• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

  • ...

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Rarity Works Her Magic

By the time I reached Carousel Boutique, it was five past 2, and there was a sign on the door, written in fancy cursive:

Out. Will Return Shortly. -Rarity’,

I felt a bit awkward at having arrived when she would be out, especially when we'd agreed on the time already, but maybe she had something come up unexpectedly. I'd just have to wait it out. I took a seat on the doorstep and looked about at the ponies passing by. One or two were ones that had attended the party, so they said hello in passing.

It had never occurred to me before, but now it struck me as something odd that most of the ponies in Ponyville seemed to be female. In fact, the only males I knew about or had met were Big Macintosh, Mr. Cake, Spike, and Twilight’s brother, Shining Armor, plus some I had glimpsed at the party and during the morning rush. It made me wonder just how many pony couples there were, with such an uneven gender distribution, unless I just hadn’t been observant enough.

I was about to lose myself in over-thinking it when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

“Dave! Oh my stars, I’m so sorry! I'd forgotten to warn you!”

I looked up the street, and saw Rarity hurrying up, with none other than Fluttershy coming up beside her. There was something different about the two of them, however. There was an indescribable aura about them, a kind of soft glow to their coats. Even their manes had an added sheen to them, which only complimented Fluttershy’s naturally cute face. Her wings, too, seemed softer and fluffier than before, like a swan’s wings.

“Hi, Rarity. Hello, Fluttershy.”

“Hello, Dave,” said the gentle pegasus.

“It’s good to see you up and about. I was worried you’d be dead-tired today after last night.”

“Oh, I was still a little drowsy when I woke up,” she admitted, “but a trip to the spa always fixes everything.”

“Oh! So that’s it.”

“What is?” asked Rarity.

“I thought there was something different about the two of you," I said.

The two mares giggled.

“How sweet of you to notice,” said Rarity. “Fluttershy and I are spa buddies. It’s our weekly escape from the worries of a work-a-day life.”

“That sounds interesting," I said. "Truth be told, I’ve never been to a spa before.”

Rarity looked at me in astonishment.

“What? Never? Oh, my-my-my, I can only imagine the knots and aches you must have!”

She struck a dramatic pose as she said this, one foreleg across her forehead, in a kind of ‘woe is me’ way, but she broke out of it immediately with a determined look in her sapphire eyes.

“But fear not, darling. One of these days, I shall bring you with me!”

“Oh, Rarity, that’s not necessary-”

But she swiftly held up a hoof to shut me up.

“No, no, I insist. It wouldn’t be right to visit Ponyville and not experience the wonders of its local spa. The steam room, the hot tub, the mud baths,” she added with a dreamy zeal.

Fluttershy just smiled at her fashionista friend’s antics, then turned to me.

“You really should, Dave. It does wonders for someone who’s had a hard week. Sometimes, if we’ve had an especially stressful day, we schedule our spa visits for an earlier day.”

“I suppose it couldn’t hurt,” I said.

Lord knows how much good it would do me. I was the sort of person who sweated over everything that might turn out an unpleasant consequence, and it wasn’t doing me any good, particularly because it led to a lot of stress stomachaches. A trip to the spa might just be the ticket.

“Well, I should be heading home now,” said Fluttershy. “Rarity said you two are going to be busy, and I'd hate to intrude. Bye!”

“Bye, Fluttershy.”

“See you later, dear!”

With a flap of her wings, Fluttershy took off, flying just level with the rooftops, as if she was reluctant to go any higher. With the two of us by ourselves, Rarity turned her full attention on me.

“Dave, I do apologize. I'd forgotten today was spa day, and I hadn't had time to warn you when I remembered.”

“It’s all right, Rarity. I wasn’t waiting long. I’d actually spent the morning shopping with Pinkie, then I spent a few hours at the library with Twilight.”

“Oh! That sounds like an interesting morning.”

“It was, believe me. Funny thing, though. Spike was rather insistent on coming with, even if it wouldn't have been very fun for him.”

Rarity gave a small sigh, with a kind of wearied amusement on her face.

“Yes, I’d imagine he would, the poor little scamp. I’m afraid he’s rather fixated with me.”

“You mean, you know?” I asked.

“Darling, you said yourself he was insistent. Not to sound rude, but he hides his feelings just about as well as Pinkie Pie hides an impending party with a straight face.”

“Well, she fooled me when she threw mine,” I said, reasonably.

“Oh, but listen to me,” said Rarity, putting a hoof to her forehead, “going on while we’re standing out here. Shall we go inside?”

“After you, milady,” I said, bowing.

She smiled and, using her magic, unlocked the front door.

The first thing that greeted us was a grumpy ‘meow’. I looked down and saw a white Persian cat, a lock of her fur on top decorated with a bow. She had a bored look on her face.

“Hello, Opal!” cooed Rarity. “Mama’s home!”

She reached down and ruffled the cat’s fur, but she still looked displeased.

“Dave, this is my little Opalescence, Opal for short.”

“Well, hey, kitty,” I said, leaning down and reaching out my hand to pet her.

She gave a low growl, and I retracted my hand swiftly. Rarity gave the cat a look of disapproval, but Opal just turned and sauntered away.

“I do apologize, Dave, but she’s rather difficult to manage. I swear, she seems to only like Fluttershy.”

“That’s a shame,” I said. "Then again, considering all the animal friends she has, that's not surprising."

“Don’t worry, though. She’s fine if you just give her space. Now, follow me, if you please.”

Rarity led me over to what looked like a separate dressing room, the walls covered in full-length mirrors, with a podium in the middle. Instinctively, I stepped onto the podium.

“I take it humans are more prudish about modesty?” Rarity inquired.

“Yes,” I said, feeling my cheeks go red. “It’s fine for you ponies, but where I come from, nudity's not something to be thought of in a social setting.”

“Not to worry. We at Carousel Boutique strive to uphold complete customer satisfaction.”

Her horn lit up once again, and a long measuring tape appeared from a nearby drawer. She also levitated a pair of red-framed cat’s-eye glasses, fitting them onto her snout. I never thought of her as the glasses type, but I thought it was a very nice touch.

“Now, if you would, Dave, stand straight and still unless I ask otherwise.”

“You got it.”

I stood as straight and stiff as I could, arms at my side, and she ran her measuring tape up and down my sides, around my waist, my neck, my forehead, etc. From time to time, she’d ask me to hold out one arm, or extend one leg. All the while, she jotted the results down on a notepad. Honestly, with the levitating measuring tape and it measuring places I wouldn’t have imagined necessary for a fitting, it reminded me strongly of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, when Harry was being fitted for his wand at Ollivander’s. All the while, Rarity chatted casually, as if the entire process was second-nature to her, just like during my haircut.

“As casual as this ensemble is, I must admit there’s a certain charm to it. It tells me you’re laid-back, not one who pursues reckless action.”

“Amen to that,” I said, chuckling. “I’ve never been one for the outdoors. It kinda shows on me, doesn’t it?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

“Well, I’m not in the best of shape, compared to other humans,” I said, putting one hand to my stomach.

“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” said Rarity, kindly. “You look fine.”

“I’m not calling myself fat, just out of shape.”

“And I say you’re being too harsh on yourself. Don’t dwell on it, dear. I know the feeling myself, unfortunately.”

“You?" I asked, incredulously. "Problems with your own weight? Never!”

“We all have our off days, I’m afraid," said Rarity, wistfully. "As much as I try to resist, the sweets at Sugarcube Corner are nearly impossible to pass up. On those days, I feel so, ugh, balloonish afterwards, so it’s straight to the treadmill. I envy Applejack sometimes; she has one of the biggest appetites of any pony I know, yet she works off what she eats in the fields kicking trees.”

“And the stuff her family makes is some of the best apple stuff I’ve ever tasted,” I said.

“Oh, I know! They don’t only bake with apples, mind you, but when they do, it’s their best baking.”

“Guess it comes from living on an apple farm.”

“Quite. But now, back on the subject of your garments, do all humans dress like this?”

“Well, that depends. Some like to dress more professionally, some casually. It all depends on the time of day or the occasion.”

“Ah, of course. There's something we have in common, then. Ponies may not need to wear clothes all the time, but if the occasion calls for it, I see no reason not to wear your best."

She finished jotting down what she had at the moment, then gave a slight chuckle.

"You know, it’s rather funny, but this is reminding me very much of when Fluttershy had her brief modeling career.”

“Fluttershy had a modeling career?” I asked, surprised.

That meek pegasus, who shrieked at the first sight of me, had been on a stage in front of thousands? That just sounded impossible. Then again, I’d only just met her. Maybe there was more to her that I hadn’t seen yet.

Seeing the questioning look on Rarity’s face, I added,

“Er, not that I think she wouldn’t make for a good model. She is kind of pretty.”

(For a pony, anyway.)

“Yes, and that’s exactly why she was chosen to be a star rather than me,” said Rarity, with a hint of resignation to her voice. “Of course, she never wanted it, but I didn’t know it at the time, and…”

Rarity paused, looking like something was paining her. Her measuring tape wavered where it was.

“And?” I asked.

“I...was jealous,” Rarity admitted, sorrowfully.


“Oh, I hated myself for it,” Rarity went on. “How could I have ever held anything against Fluttershy? She’s so sweet, so innocent, and I treated her as if she was rubbing her success in my face. I was a horrible friend…”

She hung her head, letting the tape fall where it was. It hurt me to see such a beautiful face look so sad. Moreover, I hated seeing any face sad. I stepped down and knelt beside her. She wasn’t crying, but there was a wavering light in her eyes.

“Rarity, I don’t think you’re a bad friend,” I said. “If you were, you wouldn’t have even recognized that you didn’t like how you were feeling at the time. I haven’t known you or your friends for very long yet, but I can already tell, from our meeting yesterday, that you’re a kind, big-hearted mare with a lot to give.”

It was strange how these encouraging words just seemed to flow of their own accord from me. I never used to speak like this. How was it so easy? Was there something in their air affecting my mentality?

Rarity looked at me, and a small, sweet smile reappeared on her muzzle.

“Thank you, Dave,” she said, gratefully. “I’ve more or less let the matter pass, but the memory does resurface sometimes. I’m lucky to have such wonderful friends by my side, and I can safely say I now consider you one of them.”

“Really?” I asked. “Just from cutting my hair?”

“It’s in your eyes, darling,” said Rarity. “The most expressive part of any individual is their eyes. From what I’ve gathered, you’re a kind, thoughtful young man, and quite the gentleman."

She leaned in and nuzzled my cheek, and I felt my face grow hot. It was just a display of affectionate gratitude, but I still felt embarrassed.

"You even know to comfort a lady in a time of distress,” she said.

“Ah, well,” I muttered, modestly.

“Now, come along, dear. Let’s get back to business.”

“Er, yeah,” I said.

Stiffly, I got up and returned to the podium, while Rarity levitated her measuring tape and began her measurements anew.


“Well, Dave, I’ve gotten your measurements down," Rarity said, at last, "and I believe this might be more doable than I’d imagined.”

“Well, that’s good to hear,” I said, stepping down.

“Tell me, what are your clothes made of?”

“Well, let me see," I said, thinking. "T-Shirts are usually cotton and polyester. Jeans are denim, and my socks and underpants are cotton as well.”

“Ah, of course. Easy and comfortable.”

In spite of myself, I felt a bit baffled how she didn’t redden at the thought of human undergarments. When I put it to her, she said, in an amused tone,

“Oh, darling, please. I'm a fashionista. You'll be hard-pressed to find an article of clothing I haven't manufactured, and that includes undergarments. You have nothing to feel embarrassed about.”

“Well, if you’re sure.”

“Of course. Why stop at T-shirts and jeans, anyway?" she asked, an enthusiastic light in her eyes. "I could make you an entire seasonal ensemble: shorts, sweaters, jackets, polo shirts, the possibilities are endless!”

“Whoa-whoa, take it easy, Rarity,” I said, not wanting a repeat of what happened at Twilight’s. “That’s all well and good, but how am I going to-”


Rarity said this so firmly, with such a stern, no-nonsense look on her face, that I clammed up immediately.

“I know exactly what you’re about to ask, but please put it out of your mind. I'm doing this for you, dear. I want to help make you as comfortable in Equestria as you can be. It's an ambitious project, yes, but one I'm quite eager to undertake. Plus, given that your casual attire is very close to what ponies wear on occasion, it's far from the hardest thing I've ever done. And besides that, I refuse to put you in an awkward monetary situation, when you've only been in Ponyville for one day.”

At first, I was too stunned to speak. I didn’t know what to say. She had gently, yet obstinately, put her hoof down on the matter and denied any chance of argument. Twilight’s stories floated back into my mind. Particularly, she had mentioned how, in the quest to find the Elements, they had come across a flamboyant sea serpent bewailing the ruination of his moustache. Rarity, in the name of fabulosity, selflessly sacrificed her own beautiful tail to repair the serpent’s facial hair.

“Rarity," I said, finally, "Twilight told me you represent the Element of Generosity, and it’s easy to see why. Thank you. I still wish there was a way to repay you.”

“Simply knowing that I’ve done you a proper service in easing your stay is all the thanks I need, darling,” said Rarity, in a motherly tone. “That reminds me. I know this might seem a bit…awkward, but would you mind terribly if I washed your clothes for you? I imagine they’re rather worn after spending a day and a half in the same set.”

I felt my face go hot at the thought of being nude, with nothing else to put on. Rarity already seemed to guess my feelings, however, as her horn flared up once again. A large bathrobe, colored a velvet purple with white trimming, floated over to me.

“You can put this on while we wait for your clothes to finish.”

“Great!” I said, relieved. “It’ll still feel awkward with no underpants, but it’s better than nothing at all. Thanks, Rarity.”

“You’re welcome, dear. Just drop your clothes outside the laundry room when you’ve finished changing.”

As she said this, she led me outside and indicated a hallway at the back of the boutique, which branched off into a kitchen, a laundry room, a bathroom, and a staircase. Nodding in comprehension, I took the robe with me into the bathroom to change, a mixed feeling of awkwardness and gratitude boiling in my head.


If the thought of being undressed was disquieting, getting undressed in the bathroom was another matter. Opal, Rarity’s grumpy cat, was reclining on the bathroom rug, and looked distrustfully at me as I came in. I wasn’t about to let her stare at me while I stripped down.

“Do you mind?" I asked, dryly.

Opal turned her head snootily, so thankfully, she didn’t watch me get unchanged and put on the bathrobe. Luckily, it came nearly to my ankles, and when belted, offered little chance of flaring out, so I was covered and protected. I deposited my clothing as Rarity directed, and she came trotting out to collect them.

“I do hope that robe is suitable, dear,” she said as she levitated my garments. "It was a spare I had sitting around. Freshly-cleaned, of course."

“It does suit me," I said, "and it's very comfortable.”

“Good to hear. Now, this shouldn’t take more than a simple cycle, so I’ll be right back. I’ve closed the boutique temporarily, so you can enjoy a bit of privacy.”

“Great, thanks.”

I sat down in a waiting chair as Rarity went into the laundry room to start the washing machine. Not only was Rarity generous, she was considerate as well. She, like Pinkie and Twilight, was a friend worth having.

As I sat and waited, looking about at some of the clothing designs, Opal came padding out, shooting me another stink-eyed look, apparently liking me less in the bathrobe.

“If you don’t like it, don’t look," I said, pointedly. "It’s as simple as that,”

The cat turned up her nose and walked off into another room. How the heck did Rarity put up with such an uptight animal?

Suddenly, from the laundry room, I could hear Rarity humming to herself. I felt as if I knew the song, and was only confirmed as she began to sing, in a wistful, soul-filled dulcet voice.

Dreams to dream

In the dark of the night

When the world goes wrong

I can still make it right

I can see

So far in my dreams

I'll follow my dreams

Until they come true...

I did know that song! It was in one of my favorite movies when I was a kid, and it still brought me good nostalgic feelings to hear it today. Now, normally, I wasn’t the type to want to sing out loud or in public, if there was the possibility of me being heard, but at the same time, I’d often get so caught up in a song I was listening to that I had an urge to sing with it.

That urge was overpowering me at that very moment, and I decided to give Rarity a little surprise by turning her solo into a duet. Not caring how my voice might conflict with hers, I provided the next verse.

Come with me

You will see what I mean

There's a world inside

No one else ever sees

You will go

So far in my dreams

Somewhere in my dreams

Your dreams will come true...

Rarity poked her head out from the laundry room, obviously startled by my knowledge of the particular song. I’d gotten to my feet, as if I were singing on stage. I had no idea why I did, but I guess it made me feel more at ease when I sang, instead of just sitting like a lump while doing it. I could see Rarity’s face change from surprise to admiration. She moved into the next verse, and I moved in to accompany until we were singing together.

There is a star"

"Waiting to guide us

Shining inside us

When we close our eyes

At the end of the last line, we both vocally ‘belted’, as it were, prolonging the note longer than I’d thought my lungs capable. At the same time, overcome by the mood of the music, Rarity rose to her hind legs, and I took her fore hooves in my hands, leading her as if we were performing a ballroom dance, the two of us in harmony.

Don't let go

If you stay close to me

In my dreams tonight

You will see what I see

Dreams to dream

As near as can be

Inside you and me

They always come true...

I’ll admit, I don’t know why I pulled that off. I would normally never do so something so silly, so sporadic, so…spontaneous back at home. Maybe that was it. Maybe the fact that I was in this new world, where what would be weird back home wasn’t here, gave me the confidence, the drive to be so goofy and lighthearted.

I’d dipped Rarity back at the end of the song, and she was gazing up at me in amusement.

“You know that song?” she asked.

“It was part of my childhood. How do you know it?”

“I’d heard it when I was a filly, and I sometimes sing it to Sweetie Belle when she has trouble sleeping. I had no idea you had such a voice.”

“I don’t like to brag about it. I’m not the type who leads people into songs.”

“You’d be surprised how often that happens around here, actually,” said Rarity, in a frank tone.

Both of us started laughing, but stopped dead when a young, high-pitched voice spoke up from nowhere, in a confused ‘what the heck is this’ tone.

“Rarity? What are you doing?”

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