• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 2: The Big Scary Forest (Slight re-edit)

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait guys, but anyway here it is chapter 2.

Also a little bonus. I drew a pic of Nava, how he looks like as a pony.

/Chapter 2: The Big Scary Forest/

Edited by: WrittenWord333

“No….no please no…get away from me….please, NOOOOOO!!!”

My eyes flew open as I returned to the waking world, breathing heavily as my body was shaking and covered in sweat.

It took me a few moments to calm myself from the vivid nightmare I just escaped from.

The dream was horrid to say the least. I had nightmares before prior to this but not as realistic as this one.

I could still feel the chills of… of those massive numbers of yellowish eyes staring at me, coming closer and closer towards me as I desperately tried to get away from them, running deeper and deeper into the abyss that surrounds me, engulfing me.

The multiple echo's of deep deep growling and and snarling were still ringing through my ears somewhat and I was still breathing heavily.

“What…what was that? What exactly was chasing me? It sounded like...a horde of dogs or something like that. Well I guess it doesn't really matter now I guess. It was all just a nightmare.” I thought to myself

I gave a heavy sigh. At least it was over, sure I was still very much on edge from the experience but at least it was over and I was back in the conscious world.

Looking around me pretty much confirmed my suspicions that I am in fact still very much at the same spot I was when I passed out, still in the same gloomy, dark and curiously cartoony looking forest I found myself in the first time around.

I lift one of my arms and surprise, surprise I still had a hoof instead of a hand, completely destroying any ideas I had that my previous experience was nothing more than a lucid dream or hallucination.

I was a real pony, in the world of equestria.

It was then when another worrying though struck me as I sat there looking at new transformed body.

“How long am I going to be stuck here?”

THAT was a really good question, how long am I going to be staying here? Is there ever going to be a chance for me to get back home? Will I ever see my family again, my old home, my old life? Will I be stuck here for the rest of my days never to see or even get a chance to say goodbye to my family or tell them that I was alright?

Fear and worry began to well up inside my heart as all these depressing thoughts dominated my mind.

A few tears escaped my eyes as I closed them, simply laying there on the ground and letting the gravity of my situation slowly sink in.

“Why me…why not someone else…I mean…yes, sure I drew a lot of art and read a lot of fan made stuff but I never…ever liked watching the damn show itself…so why me when there are so many more people more suitable for this kind of stuff than me…I never even was one of those dedicated fans who desperately wanted to get a chance to visit this place. So why the FUCK ME??!!” I ranted in my mind in both anger and frustration as a few more tears escaped my eyelids.

Thankfully though I eventually managed to calm myself down after letting all of my sorrow, fear, anger and frustration out and I began to carefully sit myself upright as I felt water dripping down along my back.

I never really never noticed it at the time, simply because my mind and emotions were too busy with wrapping my fragile sanity around the impossibility of my situation to realize that my head was actually dipped halfway into the water when I lost consciousness, luckily with my face above the water otherwise I might have never woken up at all.

Another thing I quickly took note of is how much more relaxed and calm my new body felt, no more pain, no soreness and no more stiff joints like it had been when I had first woken up.

It was really strange but still an inviting feeling nonetheless. Which simply meant painful dragging and grinding along the forest floor were now a thing of the past.

Which only left me with one more problem to tackle.

“How do you walk as a quadruped?” Was my thought as I simply sat there looking at my four new behooved limbs.

I simply shrugged, no pain no gain. If I ever want to get out of here alive and maybe find my way towards civilization or at least shelter I simply have to accept the fact that I am probably going to fall onto my face a lot while trying to do so.

I rolled over myself onto my stomach with a bit of a grunt to give myself the best possible position to use all of my limbs to lift myself up on all fours.

With a bit of a hard start I eventually managed to push myself up using my front legs first to lift my upper body from the ground, followed up by my hind legs until I was standing secure on all fours for the first time. Though a bit shaky at first.

What really surprised me yet again was how initially easy it was to get myself up on all fours. It felt…natural to me, which is weird knowing that I have been bipedal my whole life.

I began to smile at my small achievement and was about to really take my first few steps in this world when I abruptly lost my footing (or hoofing if you want to be specific) and slammed head first onto the ground.

“Why am I not surprised? Stupid quadruped body.” I mumbled into the dirt.

I slowly got myself back up with an annoyed growl and dusted myself off, checking if my glasses were still intact. To my relief they were.

It was then when something in the corner of my eye caught my attention.

My eyes went wide at what I saw.

There laying right under the rock where I originally woke up upon where two items I immediately recognize as one of my own. My old yellow and red colored scarf and my old Trilby.

Seeing these two item I used to have back at my old world here was baffling to me. Well sure having my glasses at my side here was all fantastic and wonderful and such, but how two more of my other procession made it here as well was both confusing and surprising to me to say the least.

I mean ,yay having more of my own stuff here as well is great and all (at least I don’t have to wander around this world completely naked) but the fact that I somehow managed to miss them entirely the first time around was bit off-putting.

But then again I guess I was too busy with other things at the time so I really shouldn’t be surprised.

Carefully making myself over to them and this time making sure that I don’t tangle myself on my own legs, I grabbed both my old scarf and Trilby with my mouth and place them both to their respected places with one of my hooves.

With everything done and taken care of I began to look around, sighing to myself when I saw nothing but more and more forest, rock, bushes and vines with no clear path at sight.

“Where to go? Where to go? That is the question. I mean…I have read enough fanfics made by others to understand that I might be in the middle of the Everfree forest. But where do I go now?”

“Wait…if I am in the Everfree forest…than means…? Yup got to move and make sure nothing with sharp teeth and glowing eyes can find me”

I picked a direction and began to move, making sure to keep my surrounding in check to spot any movement or any other suspicious activity.

“This is going to be a long…long night.”
Somewhere else deep in the same forest.

“Just admit it already, Cloud, you got us lost didn’t you?”

“Well…uhm…hehe…maybe…maybe not…ok, fine we're lost.” I answered my sister in utter defeat as I sunk my head low in self disappointment.

“Ugh, all of this wouldn’t be so bad if our wings weren’t broken during our last weather assignment which, I would like to remind you, was your fault.”

“Hey it’s not MY fault that Thunderlane pushed up that cloud in front of me and was blocking my view. How would I know that you were right below me?”

“Well you would if you would LISTEN during the briefings in stead of doodling on your desk, then you would know that I was assigned to moving the clouds from below and you were explicitly told NOT slam into me at full speed.”

“Well that’s because…”

“ANNNND it was also YOUR clever idea to chase a little fox today into the Everfree forest after having stolen an apple from your grocery bag you bought today at the market.”

I shut up. To be honest, running into the Everfree for just an apple really wasn’t one of my brightest ideas ever.

“OK, FINE, FINE!…I bucked up...happy?”

“Kind of, but not really. We still have this, oh I don’t know, serious problem of being lost in perhaps the most dangerous forest in all of Equestria.”

“Only half as dangerous when you’re on your period.” I muttered.

“What was that?!”

“Nothing, nothing don’t worry.”

Ugh…being stuck in a dangerous forest sucks balls, but being stuck in a dangerous forest with a nagging sister is even worse.

Not to mention that her constant nagging might attract…unwanted followers, especially at night.

I should probably tell her to keep her complaining down a notch because we are in the Everfree but know how much i have been...well...bucking up lately to an even retarded level (i sadly have to admit) She most likely won't listen to me and just keep nagging.

Me and Flitter began to shiver as a cold breeze began to blow past us from above reminding me that traveling a forest, really any forest for that matter, at night is usually a bad idea for most ponies, and judging by the look my sister was giving she probably thought so too.

We are already in a nice wide clearing so a campfire would now be a good idea, that and I am FREEZING.

“Hey it's dark and cold anyway Flitter, let’s make camp for the night. Running around these woods in pitch darkness won’t get us back home anytime soon. What do you think?”

“Yeah sure…why not I’m tired anyway.”

“Do you still remember how to make fire the old fashion way?”

“Of course I do…again unlike you I actually paid attention to our scout leaders back during our fillyscout days.”

“Yeah, yeah always having to pull out the old ‘I never learn or listen’ card”

“I have to…you might actually learn something.” She answered me with a grin.

I simply stick my tongue out to her as both me and Flitter went about trying to find some good dry wood and timber to make our campfire.

Man not being able to fly really sucks dicks and getting stared down by a bunch of yellow glowing eyes behind some bushes is annoying as well…wait yellow eyes?

I froze when I realized that we were being watched. I slowly turned myself back towards my sister who was busy sticking her head under a bush.


“Yes what is it?”

“We…uhm…might have a problem.”

“Ugh…what now.” She responded as she popped her head back out to look at me with an annoyed sigh which quickly morphed into an expression of fear when she saw what I saw in front of me.

“Uh…I think we should run.”

“Oh you think?”

Right after that one of these creatures suddenly revealed itself as it slowly moved its way into the moonlight above us.

It was a large Timberwolves followed soon by the rest of its pack as they all suddenly emerged from behind the trees and bushes, slowly approaching us from multiple directions snarling and growling and looking mighty hungry for some pray as there stench began filling the air around us.

My heart pumping rapidly in my chest as fear and dread filled my mind and body as we realized that we were surrounded.

Both me and my sis slowly backing away as these predators slowly moved closer and closer to us, forming a semi-circle round me and flitter.

Than a loud ominous sounding howl suddenly erupted from behind the shadows and then basically all Tartarus broke lose as one of the Timberwolves suddenly burst forth and started charging directly towards us.

“RUN” Was all I could get out before me and Flitter galloped it out of here.

All this trouble for a stolen apple, me and my stupid antics.


“I swear…sometimes it feels these trees are actually watching me…and those creepy claw shaped branches are not helping.” I thought in worry as I continued my trek through these woods.

A few hours have passed since I started my trek and I swear in person the everfree forest looks FAR more creepier and intimidating than in the show. These old looking trees, those distant growls, howls and other animal (or monster) noises and these long dark shadows and constant fog are all things that make the hair on my back stand on the edge. Oh and it obviously doesn’t not help that it’s in the middle of the night as well, making the already poor visibility within this ridiculously overgrown jungle even worse.

During that time I tried my best to occupy my mind with other important things that I will have to solve as soon as I get out of this bloody forest. Like the idea in how I am going to present myself to the locals when I unavoidably come across them.

Im mean for starters I am a freaking Alicorn (for reason unknown) and the few little things I know about Alicorn is they are supposedly be some of the most powerful beings in this world, at least in terms of magic. How am I supposed to present myself knowing that my race is basically regarded as almost demi-gods?

Short answer I don’t.

Letting the populace know that there is suddenly ANOTHER Alicorn running lose that no one knew of would most certainly attract all kinds of unwanted attention, especially from the two rulers. Oh god no, I do not look forwards in having to deal with these two or any secret villain who might get an interested in me as well.

In other words I need to keep my true race a secret, maybe finding a way how to hide my wings and come off as a simple looking unicorn, simple because for two reasons. One I know for a fact that I am never really going to use my wings anyway simply because I am afraid of heights and two because I am afraid off bloody heights.

But anyway I guess I can focus on that problem on a future date but for now let’s just get back to the present.

The problem in being inside this mind freaking forest.

At least now I understand why these ponies avoid these woods like the plague, especially with the knowledge that monsters inhabit these parts of the lands as well.

A though that really keeps me on the edge as I constantly have to look around to make sure nothing is following me.

I swear I have seen a pair of glowing red eyes behind some bushes just a an hour ago…or it could also be my scary imagination, who knows.

The point is this place is freaking scary. I have never been more paranoid in my whole life than i am right now walking through these woods...or is it trotting now?

The sooner I can get out of here the better, for me and my sanity. Because I swear I am starting to see things in the corner of my vision.

“Why the hell did I though that venturing out was even a good idea, I should have just stay put in my spot and at least waited for morning to arrive. The small pond I woke up at was nicely covered and secluded from almost all side...so why?” I whispered as I continue to look around franticly.

It’s really at this point where being a Bat-pony would really be more beneficial than being an alicorn at least then I could see more than just 50 meters in front of me and finally debunk the notion if I am really seeing things or not.



*Rustle rustle
“I…I hear rustle’s…oh shit…something was following me…I knew it”

My body froze as the rustle’s sounds were slowly getting louder and louder. My heart rate increased and I began to sweat as a feeling of dread I have never felt before began to well up inside of me.

The rustling became louder and louder. I desperately wanted to run desperately wanted to get away from this place as quickly as possible but I felt it was already too late, whatever it was it is moving faster towards me than I could ever outrun it, especially how frozen in fear I am at the moment.

“This is it…I knew my luck would run out sooner or later.” I thought to myself as steeled myself and waited for my assailant to show itself.

The rustle’s were coming closer and by the sound of it where coming from one of the bushes in front of me.

What will it be? A bear? A wolf?A Cocatrice? A MANTCORE?


…or a Rabbit…

Yup a Rabbit, I’m getting scared by a rabbit…

Thank god though it’s just a Rabbit.

I sighted in utter relief as I watched the Rabbit quickly run past me and slip off into another bush to my right. I quickly calmed my breathing and chuckled nervously as I wiped the sweat from my forehead.

“Man…see what this place can do to your mind, and I really thought that it might have been a…”


I tensed up again.

“What…what was that? Did I really heard a…”

“Somepony help us!!”

“Yup I did…I really did.”

I slowly began to panic again. Something or more likely someone was here in the forest with me, and judging by the sound not far away either. Which means whatever was…making them shout for help was pretty close by as well.

“Oh god what should I do what should I do?” I frantically asked myself in my head.

“Should…should I really go an try to help these…these peoples…err i mean ponies? I mean…shit I am somewhat of a coward and running head first in into danger is one of the last things I ever want to do.”

“Somepony…anypony please help us!!!”

“Wait there is more than one?”

At this point I really had to make a choice, should I actually go and follow these sounds, or should I just ignore them and leave them to their faith, because what the hell am I supposed to do? I don’t know anything about stuff like this because I never had the misfortune to find myself in such situations. I don’t know how to fight.


Then again…what kind of a person would I be if I let my fear cost the life of not one but two individuals? Screw it I have to do it, I might actually be the only person nearby than could actually help them. I have to forget about my fears for once and do what is right.

Hopefully without getting myself killed.

With that new found determination I quickly made my way over to the source of the sound crashing through bushes, dodging and jumping past trees and avoiding other obstacles.

“Oh I hope I know what I am doing.” I thought to myself in worry as I galloped as fast as my four legs could.