• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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Shopper's Anxiety

The fancy quills Pinkie had told me about were indeed at Quills and Sofas, packaged in a streamlined silver case, which contained several colorful bird feathers with exotic designs. Mr. Davenport, the proprietor, told me that Twilight had come in once or twice to admire them, but that nopony else seemed to bother with them. Personally, I figured it must have been because they were so pricey. I wasn’t sure if spending this much on a set of quills was a wise expense, but Pinkie said Twilight had her eyes on them, and I did want to get her something nice, but practical. That settled it.

“Mr. Davenport, do you think you can place a hold on these quills until I decide on buying them or not?”

“Sure thing! They aren’t exactly in high demand at the moment, so no harm in that.”

“Great, thanks.”

“Come back anytime, and I’m sure you’ll find a nice sofa, too.”

With that out of the way, I went back to Barnyard Bargains to scope out the other items I would be able to acquire right away. I browsed the aisles searching for pillows and coils of rope. First, I checked the aisle devoted to bedding materials.

“Hmm...these are some plush-looking pillows. I’d probably be able to sleep like a baby with one of these under my head. Wonder if any of these would do for Spike…”

I tested them out by gently squeezing them between my fingers. They were astonishingly soft and plush, perfect even for pillow fights. I could see the Crusaders or even Pinkie whacking ponies about with these things. I would have loved to buy any one of them for my own good night’s sleep, but I was on a mission here, and I couldn’t stray from it.

“Let’s see...Ooh, this looks promising. ‘Sweet Dreams Brand Bed Pillows: Lighter Than Air Comfort for Heavy Sleepers’. 7 bits each. Spike might like that.”

I picked up the soft, cushy pillow and put it in the shopping basket I had grabbed on the way in. After that, I went into the section devoted to the kinds of things you’d get from a hardware store, like Timber’s Lumber. It sounded counterproductive not to just go to the latter store, but I was already at Barnyard Bargains, so why not?

“Hmm...Ah, here we go! Colonel Tumbleweed’s High-Grade Rope: For the Cowpony in You’. 5 bits a coil. Now that sounds just like Applejack.”

As I tucked the rope in with the pillow, a thought occurred to me. It seemed kind of silly to just be going in now for a pillow and bit of rope, when I had more ponies on my list. It felt like there was more I should be getting, more to be looking for, even if what that was was a mystery for now. After all, my friends weren’t only limited to Pinkie, Spike, and the girls. I’d accumulated many companions throughout my few months here in Ponyville. Shouldn’t they be taken into account? Of course, several of those were already on my list.

There were the four Crusaders. As rambunctious and, at times, crazy as they were, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and Dinky were very sweet little fillies, and a lot of fun to be around. Hanging out with them made me glad I was still young.

Then there were Derpy and Sparkler. Ever since the incident with her ripped mailbag, I felt like Derpy and I had grown close as neighbors, but she was much more than that. She was a caring, devoted mother, with a warmth and kindness that was replicated in all of her daughters. I was proud to have such friends.

And then came Moonlight. She had been my mysterious neighbor for a long while, until that one stormy night brought us into contact with each other. Since then, I had seen her go from a shy, soft-spoken shut-in to a cheerful, tender-hearted pegasus with a love for Daring Do. I had high hopes for her future, especially with her new job.

Speaking of jobs, I also had Lyra and Bon Bon to consider. Beyond the fact that I now worked for them,I knew they would have my back if anything went wrong. After all, they had stood by my side during the incident with the libelous article. I knew that Lyra had taken an interest in me the moment we met just for being a human, but over time, it seemed like the thrill of the exotic wore off, and not a single bit of her attitude towards me had changed. Bon Bon had been there to keep Lyra in check, and had never been anything but kind towards me. She made really tasty candy, too.

And after that came the Cakes. Mr. and Mrs. Cake could have easily refused Pinkie’s request to let me stay at Sugarcube Corner. However, they trusted me and allowed me to share Pinkie’s room until I could get a living space of my own. They deserved especial consideration for their generosity and hospitality. Maybe I could get them something to help with Pound and Pumpkin?

The more I thought about it, the more enormous my self-made goal looked, and the more panicked I became!

So many ponies, so little time, so few funds!

It was all zooming around my brain like numerous trains, all coming from different angles and about to collide at one spot in the center! It was too much for me! I couldn’t hold my frustration in any longer!


My scream echoed throughout the store, and everything went deadly silent. All eyes were on me: puzzled, perplexed, annoyed, and unnerved. I glanced about at all of them, feeling extremely sheepish and going red in the face. That was a stupid thing to have done in a crowded store…

“Er, I mean,” I said, attempting a grin, “‘Ahhh, wow!’ Only 4 bits for a toilet plunger! What a bargain! A-heh-heh…”

Even as everypony else went about with their business, I was the only one laughing.


When I got back home, I wasn’t exactly over the panic I had gone through at Barnyard Bargains. I had set the pillow and rope safely aside in my closet, writing out Hearth’s Warming cards to label them as being for their recipients, and tried to think of a way to get my mind off of things. It wasn’t easy. The thought that there were so many ponies I knew, so many whom I owed gratitude to, that were my friends...it was overwhelming.

“What am I gonna do? I figured the ponies I put on my list would be just a start, sure, but I never realized just how many I knew...I don’t wanna seem ungrateful by not getting them anything. My friends deserve better than that!”

I was pacing up and down my living room as I was saying this. It wasn’t helping too much, but I just couldn’t sit still. When I was feeling restless, I had to just wander and let my thoughts flow more freely.

“There’s only two weeks left until Hearth’s Warming, and already some of the stuff Pinkie mentioned is up in Canterlot. I wonder if Bon Bon could grant me a brief vacation so I could go up there and shop for the stuff I can’t get here. But then, would that cut into my pay, since I’d be absent for a day or more? Every bit counts, especially with so many ponies to consider. I’d be getting paid the Saturday before Hearth’s Warming, but that’s at around 6 in the evening. Would I even have enough time for last-minute shopping? ARGH!!”

I rapped the knuckles of both hands against the sides of my head.

“Who would have thought having a sense of generosity would be so stressful?!”

Suddenly, I felt my heart leap inside my ribcage. Someone was knocking at the door.

“Gah! Er, come in!”

The door opened, revealing Moonlight, a book under her wing. She looked a little flustered. I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ah! Moonlight, it’s you. Is something wrong?”

“I was about to ask that of you,” said Moonlight. “I heard you shouting from outside.”

(Uh oh...was I that loud?)

“Oh, that? It’s nothing you need to worry about, Moonlight.”

“Are you sure? Is something bothering you?”


Did I really want to hide anything from her? It wasn’t like I had any gift ideas to hide from her at the moment. Perhaps I could glean one while she was here.

“I’m just feeling a little pre-holiday stress, that’s all,” I said. “All that rush-rush, get-in, get-out, get-them-while-their-hot shopping stuff, you know?”

“Um...yes, I suppose,” said Moonlight, her brow slightly furrowed. “But I didn’t think it could lead one to fits of screaming.”

“The holidays are both a wonderful and agonizing time of the year, Moonlight,” I said. “But enough about me. How have you been? I haven’t seen you all week!”

“Oh, it’s been marvelous!” said Moonlight, cheerfully. “Pinkie Pie and the Cakes have been so wonderful to me. They’ve told me Sugarcube Corner has never sparkled like it has when I started cleaning it.”

“Pinkie told me you’re also working on advertising.”

“That’s right! It was really more of a spur of the moment thing. I had cleaned the entire first floor from top to bottom, and there just wasn’t anything else to dust or mop, so I figured I’d take my break. I was getting bored, and pictures and slogans started whizzing around through my head. To pass the time, I started writing them down on a piece of paper.”

“What kind of slogans?” I asked, interested.

“Oh, things like,‘Sugarcube Corner: Serving Sweet Treats with a Sweet Smile’, or ‘Sugarcube Corner: Cupcakes, Cookies, and Cake: Oh My!’”

“Heh, not bad. Not bad at all.”

Moonlight beamed.

“I’ve got plenty more, but I need to run them by the Cakes first, see if they like them. How are things at Bon Bon’s?”

“Pretty good. I’m running counter detail, as Pinkie may have told you. She did share that candy she bought, didn’t she?”

“Mm-hmm. I’ll admit, she forced quite a bit on me, and I didn’t think I could eat that much. I’m still amazed I haven’t ballooned up yet, or that she can down so many sweets like that. She’s a little crazy, but very kind.”

“I know,” I said, fondly. “That sounds just like the Pinkie Pie I know. So, do you feel like Sugarcube Corner is right for you?”

“Yep! I feel very comfortable there, and the pay is generous. The next time I have free time, I’ll go browse around this ‘Barnyard Bargains’ store I’ve heard about. It must have outrageously good deals, because somepony today was talking about there being a ruckus over the bargain price of a toilet plunger.”

(Gah...news travels fast in this little burg.)

“Are you all right?” Moonlight asked, tilting her head. “You looked a little green just now.”

“Y-Yeah, no worries. So, what’s that book you have there?”

“Hmm? Oh, this!”

She held up her wing, revealing the book clutched in its feathers. It was a Daring Do volume, depicting the brave pegasus standing before the backdrop of a clifftop castle, an ominous, batwinged figure rising behind it; whose eyes and pointed teeth gleamed in the darkness. With a cover like that, glancing at the title wasn’t necessary.

“Aha!” I said. “It’s the next Daring Do book, The Batpony King, right?”

“Mm-hmm! Twilight dropped by Sugarcube Corner and told me about it. I decided to drop by the library and take it out, to surprise you! Surprised?”

“Very! I was hoping for something to distract me from my holiday pressure. This’ll do nicely. Make yourself comfy, Moonlight.”

Moonlight plunked herself down on the couch, shifting about until she was cozy. It was kinda cute, in a way, as if she considered my house a home away from home. I sat down next to her her, and she nestled up against my side. Her warmth and presence really did comfort me in a way, easing the stress I had been going through. We opened the book up between us, and for the next few hours, lost ourselves in the newest tale in Daring Do’s string of escapades.


Night had fallen by the time we could reach a point to pause and pick up next time. Moonlight let off a huge yawn.

“I’m with you there,” I said, adding in my own yawn. “I’m exhausted, and we’ve both got to be up early tomorrow. Besides, I’ve got a hunch King Pferdermaus isn’t the gentleman he’s making himself out to be.”

“You think he might actually be Count de Vollblut?”

“It’s a very distinct possibility. It’s not uncommon for a killer to mask himself with a gentler facade. Still, info on batponies is a little scarce, so we don’t know if vampiric batponies even exist. Either it’s poetic license, or the author did some research.”

“Yeah. Well, I’ll see you next time, Dave. It may have to be another Sunday, since my hours run a little late, and I’m usually tired afterwards. Until then, I’ll let you hold onto the book.”

“I understand. Good night, Moonlight.”

“Good night!”

I saw Moonlight out, waiting until she was inside before going back in. As I was closing the door, however, I looked up at the sky. A full moon was hanging in the air, gleaming amidst a sea of stars, with not a flake of falling snow to mar its image.

“Beautiful job tonight, Princess Luna,” I muttered, then closed the door. “Now, where’s that list?”

I dug around until I had found the list I had been making of ponies and gifts to get them. I had already gotten a couple of the items, though Twilight’s was technically on hold, so I began adding names and crossing out what I had already gotten. As I wrote, even more names began piling up in my head.

Pinkie: ???
Twilight: New set of quills (On Hold)
Fluttershy: ???
Applejack: Lasso rope
Rarity: Vermillion silk (Canterlot)
Rainbow Dash: Wonderbolts poster (Canterlot)
Spike: New pillow
The Crusaders: ???
Moonlight: ???
Derpy: ???
Sparkler: ???
Lyra: ???
Bon Bon: ???
Mr. and Mrs. Cake: ???
Berry Punch: ???
Vinyl Scratch: ???
Octavia: ???
Screwball: ???
Big Macintosh: ???
Magnum: ???
Caramel: ???
Meadow Song: ???
Granny Smith: ???
Trixie: ???
Zecora: ???

When I finally stopped, I felt stunned at all the additional names I had written down. It looked like my mission was going to be a lot tougher than I imagined. The biggest problem was...I was certain there were still one or two ponies I was forgetting.

“But who?” I muttered to myself. “I’m only increasing the workload by adding more names, but I can’t leave anypony out. Who am I missing? These are the friends I made in Ponyville, even though Octavia came from Canterlot first.”

That’s when it hit me.

“Canterlot...that’s it! But, can I even manage it? I can’t even imagine the kind of stuff that would please ponies like…like…”

But I couldn’t maintain my focus for much longer. Heaving a huge yawn, I slumped in my chair, falling asleep right there at the table.

The next thing I knew, I was standing in the middle of a snow-covered street, the sky completely black, not a star in the sky, and only the dark silhouettes of buildings visible. Then, the air was rent by the deep, resonating chime of a bell tower clock, and the ghostly image of a calendar appeared to cover the sky. A dark red circle surrounded the day ‘December 25: Hearth’s Warming’. A shudder of horror ran through me.

“Oh no! I waited too long! B-But there’s still time, right? I can still manage it!”

I began sprinting down the street, but it seemed like no matter how fast I ran, the buildings didn’t get any closer, nor did they even seem to pass by me. It was like I was running on a conveyor belt moving the opposite way. Then, right out of nowhere, several long, thin objects began soaring through the air like a flock of birds. But those were no birds: they were feather quills! The exotic bird quills I was planning to buy for Twilight. Like a swarm of insects they flew around me, some poking at me with their pointed ends, others tickling me with their feathered ends, as I swatted at them, trying to make them go away.


A soft yet heavy weight smacked me in the side of the head, making the quills scatter. It was one of the pillows I’d seen in Barnyard Bargains, but it wasn’t alone. Three more bulky pillows joined it, and they began thumping and whacking me from all sides.

“Ack! Knock it off! Quit that!”

I tried to knock them away again, but the air was rent with the crack of a whip, and something wrapped around my wrist, pulling my arm back. It was the rope I’d bought for Applejack, and several more lashed out to restrain my other arm. I yanked at them to try and get them away from whatever it was they were being sent by, but nothing happened. All that did happen was that I found myself tumbling backwards onto my back. As a jerk move on the pillows’ part, none of them cushioned my fall, but they just loomed over me, along with the quills, hovering over me like bees about to strike. I tried to kick at them, but more ropes lashed around my ankles, and I was well and truly trapped. I sincerely doubted that even Gulliver would have made sense of this, as he had only been restrained by miniscule people, not live ropes, pillows, and quills. All the while, the bells continued clanging in my ears, on and on, a deafening cacophony of insanity!


I opened my eyes. The ropes vanished in a blaze of light and puff of smoke, and the quills and pillows followed suit. Everything had dissolved into darkness once again, except for the faint bluish glow of a pony I thought I recognized. As she stepped forward, I could no longer doubt who it was.

“P-Princess Luna!” I muttered, shifting into a sitting position. “T-Thank you. You saved me again.”

“We must stop meeting like this,” said Luna. “Save for at least one encounter, I seem to always find you paralyzed with fear or unable to move, whether it’s in the real world or the vale of dreams.”

“Forgive me, Your Highness,” I said, my head bowed. “I didn’t mean to trouble your evening duties with my constant woes.”

I felt her put a hoof under my chin, which tilted my head up until I was gazing into her clear eyes. She was smiling gently.

“Come, Sir Dave. No need for such melancholy. Rise and tell me what is bothering you.”

Stiffly, I did as she bade, standing up so that I was level with her.

“It’s…complicated, Princess. I want to be able to get gifts for my friends for Hearth’s Warming, but only today did I realize how far the term ‘friends’ extends. I owe so much to so many ponies over the time I’ve been in Equestria. I got a part-time job so I could pay for gifts, but I feel like there just isn’t enough time to find gifts for everypony who deserves my gratitude. What do I do, Princess? What do I do?”

It took a few moments for Luna to answer, but at last, she said,

“You possess a kind and generous heart, Sir Dave. However, I think you’re trying a little too hard to please everypony. I understand your concern, but you are letting yourself get carried away by turning a molehill into a mountain. Two weeks seems like such a short time now, but you’d be surprised how much one can accomplish even in one day. Do not hold such a dismal opinion of the future when the present is still very much open to you.”

I looked up at her. There was that same calm wisdom that she emanated when I was engulfed in the nightmare that led to me first meeting her. It made me feel...warmer, lighter, as if a heavy lock covering my heart had been unchained and dropped.

“I remember you saying something similar the first time we met,” I said. “I wish I’d remembered that sooner…”

“It is no fault of yours,” said Luna. “And if you do fall under the same anxiety as before, just remember: keep your eyes on the now, and don’t strain them to see the further on.”

“Right. Thanks, Your Highness. I’m again sorry to have disturbed you.”

“Disturbed me? Nonsense. It is my duty to protect Equestria from the nightmares that prey on sleeping minds. Now, I shall wash away the remnants of the nightmare, and send you into a more blissful dream.”

Her horn flared up, and she raised herself into the air on her wings.

“Princess!” I suddenly said. “If I could say one more thing before you go.”


“You paint a very beautiful night sky, Your Highness.”

Luna looked down at me for a moment, before her face split into a warm smile.

“I thank you, Sir Dave. Sweet dreams.”

And with that, she disappeared in the glow of her horn, and, true to her word, my dreams remained content and undisturbed until I awakened the next day, though I wish I’d fallen asleep in bed instead of at the table…

Sunday, December 11

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