• Published 29th Jun 2016
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 19: Training Montage for Old and New

/Chapter Chapter 19: Training Montage for Old and New/

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear

“Are you sure that I should be learning how to fly… this soon?” I asked nervously while scraping the dirt below me with my hoof.

“THIS SOON? What the… you’re already a full grown stallion I would say it’s about high bucking time that you get these wings some air.” Dash retorted, though she wasn’t really aware of the fact that I really only had my wings for like just over 3 weeks or so.

It has already been a couple of days since the whole “Getting swarmed by Thestrals” incident back in Cloudsdale which, according to Flitter, is now the second most engrossing paper story of the year followed right after the Cloudsdale magic disaster that happened before it, and knowing that I was basically responsible for both of them... It did NOT made me feel very proud about that “presumably” legendary achievement.

After that though, Rainbow Dash had declared that she was going to make me “learn how to fly and get rid of that fear of heights” her personal mission which is WHY me, Dash, and even the two Pegasus sisters are now on an open grassy meadow just a few kilometers away and below Cloudsdale.

How did we get down here you may ask? Well, let’s just say that it involved a blindfold, a strong mare who didn’t take no for an answer and A LOT of screaming and almost losing my breakfast.

Saying that I was quite upset in the end afterwards was an understatement, it took Dash a whole 30 minutes to get me to even look at her. Surprisingly though it was Cloud this time who eventually helped me to calm down before I finally agreed on the idea that today was going to be my first ever lesson in becoming a bird.

Which then leads us to the here and now, my annoyance quickly getting replaced with nervousness as I just realized what I have just gotten myself into. Though to be honest, the look Dash was giving me told me that my options were…pretty much nonexistent.

She was going to teach me how to fly even if it was going to cost her sanity… which might actually have some levity to it.

She began to carefully circle around me as I casually stood there, probably observing my wings and muscles on my back where my wings are obviously attached too. She even went so far as to grabbing one of my wings and pulling on them a bit, which was rather uncomfortable, to be honest.

She started to hum to herself in thought before trotting back in front.

“Oh, mare. We are going to have a lot of work to do.” She muttered to herself before looking back at me with a bit of a sigh.

“Ok… let’s just start with the basics.” She announced as she opened her wings. “Let’s first try with a simple flapping exercise. Just flap your wings up and down normally, that way we can get some blood pumping into those muscles and warm them up for the more complicated exercises later.” She quickly explained as she casually began to flap her wings up and down to demonstrate.

I nod as I tried to unhook my wings (I like to call it) in order to mimic Dash’s instructions.

The problem, though, was that I had never really fully extended my wings before on my own, the only instances being accidents or when I simply relaxed my supposed wing muscles to let them fall onto the ground lazily but never in a way in how you un-flare them and then keeping them there, just like how you would easily do with an arm or a leg.

All I really managed to achieve where some really awkward and uneven looking wing positions while just lazily twitching them up and down afterwards.

I could heard Dash groan as she facehoof accompanied by some barely stifled snickering from behind. I began to feel really, really embarrassed after I saw the absolute comical and pathetic position my wings where in, the stifled laughter behind me not helping at all with the lack of self-confidence I was suffering from the sight.

Dash eventually trotted back towards me not looking very pleased before she harshly pulled on my right wing which almost caused me fall over. Did I also mention that it was pretty painful as well?

“Like this; you need to extend your wings like THIS, not just have them awkwardly dangle off from the side and then lazily move them up and down.” RD lectured while rapidly forcing my wing up and down with the same hoof she grabbed it with, again almost causing me to fall over and cry out in discomfort.

“I swear, if this is somehow a joke, then let me tell it’s NOT freaking funny at all. Stop beating around the bush and take this seriously, Nava.” She harshly added before finally letting go of my wing with a glare.

I glared right back at her after the shakiness in my head as subsided. “I AM taking this seriously, I have never really used my wings before EVER, so excuse me if seem a bit slow and stiff to you.” I retorted my tone firmly carrying the annoyance I was feeling.

The two of us continued to glare at each other for a while before RD finally sighed.

“Listen, I am just trying to help you get over your fear of heights and teach you how to fly. I mean, just look at these wings.” She explained as she gestured towards my wings with a hoof. “They are huge for a pony your size and look amazing with those silvery shining feathers in the middle… though not as amazing as mine of course, but still those things are MADE for flying and I will not -repeat- WILL NOT stand idly by and watch a being MADE to fly stay grounded for the rest of its life… or eternity… because, well… you’re an Alicorn. BUT you get the point!” RD explained glaring determinedly at me at the end of her speech.

I quietly stared at her, not really sure if I should feel thankful or alarmed by her announcement.

“Well, at least this actually looks and feels more like the rainbow Dash I know.” I thought to myself as I watched RD return to her original spot in front of me.

“Now let’s try again, but this time do as I am doing and don’t you even THINK of slacking off in front of me. Now just repeat what I am doing.” Dash instructed as she once again began to flap her wings up and down before gesturing me with a hoof to do the same.

I nod as I tried my best to mimic her movements with my own despite my lack of accurate motor control I have on my wing joints and muscles. At first it was difficult as expected but I soon found myself slowly getting the hang of how to move those wings in sync as my flapping became more and more accurate with every flap.

I was slowly starting to feel a bit giddy before RD broke it by yelling at me like a sports coach I never had in my school days… and would have preferred to keep it that way as well.

“FASTER! FLAP THEM FASTER! I WANT TO SEE SOME SWEAT TRICKLING DOWN YOUR FACE WHEN THIS IS DONE!” Dash shouted, which in turn automatically made me flap my wings faster in turn.

“GOSH DARN IT. FASTER! MY FRIEND FLUTTERSHY CAN FLAP HER WINGS FASTER THAN YOU, SO SPEED UP, STUD!” RD commanded even louder which shocked me into flapping my wings as fast as I was physically capable of without ripping them off my back.

I closed my eyes and clenched my teeth hard as I flapped my wings like I have never flapped them before (mostly because I haven’t). Sweat began to build up around my back and forehead as I could feel my wing muscles burning from the rapid stimulation I was given them.

“Uh… Nava? You can slow down now. Uh, Nava? Hey!” I heard Dash call out through the rapid torrents of winds I was kicking up around me. Though I kept going, somehow, probably to prove something or whatever, as I even managed to increase my speed just a little bit more causing the noise of flapping wings and rushing winds to intensify around me. I was actually causing a small vortex around me.

“NAVA! *cough *cough. Would you… would you STOP!? THAT’S ENOUGH!!!” I heard Dash yell within the noise, which finally forced me to slow myself down before eventually stopping completely with my wings feeling very sore and hanging lazily of my sides. For my part i was panting from exhaustion, with my tongue hanging out.

I finally opened my eyes and was immediately greeted with a thick cloud of dust surrounded me, causing me to spit it out, retracting my tongue. The dust eventually subsided, revealing a somewhat brownish looking RD in front of me with a deadpanned look on her. I began to smile sheepishly after I noticed that both Flitter and Cloud had suffered the same fate.

“Oops… Sorry?” Was all I managed to get out as I rubbed the back of my head awkwardly as RD’s gaze was still fixed on me.

“Ugh… this is going to be a loooong day.” I heard Dash mutter under a hoof before looking back up at me with a very unpleased glare on her features.

“Keep it up, buster and I am going to throw you into that lake over there.” She threatened with a neutral looking glare while pointing a hoof at said lake just a few meters behind her.

That made me chuckle nervously which only caused her glare to intensify, which caused me to shut up, lowering my head and ears in defeat.

“Yup… today is going to be a loooong day indeed.”


“Well at least it’s nice to finally have Acheron back, my trusty blood lance.” I thought to myself with a big sense of satisfaction as I held the ancient blood weapon out in front of me.

This weapon is even older than me, herited from my father when he died gloriously in battle for the Equestrians 1000 years ago.

Do I still feel sad about it? Yes. Do I still feel disheartened by the loss of my father? Somewhat. Will I ever admit it to anyone? Heck. No.

I smiled at the ancient and powerful weapon in my hoof as I began to feel its crimson colored blade, tracing it down along it’s markings with a hoof just like you would trace it down along a lover before getting serious.

Blood weapons or blood magic in general as far as i know are banned here in Equestria, but back at home it’s openly practiced and even studied to serious degrees, one of the reason being that blood magic and Thestral history pretty much going hoof to hoof. Though the making of blood magic imbued weapons such as mine have sadly been lost over the centuries, making items such as these a really rare sight to behold.

Which just makes me even prouder to have one in my possessions.

Acheron itself is what is known as a Sanguinem Mundi, a blood blade weapon. When transferred to a new owner it loses its power, but it takes on the strength of the first monster that one slays with it. I had felled an Elder Hydra with it, so you can just imagine...

Shaking my head I immediately decided to end my musing and finally get back to work, i.e. paper work and stuff.

Seriously, you do one freaking thing and what comes after is a mountain sized heap of paperwork and most of them are about reports, files and complains about angry or frightened ponies back from wherever. Cloudsdale in particular, this time, both regarding the magical incident itself AND my actions to respond to it. Did I already mention that I am a War Mare and not a bloody secretary?!

I was about to start my long and torturous journey to filing these accursed papers when all of the sudden the front door to my office opened up.

I was ready to scathe the interloper with some harsh words before I quickly noticed who exactly it was who had the courage to enter my office completely announced.

“Greetings, Lulu.” I casually greeted her with a flat look.

“Well yes. Greetings to you too, Glade, it has been a while hasn’t it?” The dark blue Alicorn monarch greeted.

I crocked an eyebrow at that. “You mean us meeting? We already had our reunion right after you returned from your exile, dear Luna.” I questioned before looking back at the paper in front of me.

I could hear her move up closer as I lifted my head back up again to look at her. “Not quite.” She responded with a shake of her head before continuing. “What we meant is that it has been a while since you overestimated a situation again.” She finally explained.

I sighed, knowing full well at what she was implying. I hate to admit it, but sometimes I have a knack of overkilling things just because I sometimes let my own emotions get the better of my rational judgment.

Luna, though, seemed to notice this, as a knowing smirk arose from her lips in an almost friendly gesture to taunt me a bit. I smirked back which finally broke up the awkwardness that dominated the room previously as both of us finally began to relax at each others presence.

“You should really learn how to control your emotions a bit more, there, dear Glade, otherwise they might one day send you into some trouble.” Luna announced which in turn just made me huff at her before another smirk quickly graced my lips.

“Funny… coming from someone like YOU.” I answered which quickly caused Luna’s smile to falter as she looked off to the side full of guilt and depression.

My own smirk quickly dropped as i realized my mistake and sighted. “Sorry for that… didn’t mean to bring THAT to the table so very soon. We all have our demons. I was never good with talking anyway, being more of a mare of action rather than words.” I apologized sincerely, which thankfully lifted Lulu’s spirits a bit as she gave me a sad smile in return.

“That is quite alright. We… have long learned from our errors and it is still a very welcome feeling to finally be back home and cured from the curse that has haunted us for so long. Though…” She explained before looking off the side again. ”Equestria seems to have changed a lot during our absence, and we are afraid that adapting to the new modern age might be… a daunting task indeed.” She finished as sadness again quickly entered her features once more.

“Though…” She began again. “We are still happy to at least see that after 1000 years that you, dear Glade, haven’t changed much at all during that time. A quite welcome sight indeed when everything seems so… alienating around us. Still the same hot blooded mare I came to know.” Luna finally added this time with a true genuine smile on her muzzle for the first time as she looked down at me and winked.

I chuckled as I finally let my paperwork drop for a while to give my old friend my full attention.

“It’s also really nice to see that you haven’t changed much either, Luna. Still talking to yourself in third person like a complete mad girl.” I said with a chuckle which was mimicked by Lulu as well.

“Well we… I mean… I know what you mean, It was actually one of the very first things we… I found out about my sister. That using the royal we has long gone out of fashion. Died out. Not a huge problem to overcome, but still… it’s going to take time to get used to.” Luna explained while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.

“Let me guess… you came here to have me teach you about modern speech and keep you up to date with whatever has changed during your absence?” I questioned knowingly, which was quickly confirmed by the Alicorn monarch nodding.

“Our dear sister… I mean… My sister is still too busy on getting me up to date with the latest changes and evolutions on society, so I was forced to turn to the only other pony I knew well who might be able to guide me in this task. I would have also loved to ask the aid in one of our subjects, but, well… you already know the situation.” Luna explained, to which I simply shook my head at her last statement, knowing full well what she meant.

“Well… whatever gives me a good excuse to NOT do all of this busywork here anyway. Sure, I guess I would enjoy acting as your personal tutor for a change… which is kind of funny, if you think about it. ME tutoring YOU, of all ponies.” I say as I finally got up from my desk to trot over to the front door.

“Yes, I am quite aware of the irony of this situation myself.” Luna chuckled as she followed me out the door and out onto the hallways.

“Though, I also came over to discuss about your… colourful method back in Cloudsdale and after having spotted it… Your blood weapon as well, dear Glade.” Luna quickly added which in turn made me just groan in response.

“Don’t worry, Lulu. We can talk ALL about it privately back in the barracks archives once we get there.” I replied.

“She better not ask for me to store my precious lance away somewhere so ponies can’t accidentally see it, or I might have to hit her in the head with it.

Nothing separates me and the only item I have to remember my father by.”

Author's Note:

Another Chapter done.

Today i like to offer a concept sketch of Glades Blood Lance.

This is how it looks.