• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,727 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 5: Town Fall

Chapter 5: Town Fall

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

“So… you guys don’t actually live in Ponyville?” I ask as we were trotting along the road toward the edge of town.

“No, we don’t. We are living in Dorm rooms provided to us by the local weather office while we’re working here. Cloud and I actually live up in Cloudsdale.” Flitter answered.

I nod as the three of us continued our uneventful journey to the local doctor house on the edge of town.

A few ponies we passed by on the road give us some curious glances or stares but other than that, nothing of note.

More and more ponies passed by as we came closer and closer towards the outskirts of the town, again some simply staring while some even started to gawk at my otherworldly long horn which immediately made me feel nervous as we passed them.

“Hopefully this doesn’t fail at the first day.” I muttered.

“Nah, don’t worry I think you’ll be fine. Just act like everypony else and you will fit right in.” Cloud Chaser tried to reassure me.

I sighed. “It’s not really that easy, I’m awkward in public, in case you didn’t notice.” I answered as I was looking down to avoid the passing ponies’ gazes.

I got -once again- pulled close to her making me blush. “Ah, don’t worry about that; that’s what we're here for.” She answered with a smile.

I was about to reply when a weird whistling sound suddenly assaulted my eardrums accompanied by screaming that quickly grew alarmingly louder and louder with every passing second.

I began to look around. “Wait a minute, Cloud… do you... do you hear anyth-” I tried to ask the mare beside before something hit me squarely. Really, really hard.

All I could feel after that was pain and a mouth full of dirt as I came to a stop face down after I assume a few meters of tumbling and sliding backwards along the ground.

Well, welcome to Ponyville I guess. What a great fucking start.

“Oh hey dude, thanks for breaking my fall there. Who knows what could have happened if you didn’t!” A girly but otherwise scratchy voice suddenly announced on top of me. I simply groan in response.

Yeah, no problem at all. WHO KNOWS what would have happened if you have crashed into another pony instead of me. They would probably have much more colorful words to say if that was the case.

If THIS is the way random ponies greet someone for being new to the town then I don’t even want to imagine how a…certain pink catastrophe would be welcoming me.

“Ca’ y’ pleeff ge’ offa me?” I mumbled with my face still in the dirt, Which tastes like how you imagine it would. Like freaking dirt.

“Um… what?” She asked, confused, making me feel even more annoyed on top of already feeling quite uncomfortable.

I immediately removed my face from the dirt and spat out the dirt in my mouth with disgust before replying again. “GET OFF OF MY BACK!!!” I shouted.

“Oh! Right. Sorry there, dude.” She replied as I finally felt the weight being lifted off of my re-injured back.

Oh, sweet relief.

Also how the heck was I the only one getting hit and ragdolled around while Cloud Chaser did not, despite the fact she was basically holding?

I shakily stood back up to all fours with a groan as my back once again feeling as if is was trampled over by a herd of rampaging horses, which might not be a too far fetch of an idea when you think about it. I dusted myself off a bit and re-adjusted my hat and glasses before turning around to see the pony I had the displeasure of getting physically acquainted with before I even know her… and oh my god I know who this pony is!

“Oh hey, Rainbow. Doing stunts again?” Cloud Chaser casually asked as if nothing happened, unlike her sister who quickly rushed over to me to offer her support and concern.

I really do not understand the logic between these two, sometimes it’s Flitter who shows more support and concern than her sister, then a few moments later it’s completely reversed.

Some might say it's some sibling thing or whatever, but honestly I don’t get it. Then again, I’ve only known these two for like one and a half days so I can’t be too cynical, now can I?

I gave Flitter a reassuring and thankful smile but eventually switched my attention back towards the blue rainbow maned mare standing in front of me.

Oh, boy if all the bronies could see me now! You can take your silly cartoon, fanfics and fanart, shove them up your asses and go kick yourself in a corner because I am standing in front of one of the main cast of the bloody show…and I honestly feel nothing. Because A: I was never a dedicated or hardcore brony like a lot of others I know from the internet. And B: Because she crashed into me and re-ignited my back pain.

Bloody brilliant.

“Well yeah I was, but as you can tell… I did some… minor miscalculations.” RD answered to Cloud while rubbing the back of her head sheepishly before realizing something.

“But wait a min… where the hay did the two of you disappear to? You two were missing for like almost 2 days and look absolutely awful as well. WAIT… did this stallion here cause all of this?” RD continued before turning angrily at me with an accusing tone under her voice making me flinch.

SERIOUSLY, GIRL!? If I was somehow responsible for getting these two into this poor state, like beating them up or raping them or whatever, then why the FUCK would THESE two travel alongside or stay anywhere close to the pony responsible for their injuries? Use some common sense here, you blue twat!

Normally I would feel somewhat intimidated by such an angry glare but with the presence of such narrow minded accusations I couldn’t help but go all RANT mode inside my head as I morphed my facial express into an “Are you for real?” kind of look.

Oh god, I just realized, I am going to have a field day in this horse talking wonderland. Since this world is based off a cartoon from my world, cartoons usually have a tendency to lack any common sense from time to time no matter what that cartoon is, and MLP is obviously no exception. If this carries on even to here then I am going to have a fun time ripping some of these illogical moments to bloody pieces in my mind.

YES in my mind because I don’t want to make myself look like an ass or anything like that. Besides the ones that do actually matter and can make stuff allot easier to approach in the future.

Oh yeah, I still have to prevent RD -judging by the look she was still giving me- from trying to break me, don’t I?

I was about to finally say something in regards of her accusation until Cloud Chaser beat me to it.

“Wait, Rainbow, it’s really not what you think.” Cloud announced in front of her.

“He’s actually the reason why the two of us are still alive at the first place. We were attacked by a pack of Timberwolves while we got ourselves lost in the Everfree Forest before HE eventually saved us from them when we were cornered.” Cloud quickly continued in one breath, which thankfully did the trick of easing the mare’s mood before eventually looking shocked instead.

“Wait…you two went into the Everfree and got lost and attacked by Timberwolves? WHAT THE BUCK were you two even doing in there knowing that you two couldn’t even fly at the moment?” Dash demanded, wide eyed.

Cloud Chaser chuckled nervously as she looked over to her sister for some possible support on this.

Flitter simply sighted before stepping up herself. “Well…Cloud here had one of her…moments again when she thought chasing a thieving fox that stole some of her groceries into the Everfree was a good idea. Moments similar to yours sometimes if I am right.” Flitter casually explained with a deadpan expression aimed at her sibling.

RD simply shook her head at that story before realization quickly sank into her.

“He…Hey wait a minute.” She protested, which in turn made both of the sisters giggle at her reaction.

She simply grumbled in annoyance before her gaze finally rested back on me, which honestly made me feel a bit nervous.

“So…this guy here saved you two from a pack of vicious Timberwolves? How exactly?” She question which in turn made both of the sisters stop their giggling.

Cloud Chaser again was the first one to respond. “Well…uhm…he…” Cloud Chaser started.

RD to switch her gaze back to her which gave me the chance to visually tell her with my arms and facial expression to tell her that SHE can NOT tell her the one hundred percent truth for obvious reason as my nervousness soar up to new heights at this first serious confrontation. Almost to panic levels.

Oh dear god please, please don’t screw this up cloud please.

Cloud Chaser simply looked back at Rainbow Dash as she was rubbing the back of her neck.

“He…uh saved us with his amazing unicorn magic. Yeah, you should have seen it, it was absolutely incredible. I had never seen a pony use such devastating spells like that before, pushing these nasty Timberwolves around as if they were bucking ragdolls or something! It really was awesome, right Flitter?” Cloud Chaser lied while looking over to her sister for confirmation.

“Um… yes, right! it really was incredible.” Flitter answered with a forced smile making me want to burry my head back into the dirt.

Oh god, why the bloody fuck did you have to make me look and sound so epic with magic in front of her? Now she’s going to build up some sort of expectation of me and I am sure such news is not going to stay anonymous forever, she is obviously going to tell someone and that someone is going to tell another someone and soon enough the whole bloody town will know about my “feats” and think I am this world version of Gandalf the White or something!!

What the ass, my goal was to DIVERT as much attention from me as much as possible, not bring it in! Absolutely fucking brilliant, mate!

Oh and one more obvious thing here…I still can’t use magic. So why the heck would you come up with such a cover up involving magic when I can’t use magic. What am I supposed to do when someone asks me to use my magic?

But then again I can’t really be too hypocritical about this now can I, she obviously was in pressure trying to come up with a believable lie about my rescue act and with my cover up wings and simple unicorn looks magic was the quickest and easiest answer to make.

All self-ranting thoughts aside, it seems as though this luckily managed to do the trick with Rainbow Dash swallowing the lie pill without even gagging on it.

She began to look over to me with a small smile on her face after she gave an impressed whistle.

“Wow, dude. If that is true then you definitely got my respect for that, For having the balls to go into the Everfree, stand up against a pack of Timberwolves alone and saving two of my friends from them all in the same day? I guess that makes you pretty awesome and ok in my books. Not as awesome as me of course.” RD commented as she slowly came over to me.

“Oh and by the way, my name is Rainbow Dash. Fastest flyer in all of Equestria and future member of the wonderbolts.” RD boasted, puffing out her chest. “You can call me Rainbow, or Dash, or both.”

“Who might you be?” She quickly asked as she flapped her wings to hover.

“I’m Nava…just Nava. Nice to meet you, Rainbow Dash.” I casually answered while extending my hoof at her.

“Strange name, but cool.” She answered shaking my hoof with a friendly smile.

“Oh, and sorry for wrongly accusing you dude… I… I have the tendency to do that sometimes, immediately judging ponies without even knowing them. My bad.” She continued sheepishly while rubbing the back of her neck.

Well, ok… that sounds legit.

I simply nodded and gave her a small smile to tell her that everything was A-OK.

She happily accepted it with a smile of her own before turning herself around to look at her friends.

“I would guess you guys were heading to the hospital to get those injures checked up? Is it ok if I tag along? I have nothing else to do anyway at the moment.” RD asked as she hovered over them.

“Sure, why not I guess.” Flitter replied.

At this point it really didn’t take long for us to reach the local hospital in question. A White colored, three storey, medieval/European style building with a light blue double door entrance on front.

Again, quite accurate to all the screenshots and art I saw in my world.

Before Flitter could open the door, I stopped her. “Wait…can I…. Could I maybe wait outside while you two get yourself checked up? Because…” I look over at Rainbow Dash behind me. “Because… hospitals make me feel wary.” I explained to her while moving my eyes to point at RD behind me.

“Oh… sure, why not. It’s probably going to take a while anyway. Plus waiting inside could get kind of boring.” Flitter responded.

I nodded and gave a small smile as thanks before both Flitter and Cloud entered leaving me and RD standing outside alone.

I sighed as I moved over to a free wall and sat down with my back leaning against it.

I was about to close my eyes and fully relax myself for the first time since arriving in this candy colored candy land before I heard someone sitting down right next to me.

To my surprise it was no one but Rainbow Dash herself sitting to my left. In a lot of fics I read, RD seems to be a bit wary towards newcomers, but I guess with me it’s somewhat of a different story because I saved some of her friends from getting there fuses blown out… and I guess that being a normal looking pony and not some strange hairless monkey from another dimension helps too, I guess.

I looked over at the town that lay in front of me and simply observed all the ponies I could see bustling through the day while a gentle wind began blowing around us. I still can’t believe the fact that I am here in Equestria. Again, of all the massive fans I know back home that would have loved to end up in a place like this.... and I for some reason got sent here instead.

Why… why, though? That really is the question that is bugging me since I got here, and most importantly, why as my OC? Why as an alicorn of all races? Couldn’t I have turned into a much less… problematic race instead? Like a Unicorn or a Pegasus? Something that would make my stay here much easier to swallow and NOT have to constantly hide or lie to protect myself from any suspicious eyes?

“I already want to go home.” I whispered completely forgetting for a moment that RD was sitting beside me.

“What was that?” She asked while looking at me.

I flinch in surprise before lowering my head to look at the dirt below me. “Nothing…nothing” I quietly answered.

“OK… you seem a bit down there, Nava. Is something on your mind?” She asked with a concerned tone, to my utter surprise.

Rainbow feeling worried for a stranger she has no info off and just meant like 10 minutes ago? Now that feels even more out of character for her than usual. Or maybe it’s just me not knowing her well.

I think I will go for latter, since I DO know almost nothing about her.

I sighed before raising my head and looking at her. “Well, yes, kind of. But… it really is my problem, and my problem alone. I don’t think you will be able to help me with it to begin with.” I answered.

She simply gave me a nod before looking back at the direction of the town in front of us.

I do have to admit, in combination with the lush and vibrant landscape around it, this town does look peaceful and cozy. A place I definitely don’t have a problem staying in… if things didn’t seem so problematic.

“So uh… where are you from, Nava?” Dash suddenly asked, stopping my train of thought.

I shook my head. Oh shit, I knew this question was bound to come up at some point. Got to think of something, something believable and not shady. Wait… I got something. Oh, this is such a long shot but it’s really the only idea I have right now. The longer I delay the more suspicious it will be so I have to trust in luck and hope my answer does not backfire.

“I’m from… Germaneigh.” I answered as casually as I possible could without looking to nervous.

“Germaneigh? Really? I have heard of that place but I never met a pony from there. I guess there is first for everything huh?” Rainbow answered, chuckling quietly.

I let out a heavy mental sigh of relief, knowing that my gamble luckily paid off for once. Huh. Good thing that the speculated idea that Equestria also has pony versions of existing countries from my world are actually true.

Thank god for that. This will make explaining things a lot easier for me in the future.

“Hey, can you maybe give me an example of your native language…not that I am super interested or anything… just curious just all?” Rainbow dash asked while rubbing her head.

“Uh... sure.” I replied as I thought about something I could say to her in German.

“Bist du wirklich ein akrobat Flieger?”

“What does that mean?” she asked me curiously, cocking her head to one side.

“I asked if you are really a stunt flyer.” I replied looking at her.

“Yup. I am. Training every day to perfect my techniques for the day when I finally join the Wonderbolts.” She answered proudly.

I gave off a small smile at that. That is really the Rainbow Dash I am more familiar with.

Though, that quickly reminded me of a thought I had for a while. What point in the timeline did I end up at? I know that this question is somewhat irrelevant, but I think it would still be somewhat useful to know at what point in time I have landed in so that I can prepare better for the events that might or might not happen in the future.

Should I risk asking? I mean, here is Rainbow Dash, one of the main characters and Element Bearers. This is my chance to finally answer this question once and for all, and maybe formulate an idea on how to proceed.

But I need to be careful with the question I ask and not make myself look weird. But what to ask? Wait… I think I know what. Just hope I can get lucky like the first time.

“Say…do you know a pony named Twilight Sparkle?” I ask again trying to look and sound as casual as possible.

“Twilight who? Sounds like a unicorn name if you ask me. But no, I don’t think so… Why?” She answered looking confused at my question as she sat there scratching her head.

“Well, I was just wondering if you knew her that’s all. Just… just forget it.” I replied while rubbing my left forearm.

“Well… ok? Weird.”

So her not knowing who Twilight Sparkle is can only mean that this currently takes place even before the first season. Good to know, I guess. But then again, that raises another question, how far back am I, from the time I am now to the point where Celly basically kicks her out? But I guess that really isn’t important now is it?

At that point, the two of us simply began to talk to kill some time, asking the similar questions i asked the two Pegasus sisters, with a few jokes here and there, general thoughts on things and ideas and eventually asking me about my completely covered midsection in which I lied to her about having back and chest injuries there, which made her feel even more guilty.

She even asked me what certain words are from her language to mine.

Like Geil (Awesome), Wolke (Cloud) Blitz (Lighting) Adler (Eagle) to name a few.

She even went so far as asking me if I could teach her some German at some time. I mean what? OK, she did say the reason why is so she can confuse and troll ponies with it, which I can kind of understand.

That got me thinking though. Just because I am here in Equestria doesn’t mean that everything has to predictably follow the exact formula of the show, right? I mean, this here is its own separate world, with its own rules and events right? It doesn’t need to be as scripted or predictable as the bloody show. Because this is not a show, this is its own world where things can happen just as randomly and as unpredictably as in mine.

That’s just real life.

So I guess the same logic can be implied here as well, just add magic into the mix I guess.

Our conversation and messing around continued a while longer and before we even knew it, it was already sunset forcing the two of us to finally stop.

“Geez it’s already THAT late? How the hay did that happen?” Rainbow Dash announced, surprised.

“Yeah… time can really fly when you’re engaged in a fun conversation.” I added to her statement.

Rainbow Dash nods in agreement. “Yeah, it does. Man, I never thought that a pony like me would ever waste so much time just talking with a pony she has fun with.” Rainbow dash announced happily before flinching and realizing what she just said.

I flinched as well.

“Uh… hehe… well, yeah… I guess I had a lot of… well, fun hanging out with you. Who knew?” RD sheepishly said while rubbing her forelegs together.

“Well… I am glad that I… made you enjoy yourself and not get bored with me or something.” I replied awkwardly also trying to avoid looking at each other.

An awkward silence dominated the space between us for a few moments with only the sound of the wind being present.

Surprisingly it was RD who eventually broke the awkward silence.

“Ahh, screw it, yes I had allot of fun getting to know you Nava. Like really…I don’t know why but you look and seem a lot more interesting than I first thought. It was really nice getting to know you, Nava.” Dash announced sincerely as she gave me a smile.

I lifted my head and smiled back. “Well, it was really fun getting to know you as well Rainbow Dash. Maybe we can hang out again some time?” I replied kindly.

Truth be told I really did had a lot of fun getting to know her, this was easily one of the most interesting, engaging and funniest conversations I ever had with ANYONE. With Rainbow Dash of all ponies. Getting to know her by JUST talking. Crazy right?

But at least now I know why so many bronies back in my world like her so much..

Rainbow nods at my offer. “Yeah, we totally should hang out more, maybe next time I will be able to show you some of my tricks and stunts as well.” She replied.

I smiled back as usual and automatically bumped her hoof with mine.

The two of us began to smile and chuckle after that. We both eventually stopped as Dash stood back up on all fours as she stretched her fore and hind legs.

“Well, Nava, it was fun, but it’s late now and I really need to get back home before Celestia raises the moon.” She continued. “Geez, all I did for the last few hours was sit on my flank and I still feel utterly exhausted.” She said with a yawn as she made ready to take off.

I stood up myself stretching my still aching back. It gave off a large painful crack which made me groan and grit my teeth in pain for a few seconds until the pain slowly subsided to a point where my back felt completely normal again to my utter surprise.

Wait what? How? Why? You know what I don’t care it’s just nice that everything about me finally feels normal now for once and not sour stiff or painful.

“You’re ok there, Nava?” Dash asked, looking over her shoulder concernedly.

I shook my head. “No, no it's fine really, just needed to pop some joints that’s all. I feel a lot better now, to be honest.” I answered giving her a reassuring smile.

She nods before extending her wings and getting ready to take off. “Well anyway, see you tomorrow…maybe when I have time. Anyway, I am off. Bye” She says before finally taking off.

Huh…I somehow managed to earn Rainbow Dash's trust and friendship despite only knowing her since a little earlier this day. Kind of neat actually. I thought to myself as I watched her fly off and quickly disappear into the distance.

But then, something hit me. “OH SHIT! I COMPLETELY FORGOT!!!” I shouted in realization. “FLITTER! CLOUD CHASER! HOW THE BLOODY FUCK COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN!!!” I shouted in panic.

I immediately bolted into the hospital, slamming into the main entrance. Though far less gracefully as I would have liked as I quickly found myself kissing the hard cold floor of the lobby room.

“Look at that funny stallion mommy.” I heard a filly giggle as I lay flat on the floor.

Again, welcome to Ponyville folks.

“Ugh, note to self, don’t bust through doors, or at least do it without tripping on yourself.” I groaned, feeling really dumb.

To amuse the filly i said “I’ll be here ‘til thursday. Try the apples!”

“Oh! Would you, maybe, need some assistance there, sir?” I heard a mare call out. Probably one of the nurses in this place.

“No, I’m fine. Don’t worry, just clumsy ol’ me that’s all.” I replied as I slowly got myself back on all fours.

A small blush formed on my cheeks as I embarrassedly made my way over to the nurse’s counter on the other side of the room while avoiding the stares of the adults and giggles of the little foals.

But I also had the feeling it had something to do with the bandages as well. Which does look a bit ridiculous.

“Oh, excuse me miss.” I began “Do you know any… ponies with the name Flitter and Cloud Chaser passing by here?” I asked the nurse after having reached her desk.

“Cloud Chaser and Flit…? OH… OH dear Celestia! How could I have forgotten?!” The Nurse in front of me started panicking, making me feel confused.

“You’re Nava aren’t you? I was supposed to go out and tell you that both Miss Flitter and Cloud Chaser are going to be staying here for the night and that they were waiting in their rooms for you. Horse Apples, I was too busy with other patients earlier and completely forgot about it.” The white mare in front of me suddenly stated.

“Uh… what?”

“Oh I am so, so sorry sir. I swear I was caught up with my work and completely forgot, but don’t worry I will escort you to their room, if you would please follow me.” The nurse announced as she stood up from her desk and trotted down a corridor mentioning me to follow her.

I simply shrugged as I silently followed her down the hallway.

“Oh and by the way. My name is Nurse Redheart, if you are wondering, or if you need any help in the future with those bandages of yours.” She says as we rounded a corner.

Nurse Redheart? Huh…no wonder she looked familiar.

I simply gave a nod as we silently passed by a few other nurses and doctors running around the halls.

Redheart eventually lead me to a marine blue colored door at the end of the corridor with a plate on top reading Room 23 as she turned to face me.

“Alright, this is the room which Miss Flitter and Cloud Chaser are occupying today, and again I am so very sorry for not having told you this sooner Mister Nava. Have a nice evening.” Nurse Redheart announced with an apologetic look before excusing herself and trotting off back to her station.

“Oh, and thank you by the way.” I called out to her, to which she responded by waving a hoof back at me before rounding a corner.

I gave off a sigh as I turned my attention back to the door. I slowly lifted my hoof and gently tapped a few knocks on it and patiently waiting for anyone to response on the other side.

“Yes who is it?” I heard the muffled sound of Flitter from the other side of the door.

“Oh um it’s… me, Nava.” I called back.

“Oh, nice. Come in then.” I heard her response.

I slowly opened the door, thankful that these use handles and not door knobs and was greeted with… and I quickly closed the door again as my face flushed red.

Did… did I just see… what I think I saw?

“What…why did he…”

“I think it’s because he saw your private areas with your legs spread like that and hanging from a support harness. I told you to cover that up with your blanket as well. But you decided it felt more comfortable this way.” I heard the muffled sound of Cloud Chaser say as I am still in the process of getting my blush under control.

“O… oh.”

“Ok, Nava. It’s all good now. You can come in again.” Cloud Chaser called out.

I readjusted myself and opened the door, slowly muttering a thanks speech that I am greeted with just the smiling face of Cloud to my right and a very embarrassed looking Flitter on my left, this time completely covered by her blanket.

I entered the room and closed the door behind me and stood there somewhat awkwardly while I tried to think of something to tell Flitter that would ease the embarrassment we both felt.

“Oh and by the way, remember when I said that I was going to get us some food for the three of us in the market today? Well I guess we can forget about that since the hospital already provided that for us. We even ordered something for you. It’s in the small fridge there in the corner.” Cloud Chaser explained.

It’s when she mentioned the word food that a coin suddenly fell in my head.

I was still as hungry as I could possibly be and I completely ignore and forgot that thanks to the events and experienced that happened today.

But now that she mentioned it, my previous hunger returned with full force as my stomach began shouting at me to finally stop fucking around and to finally shove something down my throat so he can stop being idle all the time and get back to work.


All previous thoughts and emotions quickly dissipated as one deep primal desire took over and all I could think and hear in my head was nothing more than a four letter word.

With the grace and patience of a half-starved predator I immediately rushed myself over to the small hospital fridge that Cloud had pointed out and began rummaging it for anything that was eatable, and thank GOD there was.

An apple, a banana, a large sandwich and heck even a cooked fish were occupying the space of the small fridge.

Not for long, though as I began to viciously devour each and every one of them without even bothering to take them out of the small ice box.

“Geez, Nava if I knew you were this hungry I would have told the staff just bring two portions instead of just one.” I hear Cloud comment as I continued to destroy the food.

Fuck table manners I’m HUNGRY.

But as soon as my blissful joy of finally eating something started it also ended just as quickly leaving nothing behind, beside a banana peel, a fishbone and an empty plate behind.

“No more food, food.” I whimpered looking down at the empty fridge with sad expression.

“Water?” Cloud Chaser offered pushing a water bottle towards me on her night table.

I quickly grabbed it with both of my front hooves and bit off the cap on it before sucking down all of its content in one go.

I gave of a heavy sigh and placed the empty bottle back onto the table before collapsing flat onto the floor, letting the satisfaction of having a full stomach take me.

The only thing that broke this peace was Cloud Chaser’s familiar giggle as she poked her head over the edge of her bed.

“Seems like somepony is satisfied. Or do you want me to order you more?” She asked with a smile.

I shook my head. “Nah, I’m good. Thanks, by the way, for the food. I really needed it.” I thanked her.

“By the way. Why were you guys assigned to this room? Were the injuries even more severe or did I miss something regarding that?” I asked while slowly standing back up.

“Also why is Flitter’s… leg hanging like that as if her leg is broken or something?” I continued while scratching my head.

This quickly took Flitter’s attention as she visibly blushed again and turned her gaze to look at me. “Well… it’s… it’s because when it was… my turn to be looked at, Doctor Horse found out that -beside all of my wounds and bruises- I also had a small bone crack on my left leg. Which, according to him, got larger while we were making our way over here. How I didn’t feel
That is a mystery to me. But he suggested that my hind leg should stay like this while we are staying here for the night so that the healing magic can do it's work more quickly.” Flitter explained as her blush slowly subsided.

It was then when Cloud Chaser took over the rest. “And as for the reason on why we are here is to keep an eye on the two of us for one night to make absolutely sure that everything is and stays OK.” Cloud Chaser added making me again scratch my head a bit.

“Makes sense… I guess.” I answered.

“But it’s still good to know that the two of you are good. Did a nurse replace the bandages on your flank by any chance?” I continued while looking over at Flitter on the other side of the room.

Fitter nod. “Yeah, the doc also said that my wounds are void of any possible infections or disease.” She explained happily which in turn made me happy to know as well.

“I’m glad to hear that.” I say with a smile as I trot over to the closest window.

“Huh… night already.” I muttered.

I could hear one of the Girls behind me give a loud yawn as I continued to observe the beautiful star-filled night outside the window.

Man, even the night skies here look unbelievable. By unbelievable I mean on how many there are and how bright there are as well. Again, only something you can expect in a cartoon, and the moon… well if I wasn’t convinced that this here might be pre-season one timeline before, I was definitely convinced then, seeing that the bright white moon still had the image of Nightmare Moon’s head on it.

But, then again, I am still curious to know exactly how far back in time I really am, here? How long until a certain purple unicorn makes her way over here, which in turn jump starts everything that has happened in the cartoon show?

Only time can tell I guess.

“Hey, Nava. How about we all hit the hay and call it a day?” I heard Cloud Chaser call from behind, which again interrupted my inner musing.

I turned my head from the window to look at her. “I guess you're right with that. I’m exhausted after everything today. Hitting the snoozers doesn’t sound like a bad idea.” I answered with a yawn.

It was then, though, when something hit me. ”Wait a minute… where I am supposed to sleep?” I asked after realizing this problem.

That though caused Cloud to giggle again, which caused me to raise an eyebrow.

“Well you can come and sleep with me, of course. There is enough space in these hospital beds for two, anyway, plus it would be cruel to have you sleep on the cold, hard hospital floor now would it?” Cloud Chaser suggested kindly.

I looked at her in shock. “WHAT!!!” I shouted while blushing. “But… but we… can’t, I mean… we are not…” I rambled.

Cloud rolled her eyes. “Oh please, just shut up and get over here, you. If you can face a pack of Timberwolves all by yourself, I doubt going to bed with a weak, defenseless, vulnerable, sexy mare wouldn’t be too much of a problem.” She said in a seductive tone at the end while giving me the all so dreaded bedroom eyes that every brave man fears.

I was sweating bullets at this point as I stood there in utter shock on just how far south this suddenly went. My wings, still tight against my side, were straining against the bandages, for some reason.

“I… I think I’d rather…” I started before I got interrupted by the giggling form of Cloud.

“Geez, Dude. I was just messing with you. Calm down before something on you gets hard or something.” She said in between giggles.

“But seriously, it’s ok Nava. Just climb aboard on my right here and we can finally call it a day.” She eventually said after her giggling had stopped.

I sighted in relief and quickly calmed down after what she said, but still felt somewhat stupid for believing that she might already have developed an interest in me, despite the fact that we’ve only known one another for about 2 days. Or maybe she has.

Shaking my head on that particular thought, I simply decided to accept her invitation and made my way over to the right side of her bed.

I again looked at her for any confirmation that it was ok in which she nods and moved over to her left to give me enough space for me to lie down onto the bed with her.

I honestly don’t know why I feel so nervous sharing a bed with her when I know that there is no funny business involved with it. I thought to myself as I tried my best to suppress the nervousness inside me as I removed my glasses and hat and placing them onto a nearby table before laying back down.

The feeling of the soft mattress against my back and the sensation of my head resting on a big fluffy pillow made me sigh in utter bliss. It really felt like an eternity since I last had the pleasure of laying on an actual bed which may or may not be true judging on how hazy my memory is.

But all of that really didn’t matter since I was just happy to finally lay down after such a long and extraordinary day.

“Comfortable?” I heard Cloud’s voice ask as close my eyes and relaxed myself.

“I take that as a yes.” She continued with a small giggles as I heard someone press off the light switch which immediately cloaked the room in its darkness.

“Alright *Yawn* goodnight then everypony.” Was the last thing I heard before sleep finally took me.

Author's Note:

Once again another chapter for you guys. Enjoy!

Today's highlight in the chapter is this.