• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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*Alternate POV* Evening Happenings

The Minister of Foreign Affairs didn’t let it show, but his position would prove tiresome to one not used to what it demanded. One of these things demanded was constant travel wherever duty called. He already had to do deal with taking trips to Ponyville every Monday, but not once did a complaint escape his lips. He was the model of diligence, vigilance, and stoicism.

On that very Friday, as evening was drawing near, Ironmane was on the train once again, having taken it from Canterlot to Manehattan, and now was off for Baltimare. He had just seated himself when a voice he recognized asked,

“Is this seat taken, Minister?”

Ironmane looked up. It was Sure Shot.

“Of course not, Sure Shot,” he said. “Please, be my guest.”

Sure Shot took the seat opposite Ironmane, just as the train began to move.

“What brings you on board?” asked Ironmane.

“There’s a rumor about some gang activity in Las Pegasus, in a quarter where a good buddy of mine lives. Figured I should check it out, make sure nopony’s hurt.”

“Ah, good. Glad to see you’re on top of things.”

“How about you, Minister?”

“I have an engagement in Baltimare that I must attend to. Only got the memo this morning.”

Sure Shot looked thoughtfully at Ironmane’s lined, tired face.

“Minister, haven’t you thought about takin’ it easy? You look beat.”

“Me? Nonsense. My work is never done.”

“Yeah, but a head honcho like you oughta have some other pony who can do your stuff for ya. Even leaders need their sleep.”

“I appreciate the sympathy, Sure Shot, but I’m fine. My agenda hasn’t changed ever since I first took the post. I do have my own staff, of course, but I prefer to take matters into my own hooves for bigger projects.”

“Like our new human friend? I heard from Eagle Eye you’re his babysitter or somethin’.”

Sure Shot chuckled over his own joke, but Ironmane glared at him.

“Babysitter indeed! If you think I enjoy having to watch him, you’re sorely mistaken.”

“Then why do ya do it? Why not let somepony else do it for ya, reduce your workload?”

Ironmane sighed.

“It’s Her Highness’s orders,” he said, stiffly. “She thinks it’ll encourage feelings of good will between the two of us.”

“More like she’s trying to teach ya to have a friend for once,” said Sure Shot.

“I have no-” Ironmane began, but Sure Shot cut him off.

“No time for friends. We’ve heard that before, Minister, no offense,” said Sure Shot.

Ironmane sighed again.

“I have misgivings on allowing him a position so close to the Princess’ ear.”

Sure Shot sobered somewhat at this.

“I getcha, Minister,” he said. “You’re afraid he might do what they did back then.”

“Indeed. I intend to give him the benefit of the doubt, though.”

“Ahh, so you do have a soft spot for the kid,” said Sure Shot, with a grin.

Ironmane said nothing to that.

“And what about Brutus?” Sure Shot went on. “Are you gonna have to play security with him, too?”

“Her Highness commissioned a pair of pegasus guards to check with him every week, see what progress he is making in helping his people see things the pony way.”

“And you really think he’s on the level?” asked Sure Shot.

“Princess Celestia seems to think so. She told me he met with her after the meeting, and that, while a tad gruff, he seemed to possess a strong sense of honor. She said he’s trying to mask his real intentions through a mere desire of payment in gemstones.”

“Heh. Her Majesty’s always been really sharp,” said Sure Shot.

“Of course,” said Ironmane.

The two sat in silence for some time, then Sure Shot said,

“Who are you more worried about, Minister? A human who seems harmless, or a dragon who says he’s doing it for the pay?”

Ironmane stayed silent for a moment or two, then said,

“I want to believe I can trust both of them,” said Ironmane. “I honestly do, Sure Shot. But until I see proof that neither of them is a threat to the kingdom, I must remain vigilant. You must understand.”

“Course I do, Minister,” said Sure Shot, solemnly. “I know all about having to watch my back down a dark alley. Just, try to ease up, and take a day off or somethin’. It would do you good.”

Ironmane said nothing to this, but merely nodded, and the rest of the ride went in silence as the two gazed out over the landscape.


“G’night, Apple Bloom.”

“G’night, Big Mac.”

Apple Bloom had settled down for the night, and Big Mac softly closed the door as he left her room. Just outside, he found himself face to face with Applejack.

“It’s all right, AJ,” he said. “Apple Bloom’s already asleep.”

“Thanks, Big Mac. Ah really dug myself into a trench when that old wagon wheel broke with the last load. Ah appreciate yer help.”

“Think nothin’ of it.”

He seemed to hesitate on the spot, a movement his sister associated with his deep thinking moments.

“What is it?” Applejack asked.

“Ah’ve been thinkin’, AJ,” he began.

“Big Mac, yer always thinkin’,” teased Applejack. “How’s that news?”

“Oh. hush,” Big Mac retorted, though it was accompanied with a noogie to the mare’s head. “What Ah mean to say is, would you object to me startin’ a bowlin’ league?”

“A bowlin’ what?”

“League. Y’know, we meet once a month and have a night out on the lanes.”

“Ah thought you already did that,” said Applejack.

“Yeah, but it ain’t official. Ah mean, me and the guys startin’ up a bona fide bowlin’ team.”

“So, that’d be you, Caramel, Meadow Song, Magnum, and Dave?” asked Applejack.

“Eeyup. ‘Course, it’d have to be on a day where mah workload ain’t as heavy.”

Applejack considered for a moment, then smiled.

“Ah think it’s a swell idea, Big Mac. It means yer gettin’ out more, actually havin’ fun, instead of bein’ stuck here buckin’ trees.” Here, Applejack’s demeanor became more sly. “Or is this about Cheerilee?”

“Ah don’t know what yer talkin’ bout,” said Big Mac, stubbornly.

“Oh, c’mon, now,” said Applejack. “It can’t just be a coincidence that the two of you go bowlin’ on the same nights together. You can tell me.”

“Eenope,” said Big Mac. “‘Sides, even if Ah did have somethin’ to say, which Ah don’t, yer not exactly the best at keepin’ secrets.”

Applejack’s freckled cheeks flushed as red as Big Mac’s coat, but at seeing the smile on her big brother’s face, she relaxed and smiled herself.

“All right, suit yerself,” she said. “Ah’m gonna hit the hay. G’night, Big Mac.”

“G’night, sis.”

The two siblings separated to their own rooms. Big Mac hung up his yoke and stretched out on his bed, almost unconsciously drawing a raggedy-looking doll from under the pillow to rest under his massive forelock. It wasn’t like she was needed back that badly.


The daytime creatures of the Everfree Forest were settling down for the evening, but even if they weren’t quieting, Zecora wouldn’t have noted it. She had stopped letting the noises of the dark forest get to her shortly after she had called the hut within it her home.

At the moment, she was finishing a letter she had placed before her, written in the stylish, but, to the unlearned eye, incomprehensible language of her people. It was a letter to her family back home in Zebrafrica. She took the time to write to them at least once a month, or on holidays. The distance between Equestria and Zebrafrica was daunting to navigators, but not to the carrier bird she had specially trained for these voyages.

At last, she completed her letter, rolled up the parchment it was written on, and gave a particular whistle. With a flutter of wings, a black and white petrel fluttered down from the rafters to rest on her back.

“Tendaji, my feathered friend, the time has come to set out again. Take this letter across the seas, to my family, and they shall be pleased. Fly swift and true, my little dear. Rest if you need to, don’t you fear.”

The petrel took the letter in his beak, flapped his wings, and, after Zecora opened the door, swooped out and up through the canopy of trees out into the open air. She smiled as she watched her feathered friend go out of sight. No matter how long it took Tendaji to make the journey, he never failed to return.

With that done, she returned to her cauldron, where a bubbling bluish liquid was simmering away sluggishly. She wafted the scent to her nostrils and gave a sigh of satisfaction.

“The perfect aroma and perfect hue. The ponies of the spa will love this brew. One drop dripped into a pony’s bath, and their bodies will be free of pain’s wrath.”

Taking a ladle, she took several spoonfuls of the stuff, loading it into clear glass bottles, setting them out for tomorrow. It was too late to make a trip out into Ponyville now. Even she knew it was foolhardy to walk through the forest at night; that was when the more dangerous beasts were on the prowl. Her trip could wait until morning.


“Hmm...no. What if...Ah! Yes, that’s perfect! Now, what about this?”

Moonlight had never felt so active. Spurred on by her new outlook on life, she had decided it was time to stop sitting alone in the gloom of her little house. If she was going to have friends, she was probably going to have house guests, and having house guests warranted a nice-looking house. Therefore, she made herself busy as a bee, going from room to room, dusting, wiping, and rearranging furniture, just as she had done to help Dave get ready for the slumber party.

To be perfectly honest, she never understood why her house had gotten to the way it was. She supposed that she just liked helping other ponies more than doing things for herself. Well, it was better late than never.

She had gone all-out home-makeover, rearranging furniture, changing out the curtains, washing the rug, wiping the windows, etc. Rarity had given her some handy housekeeping tips when she chanced by Carousel Boutique earlier, though the prim mare lost her young customer when she started talking about the intricate art of feng shui. Still, it was enough to get her started, and the moon was already high up by the time she was done.

Not even the most scrutinizing of neat freaks would have complained when they saw the results. Not a speck of dust lay where it once had before. The layout of her living room was cozy, comfy, and modest. Even her little kitchen/dining room looked inviting. No one would have ever guessed that this had been the abode of a former shut-in.

Moonlight sat back in an armchair, exhausted, but happy.

“It was a lot of work,” she said, “but it was worth it. Now I’ll be able to invite ponies over, have some tea, or just chat. But for now, I just need to rest my eyes...for a few...moments...”

Overpowered by fatigue, Moonlight’s eyes closed, and she drifted off into a deep sleep.


This was the part of the day Derpy enjoyed best: everypony home from their busy days, sitting around the dinner table and sharing what the day had brought them. Tonight, it was spaghetti and wheatballs, Scootaloo’s favorite. The fillies were eating with gusto, Dinky’s cheeks already a mess of spaghetti sauce.

“So, Sparkler, how are things at work?”

“Busy as ever,” said Sparkler. “You wouldn’t believe how many couples decided to get married near Hearth’s Warming Eve. They think it’ll be more romantic that way.”

“Well, it is a magical time of the year, after all.”

“Yeah, I suppose. Speaking of,” Sparkler added, a sly look on her face, “how do you keep track, with all of your traveling?”

“Oh, we manage, in the end,” said Derpy. “Like you should manage to finish your spaghetti,” she added, glancing at her daughter’s plate.

“I’m eating, I’m eating,” said Sparkler, innocently, swallowing a forkful.

Dinky giggled.

“And how about my two little muffins?” Derpy asked. “How was your day today?”

“Pretty good,” said Scootaloo. “We got to help Daisy, Lily, and Rose arrange their winter flowers.”

“Well, aren’t we hard little workers?” said Derpy, approvingly.

“We’re so close, Mom!” said Scootaloo. “We’ve nearly hit 200 bits by today!”

“Goodness!” said Derpy. “At this rate, you’ll have what you need for the cart in no time!”

“It’s gonna be the best cart ever, Mama!” said Dinky.

“Our cart’s gonna be a speed demon!” said Scootaloo. “It’s gotta have a cool name!”

“It’s gotta be as cool as Aunty Rainbow Dash!” said Dinky. “We’ll call it the Rainbow Storm!”

“That’s good, Dinky, but I was thinking something along the lines of...the Avenger!” said Scootaloo, drawing out the name with awe-inspired emphasis.

“How about the Rainbow Avenger?” Dinky suggested.

“Ooh, I like that even better! Remember that one!”

“You girls have been really busy this past week,” said Derpy. “And I’ll bet Ponyville is really grateful for everything you’ve been doing around town.”

“Well, it’s like we always say, a Crusader’s work is never done.”

“Except when it’s bedtime,” teased Sparkler.

“Er, yeah, except then,” said Scootaloo.

The rest of the meal passed in relative calm, but as soon as the family had concluded, Dinky sprang up in her seat.

“Well, not even bedtime can stop a Cutie Mark Crusader!” she crowed. “Come on, Scootaloo! We can get some more planning done before bed tonight! We can draw up what the Rainbow Avenger will look like!”

Scootaloo, however, stretched and yawned.

“Nah, Dinky, I’m beat. I think I’m about ready to hit the hay.”

“Aww, who needs sleep? Sleep is for the...the...*yawn*...”

Dinky’s bravado, as well as her eyes, began to droop, as she wavered drowsily over her sauce-splattered plate. Derpy smiled gently and took her under her wing.

“Let’s get you washed up before bed, before you get yourself covered in even more sauce, young lady.”

As she took Dinky upstairs, Scootaloo watched her go, then, when the coast was clear, whispered to Sparkler,

“Thanks for not telling Mom about Berry and Bon Bon.”


One pony was certainly not affected by the growing lateness of the hour, and that one pony was the Great and Powerful Trixie. She was holed up in her caravan, using her magic to create poster after poster featuring the same image: Trixie, reared up on her hind legs, fireworks going off around her. In big, bold letters at the top read the words: The Great and Powerful Trixie Returns! Coming soon to your hometown!

The mare herself was in high spirits. She had never felt this excited in ages. Surely after so long, Equestria was aching to see her return and dazzle them with amazing feats. This time around, however, she’d take care not to mention anything about Ursas Major or Minor. She had already won back the adulation of the ponies in Ponyville, whom, she had to admit, were not so bad. Still, she couldn’t stay tied down like this. It would be selfish of her to deny the rest of Equestria her amazing talents.

“It’s a pity I can’t stay,” she said to herself, rolling up another poster, “but a showpony must do what a showpony must do, and a showpony must travel. Of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t leave the stage without a few more cheers from her fans. I shall give them a final performance worth remembering, a grand exit worthy of such a great and powerful pony!”

She stowed the rolled poster into a basket full of them. Involuntarily, her eyes fell on her dressing cabinet, set right beside said basket. Softly, she opened its doors, where a picture sat pasted to the back wall. One would think, for a pony like Trixie, it would have been the spot for a mirror, but no.

Her bravado seemed to ebb away at the sight of the picture’s subject, and a slight quiver went through her muzzle. However, she took a deep breath and said,

“I did it, my friend...Trixie is back. She just hopes that you would still cheer for her, too.”

She softly closed the doors again, and lay herself on her bunk, where it took some time for her to be able to fully fall asleep.


Trixie was not the only pony to have been engaged in feverish nocturnal activities that night. In a dark, shadowy room, a mysterious figure flitted this way and that, fiddling with something here, something there. There was a kind of fervent energy to its movements.

“Yes...yes...everything is perfect. He’ll have no idea what hit him!”

The figure was speaking in an oddly hushed, throaty voice, one that didn’t seem to suit them. It stooped over and picked something up off the floor. Whatever it was, it writhed and snapped its jaws, like an untamed and famished animal.

“Patience, my pet, patience. You’ll have your time once everything is in place. He won’t even see it coming. Everything has to be perfect. We wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise...”


The lights went on, framing a startled Pinkie Pie holding Gummy in front of her face. Mr. Cake had entered, and had been the perpetrator of the sudden illumination.

“Pinkie Pie, what are you doing?” he asked, befuddled.

“Just planning a surprise party for Davie, Mr. Cake,” said Pinkie, grinning.

“But why were the lights off?”

“Just trying to mix it up a bit!” said Pinkie, sunnily.

Mr. Cake blinked.

“All right, just try not to hurt yourself, ok?”


Mr. Cake closed the door, and Pinkie’s attention snapped immediately back to Gummy.

“Now, where were we?”

Author's Note:

*To celebrate 70 chapters, here's another alternate perspective chapter! =)

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