after that, as I played some piano for her. To my surprise, once she had learned the lyrics to one or two of the songs, she actually sang along with my playing, in a clear and beautiful voice. I was starting to wonder if there were any surprises left that this sweet-natured pegasus was keeping from me.

Saturday, February 16


The next day, Ironmane was absent once more, and another guard came to deliver my dues. As he handed them over, however, I saw that a letter was securely taped to the burlap.

“What’s this?” I asked the guard.

“Message from Minister Ironmane,” said the guard. “Good day, sir.”

“Er, thanks.”

As the guard marched off, I went back inside, detached the letter from the bag, set the bag down, and opened the letter. It read as follows:

Your presence is required at a Round Table meeting that is to take place on February 28th, the last day of winter. I have an announcement or two to make that may produce a significant impact on the Council’s proceedings thenceforth, and I wish for you to be in attendance when that occurs.
Hoping you are in good spirits,
Yours sincerely,
Minister Ironmane

It looked like I was right to wait, like Applejack said. Now I knew when Ironmane would have need of me, and it was a comfortable ways off. I could take a trip, if I wanted to, and just leave a note saying I was out, in case I didn’t return until after next Sunday. The only question was, where should I go?

I was jerked out of my pondering this by a series of rapid-fire knocks at my door. It almost sounded like someone was trying to send me a message. Opening it up, I found...no one.

“What the…?”

I didn’t think I’d wasted that much time before answering. Where had the knocker gone? This was weird.

As I turned back inside, however, I found myself unexpectedly face-to-face with Pinkie, a wide and toothy smile on her face.

“Morning, Davie!”


It was lucky that I’d closed the door behind me, or I might have tripped over the threshold. As it was, I jumped back, bumping against the door, a hand over my heart.

“P-Pinkie!” I gasped out. “One of these days, you’re going to give me a heart attack!”

“Sorry, Davie,” said Pinkie. “I just have super-duper big news for you!”

“Oh really?” I asked, feeling my heart rate returning to normal. “What would that be?”

Pinkie took in a deep breath, deep enough to shrink her belly in and puff her chest out, then said,

“I’m going to visit my family on the farm this week, tomorrow through Saturday, and I want you to come with me!”

She accompanied the word ‘you’ with a poke to my chest, and finished with an eager smile on her face. I stared at her for a moment or two, the meaning of what she said taking that long to really kick in. At last, I asked,

“Really? You want to bring me along?”

“Of course, you silly billy!” said Pinkie. “You never got the chance to last time, remember?”

“Ohh, right,” I said, vividly recollecting my expulsion from the Pie farm on my first visit, then Igneous Rock Pie’s apology letter afterwards. “I remember. Well, you know, Pinkie,” I continued, grinning at her, “your timing couldn’t be more perfect. I don’t have anything else going on, at least not until the 28th. In which case, I would be delighted to accompany you.”

Pinkie let out a squeal of delight, and she threw her forelegs around me in one of those bone-numbing hugs of hers, pinning my arms so that I couldn’t return it.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” she cried. “You’re going to have so much fun there, Davie, I promise you! The girls did when they visited, and now you’ll get to see what you missed out on!”

“Trust me, Pinkie,” I said, my voice strained, “I already can’t wait!”

“Welp, I’ve gotta get packed for tomorrow,” she said, finally releasing me. “You’d better do the same. See ya!”

I barely had time to open the door before she bounded through it, singing tunelessly and joyfully as she went. Despite her constantly coming close to giving me a coronary whenever she snuck up on me like she did, it was impossible to stay mad at her. She never meant any harm by it. At any rate, I was finally going to have a proper visit at the Pie farm, get better acquainted with the rest of her family, maybe even learn a thing or two about rock farming. With this in mind, I set about making the necessary preparations for a week away from home.

Sunday, February 17

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