• Published 29th Jun 2016
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The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 14: MAGIC!!!

/Chapter 14: MAGIC!!!/

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear

“Ugh… it’s been a while since I woke up with a headache.” I muttered while rubbing my head.

Really, it had been a while. Usually headaches like those a result of not getting enough sleep or having done some serious mental work the day prior. But since I had or did neither of those, waking up with a small pain in my brain was a bit weird.

Memories of my dream quickly flooded my consciousness as I continued to simply lay there with my eyes still firmly closed.

“Silver Wing, huh… how does he know the original name of the OC that I am now walking around as? Did he maybe get that from my memories?” I thought to myself as I slowly opened my eyes.

“Possibly. I mean, if he gets his sentience thanks to my own consciousness, then it’s not too far-fetched to believe that he has some access to my memories as well. Or, heck, even all of them. I just hope that he stays away from some of my… darker or more private ones.” I muttered as the first rays of the morning sun greeted my vision, including my nightstand lazily hovering next to me in the air.

“Wait what?”

I quickly did a double take to make sure that I wasn’t seeing things and after realizing that i wasn’t, I simply gaped at the small table that was just lazily floating right next to me.

In fact a lot of things in my room where just hovering in the air when I took a much better look around.

The large closet, the shelves, the writing desk on the opposite side of my room, the big chest that was placed right in front of my bed and EVEN my bed itself! The bed that I was laying on was hovering in the air as well with me still on it!

Everything that was not screwed on or nailed onto the walls and floor was hovering around my room without any rhyme or reason to it.

Including my hat and glasses.

I was absolutely stumped at this scene, which turned into full on panic when I somehow started to slowly float off the bed as well, while still wrapped around my blanket, obviously.

“What the? Why is everything floating? Why the HELL AM I FLOATING NOW AS WELL?” I shouted in confusion and fear while I started to flail my limbs around and unintentionally threw the blanket off of me.

Instead of it just falling down onto the ground, like I expected it to, it simply began to gently float beside me. This was the last straw, to my already panicked mind.

“OH GOD! DON’T TELL ME THIS HOUSE IS SUDDENLY HAUNTED!” I stated in panic while still trying to get control of my trajectory by using my wings as well.

Suffice to say, it didn’t work as I lazily bounced off of the ceiling of my room, head first of course.

“Ow… bloody ceiling.”

It was than when the door to my room was flung open as both Cloud and Flitter came crawling into the room along the walls.

An image of both mares in spiderman costumes flashed through my head, despite this confusing and rather frightening situation. Which honestly was a welcome thought as it eased some of my panic. A little bit.

The sisters began to stare at me wide eyed the moment they entered (or basically crawled into) the room, an expression which quickly set my panic levels back to normal… if that is even a thing.

“I knew it.” Flitter began in shock. “I knew that… that this had something to do with you Nava. What the HAY is your magic DOING?!” She accused as she, just like the rest of the room, simply levitated in place.

I tilted my head in confusion. I was going to retort to her accusation when all of a sudden, out of convenience, the small table stand mirror that usually sat on my nightstand came lazily floating right in front of my face, giving me a nice front view of the panicked state that my face was in. Though it was not my own face that immediately made my eyes go even wider. In fact it was what was proudly towering above my forehead that quickly took my full--on attention.

My horn was sparking and glowing with light and electricity. In fact it was glowing much like Silver Wing’s horn in my dream. Simply radiating this ominous, whitish glow along its length with only the spiral indentations on it somewhat visible.

“Well, at least I now know where my headache is coming from.” I thought to myself in utter shock as I simply observed the small sparks of electricity silently dancing around my ever glowing head spear. Until reality kicked me back in the face, that is.

I visibly began to panic AGAIN for like...the 10th (must be a new world record) time this day as the mirror continually resumed its lazy journey across the room.

“AHHH!!! WHAT THE… WHY… HOW… WHY IS MY HORN GLOWING?! I shouted as I started to gently spin clockwise onto my side.

“THAT’S EXACTLY WHAT WE’D LIKE TO KNOW AS WELL!!” Flitter shouted back as she tried to keep herself steady by grabbing the door.

“CAN'T YOU JUST TURN IT OFF?!” Cloud quickly added, by which point I was upside down.

I looked over to her as I continued to spin. “I WOULD IF I KNEW HOW!” I quickly replied as my ears suddenly picked up something with caused me to pause.

“Are those...screams i hear?” I wondered as my ears swiveled back and forth on their own, despite my current situation, and judging from the direction of the sounds it seems to be coming from right outside.

I quickly tried to flail my arms again to steady myself and immediately grabbed a hold onto the curtains next to me me when i had the chance and took peek outside the window to see what was going on.

What I saw made my blood run cold as the true severity of this situation quickly turned its ugly face at me.

The entire city, not just the room, not just this house, not just even this district that we were living in, no, the ENTIRE CITY was suffering from the same effects of my magic as me and the two sisters, as ponies and other objects all across the city were ALL slowly being lifted up into the air.

Ponies screamed in panic as they tried to flap their wings or even flail their limbs in hopes of regaining control, with little success as it seems.

Heck, even larger things like anchored airships or large cargo carriages off in the distance were also just lazily floating along the air within the anti-gravity field as well, with the ponies and the cargo on them soon doing the same, as some of them desperately tried to hold onto something.

Nearby foals, of course, found this sudden turn of physics quite amusing as they happily laughed and looked like where telling their parents that they were “flying” while their parents desperately tried to reach them.

“This is bad… really, really bad.” I thought to myself before noticing that Cloud somehow had managed to make her way over to the window too and had the same stunned expression that I was holding.

“Fli… F-F-Flitter, w-we… might have a m-m-m-much bigger issue on our hooves than we originally thought!” She stammered.

Flitter quickly joined the two of us (again, somehow) and gasped at the scene presented to her.

The three of us simply floated there in shocked silence with only the screams of panicked ponies outside filling our ears.

It was Flitter again who eventually broke the silence in the room. “Nava you’ve GOT to get control over YOUR magic before a real catastrophe can happen.” She demanded while looking at me desperately.

Cloud Chaser deadpanned “We may have missed that window already, sis”

I looked up at Flitter with the same desperate expression. “I already told you, I don’t. Know. How. I have no idea how i’m doing it or how to control it.”

“Well, you gotta try SOMETHING! this is YOUR horn doing this.” She repeated as she also started to seriously panic as well.

At this point I was not only losing my shit but also getting frustrated with the fact that I had absolutely no control of my magic.

Why and How could wait for later. Right then, I needed to somehow get this under control before someone… or somepony got hurt.

Argh! If only those stupid books I read did more than just confuse the living hell out of me! Also the very first time my horn actually does something and its first act is to cause chaos and mayhem to everything around me. Bloody BRILLIANT!!!

At this point I simply threw caution out the window as I desperately tried to get my horn to stop, from hitting it with a hoof to banging it against the wall or any other hard enough object to just try and force my horn to shut up. All I got as an answer was pain, pain, pain, and more pain and even electrocutions as my own horn somehow managed to zap me when I tried to pull on it, which eventually forced me to hoist the white flag in exhaustion. That and I was just making my headache EVEN worse as my horn started to glow even brighter than it did before.

Which immediately made things even worse as everything, including us, got launched upwards onto the ceiling with surprising force… me head first of course, as if i didn’t had enough of a headache already.

“THIS ISN’T WORKING!!! “ Flitter shouted as she tried to push herself off the ceiling only for find out that she was somehow stuck on it.

“Oh you THINK?!” I replied while rubbing my massively aching head.

“Ahhh! Please...make it stop! This is getting worse and worse.” I groaned as the pain in my head was slowly starting to get unbearable.

Screams of more and more ponies could be heard coming from outside as things were, no doubt, getting worse for them as well. A quick glanced out the window immediately confirming my fears as the ponies in the city, including everything else that was already in the air were also launched higher up from the city grounds before (thankfully) stopping again at a certain point.

Again, my fear and state of panic rose to new heights as things where really started to get out of control, same for Flitter who seemed to share the same thoughts as me. Or thoughts we would share if my HEAD WASN’T TRYING TO SPLIT ITSELF OPEN!!!

“Why… the… hell… is… it… hurting… so… much?! Please… make… it… stooooop!!!” I tried to think, but the pain at this point was gradually starting to be way too much, even for something simply as that.

At this point all I could do now was clutch my head with my hooves in a hopeless attempt to somehow ease the hammering pain i felt in my head. Sweat started to roll down my forehead as I ground my teeth from the sheer pain, my heart was thumping hard against my chest which really only added to my suffering as i could feel every heartbeat in my head as well.


“Flitter we got to do something… anything. We need to somehow shut off his magic before it kills him… or anypony else.”


“Hmmm… Oh, wait! I GOT IT.”

“Huh… got what, Cloud?”

“Just give me a minute… in the meantime, try to make sure that Nava doesn’t explode or something.”


“I KNOW! I AM BEING SERIOUS. Just give me a while, I need to crawl myself to the bathroom.”



“Oh, dear Celestia… it's situations like these where I wish that I was born as a unicorn rather than a Pegasus. Magic is so out of my fields of knowledge or expertise.”

“Please… make… it… stop! Ugh.” I whimpered as the sparks on my horn finally became large enough to be audible.

“Just… just hold one, Nava… I don’t know what my sister has planned…but whatever it is, it will help. It will finally stop all of this, including your pain… I hope.” I heard the wishy washy voice of Flitter speak as a pair of hoof started to gently hold me. Only barely, as my sense of touched is being drowned out by the sheer pain i'm feeling in my head.

Even my sense of hearing was slowly losing its effectiveness as my perception of my surroundings slowly dies down. I wasn’t even sure if I was still clutching my head with my hoofs or not, that particular sensation long lost within my conscious mind, as the only sensation I could fell within my own body was pain. Momentarily spiking even with every electric spark coming out of my horn which almost brought me to the point of just passing out with every time it happened.

The only real thing that kept me from just blacking out was the rational fear that I might never wake up again if I did, so despite my suffering I held firm…just barely.

“Come on, come on… where is Cloud?” I heard the impatient and desperate voice of Flitter say as I felt a pair of hooves gently holding me and stroking my back.

God bless her for it .She might also be the other reason why I am refusing to give up.”

“I’m back. Sorry it took a while, crawling along the walls and ceiling isn’t exactly easy with a bucket in your mouth.”

“A bucket? Wait, you went to the toilet to get a BUCKET FULL OF WATER? HOW IN TARTARUS IS THAT GOING TO HELP HIM?!”

“Just… JUST TRUST ME ON THIS OK? I know what I am doing.”

“Stand aside.” I heard Cloud shout before i felt myself quickly released from Flitter’s grasp.

The next thing I can recall was that a sudden FREEZING cold suddenly assaulted my body. I felt myself crash into a nearby wall by the force while at the same time the pain in my head quickly subsided (to my utter relief), though that got quickly replaced by yet another jolt of pain coming directly from my flank as I fell back onto the floor. Same with everything else in the room, by the sound of crashing and falling furniture and grunting mares hitting the floor of the room.

I immediately opened my eyes as I quickly began to shudder from the freezing cold water I just received… or I think it was water. Yeah, I think it definitely is water judging by my completely drenched coat and mane.

But better to feel cold than overwhelming pain, in my opinion.

Looking around again for the first time since waking up I could see that the entire room was a complete mess. Everything that previously was neatly occupying the space of the room was now scattered all over the floor, including the large closet that thankfully landed nowhere near the two mares who were still laying on the floor and rubbing their sore flanks and backs.

That though immediately reminded me of the rest of the city and all the citizens that got launched unwillingly up into the air as well. I quickly scrambled back to my haunches, fully ignoring the cold and pain on my body and flank, and peered out the window,fully expecting the worst.

Imagine the relief I felt when I saw that every single pony around the city that were previously floating around in the air had managed to quickly recover themselves after my magic stopped, as every single pony, including the foals with their parents, were all now hovering in the air with their own wing power or gently flying back down onto the safety on the streets below, much to the disappointment of the foals.

Thought the same thing can not be said about the rest of the city by the looks of it, as the streets and roofs were littered with the falling debris of everything else. One of the airships having even crashed directly onto a construction site, though thankfully the ship was empty and so was the area.

“Thank goodness that everything still worked out well, somehow.” I muttered before turning myself back around to face the two mares with me in the room as they were sitting back up themselves.

“Wait… how… how the hay did you know a bucket of cold water would work?” Flitter asked while eyeing her sister curiously.

Cloud simply shrugged.” Was just a hunch. Plus it kind of also worked with that one unicorn stud you used to date during high school as well, when you two were making sweet, sweet loving to one another in the mares locker rooms as he was having a magic surge during his climax by the looks of it. Remember that one?” Cloud answered with a cheeky grin at the end which immediately made Flitter flustered.

Me a bit as well, with the way she phrased it, and the images that suddenly entered my mind as well.

“Didn’t really need to know that. Plus this isn’t really the time either. Leave it to Cloud to constantly break the mood, either for better or for worse.”

“Oh… yeah… I remember. That one where you suddenly walked in… and… saw that.” Flitter stuttered while looking down at the floor, completely embarrassed at the memory.

I was somewhat surprised by this to be honest. Normally I would expect her to be shouting at her sister at this point (Or ME at least!) and not just simply sink down. I guess that this must have been one hell of an awkward experience and memory for her. Or she could still be somewhat on edge from earlier, regarding me giving gravity the middle finger. Or both.

Probably both.

Cloud simply nodded. “Yup… that was definitely… awkward. Needed to also cool down the poor guy before his DICK could overheat.” She responded with a double wink to finish of her tease which made Flitter groan as she buried her face in her hoof.

“Oh, just SHUT it Cloud. It wasn’t funny back then and it still isn’t funny right now. So just stop.” Flitter protested with a glare.

“It’s from over heeeere~” Cloud sing-songed

As these two once again were discussing memories of their past, (somehow once again ignoring everything else around them...bless them for that) I was internally reflecting on the chaos I had unintentionally caused with my magic.

Suffice to say, I was feeling both guilty and scared at the same time, guilty for what I had caused and scared of the fact that I had absolutely no control over it and that it nearly got me killed as well, if the massive pain in my brain was any indication.

I so desperately wanted to blame Silver for this tremendous disaster, since HE is supposedly the very source of my magic powers… but… at the same time, I have a feeling that he had absolutely nothing to do with it and probably suffered just as much from this experience as I have.

Still need to confront him about this the next time when i have the chance.

I hang my head in utter shame as both the fear and guilt finally got the better of me.

“Sorry…” I whimpered, which quickly got the attention of both of them.

“What?” they said in unison as they halted their arguing.

“I am so, so sorry. This was all my fault.” I repeated as tears started to roll down my cheeks which seemed to catch both mares completely by surprise.

“No… Nava is wasn’t your-” Flitter started, but I quickly interrupted her as I glared angrily at her.


I felt terrible. How could something like this just happen? Was it Nightmare Moon’s doing? If so, how and when? I thought that Silver banished her permanently from my mind, so how could she possibly still have an influence on me? Did she maybe plant this before, right after she got defeated and kicked out? I don’t know… plus at the same time it just doesn’t matter because for one it already happened and I was surely going to get in HUGE trouble for it, getting kick out of town, locked up, hunted or WORSE..

“First time ever using my magic and I nearly caused a city wide disaster with it. This is so stupid and unfair. why the hell was I even turned into an Alicorn in the first place? Why not a simple Unicorn or a Pegasus? Or even better, why the hell was I even sent to equestria at ALL?! What is the point? What is my reason to be here? And why can’t I remember anything beyond that point?! Why? Why!? WHY!?” I ranted on in my mind as I continued to cry about my experience and situations I was in when all of a sudden something warm and fuzzy enveloped my trembling form.

When I looked up I saw that it were Flitter and Cloud, both embracing me tightly as they both bore pure expression of sympathy and sadness for me.

That show of pure sympathy and care was what finally broke the little resistance I had left in me as I allowed all of my feelings to get loose, crying freely against Cloud’s chest as both she and Flitter started to gently stroke my head and back to help me along, with Cloud even humming soft melody gently into my ear. A great surprise for sure, especially coming from a pony like HER. But at least it did the job of calming me down as my tears slowly started die down.

That melody though… could it be some kind of lullaby? It’s so… calming and… relaxing.

We three simply stayed like this together for a few more minutes, embracing one another on the floor before the two sisters finally broke off.

I wiped any remnant tears off my eyes and finally lifted my head and again was genuinely surprised to see that both mares also had tears staining their cheeks as well.

Both Cloud and Flitter gave me sad but again, sympathetic smiles. Flits was the first one to break the sad silence.

“Feeling any better now?” She asked genuinely while wiping a few tears away herself.

I nodded giving her a sad smile before I felt Cloud place a hoof on my shoulder.

“Always remember dude, we are here for you. I know that it might be a bit early to say that but…” Cloud began as she looked over to her sisters for some form of confirmation, Flitter nods before both of them looked back at me with warm genuine smiles before Cloud continued. ”…We have accepted you already, as part as our lives and family, and as family we always stick together and support each other as much we can, no matter what. That includes you as well, Nava. So never EVER forget… that you are not alone in this. That you have ponies ready to help you and ready to stand by your side whenever hardship comes to haunt you.” She finished as i stared at both of them in utter disbelief. I just hope emotional but at the same time serious her speech was.

I was utterly touched as a new set of tears quickly swelled up within my eyes, not tears of fear and guilt, but tears of happiness.

“Th-thanks... you two. This? You have no idea… how much this means for me… really.” I replied as I tried my best to keep my tears to a minimum this time.

“Think nothing of it.” Flitter replied with a warm smile and even a nuzzle, which immediately made me blush.

Flitter and Cloud simply giggled at my reaction, to which I surprisingly joined as a chuckle escaped my lips as well, which turned into a full on fit of laughter between the three of us, which was a welcome change after everything that had happened today so far.

My own laughter, though, soon died down as the memories of what happened today took center stage once more as I looked back down into my hooves.

“Hey, Nava? What’s wrong?” Flitter asked after realizing my sudden switch of mood.

I looked back up to answer her. “Again, I am so, so sorry for everything that has happened today.” I began before looking back down as I sighed. ”I am probably a real ha-hoofful for the two of you.” I said in a sad tone.

Cloud simply giggled at that, to my complete surprise, as I looked at her. “To be honest, not really. In fact…” She paused dramatically before continuing. ”Your presence has made our life much more… well, interesting I think is the right term.” She finished before Flitter took over the rest.

“Yes... having an awkward, shy, but still very kind and friendly Alicorn around is actually quite the interesting and, I dare say, pretty adventurous experience. Our lives were pretty normal and formulaic until you came along. So… no. No you are not a hoofful. Maybe a little bit difficult at times. but overall you make life so much interesting for us by just being you.” Flitter explained.

I again began to smile after hearing that, removing any signs of seconds thoughts from me. “Again, thank you for… sticking through with me… you two have been nothing but loyal, kind and supportive since the day we met. There’s probably no better pair of ponies that anybody could possibly ask for than you two.” I replied happily as any negative feelings I had quickly and permanently disappeared from me.

Both Flitter and Cloud nodded as they both finally got back up on all fours. I was about to get up myself when Cloud suddenly presented something to me.

“Need your Hat and glasses? They were actually lying just behind me after we all landed back onto the floor.” She offered.

I nodded as I took both items from her and gave her a thankful smile after placing them all to their respected places.

“Well…” Flitter began with a sigh. ”Looks like we have A LOT of cleaning up to do now. This is going to be fun.” She announced with a groan as she looked around the room.

I quickly joined the two as I did the same, though with a smile on my face as I thought about the obvious close bond me and the two mares somehow managed to forge between us after such a short amount of time.

“I don't know why it took me this long and an almost disastrous… well, disaster to see that… but better late than never, i guess. “

“Well… it might be a lot of work, but I am sure the three of us can pull it off, no problem.” I announced while looking at between them.

Flitter nodded as she smiled back. “You’re right. If we put our hooves together, all of this and the rest of the house will be fixed in no time.” She agreed as Cloud joined in as well.

“Well, than what are we waiting for, then? You two do the work while I supervise.” Cloud announced with a grin which made flitter and I roll our eyes.

“Cloud Chaser!” Both me and Flitter shouted in unison, which in the end just made all three of us chuckle.

“Just kidding! I’ll help too.” Cloud said, and we three did a hoof-bump

“Well… let’s get to work, then.” Flitter announced as she positioned herself in front of the larger closet.

Cloud and I got the hint as we both positioned ourselves right next to her before digging our hooves under the closet before lifting and eventually pushing it back into place.

“I am 100% positive that what happened today will certainly get noticed by the government, AKA the princesses themselves.” I thought to myself after pushing my bed back the where it belongs.

“Though, I think that I still have some time to figure out what to do until then, since Canterlot is somewhat far away from Cloudsdale right now. For now I should really focus more on cleaning their -well, our- home, I guess. And we’ll worry about that stuff when it comes up.” I mentally noted as the last pieces of furniture were now, once again, in their proper places.

Flitter wiped her forehead as she looked around the now clean room. “Wow! this took surprisingly less time than I imagined. You were right, Nava! With the three of us working together this is going to be quicker than Cloud can fall asleep on the couch.” She commented which made Cloud roll her eyes and me chuckle on that last remark.

“Again… let’s just hope that I don’t get found out about this anytime soon, because I am sure that then I would be marked as dangerous, which…would be a disaster, not just for me but for these two as well, and I can’t let that happen. Better JUST me than dragging these mares along with me.” I thought to myself once more as the three of us quickly moved to another part of the house to continue with the cleanup process.

“I’ve got to discuss this problem with them later. Also that reminds me… what lullaby was Cloud humming?"

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. For some reason this one took a while longer to edit because i wasn't 100% happy with the chapter yet. So i had to do allot of editing myself afterwards and than give it to my proofreader to give it one last look to check if everything is ok.

But anyway its done and i feel happy with it now.

Today's Chapter highlight is this.