• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 13: The Silver Wing (slight re-edit)

/Chapter 13: The Silver Wing/

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Proofread by: Midnight Gear

“What…where am I?” I wondered as I looked around.

Nothing but an empty, endless, black void greeted me all around I turned my head too. No source of light, no other soul, just…nothing.

Though my body was perfectly visible (for some reason). And looking down on myself I quickly recognize my pony body instead of my human one, though I seem to be missing my new jacket that Flitter gave me as I can feel my wings hanging freely on my sides.

“Am I dreaming again?” I wondered out loud, my voice echoing within the space of the void.

“Hello?” I called out again, the echo carrying my voice into the darkness.

“Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello. Hello…

“Echo. Echo. Echo. Echo. Echo…"

“Sounds like standing inside a large underground cave, though this dream is quite the opposite of the one I had over a week ago.” I muttered to myself as I continued to look around me.

I eventually decided to trot a bit, the clip-clopping of my hooves echoing off into the distance of nothingness.

“This is strange. If this is really a dream, then what does it mean? Why am I in an endless black void instead of something more… visible?” I thought to myself as I continued my ENDLESS journey into the dark.

Well, not really nothing; there is an obvious floor under my hooves, which is something. Though, just like everything else around me, it’s black and perfectly merged with the rest that surrounds me.

I was slowly starting to get nervous. Dream or not this vast emptiness is unnerving, especially so when you are all by yourself.

“Hello?” I tried to call out again. But, unsurprisingly, I was met with no answer.

Now I was really starting to get nervous, even more so when the air around me suddenly got colder all of a sudden,as if someone had turned on the AC or something of that ilk.

Well at least there's another SOMETHING again.

I immediately stopped in my tracks as a sound suddenly made itself known to me. A second set of hoof steps, though much heavier and much more further carrying echo's than mine.

I slowly began to panic, whatever it was, it definitely sounded bigger than me! And judging how it was gradually getting louder and louder it was obvious that it was quickly moving towards me.

I wanted to run away as the memory of some of my previous nightmares resurfaced. The dreams where I constantly got chased down by a pair of menacing red eyes as I ran.

In fact this place looks and feels very similar to the one with the hidden monster constantly chasing me. Only without the sounds of heavy stomping and constant whispers and laughter in my ears.

With that realization in mind I was once again preparing myself for a mad dash back to where I came from (Wherever that was) but before I could even move a leg a silhouette suddenly began to emerge from the depth of the void, which quickly formed into shadow like apparition before finally stepping into the open.

My eyes immediately went wide in both shock and horror at the sight of the being that was standing in front of me.

“Nigh- Nightmare Moon?” I stuttered in disbelief.

Indeed, it was her, I don’t know how and why she was here despite the fact knowing that she got blasted into oblivion 2 days back by the elements. But there is one thing I do know, she was absolutely livid. Her glare staring deep into my being, filled with unimaginable hatred and anger.

If looks could kill I would have dropped dead long before she even emerged from the shadows.

The seconds ticked by as the two of us simply stared at one another, or more liked glared for her.

“YOU!” She finally spoke with a lot of venom in her voice.

“THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!” She continued while taking a step closer to me, on instinct I took a step back sweating bullets at this point.

“YOU RUINED EVERYTHING! MY VENGEANCE, MY PLANS. EVERYTHING!” She continued to accuse me as her pupils slowly became smaller and smaller from rage.

“I DO NOT KNOW HOW YOU, ANOTHER ALICORN CAME TO BE BUT IT REALLY DOESN’T MATTER BECAUSE YOU BLOCKED ME OF MOST IF MY EXISTING MAGIC WITH YOURS, NOT JUST ONCE, BUT TWICE!” She raged on as she slowly moved closer and closer to me and me backing up. Her teeth snarling at me with every break she took from speaking.

“How is this even possible…how is she even here? I thought that the elements would have destroyed her, or at least contained her somewhere. What the hell happened?” I thought to myself as I continued to try and keep my distance from her.

Though, that didn’t seem to work very well, as her much larger form and legs allowed her the close the distance faster than I could back up. Plus, I was also unable to retreat any faster at the current moment as well, as my overwhelming fear and Nightmare's murderous look prevented me from retreating any faster. Let alone dare to take my eyes off of her.

I was really just forced to slowly back away from her and stare at her soul-piercing gaze and hear her teeth-crushing snarl.


“Wait… so… that’s what I felt? This unknown force or energy inside me that night. I was subconsciously blocking her active magic with my more passive one?” I thought to myself after she pointed that out before another thought struck me. “So wait… that means that I was right… that all those feelings and instincts I felt were all aimed at protecting the girls. I was actually guarding the girls and helping them succeed by simply being there. But… how?” I thought again before the worst possible thing happened.

My flank suddenly bumped onto an invisible wall, which stopped me dead in my tracks.


I was trapped.

The crazy mare in front of me slowly continued to close the gap between me and her, never letting her glare and snarl go from her features.

She suddenly began to chuckle in a very dark and creepy manner as an evil grin formed on her dark muzzle.

This can’t be good at all.

“But I guess none of that matters, because you will not escape from me. Today your existence will end, alicorn or not.” She explained before continuing. “In fact that would easily be a very welcome bonus, as I am in need of a new, much more powerful body. Once I have rid myself of you I will take your body fully as my own and plan my bloody vengeance on these pesky ponies and their princesses.” Nightmare announced as her snarl quickly returned.

To my utter horror, she slowly started to charge up her horn with some dark, twisted magic, as both red and black tendrils and lightning bolts danced around it. Her expression once again was filled with overwhelming hatred and the unstoppable will to kill me.

With myself being trapped and with no way to defend myself I simply accepted my fate, I covered myself with my forelegs and closed my eyes as I awaited my inevitable demise.

This is it. I am going to be killed in my own nightmares. Since I ever woke up in this fucking world everything seems to be just hell-bent on making everything difficult for me. Again, why me? Fuck you bronies and your stupid fantasies of wanting to go to this place. I got sent to it as an alicorn who can’t do shit and now I am going to be killed for it.

I awaited my doom for what felt like an eternity, but as the seconds ticked by a sudden scream of pain and agony suddenly assaulted my ears. At first I thought it was me before quickly realizing that it was rather Nightmare herself, judging by the voice and the lack of my own pain.

Out of curiosity and simply because there was nothing else for me to do than cower, I slowly uncovered my face and opened my eyes, only to be greeted by a slowly burning Nightmare Moon in front of me as she screamed in pain.

A strange beam of white light enveloped the dark mare, which seemed to be the source of her suffering. With my eyes, I quickly followed said beam to it’s origin and was utterly surprised to see that it was coming from another alicorn standing next to me, or more specifically... ME.

To say that I was shocked and dumbstruck would be an understatement.

“Hey, you ok there? Seems to be I came just in time didn’t I?” My other-self announced while giving me a sideways glance as he continued to fire the beam from his horn onto the dark mare in front of him.

It was the way his horn glowed that really interested me. I know how unicorn/alicorn horns glow, thanks to the show, and having watched actual unicorns do their magic as well, having an active looking aura around them whenever they used it. His horn on the other hand did not shine in an aura-like glow like you would see on others, rather the entire horn was just shining in this whitish bright light with only the spiral indentations of the horn being visible.

But that was quickly overshadowed by the fact that I was still just staring at another me shooting a beam of pure light at Nightmare Moon, which really confuses and somewhat scared the crap out of me.

“I… I… I…” I stuttered as a response which made my other self-smirk at me.

“Really, dude? I would imagine that you would at least remember me.” He replied with a chuckle.

I shook my head afterwards as continued to stare at him completely floored out of my mind. “Wait… are you… the same guy who appeared when I was in that endless cloud-sea dream?” I finally asked.

“Pretty much.” He simply replied before the screaming finally ceased as Nightmare finally disappeared in an almost blinding flash of light leaving nothing but smoke in its wake.

“Wait… how can I notice smoke in a space that is primarily just black?”

My other self finally cut off the… magic? From his horn as he fully faced me with relief on his face.

“Well that was that. Nightmare Moon won’t bother us anymore.” He announced while wiping his brow.

I quickly looked between him, to Nightmare's remains then, back to him and back again as a million questions raced through my head. One thought quickly took dominance over them all as I moved my eyes back towards the smoking remains of the Nightmare.

“What… what did you do to her?” I ask my doppelganger, which in turn causes him to look from the remains of the mare and then back to me.

“Well…” He began while rubbing his head. “I simply banished her forever from our subconscious so you don’t need to worry about her ever again.” He explained.

“So let’s just leave it at that.” He quickly added while smiling awkwardly at me.

“O… kay?” I replied suspiciously, before a thought quickly entered me once again.

“Wait…is this…my subconscious again?” I finally asked him.

He simply nods before responding. ”Yup it is. You’re dreaming again, in case you hadn’t noticed.” He replies with a genuine smile for the first time.

“So I was right about this being a dream then.” I thought to myself while looking around once more before something else entered my head again… or should I say our?

“Wait… if this is my subconscious, then why does it look so…dark and empty instead of the bright and vibrant heaven-like scene I had last time?” I asked while looking back at him.

“Well, you can thank HER for that.” He replied while giving a sideways glance over at the spot that previously occupied the mare in question.

“She somehow managed to enter herself into your mind in hopes of getting a new host after having been forcefully ejected from her previous one.” He explained before his tone suddenly got bitter. “She was trying to erase everything, destroy what makes you you. Before I stopped her, that is.” He finished while glaring at the smoky remains.

A horrifying chill quickly went through my spine after I heard that,only just now realizing just how dangerous my situation really was. Until he came along.

I looked back at him.


“Huh? What?” He asked while looking back at me confused.

I smiled before rephrasing. “Thanks for saving me back there.” I thanked him. “If It wasn’t for you… well… I probably wouldn’t be here to thank you in the first place.” I quickly added happily.

My other part simply smiled and chuckled. “No problem at all, that’s what I am here for anyway. After all, this is my body too.” He replied in a friendly manner.

It was then when a question suddenly popped up. “Wait… who exactly are you, anyway? You did say in our first encounter that you were my more… well courageous side of me… but I know that there is more to it than just that.” I ask while eyeing him.

“So who are you then, for real?” I quickly added which made his smile grow even further.

“Ah, so you finally want to know, then?” He asked with a chuckle before continuing. “That’s simple. I AM actually your magic aura that resides inside you, I am, in fact the source of both your new alicorn magic and instincts as well.” He answered happily while taking a prideful pose himself, similar to how Dashie does it.

I looked at him completely surprised out of my wits after he dropped that, thought after a while it also made sense somehow when you think about it a little more. Strangely enough.

“Well, at least that explains how he managed to defeat Nightmare Moon so easily.” I thought to myself before shaking myself free from this sudden and unexpected information.

“So, wait…. magic is sapient, then?” I asked after realizing the idea that I was now basically speaking to my own magic aura.

He quickly looked back at me while rubbing his chin thoughtfully. “Well technically no, it really depends on the source and what kind of magic it is, to be honest.” He explained before smiling back at me. “Alicorn magic is actually one of them because they're so incredibly powerful and have large reserves of it, though it is mostly tied in with the consciousness of its owner, which means that I basically get my sapient… ness from your own mind, which is also why I share such an identical look of you in the first place, because that is just how your own mind imagines me fully.” He quickly added happily before proving his point by spinning himself around to show me exactly how identical to me he was.

All of that information was a little bit too much for me to digest, as I simply rubbed my head.

“Well at least that explains that.” I thought while trying to ease my racing mind from all this new info I was given.

“Well, anyway… our time here is almost over, I’m afraid. I can sense that you are going to wake up soon.” my magic self suddenly announced which quickly snapped me out from my thoughts.

“Wait! I need to know something first.” I tried to say as I slowly felt my surroundings breaking apart. “How am I supposed to access my magic… or, well, technically you?” I desperately tried to ask as everything around me was blurring out fast.

My other self simply smiled at me before replying. “Don’t worry about that, it will all happen in due time. So don’t rush yourself to much.” He called out before even his form slowly started to fade away.

“By the way, just call me Silver Wing. You’ll get the reference. Plus the next time we meet i will have fixed your subconscious world too.” Was the last thing I heard before everything around me went quiet.


Unbeknownst to Nava. His horn started to randomly spark and glow during his sleep filled dreams. Both his Hat and Glasses being effected bu his magic, as they slowly lift and levitate in place.

Author's Note:

Another chapter done, finally it a short one again.

Anyway today's chapter highlight is this.