• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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First Day of Winter

“Whew! I haven’t had this much fun since...well, since Pinkie’s last party.”

It was drawing near to sunset by the time the party wound down. Everypony had had their fill of pizza, and the foals were beginning to get tired. The adrenaline that had boosted them through the race was beginning to wear down. The bigger eaters, like Pinkie and Lyra, were finishing the leftovers, while the kids gathered up their carts and began wheeling them home with their families. I stuck around to help Scootaloo fix the damaged wheel on the Rainbow Avenger, while what looked like a tow wagon picked up the Platinum Panther for Diamond Tiara. Must have been included in the package for building the thing.

“Hey, Dave!”

I looked up from my work to see Big Macintosh striding over with Magnum, Pearl, Cheerilee, Bon Bon, and Lyra (who was licking sauce off her own face). Sweetie Belle was conked out and laying across Pearl’s back.

“Hey, Big Mac. What’s up?”

“Ah just had a talk with Cheerilee about the bowlin’ league idea.”


“I think it’s a great idea!” said Cheerilee. “We’re in for sure!”

“All right! So, do we have a set date?”

“We were thinkin’ every first Tuesday of the month. That sound good to you?”

“Sounds great! Feels like Tuesday’s always a bowling day. Dunno if that’s just me, but I’m for it! Does Screwball know? I probably should have brought it up when I was helping her out at her house.”

“We’ll make sure she knows, don’t worry,” said Bon Bon. “She’s a frequent customer at the shop.”

“Is she?”

“Yeah,” said Lyra. “Bonnie always keeps a box of chocolate-dipped black licorice ready for her. It’s her favorite, but, personally, blech!”

“Oh, as if it’s nothing like your peanut butter gummy worms,” said Bon Bon, sarcastically.

“They will catch on, Bonnie, and then we’ll see who has the last laugh!” said Lyra, as if this was war.

“Anyways, next Tuesday,” said Big Mac, “we’re gettin’ our game on.”

“Next Tuesday?” I asked, puzzled, before realization dawned on me. “Oh yeah! That’s right! Tomorrow’s the first of December! I never even realized!”

“Which means you’d better bundle up,” came a voice over our heads.

We looked up to see Rainbow Dash chilling on a cloud, just floating there like a balloon with its string grounded. Fluttershy was floating beside her.

“First snowfall of the year, first order of the day on the weather team,” the Technicolor mare said.

“That’s why I make sure my animal friends are in bed early for hibernation,” said Fluttershy.

“Oh, really?” I asked. “Well, Rarity said she was going to make me a winter coat. I don’t wanna rush her, but hopefully she’s gotten around to it. This jacket’s fine for cooler weather like this, but I doubt it’ll hold up to snow weather.”

“As convenient as that would be,” came another familiar voice, “I’m afraid I haven’t discovered the spell for magic insulation. However, here it is, darling!”

Rarity trotted up, holding a bulky coat in her unicorn’s aura. It was navy-blue, with a hood attached to the collar. There was even a pair of large black boots to go with it, and a pair of gloves hanging from one of the pockets.

“Oh, wow!” I said, accepting the coat. “Thanks, Rarity!”

“Any time, dear. That should keep you snug and warm for the winter.”

“Hey, not bad, honey,” said Magnum. “We oughta swing by the boutique more often. We’re missing out on seein’ some great duds!”

“Er, yes, that would be delightful, Father,” said Rarity, with a rather fixed smile.

Something told me she didn’t like hearing her clothes being called ‘duds’.

“Well, we’d better get moseyin’,” said Pearl. “See you at the alley, Dave!”

“So long, guys! Lookin’ forward to it!”

“Good night, darling,” said Rarity. “I do hope the coat suits you well.’

“I’m sure it well. Good night, Rarity.”

The fashionista and the bowling ponies departed from the stadium, followed soon after by Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Granny Smith, who bid Fluttershy, Rainbow and me good night. Not too long after, Pinkie bounced past, still chipper and bouncy after downing so much leftover pizza.

“Enjoy your feast, Pinkie?” I asked.

“You bet! Leave no slice behind, that’s the Pie Pizza way!”

“Pie Pizza? Don’t you mean Pizza Pie?”

Pinkie giggled.

“Silly! There’s nopony in my family named ‘Pizza’! That’d be just kooky!”

(This coming from a pony who made a weapon that spews party decorations.)

“I’m gonna head back to the Corner. G’night, Davie, and don’t let the snowflakes bite!”

“Good night, you silly pony,” I replied, as Pinkie bounced away.

“Beep beep!”

Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and I turned to see the Rainbow Avenger rolling up, Dinky sitting in the driver’s seat and playing with the steering wheel as her mother and sisters pushed it along. She looked like she was having the time of her life.

“Looks like I’m gonna have a side-project this winter,” said Scootaloo. “Making the tires weather-resistant so I can drive through snow! It’ll be awesome!”

“I think you’d need a snow plow for that,” I said.

“Ugh, that’d just make it look ugly,” said Scoot, disgustedly. “Well, at least I’ve got my wings to get me around now.”

“Does that mean you’re going to be retiring your scooter?”

“Heck no! Can you imagine what sorts of awesome new tricks I can pull off now that I can fly? I’m gonna be busier than ever practicing! Besides,” she added, in something like a fond tone, “it’s like an old friend. I can’t just put it to the side.”

“Now that’s the kind of loyalty talk I like to hear, squirt!” said Rainbow. “I never gave up any of my old toys from when I was your age.”

“Ohh, like your old Wonderbolt plushie?” Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash’s face turned brick red.

“How do you know about-?!” she began swiftly, making Fluttershy wince, but then seemed to steel herself and said, after clearing her throat, “I mean, no idea what you’re talking about, Fluttershy.”

“Oh, come on, Dash,” said Derpy, with a smile, “everypony at flight camp knew how much you loved that little thing. You were about as good at hiding it as Twilight is at hiding a lecture.”

Rainbow fumed, her ears going flat.

“Oh, Rainbow, it’s nothing to feel bad about,” said Fluttershy, patting her back. “I think it’s sweet that you’re holding onto a toy you loved so much.”

“Well, it’s not like I sleep with it!” Rainbow snapped.

Fluttershy blinked.

“I never said you did,” she said, puzzled.

Rainbow’s cheeks reddened again.

“Er, well, I don’t! So there! I better get going. Lots of snow to plan for tomorrow. Later, guys, and congrats again, Scoot.”

Even in the midst of her recent embarrassment attack, she managed to throw a wink in Scootaloo’s direction, earning a big smile from her little fan. With that, she took off so quickly that the cloud broke apart and vanished.

“Do you want any help wheeling that back home?” I asked Derpy and the girls.

“Why, thank you for offering!” said Derpy. “If it’s all right with you, that is.”

“Sure! Fluttershy, I’ll see you later, all right?”

“Ok. Good night, everypony!’

As Fluttershy flitted off at her own pace, I helped wheel the Rainbow Avenger to the Hooves’ household, while Dinky continued to play around in the front seat, as if she were in her own derby.


I awoke in the middle of the night with a sudden start. I had just had a very strange dream.

I dreamed I was standing out in the middle of the derby race track, when something zipped past me. Before I could look to see what it was, something else went past at the same speed. At last, looking further on, I could make out several large, blurred shapes zipping around, chasing after something smaller. The smaller blurb turned out to be Scootaloo, flying as fast as her wings could carry her, and the larger things were winged dragons, each with one of the racers from the derby riding it like a mount. Diamond Tiara was at the head, commanding a white and pink dragon that more than made up for its girly coloring with the meanest-looking face and the biggest jaws. Mounted on its forehead, like a crown, was what looked like a bobblehead you’d find in someone’s car. But then, why did it look like Princess Cadence?

Several times, the dragon came dangerously close to biting Scootaloo’s tail off, but she kept a steady lead ahead of the whole pack. Unfortunately, the gap between them was getting smaller and smaller. It looked like only a matter of time before the little filly would become dragon chow…

And then, quite suddenly, Scootaloo whipped around to face the oncoming horde of scales and claws. She put her hooves behind her back, and from out of nowhere, pulled out a wheatball that was at least 4 times as big as she was. The sheer ease with which she balanced it on her hoof was incredible. Still hovering in motion, she pulled it back and lobbed it, like a bowling ball, at the dragons.


The wheatball struck the beasts and...made them explode into countless bowling pins. Diamond Tiara and the other racers plummeted to the ground, but Scootaloo zipped toward them, catching them all one by one before they hit the ground. She set them all down on the ground and floated above them as they chanted, “Scootaloo! Scootaloo!” Diamond Tiara, however, slunk off, looking very sulky. Then, she jumped inside of a blue box, that seemed to have popped up out of the ground, and vanished.

And that was when I’d woken up.

It had reminded me of the ‘Candyland’ dream I’d had weeks ago, in both its randomness and surreal nature. It was probably the result of too much pizza. As I lay back down, it occurred to me that Pinkie ate worse stuff than I did. What did she do when she had nightmares? Were they any weirder than her natural dreams? Princess Luna visited dreams during the night, but what did she do whenever she entered a Pinkie dream?

Thinking about these sorts of things helped tire my brain back down and ease me back into sleep, where the remainder of my dreams became routine and undisturbed.


When I woke up again, it was morning, and yet a very cold morning. I’d kept the window closed last night, and yet it was still chilly inside, as if there were a very bad draft. Not to mention, the window itself was almost completely white. Crossing over, I took a wipe at it, and sure enough, it was just misted. I wiped a clear patch away and peered out.

The entire landscape was covered in a thick blanket of snow, and big flakes were still falling from the sky. Rainbow Dash hadn’t been kidding when she said ‘first thing in the morning’. It made me wonder how early pegasi had to get up for such heavy-duty weather jobs.

I went to go get dressed and put on my new winter coat. I just had to head outside and take a look. It was as if seeing all that snow had ignited the little kid in me. Where I had originally grown up, snow was a common thing in winter time, but after moving further south, it just wasn’t thinkable anymore. Now, it was as if I was back in my old home (the home before my current home back home, that is.)

At last, fully-clothed and booted, I stepped outside, the snow crunching away beneath my feet. It must have been a foot deep at least. Looking out, I caught sight of Ponyville. All of its rooftops were frosted with a layer of snow. Even from this distance, it looked like something out of a Christmas card. Or, would that be ‘Hearth’s Warming’ card?

I could see that my mailbox was slightly ajar. Wading over to it, I found that my newspaper had been stashed inside it. Scootaloo must have had the forethought to put it in so it wouldn’t get buried under the snow. Smart kid.

I must have been the only one out at that time. Everypony else was probably still snug and warm in their beds. They were definitely wiser than me, stepping out into an icy, chilly morning as if I actually had an agenda. With the derby over, there was nothing to schedule or make plans for. Remembering what Twilight had said about setting monthly goals, I started to ponder what I could do for a goal in December, as I grabbed my mail and headed back inside.

As I heated up some hot cocoa and toast for breakfast, I leafed through what I’d gotten for today. Besides the paper, there were a few other things, like an advertisement for Club Scratch, Vinyl’s DJ venue, which said there was going to be a special dance night on Hearth’s Warming Eve, called the ‘Hearth’s Warming Wub-stravaganza’, with a special encore on Hearth's Warming Day. It depicted a headshot of Vinyl wearing her glasses and a Santa hat. So, did that mean Equestria had a Santa figure too? Funny how I never thought of that during the Q&A.

There was also another official-looking envelope from Ironmane. As I suspected, it was another workbook, and the instructions were crisp and to-the-point.

As the winter season is upon us, your next assignment shall test your knowledge on natives and non-natives of Equestria who come from differing climates. Using the compendium I gave you during your first assignment, along with the reference notes included with the text you have just received, compare and contrast those who come from warmer climates, and those who come from colder. Include details as to how their habitats affect their habits and cultures.

So Ironmane wanted to play geography teacher with me? Fair enough. I wasn’t a genius when it came to that, but I took at least some interest in it. Maybe Twilight could offer some pointers about it.

The last thing was a letter, or...was it an envelope? The address was written on a folded piece of paper, and the letter itself was written on an envelope, front and back. There was no return address, or at least not a name within it, but it wasn’t difficult to assume that it came from Screwball. The letter, er, envelope only got even more mystifying, because the message was written backwards!

,evaD raeD
.noitaicerppa ym wohs ot gnihtemos elttil a uoy dnes ot detnaw I os ,dneirf ym eb ot tnaw ot dnik yrev neeb ev’uoY .meht rof kniht I tahw etirw tsael ta nac I tub ,em ot gniklat era seinop nehw sdrow dnif ot em rof ysae ton s’tI .llew gniod er’uoy epoh I
!noos niaga uoy ees ot epoH

Now that was a sure-enough sign that this was Screwball’s, er, hoof-diwork? I took the message into the bathroom and held it up to the mirror to decode it. Here was what it really said:

Dear Dave,
I hope you’re doing well. It’s not easy for me to find words when ponies are talking to me, but I can at least write what I think for them. You’ve been very kind to want to be my friend, so I wanted to send you a little something to show my appreciation.
Hope to see you again soon!

There was another piece of paper tucked away in the envelope, so I drew it out and unfolded it as I returned to the living room. I was amazed: it was a full-color sketch drawing of myself and Screwball together. The details were astonishing, with shading and everything. She was quite the artistic talent for somepony so...out there. Down below were written three words: ‘My Human Friend’. A smile came over my face. Screwball had such a sweet heart beneath all the oddities and peculiarities. To make me such a nice little gift…

Wait a minute.



Aha! I had it!

I knew what I could do for the month!

I would find and buy gifts for all of my closest friends!

In a rush of excitement, I hurried to the calendar, flipped it over to December, and scribbled, on the little box marked for Hearth’s Warming Eve, the 25th,

‘Goal: Gifts for friends’

As soon as I’d finished writing it, however, I began to realize just what an endeavor that was going to be. I’d grown to accumulate many friends just by hanging around with Pinkie. That wasn’t so surprising, as she was a magnet for company. However, a lot of friends meant a lot of gifts, and a lot of gifts meant a lot of bits. What I earned from my stipend couldn’t be splurged on frivolous things like Hearth’s Warming gifts; that was what I needed to save for groceries and other needs.

There was only one recourse to take in this situation.

I’d have to get a part-time job somewhere in Ponyville. Again.

The only question was, where?

As far as I could see, there were several options I could choose from. There was Sparkler’s jewelry, but I’d had a hard enough time with that already. Berry’s? Probably not. I might have better luck with the library; I’d spent a lot of my time at the one back home shelving books as volunteer work. I could even probably find some work at Bon Bon’s or Sugarcube Corner. It’d be nice, and maybe even a little fun, to work alongside the sweet chocolatier and her nutty unicorn friend. Then again, working at the Corner might allow me to work with Pinkie, and I could hazard a guess at how much she’d love that idea.

As I sat and pondered, there came a knock at the door. I went to answer it, and found Moonlight standing outside. She was dressed in a cap and scarf that were the dark blue of an evening sky.

“Hi, Dave!”

“Morning, Moonlight. What brings you around here?”

“I woke up and saw the snow outside, and it got me all excited! I went to go play around in it, but then it got too chilly for me.”

Small wonder, when all she was wearing was a scarf and hat.

“I then figured, since I was already out and about, that I’d come see you. Maybe we could catch up on the next Daring Do book together.”

“You know, Moonlight, your timing’s actually perfect. I’ve got some hot cocoa brewing, should be ready soon. We can read The Staff of Star Swirl over a hot mug, you and me. How’s that sound?”

“Wonderful!” said Moonlight.

“Come on in and make yourself cozy.”

Moonlight shook the snow from her hooves and trotted inside, setting herself up on the sofa while I tended to the cocoa. I returned to my guest with two hot mugs of the stuff, then went to grab the book and a blanket. I handed the latter to her, and she gratefully bundled up in it. As I sat down, she settled herself snugly at my side, and we opened the book between us.

Thursday, December 1

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