• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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A New Home

In what felt like no time at all, the three of us were on the train back to Ponyville, Canterlot speeding away from us. Neither of the princesses were available to see us off, but it didn’t matter. They couldn’t always hang around when they had other royal duties to attend to.

On the ride back, I looked through Flying With the ‘Bolts. It was Spitfire’s autobiography, detailing her rise to captain from her start as a cadet under the previous captain, Comet Rush. Apparently, at the Wonderbolt Academy, pegasi were put into pairs: lead ponies, the leaders, and wing ponies, their partners. Soarin, the pegasus stallion Rainbow Dash had shown me, had been Spitfire’s wing pony during those days, and the two had been friends and partners ever since. Between the two of them, they shattered several of the Academy’s previous records in storm maneuvering, recovery from spinouts, and cloud-busting, all of which were essential for a group whose job entailed many dangerous and harrowing missions. Comet Rush had been so impressed with Spitfire that, when he eventually retired, she was made captain in his stead, with Soarin as her second-in-command. Included in the biography were accounts of the Best Young Fliers Competition and different accounts of transferring water to Cloudsdale from all over Equestria. The one that caught my eye, obviously, was the one about Ponyville, almost just as Rainbow had described herself.

Spitfire had seen it as another routine tornado procedure, until news of the sickened pegasi came into the open. She admitted she had been slightly impatient as they didn’t immediately get a move on, but she also really admired Rainbow’s tenacity in trying to pull off the twister without all of those pegasi. When told that the credit lay with Fluttershy’s arrival, Spitfire said, in text, that she was impressed, though not sure she was quite Wonderbolt material. What really caught my notice, however, was the lines proceeding that...

‘That Rainbow Dash, though…I’ve got a feeling she’d make a valuable member, if she applies herself just right. I can’t play favorites, so I have to see her skills on the Academy level before I decide if she’s truly Wonderbolt material…’

I smiled as I read that. I wondered if Rainbow Dash had actually read that part. The book was relatively new, only being published this month, and I also wondered if she actually read anything beyond the Daring Do books. I casually flipped to the back cover, which featured a small profile of Spitfire herself, without her Wonderbolt uniform, but dressed in a military officer‘s jacket. She was yellow with orange eyes and a mane that looked like live flames. It was only a bust shot, so I couldn’t see what her cutie mark was, but she certainly looked tough and confident, with that little smirk on her face. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was flames, or a phoenix.

Eventually, the train let out a blast on its whistle and screeched to a halt outside the Ponyville station. Through the window, I could see all of our friends waiting for us: Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, the Crusaders, Derpy, Sparkler, Lyra, and even Spike, who looked sleepy-eyed, but was smiling. He must have been recovering from whatever he was sick with.

There was something else on the platform, too: a turtle wearing what looked like miniature flying goggles and…a propeller? Yeah, I’m not kidding. The thing was wearing a dish strapped to its shell, with a propeller on top. It couldn’t just be some weird chance that it was there on the platform at random. It must’ve belonged to someone, or else it wouldn’t be waiting there. But who did it belong to? I knew Owlowiscious, Winona, Opal, Angel, and Gummy, so could this be Rainbow’s pet? I never thought of her as the kind to want a turtle for a pet; it was an almost absolute contrast. Still, maybe that explained the propeller it was wearing.

We stepped off the train, and were soon surrounded by our excited companions, asking how the trip went, what I thought of Princess Celestia, and if my housing situation had been settled. The Crusaders clambered up onto their sisters’ backs for a better view, Dinky settling on her mother’s. Twilight went over to Spike.

“How are you feeling, #1 Assistant?” she asked, tenderly.

“A lot better,” he said, nasally. He sounded like he had a stuffy nose. “Zecora’s medicines always do the trick, though I’m still a little stuffed-up.” He reared back with a sharp breath, and everyone nearby ducked away, but nothing happened except Spike sneezing. I guess they were expecting him to shoot out flames or something.

“So, how did it go?” asked Lyra.

“To put it briefly,” I said, “the trip was magnificent. Twilight gave me the grand tour of Canterlot-” Twilight beamed. “-Princess Celestia was very gracious, and I have some even more good news.”

The ponies leaned in excitedly to hear.

“The princess has named me an on-call delegate of her Canterlot Round Table, meaning that, when she needs me, I’ll be called to Canterlot to offer my opinions in a group of other foreign relations delegates.”

There were several ‘Ooh’s of appreciative wonder at this description.

“And the other good news is, today, I’ll be heading to town hall to get myself situated in a Ponyville home.”

This was met by a chorus of cheers, and I saw the Crusaders jump down from their perches to hug me around the legs, which drew some laughs and ‘aww’s from those present

“How did things go with Tank?” asked Rainbow to Derpy, while the turtle hovered beside her head.

“Great!” said Derpy. “We let him out to fly every day, and he and the kids have been practically inseparable.”

“Knew I could I count on ya, Derpy,” said Rainbow. She gave the turtle, Tank, a good noogie, making him smile. “Speaking of flying…Scoot!”

“Yes, ma’am!” Scootaloo said, zipping over and saluting.

“At ease, squirt,” said Rainbow. “I hope you’ve been keeping up on your flying.”

“You bet! You wanna see?”

“Let’s head back to your mom’s and see.” She turned to me. “I’ll catch ya later, Dave. Duty calls, y’know?”

“I do,” I said, smiling. “Thanks again for coming along.”

“Anytime. See ya, Twi.”


Rainbow and the Hooves family left the station, heading off toward the western end of town, where the Hooves home lay. As I looked around at the remaining ponies, however, I noticed that one who should have been there…wasn’t.

“Where’s Pinkie?” I asked.

“Not sure,” said Applejack. “She’s been holed up in Sugarcube Corner ever since y’left.”

“We told her you’d be returning in the early afternoon,” said Rarity.

“She might still be wrapped up in her planning,” said Fluttershy.

“I’d better pay her a visit, then,” I said. “I’ve missed her, and can’t just ignore her.”

“Good thinking!” said Lyra, clapping me on the back. “We’ll leave you to get situated, then. Can’t wait to see where you’re gonna live!”

“Me neither,” I admitted. “It’s great to be back, too. Canterlot’s nice, but I wouldn’t trade Ponyville for it any day.”

This earned me a round of warm, appreciative smiles, and we all went our separate ways, except for Twilight and Spike.

“Do you think you can meet me at Town Hall?” I asked the unicorn. “I expect I’ll need your assistance in this.”

“Of course!” said Twilight. “I’ll be there to wait for you. You go find Pinkie.”

“On it.”

I headed for Sugarcube Corner while Twilight and Spike headed back toward the library.


I opened the door to Pinkie’s bedroom softly, and there she was, fast asleep at her writing desk. Gummy was snoozing in his basket. An empty drinking glass and several cupcake wrappers scattered one corner, and a single sheet of parchment lay at one end, thankfully not directly under the silly pony, in case she drooled while she slept. Her cheek was resting on her forelegs, and she was snoring peacefully. I could just see her back hoof twitching as she slept. It warmed my heart to see her so at peace…

I stepped quietly over and looked at the piece of paper. On it was scrawled, in writing I could just make out:

Applejack: Apple family cooking

Rarity: Simple dress (nothing too fancy)

Fluttershy, Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, Davie: Be themselves

Surprise the folks with a visit after cider season

I smiled. Pinkie had toned down her planning ideas after all. It almost made me laugh to see that I was supposed to ‘be myself’. I just hoped that ‘myself’ didn’t give the rock farmers a coronary when they saw me.

I gently shook her shoulder. She shifted in her sleep, but didn’t wake up. I shook her a little harder, and finally, with a yawn, she stretched and looked blearily around, and upon catching sight of me, seemed to wake up fully.

“Davie!” she squealed.

She bounded out of the chair and tackled me, nearly making me fall onto the floor. Thankfully, her bed was nearby, and I was knocked into a sitting position onto it, Pinkie wrapping her forelegs around me tightly, nuzzling me warmly.

“I really missed you,” she said.

“Aw, Pinkie, I missed you too,” I said, hugging her in turn. “I was wondering why you didn’t show up at the station.”

“I’m sorry, Davie, I really meant to, but I fell asleep. I was so exhausted after finally getting my ideas down right.”

“I saw when I came in. Looks pretty tame.”

“Yep! You don’t gotta worry about anything. Just be you!”

She giggled and poked my nose with her hoof.

“Just be me, huh? Well, I’ll be the best me I can be, I suppose.”

Pinkie laughed out loud, then settled against me with a happy sigh. She was the most content I’d seen her ever since this whole family affair started.

“So you plan to try and see them after cider season?”

“Yep! I never miss Applejack’s cider season! Gotta get a prime spot!”

“Well, I’m not sure if I’ll be able to get there that early. I have a fund of bits which I need to put to use today.”

“Ohh, that’s right!” exclaimed Pinkie in realization. “You met Princess Celestia, didn’t you? What did you think of her? What did she think of you? Tell me everything!”

She released me and settled up beside me on the bed, sitting like I did, swinging her hind legs as she waited for my tale to commence, and I told her all about arriving in Canterlot, Twilight showing me around, the Wonderbolt store, seeing Princess Celestia herself, and the meeting that followed. Pinkie was, as always, an attentive listener, though she pursed her lips when Ironmane was brought up. Evidently, she hadn’t forgotten when he had barged into Sugarcube Corner to accost and interview me. Her interest peaked, however, when I described my new position.

“So you’re gonna be a foreign smarty-pants?” she asked.

“You know, Rainbow Dash asked me nearly the exact same thing, only she said egghead.”

Pinkie laughed, and I went on, telling her about our last day in Canterlot, my home allowance, and my plans to meet Twilight at Town Hall soon.

“I’ll go with you!” said Pinkie. “I need to find the others and show them my new plans anyway.”

“Sounds perfect! Let’s go, then.”

I set my hat and cane down on my bed, and Pinkie, grabbing her sheet of plans in her teeth, followed me out the door.


Twilight was as good as her word. She was waiting for us outside of Town Hall, and beamed upon seeing us approach.

“Hi, Pinkie Pie!” she said. “Glad to see you out and about again.”

“Sorry, Twilight. I didn’t want to leave until I got my plans just right,” said Pinkie, her voice muffled from the paper clamped in her mouth. She held it out for Twilight, who gently removed it from her teeth with her magic. Her eyes roved over the piece of parchment, and a pleased smile crossed her face.

“I’m impressed, Pinkie,” she said. “I knew you’d be up to the challenge.” She even giggled. “So you just want us to ‘be ourselves’?”

“Yep! You can do that, right?”

“Oh, I’ll see what I can do,” said Twilight, in a jesting tone. She then turned to me. “Shall we?”

“Lead on, Miss Sparkle.”

Twilight led the three of us into Town Hall, which I had never seen from the inside. On the outside, it was like a single tower spire, conical and pointed in shape. Inside, the same medieval decorating was prevalent: many colorful tapestries depicting different ponies hung from the ceiling. A red carpet led to a small platform, and a curtained doorway further on. There were several curtained balconies around the circular walls, including one over the aforementioned doorway. Inside it, just visible, was the mayor, who was just separating from an aide she had been conversing with. She caught sight of us as we came forward.

“Ah! Twilight Sparkle! Good to see you today! And Pinkie Pie and her human friend, as well! Dave, was it?”

“Yes, ma’am,” I said. “I came over to settle a housing matter. I had a meeting with Princess Celestia yesterday, and she agreed that I should live as a stipendiary. Therefore, I have an allowance of bits here-” I hefted up the bag I had been given before leaving, “-to buy a house in Ponyville.”

“Wonderful!” said the mayor. “A royal stipendiary, even! We hardly see residents connected to the castle, beyond Miss Sparkle and her friends, of course,” she added, giving a nod to Twilight. “Come with me, and we’ll get that squared away.”

She led us through the doorway and down a long corridor, where several doors and staircases branched off. She diverted into one with a sign above it reading: ‘Housing and Real Estate’. Behind a desk sat a brown unicorn stallion with a neatly-parted black mane and a bushy mustache. The name ‘Deeds’ was written on a plaque on it. He was writing something on an official-looking document, but looked up as we entered.

“Ah! Mayor Mare,” he said. “I was just finishing up the report for Miss Merry Weather’s estate.”

“Good, Deeds,” said the mayor. “I have another assignment for you, however. May I introduce Mr. Dave.”

I stepped inside, and he gazed up at me in surprise.

“Ah!” he said. “The Ponyvillian human! Good to meet you, sir.”

“Likewise,” I said, out of general politeness.

“Dave, this is Deeds,” said the mayor. “He handles housing and real estate matters. Deeds, Dave has been invited to stay in Ponyville under a royal stipend, and has an allowance with which to buy a home.”

“Excellent!” said Deeds. “Have a seat, Mr. Dave, and we’ll get started.”

I took a chair in front of his desk, Twilight and Pinkie standing by.

“So!” said Deeds, putting on a pair of spectacles with his unicorn magic and looking at me steadily, “Do you have any idea of what you’re looking for?”

“Well,” I said, somewhat hesitantly, “I was hoping for an in-town home, preferably near Sugarcube Corner.”

I glanced at Pinkie as I said this, and saw her face split into a hopeful smile.

“Of course, it all depends on how far my bits can take me,” I said, handing the bag over to him. “I was never told how much was in here.”

Deeds opened it and scrutinized the contents closely.

“Hmm…” he muttered. He then turned to the mayor. “Miss Mayor, could I trouble you to fetch Coin Counter for me?”

“Certainly,” said the mayor, and she trotted off.

“He’s one of Ponyville’s leading bankers,” explained Deeds. “Never makes a miscalculation.”

The mayor turned returned moments later with a stiff-looking, pale-green unicorn with a neatly-combed orange mane. His cutie mark resembled a calculator, the readout full of dollar signs.

“We need an accurate count of these bits, Coin Counter,” said Deeds, handing the bag to him.

Coin Counter looked into the bag with a thoughtful, concentrated expression. His horn flared a brilliant gold, and I saw the inside of the bag glow the same color as well. He nodded, set the bag down, and muttered into Deeds’ ear.

“I see,” he said. “Thank you, Coin Counter. That’s all we needed of you.”

Coin Counter bowed himself out of the room. Deeds leaned his elbows on the desk, hooves together.

“Tell me, Mr. Dave,” said Deeds, “is all of this meant to go towards a house?”

“Well, I don’t really know how much a house is worth,” I said, tentatively. “If I had some left over, I was going to use it towards some basic furniture, like a bed or something.”

“I see,” said Deeds, meditatively. “Well, I have good news and bad news.”

“Better give me the bad news first, then,” I said, bracing myself for the worst.

“Unfortunately, the allowance you’ve been given isn’t sufficient to purchase a home in the middle of town and provide for basic furniture. At any rate, those in the main part of town, such as near Sugarcube Corner, are already bought up.”

“Oh. I see,” I said, a faint sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I looked at Pinkie again, and saw the disappointment on her face. Poor girl…

“The good news is,” Deeds went on, “that there are some available houses near the outskirts of Ponyville; well within your price range, leaving you with some left over for furniture affairs. Let me show you.”

He opened a drawer with his magic and drew out a map with several houses marked with red circles. The legend detailed that these circles indicated vacant houses. Nearly all of them, indeed, were at the eastern or western ends of Ponyville, near the outskirts. Those that were occupied were named with whoever was the occupant. I pored over the map to look at the available houses, when I saw something that made me give out an involuntary cry of joy.

“See something you like?” asked Deeds, curious.

“I’d like to take a look at this one, sir,” I said, pointing to one near the Ponyville border. It was only a mile or so away from Sweet Apple Acres, but that wasn’t what drew my notice. It was situated by a small wood, where a single house stood, and under it read the names ‘Hooves’.

Derpy’s home! Moreover, it was near the same wood where Trixie was hiding. I could visit her easily as often as I wanted!

Deeds looked pleased.

“That house has been vacant for a little more than six months now,” said Deeds. “Ponies these days seem to prefer living within the hubbub of the inner town, but it’s a beautiful spot.”

I glanced at the map again. It wasn’t too far from Sugarcube Corner, seeing as Ponyville was a relatively small village. Pinkie could still see me whenever she wanted.

As I looked, however, I noticed something odd. The house next to the one I had chosen wasn’t marked with a red circle, so someone lived there, but there was no name for the resident.

“Mr. Deeds?” I asked.


“This house here, right next door,” I said, pointing it out. “It’s marked as being occupied, but there’s no name for who lives there.”

“Ah, yes, that,” said the mayor. “That’s a very unusual case. The pony who lives next door just moved in about a month or two ago. Shy, delicate creature, never gave us a name when she came in.”

“None at all?…” I asked, stunned.”Weird...”

“I quite agree,” said Deeds, “but we haven’t tried to pry into the matter, as it wouldn’t be right. Are you still interested in seeing the home?”

“Of course!” I said, more brightly.

“Excellent! Let’s take a look at the home, shall we?”

“Yes, please!”


“Well, what do you think?”

So far, I had only seen the interior of a few Ponyville dwellings, and the only one remotely similar to this had been Derpy’s. It was a two-story thatched roof house, two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen with the fixings already in place (an oven, a fridge, etc.), a living room, and a balcony. It was more than I needed, but I could really put it to good use. Everything was clean, tidy, ready for someone to call it their own.

“…It’s perfect,” I breathed.

“It’s a little roomy for one,” said Deeds, “but if you feel the need for company, you could always get a roommate.”

“It’s definitely something to consider,” I said, still looking about. “But how much is it?”

“Do I take that as a yes, then?” asked Deeds, smiling.

“Well, what do you girls think?” I asked, turning to Twilight and Pinkie.

“I like it,” said Twilight. “It’s very cozy.”

“And I guess it’s not too far from Sugarcube Corner,” Pinkie reasoned. “You should definitely buy it, Davie!”

“I guess that’s a yes, then!” I said.

“Magnificent!” said Deeds, elated. “Let’s head back to the office and make it official!”

I felt a warm wave of satisfaction surge through my veins as I stepped out with Deeds and my friends. My own house…I was getting my own house…I just couldn’t believe it’d be in Equestria…


That feeling of satisfaction and elation persisted as I once again added my John Hancock to another piece of official documentation. I’m pretty sure it would be a lot more complicated back home on Earth, but who was I to argue with how they did things here?

“Good, good!” said Deeds. “Now, I’ve taken the liberty of having Coin Counter deduct the amount of the house from what was allotted to you. There’s still some left, though I daresay that’s how it always feels when you have so many bits to burn, eh?” He chuckled.

“Yeah, I guess so,” I said, smiling.

Coin Counter returned, placing the bag with my home allowance onto the desk. Deeds was right; it was considerably lighter than before, though there was still a nice jingle of gold from within.

“My man,” said Deeds, extending a hoof, which I shook, “congratulations! This is a red-letter day for you! Miss Mayor!”

The mayor reappeared in the doorway.

“Yes, Deeds, how did it go?” she asked.

“I’m pleased to say,” he said, “that Ponyville has just received its newest resident!”

“Wonderful!” said the mayor, smiling broadly. “Mr. Dave, I’ve said it when you first arrived, and I’ll say it now: welcome to Ponyville!”

“Thank you very much, Miss Mayor,” I said, gratefully, though, truth be told, I was a little dazed. I had just taken one of the biggest steps of my life: purchasing my first home. There was a tingling in my limbs that, while not unpleasant, was noticeable. “And thank you, Mr. Deeds.”

“You’re very welcome, my man,” said Deeds, still smiling beneath his mustache. “Enjoy your new home.”

“I certainly will,” I said, and, numbly getting to my feet, I stepped out of the office after Twilight and Pinkie, the latter bouncing excitedly.


“This is just fan-fan-FANTASTIC!” shouted Pinkie, still bouncing. “You know what this calls for?”

“A party?” Twilight and I asked, at the same time.

“How’d you know?” asked Pinkie, grinning.

“Lucky guess,” said Twilight, glancing at me with a smile.

“And would it happen to be a ‘Davie-Now-Has-His-Own-House’ party?” I asked.

“It’s like you can read my mind!” gasped Pinkie, astonished.

(I hope not, I thought. Sometimes I worry about what goes through your mind…)

“So, what’s next?” Twilight asked.

This was answered by an enormous gurgling rumble that emanated from not just me, but Pinkie. I’d forgotten that, after we got off the train, I hadn’t had a chance to grab lunch.

“I guess that answer’s that for me,” she said, giggling. “Come on, let’s go get something to eat, and then we’ll see about getting you a bed.”


This proved much easier than I had thought. After lunch, we dropped by a store called Beds & Parchment, which turned out to be a sister store to Quills & Sofas across the way. In fact, both stores were run be a pair of brothers; Mr. Davenport ran Quills & Sofas, while Mr. Cot ran Beds & Parchment. Funny how these enterprises work sometimes.

While Twilight busied herself in finding some new parchment (she had been running low after a vigorous bout of note-taking before our trip), I was shown around the selection of beds by Mr. Cot, eventually finding one much to my liking: a long twin-size, perfect for my lofty stature, complete with the mattress, a set of sheets, and a simple headboard.

“How long will it take to ship?” I asked. “Does today being Sunday affect that?”

“Not at all!” said Mr. Cot. “Beds & Parchment offers same-day delivery for just 10 bits extra.”

I rifled around in my allowance bag. In counting up the bits I had remaining, I had just enough to buy this bed, with about 10 bits remaining, as well as the amount I still had in my pocket, about half of which I had spent during our stay in Canterlot. It would be meager, but I should still be able to buy some food with it. Other furniture would come later.

“I’ll take it,” I said.

Mr. Cot looked very pleased, and assured me that it would be at my door before sunset. With that done, I gathered up Pinkie, who had spent her time bouncing on mattresses, and rejoined Twilight, who now had a bundle of purchased parchment held in her unicorn magic, and we left the store.

“How are you feeling?” asked Twilight.

“Very accomplished, Twi,” I said.

“Well, we did get a lot done today, didn’t we?” went on Twilight. “A new house, a new bed. I’d think you’d be exhausted.”

“I could use a nap, yeah.”

“You go ahead then, Davie,” said Pinkie. “I need to find the others and tell them my new plans.”

“Ok. I’ll see you later, then.”

With a bigger smile than normal, as if something was brewing in her silly mind, Pinkie bounced off, leaving Twilight and me by ourselves. I knelt in front of her.

“Listen, Twi,” I said, “none of this would have been possible without your help, and not merely because of your connection with the Princess, though that did help. You’re an amazing friend, and I’m never, ever going to forget what you did to help me this weekend.”

Twilight smiled glowingly.

“You don’t have to thank me, Dave. I was more than happy to help. I’m glad we were able to get you situated, and I really do hope you’ll enjoy staying now that you’re in a more official residential position. I think Ponyville will really suit you fine.”

I gave her a close hug, which she returned. I had meant every word of what I said. I would never forget what she had done for me, nor what any of the others had done for me…I was lucky to have them by my side…

Finally, the two of us separated, Twilight for the library, me to Sugarcube Corner. I had time for a ‘Hello’ to the Cakes, who welcomed me back, before I went up to Pinkie’s room and collapsed onto my bed, dozing off for a nap.


I was awakened by a vigorous shaking, and looked up to see Pinkie looking down at me. There was an unusually sad expression on her face.

“Pinkie? What’s the matter?” I asked, sitting up and yawning.

“I just remembered something, Davie,” she said. “Cider season starts tomorrow, and I don’t want to keep everypony up late with a party so that they’ll miss it. I promise, though, I’ll give you a super-fantabulous party after all of this busy-busy-busy-ness is over and done with.”

“Really, Pinkie, it’s not that big a deal-” I began.

“But it’s more than that,” said Pinkie, putting her hooves to my shoulders. “I usually camp out for cider season so I don’t miss it. I promised myself that I’d limit myself to one mug this time, so you and Dashie and Twilight won’t miss out, but I won’t be sleeping in my room tonight, and when your bed arrives, you’re going to want to sleep in your new house…”

Her ears drooped, and I could see tears in her eyes.

Oh, Pinkie…I understood. She was sad that we wouldn’t be able to share one last night as roommates before I moved out. It really hurt my heart to think that she was taking this like a baby bird leaving its nest. While it might have been a little dramatic, it also touched me that she had that kind of care for me…

“Pinkie, come here…” I soothed, opening my arms to her.

She collapsed into them, and I held her against my shoulder, softly stroking her mane while she sniffled.

“It’s not like I’m leaving you altogether,” I said. “I’ll still be in the neighborhood, and you’re welcome to visit me anytime. I’ll always be happy to see you.”

Pinkie sniffled again and wiped her nose with her hoof. “You will?”

“Of course I will. You’re the first friend I ever made here. Do you really think I’d forget you that easily?”

Pinkie couldn’t help it; she smiled.

“I guess I am being a little silly, aren’t I?”

“Not at all. I’m gonna miss being with you, too. You made for a fun roommate. More than that, you were the one to give me a temporary home in the first place. I may owe Twilight for helping me get a new home, but I owe you for my survival in Ponyville up to this point. You’re my best pony pal, Pinkie.”

The tears started up anew, and she leaned up and kissed my forehead, before resting her cheek against mine, nuzzling me. I held her in my arms as I had the night I came back from the Everfree Forest, comforting her like a parent would comfort a frightened child. I knew she was sad to see me go, but I also knew that she really was truly happy for me. Nothing would ever make me forget everything she had done for me…

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