• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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Hearts and Hooves Day

The next day, Spike came in, lugging a small but bulging bag of bits with him. He plopped it purposefully onto the counter.

“I’ve been saving up for this,” he said. “One Hearts and Hooves Choco-Box Deluxe, please.”

“Coming right up,” I said.

Behind the counter was a small stack of Bon Bon’s Choco-Box Deluxes, specially crafted for the holiday with her Heart-Smart Sweets. It had been a lot bigger, but they’d been purchased like mad over the course of only a couple of days. Caramel had been among those in a scramble for them, buying one for his fiancee, Sassaflash. I grabbed one of these and set it down for Spike.

“Who’s the lucky lady?” I asked, though I felt it was kind of obvious who.

“Rarity,” said Spike, predictably, in a dreamy sort of voice. He added, hastily, “J-Just as a gift from a friend, you know?”

I couldn’t help grinning. Sweetie Belle wasn’t the only one trying to fool me, it seemed.

“Whatever you say, Spike,” I said, as I counted out the cost from Spike’s bag, then handed him back the remainder.

“Thanks, Dave,” he said, and he scurried out of the shop, the box clutched against his chest, and an eager, gleeful look on his face.

“That kid really needs to learn a thing or two about subtlety,” said Lyra, once again popping up at my side.

“Aw, come on,” I said, reasonably. “I think it’s adorable. Still, maybe he’d stand a better chance with someone his own age.”

“You read my mind, my bipedal friend,” said Lyra, winking.

I raised an eyebrow.

“That was your thought too?” I asked. “Really?”

“Of course,” said Lyra, tapping her forehead with her hoof. “My mind works in ways you can’t even imagine, Dave.”

“Which would make reading it all the more terrifying,” quipped Bon Bon from her office.

I couldn’t help snickering. Lyra just stuck her tongue out towards the office door.

Wednesday, February 13


Hearts and Hooves Day dawned clear and cool, and by that, I mean less cold than usual. It felt as though the warmth from the hearts of those celebrating today had somehow got mixed into the atmosphere. Of course, any meteorologist back home would have laughed at the idea, and simply said it was because winter was winding down. Then again, how often did the meteorologists back home sculpt the snowflakes, or shove an errant warm front into place?

That wasn’t the only thing I pondered, however. Remembering what today was made me remember my girlfriend back home, so vividly that I paused in the middle of getting dressed. I could just see Leanne now, in my mind’s eye. She was a head shorter than me, her hair blonde and shoulder length, her face rosy and sweet-natured. She was patient, she was fun-loving, she was hilarious. She always knew how to make me smile, and she never stayed mad at anyone for long. I felt lucky that someone like her loved me, and now…

Even with the letter I had sent to my parents explaining what had happened, asking them to tell her, I wondered what she was up to now. Hopefully, she wasn’t stressing herself out over me, but even so, remembering her now, on today of all days, made my insides clench, and a tear rolled from each eye down my cheeks.

(Someday, sweetie, I’ll show you how wonderful Equestria is. I promise.)


When I arrived at Bon Bon’s, having recovered myself gradually on my way over, and bringing the sheet music to ‘My Special Somepony’ with me, it was to find that a piano, perhaps their own, had been set in a corner of the shop, and there seemed to be a lot more tables and chairs set up. It was nothing to Lyra and Bon Bon themselves, though. They were standing close together at the counter, broad smiles on their faces. It was a little unnerving, to be honest.

“Morning, Dave!” they said, in unison.

“Er, good morning,” I said. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day.”

“You too!” said Lyra.

There was a pause, during which both mares continued to beam at me. None of them seemed about to break the silence, and I was beginning to wonder what the heck was going on. This was the kind of silence that jump scares lived for. I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

“Well, shall, uh, shall we get going, then?”

“Actually, Dave,” said Bon Bon, “there’s something we need to tell you first.”

“We’ve been wanting to for a while, but now seems like the best time, considering,” said Lyra.

I stared at the pair of them. What were they talking about? Bon Bon cleared her throat.

“Lyra and I…”

“Are special someponies!” finished Lyra, throwing a foreleg around Bon Bon and hugging her close.

If I’d been staring before, it was nothing compared to now. My mouth fell open as well, so that I must have looked like the biggest buffoon alive. It took some time for my power of speech to function properly.

“Y...You mean...You...and you...You two are…”

“Mm-hmm,” said Bon Bon, her cheeks going crimson, but she was smiling in a serene way.

“Daww, isn’t she cute when she blushes?” teased Lyra, nuzzling one of those blushing cheeks.

“Lyra!” Bon Bon scolded, though it was marred by the fact that she was giggling.

“How...how long has this been going on?” I asked.

“Ever since Lyra got me over my case of the grumps last month,” said Bon Bon. “After you left, I, well, both of us realized something. We’d been single for so long, looking out for our special someponies, but we’d had them all along. We had each other, sappy as that sounds.”

“So Bonnie and I are a couple,” said Lyra. “Whaddya think, Dave?”

I blinked. This was why they’d been acting so odd lately? The silences, the closeness, the looks exchanged...it all made sense now!

“What do I think?” I asked. “I think that’s great! Congratulations!”

Both smiled at me.

“Thank you, Dave,” said Bon Bon. “As our part-time coworker and dear friend, your support means the world to us.”

“Yeah, man,” said Lyra. “Just don’t feel too weirded out if Bon Buns and I get all lovey-dovey around you.”

I couldn’t suppress a snort of laughter. ‘Bon Buns’?

“Lyra!” Bon Bon chided, her cheeks going red again.

“Oh, shush,” said Lyra. “You didn’t make such a fuss when I first came up with it.”

“That’s because it was just us two at the time,” grumbled Bon Bon.

“Hey, Dave deserves a bit of what he’s got to expect,” said Lyra. “Better than springing it on him out of nowhere.”

Bon Bon’s mouth worked, as though she were holding back on some fiery retort. Lyra, however, looked unfazed. In fact, she kissed Bon Bon right on the cheek. The candy mare’s snout crinkled, looking even more like she was about to explode. I braced myself for the tirade. At last, she sighed.

“Lyra Heartstrings, you’re an insufferable mare-child sometimes,” she said, resignedly.

Lyra looked completely unabashed by this. Then, Bon Bon’s features relaxed into a tender smile as she hugged Lyra.

“But I wouldn’t want you any other way,” she said, kissing her on the cheek in turn.

Even as my body relaxed, knowing no verbal outburst was coming, I still couldn’t believe it. Lyra and Bon Bon were a couple now? Well, they certainly bickered like an old married one all the time, and yet, even I could see just how close they really were. It made me feel warm and happy inside to see them so happy.

“Oh, goodness, look at the time!” said Bon Bon, looking up at the clock on the wall. “We’d better get going! Dave, I don’t want to sound presumptuous, but do you have something ready to play?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said, holding up the sheet music for her to see.

“Wonderful!” she said. “Well, I’m sure everypony will appreciate it.”

“Of course they will, Bonnie Buns,” said Lyra.


“What?” asked Lyra, innocently. “I didn’t say ‘Bon Buns’, did I? I said ‘Bonnie Buns’. Totally different.”

Bon Bon merely sighed and shook her head, her cheeks still scarlet. I went to go put my music at the piano, turning away so as not to show her the amused smile on my face. Even after such a big change, it looked like some things never would change.


The shop was busier than I ever remembered it. However, as the day went on, customers didn’t simply go in, buy, and then head off again. Many couples lingered at the tables, seated either across from each other, so they could gaze into each other’s eyes, or right beside each other, so they could sit with forelegs around each other, their heads resting on their partner’s shoulders. It was very sweet to see, and I kept getting distracted during work because I was watching some mare getting cuddly with her mate. No one in Pinkie’s closest circle of friends was here today, though, not even Rarity or Spike.

Lyra seemed to be even sillier than usual today. Perhaps having finally confessed being in a relationship with her best friend had given her a feeling of freedom. She was cracking jokes, laughing easily, and ribbing Bon Bon more than even I felt was common. However, that same sense of freedom seemed to have relaxed Bon Bon as well, as she was taking Lyra’s behavior much more patiently than before. In fact, she was laughing pretty easily as well, as though both mares had taken a good long gulp of Golden Griffon Wine before work. I didn’t bother much about it, though. They were happy, and their good moods were infectious on me; I was practically all smiles all morning.

Around noon, Bon Bon walked out into the middle of the seating area and cleared her throat. Unfortunately, the chatter of the couples didn’t die down.

“Attention!” she called. “Attention, everypony!”

It was no good. Her voice was drowned out in the buzz of conversation. I was about to go and assist her when Lyra beat me to it. Her horn flared briefly, and she said, in a magically-magnified voice,

Hey, lovebirds! Quiet down for a sec, will ya? Bonnie’s got an announcement!

That did the trick. Everypony looked up. Lyra beamed toothily, apparently pleased with herself.

“Thank you, Lyra,” said Bon Bon.

You’re welcome!

We all cringed. Lyra’s voice was still magnified, and was even louder in the silence. Clapping a hoof to her mouth in surprise, Lyra’s horn flared again, and she said, in her normal tone,

“Sorry ‘bout that.”

Bon Bon rolled her eyes, then addressed the patrons.

“Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony,” she said. “It’s wonderful to see so many of you here, spending the day with your special someponies. I wanted to mark today with a special treat. Our good friend and part-time coworker, Dave, has agreed to play a song for all of you.”

There was an outbreak of applause, all eyes on me. Blushing slightly, I nonetheless smiled and waved.

“So, Dave, if you would, please,” said Bon Bon, gesturing to the piano.

“With pleasure, boss,” I said.

I stepped over to the piano, sat down, and opened up my sheet music. Aware as I was of everypony’s eyes facing me, I nonetheless cracked my knuckles preparatory to playing, then struck a few opening notes.

“This one,” I said, turning to the audience and grinning, “goes out to you ponies who’ve had to earn love the hard way.”

There was a smattering of laughter, and of applause. Taking a deep breath, I started playing, and started singing. As I proceeded, I became aware of the tuneful playing of a lyre, and noticed Lyra sitting beside me, her instrument levitating beside her, a broad grin on her face. She’d decided to join me, and I was more than grateful for that. She also seemed to have found time to read over the song herself, as she lent her voice to the performance as well.

I shall never forget
The day we first met
It sticks rather clear in my mind
I was staring quite deep
You called me a creep
And kicked me in the behind

The audience laughed at this, and Lyra and I smirked at each other.

So perhaps I was daring
To do so much staring
I’m a bold colt, what can I say?
But don’t try to maim me
I mean, can you blame me?
You’re the prettiest I’d seen any day!

At the chorus, I began to sway a little back and forth, soaking in the slower melody of it. Lyra tossed a few roses through the air with her magic, to the surprise and delight of the audience.

(Chorus) My special somepony
Light of my life
Comfort in my darkest times
Reliever of my strife
My special somepony
Closest to my heart
Forever may we be as one
And never may we part

There was a collection of ‘aww’s from the crowd, though I couldn’t turn around to see their expressions. I couldn’t lose focus.

My heart was on fire
I was full of mad desire
To name you the pony for me
Though at first, you rejected
Your staunchness I respected
‘Cuz it helped bring a change in me

I concede, I was crazy
And even I amaze me
At the boneheaded things I would try
All the tricks, all the stunts
That kept me laid up for months
All done just to meet your eye

More chuckles and giggles from the crowd.

Though you scorned and you taunted
I was not to be daunted
I was determined to win your heart
I bought gifts, I sang songs
Pledged to right all my wrongs
But you still wished to keep apart


Here, my playing slowed a bit more, and the tune took on a more sober, somber air, befitting the lyrics that followed.

I was causing you strain
As one day, you made it plain
Exactly what you thought of me
‘You’re obnoxious! You’re loud!
You’re pig-headed and proud!
What good in you can any mare see?’

My heart smote me sore
At your words, and what’s more
I could see the truth in what you said
I thought I’d played my part
By acting from the heart
But I’d been playing a fool instead

There was a pause, as I let the notes and words of this last verse sink in. Silence fell.

Then she said:

Here, Lyra and I returned to the melody of the chorus with new vigor, and the atmosphere changed in an instant.

“My special somepony
It's been the fight of my life
These have been the best of times
Want me as your wife?
My special somepony
Closest to my heart
Forever may we be as one
And never may we part"

As I played out the final notes, and Lyra strummed her lyre for a final time, I crooned, slowly,

Forever may we be as one
And never may we part

Before the last notes died away, the shop became full of wild applause, cheering, and whistling. I turned to look at the patrons. Throughout, I could hear them chuckling or going ‘aww’ at the lyrics, but I hadn’t been able to see what they were up to. Now I could see that several were sitting huddled with their partners, their heads nestled together, clasping hooves, tears in their eyes. One or two were even kissing. Bon Bon merely beamed at the pair of us. Smiling, I stood up to address everypony. Lyra stood up too, bowing to every corner of the shop.

“Thanks, everypony,” I said, and they gradually quieted down. “This is the first Hearts and Hooves Day I’ve ever witnessed, even though we have a similar holiday back where I come from. It really makes me glad to see so much love today, as sappy and sentimental as that might sound. I’m glad to do my part, if it makes this day just a little brighter. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, everypony.”

There was another burst of applause. Lyra winked at me, grinning. I bowed, and made my way back behind the counter to get back to work.


That evening, the three of us closed up shop together. It had been a great day. I’d been asked to play ‘My Special Somepony’ a few more times, partly because some ponies came in that hadn’t been around before, and I was more than happy to oblige. I’d never considered myself the greatest singer in the world, but nopony seemed to mind, nor even drew attention to the fact. Lyra and Bon Bon had been in the best moods I’d seen them in in a long time. Other ponies seemed to have caught on to their new status as a couple, but no verbal remark gave confirmation to this, merely knowing looks.

Bon Bon handed me a bag of bits that, while not as hefty as my weekly stipend, still jangled generously.

“Thanks, Dave,” she said, warmly. “You’ve been a big help this week. I know it wasn’t a full week’s work, but it still means a lot to us.”

“Yeah, thanks, bud,” said Lyra, rearing up and cuffing me on the shoulder.

“I’m just glad to help out,” I said, smiling. “And congratulations again, you two. I just wish I’d realized it sooner.”

“Ahh, don’t blame yourself,” said Lyra. “‘Subtlety’ is my middle name.”

“Then your first name ought to be ‘I-Lack’,” said Bon Bon, dryly.

Lyra merely stuck her tongue out at Bon Bon, who rolled her eyes.

“Oh, wait!” Lyra said, suddenly. “I almost forgot! Here ya go, Dave: a little bonus!”

She handed me a vinyl record. I looked from it to her, puzzled.

“A record?” I asked.

“With you, well, us, singing on it!” said Lyra, proudly.

“Really?” I asked, surprised. “You recorded this while we were playing? I didn’t even notice!”

“That’s just how I roll, my friend,” said Lyra, smirking. “We Heartstrings’ work in ways nopony can fathom.”

“That’s for sure,” said Bon Bon, dryly.

“Wow,” I said, genuinely impressed. “Thanks, Lyra.”

“You’re welcome, buddy. Just don’t be a stranger once Winter Wrap Up’s over, all right?”

“Oh, trust me,” I said, smiling. “Popping in here is at the top of my list of things to do once that time comes.”

Both Bon Bon and Lyra beamed. On that note, we parted, and I made my way back home, the bag tucked away in my pocket, and the record held securely inside my coat, my thoughts preoccupied.

I had begun to wonder what would happen when I finally did get the chance to go home. How could I even begin to describe what I’d been through to my family, to Leanne? What could I share with them about my time here in Equestria? How would they react, knowing I had become a member of a foreign relations council and assisted in establishing ties between ponies and dragons? How would they even take knowing I’d spent so much time among ponies who were as intelligent as humans? Well, one thing was for sure: I’d keep this record for Leanne, as a gift for her when we met again at last.

I also wanted to see as much of Equestria as I could while I was here. Living in Ponyville was very peaceful, but I’d only ventured beyond it to a few other places: Canterlot, Cloudsdale, the Pie farm, and the Crystal Empire. I’d often imagined what it would be like to visit other countries back on Earth, see what they were like. Getting to know my fellow council members, and helping Cranky with his travel brochures, had gotten me interested in what else this kingdom had to offer. I’d have to find time to plan out trips to Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Appleloosa, heck, maybe even the Griffon Kingdom. The possibilities excited me, as much as the future workload for the council, in the wake of the return of the Crystal Empire and the opening of the Brimstone Lounge, intimidated me.

I was jerked out of my thoughts by the sight of my mailbox. It was crammed full of mail, a mass of red and pink. Before doing anything about that, however, I went inside, stowed my earnings and the record safely away, then returned. Gingerly, I opened the lid, half-expecting it all to come shooting out like water from a hose, but all that happened was that one or two slipped out and fell toward the snow. I caught them in time, then began to remove the rest, so that my arms were full of letters, and I was only barely able to get the door open.

Once inside, I laid them out on the kitchen table and leafed through them. I smiled as I realized they were all Hearts and Hooves cards from my female friends. Pinkie’s was the most noticeable, being exceptionally bright and gaudy, and with a cute little poem inside.

He’s 6 feet tall with eyes brown like chocolate
And hair as black as licorice too
He’s helpful and funny, and sweet, just like honey
Who am I talking about? You, that’s who!
Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Davie!
Love, Pinkie Pie”

Smiling, I returned to the pile, and found Moonlight’s within view. It didn’t contain a poem, but it was still very touching.

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day
To the human who helped me weather the storm
You’ve helped me in more ways than I could have dreamed of
And we’ll always be the best of friends
Love, Moonlight

There were also cards from Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Fluttershy, the Hooves family, Lyra, Bon Bon, and my fellow Crusaders, even ones from Zecora (written in rhyme, of course), Screwball (written with the letters of each word swapped about, which took quite a while to decode), even, to my slight surprise, Silver Spoon. Nothing huge, just wishing me a happy Hearts and Hooves Day. It made me wonder if she and Diamond Tiara really were starting to change their attitudes, even though they’d never been hostile or very rude towards me personally. We’d just have to see, I supposed.

Something caught my eye as I was rifling through them all. One of them looked distinctly different: a white card among the sea of red and pink. Pulling it out and opening it up, I discovered that it was an RSVP for Caramel and Sassaflash’s wedding, which was set for September 1st. I knew Caramel said to expect the invitations soon, but I hadn’t figured he’d meant this soon. Well, I made a mental note to reply, next chance I had, that I would be there, and to make a reminder of the big day on my calendar.

I carefully stacked my cards and set them aside in a safe spot. Giving the stack another fond smile, I started to get dinner ready.

Thursday, February 14

Author's Note:

*Special announcement for you musically-inclined bronies out there! I've got a fun little challenge for you. YouTube this song with whatever tune you choose, and for the best one (judged by me), the winner will get an OC cameo within a future chapter! :pinkiehappy:

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