• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 6: Pony version of Scrubs

/Chapter 6: Pony version of Scrubs/

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

“Hey, wake up. Hey, guys. The doctor is here. Wake up you two. WAKE UP!”

“Please, just 5 more minutes.” I mumbled while trying to get myself back to sleep.

“Yeah… what he said.” I heard someone mumble right next to my ear.

Wait… right next to my ear? Nah, I must be still half dreaming or something. Though, the large pillow I have pressed against my side strangely feels a lot… fuzzier than i imagined.

Maybe that’s just how Hospital pillows are in Equestria? To give their patient more comfort while they stay here. Again I wouldn’t know. Also I don’t care because I just want to get myself back to sleep.

“Seriously, guys. Wake up. The doctor and the nurse have been waiting patiently for over 5 minutes for you lovebirds to get up. You two can cuddle later after the doctor is done.” I heard the same irritating voice say.

I groaned in annoyance as my sleepiness was slowly slipping away from me the more I heard this voice talk to me. Even my side pillow seemed to be irritated by it as it gently began to steer against my side as it let out an annoyed whimper.

Yeah you said it pillow, some peoples just don’t seem to understand that….
Wait…moving fuzzy pillow that whimpers? I thought to myself quietly as my eyes abruptly opened.

“Ugh… can you please also be quiet and stop moving around so much? I am trying to sleep here you plot hole.” I heard MY side pillow say as it began to move and shift again, rubbing itself against me as I felt… something move itself along my chest.

I immediately knew what was going on as my memory from last night resurfaced and a slow look to my left side confirmed it as well.

My cheeks immediately went red as I saw the sleeping form of Cloudchaser pressed against me with her snout dangerously close to mine.

I did the only logical thing an awkward person like me who never had a girl THIS CLOSE in his entire life would do in a situation like this.

Scream like a fucking pussy.





“I DON’T KNOW WHY ARE YOU…” I began as her words clicked.

After realizing that both of us quickly scrambled away from one another with bright red blushes adorning our faces as we looked away.

I could hear a bunch of giggling and chuckling in the background as I was trying my best to get my blood away from my face.

Ugh… can’t I ever get a normal wakeup call for once? Or is this going to be my new norm from now on? I thought to myself as a white figure suddenly moved itself in front of my view.

Looking up, I could tell that it was none other than the nurse I met yesterday.

Nurse Redheart I presume.

“Well, good morning there Mister Nava. Sorry for having to wake you and your marefriend up so rudely, but it’s because the Doctor here needs to check up on both miss Flitter and miss Cloud Chaser over there before giving them the hooves up to leave.” Nurse Redheart explained with sad smile when something quickly registered.

“Wha…wha what? No she is NOT my girl… I mean marefriend at all. She... she’s just a friend.” I stuttered quickly as my face went full red once more.

“Oh… that must be hard to hear for Miss Cloud Chaser over there, denying right in front of her that you two are together.“ Redheart responded with a disapproving look while shaking her head at me.

My brain basically broke down at that point as I felt beyond embarrassed at this stage.

Luckily though, Cloud -laying beside me- came to the rescue.

“Wha…what? No…nononononono, he… he’s right we’re just friends. I simply offered him to sleep with me last night because I didn’t want him to sleep on alone on the cold hard floor.” I heard her quickly respond which made me sigh in relief internally.

“Well, one of you could have simply asked some of the staff about that and they would have easily pushed another bed into this room for him to sleep on. There is enough space for a third bed here.” The nurse replied, looking at both of us.

Both of us immediately felt dumb after she brought that up. Making us go red once more in embarrassment for not having thought of that ourselves until someone coughed in the background.

“Well, that’s all well and good now. But I seriously still have a job to do here, so if we could please move this silliness aside for a moment so that I can get done with this check-up? That would be just dandy.” I heard the doctor say in the background.

I quickly got control over myself again as I removed the covers and climbed out of bed… or more like fell off of it as one of my hooves somehow got stuck on the bed sheet.

I moaned in discomfort as my face hits the floor first.

“I’m ok…I’m alright.” I say as I immediately got back up. Both the nurse and the doctor at the door shaking their heads at my antics.

I simply rubbed my head while smiling sheepishly at them until I realized that everything was still blurry for me.

“Oh yeah, my glasses.” I thought aloud as I quickly grabbed them from the small table beside me and put them back on.

How did I suddenly learn to grab stuff with my hoof? Also why is Flitter over there looking at me so weirdly? Is there something on my face?

“Anyway, let’s have a look, then.” I heard the doctor say as he first went over to Flitter with a clipboard floating next to him.

Oh yeah…magic, that's a thing here...forgot about it for a second there.

I simply grabbed my hat and made my way over to a corner as I watched both the doctor and nurse do their stuff. I watched the unicorn perform his magic on Flitter’s injured legs before telling her that her injuries were ok and that her leg is mostly good to go, as long as she doesn’t put too much stress on it for a few more days.

Cloud Chaser’s check-up was much more straightforward, simply looking over the cuts and bruises before giving her the OK sign as well.

I was about to lose myself in my thoughts once more until I got interrupted by the doctor.

“Well how about you sir. Do you want me to check up on your injuries as well?” The doctor asked while pointing as the bandages on my midsection.

I quickly shook my head. “No thanks, I already had gotten myself looked at just a few days ago by another doctor. No need for it.” I replied a bit nervously while not looking and sounding too suspicious.

“Well, alright then. By the way, I told your two companions that they are free to go today. Have a nice day.” The doctor responded as he quickly excused himself from the room with the nurse following him before closing the door.

I sighed in relief after they were gone as I returned my attention to the two mares in front of me, with Flitter still giving me this strange look.

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Why are you looking at me like that Flitter?” I asked totally confused.

“Nava, I… I could have sworn that you didn’t have a cutie mark yesterday. But… but now you do all of a sudden.” She pointed out with her hoof.

“Wait… what?” I asked, totally confused at her sudden statement.

“Actually… yeah, sis is right. You suddenly have a cutie mark on your flank, there.” Cloud Chaser also pointed out as she looked at me in surprise.

“Wait… seriously?” I asked before quickly looking behind me, and wouldn’t you know it, they were right.

Right there on my flank -which I could have sworn was mostly blank since I arrived here- was a cutie mark, same for the other side after I checked there as well.

“Ok, seriously, WHAT?” I asked out loud while still staring at it.

“Well, look at the bright side. At least nopony can call you a blank flank.” I heard Cloud comment as I continued to stare at my butt in disbelief.

How the heck did I suddenly got a butt tattoo? Most intriguing of all is that it’s MY cutie mark, the cutie mark I drew when I made this OC.

It’s a very simple looking cutie mark, a simple rolled up piece of paper with a pencil drawing on it and with one of my wings spread fully behind it.

Again, I promised myself that I wouldn’t ask anymore questions regarding the laws of this world, but this still managed to really bug the crap out of me. How it is possible for me to just randomly get a cutie mark overnight without even knowing about it?

But then again the same can be asked in how I suddenly find myself in Equestria as my old OC. Where is my sense of priority?

I simply shook my head to get all of those thoughts out of my focus point.

“Well…guess I’ve got a cutie mark now… I guess.” I commented while scratching my head.

“Well, that’s neat, if you ask me. Though one question still remains, though.” Cloud Chaser wondered as she climbed out of her bed.


“What it represents.” Flitter answered this time as she removed her no-longer-broken leg from its straps.

I rubbed my face with my hoof as I thought about it. “I know what it means, but… should I really tell them outright or pretend I don’t know?” I thought as I looked back at my rump.

I guess it really doesn’t matter now, does it, my mark really doesn’t mean anything outlandish in term of its meaning so I guess I can just flat out tell them what it means. I can’t keep hiding the truth forever, especially not from these two who are as far as I know the only friends I have in this world that I can also trust, and trust comes with telling the truth all and foremost.

“It… it represents that I am good at sketching and the wing behind it represents the freedom and unlimited nature of my imagination.” I explained to them truthfully with a sheepish grin.

For a moment there was silence before it was broken by one of the mares.

“Wait… if your cutie mark just randomly appeared last night without any of us realizing it... how come you already know what the meaning of your cutie mark is?” Flitter questions as carefully got out of her bed.

That was a really good question of her. Thankfully I got that covered as well.

“Well…” I started “It’s because I always was good at that, been expressing my ideas and imagination on a piece of paper since I was little and when I first saw my mark I simply made the conclusion that this had to be its meaning. Judging by the way it looks.” I explained while showing them my mark.

Cloud Chaser scratched her head while looking confused. “So wait…if that is the case then why did it appear just now… and not much earlier when you were still a colt?” she asked as she took a closer look at my rump, which made me blush a bit.

“I honestly don’t know.” Which was half the truth to be honest.

On one hand I only arrived in this world like 2 days ago, which automatically explains everything but on the other it still simply appeared out of nowhere with no rhyme or reason whatsoever.

Another question I can add to the growing list. The more time that passes here, the deeper the mystery becomes and the more confused I get. My logical human mind can only take so much.

“Hmmm. Well, anyway it doesn’t matter, does it? I mean, you have one and that’s what counts. But if what you were saying is true then you’ve got to show us some of those drawing skills you have.” Cloud Chaser announced with a smile before moving closer and whispering something into my ear. “Also, can you draw my sister looking like a slut?”

“Wait, what?” I responded in shock.

“Huh? What was that?” Flitter queried

“Nothing sis…nothing.” Cloud Chaser replied, smirking

I feel awkward again.

“Well, anyway let’s get out and get ourselves some breakfast. Also, I hate hospital food.” Cloudchaser announced happily before whispering something in my ear again before going through the door. “But seriously I would love to see her drawn like a slut.”

I simply raised my eyebrow at her as she exited the room with a giggle. I turned my head back towards Flitter who was making her way to the door as well.. or more like slightly limping to it with a bit of a pained expression on her face.

“Hey…are you ok? I can support you if you want.” I offered to her.

Flitter shook her head as she stopped in front of me. “No it’s ok. The pain primarily comes from the healing spell the doctor has used to help heal my leg much faster. It’ll just be for a short while and after that I will be ok. But thanks for the offer nonetheless.” She answered with a thankful smile.

I nodded and was about to head out of this room together with Flitter when I noticed her losing her footing and caught her with the right side of my body before she could fall.

“Maybe you do need some help after all.” I looked at her.

She simply smiled sheepishly while rubbing the back of her head. “Yeah I guess I do. Thanks for catching me by the way.” She thank with a smile which I returned.

“Hey, you two lovebirds get your flanks moving. I’m hungry!” Cloud Chaser shouted from the other side of the hallway, causing both of us to groan in sync.

We both looked at one another realizing what the two of us had done before chuckling together and making our way out of this hospital and directly into the town.

Author's Note:

Once again another chapter guys. Have fun.

Also link to his Cutie mark: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=594492

Today Chapters Highlight is this.