• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,727 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 20: Calm Before The Storm

Chapter 20: The Calm Before the Storm

Edited By: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread By: Midnight Gear, and Rhawkas

“ARGH! What the HAY am I MISSING!?” A very mare-like, darkly colored Thestral shouted in frustration.

The young Thestral inventor and tinkerer named Midnight Gear had been trying desperately since Glade had given her blood lance to him (for crystal replacements) to try and study it, and he had hoped to perhaps unlock the secret of imbuing physical weapons with blood magic.

This factor was actually the main reason why Gear had taken so damn long in returning his captain's Blood Weapon; In order to study it more closely in hopes of finally getting the answers, he needed to rediscover the fine process required to create one of the most deadly weapons/enchanted items in existence. Though, he would never tell Captain Glade that his long delays on fixing up her lance were because he was very carefully placing it under a multitude of magnifying glasses and other physical and magical examining tools in order to unlock its secrets. That would be a really bad idea. Glade would, without a doubt, have his head or tan his hide AT LEAST (and possibly both), and Gear knew that this was something he was determined to avoid at all costs.

From self-experience, and whenever he blew up a wall or caused fires. It wasn't his fault that some misplaced spare parts almost destroyed his lab. Not… entirely, anyway.

But now was not the time to reminisce about his past mistakes. He should be worrying about the consequences of causing more trouble for the Captain as she was already extremely frustrated.

“All of my years of researching back in the national libraries and archives in both Pelepolos and Kazzas (the twin capitals of the Thestral homeland) and ALSO finally getting my hooves on an ACTUAL Blood Weapon and despite that I still barely returned with any meaningful results. This is ridiculous!!!”

The fact that even having an actual Blood Weapon to study and still failing to unravel its secrets was the largest source of his frustration.

Gear sighed as he performed some common breathing exercises to calm his fraying nerves. “A calm mind has much better chances of finding results and hidden information.” he reminded himself. “I might have missed something.” he thought as he immediately went back to look over the numerous notes he took during his studies and examinations. The small lamp on his workshop table produced enough light for him to clearly read the information recorded on them.

Gear’s eyes continued to scan the information in front of him, moving from page to page, reading them up, down, left, right and sideways to make absolutely sure that he hadn’t missed anything that might still give him enough clues to help him move further down in finally cracking the Blood Weapon's code.

The more he read and skimmed over the notes, the more his frustration slowly started to return until he finally had enough as he let out another loud cry and violently slammed his hooves on the table, knocking some notes and other things to the floor.

“ARGH! THIS IS RIDICULOUS! EVERY FREAKING TIME I SKIM OVER THESE NOTES I ALWAYS HIT THE SAME ROADBLOCK AT THE END!” Midnight Gear shouted as he frantically began to pace around his workshop full of strange machines, both scientific and magical, and sometimes even a combination of both.

“Material, material, material, every time I come to the end of my notes, I always come to the frustrating mystery of what material, what metal had been used to make these weapons in the first place. Just like the secret of infusing blood magic into them, the specific metal used to make these weapons--and how this metal was forged or made--has also been lost over the last thousand years. IT MAKES THIS SITUATION BEYOND MADDENING!” Gear continued his rant as he stomped a hoof into the stone floor.

“GODS DAMN BUCK-BLASTED IDIOT WHO BURNED, LOST, OR EVEN STOLE THIS INFORMATION!” He shouted once more as he punched a nearby wall in frustration.

“Hey, brainiac! Could you keep it down in there? The Captain is making her way over here, so I suggest that you keep it down before she hears you making another ruckus in there.” He heard the muffled voice of a Thestral say on the other side of his workshop's entrance, no doubt one of the guards/guinea pigs assigned to stand near his door.

“Wa-wait… the Captain is coming… so soon?” Gear squeaked as his frustration quickly gave way to panic.

“Crap! I was supposed to make more models of the hoof-sized thaumic detectors and present them to her.” He thought as he raced over to another table on the other side of his room where a white dirty blanket was covering several flat, round, compass-like objects.

He quickly removed the blanket off the table revealing a large number of magic detectors carefully laid on it, twenty in total. The fact that there were only twenty caused the poor young stallion to panic even more, as he was originally ordered to make at least thirty of them. Unfortunately however, he got sidetracked once again in order to continue with his research on Blood Weapons and their creation, which was one of his main projects and goals in life.

“She’s going to be mad. She's sooo going to be pissed at me again for not doing the job I’m paid to do!” Gear said in a panicked voice to himself as he quickly began to move the cover back over them.

Gear is frightened by a lot of things, justified and not, but if he ever had to pick which thing, creature, situation, or pony he is the most afraid of, it would be, without a doubt, Captain Glade herself. He would rather pick an angry dragon over her any day of the week… especially knowing that she has slain one before back in Nassgardiath with her weapon before returning to Equestria… he should know… he was there.

The former Kazzasian military commander had an aura of pure intimidation around her despite her… well, he had to admit, despite her muscular and perfectly toned body and beauty.

Gear immediately began to blush at these thoughts before his daydreaming was swiftly interrupted by a series of knocks coming from the workshop's main door.

Panic quickly entered his mind once more, as he swiftly rushed to the door to open it. He would have preferred to hide under a table in the hope that the knocking would finally go away but he knew a waiting Glade was a very unhappy Glade. Another mistake he was determined to never repeat. EVER.

“He-hello Ca-Captain Glade… I uhm… uh…” Gear nervously greeted after opening his door before a lump in his throat stop him from saying anything more.

The Night Guard Captain in front of him wore a disinterested expression as he looked up at her, making him even more nervous than he was before, knowing full well that this was just the calm before the storm that usually accompanied her disinterested moods.

Glade simply stared down at him before she started. “Are the new magic detectors I ordered ready?” She asked immediately, straight to the point, which in turn made Gear’s heart rate increase even more.

The poor stallion began to shudder a bit as he braced himself for the possible backlash he was going to receive when he told her the news.

“Well… you see… Ca-Captain… I have, uh…”

“Let me guess, you didn’t manage to finish all of them as I requested, have you?” Glade quickly cut in, a very displeased look on her face as she spoke.

“Well uh… no.” Gear reluctantly answered in fear.

From the corner of his eye (despite his situations) Gear could see that the guard on his right was rolling his eyes upon this revelation before once again looking forward to ignore the exchange and mind his own business.

Gear quickly closed his eyes and braced himself for the awaiting shouting that was soon going to assault his ears. Imagine the confusion he felt when all he got was just a tired sigh.

He hesitantly opened his eyes to see to his complete surprise a not-pissed-off, but a rather annoyed-looking Glade instead. To say that he was confused was an understatement. He was about to mentally debate with himself if this might be the real Glade or not before the Captain in front of him stopped him.

“How many?”


“I said, how many have you made so far?” Glade asked again, surprisingly calm and collected, which felt almost alien to the young inventor, considering the fact of just how long he's known her.

Gear began to awkwardly shift around in place as he looked back at her. “Well I… only made… twenty so far. I… I was busy again… with other things… so… PLEASEDON’THURTME.” The young Thestral answered before fearfully shielding himself with his front legs as Glade simply stood there.

“Ugh… I would have never imagined that teaching Luna about proper speech, modern magic and social development would be such a drag… not to mention the criticism she constantly kept bringing about my weapon and blood magic in general.” Glade muttered as she massaged her head tiredly with a hoof.

“I don’t have the energy for this. Just show me the models you did manage to complete before I collapse or something.” Glade ordered, which caused the stallion in question to look up at her again in confusion before registering her orders as he frantically began to move from the entrance.

“Su-sure right… r-right this way, C-Captain.” He stuttered as he gestured for the war veteran to enter.

Both Thestrals made their way past many drawings, schematics and assorted machinery before they finally reached the table holding the items in question.

“Here they are.” Gear announced as he carefully removed the blanket covering them.

Glade trotted up beside the timid Thestral to inspect the collection of compass-like devices neatly spread out across the table. All of them shimmering and glittering in the dim light provided by the simple oil lanterns around the room, showing anyone just how fresh and untouched they really are.

“Do they all work just as well as the prototype?” Glade ask while never breaking her observation of them.

Gear gulped nervously before replying. “We-well ye-yes… yes, they do work, Ca-Captain. I-I have tested them all… pe-personally before… laying them all out on this ta-table.” Gear answered while moving awkwardly a bit next to the Captain.

Glade nodded. ”Well, twenty are better than nothing. Good work, I guess.” This surprised Gear even more, but Glade went on. “Did you calibrate them to especially look for the unknown magic signature we were hunting back in Cloudsdale?” She asked, to which Gear quickly nodded. “

“Especially… that, but they will also… detect other magical si-signatures, in case the one we...we seek has been masked with another.” he said

“Good, but I am still expecting the other ten to be done as well in two days, otherwise I am going to skin your hide.” Glade added, which made Gear gulp.

“Ye-yes, of course, Ca-Captain… I will get to work r-right away.” Gear responded before quickly dashing to another corner of his shop, probably to work on the other ten detectors to avoid his captain’s wrath.

Glade yawned before making her way back to the exit. “If anyone needs me, I will be in my quarters resting.” Pausing, she adds, “On second thought, please tell them not to disturb me if unless they want to have a hoof up their plot.”

“Next time I am going to order one of my stallions to entertain Luna instead of me. What a long day.” The Captain thinks as she slowly makes her way to her Captain’s quarters within the night guard barracks.


“I *huff* am so *huff* beat. *huff* Need to *huff* lay down.” I say out loud in between breaths as I simply collapse on my stomach, mostly because my whole back and wings are sore from all the exercises I did today and I don’t want to risk hurting them by laying on my back instead.

“Hey, you held yourself pretty good today for a couch potato. You didn’t slack off as much as I had imagined you would, and you actually pushed yourself pretty hard. Nice work. You definitely deserve a rest there, buddy.” RD commented as she came up in front of me with a grin.

I grinned back tiredly as I looked up at her. “Well, it’s because I didn’t feel like getting wet today.” I commented back in between pants which made Dash only chuckle at my response.

“That way of thinking is kind of pointless when you are already covered in sweat. I would say you still need to take a dip into that lake if you don’t want to smell like garbage later.” RD commented back with a smirk.

“Yeah I guess I have to… plus it’s kind of warm today anyway, or maybe it’s just me.” I chuckled as I steadily got myself back up to sit on my rump, my wings still dangling lazily at my sides and still hurting.

“Hey, guys! Over here! I brought food and drinks if you two want some.” I heard Flitter call out from the side and RD and I turned our heads to look at her.

Right there under the shade of a lone standing tree in the middle of the large meadow were both Cloud and Flitter, sitting on what I could guess is a picnic blanket with a saddlebag and a basket sitting besides them.

I was a bit confused by this, mainly because of the fact that I never remembered them ever taking a basket or a saddlebag with them when we first departed (or got kidnapped, in my case) from Cloudsdale.

I was instantly removed from my thoughts as RD tapped me on the shoulder before making her way over to the two. I quickly stood back up on all fours as I followed her.

“RD and I DID focus ourselves on just the training the entire time. It could be possible that Cloud and Flitter might have slipped off back to Cloudsdale during that and come back with all this stuff without RD or I noticing. But I can still ask just to be sure.” I thought to myself as we made it to the two pegasisters.

“How was the training, you two?” Flitter asked while looking at us with a smile.

“Yeah, did Nava continue to complain or did he finally stallion up and push himself without collapsing every five minutes?” Cloudchaser joked which caused Flitter to hit her lightly on the shoulder as she began to snicker.

I was about so say something to that before RD butted in. “Actually, he did pretty well for himself. I was actually surprised.” Dash answered while sending a smile in my direction, which I returned in thanks.

“Hey, that’s awesome! It’s nice to know that soon you are going to be soaring through the skies with us, Nava. Trust me, flying freely through the air for the first time is an experience you will never, EVER forget.” Cloud commented after her snickers from her previous joke died down, which was met with a happy nod by Flitter.

“Well…” I began as I rubbed my head with a sheepish smile. “it sounds nice and all, but I am still far from ever flying as freely and casually as you guys, especially with my fear of heights still very much active and whatnot.” I admitted, which was swiftly met with a pat on my shoulder.

“One step at a time, dude. And don’t worry; with me as your teacher you will never have to take another boring hot air balloon ride ever again.” Flitter reassured me, smiling, with a small chuckle at the end.

I returned her smile as we made ourselves comfortable on the picnic blanket as Flitter began to pull stuff out from the large basket beside her.

“By the way. How did you two have all of this stuff? I certainly didn’t remember any of it being brought with us when you three… abducted me.” I asked as Flitter began to spread some food and drinks out onto the blanket while Cloud helped her with it.

“And also, how did you fit all of that in there?” I added

“Well… one, you two were so very focused and engrossed in your wing exercises that we took the opportunity to quickly fly back home to get some food and other things so that we could have our lunch here together on the fields.” Flitter answered happily in which I nod.

“And also, the basket is bigger than it might seem.” she added.

I decided not to touch that one. “Well, could you maybe just give me something to drink then? I feel completely dehydrated after having done nothing but wing exercises the entire morning.” I requested while wiping some sweat that had collected on my forehead.

“Yeah, could you toss me a bottle too? Today is actually pretty hot.” Dash announced.

“Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” Flitter replied as she tossed both me and Dash a pair of water bottles, with RD catching hers expertly in her hoof while I was just thankful that I caught it on my chest rather than my face--as I originally feared I would.

“Oops… sorry about that.” Flitter apologized with a sheepish grin.

“Nah, its cool, I am somewhat of a terrible catch anyway. Plus you only hit my chest and not my head.” I assured her kindly as I carefully took off the bottle cup using my teeth before taking a long and refreshing gulp from it.

From then on the lunch/picnic went on without any hiccups. Flitter, with the help of Cloud, placed sandwiches, a bowl of salad and packed slices of fruits in between us.We started to casually converse with one another as we peacefully ate.

The shade of the tree above us and the gentle winds blowing through the lands in accompaniment to some very cold drinks were a blessing in the warm weather, especially for me as the winds help me to cool off my sweat-covered body.

Afterwards, when our hunger and thirst had been satisfied, the four of us decided to simply relax for a while as we all sat or laid ourselves down on our respective corners and enjoyed the peace and scenery around us.

This once again gave me the perfect time to reflect on everything that has happened to me so far since I arrived in this world.

“So much has happened in such a small timespan it’s almost comical. Before, I was living a very normal and completely mundane life and then just out of the blue everything gets turned upside down, shoved sideways and thrown out the window with one crazy and completely unexpected event after another. From simple and boring, to chaotic and downright ridiculous.

Was it all a change for the better? I honestly don’t know. Do I miss my old, formulaic life that was easy and simple? Probably, somewhat. Okay, maybe I don’t know either, especially judging by the fact that everything I have ever done and pursued back in my old life was for nothing, even though I really haven’t accomplished or done anything there to begin….”

My train of thought paused when a realization suddenly struck me.

It was true… I really didn’t accomplish ANYTHING back in my old life. I was lazy in school, so my grades were passable at best, but I had dreams and goals that I wanted to follow... but after years of doing so I heart-crushingly gave up on them because I realized that for some reason I couldn’t do it.

I didn’t really have friends, or at the very least, only had a select few in the span of my entire life because I was more of a loner than a social type. Plus they didn’t last very long anyway, and half of them turned out more of a brand of annoyance because they spent more time making fun of me than actually being my friends! That eventually made me into the loner that I became. I was, or still am, a coward and afraid of change or things I don’t understand. And to top it all off, I even had mental issues as well.

Besides having--or more precisely having HAD--good loving parents and a wide, supportive family, there really wasn’t a whole lot about me that screams good, or even, dare I say, GREAT.

Which only makes me feel even more depressed about myself and the situation that I’m in now, knowing that I may never see my family again, and am likely presumed to be dead by them, or more precisely just mysteriously vanished. There probably wouldn’t be a body to find anyway, which only adds to the grief of what my parents must be feeling right now.

“The longer I stay here in this world, the smaller and smaller my chances--and also the reasons--of returning back home seem to become. Really, what is there to return to? Not only that, but the bonds I’m already forging in this world as well, I can’t just leave all of this behind and bugger off. In my short time here I have already become really close with both Cloudchaser and Flitter, both accepting me as part of their family very quickly and hoping to use ME to fill the void that the death of their parents had created. I can’t possibly do that to them, leave them alone the same way their parents tragically had, especially with everything that they’ve done for me so far and…”

With that, it just becomes this vicious cycle of wanting to return home and wanting to stay here for their sake and also for a chance for a fresh new start. Despite the fact that I normally am afraid of change and prefer things to stay formulaic and simple.

Of course, this is all dependent on if I even CAN return home. If not, then obviously deciding would be easy, but then at the same time I will be met with the fact that I really can never see my family again, my old home, or my old simple life, despite the fact of how unaccomplished it was.

I began to stare off into the distance, my ears resting against my head and my shoulders going slack as all these worrying and depressing thoughts entered my mind.

“Hey, dude, are you ok? You look… kind of depressed there.” I heard Dash say as I felt a hoof being placed on my shoulder.

I sighed, breaking my gaze from the meadow in front of me to look at her. She genuinely had a concerned look on her and by turning my head further I could tell that even Flitter and Cloud had curious looks as well, before looking back up front.

I shook my head. “No… to be honest I don’t feel ok at all.” I admitted with another sad sigh as I lowered my head to look at my forelegs.

“Want to talk about it, maybe?” Dashie suggested.

“No… I’d rather not. But thanks for the concern, though.” I replied.

“I don’t know how they will react if I ever tell them that I am actually from another world and another species altogether." I thought to myself as I looked back up to stare at the landscape around me.

RD sighed. “Well alright, suit yourself. I obviously can’t force you if you don’t want to.” She replied as she removed her hoof from my shoulder.

I could feel and hear shuffling coming from behind me, thanks to the blanket I was sitting on.

From the corner of my eye I could see a light, teal-colored mane, letting me know that it was Flitter sitting down next to me as I felt another hoof placing itself just between my wings on my back, which made me flinch a bit from the sensation.

“We all have problems, or things that make us sad or depressed. So you aren’t alone.” Flitter tried to reassure me while also giving me a smile.

“I know.” I replied again with a sight. ”Again, thanks to trying, but… it’s something I have to deal with myself.” I added.

“I understand, as Dash said, we can’t force you if you don't feel comfortable.” Flitter added, while giving my back a few gentle rubs - which actually did felt pretty good for my still sore muscles back there as my wings began to twitch a bit from the sensation.

“Thanks, I wish I could tell, but… well… as you said, we all have our own problems to deal with.” I say with a small chuckle as I was slowly starting to feel better with all the voiced support and concern I was getting.

Flitter simply smiled at this and RD happily nodded at my response. I smiled back at them, again thanking them for their support with the matter even though I never really asked for it.

“Let’s just relax for the rest of the day, shall we? It’s way too hot today for further practicing anyway.” Dashie suggested as she eventually moved back to her previous spot, same for Flitter, who quickly moved back beside her sister to lay down.

I followed their example as I turned around to lay myself down as well for a while, thought when I did I could have sworn that Cloud was looking a bit depressed off to the side before laying down and facing the tree.

“Huh… what is going on with her all of a sudden?” I thought as I laid myself flat onto my belly (because my wings are still killing me) to simply relax for the day and try to not let my mind wander off again to my previously rekindled problems.

“Hey, wait! I just got an idea!” RD suddenly announced right after I was about to close my eyes.

We all lifted our heads to look at her while she sat up with a grin on her face before fixing her gaze towards me with the same smile.

“As far as I know, you don’t have much control or understanding of your magic right?” Dash asked, to which I sat back up to be in eye level with her.

“Well, uh... yeah. I actually have no control over my magic or know how to use it at all, it more has a mind of its own… kind of.” I replied while memories of the whole Cloudsdale incident came flashing back, making me shudder a bit.

Dash nods as an all-knowing grin spread across her features. “Well, it’s because I might be friends with a certain pony that might be in a position to help you with you magic problem.” She explained to me, which immediately made me dread the idea that she was about to propose.

“Oh god… it’s Twilight isn’t it? The very last pony besides the Princesses I want to meet right now.”

I simply nod, signaling her to keep going. “Her name is Twilight Sparkle. The same mare you and I bumped into during the Summer Sun Celebration and the same mare I followed to defeat Nightmare Moon.” She announced, which immediately confirmed my fears.

“Not only is she the Princess's personal student, but she is also the Element of Magic herself. So she would easily be the best pony you could ask in the topic of magic. She knows like... everything about it.” Dashie quickly added.

“That is the problem, she is Celestia’s personal student and the nosiest pony from the show. She will immediately know that something about me is… unique by just looking at me and then she is going to go and lick Celestia’s hooves by telling her about it.”

“Hey, yeah! That’s a great idea.” Flitter suddenly butted in. “I have heard about a lot of her--and the rest of you by extension--accomplishments against Nightmare Moon in the papers. If she really is the Element of Magic than she can certainly help Nava with his magic problem. What do you think, Nava?” She added before looking at me.

At this point I was internally torn by the offer these two have suggested to me.

“For one, Dash might be right. Twilight (besides the Princess, but that is a no-no) might be the only pony that could help me get my magic under control and also teach me how to use it. But if I do accept her help, I have to act very carefully in order for her not to get too suspicious of me. She WILL get suspicious, I just know it, I mean just look at my horn for example it's already almost over twice the size of a normal unicorn's horn and its sharper and pointer, almost like a spear in a sense.

Which only leads me to the most prominent problem I have with her being selected as my personal teacher. Her curiosity and connection to the Princess. The other problem would be how to tell her the reason of why a full grown “unicorn” stallion doesn’t have control over his own magic. I need to somehow come up with a believable backstory to make it seem less strange, otherwise my ass is grass.

What about Spike? I know for a fact that he would most likely not be at home with her every single time, but still, for a baby dragon he is also quite nifty in the noggin and quite observant as well. He was, after all, hatched and raised by Twilight.

But then again, if I can somehow convince Twilight and Spike to not tell the Princess, then I can get yet another important pony to vouch for me when the day of Celestia’s finding out about me will come. The more that I can befriend, the less complicated things will be, and it will also eventually give me more freedom and options as well.

I think I might give it a try. “No guts no glory” is how they always say it.

Actually, wait a minute, why am I debating this? Shouldn’t they already know the risk that comes with it as well? Twilight doesn’t know that she is going to be teaching an alicorn how to become a demi-god.”

I shook my head to throttle down my thought process a little bit to focus on them again. “Wait, wait… wait. Hold on a second. You girls seem to be missing a very important key detail here.” I announced as I turned my head to look at all three of them.

“Really? What would that be?” Dash asked while tilting her head a little bit.

I just casually pointing a hoof at my wings in which her eyes immediately widened in realizations.

“Oooh yeah… that could cause some issues.” She commented while rubbing her head.

“Well, why don’t you just keep wearing the jacket that my sister gave you? It does seem to do a pretty good job in keeping your wings hidden and bound.” Cloud put in, which was bit of a surprise, considering how quiet she was up until now.

Dash shook her head. “No. That alone won’t work.” She answered before continuing. “From what I’ve come to know about Twilight, she is a really nosy and observant pony, and an egghead as well. And kind of has OCD when it comes to her schedules and studies.” She added while looking me over.

“Then who else is going to teach Nava how to control his magic, then?” Flitter asked as she also looked me over.

“I honestly don’t know, but at the same time we can still give it a try, I mean, if she does find out, I will be there to help him explain things to her… though I worry that might not be enough.” RD explained with a small whisper at the end that honestly made me re-think my previous decision again.

But then again, it needs to happen somehow and someday if I ever want to prevent a second Cloudsdale incident from ever happening again. I need to fix my magic or at least learn how to control it… or learn how to control Silver Wing.

Sorry Silver.

“I’ll do it.”

“Wait, what? Seriously?” Dash asked, surprised, which was mimicked by both Pegasi sisters as well.

I nod. “Yes, you might be right about Twilight. I need to fix my lack of magic control at some point if I want to prevent another disaster from striking again just because I am still very much immature when it comes to my horn. The sooner I can get this sorted out the better, in my opinion.” I explain with a bit of determination in my tone.

“But what if Twilight catches on to you?” Flitter asked, concerned.

“I will just take care of that, then.” Dash suddenly announced as she stood up.

“How?” Flitter asked, which made all of us look at Dash for the response.

“I don’t know, to be honest.” RD casually answered with a shrug which made me facehoof.

“I guess I will just have to go with him whenever they are going to have their magic lessons or whatever, and besides, it could also be interesting watching in how you make a mess of Twilight’s library with that horn of yours while she gets a tantrum because of that.” She quickly added with a small smirk at the end.

I groaned. “The last part was really unnecessary, you do know that.” I say with a deadpan stare aimed at her.

“I know, that’s why I said it. Duh.” She said as if it that the most obvious thing ever.

I sighed, but decided to otherwise say nothing else about it. Though another question quickly entered my mind as I did so. A question I am sure even the two sisters are wondering right now.

“What about housing? I would imagine that I will have to stay in Ponyville for a while because of my… lack of flying. Where am I going to stay while I have Twilight as my teacher and all?” I asked, which was quickly accompanied by a nod from Flitter and a… awkward side glance from Cloud.

Rainbow Dash began to tap her chin as she contemplated her response. “Well, you could stay in my place if you want. I was originally going to offer Twilight’s library, but for the sake of safety we can’t have that. Another option could be AJ’s farm, they also have plenty of room there as well. Plus the Apples are honest ponies and won’t bother you too much besides probably hiring you to work on the farm so you don’t have to worry about your secret there too much.” RD listed her possibilities in front of us as she continued to look thoughtful.

Those offers could work, Dash’s place would be no problem since I know for a fact that she lives in a cloud MANSION and not a simple house, plus my ability to walk on cloud naturally works as well, and the Apple’s farm house could also work for the same reasons RD just mentioned. I personally don’t mind having to work if I am going to temporary stay there for a while. That could easily be a good excuse to exercise and get myself into shape a bit more.

I gave RD a nod on her ideas. “That could easily work.” I responded which was answered with a nod from RD as well.

“Well then, I guess you can than just stay down here while we make our trip back to Ponyville later…on hoof of course. It’s not that far away from where we are at the moment we can easily get there before nightfall.” Dash explained while giving her wings a few test flaps and looking off at the direction where Ponyville is.

“Cloud and I can go get your stuff from back home if you want while we also pack all of this up and take it up with us.” Flitter suggested as she and her sister got up from their position.

“I guess so. I do feel naked without my scarf and my hat. “ I commented while thinking of the ONLY clothes that I have. “Oh and could you also get the jacket as well?” I asked as I realized the other missing and very important item.

“I was actually going to bring that up. But yeah, no problem we can quickly get your stuff while you two just wait here for a bit.” Flitter answered with a nod.

“Ugh. Waiting… not one of my favorite pastimes, I tell you.” Dashie commented with a groan.

Flitter simply rolled her eyes. “Oh stop your complaining, Dash, just do what you always do when you’ve got nothing better to do: take a nap. Also could you all step off from the picnic blanket? I need to pack that up as well?” Flitter said, which made Dash roll her eyes as we all stepped off of said blanket so Flitter could fold it up.

“You take the saddlebags, I’ll take the basket, ok Cloud?” Flitter asked as she took the basket handle in her mouth.

“Yeah, yeah, hold on a moment.” Cloud responded with a bit of an annoyed tone which was somewhat strange but also not uncharacteristic of her.

“Cloud has been… a bit off today since I went all depressed earlier, even more so when Dash made the suggestion of me staying in Ponyville for a while.” I thought to myself as I watched both Cloud and Flitter take off in the direction of Cloudsdale off in the distance.

I simply shrugged as I trotted over towards the tree and sat myself against it. Dash followed me soon after as she sat herself down right next to me, sharing the shade of the tree with me as she eventually started to doze off a bit. The only sounds surrounding us were the rustling noise of leaves above us as another gentle breeze passed through us and out into the open fields.

“Going back to Ponyville so soon huh? Why do I have this aching feeling that returning to Ponyville now is going to end up as a bad idea and for some unknown reason it’s not Twilight related at all?”

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. Sorry if this one seems a bit to calm and talkative.

But anyway.

Today's chapter highlight is this.