• Published 27th Jun 2012
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Living in Equestria - Blazewing

A young man finds himself in a world beyond his wildest imagination...

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Spring Has Sprung

I awoke to the sound of birds singing outside, as well as a bright ray of sunlight streaming in. Groaning, I covered my head with my blanket. The sun hadn’t been this strong all winter, nor had the birds been so loud.

Wait a minute.

It wasn’t winter anymore.

It was-

I jumped up from my bed, threw open the curtains, and looked out upon a wonderful sight.

Where there had been endless expanses of snow, then dull, bare soil, there were now rolling green stretches of grass as far as I could see, sprinkled here and there with flowers. The sky was a serene shade of cerulean, dotted here and there with cottony clouds, while the sun shone down bright and clear. A butterfly flitted past, and I even thought I saw a wild rabbit hop by.

I opened the window, and took a deep sniff of the warm, grassy air, and let it out in a contented sigh. Now that the window was open, I could hear the birds singing more clearly. It wasn’t just random tweeting, either. They were all in unanimous harmony. Come to think of it, I vaguely recalled Fluttershy saying something about them having a song to sing when spring returned. This must’ve been it, and it sounded beautiful.

And then, I remembered. We were all supposed to meet up at 9 to officially welcome spring. I checked my watch, and saw that it was only just 8. Still, under the right circumstances of procrastination, an hour can easily slip away, so I therefore bustled off to get ready.


It looked like I was among the last to arrive, as the crowd gathered at the hill overlooking Ponyville was quite huge, and one or two stragglers were coming at the same time as I was. I was still reveling in the beauty of the new season, marvelling at everything around me. Perhaps it was partly due to knowing that all of this, all of it was the product of everypony’s hard work. That something so wonderful, so breathtaking could have been accomplished from a single day’s work was more than I could put into words.

I at last joined the crowd, not minding being at the back, since I wasn’t blocking anyone else’s view. Mayor Mare and Twilight were at the very front, underneath a willow tree that served as the sole landmark of the hill. Upon its branches were numerous birds, all of them in united song. I looked around and spotted Fluttershy, who was smiling from ear to ear.

A happy sigh beside me made me look around. Moonlight was hovering there, looking around at the springtime scenery around us with a glowing smile on her face, her forehooves curled in front of her chest in a very adorable way.

“Isn’t it beautiful, Dave?” she asked.

“It’s quite a sight, definitely,” I said, smiling at her.

“I can’t remember a springtime that looked quite like this,” she said. “I mean, I have seen a few wrap-ups up close, but those were all just a few unicorns casting a bunch of heating spells.”

“Oh, is that right?” I asked.

“Davie! Moonlight!”

I turned around. Pinkie had hopped over, beaming.

“Hi, Pinkie,” I said.

“Good morning, Pinkie,” said Moonlight.

“I hope you guys are ready,” said Pinkie. “Once Twilight and Mayor Mare officially declare spring sprung, it’s party time!”

“I take it this is a yearly event too?” I asked.

“Absotutely-lutely!” said Pinkie. “It’s one of my rules to never throw the same party twice, but holidays and special events are always an exception, like my New Year’s party! Of course, I don’t throw the exact same New Year’s party every year, cuz you’d need a time machine for that, and Doc always says-”

She was talking over a mile a minute at this rate before the mayor cleared her throat in a preparatory way, and all of us turned our attention to her and Twilight, Pinkie’s mouth snapping shut instantly. Fluttershy hastily held up one wing, and the birds fell silent, like a radio being switched off.

“Good morning, everypony,” said the mayor. “Allow me to offer my deepest thanks and heartiest congratulations for another successful Winter Wrap Up! Thanks to your efforts, spring has arrived on time, and it certainly would not have done so without all of you, and without the aid of our All-Team Organizer, Twilight Sparkle.”

This was met with wild applause. Twilight smiled broadly, drawing herself up a little.

“Thank you, Mayor,” she said, “and thank you, everypony. This most certainly would not have been possible without all of you. Seeing such unity within this community warms my heart to its core.”

A few ‘aww’s met this pronouncement. That made me feel a little warm inside too.

“And so, without further ado,” said the mayor, “I hereby declare winter officially wrapped up!”

Even louder and more enthusiastic applause met this. Fluttershy gestured to her bird friends again, and their singing was started anew, louder than before. Pinkie, in her enthusiasm, actually grabbed up a bunch of flowers and tossed them into the air like confetti, where they danced about on the breeze before falling back to earth.

“All righty, everypony!” she called, turning all eyes on her. “You know what this means! Spring Has Sprung Party! Follow me!”

She bounced off towards Ponyville, the whole crowd following in her wake like a stampede of excited cattle. I was momentarily knocked off balance by the thunderous ground-shaking caused by so many equines moving at once, but Moonlight caught me before I fell over.

“Come on!” she said, giggling. “Let’s go! Everypony’s already a mile ahead!”

Chuckling along with her, I regained my footing and followed after her and the crowd.


Pinkie’s Spring Has Sprung Party was set up in a meadow. Everything from refreshment tables (one of them bearing a punch bowl sitting on a spring) to games to a dance floor was set up in a wide expanse of green, and all of it was ringed by innumerable flowers. I couldn’t help wondering if Pinkie had planned for the grass and flowers to be planted like this in preparation for the party. It wouldn’t have surprised me.

Speaking of Pinkie, after Moonlight and I separated so we could both mingle, I found her already making the most elaborate balloon shapes and animals for Ponyville’s foals. I could see a whole menagerie of animals, and even vehicles, like a locomotive. She had just finished what looked like a moose when she spotted me.

“There you are, Davie!”

“Hi, Dave!” chorused the fillies and colts, though I’m sure I heard a couple ‘Mr.’ Dave’s among those I was less familiar with.

“Hi, kids,” I said, smiling. “Did I miss anything, Pinkie?”

“Not too much. Berry’s just giving the adults the grand uncorking of her Springtime Swig.”

She pointed over to my juice-maker friend, who was indeed pouring out glasses of her new concoction for some ponies, while others were already tasting it with the air of seasoned connoisseurs.

“And I’m working my balloon magic!” Pinkie went on. “Any requests?”

I pondered for a moment or two, trying to think of an appropriate challenge, though not impossible. Then, I asked,

“How about an elephant?”

“No problem! Watch!”

She blew up some gray and white balloons, began twisting them together at lightning speed, and within seconds, held up a perfect balloon elephant, with ears, a trunk, and even tusks. The foals ‘Ooh’-ed and ‘Ahh’-ed.

“Spiffy,” I said, impressed.

“Thanks!” said Pinkie, grinning toothily, adding it to the collection she’d begun. “But you don't have to hang around me all day, Davie! Enjoy yourself!”

“Thanks, Pinkie. I intend to do just that,”

A sweet giggle caught my attention as Pinkie went back to her balloon work. Fluttershy was sitting in the flowers with her animal friends. They all appeared to be those who had been hibernating all winter, including that bear I saw yesterday. Some were scampering around her, while others were playing with her mane and tail. I watched as a pair of squirrels went up to her with a crown of daisies clutched between them in their tiny paws. Fluttershy bowed her head and allowed them to place the ring on it. Angel, who was sitting on her back, stood on his hind paws and adjusted it slightly, as though to make the effect perfect.

As I slowly approached, the bear caught sight of me, and I pulled to an abrupt stop, feeling nervous. Fluttershy looked up.

“Hello, Dave!” she said, beaming. “How are you?”

“Pretty well, Fluttershy,” I said. “Who, uh, who’s your bear friend?”

“Hm? Oh! Of course, you two haven’t met yet! Dave, this is Harry. Harry, Dave.”

Quicker than I would’ve liked, the bear shuffled over to me until his long muzzle was inches from my face, sniffing at me inquisitively. I kept still as a statue, praying that Fluttershy had somehow conveyed to him that she had a friend who was a human, and also that she’d be quick to intervene if he didn’t happen to take to me. Eventually, however, he stopped, drew himself up, and then, his muzzle curving into a big smile, opened his forelegs wide and scooped me into a literal bear hug faster than I could react to. I let out a yell that I couldn’t hold back, struggling to free myself, but Harry just held on the tighter. I felt my bones would surely be squeezed into pulp!

Eventually, however, when it became clear that I wasn’t about to die, my screaming and flailing subsided. It might also be that Fluttershy was comfortingly patting me on the head, as though she’d anticipated this from me. At last, Harry released me, and gave me a heavy pat on the head of his own with his big paw.

“Aww, see? He likes you,” said Fluttershy, warmly.

“Heh, yeah, lucky me,” I said, weakly, rubbing my arm.

Unseen by Fluttershy, Angel blew a raspberry at me.

(Meanwhile, he and I still don’t see eye to eye.)

“Say, Fluttershy,” I said, a sudden thought occurring to me, “do you have any groundhog friends?”

“Of course!” said Fluttershy. “Pete, Rebecca, and little Dinah! They are just the sweetest, Dave! Why do you ask?”

“Well, kind of a random fact,” I said, “but I was only just reminded. Back where I come from, there’s been a long-standing tradition that a groundhog seeing his shadow or not was what dictated how long winter would last. On one day in February, we watch for him to emerge from his burrow. If he sees his shadow, there’ll be 6 more weeks of winter. If not, spring is right around the corner.”

“Really?” asked Fluttershy, looking amazed. “Goodness, I had no idea groundhogs were so revered in your world, if humans trust them to say when spring’s coming!”

“Err, I guess that’s one way to put it,” I said, delicately. “Anyways, I don’t want to keep you from your hibernation friends. You all have fun.”

“Oh, it was no bother, Dave, really,” said Fluttershy, kindly. “I’ll see you later.”

I ambled off, leaving her to her furry friends, and looked around at everypony else enjoying themselves.

Berry was still giving out her ‘Springtime Swig’ to her tasters, her cheeks already a bit flushed, and a silly grin on her face. Bon Bon and Golden Harvest were at the refreshment tables, munching on treats. Meanwhile, Lyra was literally stuffing her face with cookies, and Derpy loaded her plate with several kinds of muffins. Golden Harvest looked bemused by this, and Bon Bon looked pretty embarrassed. Rarity had hung up several silk banners embroidered with springtime flowers and butterflies, and she was proudly displaying them to intrigued ponies. Applejack and her family had set up apple bobbing tanks, where several ponies were already participating, including Rainbow Dash, but she quickly spit her apple out when she found a pair of dentures, claimed seconds after by Granny Smith, attached to it. Several pony couples, including Magnum and Pearl, Mr. and Mrs. Cake, Cranky and Matilda, and Caramel and Sassaflash were on the dance floor to the accompaniment of a lively (I want to say Celtic-style) tune provided by the same band I saw playing on Nightmare Night, including that violinist, Fiddlesticks. Other ponies were dancing by themselves, and I could see Twilight and Spike cutting a wild, enthusiastic rug, especially in the former’s case.

The very air itself was definitely charged with something I could only describe as ‘fun’.

All of a sudden, there was a loud ‘Rawr!’, and something small grabbed me around the neck from behind, making me jump. For a split second, I thought it was Harry again, but from the sound of wings in my ears, and from the voice, I figured out that it was Scootaloo. She swung around so that she was facing me, grinning up at me.

“Gotcha!” she said, triumphantly.

“Practicing pouncing?” I asked, giving her mane a tousle. “Aiming for a hunting cutie mark?”

“Nah,” said Scootaloo, “Now you’re just being silly. We tried that months ago.”

(Should’ve figured.)


The next thing I knew, with a yell that sounded like it came from Dinky, I felt something latch onto my leg. Now, neither of them were very heavy, but a filly around my neck and one pouncing me on the leg knocked me off balance, and I toppled onto the grass. As I rolled over onto my back, groaning, my fellow Crusader climbed onto my torso, giggling at me, while Scootaloo hovered just above me. Beyond them, I could see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle watching from a distance, munching on party snacks, as though spectating a sporting event. Seems they were all feeling silly today.

“All right, you got me, you little stinkers,” I said, ruffling Dinky’s mane. “Between you and Harry, it’ll be a miracle if my poor bones stay intact after today.”

I said it in more of a jesting way than anything, though my body was feeling a bit sore by now. Dinky got off of me, and I sat up, brushing blades of grass out of my hair and off my shirt.

“Hi!” said Dinky, sweetly, as if she hadn’t just knocked me down.

“Hi,” I said, grinning. “What’s up?”

“I really needed to tell you,” said Dinky, “that we talked with Miss Octavia earlier.”

“Oh?” I asked.

“Yeah!” said Scootaloo. “She said she’d be totally willing to help us with the concert! She’s friends with Vinyl Scratch, and she’s one of the best music makers in Ponyville! This is gonna be the best amateur concert ever!”

“Absolutely,” I said, beaming. “I actually asked Octavia myself if she’d be willing, and she said as soon as she and Vinyl are settled in their new place, we should be good to go.”

“Yay!” squealed Dinky and Scootaloo together, as did Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle, who were, after all, within earshot.

“That means we’ve really gotta get cracking,” said Scootaloo. “I still need to decide what I wanna perform.”

“And Sweetie Belle’s already looking for songs for all of us,” said Dinky, and I saw Sweetie Belle smile and nod eagerly.

“That’s great,” I said. “We’re gonna rock everypony’s socks off by the time we’re done! Err, if they were wearing socks, that is,” I added.

The Crusaders giggled.

“Well, see ya later, Dave!” said Scootaloo.

“Bye!” said Dinky.

“See ya!” I said.

The four fillies scampered off back into the hubbub of the party, talking excitedly. Suddenly, a loud exclamation hit my ears.


“Hey! Watch it, you doofuses!”



I looked around at this quick succession of shouts. Diamond Tiara was yelling after Snips and Snails, who were galloping off. It looked like they’d barreled into them without warning and knocked Silver Spoon off balance. Consequently, her glasses were lying in the grass. Almost as if by instinct, I hurried over.

“You girls ok?” I asked, kneeling down.

“I’m fine,” said Diamond Tiara. “But those two idiots bumped Silver Spoon and knocked her glasses off! Why can’t they watch where they’re going?”

“They were just a little over-excited, maybe,” I said, shrugging. “It’s a Pinkie party, after all.”

Diamond Tiara scoffed. Silver Spoon, meanwhile, was still scrabbling around for her glasses. I’d wondered if they were for style or service, and it looked like the latter. I picked them up and handed them to her, as she blinked up at me.

“Here you go, Silver Spoon,” I said, kindly.

“Thanks,” she said, gratefully, fitting them back onto her nose. “You have no idea how bad my eyesight is without these.”

“Oh, trust me,” I said, pointing to my own glasses, “I’m blind as a bat without mine. Been like that ever since I was a kid. Still, I think you’ve got a good idea with those: if you’re going to help your eyes, you might as well put a little style into it.”

I punctuated this with a genial tap on her nose with a forefinger. She giggled, and even Diamond Tiara couldn’t help grinning.

“Thanks again, Mr. Dave,” said Silver Spoon, and the two of them trotted off, just as Moonlight came up to me, smiling.

“That was very sweet of you,” she said.

“Ah, well,” I said, humbly. “Just helping out a friend in need, that’s all.”

Moonlight nodded, then added,

“You’re pretty good with kids, you know.”

“You think so?” I asked. “Playing with them or babysitting, maybe, but I doubt I’m ready to actually have kids of my own.”

“Oh, don’t be so modest,” said Moonlight.

At that moment, the band broke into a new song.

“Partner up, everypony!” Pinkie’s voice called. “Dancing’s fun in itself, but it’s even more fun when you share it with somepony special!”

“Excuse me. May I have this dance?”

Both of us jumped and looked around. A young Earth pony stallion I hadn’t seen before was offering Moonlight his hoof with a polite smile on his face. He was around the same age as her, give or take a year or two, chocolate-brown with blackish-brown for his mane and tail. Moonlight looked surprised, then, blushing slightly, looked at me as though asking for assistance.

“Go ahead,” I said, smiling and nodding encouragingly.

Looking slightly reassured, Moonlight turned to the stranger and accepted his hoof.

“I’d be honored,” she said, rather shyly.

With that, she was whisked off onto the dance floor with her new partner. I waved, and cast my gaze around the party for a bit. Everypony else seemed to be partnering up, joining the couples who had danced together earlier. Among them, I could see Zecora with Screwball, just like at New Year’s, Big Mac with Cheerilee, and even Rarity had deigned to dance with Spike, who looked positively delighted. Heck, I could swear I also saw Dolly Tribune partnered with Papa Razzo, cutting a fine rug. Looking around for somepony still without a partner, I spied Twilight and hurried over.

“My lady,” I said, putting on a grand air and bowing before offering my hand, “will you do me the honor?”

Twilight, though surprised at first, beamed and put her hoof in my hand.

“Why, of course, my good sir,” she said, in the same tone. “I would be delighted.”

I helped her up onto her hind legs, and together, we joined the rest on the dance floor. I can easily say that what I or Twilight may have lacked in grace, we definitely made up for with enthusiasm, as well as sore toes and shins, but it was still a lot of fun.


At last, the party began to wind down, and Pinkie announced that it was time to wrap it up. Everypony therefore pitched in to help clean up, quite cheerfully at that, too. I supposed the Winter Wrap Up feeling still hadn’t worn off yet. In any case, between myself and so many ponies helping out, the meadow was cleaned up in next to no time.

“You know, I’m starting to wonder if I really should build a Reverse Party Cannon after all,” said Pinkie. “It’d make things easier, but it’d also take the fun out of everypony helping clean up.”

“Well, it’s still technically a good idea,” I said, tossing some stray streamers into a garbage bag. “Just save it for the days when nopony feels like cleaning up.”

Granted, I had no idea what Pinkie would have to do to make a workable ‘Reverse Party Cannon’ without just making it a big vacuum cleaner, but it was her idea, so I left that kind of thing to her. Besides, my answer seemed to satisfied her.

“Good thinking, Davie!” she said, rearing up and tapping my head affectionately. “That’s using your mind-reading noodle!”

(Still not letting that go, are we?)

“Hi!” said a familiar voice.

Turning around, I saw Moonlight, whom I hadn’t seen since she’d accepted a dance from that stranger.

“There you are,” I said. “Where’s your friend?”

“Already off home,” said Moonlight. “I thought I’d recognized him when I saw him. He’s a regular at Sugarcube Corner, and I think he works at Barnyard Bargains, because I sometimes see him with a vest and nametag on. He doesn’t say much, but he makes a point to say ‘hi’ to me every time. He’s always so shy about it, though.”

“Ohhh,” I said, grinning knowingly. “Looks like you’ve got yourself an admirer.”

“Oh, shut up!” retorted Moonlight, with a punch to my arm, though she couldn’t hide the giggle in her voice as she did.

“Relax,” I said, chuckling. “I was just kidding. I’ve been meaning to say, though,” I added, remembering suddenly, “that I think I know a new book we can read together.”

“Oh?” asked Moonlight, her interest peaked.

“Twilight recommended the ‘Shadow Spade’ mystery novels, and lent me one of them, so I figured we could give one of them a try.”

“Ooh!” said Moonlight, keenly. “I think Rarity mentioned something about that at the spa, how Twilight just got her interested in reading them. Yeah, I’d be down for that!”

“Great!” I said. “How does tomorrow night sound?”

“Perfect!” She let off a big yawn. “Anyways, I’m pretty tired. I’ll see you tomorrow, ok?”

“All righty.”

With a last smile, Moonlight flapped herself into a hover and flew off. Well, now all that was left for us was to see if these ‘Shadow Spade’ books would be just as engaging as Daring Do.


I looked up. Bon Bon and Lyra were trotting up to me, the latter holding a bulging paper bag in her magic.

“Hey, girls,” I said. “What’s up?”

“This,” said Lyra, plopping the bag into my hands.

“As a reward for sticking to the diet plan,” said Bon Bon, “we’ve put together a bag of our latest and most popular sweets for your enjoyment. You earned it.”

“Just like I did,” said Lyra, beaming.

“Wow,” I said, touched. “Thanks, girls. Don’t worry, I’ll take my time with it. It wouldn’t do to lose weight and then regain it so quickly.”

“Good to hear, Dave,” said Bon Bon, with a slight giggle. “I’ll make sure Lyra does the same.”

“And I’ll be keeping an eye on Bonnie, too,” said Lyra, sticking her tongue out.

Bon Bon shot her a filthy look, but Lyra looked innocently aloof, so Bon Bon just sighed and rolled her eyes. Tucking the bag carefully in the crook of one arm, I thanked them again and, as everypony was going their separate ways home, I did the same, waving and saying goodbye to as many ponies as I could. I was exhausted but happy, as I was sure everypony else was. I just hoped my clothes didn’t have permanent grass stains now, or Rarity wouldn’t be too pleased.

Saturday, March 2

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