• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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Preparing for Nightmare Night

I don’t even remember how far into the night I stayed up reading Daring Do. I didn’t even care that my eyes were getting tired. All I knew was that I wanted to be caught up by the time Rainbow Dash would be able to lend me the next book. These books were absolutely incredible. With breaks for something to eat or a trip to the bathroom, I read from the afternoon well into the night.

In The Seapony’s Tear, Daring and Dowser were looking into the legend of a lost civilization said to be a capital of the seaponies, hidden away in an underwater cave, as well as the resting place of one of their most valued treasures: the Seapony’s Tear. This miniscule, tear-shaped diamond had the magical ability to purify any water it came into contact with, no matter how polluted. Daring and Dowser therefore undertook the journey to find the capital of the seaponies via submarine. Of course, Ahuizotl was right behind them, though why he wanted the Tear was a mystery to me. Besides having to get rid of him whatever chance she had, Daring also had to contend with a giant crab, a monster squid, and even the enchanted security of the seapony capital, including reanimated statues of the aquatic equines and a great stone golem the seaponies had worshipped as a god. Boy, the lengths dead civilizations went to to protect their goodies.

The Basilisk’s Eye, as Twilight had told me, actually did tell of Daring’s very first adventure. It began in a flashback sequence while Daring was looking down the barrel of yet another death trap, transitioning to her days as a university student. Her professor, a retired explorer, got her interested in the lore of the Basilisk’s Eye, a gem that could immobilize any that stared directly into it. She quested out herself to find it in the Temple of Ophidius, but Ahuizotl, a treasure-seeker in his own right and rival of Daring’s professor, had taken it first, using it to take revenge on his old enemy. So Daring had been crossing paths with that overgrown ape-dog since she was in college. That was a lot to carry on one’s plate.

By the time I had put the second book down, I saw that it was close to midnight, by my watch.

“Good gravy,” I muttered. “These books really do know how to make time fly.” I stretched and heaved a great yawn. “I’ll read them to Moonlight before I send them back. She’ll love these ones.”

With that, I settled down into bed for a good night’s sleep, though my head was now full of visions of Daring Do, priceless treasures, and Ahuizotl and his feline pack. In all seriousness, it made for entertaining dreaming.


I had made a list of the couple things I had planned to do for the day once I woke up: buy bulk candy from Bon Bon, see Rarity about a costume, and talk to Twilight or somepony about things I should be informed of for Nightmare Night. I had a feeling it would follow many Halloween traditions, but still, this was a new land and a new culture; I didn’t want to step out of line or do anything that might be considered, what was the word...uncouth? Ironmane would have my hide, besides.

Therefore, the first place I directed my steps to was Bon Bon’s Bonbons. Pasted in the window was a colorful sign reading ‘Nightmare Night Special: Coming Soon!’ Smiling to myself, I opened the door, where the first thing I saw was Lyra seated on a stool, looking both tired and a little bloated. Empty candy wrappers littered the table beside her, and she was nursing her belly with one hoof.

“Bonnie, come on,” she groaned, “I must’ve tasted 50 samples by now. I don’t think I can take much more.”

“It’s just a few more, Lyra, don’t worry,” said Bon Bon, soothingly, as she came from behind the counter with a bowl. “You can do this. Nightmare Night is that time of the year when we get our biggest sales. We have to make sure the candy is ripe for the season.”

“But everything’s starting to taste the same,” Lyra whined, then stuck out her tongue. “Mah tunn cant dell duh divren bedween a chuglat anna peenabudda.”

“You’re just being silly,” said Bon Bon. She put a foreleg around her unicorn pal. “Come on, Lyra, you’re my taste tester. Would I have let just anypony hire themselves for this position?”

Lyra drew her tongue back in.


“Who else has a heart of gold-” Bon Bon tapped Lyra’s chest with her hoof. “-and a gut of steel?” She prodded Lyra’s belly, making her giggle.

“Aw, ok, Bonnie, a few more couldn’t hurt.”

“That’s my girl,” said Bon Bon, proudly.

“But if I can’t fit into my Nightmare Night costume, it’s gonna be on your head,” Lyra warned.

“Duly noted,” said Bon Bon, still smiling.

“I hope this isn’t a bad time,” I said.

The two jumped and looked up.

“Dave! Hello!” said Bon Bon. “We didn’t hear you come in!”

“Hiya, Dave!” said Lyra. “How are ya?”

“Pretty good. You?”

“Business is absolutely booming since that ad for the shop appeared in the paper!” said Bon Bon.

“Well, I might have said a thing or two about your special coming up," I said, slyly. "I thought it’d be a nice gesture, after all you and Lyra have been doing for me.”

“Ohh, you’re so sweet," said Bon Bon. "I was wondering who bought that ad. I’d been asking around about it, since it mentioned my secret special for Nightmare Night. Well, thank you very much.”

“Aw, well...”

“Now, what can I do for you today?”

”Do you sell bulk candy? I wanna be prepared for Nightmare Night.”

“Of course! Give me just a second. Lyra, you know what to do.”

“Aye-aye, mon capitan!” said Lyra, and she reached for the nearest candy in the bowl while Bon Bon went behind the counter.

“We’re having a special 2 for 1 sale today on bulk candy bags,” she said. “I’ve got mini chocolate bars, lollipops, taffy, gum, peppermints, you name it.”

“I’ll just go with a bag of mini chocolate bars and a bag of taffy.”

“Great! That’ll be 10 bits.”

Bon Bon plopped the bags on the counter as I laid out 10 bits for her.

“Still can’t wait to see what you have in store for Nightmare Night,” I said.

“Trust me, it’ll knock your socks off,” said Bon Bon.

“Socks!” said Lyra, suddenly. “I still need to get a pair! Thanks for reminding me, Bonnie.”

“What are you going as, Lyra?” I asked.

“That’s for you to find out, my curious friend,” said Lyra, sneakily.

“All right, all right,” I said, heaving the bags up under my arms. “Bon Bon’s really putting you to work, huh?”

“More so than usual,” said Lyra. “I mean, I love free candy as much as the next pony, but the Nightmare Night Rush is just nauseating. My poor tummy can only handle so much. I really should have read the fine print when I hired myself.”

“Oh, quit being a baby,” said Bon Bon. “Now, what are the results?”

“For the last three? Well, the toffee was a little too crunchy; don’t want any little fillies breaking their teeth on them. The sour apple taffy was perfect, just the right blend of apple and sour. And the strawberry-filled choco-ball, absolutely delicious.”

“Great!” said Bon Bon. “So I just need to remove some crunch from the toffee, good, good. Better to have one small problem than a bunch of big ones. See, was that so difficult?”

“Nah, I guess not,” said Lyra. With an effort, she managed to heave herself off the stool and onto all fours, and she began walking off to a door at the back. “I’m gonna go lie down, Bonnie. See ya later, Dave.”

“Bye, Lyra.”

The door shut behind Lyra, though it didn’t entirely stifle a little groan from her.

“She’s fine,” said Bon Bon, as if sensing my slight worry. “She’ll be peppy again before long.”

“Guess she’s just having a little bit too much of a good thing, huh?”

“Maybe. Still, I’m really grateful that she’d even go through with this. I’d ask Pinkie Pie, but once she gets a taste, she never stops. At least Lyra has restraint, for the most part.”

“That is true. Well, thanks again, Bon Bon.”

“Anytime, Dave. Bye!”

I was about to take my leave, when a thought came to me.

“Oh, Bon Bon! I almost forgot!”


“Any tips you can give me for Nightmare Night?”

“Oh, is it your first? Well, Lyra would never forgive me if I ruined the surprise.”

“Aw, come on,” I groaned. “First Applejack, now you?”

“Sorry, Dave, but my lips are sealed.”

Heaving a disappointed sigh, I took my leave of the sweet chocolatier and made for home to drop off my purchases before seeking my other errands.


Next stop: Carousel Boutique. If anypony could give me ideas on what to go as for Nightmare Night, it would be Rarity. Maybe I could be a famous literary character. With how tall I was compared to everypony, I wouldn’t make a half-bad Paul Bunyan or Ichabod Crane.

To my surprise, I found I wasn’t the only one with an appointment with the fashionista. Fluttershy was coming up the opposite way.

“Hey, Fluttershy!”

“Oh! Hello, Dave,” said Fluttershy. “Are you here to see Rarity, too?”

“I am. I thought she’d give me some tips on what to go as for Nightmare Night.”

“I was thinking the same thing!” said Fluttershy, excitedly, but she immediately diminished, as if embarrassed for being so exuberant. “Um, that is, it’ll be my first time dressing up for Nightmare Night.”

“Really? Haven’t you ever celebrated Nightmare Night before?”

“Yes and no,” said Fluttershy, ears lowering. “Every year before this, I’d stay locked up in my cottage, too afraid to go out with everypony else.”

“Aww, that’s a shame.”

(That means she probably doesn’t know what to do for the holiday, either.)

“But not this year,” said Fluttershy, regaining a confident tone. “Holidays are a time for fun with your friends, and I’m not going to let my friends down, not even on Nightmare Night!”

“Now that’s the kind of spirit I like to see,” I said, approvingly. “Very bold.”

“Oh, um, thanks,” said Fluttershy, cheeks turning pink. “I’ve been practicing.”

I went to open the door for her, but paused, tilting my head, as I could have sworn I heard something through the door.

“Fluttershy, do you hear that?”

Fluttershy cocked an ear as well, frowning slightly as she concentrated.

“It sounds like...chamber music.”

“It does. I’ve heard of listening to music while you work, but never like this.”

I opened the door, but though Rarity was in sight, she wasn’t at her sewing table. She was up on her hind hooves, holding Sweetie Belle’s front hooves, the little unicorn standing unsteadily on her hind legs. It looked a dog owner teaching a puppy to stand up.

“Now, let’s try again, Sweetie Belle. That attempt was much better. You’re making such good progress!”

“You think so, sis?”

“I do. Now, follow my lead. Un-deux-trois, and un-deux-trois. Steady, steady. Good, very good. Un-deux-trois, and twirl! Yes! Marvelous!”

I couldn’t believe it. Rarity was actually teaching Sweetie Belle to dance, just like she said when I first came to the Boutique to be measured for new clothes. I’d actually forgotten that she had promised to. She wasn’t half-bad, either.

“Now, un-duex-trois, and un-deux-finis! Oh, bravo, Sweetie Belle, bravo!”

“Was I really good, Rarity?”

“Darling, you were spectacular!” said Rarity. She clasped her little sister to her chest. “I couldn’t be prouder!”

“You think maybe it’ll help me get my cutie mark?” asked Sweetie Belle, excitedly.

“It just might, my dear, it just might,” said Rarity.

“Yay!” Sweetie Belle squealed, throwing her little forelegs around Rarity. Rarity smiled and stroked her fluffy mane.

Finally, Sweetie Belle looked up and gasped upon seeing me and Fluttershy waiting at the door.

“Hi, Dave! Hi, Fluttershy!”

Rarity gave a start and turned to see us as well.

“My goodness! Dave, Fluttershy, I didn’t realize you’d come in!”

“It’s fine, Rarity,” said Fluttershy. “We didn’t want to interrupt you.”

“That was some amazing hoof-work, Sweetie Belle,” I said.

“Thanks!” said Sweetie Belle. “Just think: now that I can dance, I might be a step closer to getting my cutie mark!”

“Awesome!" I said, before turning to her big sister. "Are you busy, Rarity? Fluttershy and I wanted to see if you could give us some advice on Nightmare Night costumes.”

“Oh, of course! I’d be happy to!” She turned to Sweetie Belle. “That’ll be it for today, Sweetie Belle. Run along and play.”

“Ok! Bye, Dave! Bye, Fluttershy!”

The little filly scampered off upstairs, and Rarity turned to us.

“All right, then, let’s see what we can do.”

“You go first, Fluttershy,” I said.

“No, no,” said Fluttershy, “you can go first.”

“Are you sure? This is a big thing for you, isn’t it?”

“It’s bigger for you, since it’s your first Nightmare Night, period.”

“Aw, well, thanks, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled, and I stepped over to Rarity.

“I’m not really considering going as something scary,” I explained to her. “I’d like to go as a literary character, or at least a famous fictional character.”

“Ah, yes, I see,” said Rarity. “Like Daring Do? Twilight’s told me how keen you are on the series.”

“That would be interesting,” I admitted, “only Daring doesn’t wear any pants, so I don’t know if a human version of her would sport pants or shorts.”

“Good point,” said Rarity. “Goodness knows we can’t have you out and about without pants.”

She stepped around me, looking me over from every angle, rubbing her chin with one hoof. At last, she gasped.

“I-de-a!” she trilled. “I know just the perfect figure for you, my dear!”

“Really? Who?”

“Why, with that tall stature, that clever face, not to mention the way you expertly displayed that smashing ensemble I made for your Canterlot sojourn, I can see you making a fine Sherlock Pones!”

(Oh, criminy, not the pony puns again.)

“Sherlock Pones? I’m gonna take a stab and guess he’s a detective?”

“Only the brightest and most daring of detectives, darling! I’m a proponent for classical literature myself, and while I dabble mostly in stories of the romantic persuasion, a good mystery now and again makes for a wonderful afternoon! Yes, I think you’d make a dazzling Sherlock!”

“I have heard some of the tales of the version we have in my world,” I said. Then, upon a sudden realization, I asked, excitedly, “Would I get to use a soap bubble pipe? I mean, like one of those clay tobacco pipes, only with bubble soap instead? I’ve always wanted to try one of those!”

“Of course!” said Rarity. “What would Sherlock be without his pipe?”

“Yes!” I cheered, pumping my fist. Then, realizing what a doof I was making of myself, I said, “Uh, I mean, sounds great!”

Rarity smiled. “I’ll get started on it as soon as I can. Thankfully, I’m not too swamped this year. Seems many mothers are taking the initiative to make costumes for their foals themselves.”

“Well, that’s good. Take all the time you need, Rarity. You know I’d never want to rush you.”

“Of course, darling. It’ll be ready for you before Nightmare Night. Was there anything else you needed?”

“Nope, that’s- Oh, wait! Do you think you can tell me a little about Nightmare Night? It’s my first time, and, might I add, it’ll also be Fluttershy’s.”

I felt like a used car salesman with a pitch like that, especially as I dragged Fluttershy over for emphasis. She looked like she wanted nothing better than to be kept out of this.

“Is that so?” asked Rarity. “Well, as much as I’d love to help, I’m afraid all I can say is ‘sit back and let the night speak for itself’.”

“Aww, Rarity-”

“I’m sorry, Dave, but you can’t have a proper first impression if the holiday is spoiled for you. I have nothing else to say on the subject.”

“All right, all right,” I said, in a defeated tone. “I’ll see you later, then. You too, Fluttershy.”

“Bye, Dave.”


As I left, I could hear Rarity starting with Fluttershy.

“Now, Fluttershy, dear, when’s the last time you were in for a fitting?”

“Um, probably for the bridesmaid dress you made me.”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. Well, your measurements can’t have changed too much since, so we should be fine. I’m so glad you decided to have a costume this year, because I think I have the perfect match for you...”


Now I just needed to find Twilight. If anypony would be willing to tell me about Nightmare Night, then it would most likely be her.

As I came into the town marketplace, however, I heard something that made me pause.

“Thank you, Miss Zecora! I’ve always appreciated your undying patronage! This is the latest from my Brew-Matic Tonic Concocter!”

The voice, nasally and ‘nerdy’ in tone, was coming from a stallion standing behind a stall littered with little glass bottles. He had a slicked-back brown mane, quite a few pimples, glasses, prominent front teeth, a sparse moustache, and a green bow tie. Standing at the front was a figure swathed in a brown cloak, but the pony’s outburst confirmed that it was indeed Zecora, as I saw her zebra-striped front leg sweep a ruby-red phial into a basket-like saddlebag slung at her side.

“I should thank you, Poindexter, my dear. Your inventive prowess is quite without peer.”

“Oh, shucks, Miss Zecora, you flatter me,” said Poindexter, modestly. “Inventing is as inventing does.”

As Zecora turned to leave, I had a sudden inspiration. She probably knew a lot more about the lore of a spooky holiday than anypony! She might give me the info I was hoping for!

“Hey, Zecora! Wait up!” I called as I ran to her.

Zecora looked up, lowering her hood as I came to a stop.

“Hello, Dave, what’s the rush? What has got your face in a flush?”

“I’m glad I ran into you out here. Now, don’t worry, nopony’s sick this time. It just would have been pretty nasty if I had to try and find your house while blundering through the Everfree Forest.”

“A wise consideration, I agree. Now, is there something you need from me?”

“Yeah, advice. Is there anything you can tell me about the history of Nightmare Night, or anything I need to know before going in? I tried asking Applejack, Bon Bon, and Rarity, but they told me I should go into it with everything a surprise.”

Zecora seemed to mull this over for a moment, then said,

“If those three feel it should be a surprise, then I too find that approach wise.”

I couldn’t believe this! Why did Zecora have to clam up when I needed her for info now?

“Aw, come on, Zecora!” I groaned. “Wouldn’t it be better for me to know what to do for the holiday so I don’t screw anything up?”

“Screw anything up? I doubt you will. All you really need is a want for a thrill.”

I gave a frustrated sigh. I had been hoping to be versed a little more in pony history, so being denied it was not at all comforting. Zecora, however, put a hoof to my shoulder.

“This should not be such a conundrum. Do you have such a holiday where you are from?”

“Well, sure. We call it Halloween. We dress up in costumes and go around collecting and feasting on candy.”

“Then that is all you need to know,” said Zecora. “As for the rest, just enjoy the show.”


“Now, if you’ll excuse me, I must return. I’m finishing a cure for a long-lasting burn.”

Without another word, Zecora walked off, leaving me no wiser, and a little frustrated.

“Would it hurt to at least tell me why Nightmare Moon is hungry for candy?!” I snapped to the empty air.

“Hey, even evil princesses have a sweet tooth,” chuckled Poindexter from behind his stall.

“Oh, shut up,” I grumbled, and headed off to who-knows-where.


My wanderings had brought me right up to Sugarcube Corner, without me even realizing it. As long as I was there, I might as well go in and see Pinkie. It would at least take my mind off the recent disappointment I just experienced. With that in mind, I headed inside.

Mrs. Cake was working the counter while Mr. Cake was giving Pound and Pumpkin a horsey ride, or was it a pony ride? I dunno.

“Hello, Dave!” said Mrs. Cake.

“Hiya, Mrs. Cake. Is Pinkie in?”

“She’s upstairs. I think she’s trying to decide on her costume for Nightmare Night, but I’m sure she’ll be glad to see you.”

“Great. Thanks, Mrs. Cake.”

I pretty much knew the residential part of Sugarcube Corner like the back of my hand by now, so I directly made my way to Pinkie’s bedroom door. Through it, I could hear Pinkie talking.

“I don’t know, Gummy, what do you think? They loved my chicken costume, but how can I top that?...You think so? Will they even get it? Ooh, wait, hang on. I’m feeling a combo coming on. ...Ear flop, tail twitch, back itch.” She gasped. “That means somepony’s at the door!”

I barely had time to jump aside before Pinkie swung the door wide open. Somehow I knew she was going to do that, but I don’t know why.

“Hi, Pinkie.”

“Davie! I wasn’t expecting you today!”

“No? Your Pinkie Sense doesn’t tell you when you’re gonna get a visit from a friend?”

“Nah, it’s only good for the immediate future, not like my fortune-telling.”

Fortune-telling? Pinkie could do that?

“You’re a clairvoyant?” I asked, confused.

“No, silly, I’m a Taurus!” said Pinkie, in an amused voice.

“No, Pinkie, I meant-...You know what, never mind. May I come in?”

“Of course! This used to be your room too, after all!”

Gratified, I stepped inside. Pinkie’s desk was littered with lists of names, some crossed off. Gummy was, well, gumming on one.

“Ooh, you like the taste of that one, Gummy?” Pinkie asked, gently removing it from his mouth. “Hmm, maybe I should pick one from this one.”

“Trying to decide on a Nightmare Night costume?”

“How’d ya guess?”

“I kinda heard you through the door. Did I hear you say you went as a chicken one year?”

“Yep! It was super-fun! But now I don’t know what to go as this year. I have so many ideas!”

“Well, I’ll bet whatever you do come up with, it’s gonna be great.”

“Aw, thanks, Davie. What are you going as?”

“I actually spoke to Rarity earlier, and she thought I’d make a good Sherlock Pones.”

“Ooh, that’s great! You do look like the detective-y type! Have you ever solved a mystery before?”

“Me? Nah, nothing as high-stakes as the stuff in books. I just like hearing and reading about them.”

“Me too! Twilight and I actually solved a mystery on the train once! It was a classic case of capturing the culprit of cake carnage!”

That sentence was so chock full of alliteration that I was half expecting Groucho Marx to pop up and say, “Try saying that three times fast”. However, in the space of time it took for my mind to become un-boggled, a new thought came to me, something to make up for the lack of time I’d spent with Pinkie since she had come back.

“So, Pinkie, I was thinking.”

“Yeah?” asked Pinkie.

“That slumber party you suggested. What do you say to having it tomorrow night?”

Pinkie gasped, her pupils expanding to fill up her eyes. A huge toothy grin spread over her muzzle.

“So, is that a yes?” I asked.

“YYYYYYYYYES!!!” Pinkie squealed, bouncing up and tackling me onto my back. “Oh, Davie, this is gonna be just great! I love-love-love slumber parties! We’ll have popcorn and board games and truth or dare and scary stories and-”

“Whoa, whoa, slow down, pony girl,” I said, putting a hand over her mouth. “I’m glad you’re excited, but let’s take this one step at a time. Now, let’s keep it simple, yeah? I’m thinking you, maybe Rainbow Dash. Who else?”

Pinkie’s reply came muffled, so I removed my hand.

“How about Big Macintosh?”

“Big Macintosh? I never pictured him as the party type, though I guess he does like to bowl.”

“It’d be another guy at the party, besides,” said Pinkie.

“Good point!” I said, catching on. “Smart thinking, Pinkie!”

Pinkie beamed in a way that I could have sworn made a squeaky noise.

“Oh! Oh!” I added, suddenly thinking of something. “I’ve got the perfect idea, Pinks! There’s a friend I’d really like you to meet. I’ll invite her to the slumber party! How’s that sound?”

Pinkie gasped. “A new friend? Somepony I’ve never met before? That sounds super-duperifically fantabulous! I’ll invite Rainbow Dash and Big Mac to your place at 6 tomorrow! How does that sound?”

“I’ll be ready, milady,” I said, making an imitation of doffing a cap.

“Yay!” Pinkie squealed again, bouncing off of me, but she didn’t stop there. She kept bouncing in place as I got back to my feet.

“I know you have your costume to think of, Pinkie,” I said, “but do you want to do lunch with me today?”

“I’d love to!” said Pinkie. “Let’s capital-G-O GO!”

She zipped over and snuggled herself up to my side, under my arm. I glanced down at her, but she just grinned goofily up at me. With an amused shake of the head and a pat on her crazy mane, I walked the two of us out of the room.

“Be good, Gummy!” Pinkie called over her shoulder.

Gummy merely blinked in response, which was as good an answer as any.

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