• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,729 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 26: The Discoveries Never End (Final) (slight- re-edit)

Chapter 26: The Discoveries Never End (Final)

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear (Again)

“Well, of course. So close to reaching the answers to all of our questions and a huge split in the earth just had to dash those ideas to pieces.” I muttered to myself as both Shimmer and I stood in front of another collapsed piece of ground, too far to jump across and too deep to even try. which I quickly found out after peering over the edge and shining my built in flashlight into it.

The bottom wasn’t even visible.

“I don’t see what the big deal is. We could just, you know, fly over it.” Shimmer suggested with a bluntly logical-sounding tone while giving her wings a few test buzzes to illustrate her point.

I simply gave her a sideways glance while raising my eyebrow at her. She gave me a look in response before her eyes went wide and her mouth formed an ‘oh’ in realization.

“Yeah… that complicates things.” Shimmer commented as she looked back over the crevasse.

“I honestly doubt that I have the strength to carry you over. I might have been living alone and traveling from place to place, but that really doesn’t mean that I am well built around my wing muscles. I actually spend most of my life walking rather than flying.” Shimmer added before looking back at me.

I simply stood there, looking over to the other side where our goal was before remembering something that I had completely forgotten until now. I quickly removed my hat from my noggin as I examined it. I turned it around in my hooves until the underside of my hat was shown, the unnatural looking void-like darkness that pretty much makes up the inside of my hat still somewhat creepy-looking as I felt my companion next to me inching closer to look into it as well.

I could hear her gasp before I tore my gaze from my head warmer to her.

Her eyes were wide as she stared down into my accessory, causing me to tilt my head a bit before she moved her solid blue eye to me. “How… where did you get this?” She questioned in a shocked tone, which somewhat unnerved me.

“From… from where I am from, to be honest, I bought this a couple years back and “he” has been part of my choice of clothing ever since.” I answered her truthfully, getting a slight flashback of when and where I actually bought this, Baguio City, I believe.

Shimmer just stared, before looking back at the hat and back again. “Well, who… whoever sold you this Hat, then, had absolutely no idea what the HAY they had so stupidly sold to somepony.” She commented.

“I am still lost, here.” I told her, which in turn caused her to just shake her head in slight disbelief before looking back at me.

“Nava, your hat is enchanted with INFINITY MAGIC, one of the rarest and least understood forms of magic in existence.” Shimmer finally informed, which in turn caused me to raise an eyebrow before looking back at my trusty headwear on my hoof.

“Infinity Magic? Never heard of that before. It has either been the traditional type you find in almost all RPG’S like Black Magic, White Magic, Blue and Red Magic, sometimes even Chaos Magic or Time Magic, Geomancy as well, and of course Blood Magic too. But never Infinity Magic.” I thought to myself as I stared down at my supposedly very special hat. The void like field within even moving and swirling a bit, which I never ever noticed before… well, until now, that is.

“Um… ok, it's somewhat swirly now.”

“All I have been able to do with this is pull out personal belongings all the way back from my home and then send them back again.” I muttered, which Shimmer obviously picked up.

“Wait, what? That can’t be right.” Shimmer butted in, which again caused me to look at her.

“What do you mean? I tested it a couple of times before.” I questioned back.

Shimmer looked thoughtful for a moment as she stared down into the barely visible swirling vortex of nothingness within my hat while rubbing her head.

“Well…” She began while looking unsure of herself. ”It’s… really hard to explain, to be honest. I am just a rough changeling, and therefore the last person, pony or individual you should ask about it.” She continued on before looking off towards our goal on the other side of the crevasse. “But Infinity magic in general is exactly what the name pretty much suggests. It's Infinite. It’s not bound to any rules or limitations like any other form or magic (It’s also basically known as Infinitus Vis or Ad Infinitus for the more educated ones) because of its obvious mysterious nature… that’s basically I have heard and read in my travels.” Shimmer finally finished, which again left me to think on my own.

“Infinitus vis, unlimited force? so basically I possess a Hat Ex Machina, then?” I wondered to myself as I slowly started to look at my otherwise simple looking hat in a new light.

It was then when I hit me. “Wait… since it gives me the ability to pull out my own personal belonging from my home, A.K.A my world, to this one and back, should it also mean that I can also send whatever else I have here back to my home as well? Like a letter or something?” I mentally wondered to myself.

At this point was I mentally kicking myself for not having figured something like this out much, much sooner than i had. Instead I was far more focused on the happenings and events around me, more focused on my current reality than giving this obvious ability my hat has some more thought.

I could have possibly wrote and sent a letter back to my world with the help of my hat’s ability explaining my situation to my no doubt worried family.

“Seriously, why haven’t I come up with this before?”

I groaned, continuously mentally beating myself for my stupidity and short sightedness. I eventually turned back to Shimmer next to me with a somewhat deadpan expression thanks to my predicament. I knew that Shimmer already told me that she was, in fact, one of the last persons to ask when it comes to the knowledge of Infinity Magic in general. But I still could ask her more in case she did actually know something, or better yet, know the specific answer that I am looking for regarding the question that is basically hammering my mind at this point.

“Shimmer, can I send things that are not from my home, TO my home, like a LETTER or something?” I question her which again caused her to look somewhat thoughtful for a few moments while looking at me.

“Again… I am not sure what you mean by home. But as far as I can understand your hat technically holds some kind of pocket dimensions where your storage options are basically unlimited.” Shimmer once again explained which immediately caused me to perk up on the specific answer she gave me, especially the way she did it as well.

“Wait… pocket dimension?” I asked again, to which she nodded.

“Well. yes… that’s the main characteristics of Infinity Magic that have been found in items and artifact enchanted with it.” Shimmer answered once more, which in turn made me move some pieces of the puzzle together in my head on what she meant by that.

“So wait… if… if what she explained is actually true, then… perhaps the idea that all of my items are actually not located back in my home but just copies of them existing within this sort of… pocket dimension that exists within my Hat?” I thought to myself as both disappointment and dread slightly creeped inside me at the concept that having a possible link back home was pretty much out the window.

Again, if her accounts are true, that is.

I blinked my eyes rapidly to clear these thoughts out of my mind to stay more focused on the here and now of our situation. As much as I would have loved to explore these concepts a bit further and hopefully disprove them somewhat, I am afraid that they would have to wait for another time, preferably after this adventure of mine is over and where I can test it better in peace back at AJ’s place by doing this letter of mine.

Right then I needed to focus more on how to get across this massive hole in front of us and finally get this stupid event over with.

“Hey, you ok there? You were… kind of spaced out there for a moment.” The voice of Shimmer suddenly sounded off, which also helped me get back into things as I looked back at her.

“Never mind me. I actually came up with an idea on how we can get both of us over this crevasse without me having to know how to fly.” I announced with a small smile added to it.

“Oh really? What is it, then?” She asked with a curious tilt of her head which I honestly found kind of cute on her. Which is surprising.

I nodded as I slowly inserted my hoof into the void and rummaged through it before eventually grabbing exactly what I was looking for. Again, strange since I have hooves.

I pulled out a decent sized coil of rope before presenting it to Shimmer next to me. Yes, I know it is kind of convenient that I was able to pull a rope out of my hat so conveniently in such a time and situation. But hey, I have what is basically a Hat Ex Machina, so I might as well take advantage of it when I can, plus it’s not really my fault that I remember seeing a cluster of ropes back at my home's attic in between all the other clutter that rest in peace up there. Really all I can say to this is that I am luck that I had or that I remembered having it in the first place.
“A rope? What are we supposed to do with a rope?” Shimmer asked me curiously as she examined the basic hemp type rope I held out in front of her.

“Well use it of course.” I began to looking around the area around the crevasse, specifically the left wall, which seemed to be still intact and looking somewhat stable.

“There!” I pointed out which at said wall which caused shimmer to look over here should to follow it. “There seems to be a thin line of flooring still attached and suspended above the hole, wide enough for a pony to stand and move on their hind legs.” I called out while shining my horn at it and confirming my claim to her.

Her eyes seemed to instantly light up as she most likely understood what my thought process was.

“Oh, I see what you are planning now. Yeah… yeah, I think this could work. I can just fly over to the other side and hold on to the other end of the rope so you can hold onto it for balance while you make it across.” She said before looking back to me for confirmation, which I gave to her in the form of a nod.

“Pretty much. it’s risky, but really, what choice do we have here?” I commented as slight nervousness made itself known inside me.

This was indeed a risky move, even more so given my problem of acrophobia, and the idea that I had absolutely no idea if the small outcrop of flooring was even stable enough to hold my weight, which is why the rope was placed into play, which to be honest didn’t really help much to boost my confidence with this idea. But then again, there seemed to be no other way. Another PERFECT example where having the ability to fly would be highly advantageous, acrophobia or not.

I sighed, shaking my head and building doubt away before handing… or, hoofing her one end of the large cluster of rope while I held onto mine. She nodded before taking her end with her mouth and quickly flying off to the other side of the crevasse on the left wall.

Wasting no more time I began to shine my glowing horn all across my surroundings to find a good, suitable spot to tie my end of the rope to.

Finding a still-useable iron handle on one of the smaller vault doors I promptly trotted over to it and set about tying my end of my rope around it, a bit of a difficult task given the fact that I had hooves and no fingers.

I looked over to my left, shined my light past the crevasse and along the left wall and saw that Shimmer managed to find a spot to tie her end of the rope as well as she waved at me with a smile.

“All ready over here.” She announced with an echo and gave a nod.

“Alright, I will now try to… we'll cross it the way I have planned to.” I shouted back as I made my way over to the left most edge.

“Alright… acrophobia… go fuck yourself.” I mentally swore as I ducked and moved myself past the rope towards the left wall before -slightly wobbly- getting on my hind legs and supporting myself with one hoof on the wall and one hoof on the rope.

The idea was that WHEN I would lose balance and fall backwards towards the abyss that would be behind me is that the thick rope hanging along behind me would prevent me from actually falling over and would also give me a chance to hold on when it went that far. Once again… with hooves.

“I really miss being bipedal.” I thought to myself in as I kept my back pressed against the wall while holding onto the rope with my hooves, making sure to NOT look down while sliding myself sideways along the remaining flooring of the… well, floor.

“Come on, just a little bit closer.” Shimmer said, trying to encourage me.

It kind of worked, to my surprise, as I found myself focused more on her voice rather than the predicament I found myself in.

With a last few steps of wall leaning I was finally on the other side. With a final step I made it off from the wall and the narrow floor as I let myself fall back on all fours with a bit of a huff. I only realized now how ‘on edge’ (bad pun) this whole ordeal made me, judging by just how much my heart wanted to rip itself out of my chest and the irregular breathing I was doing.

“Hey, you ok there, Nava?” Shimmer asked with concern as I felt her hoof touching my shoulder.

“Well… I am now, to be honest. Just glad that I finally got that whole ‘crossing a crevasse’ ordeal behind me. Damn my acrophobia.” I responded in between breaths before I forced myself to stand back straight while letting myself calm down a little bit more.

“You’re better now?” Shimmer asked again after a while, which made me nod and even smile at her for her concern.

“Yeah, I am better now, let’s… let’s just keep going now, shall we? Just a few more steps and hopefully this adventure of ours will be finally over. I really just wanna get back to bed.” I suggested openly as I decided to lead the way.

Shimmer quickly followed and we soon found ourselves walking deeper into the unknown as my horn continuously provided us with essential light within this almost unnatural darkness.

Actually, it did seem to be unnatural, now that I think about it. the deeper we went the less and less the large corridor around us got illuminated, despite the fact that the intensity of the light coming out from my horn hadn’t changed one bit ever since I woke up in the bottom of that canyon outside the castle ruins.

“This is FAR from natural, as far as I can tell. I’m slowly getting chills up and down my spine from all of this.” I thought to myself as one of said chills did run down my spine as if the air around us suddenly got colder, causing me to shiver slightly.

Shimmer, on the other hand (or hoof) didn’t seem to be much bothered by this at all, or didn’t even notice in the first place as she continued to look around herself as we went on and on.

“Good for her, I guess. At least one of us seems to sense something.” I thought as I slowly spotted something in front of us, something that was both off-putting and strangely intriguing, too.

The otherwise short distance of my light suddenly extended as the darkness in front of it seemed to be moving out of its way like a curtain. Saying that I was creeped out by this was… pretty accurate, as it caused me to stop dead in my tracks with a ‘what the fuck’ kind of impression on my face.

Shimmer seemed to notice too, as she stopped as well to look at me, her expression morphed in worry as I just stood there staring at the slowly revealing archway, with its metal doors long gone. One of which was even lying flat on the ground in front of it.

“Hey, why do you look so freaked out? Did you… did you see something?” Shimmer queried as her tone also betrayed her own concern.

I shook my head, refocusing back at the now fully exposed archway as the previously thick darkness, including the previous chill where all now completely gone. Even the soft sounds that sounded like whispering voices, now that I was thinking a bit more clearly again.

“Well… yes… kind of, but… n-now it’s all gone… as… as if nothing was there in the first place.” I answered her in between thoughts as I suddenly felt somewhat lightheaded.

“What the? What is suddenly happening to me? This… this is far from normal.” I thought to myself as I was suddenly feeling mentally tired and somewhat dizzy as well.

But just like with the shadows and the voices, it was suddenly all gone, just like that. Again, as if nothing had happened at all to begin with.

I was beyond confused and freaked out at this point, my rational senses telling me that something was seriously wrong here. Even my so-called Alicorn senses -as well as the signal that I have been sensing and following all this time- felt somewhat different as well. Like a card that suddenly got turned over.

“Well anyway, come on. It seems like whatever we have been looking for is just beyond that broken down main vault right in front of us. Let’s boot it, then.” Shimmer suddenly announced in a fit of excitement as she quickly began to lead the charge.

I just shook my head, suddenly feeling dread about all of this despite the long walk and troubles I had to go through just to get this far. With one final sigh I reluctantly followed her despite my instincts crying out to me otherwise.

I soon left the simple and very linear corridor of the vault and into a massive underground space with the ceiling being barely visible in some places, mainly the few cracks high above that filtered moonlight right into the chamber.

“If we would have known of these and somehow found them, wherever they might be within this castle, then our search for whatever would have been much shorter than it has been thanks to the maze-like architecture that this place has been built with. But then again… even if we did, how the heck would we have come down here in the first place? I cannot fly… not yet at least, and my rope isn’t really THAT long to reach so far down.” thought as I observed the opening above us and illuminating some few areas on the rough stone floor.

“Hey Nava, over here! I think I found something.” Shimmer suddenly shouted, which drew my attention -and train of thought- away from above.

I followed her sound, until I found her standing In front of what I could only describe as roughly cut stone seated lazily on top of a small rocky pedestal in the middle of the room.

The size of it was roughly the same as my hoof and looked more like a really raw-looking red gemstone, now that I was closer to it with my horn shining on it.

In fact, my horn immediately began to die down the moment I stood within reaching distance of whatever this weirdly shaped stone actually was, causing me to momentarily panic as everything around us was suddenly turned pitch black.

“What the? At the WORST possible TIME this stupid thing suddenly decides to run out of battery power in the middle of a pitch black underground space. I can’t see anything now.” I complained as i began to vigorously tap the tip of my horn despite the headache it was giving me.

“No problem, I can light up our surroundings as well.” I heard Shimmer suddenly announce as out of nowhere a golden-green hue dissipated the pitch-blackness around us.

I immediately stopped my slight panicking as I turned my head to look at its source, finding out that it was, in fact, Shimmer’s own curved horn illuminating this green light and giving everything this green glow, including the gem, which used to be red.

“How come you haven’t done that before?” I asked curiously, despite probably already knowing the answer to that.

She simply rubbed the back of her head before giving me a sheepish smile. “Well… it’s because us changelings have eyesight naturally suited for dark and gloomy areas. Whatever looks pitch black to you, looks perfectly fine for me.” She answered, which immediately confirmed my idea.

“Doesn’t really surprise me to know that. I mean ,your eyes already glow blue on their own nonstop. Of course you get night vision from that.” I commented before turning my attention back to the pebble sized gem, still tentatively seated on the moldy, old-looking pedestal it was on.

In fact, it really was just sitting on some old ugly piece of stone that looked older than these ruins themselves. No fancy decoration, no magical runes or words or whatever. Just an old looking piece of rock in the shape of a pedestal sticking out from the ground. In the middle of an empty oversized room, add to that.

This was strange. Why so much space for such a small little piece of rock with a red colored, unpolished gem in the middle? I could tell because by the looks of it the pedestal it was resting on seemed to be carved out from the very floor we were standing on itself, perfectly merging with it without any visible breakage, now that I had a closer look at it.

I stepped a little bit closer to have a more detailed look at the unpolished gem lazily sitting on top of it, when it suddenly happened. A sudden chill immediately run down my spine and I abruptly found myself mysteriously captivated by the shiny stone itself.

It was calling me, voices with an undecipherable language where whispering inside my mind when I looked firmly at it. The air around me began to thicken as the world suddenly began to shrink all around me until it was just me, the stone and pedestal it was on.

A small voice inside me was screaming at me to immediately look away and get away from shiny stone in front of me, but before I could even fully notice this small voice speaking in the back of my mind I already found myself reaching out for the stone with my right hoof before it literally hovered just above it, mere centimeters away from actually making contact.

My heart rate increased as sweat began to form on top of my forehead as my head slowly descended lower and lower to it. The shadows and whispering grew bigger and louder as everything seemed to go still for a moment.

It wasn’t me controlling my body at this point, it was something or someone else entirely.

“Nava… Nava, no! Nava, step away from it, do you hear me? Don’t touch it, it’s a…”

It was already too late. The moment my hoof rested upon the gem was the moment when all of my nerves immediately cried out all at once as a wave of unimaginable pain shot through my body with my vision suddenly exploding in a wave of crimson.

The eyes… Red soul piercing eyes, many of them were right in front of me, distorted and raw, glowing and absorbing my very being as I felt something RED leaving my form and into there hungry gazes.

The cries of a thousand echoed through my ears, the very last thing I could sense before it too was quickly drown out by a wave of unimaginable pain.


Shimmer on the other hoof could only watch in absolute horror as her friend was engulfed in a sea of red electricity and his face contorted into a silent scream. Both his eyes and mouth irradiated with light as something was being pulled out of them and into the now viciously crackling glowing gem before him. The vibrant colors of his mane and tail slowly turning dull and gray, his horn sparking magical energy like crazy as cracks started to form on it.

Something bad was happening here and it didn’t take a genius to figure it out. Nava was being drained of something… and it was slowly killing him.

“Why… why can’t I…I do anything?”


“Why the hay did I think finding him in the Everfree at NIGHT would be easy? The Everfree is freaking HUGE, for starters.” I mentally complained to myself as I continued to fly a safe distance away from the forest canopy below me. Not too low to allow… something to grab me but also not too high to make it impossible to even spot anything below it.

The air was cold and my eyes were heavy, but the drive of finding Nava kept me going, including the fear of what might happen if I didn’t. Again, a lot of ponies would think that I am crazy or that I might be completely overreacting to a nightmare I had about him being in serious trouble. They are ‘just dreams’, after all. Dreams that are ‘just fictional fabrication of somepony’s mind, reflection of somepony’s character and feelings and events that happened during the day or even far off in somepony’s life’, is it not? Well it’s true. It’s all true and frankly I fell somewhat crazy myself for even treating it AS anything else but that, but… but it’s just… I know what I saw wasn’t just a normal dream, I know that it was something far more than that in just how vivid and real it looked and felt.

I know I was just going on hunches and feelings here, but… I just knew that I was right, I knew that what I saw and felt was more than most ponies would interpret. I knew that Nava was in serious trouble and that I needed to somehow find him or risk never ever seeing him again.

A thought that only fueled my desire and will to push and follow on my hunch, despite my exhaustion and possible hypothermia with these temperatures out here.

“I really should have added some warm clothes to things to bring, Especially when these parts of Equestria can be really freaking cold when the sun dips down. I just hope that this doesn’t bite me in the flank… or worse, freezes it.” I thought to myself with a small shiver as I continued to fly above the Everfree forest while keeping a keen eye on anything that might give me some clues or answers.

Answers like a suddenly appearing beam of red light coming from deep within the forest in front of me.

I immediately stopped when it appeared out of nowhere, being momentarily stunned at what I saw while hovering in the air.

“What in Celestia’s name is THAT?” I basically asked out loud as I continued to stare at the beam of what seemed to be pure magical energy, completely dumbfounded.

I shook my head. “Whatever this is, I am positive that it is the clue or sign that I have been looking for this entire time. No doubt this has Nava written all over it, since I am pretty confident that such a huge amount of magic can only be achieved by someone or something that is extremely apt with magic in general A.K.A an Alicorn… an alicorn like Nava.”

With that idea and realization out of my system, I immediately gunned it, pushing myself to go as fast as I possibly could under my tired and sleep-deprived state towards the distant burst of raw magic coming from deep within the Everfree forest.

“I don’t know what I might find or encounter there, but I managed to push myself this far for the safety and well being of a friend. I can possibly back down now or even slow down, but I would never forgive myself if there was a chance that I could have made a difference but didn’t because I was too slow or too scared to do anything. I can’t back down now. Never!” Were my last thoughts as I was getting closer and closer to the source.

Spotting a large clearing with a complex set of ruins in the middle of it soon after, the very source of that magical outburst was that location.

Nava was definitely in there I just knew it.

“Cloud’s comin’ for you, Nava! Just hold on!” I shouted, my voice filled with determination.

Author's Note:

Once again another chapter behind me. Hope you guys like the direction i am slowly going with this fic.

The chapter highlight is this.