• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,727 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 16: Narrow Escape...for now

Chapter 16: Narrow Escape… For Now

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear and Rhawkas

I opened my eyes and all that greeted me again was nothing but darkness.

I sighed. “Ugh… didn’t Silver already fix my subconscious mind? Well… then again, I have no idea how hard or easy it is in the first place, so I can’t really complain too much.” I muttered as I looked around.

“Silver? Silver Wing? Hello? Silver?” I called out, my voice echoing around the void.

“Over here, dude. I gotta show you something,” I heard him call out from within the shadows.

I started to look around but was met with nothing but more blackness surrounding me, seeing no clue nor any shape of Silver around me. I began to grumble a bit in annoyance as my search turned out to be fruitless.

“That, and how am I really going to spot anything in this place anyway?”

“Where are you? I can’t see anything here besides… well… nothing.” I called out again and received the same echoing result. Which, to be honest, was starting to sound a bit by creepy now.

“Huh? Oh, uh… forgot about that. Here, let me just create a doorway for you then.” I heard him reply when out of nowhere, a bright white light shone in front of me and assaulted my vision.

I was forced to cover my eyes as the sudden change in brightness was painful to look at. Thankfully, my eyes quickly adjusted, which gave me the freedom to open them and lower my forelegs from in front of them.

What I saw immediately afterwards was a single doorway-shaped passage in the middle of the void, although the light coming out from it was still too bright to even see what was actually on the other side of it.

At first I was a bit hesitant, as I usually am, but eventually I just shrugged as I made my way over to it.

“It’s my mind after all, so what could possibly happen?”

I was again, forced to shield myself from the extreme light levels as I got closer and closer to it, making sure to not trip or fall over myself as one of my four legs were busy shielding me from it.

“Jeez, what the heck did he create in there? The freaking sun?” I wondered as I finally crossed the boundary and to whatever mental reality that my magic doppelganger had created.

Though the first thing that swiftly greeted me afterwards was a sudden breeze of wind which somewhat took my by surprise, especially since before all i was capable of feeling, even before nightmare moon was just the solid ground under my hoof and nothing else besides that.

“Hey there, glad you could make it. Been working on this here for a while… but it’s sadly not yet completed.” I heard Silver say as my eyes were still firmly shut.

“What… what did you do?” I asked curiously.

I heard my other self-chuckle. “Just open your eyes and see for yourself, dude.” He replied.

I did just that after a few more moments of letting my eyes re-adjust themselves before fully opening them, and what I saw when I finally did was absolutely stunning to say the least.

“Pretty neat huh? Took a while too. But I think I did a pretty good job regardless. What do you think?” Silver asked as I was still too busy gawking at the world around me.

Row upon row of endless wheat (among other things) fields were all around me, stretching as far as the eye can see and beyond the horizon. In the middle of it all was a single grassy hill overlooking the flat lands with a large single oak tree towering proudly on top of it…basically like an island surrounded by a sea of gold.

I heard Silver chuckle again beside me. “So, I guess you like it then.” He announced, which made me turn my head to him for the first time.

“Silver… this looks… how did you build this?” I asked, utterly baffled as i looked at him.

The first thing i remarked after doing so was that he was leaning against the larger oak tree in a very… pony-like position, lying on his side smiling before he answered.

“Well, with the help of some of your memories and some magic, it wasn’t really that hard… or long.” He explained before continuing, “Plus, I choose this scene over the previous one because I think this one looks far more relaxing and peaceful than the other one… and more down to earth as well, if you want to get funny.” he added as he looked back off into the distance, looking over the sea of golden wheat around us.

I just shrugged as I did the same and started to relax, feeling the gentle winds blowing through my fur in sync with the swaying motion of the crops around us. The added sunset in the sky and the peaceful rustle of the leaves in the wind really made this one of the most relaxing and peaceful places I had ever been to.

“Also, he was right, this does feel a lot closer to Earth than the other one.”

Though one question rapidly popped up into my mind as I instantly looked back at Silver. “Wait… you said that this place wasn’t finished yet, right? What exactly is missing here, anyway? It looks finished to me.” I said before looking back off into the distance.

“Well…” Silver began. “The mountains are missing on the horizon… so are the hills… that’s it really.” He answered a bit sheepishly, which made me look back at him with a raised eyebrow.

“Really? That’s it?” I asked, to which he nodded.

I simply shook my head before I made my way to the base of the tree myself and sat myself down beside Silver. I leaned my back against its large trunk and closed my eyes to enjoy the peace and the relaxing breeze.

“Man, I hope all of my dreams can be like this.” I thought as I let myself go in the relaxing experience.

A few moments ticked by between us with nothing more than the gently blowing breeze accompanying us in this peaceful moment. Though that was quickly broken when Silver suddenly began to tap my shoulder rapidly, breaking my relaxing immersion… so to speak.

And from the way he was tapping it, I had a feeling that it wasn’t anything good to begin with.

I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at him, and wouldn’t you know it, I was right with my suspicions, as I saw an expression of worry and slight panic etched on his features.

“Silver, what seems to be…?” I began before being interrupted as he began to speak while staring at me.

“Something is tracking my magic… or specifically, YOUR magic.” He hastily stated as his expression morphed from worry too serious in an instant.

“Wha-what do you mean?” I asked confusedly. Though the question seemed to have been completely missed or ignored as he suddenly stood up before continuing.

“You’ve got to wake up now, Nava! Don’t worry though, I will take care of the rest afterwards.” He simply announced, which confused me even further.

I also got back up as I stared at him. “Wait, wait, wait… hold on a sec.” I began as I slowly started to worry. “What the heck are you talking about? What is tracking my magic and why the heck do you need ME to wake up as well?” I quickly asked once more, which thankfully reached Silver’s attention this time.

“I don’t know yet, but I do know it’s tracking us.” He replied before an expression of shock quickly replaced his previous seriousness, which only made me worry even more.

He immediately began lighting up his horn, which took me completely by surprise.

“No time to explain. As I said, I will do the rest, so don’t worry. But you need to wake up first for it to work.” He announced promptly as my whole body was suddenly enveloped in a white glow.

“Wait… what are you…” I started before being interrupted by Silver again.

“I will explain everything to you at another time. Right now you have to hide and be quiet after you wake up. Just trust me on this, ok?” He stated once more before my whole vision rapidly began to turn white as the world around me swiftly faded away into nothingness.


I immediately shot up from my bed after Silver forcefully tore me away from my own sleep, breathing heavily from the experience and sweating slightly from my forehead as if I had just suffered from a horrible nightmare.

Though it wasn’t the only thing coming from my forehead as I quickly noticed a slight glow coming from above my vision.

“My horn is glowing? Why is my horn glo…?” I began to think before I remembered what happened the last time when I woke up with a glowing horn.

I immediately began to panic, though before I could say anything, scream, jump out of the bed, or do anything too drastic, my horn began to gently dim back down before before darkening completely, leaving the previously softly illuminated room back in its original dark state.

“Huh?” was all I thought as suddenly felt beyond confused by this sudden change of events.


“I can feel the breezy sensation of magic moving along the ley lines getting stronger, which can only mean that we are finally getting closer to the… wait… WHAT?”

I immediately stopped in mid flight as something strange and highly improbable just occurred.

The magic I had been sensing and following since coming here to Cloudsdale was gone. JUST GONE! OUT OF NOWHERE! JUST… JUST… BUCKING GONE!

“What… this… this is IMPOSSIBLE!” I shouted in utter disbelief, disregarding stealth as I immediately began to land on a wide street below me.

Midnight, who had been behind me the entire time, also quickly landed. He was looking worried and somewhat scared from my sudden outburst as he kept his distance from me.

Which was good, because at that point I was so confused that I was also on the verge of blowing a fuse.

“GEAR!” I called out while glaring at the Thestral behind me. “CHECK ON YOUR DEVICE AND SEE IF IT CAN STILL PICK UP THE MAGIC WE HAVE BEEN TRACKING THIS ENTIRE TIME!” I ordered, which caused the stallion behind me to flinch but nonetheless do what I asked him to, as he promptly began to look at his device.

An expression first of confusion, followed by disbelief rapidly went through his features as he began to tap on the device with his hoof.

“Well?” I asked impatiently, which made him flinch again. “What is it? Spit it out!”

“Um…” He began nervously as he carefully lifted his head to look at me. “The… the signal… is… is gone, ca- captain. There is… no more magic… around this area… that it can detect. It’s… just gone.” Gear stuttered, which really didn’t help my rising anger at the moment.

“WHAT?! Do you mean it CAN'T DETECT ANYTHING?” I asked again as my patience was swiftly running thin, which wasn’t lost on the stallion in front of me as his legs began to tremble in fear.

“I-I mean… it… it’s just… completely gone, captain. As… as if… somepony flicked… the off switch… or something.” He replied as he slowly backed himself onto a wall.


“Wait… this… this magic I felt, it… it was… nothing I have ever felt or sensed before, now that I… think about it. It was neither control nor emotional magic, and it was neither perception nor harmonic magic. If it was none of those, then… then what was it?.” I wondered as the realization hit me.

“What… kind of magic--if it even was magic--was that?” I muttered as all the anger inside of me quickly vanished, leaving only complete and utter confusion behind it.

I was at a loss for words or thoughts at that moment. In all my centuries of having been exposed to all kinds of magic that have ever existed or was documented before in the past, there was nothing even remotely similar to the one I was chasing today. Its pattern and sensations were nothing I have ever felt before. They were…beyond foreign to me. Rather, they were totally alien, if I want to be completely honest.

Whatever that force was… magic or not, not only was it completely unknown… but also gone as well. Which would make finding it again nearly impossible, unless it's ever going to show itself again.

“But I am NOT giving up. No, I will be DAMNED if I give up! If it’s something completely new or alien, I WILL learn more about it. I WILL find its source or its owner and tear it apart if that’s what it takes for me to learn more about it.”

This is the first time I’ve ever lost a trail and I will not let that stand. This has become FAR more than just a simple fetch mission. This was now something personal… very personal.


“Ye-yes… captain?”

I turned my head to look over my shoulder. ”We are going to fly back to Canterlot, get reinforcements, and come back.” I announced in a serious tone and look, which made Gear behind me shift uncomfortably in place.

“Bu-but captain… is… is that… really necessary?” He asked nervously, to which I turned around and nodded as my anger was slowly returning.

“YES, it is! I want this district surrounded and locked up by guards and everypony living in it to be questioned. NO ‘BUTS’, NO ‘WHYS’!” I replied as I took back to the air, just in time as well, as in the distance I could see a group of pegasi guards trotting down the street, probably to investigate the shouting they heard earlier.

Seeing them approach, I mentally scolded myself. “So much for being stealthy. I really need to get my outbursts under control in the future, unless I want to look like a complete amateur and get myself seen when I obviously don't want to be. Then again, I also prefer an open fight just as much as a silent one.”

“Hey… w-wait for me, captain!” I heard Gear call out as we immediately began to race back towards Canterlot as fast as my wings could carry me.

“I WILL get to the bottom of this, even if I have to lock up all of Cloudsdale for it. I don’t care whether the princesses like it or not. This does NOT sit well with me, and I want answers ASAP.”

“I am definitely going to get to the bottom of this, one way or another, or so help me.”

Author's Note:

Another chapter done, sorry that this one took a while despite the fact its one of my shortest so far.

Lets just say i was lazy.

Also in case none of you have noticed, the front cover for this story has been updated with a much cleaner and better looking version, but sadly its still not done. Me and my lazy ass.

Here. https://cdn-img.fimfiction.net/story/cfu1-1472479054-336041-full

Anyway today's highlight doesn't...really...exist because it is to short and nothing really major happened. So because of that i just drew something random from this chapter to add it here.