• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 23: Magic 101

Chapter 23: Magic 101

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear

Would you like some sugar for your tea, darling?” Rarity asked while looking at me with a smile.

I nodded. “Sure, that would be nice, I do like my tea a bit sweet.” I replied, to which Rarity nodded before adding a few sugar cubes to it with her magic.

After having met Rarity just outside of the Golden Oaks Library, Dash and I had quickly informed her about our current situation, what had happened today with the Thestral and whatnot.

She of course invited Dash and me (well, mostly me, because I still think she wants a shot at me) to her place where we can talk more about it comfortably and privately.

I do have to say, seeing and stepping into Carousel Boutique for the first time was nothing special, to be honest. I mean, it looks just as the show back in my world depicted it, which really wasn’t a big surprise. What was surprising, though, was the mess Rarity's home actually was when we entered. All kinds of tailoring supplies like fabric, needles, rolls of thread and whatnot, were scattered all over the place as if a tiny tornado had passed through the boutique.

Rarity, of course, was shocked to see her beloved home/work space in such a state before muttering something about never letting Sweetie Belle use her stuff unsupervised ever again, and to make her clean up the mess when she came back home later.

After the initial shock and Rarity's muttering was over, she invited us into her home. While not minding the very obvious mess the entrance to the room was.

Dash quickly excused herself on one of the couches, with both me and Rares (yes, I have already given her a nickname) being ok with it, before Rarity kindly offered for me to take a seat on a nearby unoccupied couch with a small coffee table in front, while she went off to the kitchen to make some tea for the both of us.

Which leads us to here and now, Dash once again dozing off on a piece of furniture that is not hers and with me and Rarity having afternoon tea with a set of biscuits on a plate (cookies, for people who live on the other side of the Atlantic).

“So…” Rarity began, after having taken a sip of her tea. “You came to Twilight seeking her help for your magic, but got interrupted by a bat-pony stallion crashing into her library soon after and having in the end decided that Twilight might not have been a good idea after all and you want me to help with that instead?” Rarity asked while raising a curious eyebrow as she levitated the cup back down gently.

I simply nodded while trying my best to hold the cup with both of my hooves without dropping it. An action which again caused Rarity to look at me curiously, mainly my horn and the fact that I wasn’t using it.

She shook her head before addressing me again with the same raised eyebrow. “Well, I would love to help your… apparent lack of magic for some reason, but why not Twilight directly?” She questioned, tilting her head a bit.
“I mean, she IS the Element of Magic AND the personal protégé of Princess Celestia herself. Surely she would be able to perform a much better job in the magic department than I could ever do.” Rarity quickly added while quickly looking me over.

I sighed. “Well, once again, here goes nothing I guess. Let’s hope she doesn’t freak out too much or tell anybody about me being an unknown male Alicorn.” I thought to myself as I mentally braced myself for something I knew I had to do if I wanted Rarity to fully understand me.

“Miss Rarity-” I began before quickly being interrupted.

“Just call me Rarity, please. All my friends do that. Adding the Miss part to my name makes me sound old, darling.” She suggested with a smile. In response, I nodded.

I sighed again. “Rarity, before we can go any further… there is something I need to show you first.” I nervously announced, something that the mare in question seemed to have picked up as she quickly started to look at me in worry.

“Show me something? Might it be something serious?” She questioned with a hint of worry in her tone, to which I simply nodded.

“In a manner of speaking. For starters…” I began as I nervously started to slowly remove the black flight jacket on me.

Rarity, of course, blushed a bit at the sudden action I made in simply removing my jacket right in front of her. That blush, though, was quickly replaced with a look of utter confusion and shock as she laid eyes on my now half-extended wings after I laid the jacket next to me, on the couch.

I just sat there, my true race fully shown to her while nervously awaiting her response and rubbing my forelegs together.

Rarity, on the other hand, (or hoof, in her case) was doing the best goldfish expression I had ever seen. Opening and closing her mouth, probably trying to say something as her eyes kept darting from my wings, to my horn, to my face and vice-versa.

You could cut the tension with a knife, not only that, but I was feeling more and more nervous as the seconds ticked by. Almost to the point where I started regretting my decision, though it was obviously be far too late to change that at that point.

“Uh… uhm… o-ok?” Rarity finally replied shakily, obviously still trying to process the information and not really helping with my unease at the situation.

“A good thing, at least, that I hadn’t removed my jacket while she was taking a sip of her tea. Wait… why am I thinking this, anyway?”

“Well Rarity, you see-” I began before Rarity interrupted me with a question I should have seen coming.

“You… you don’t happen to be a… prince… do you?” She asked, to which I quickly shook my head while holding out my hooves out.

“N-no, no, no, no, NO. I am NOT royalty in the slightest. I am not a prince, just an average quirky guy who tries to get by, nothing more.” I quickly corrected.

Rarity sighed while looking somewhat disappointed (I can imagine a few reasons why), before she looked back at me with a still somewhat disbelieving look on her features.

“Well then, if that is the case...” She began before looking back at my wings. “I am still somewhat… shocked that, there is actually somehow another Alicorn, similar to the princesses just casually trotting around in Ponyville. Not to mention a stallion as well.” Rarity commented before looking down at her half-emptied tea cup in front of her.

“Well, that’s not all…” I began sheepishly while rubbing my hooves together nervously. “Do you know about the whole Cloudsdale incident?” I asked while looking back at her.

She nodded, while gazing back at me. I nervously rubbed the back of my head before replying. “Well… that was actually kind of my fault back there, I was the source of that unknown magical phenomenon as journalists and investigators dubbed it.” I admitted which immediately caused Rarity to look at me shocked for a second time in a row, before her face quickly dropped into realization.

“I I believe I have started to put the pieces together now.” She announced while rubbing her chin.

My ears perked up at that, as my wings twitched a bit. “Wait… you are?” I asked, to which she looked back at me again.

“Well, yes… I think.” She said, sounding and looking somewhat unsure of herself. “Whatever must have happened to you, back then most likely has something to do with the fact that you have no idea how to use or even control your magic.” She continued, while looking up in thought. “Which is why you are back here in Ponyville, to seek help from somepony that could maybe help you with that problem, teach you the use of magic and control, to hopefully prevent such an incident from ever happening again, and since you are… well, an Alicorn -which is still somewhat shocking to me, by the way-, your claim of being the cause of such a phenomenon does sound a lot more possible now as well, which makes it an even better reason to try to find a solution as soon as possible.” She finally finished her analysis, which, in all honesty, left me stumped.

It was my turn to have my jaw drop. “She figured it all out like that on her own, and also being 100% on the mark as well?” I thought to myself with my jaw slightly hanging from my mouth.

“Well, then again, she always has been depicted as a rather clever and very observant individual. Plus, now that I think about it more, it actually isn’t that hard to just put two and two together after my given explanation, so really I shouldn’t be too surprised at all.” I continued to think as I promptly closed mouth before shaking my head.

“That… that is actually a pretty dead-on analysis there.” I admitted, as another question seemed to enter Rares’ mind.

“Well, ok, that at least explains that. But still, why didn’t you approach Twilight regarding this issue? As I said, she is far more skilled and more knowledgeable on the subject of magic than I.” Rarity questioned again while tilting her head once more.

“That’s because I am actually in hiding, trying to keep my Alicorn identity a secret in fear of ponies getting the wrong idea, wanting to use or even capture me, and also not knowing what even the two princesses will do to me if they suddenly found out that an unknown Alicorn is running around free in their kingdom. Especially knowing… or at least making the assumption that I was the cause of the whole Cloudsdale incident in the first place, which will obviously then put me in a bad light with them and everybody else will probably see me as a danger as well.” I explained to her in one go, looking down at my hooves before continuing. “And since Twilight is Princess Celestia’s personal protégé, I can’t really trust her to not tell her about me, which I honestly do not want… or at least not until I can clear my name somewhat and at least show everyone that I am not a possible threat at all.” As I finished my explanation with a deep breath.

Rarity seemed to look at me with understanding as she levitated her cup of tea back to her mouth, to finish of its contents, before placing it back on the plate.

“Well…to be honest, Twilight can be a bit of a tattletale when it comes to stuff like that, and if anything you just said is really true, then I would say that it really was in your best interest to avoid her for now.” Rarity admitted when she suddenly gave me a small smile for the first time since I revealed myself to her.

“But you know what? Even if my knowledge of magic might not be as... plentiful as Twilight's, it still is enough that might be able to help you nonetheless. If something is missing, I could still just trot over to Golden Oaks Library and borrow some of her books regarding magic on your behalf. I might actually learn something myself, in the process.” Rarity finally announced, with a genuine smile, this time.

I smiled back, feeling internally relieved that I somehow managed to bring another pony to understand and even trust me. For something besides my looks and my obviously out of control powers.

Though, one problem still remained. I was about to ask her about it until she stopped me once more after, I presume, sensing what I was going to say.

“Don’t worry darling. If you really want to keep you identity a secret I will promise you to not tell a soul about it. You have my word as a lady. If you want, I’ll even Pinkie Promise.” She assured me, kindly. Which again made me feel happy, as the very last burden was finally off of my chest and mind.

I managed to get Rarity on my side and to also help me finally get some of my magic fixed and under control.

“Thanks again, for understanding and for agreeing to help me Rarity. This really means a lot to me.” I thanked her genuinely.

She, again, simply smiled while shaking her head a bit. “It’s nothing at all, darling, I am the Element of Generosity after all. And besides, if your stories are true (add to that the fact that you really are an actual Alicorn), then helping you would honestly be in the best interests for everypony, not just you and your friends.”
She paused, then added, “I may not know much about Alicorns in general but what I do know is that their magic is quite powerful and can be downright devastating, if not used properly.” She explained, a truth I can only agree upon, if my own experiences and Silver's personal account were anything to go by.

“If I don’t want to dig myself into a deeper hole than I already am, then getting some control of my powers is my top priority. And, who knows? Maybe I will be able to learn how to temporarily get my human form back, or even learn of a way to return home… if there is still time, that is.
After all what would be the point in wanting to return back to Earth when, possibly, a 100 years might have somehow passed over there. I might as well stay here, then.” I thought

“Anyway… would you like some more tea while we continue to discuss our plans in getting your magic under control? In fact, we can just casually get to know one another while doing so as well. I actually feel quite interested about the concept that a full-grown stallion like you hasn’t learned anything about magic prior to this, despite being very powerful. It’s a little ironic, if you ask me.” Rarity offered while levitating the teapot over her cup to refill her empty cup before looking at me to await my response.

I stared down at my half empty cup before looking back at her and giving her a nod. “Sure, more tea would be nice, I actually enjoy the tea you have here.” I responded before a question suddenly came to mind regarding the drink itself. “What type of tea is it, anyway?” I asked as Rarity levitated the pot over to my cup and refilled it with its hot and relaxing content.

“It’s actually Jasmine, dear. A personal favorite of mine, to be honest.” She responded, before putting the teapot back down and levitating her own cup again to take a sip from it and humming in delight. “It helps me relax after a hard day (or night)’s work.”

“Jasmine, huh? No wonder this tea tasted so familiar to me.” I thought to myself as I did the same, trying to get a hold of the cup with both of my hooves to take sip from its hot and steaming content.

Now knowing what its flavor actually was, I hummed in delight as the sweet taste of hot Jasmine tickled my taste buds. Helping me to relax and calm down fully after everything that has happened.

“Do you want to start, or should I? Or should we have a naturally evolving conversation and just go along as it develops?” Rarity questioned which immediately made me pause.

“Oh… shit. Well… time for crafty storytelling, I guess.” I thought to myself, as I simply gave her a nod. RD’s soft snoring being the only sound besides our talking with in the still disorganized room.

Telling her about myself and my family and whatnot, while leaving out the ‘other world’ and ‘human’ part out of course.


“Well, I have already told you about all the magic I have studied, learned and am currently researching at the moment.” Twilight announced happily before refocusing her gaze back at the Thestral, now known to her as Midnight Gear, a local researcher and inventor of his homeland and the Night Guard he currently worked for.

As she focused on the pony in front of her, she noticed a peculiarity. His right eye was glowing slightly and the iris was spinning in a clockwise direction. She also saw that the electric blue of his iris was a combination of the two separately spinning disks of metal, blue and a slightly darker shade of blue respectively, one above the other.

“I don't mean to be rude, but... what the hay is with your right eye!?” Twilight exclaimed.

“Hmm? Oh! That. I didn't think you'd notice, (not many do) but my right eye is actually artificial” Midnight explained.

“What!? I thought that was impossible! The sheer complexity and delicacy of an eye is what makes it impossible to replicate!” Twilight said in her shock.

“Well, Equestria is actually pretty far behind in terms of technological advancement, compared to the rest of the world. While you are still using science and magic separately, like steam engines and spells, the rest of the world, especially in Kazzas and Pelepolos, (Kazzas being the one further ahead, with it being far more accessible to scholars, researchers and inventors) are combining magic and science to make things like my eye, enhanced fuel and Mana Engines alike. Best examples would be our airships but without proper illustrations or schematics i cant really show much of it.” Gear told Twilight.

“Wow! That is amazing! I don't mean to pry, but... how did you lose your eye? And what is this combination of science and magic called?” Twilight asked.

“It’s called MagiTech, and ironically, I lost my eye when I was improving the design of the artificial eye. Like making new spells and alchemy, MagiTech... isn't always safe.” Midnight said.

“Wow! I guess it's good that you succeeded then. But, I mean… to be honest, it’s still rather strange to know that that sort of stuff is possible by combining science and magic. A non-Unicorn like you and many others may study magic but... isn't it kind of useless when you can’t even cast any of the magic you are studying about? No offense, though.” Twilight quickly added.

Gear simply shook his head, having been long freed from his earlier restraints by Twilight, as the two had spent most the afternoon talking about magic and technology. Mostly Twilight, as she had done most of the talking and explanation of her understanding of magic and what she had been researching lately, which left Gear very intrigued.

“None taken, really. The type of magic I have been studying really doesn’t need any horn or similar materials to use or even cast.” Midnight explained as he took a sip of his glass of water. His usual shyness and timid nature were gone, in favor of talking to someone who shared his love for science and research in general.

“I am actually researching and studying the nature of Blood Magic and the creation of Blood Weapons and Armour in general.” Midnight explained to her, which caused the mare in question to almost choke and spit out the water she was drinking in unison with him, in a very comical fashion.

She coughed and gagged before looking at Gear with wide eyes. “Wait, can you- (*cough*) can you repeat that?” She asked, which in turn caused Gear to slowly revert to his timid nature once more.

“Uhm… I-I said that I am st-studying… Blood Magic an-and Blood Weapons.” He stuttered while twirling the small glass nervously in his hooves.

Twilight on the other hoof continued to just stare, before her brain finally process the answer she was given. “BLOOD MAGIC! YOU STUDY BLOOD MAGIC AND WEAPONS!? THE LONG FORGOTTEN ART MOST PONIES ONLY CONSIDER A MYTH NOWADAYS!?” Twilight shouted with more than a hint of excitement in her tone.

Gear simply nodded his head slowly, which immediately caused stars to appear in Twilight's eyes as she leap in excitement.

“You’ve got to tell me EVERYTHING!” Twilight said, several quills and rolls of parchment floating from her storage room.

Midnight Gear smiled enthusiastically, “Sure! Why not!”

“So, MagiTech has quite the history-

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. But quick question here guys, do you want me to continue the (until now never broken) concept to always add a pic to every chapter, or maybe stop it? Because if i stop i can guaranty that you will all get new chapters a bit quicker, 1 or 2 days in fact, because i obviously also have other things to do like, working on my other fics and also other drawings ans sketches.

What do you all think

But anyway, today's highlight pic is this.