• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

  • ...

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Twilight Sparkle

Once more, Pinkie was hammering away at the front door of the library, while I stood and waited. I swear, this pony had absolutely no sense of tact, but then again, ponies were probably used to that from her.

“Twilight! Spike!” she called. “Anypony home?”

At last, to her joy and my surprise, the door swung open.

“Oh! Hi there, Pinkie-WHOA!”

The voice was that of a young male, so I knew it couldn’t be this Twilight. Sure enough, it wasn’t a pony who answered the door, but a dragon. An honest-to-goodness, scale-covered dragon! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

However, he was one of the smallest creatures I had seen yet, barely coming level with my knee. He had purple scales, green spines running from his head down his tail, which ended in an arrowhead shape, green frills where his ears would have been, and large green eyes with slit pupils. He certainly didn’t look threatening, at any rate.

He stood gazing at me with wide eyes full of curiosity and wonder, while I in turn gazed at him similarly. He reminded me very much of a little human boy, so it was hard to be truly wary of him for the sole fact that he was a dragon.

“Spike, this is Dave, my new friend!" said Pinkie. "Davie, this is Spike!”

“It’s, uh, nice to meet you,” I said, bending down and offering my hand.

“Er, likewise,” he said, hesitant at first.

He held out his own clawed hand, and I shook it gently.

“I’ve never seen a live dragon before," I said.

“And you’re a…a human, aren’t you?” asked Spike

“I am.”

“Holy guacamole…This is so bizarre!”

“You’re telling me.”

“And here I was thinking that you were just an old bedtime story in one of Twilight’s books.”

“Funny you should say that: dragons are almost exactly the same way where I come from.”

This exchange of mutuality did at least make us a bit more at our ease. He broke into a small smile, and so did I.

“Where were you guys earlier?” asked Pinkie. “We came here before lunchtime.”

Being addressed by Pinkie seemed to be just the thing to bring Spike out of his hesitation.

“Sorry, Pinkie, I was out on errands, and Twilight wasn’t really in the best condition for visitors.”

“Oh no, is something wrong?” asked Pinkie, concern stamped across her face.

“She’s been in bed with a really bad headache,” explained Spike, “and she had me run to Zecora’s for some herbal treatments.”

“Zecora?” I asked.

“She’s a zebra who lives in the Everfree Forest,” explained Pinkie.

There were zebras in Equestria too? So ponies weren’t the only equines in this universe.

“She lives in the forest? With all of the ‘kooky-spooky’ stuff?” I asked, adding air quotes near the end.

“Yep, but she doesn’t mind. She’s great with potions and fortune-telling!”

“I see,” I said, still somewhat bewildered.

A zebra that performed potion-making and fortune-telling? This was way too weird.

At last, I said, “Well, we were hoping to see Twilight, so I could meet her. I’ve met all of Pinkie’s other friends already, and I have a few questions for her.”

“You’re in luck, then!” said Spike. “She’s feeling a lot better, so she might be up for a visit. I’m sure she’d love to meet a real human in person, too!”

He led us inside. I, for my part, had to duck down to avoid knocking my head against the top of the door.

“So, what is it you do, Spike?" I asked. "I don’t suppose dragons have anything like cutie marks to tell them what they're good at.”

“Nope, but I’ve got the best talent a dragon could ask for!" said Spike. "I’m Twilight’s #1 assistant!”

He said this with a great deal of pride that was quite amusing to see in such a little guy.

“What does that entail?” I asked.

“Usually housework: fetching books, sweeping, dusting, that sort of thing, but I’m also her scribe.”

“Scribe? You mean like a messenger?”

“Yep! It’s my job to write down her reports to the princess, send them to her, and receive messages from her.”

“Boy, you sure have a lot on your plate for a baby dragon," I said. "Twilight must have a lot of faith in you.”

Spike beamed at this compliment.

“Thanks,” he said, a bit modestly.

We had stopped inside when we started talking, but now I took a full view. We were in a wooden, circular room, with an unbelievable amount of bookshelves, packed from end to end with books, books, and more books. Even more sat on tables, alongside scattered papers and writing quills. A carved horse head, like a knight chess piece, sat like a centerpiece in the middle of the room.

As I had mentioned before, I was an avid reader, and this room was like a haven of intellectuality. Then again, Twilight was a student for this Princess Celestia, so she probably needed every ounce of literary assistance possible.

My eyes then fell on something I hadn’t noticed before: a little brown owl sitting on a perch by the window. I approached it, interested. If ponies and dragons could talk in this world, why not owls?

“Cool! An owl!” I said.

“Hoo,” hooted the owl.

“Aw, nuts," I said, slightly disappointed. "I was kinda hoping you’d be able to talk, too. If the ponies can, why not other animals?”


“Still, you’re a cute little fella.”

I reached out and stroked the top of his head with one finger, and he closed his eyes in contentment.

“Does he live here?” I asked Spike.

“Yep. That’s Owlowiscious. He’s Twilight’s nighttime assistant, since he’s nocturnal.”

“Nighttime assistant? Does she ever sleep?”

“Of course she does, but sometimes she gets assignments that require being up late, like stargazing. I, uh…I kinda can’t stay up that late, yet,” he added, sheepishly.

“Ohh, I see. So Owlowiscious does what you do, only at night.”

“Yep," said Spike, and when he next spoke, he adopted a whisper. "So, Twilight's napping right now, so let's keep quiet as we go up to see her."

Softly, we followed him up a set of spiral stairs. They led into another circular room, but one that was fitted out like a bedroom. A small basket sat at one end, stuffed with blankets and a pillow. I had a feeling that either belonged to Spike or another pet. The former was more likely, as it seemed to be just his size. There was a bed over by a window, raised up on a platform closer to the ceiling, which we ascended, and there, lying on her side, on the covers, her cheek on a pillow, was Twilight.

She was a unicorn, like Rarity, but her coat was lavender purple. Her mane was straightly cut in the front, almost like a bowl haircut, through which her horn protruded, though it was long and silky in the back, as was her tail. Both were a dark bluish-purple, streaked with pink and lighter purple. She was in between Rainbow Dash and Pinkie when it came to physique: not as slim as the former, not as chubby as the latter. It more reminded me of someone who didn’t go out to exercise much, being used to the indoors, and so had a bit of a belly (kind of like me, actually). In all honesty, it only helped to add to how cute she looked asleep, with her hooves curled in front of her as she dozed. Her cutie mark was one of the strangest I’d seen yet: a pink six-pointed star, surrounded by smaller stars.

“Could you kind of wait over there?” Spike asked, pointing to a corner where the sun wasn’t quite shining, leaving it shadowed. “I just don’t want you to spook her when she wakes up again.”

I completely understood and did as he asked. He and Pinkie approached the bed. Twilight opened her eyes drowsily. Even from where I stood, I could see they were amethyst-purple and very pretty. She still looked very tired and worn out, and even as she lifted her head, she grimaced, obviously from the headache. Smiling kindly, Pinkie came over and warmly nuzzled her, which Twilight seemed to appreciate greatly.

“Hey, Pinkie,” she said, in a voice both gentle and intelligent in tone. “It’s good to see you.”

“Spike told me you had an achy head," said Pinkie. "Is it all right now?”

“Not exactly, but it’s a lot better than this morning.”

“You haven’t been-”

“No, Pinkie, I haven’t been ‘hitting the books’,” interrupted Twilight, dryly.

This prompted a laugh from them all, though Twilight’s was cut short with an “Ow!” and a rub of her forehead.

“She was practicing a really difficult spell,” explained Spike, “and it took a whole lot out of her.”

“Wow," said Pinkie. "What spell was it?”

“Long-distance summoning,” said Twilight.

“Kind of like combining her levitation and teleportation spells into one,” said Spike.

“Ooh! That sounds fun!” said Pinkie, intrigued.

“Yeah, but I never saw what I called," said Twilight. "I know it worked, though. It must have, or I wouldn’t be so drained.”

She cringed as another pang of pain hit her.

“Geez," she muttered. "Now I know how Shining Armor felt when he had to maintain his protection spell.”

“Aww, poor Twilight,” sympathized Pinkie. “Don’t you worry. As soon as you’re well again, I’ll throw you a “Glad You’re Feeling Better” party!”

Twilight giggled softly. Like Fluttershy’s, it was a very heartwarming one to listen to.

“Really, Pinkie, you don’t have to-”

“Oh, wait!” Pinkie interrupted, clapping a hoof to her forehead. "I almost forgot! Davie needs to talk to you first!"

Twilight blinked, looking puzzled.

“Davie? Who’s Davie? I’ve never met a pony with that name before.”

“Uh, that’s because…he’s not a pony,” said Spike, slowly.

He nodded to me, and I stepped out into the open.

Twilight took one look at me, and those big purple irises shrank instantly. She didn’t scream (I don’t think she had voice enough to do it in her state), but she looked as if she were about to pass out.

“You…he…what…how…” she spluttered.

“Take it easy,” I said, gently, holding my hands up placatingly. “You’re already under a lot of stress.”

“Oh…oh my…This is…this is unbelievable! A human! A real human! Here in Equestria! And in my own home!”

Her stupefaction was slowly giving way to excitement, and there was an ecstatic gleam in her eyes. She sprang up into a standing position on her hind legs and placed her front hooves on my shoulders, so that were almost nose-to-nose. She was kind of creeping me out.

“I’ve got so much to ask you!”

She couldn’t even start asking, however, because another stab of pain seemed to strike her, and she clapped a hoof to her temple. She slid back into a sitting posture as Spike rushed over, a steaming cup in his hand.

“Here, Twi, it’s about time for another dose anyway.”

“Thanks, Spike.”

She took the cup in her hooves and drank the contents down in a few gulps. As Spike took the cup away, she coughed and gagged.

“Bitter stuff,” she groaned, before turning her attention back to me. “Sorry. I guess I went a little overboard, but this is just...Wow! A human in Equestria! Do you have any idea how long I’ve waited for a chance like this?”

“Er, I can’t honestly say,” I said, “but it’s funny you should say you’ve got questions for me, because I have quite a few questions for you.”

“Oh?” asked Twilight.

“Unless my sources, namely Pinkie here, are mistaken, you have a reputation for being knowledgeable.”

Pinkie grinned toothily at me. Twilight’s cheeks briefly flushed at such a compliment, but she smiled nonetheless.

“Guilty as charged, I suppose,” she said. “Twilight Sparkle, at your service.”

“Dave at yours,” I said. “I’ve been told you’re actually studying under this land’s ruler herself.”

“Mm-hmm!" said Twilight, nodding. "I’m the personal protege of Princess Celestia, though that’s not something I like to brag about.”

“Well, then, this might help my case even more, seeing as how you’re the student of royalty, and probably have access to all the resources in the world. The trouble is, I don’t even know where to begin.”

“Well, why not have a seat, first of all? Spike?”

“On it!” said Spike.

He hurried out of the room, returning shortly afterward with a wooden stool. It was rather short-legged, but I made due, sitting with my legs tucked in so that my knees were near my chin. Pinkie plunked herself down beside me..

“Thanks,” I said to the dragon, before turning back to Twilight. “I won’t be offended if you don’t believe me, because I’m still having a hard time believing it myself.”

“Try me,” said Twilight, a note of confidence in her voice. “I’ve seen and heard a lot of crazy things ever since I moved here.”

“I’m always seeing and hearing crazy things!” said Pinkie. “But ponies keep telling me it’s my imagination.”

(I’m honestly not surprised.)

“Well, according to Pinkie...I dropped into Equestria from out of the sky.”

As I had expected, Twilight and Spike went wide-eyed and slack-jawed at such a preposterous claim. They looked at Pinkie, who was smiling placidly.

“What?” she asked, innocently. “I saw him fall! He’s lucky he didn’t splat himself like an egg! I mean, can you just imagine something like that happening? It’d be one big gooky mess-”

Thank you, Pinkie!” I interrupted, already unnerved. With a sigh, I continued. “I woke up as Pinkie found me, with my head pounding and my memory fogged. I know who I am and what I’ve left behind, but I’ve got no idea what I was doing before I blacked out, or how I even ended up here.”

Twilight looked at me without speaking for a few moments, merely rubbing her chin thoughtfully, her lips pursed.

“Fascinating," she said. "Well, memory loss is common when one experiences a sort of trauma that makes them black out. That’s a possible explanation.”

“Trauma?!” I spluttered. “You think I was doing something that traumatized me?”

“I don’t mean scarring you for life,” said Twilight, “but perhaps something happened that left an immense psychological impact on your mind. Emotional trauma can affect an individual’s memory, taking away pieces of it and leaving it clouded.”

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. Could something have happened that had affected me so badly that my memory had cracked like fine china? I couldn’t even imagine such a thing.

“Is there a way to un-cloud it?” I asked, hopefully.

Twilight bit her lip in an unsure way.

“There are spells that can fix up a damaged memory, but if not done correctly, the side effects could be, well, catastrophic.”

“C-Catastrophic?” I gulped.

“Many of the books I’ve read on the subject say things like completely broken memories, false memories, and even the subconscious being completely wiped clean.”

I could feel my innards shrivel at such a disturbing thought. I didn’t want to imagine having a mind completely erased.

“I’m sorry,” said Twilight. “I want to help you, but I don’t to risk causing more damage. Even if my talent is magic, that doesn’t mean every spell I pull off is flawless.”

“Wait, your talent is magic?” I asked. “What does that mean?”

“Mm? Oh, well, it’s all connected with cutie marks. Do you know anything about them?”

“I've had a rough explanation, courtesy of Pinkie,” I said.

Professor Pinkie,” interjected Pinkie.

“Oh, right, excuse me,” I said, dryly.

“A cutie mark,” Twilight explained, “appears on a pony’s flank when they discover what it is they’re the most talented at or what they’re meant to be. There’s cutie marks for cooking, music, sewing, construction, teaching, anything, really. For unicorns, their cutie marks and talents are reflected in the kinds of spells they can use. However, if a pony’s talent is magic, like mine, they’re able to perform a wide number of spells without limitation.”

“And Twilight knows a ton of awesome spells!” said Spike.

“Oh, Spike, stop,” said Twilight, modestly. “It’s true I know a lot of spells, but I keep saying it’s nothing to boast about.”

“Humble to the end,” Spike muttered to me.

“In any case,” Twilight went on, “while I can perform several complicated spells, things like memory spells, weather spells, and even age spells are only accessible to the highest-level unicorns, and I don’t have the proper training for that.”

“Oh," I muttered. "Well, it doesn’t help me know how I got here or what happened to make my memory all screwed up, but I don't know anything about magic, so I don't think it's my place to argue. Besides, if the risks you described are true, I may want to hold off.”

“Again, I’m sorry,” said Twilight. “By what you described, you were dropped into Ponyville by magical means, but tracing exactly how might prove impossible.”

“It’s not just that I’m worried about,” I said. “It’s what I’ve left behind, too. I have no idea where in the world Equestria lies on the planet, if I’m even on the same Earth that my home lies. As crazy as it sounds, I wouldn’t be surprised if I was transported across different universes! My family’s still back where I came from, I have no way of contacting them, telling them not to worry about me...”

I lay my head in my hands, the weight of my situation catching back up with me. I felt Pinkie nestle up close beside me, trying to comfort me. Twilight, for her part, seemed affected by my spiel, and was looking at me with sympathetic understanding in those keen eyes of hers.

“You poor thing,” she said. “How old are you?”

“20,” I admitted, “but I still live with my folks.”

“Oh...I’m so sorry. I really wish there was more that I could do.”

“Twilight,” Spike piped up. “There is something you can do.”


“Ask Princess Celestia!”

Twilight looked at him for a moment, before a look of dawning comprehension overtook her face.

“Yes!” she said. “What a fantastic idea! Good thinking, Spike!”

“Yes, well,” said Spike, rubbing his knuckles on his chest in a self-satisfied way, “I do have my moments.”

“You think your princess has the answer?” I asked, hopefully.

“I wouldn’t doubt it,” said Twilight. “Princess Celestia is one of the wisest ponies in Equestria, and she has access to all of the information in the Canterlot Archives. There’s no knowledge beneath her.”

As Twilight said this, Spike left his spot briefly and returned with a scroll of cream-colored parchment and a feather quill.

“Ready when you are, Twi!” he said.

Twilight cleared her throat, and as she dictated, Spike wrote her speech down.

Dear Princess Celestia,
I’m not sure if you have already been made aware, but Ponyville has been graced with a rather...unexpected visitor: a human! He says that his name is Dave, and that he’s arrived in Equestria through means that remain a complete mystery to him. They've also rendered his memory insufficient to recall how he came to be here. If you have any advice on how to deal with this puzzling situation, we would be extremely grateful.
Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle.

Spike finished and rolled up the scroll.

“How did that sound?” Twilight asked me.

“Very nice,” I said. “So, how long’s it going to take to get a response? Do you use carrier pigeons, or-”


To my utter surprise, Spike breathed a stream of green flames on the paper. As it smoldered into ashes and smoke, it seemed to condense into a sparkling, purplish mist, which sailed out the open window. I just sat there, mouth agape, unable to believe what I had just seen. The ponies and dragon laughed at my expression.

“Don’t worry about it, Dave,” said Twilight. “It’s Spike’s special talent: he links my mail with Princess Celestia.”

“Dragon-fire message delivery,” I muttered. “What will the world think of next?”

“Well, while we’re waiting for a response,” Twilight went on, “tell me a bit about you, Dave. I know you’re not in the best of situations, but I’m interested to know how Equestria is treating you so far.”

I shook my head to clear it from the ‘what the heck’ I had just experienced, then said,

“I’d be lying if I said that Ponyville doesn’t have a certain charm to it," I said. "The ponies are certainly very welcoming and friendly. Pinkie, though, has proven a phenomenal friend in all of this. I’m lucky she found me.”

Pinkie smiled and leaned up so that she could nuzzle my cheek. Twilight smiled.

“I’d have to concur with you there,” said Twilight. “In Ponyville, there’s no better pony to make friends with than Pinkie Pie.”

Pinkie stuck out her tongue in a pleased way. That seemed to complete the circle of commendation on her good character.

“She’s certainly managed to find ways to make me worry less about my problems,” I consented, “but she’s also introduced me to her other close friends: Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.”

“Oh!” said Twilight. “How wonderful! I’d figure Pinkie would introduce you to the rest of the gang.”

“So the seven of you are one big group of friends?” I asked, indicating Pinkie, Twilight, Spike, and a vague space meant to represent the others I’d met.

“Yep!” said Pinkie. “Six pony pals, and our little Spikey-Wikey!”

“Pinkie, don’t call me that,” Spike grumbled, exactly like a little boy being coddled by his mother.

“But Rarity calls you that all the time,” said Pinkie.

“It’s fine when she does it,” Spike muttered, “but anypony else doing it just makes it feel weird.”

Twilight just rolled her eyes smilingly.

“How did the two of you come to work together?” I asked. “Is Spike like your apprentice or something?”

“Not quite,” said Twilight. “I hatched Spike’s egg on the day I both got my cutie mark and secured my place as Princess Celestia’s student. We’ve been kind of inseparable ever since.”

I looked at Spike, who had broken out of his grumpy mood to grin in a way that confirmed what Twilight said as the truth.

“Until I moved to Ponyville, most of my time was taken up in my studies,” Twilight went on. “Spike was still just a hatchling, and Princess Celestia raised him for the most part, but I wasn’t lonely, thanks to my books-”

“Naturally,” Spike muttered to me, earning a swift and sour look from the purple unicorn.

“My foalsitter, Cadence, and my BBBFF, Shining Armor.”

Wait, what? I could guess that ‘foalsitter’ was a pony babysitter, but what was a ‘beebeebee-effeff?”

“Uh, what was that last part?” I asked.

“Big Brother, Best Friend Forever,” Twilight explained.

“Ohh,” I said, comprehending. “So your best friend was your brother? Sounds like a swell guy.”

“He’s the best,” said Twilight, fondly. “Strong, kind, and a natural leader. He’s Captain of the Royal Guard for a reason. Sure, he may be busier now that he’s married to Cadence, but-”

“Whoa-whoa, wait a minute!” I interrupted, surprised. “There was a lot in that explanation that can’t just fly so easily!”

Twilight tilted her head in puzzlement, and I counted the things off on my fingers, which I couldn't help but notice she observed with interest.

“So, not only are you the personal protege of your country’s princess, but your brother is the Captain of the Royal Guard, and he’s married to your foalsitter?”

Twilight nodded.

“...Twilight, you're one lucky pony!” I said, after a stunned pause.

Twilight’s face flushed a brilliant shade of magenta.

“Sorry,” I said, catching myself. “I didn’t mean to embarrass you like that.”

“No, no, it’s ok,” said Twilight. “I’m flattered that you think so highly of me, but sometimes I'd rather not just be known as Princess Celestia’s student. I’m not just Twilight Sparkle, protege to the princess, but I’m also Twilight, owner of the Golden Oak Library.”

“Oh, I can understand that,” I said. “I mean, if it were me, I'd just feel overwhelmed. If you want, I can try to keep the ‘Princess’s student’ thing on the down-low for you.”

“Thanks,” said Twilight, gratefully.

“On the other hand,” I said, “running a library’s a sweet job. I’ve always wanted to work in one. I love reading.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up again.

“Do you?” she asked, excitedly.

“Ever since I was a kid,” I said. “I’d always been more of an indoors person.”

“Me too!” said Twilight. “Ohh, I had no idea I’d have such a common link with a live human! Dave,” she added, in a more business-like tone, “we have got to arrange a sit-down so we can talk about things in your world. There’s so much I want to ask!”

“You mean like a Q&A?” I asked.

“Mm-hmm!” she said, nodding eagerly.

“Well, that does sound like a neat idea," I said, "but it all depends on what Princess Celestia has to say.”

All of a sudden, there came a loud gagging noise from Spike, and I saw his cheeks bulge, as if he were about to vomit.

“Spike?” I asked. “You ok?”

In answer, he let out an almighty belch, accompanied by a tongue of flames, and from the fire, there materialized, miraculously intact, a sealed scroll. I felt my jaw drop again.

“A response from the Princess!” said Twilight. “Please read it, Spike.”

“With pleasure,” said Spike, plucking the scroll out of the air.

He unrolled it and read,

My dearest Twilight,
I had indeed received notification of something of the sort earlier today, but had yet to send a dispatch to confirm whether or not it was true. A human, you say? Goodness, there hasn’t been a human in Equestria for ages! Know that I have complete sympathy for poor David in his plight, and I shall do whatever I can to find an answer. In the meantime, all I can recommend is that he lodge somewhere in Ponyville, perhaps with you or one of your friends, as I can think of nopony else more trustworthy. I do hope he and I may be able to meet in the future, as I am sure we have much to discuss.
Warmest regards to our new visitor,
Yours sincerely,
Princess Celestia.

“Well!” said Twilight, pleased. “What do you know? Princess Celestia already approves of you!”

“Wow,” I muttered. “I had no idea she’d be so understanding. What’s she really like, this Princess Celestia?”

“She’s wonderful, Dave. I can think of nopony else as kind, as wise, or as powerful as Princess Celestia. She’d have to be strong, governing the sun all year round.”

“Heh, yeah, I can imagine.”

...Wait, what did she say?!

“Whoa, hold on!” I said. “Did you say...governing the sun?”

“Right,” said Twilight. “Princess Celestia makes the sun rise and set every day. Her sister, Princess Luna, does the same for the moon.”

“...The sun and moon need to be moved by pony magic? They don’t raise and set themselves?”

“No. Why?”

“...Why is every meteorological aspect so dependent in this place?!” I nearly shouted. “The clouds, sun, and moon need to be operated by pony influences? They’d never believe this back home!”

“No?” asked Twilight. “Do they work by themselves where you come from?”


“Ohh...Wow," said Twilight, clearly astounded. "See, this is why we need to have this Q&A, so we can answer the unanswered!”

“I suppose so,” I said, still not quite over the whole ‘sun and moon’ thing, “but first I need to figure out where I’m going to stay.”

“You just leave that to me, Davie!” said Pinkie. “I know the perfect place for you to stay!”

“Oh really?" I asked. "Where’s that?”

“You’ll see,” said Pinkie, slyly.

“Aw, c’mon, you’re gonna keep secrets from me?”

“It won’t be as fun if I just say it and spoil the surprise,” said Pinkie.

“Twilight, can’t you talk some sense into her?” I asked, appealing to her.

“Sense? Into Pinkie Pie?” asked Twilight, in an incredulously amused tone. “Dave, that’s like asking Rarity not to comb her mane 100 times before bed! It can’t be done!”

Pinkie burst into a hearty fit of laughter, joined soon by Twilight, then Spike, and at last, in spite of myself, me. Then, suddenly, Twilight stopped laughing. Her face fell into a pained frown, and she clapped her hooves to her head.


“Twilight!" I cried. "Your headache! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make it act up again!”

“No, no, it’s all right," said Twilight. "You actually made me forget about it for a while.”

I looked away, embarrassed at such a compliment, though not in a bad way. She reached out and put one hoof on the back of my hand, in a friendly way.

“If it’s all right with you, I want to get some more rest, and I don’t doubt you’ll want to settle in.”

“Oh, no, that’s fine!” I said, truthfully. “I didn’t mean to keep you from healing up. It was really great to meet you, Twilight.”

“Same to you, Dave. Like I said, you’re welcome back anytime, so don’t be shy.”

“Oh, trust me, I won’t be.”

"And I promise," she added, meaningfully, "I'll find a way to get you home, no matter what it takes. You have my word."

I knew she meant it, by the look in her eyes. She, like Pinkie, like the rest of their friends, had faces of those you could trust with your life. I nodded to show my grateful understanding, and Twilight lay back down to settle on her pillow. Spike moved in to pull a blanket over her.

“Hey, Spike?” I spoke up, and the little dragon looked at me. “Thanks, for sending the letter and all that.”

“Not a problem,” he said, with a grin. “Take care.”

“See you both tomorrow!” chirped Pinkie.

Twilight just smiled warmly as she nestled her aching head into her pillow, and so Pinkie and I took leave of her and her dragon assistant, though I made sure to close the door softly as we left.

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