• Published 29th Jun 2016
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 9: Cloudsdale

Chapter 9: Cloudsdale

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

“Cloudsdale Ahoy, everypony!” Our pilot shouted and getting everybody’s attention.

Except mine, because I was still feeling sick. Seriously, this is the last time I ever set foot -or hoof- onto a hot air balloon ever again! At least that is what I would love to believe and hold true to, but unless I never want to leave Cloudsdale and travel someplace else I will have no other choice but to take another ride. Unless I learn flying, which is never going to happen, or at least not anytime soon… for obvious reasons.

Why did I agree to do this again? Oh right, I’m homeless in this world.

Also, what about my horn? Since I got here it hasn’t done or said a single “word” of action at all, just being a normal horn the entire time, sometimes even acting as nothing less than a nuisance with low-end doorways. But I guess it’s more of the low door frames’ fault rather than my horn, even more so when most other doors were just fine.

But still, I need to add “learn magic” to my to do list if I ever want to survive or be accepted in this world's society, especially since I chose to pose as a normal unicorn rather than a Pegasus for again obvious reasons.

Man, I use that phase a lot lately, don’t I?

Anyway, back to the outside world. The confines of my mind are great and all, but the real world is still vastly more interesting, though also a bit troubling at times, especially in a world like this.

“Alright, we are about to touch down, hope you got your cloudwalking spell going for you there buddy because you are going to need it in this city.” Steam tool announced as he began to pull a lever which made a hissing sound coming from above us.

Probably some valve to let out some of the hot air in the balloon. I have to say this particular hot air balloon seems to be a bit more mechanical than most traditional hot air balloons I know of. I wonder if he made it. He is a unicorn and he does look like some kind of mechanic as well, with those safety goggles strapped above his horn.

“Hey, Nava, I know that you are afraid of heights and all but I would still recommend that you get up from your little self-made corner and take a look at Cloudsdale from up here while you still can. I promise you, you won’t get a much better view angle to see the whole city than like this. So get up and at least take a peek before you regret it.” Flitter suddenly suggested while looking over to where I presume Cloudsdale is.

I sighed. “Well might as well. If I am going to live up here I might as well view it as a whole.“ I thought to myself as I slowly got myself back on all fours.

I immediately was stunned.

All of my worries and fears quickly dissipated as i first laid eyes on a scene that seemed to come right out a Fantasy epic.

“Is this how Olympia would look like in my world if it was real, but with the size of a city instead? Because this looks unbelievable.” I thought to myself in awe as I unblinkingly stared at the scene in front of me.

The city was HUGE. Much larger and more proud looking than I remember ever seeing it on art or any screenshot i saw in the internet. It was multi tiered as well, with each layer sprouting more -and even larger- buildings than the other, with the very top one occupied by what I can only describe as a structure with a distant resemblance to the Acropolis of Athens resting on a huge platform overlooking the entire city.

The whole city had a classical Greek style architecture vibe going on, with some renaissance style buildings mixed in between. The only obvious difference that these architect types have is that almost everything here was made completely out of clouds instead of anything physical.

CLOUDS. Something that will be considered impossible back home.

Besides having different elevated levels, the whole city was also divided into islands, which I would guess are considered as their way of separating districts from one another with long, beautifully crafted bridges connecting them. Also made of clouds, of course.

And in between these different levels and districts were a large number of rainbow colored waterfalls pouring down into the vast open air space below until slowly dissipating into nothing. Which is strange, to be honest.

But one of the most impressive things -and also intimidating ones- was the sheer number of Pegasi flying around the air space of the city.

Forget Ponyville! This here was truly a proper city, 20 times the size and a very visible number of citizens to back it up. This was the seat of the Pegasus race in Equestria and it is very evident here.

“Impressive isn’t it? Only being beat by Manehattan in terms of size and Canterlot in terms of style. Beyond those two, Cloudsdale is the most impressive and largest city in all of Equestria.” Flitter commented as she, too, seemed to be in awe despite this being her home.

I could only agree to that with a nod as I continued to survey the city below.

“There are many reasons a Pegasus can be proud to be a Pegasus and Cloudsdale is one of those reasons.” Cloud Chaser added as she stood on my left.

“Was this city built only by Pegasi?” I asked while turning my gaze to her.

“Yes, it was.” Flitter instead answered to my right. “But if you are really interested in the history of Cloudsdale, then a library would be a much better source than either of us.“ she quickly added with a sheepish smile.

I nodded as our Pilot slowly descended us onto a small platform right at the edge of the city with a bunch of larger platforms scattered about, with a few Airships occupying them that were basically just large boats with a big balloon tied on above them (basically like Blimps). Basically, this world version of an airport, so to speak.

“Well, here we are, Welcome to Cloudsdale, everypony.” Our pilot announced as the Gondola gently touched down onto the platform.

“Alright! Home sweet home. I can’t wait to finally sleep in my own bed again. Those basic ones they had back in Ponyville are nothing compared a good cloud bed.” Flitter happily announced as she threw on her saddle-bag and stepped off.

“Hey… thanks for the lift back home there, Steam tool. Appreciate it, dude.” Cloud Chaser awkwardly said as she followed her sister with her own saddle-bag.

She probably still feels a bit embarrassed about earlier. Who can blame her? I still feel so myself...somewhat. I only forgot about it because I was too busy being in awe of the city.

But now it’s back, because I thought about it… no comment.

“Uh, Nava? It’s time to disembark now you know?” Flitter called out as both her and cloud were waiting in front of me.

I began to switch my gaze to the cloud-made ground, to them and back to the ground as a sudden feeling of uncertainty enveloped me.

This is a cloud. A gas of water vapor created when the sun heats up a body of water. Basically steam. A non-solid material that has more air in it than water, and air just like evaporated water is not solid at all.

At this point my normal real world understanding of physics and nature once again kicked in telling me that leaving the solid safely of the Gondola wooden form and trying to even set foot out onto this white foggy mist was a bad idea.

Images of me just falling through and plummeting down towards my certain death were flashing through my mind as I nervously stared at the cloudy texture below me.

Don’t judge me. I have every reason to be nervous as all hell about this, since this here is literally my first time ever setting foot -or, in my case, hoof- onto an otherwise non-solid material. Combine that with my fear of heights and you got yourself a recipe for a big fat “NOPE” case.

“Uh dude? Anytime now. I know that you are scared and all, it always is that way for first timers to come here in Cloudsdale as non Pegasi. But could you please hurry up? I still need to fly over to Canterlot for my second passengers of the day. So please be quick.” Steam tool behind me announced which added a lot of unnecessary pressure to my already really nervous feeling self.

“Come on, Nava. you will be fine, trust me. If anything does happen to you me and Cloud will catch you way faster than you can fall.” Flitter tried to reassure me, which didn’t really help much, because she used the word “fall” in her sentence.

Again I tried, but I couldn’t. It was then when Cloud Chaser trotted back towards me and whispering something into my ear.

“Dude, don’t worry, you are part Pegasus as an Alicorn, as far as I know. Which means walking on clouds will be just as natural to you as it is to us. If Princess Celestia can do it without the need of a cloud walking spell when she visited the Cloudsdale Colosseum from last years wonderbolt race then so can you.” She explained to me before giving me an encouraging smile and stepping off to the side to give me space.

I sighed, knowing full well that she was right. I mentally prepared myself, breathing in and out gently to calm my mind and lower my fears before I would...

AHH fuck it, no balls no glory.

And with that I simply leapt off from the solid safety of the Gondola and directly onto the cloud textured floor in front of me.

A lot of expectations went through my mind right after I made my daring jump into the unknown, but none of them were even close to the result I actually got when I landed rear first onto the cloudy floor below me. Like actually landing on it.

What was that surprising result, you ask? Pain. A sudden jolt of pain as the previously thought soft-looking cloud actually turned out to be just as hard and solid as a slab of concrete.

Welcome to Cloudsdale everyone. Welcome to Cloudsdale.

A single tear ran down my eye as I whimpered to myself in pain.


“Could you two please stop snickering? I already feel uncomfortable enough on my rear and don’t need you two to add insult to injury. Also ponies are watching again.” I muttered as we strolled through the busy streets of Cloudsdale.

“But… but it was so funny! You should have seen your face when you realized just how solid the cloud beneath you actually was. Oh, mare, that really made my day.” Cloud Chaser commented between snickers which eventually turned into a full blown laugh as she was forced to support herself against the side of a wall.

I groaned in annoyance as ponies once again began to stare at the sudden commotion.

“Is this really going to happen every time whenever I visit or enter a new location in this world? Why does everything here have to be so awkward? It never was like this in my world, EVER!” I thought to myself as I found the ground surprisingly interesting.

“Hey, come on there, it really wasn’t that bad. At least it was just the three of us who saw it. So chill.” Flitter tried to reassure me while trying not to laugh herself.

Yeah, Flitter it really doesn’t work well if you are visibly trying to restrain yourself from rolling around on the floor like your sister.

I simply gave her a deadpan look. “Just get it out of your system Flitter. The sooner the better.” I suggested to her with a blank stare.

And after that she did just that as she too took on her sister’s example and began to laugh her flank off while mine was still hurting. Both physically and emotionally.

Seriously, though, who would have thought that clouds could be just as solid as concrete bricks? I at least thought that there would have some sort bouncy softness to them like a mattress, or at least feel pleasant, like a rug, but not as hard as rock.

The more time I spend here, the more I learn…in the most wrong and embarrassing ways possible. Making myself look like a complete idiot instead of being a philosophically and logic bound thinker.

This world is going to be the death of me.

After a while, though, the laughing stopped as these two finally calmed down.

“So-sorry for that Nava. You were right though about just getting it out first. But I am all better now, so don’t worry.” Flitter said in between breaths as she picked herself back up.

Followed by her sister who was still snickering. “But seriously dude, why the hay did you jump off like that? You could have just placed a hoof to test the solidness of ground first and not just full on jump on it butt first.” Cloud comments which made me facehoof at my stupidity.

“I was under a lot of pressure ok? Jeez. Can't a guy just make a mistake?” I muttered while rubbing my forehead.

Cloud simply continued to snicker while Flitter simply shook her head before the three of us continued to move on.

Trying to get the embarrassing situation out of the way (which is hard with a still sore flank) I simply continued to survey my surroundings as we trotted along.

Again, just as predicted the streets were full of ponies, most of them Pegasi for very obvious reasons, but the most obvious difference was just how many there are, especially in comparison to Ponyville.

The buildings themselves, though made of clouds, were a lot larger as well. Streets were broader, shops were more numerous and busy. All in all this place does feel like a proper city, not like a simple humble town like Ponyville.

This place was busy as all heck, even the air space above looked busy.

I even managed to spot a construction site off in the distance. By construction I mean Pegasi workers pushing large sums of clouds over to it, breaking pieces off of it and placing them all to their respective places while molding everything into shape with some sets of tools.

So that’s how they build here.

“Hey…where exactly do you two live in this city?” I asked as we turned into a smaller, less crowded street.

“Well, we live on the east side of town, where a lot of more residential buildings are. We are currently in a commercial district of the city, right after that we’ll have to cross a Bridge to get to the White Cloud district which is the place we live in.” Flitter explained as we once again reached another small alley.

“Commercial District, huh? No wonder there are so many shops and ponies running around the streets.” I thought to myself as we passed by a small candy shop to our right.

Than it came back to.

This Cloudsdale here is much, much larger than the Cloudsdale I remember from back home. In both the show and in art I saw in the internet, Cloudsdale was always depicted more of a large town or small city but never in the same size and scale as this.

Again, proving my point that THIS here is not like the show. This is a real living breathing world with its own events and history. Just because something happened in a certain way in the show doesn’t mean that this world has to follow that event to the letter.

Again this is much like the real world I am from where anything can happen. A realization that I need to remember in the future, because I have a feeling that it could change everything for better or for worse. But hopefully for the better.

Man, I should really focus more on what I am doing now and not constantly retreat into my mind while moving. I might walk into something or even lose the two sisters in this sea of ponies if I’m not careful. That would be a disaster.

Rainbow Dash might have been right about the idea of my constant phasing out not being too healthy. But I’d rather not tell her that or her ego would go through the roof.

“Alright, there’s the bridge that leads us to the White Cloud district. You see it?” Flitter asked while pointing her hoof at something at the end of the road.

I followed her gaze, and she was right. Right there at the very end of a large main road was indeed a bridge spanning from this island district over to another.

“So we cross that and we will be in a more residential heavy part of the city?” I asked, trying to learn more about this alternative version of Cloudsdale.

Flitter nods. “Yes, and the best part for you. Far less ponies on the streets as well.” She answered with a small giggle at the end.

I simply rolled my eyes at her as we continued our trek through the streets.

Being a bridge in a cloud city connecting various islands to one another meant that right under them was basically a whole lot of nothing other than the distant, distant earth below, which meant I was basically forced to keep my eyes forward as the three of used it to cross over to the other side. Thankfully, though, the bridge itself was very wide, so it really wasn’t that much of an issue for me.

The Houses in the White Cloud district where far more humble and smaller than the rows on rows of never-ending buildings that dominated the previous one. Perfectly made just for the sake of living in them similar to the houses I saw in Ponyville only made out of clouds instead of wood and thatch.

And also true to her word there were far less ponies running around the streets as well. Something I find rather nice, to be honest.

“Hey, Cloud and Flitter. Back from Ponyville already?” Some random dark blue Pegasus mare with a yellow mane greeted us from above as we were about to climb up a set of stairs.

“Oh. Hey, Rain coat. Yeah, we got sent back early this time. Thanks to an accident we had during our job.” Flitter replied while showing the newcomer her bandaged left wing.

The blue mare landed in front of us with a shocked expression. “Oh my gosh! what happened?”

Flitter simply pointed a hoof over to her sister which made Cloud glare at her and the mare giggle in realization.

“Oh, I see, so everything went pretty normal than I would guess.” Rain coat commented with another giggle.

I simply stood there, patiently waiting as these three mares began to quack amongst themselves about various things that I guess only close friends or colleagues can talk about.

Despite all of that, I immediately noticed that during their little chat both Flitter and Cloud hadn’t mentioned anything about the whole Everfree Forest incident to her. I personally don’t know why, but I guess one of the reasons might be because of me. We did agree to one another to keep my identity a secret to everyone, so I guess keeping me out of the conversation by not mentioning anything about the incident might be a good choice.

Though, not for long as the mare eventually asked them about my presence.

“By the way, Flitter, who is this stallion walking with you? I have never seen him before.” She began looking at me with a curious expression before it was replaced by a sly smile.

“Is he like yours -or Cloud’s- new coltfriend? My, my, if so then I have to say that this time the two of you really managed to reel in a super cute one. What is his name anyway?” She quickly added making both Flitter and Cloud stare at her in shock.

I simply facehoofed. “Ugh…not this again…I am way too tired to even give a respond to that. I already had a really long day as it is.” I thought as Flitter quickly tried to explain herself.

“No, no he is neither my, or Cloud Chaser here’s, coltfriend. He is just a friend we met when we were in Ponyville. Simple as that.” Flitter tried to explain. Though, looking at Rain Coat’s expression, she obviously wasn’t buying it.

Flitter simply sighed. “Ok look, can we please talk about this more during another day? We are tired and we would love to finally get back home to call it a day.” Flitter added.” Look, the sun is setting anyway.” she tried to reason.

The mare simply shook her head while smiling. “Well, whatever, it is getting late anyway. But I would still like to be properly introduced to him next time, alright?” She said before taking off.

“Well, alright. See you tomorrow then, Rain!” Flitter shouted back as the mare quickly disappeared.

“Who was that?” I finally asked after she was gone.

“A friend and work colleague. Both me and Cloud knew her since flight school.” Flitter answered before her sister stepped in. “Basically most of our lives.” Cloud Chaser added curtly, nodding.

I nodded as I followed them up the wide stairs that would lead us onto a higher elevation of the district. As we did I quickly noticed the weird silence Cloud Chaser had around her. Besides the time when we arrived here and the moments when she and her sister laughed at my stupidity from earlier she really hasn’t done or said a whole lot since our trip through the streets.

Which is weird, to be honest because normally she was really be the more active and talkative one of these two, but now she seems very quiet and distant instead.

Maybe I can ask her.

“Uh… hey, Cloud? What’s wrong? You have been pretty quiet this entire time which since I have known you is not like you at all. In fact it’s normally my thing to be all quiet.” I asked with a small chuckle at the end before looking back at her with concern. “Is something wrong?” I finally ask.

She simply sighed as she continued to watch the ground. “It’s nothing, really. I just have been… thinking a lot.”She answered. “Something that you have allot of experience with I would guess.” she chided playfully while giving me a small smile at the end.

I gave her a nod and a small smile of my own as I decided to drop the subject then and there.

If she doesn’t feel like sharing her problems or concerns than I won’t push her. I respect her privacy and decision to speak up for her own.

It wasn’t long before we finally reached the top and were greeted with somewhat larger homes than the ones I mostly saw before. Not necessary in terms of height but more in length. I could tell that these were large family houses, or for ponies who have just a little bit more coin in their purses. Or saddlebags, i guess.

I was actually pretty surprised to discover that one of them was actually Flitters and Cloud Chasers home as we soon stopped in front one of them.

“Well here we are. Home sweet home.” Flitter announced as she stepped onto the front porch.

I was really stunned. “Wait a minute. You two live in one of these? Alone? Why do you two need this much space alone?” I asked as I continued to survey the rather large home for just two ponies.

Cloud Chaser giggled as she stood beside her sister. “Well, to be honest this was our parents’ house, the same house where we grew up in and eventually inherited 4 years ago. “ Cloud answered for me.

I nodded as I quickly followed to stand at the front door with them.

Than something clicked. “Wait…you said inherited it from your parents 4 years ago right? I began, slowly regretting my decision to ask in the first place but continued, as there was no turning back now. “Did… did something happen to them?” I finished with a worried tone.

My worries were quickly proven right when both of their expressions quickly fell as they both looked at each other with sad and pained look.

I was about to apologize when Flitter quickly unlocked the door and stepped inside the house, followed by her sister leaving me standing all alone outside.

At this point I felt absolutely terrible for accidentally asking about a touchy or taboo subject and feared that I might have immediately destroyed any form of friendship and trust I have built up with them.

Stupid…why the hell did you even try to ask when the answer was basically already there when she mentioned the word “Inherit”. Since I came here I have done nothing but make myself look like an idiot, coward, loser, and now as a big fat asshole as well. Great work Nava, Great work. I think I should better leave now before I accidentally make things even worse.

I was about to turn around and leave when Flitter’s voice stopped me.

“Hey are you coming in or not? Cloudsdale can get mighty cold when the sun goes down.” Flitter said as she stood there at the doorway looking at me.

A part of me immediately felt relieved to know that I hadn’t destroyed our companionship by accident, but another part of me still felt worried, if their previous reaction was anything to go by.

I nodded as she stepped out of the way to give me entry into their home. I carefully stepped into their house and was immediately greeted with the sight of a very large and beautifully furnished living room. It had two large couches at the center with a small wooden table in between them. Wooden and glass shelves, book shelves, and smaller tables with knick-knacks or small house plants on them lined the walls with in the room.

Overall the living room looked pretty cozy. to say the least. Though the one thing that did surprise me even more was the fact that the walls of the room were blue instead of the same cloudy white I expected.

How they color clouds, I have no idea. But I guess I can ask about that at a later date.

Beyond the main room was a kitchen that was semi-connected with the living room with only a single wall with a doorway separating from the dining room to its right which was also semi-connected with the living room with only a counter marking its border. The dining room had a long table that could comfortably fit six ponies around it, and a very large window with a sliding door behind it that probably went around back.

And lastly, but not leastly, a corridor going from left to right from the main room, probably leading to bedrooms, bathrooms and other rooms of the house.

I whistled, being very impressed with the layout and the interior of this home. Whoever their parents where probably had a lot of spare bits in their pockets because all of this must have cost a small fortune!

“Well, what do you think?” Flitter asked, gesturing to the whole house in general with her hoof.

I looked at her. “Wow, girls! Your home looks very impressive. Again I imaged something… well, smaller. No offence, by the way.”

“It’s ok, none taken.” She answered with a giggle.

“But to be honest we get that a lot. Most ponies do like to think that we live in a nice quiet little home instead of in a house as big as this. So you’re not the first one to assume that.” Flitter quickly added before diverting her attention back to Cloud Chaser, who was spread out in one of the couches.

“Hey, Cloud? Could you maybe take our saddlebags to our rooms while I go give Nava here a tour of our home?” Flitter asked her sister.

Cloud Chaser groaned. “Why don’t you do it? You’re the one still standing and I feel way too tired to move at the moment.” She complained as she rolled herself to the other side.

“Ugh. Fine, I will take our bags to our rooms then.” Flitter replied while trotting over to Cloud and grabbing her bag with her mouth. “Hey, Nava? Could you please close the door behind you for me while I go store our stuff? After that you can make yourself comfortable and wait for me, ok?” Flitter somehow managed to say clearly with a full mouth.

I gave her a nod and she quickly disappeared around the right hallway, leaving me and her sister alone in the room.

I did as I was asked and gently shut the main door behind me. I was about to make my way towards the couch opposite to Cloud when something suddenly caught my interest in the corner of my eye.
It was a set of framed photos hanging from the wall to my right that I honestly didn’t notice before.

Probably because this one bookshelf was standing in my way from where I previously stood, but whatever.

Curiosity took a hold of me as I slowly started to approach the photos.

At first glance I could tell that those were family photos of both Cloud Chaser and Flitter when they were fillies. But beside those there were also pictures of them together with two other ponies I haven’t seen before. A white coated and red maned Pegasus stallion and a White coated dark blue maned mare.

“I would guess that these two must be Flitter and Cloud Chaser’s parents.” I thought to myself as I continued to observe the photos.

One of them especially caught my eye though. It was a simple family picture with all four of them together. The two sisters in the middle with both of their parents on either side of them, smiling happily as if everything was perfect for them.

Though the one thing that somehow bothered me about this picture was just how much older both Cloud and Flitter looked in this one, probably in their late teens if their looks and height were anything to go by.

“How old is this pic exactly?” I thought as I continued to observe it.

“That’s us and our parents, in case you’re wondering.” Flitter’s voice suddenly came up from behind and scaring the shit out of me.

“JEEZ GIRL! Please don’t sneak up on me like that! I don’t cope very well with surprises of that nature.” I pleaded while trying to contain my racing heart.

Flitter giggled. “Sorry, didn’t know you were so engrossed with our family photos like that, otherwise I might have been just a little bit more careful.” She said as she quickly joined me.

As we continued to observe the photos in silence a question suddenly popped back up in my mind again, but I felt very hesitant to actually ask it because i was afraid of the reaction it would bring out in her, especially judging what happened just a few moments ago.

Flitter, on the other hand, seemed to notice my nervousness as she simply answered my question before I could even ask it myself.

“This particular photo with all four of us together was taken 4 years ago, just a few week before we lost… both of our parents.” Flitter began as sadness dripped from her voice, her ears drooping expressively.

I turned my head to look at her, both shocked and surprised at the same time. “So this is why talking or asking about their parents is such a touchy subject for them.” I thought to myself as I realized what I had done earlier.

I placed a hoof over to her shoulder to comfort her as the sense of guilt I felt previously returned at full force.

“I… I am sorry Flitter. Sorry for your loss and sorry for being so... insensitive earlier. If I had known… I would have never even asked in the first place. I… I am so sorry.” I apologized trying to somehow fix my earlier mistake.

To my utter confusion Flitter began to sadly mutter something under her breath as I tried to comfort her.

“Take care of your Sister, Flitter, while we are gone.” was what she muttered to herself which both confused and worried me greatly for her.

“Flitter? Are… are you ok?” I asked hoping that she would answer.

Luckily she did, as she eventually raised her head to look at me. The sadness in her expression still visible, which really didn’t help my own worries.

“I… I'm ok, it’s just, well… memories.” She replied while trying to force a smile for me.

Which obviously didn’t work that well.

“Flitter, again… I am sorry from earlier I just…” I tried to explain before flitter cut me off.

“No really, it's fine, Nava, really. You didn’t know, that’s all.” She reassured me before continuing. “It’s just…it’s just because me and Cloud loved our parents so much. We loved them greatly and in return they loved us just as much, even more so at times. So you can easily guess that losing them so early and so suddenly was extremely scary for the both of us.” Flitter explained as she lowered her head again. “Especially for my sister.” She muttered.

I once again placed my hoof on her back to comfort her while trying to think of what would change this obviously sad subject for her.

“What… was the job of your parents, anyway, to afford a place like this?” I asked trying to change the subject until I realized the error I just made again.

“Uhm no… wait, I mean…” I tried to correct myself awkwardly, but stopped as Flitter looked back at me.

“They were both members of the Royal couriers. A position that is only reserved to the most trusted and well talented Pegasi of the kingdom.” She explained before continuing. “But before that, or at least before they met one another, they had different occupations that eventually led them to become Royal Couriers.” She explained seemingly also trying her best to divert the subject, to my surprise.

I simply decided to help her along with that since that is what I wanted to do myself anyways.

“Which were?” I asked.

“Our father, Crimson Wing used to be part of the guard while our Mother Cloud Heart used to be a member of the Wonderbolts in her youth.” Flitter answered.

That quickly made me think. “Their father, a member of the Guard and their mother a member of the Wonderbolts? No wonder Cloud and Flitter live in a home as big as this with so much expensive looking stuff in it. Plus this whole “Royal courier” thing also probably opened up a lot of extra possibilities as well, with the way Flitter explained it.” I thought to myself as I began to look around the room once more.

It was then that another question hit me. “Wait, why was you father named Crimson Wing? To me it translates to Blood Wing as far as I know. But in the picture his has a snow white coat.” I question.

Flitter for the first time since scaring me actually started to smile a bit to my relief before answering.

“Well again…you really are not the first to have ever asked that question.” She started with a smile before continuing.” But to cut a long story short, he was given that name by his parents because of his rarity. You see, just like with unicorns in how rare it is for one to be born with a much longer horn than the usual, it is also very rare for a Pegasus to be born with completely different colored wing feathers in comparison to the color of their coats.” She finished.

“So in other words, your father’s wings were actually red instead of white like the rest of his body?” I ask back in which she nods.

I sighed, feeling relieved that at least everything seems to be back to normal again for the both of us.

After a while of awkward silence in between us with only the sound of a ticking clock somewhere in the room to accompany us.
It was Flitter who eventually broke the silence as she trotted over toward the right corridor before speaking up. “Well…anyway, let me just show you your room so that we can call it a night.” Flitter suggested as she stood there waiting for me to follow her.

I nodded as I did so, following her into the right corridor which had a couple of doors on both sides and a large window at the end of it.

We both eventually stopped at a navy blue door at the very end of the corridor.

Flitter looked at me with a somewhat sheepish smile while rubbing the back of her neck.

“This here is going to be your room, Nava, sorry if it looks somewhat empty and lifeless inside. This room used to be the guest room, before me and Cloud eventually stored most of what was there down in the basement after we inherited this house. Besides a bed and a night table there is really nothing of interest in it.” She explained looking a bit embarrassed at the end.

I gave her a smile. “That’s quite alright. Really, you offering a room with a bed is already quite awesome enough on its own.” I answered honestly.

Flitter shook her head. “Nonsense! If you are going to live here with us then you might as well sleep with the same comfort as any other pony. Next thing tomorrow me and Cloud are going to get everything back from the basement so that you can have a proper room.” Flitter offered before pressing down the handle and opening the door.

I quickly followed her as she stepped in and turned on the lights (which to be honest i have no idea how their work here.) and true to her word, all that was inside this otherwise spacious room was a normal sized cloud bed at the left corner of the room with a nightstand next to it.

The walls were white just how you would expect from a house made of clouds with only the ceiling having a navy blue color, a larger window was located right next to the bed and the nightstand completely curtain free with a view directly aimed at the rest of the city itself.

Basically saying I got the room with the best view in the house. The many lights of the city easily visible from here, with the added bonus of a clear starry night to boot.

“Well, as I said, this room is still pretty empty, but it should be good enough to sleep here for one night.” Flitter commented with a small echo bouncing off the walls.

As it’s typical for empty rooms to do.

I again smiled at her. “Thank you for giving me my own room Flitter, this really is one of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me. I… I am honestly speechless.” I thanked her as I fought the urge to let lose a few tears of happiness.

And succeeding. Yeah, manly honor intact, even though I already lost it multiples times before getting here.

Flitter smiled. “Think nothing of it. As I already said, many times a pony’s life is worth more than all the Bits in Equestria combined. Just wait here for a moment while I go grab the bedsheet, a blanket and a pillow for you.” Flitter responded before excusing herself out the room.

I sighed as i trotted over to the window. The night sky was just as beautiful as it had always been since I first arrived in this world only now with the added bonus of having lights up in front of me as well. The large Acropolis like Citadel at the center being beautifully illuminated by blue and white lights, giving it a very mysterious, but also imposing look to it.

The one thing that still constantly reminded me that I was currently in a pre-season 1 time frame was the image of a pony’s head on the surface of the moon, but if anything I know so far is true will soon change which eventually will jump start the events I am familiar with. Or so I think.

Again, this is not the show. This is a real world where anything can happen. Which already has been proven time and time again that this seems to be the case.

The possibilities are endless, and if I for some reason find out that I am unable to ever return home… a thought I currently still don’t want to entertain, then at least this world is going to offer me pretty much endless possibilities of new beginnings. Especially knowing that I have time in my favor… being an alicorn and all, but I let the ideas and concepts of eternal youth worry me for another time, simply because… I have other problems to focus on first. Plus, it's way too early as well. I only have been in this world for 4 days.

“Alright, here is your stuff.” Flitter’s voice suddenly echoed in the room and derailed me and my thoughts once more.

I turned from the window and saw that she was already making my bed for me, putting in the bedsheet and placing the pillow and blanket on top of it.

“There. All nice and ready for a pony to sleep on.” Flitter announced with a smile after she was done.

I trotted over to her to test out the bed with my hoof and smiled as both the cloudy mattress and fabric felt incredibly soft and nice to the touch. They even had the nice clean smell to them as well. A scent I always enjoyed for some reason, even back in my world.

“Thank you, Flitter. This is really nice.” I thank her with a smile, which she happily returned.

“You’re quite welcome.” She responded happily before giving a quick look towards the window. “I suggest we continue everything in the morning, it’s already pretty late and I feel pretty exhausted as well.” She added while giving a yawn.

I mimicked her, as yawns are known to be contagious before I realized something.

“Wait… what about Cloud Chaser in the living room?” I asked remembering her.

Flitter giggled. “Oh she will be fine where she is, in fact I already covered her up in a blanket before trotting back here. She sometimes likes to sleep on the couch, mostly because she has the tendency to fall asleep on them before getting up.” She explained to me with another giggle.

I chuckled as another yawn escaped my lips. “Well, I guess we just hit the hay then.” I suggested which flitter quickly agree on.

“Right, it is super late anyway. Oh and by the way. The bathroom is right next to your room in case you need to use it. Anyway, goodnight, Nava.” Flitter said before quickly excusing herself out the room with a wave.

“Goodnight Flitter.” I called after her as she gently closed the door behind her.

“Man she is right, I feel totally exhausted. Better get into bed before my body just gives out.” I thought as I quickly crawled into bed.

I removed both my glasses and my hat and placed them on the nightstand next to me. I removed my scarf as well for the first time and simply laid it on the bed right next to me before laying my head down onto the soft pillow and closing my eyes.

“Oh, yes, forgot the lights.” I muttered as I quickly got back up to turn off the lights.

A thought occurring to me, I looked up at the lights and clapped twice.


“Worth a try.” I said, before going over to turn the lights off manually and crawled back to bed afterward.

“Well… I have a feeling that this is the beginning of a new wacky adventure for me in the land of magic and rainbows.” I thought as I covered myself in my blanket and closed my eyes.

Sleep didn’t take long to grab me as my exhaustion and the softness of my new bed made it an easy feat.

Tomorrow will be the start of a new adventure for the better or the worse.

Author's Note:

Sorry for this chapter to take so long. Writing this chapter was difficult for me, and i guess it shows when reading it.

Furthermore, in case some might be wondering why the Balloon pilots name is different here again is because i change it From Charley Steam (which i felt embarrassed about) To Steam tool in both this chapter and in chapter 8.

But anyway here is another chapter for you guys. From this point on Nava's adventures truly begin.

Today's image again might not the the highlight of all of you but i think this one is much more fitting for the end of the chapter.

A sketch of the family photo.