• Published 29th Jun 2016
  • 25,728 Views, 1,521 Comments

The (Mis)adventures of Nava: Book One - Navanastra

Have you ever imagined that one day you would wake up in a strange new world in an even stranger new body? Well I never have but it still happened and now I am running around in my OC’s body in a land I thought was nothing more than a cartoon

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Chapter 8: I don't like heights

Chapter 8: I don’t like heights

Edited by: Chrome Masquerade

Ugh, last night’s “Welcome to Ponyville” party was… interesting to say the least. It certainly wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, but it didn’t exactly go perfectly either.

Pinkie Pie did held true to her promise and claims when she suddenly showed up to the already set up party with a humongous cake on a large food cart behind her, and placing it on a somewhat small and creaky looking table.

Let’s just say that putting such a huge thing on such a small and worn out looking table isn’t the best nor safest idea. Especially when foals are nearby and accidentally bump into one of its legs.

The result was… predictable. Even more so when I was standing in front of it at the time to gauge at the massive sugar bomb of a cake only to have it slowly become bigger and bigger until it was too late.

Needless to say that my first ever welcome party in this world started with me being covered in a whole year’s worth of diabetes and let me tell you, cake frosting sticks horribly on fur, especially in fabric such as my hat and scarf. It’s even worse trying to wash that stuff out.

But it was tasty, at least, so there’s that.

I still somewhat smell like chocolate and vanilla despite having bathed both yesterday and this morning.

But beyond that one little incident the party was…surprisingly fun to be honest.

Pinkie immediately managed to whip up a much more… manageable replacement for the cake… in… record time of course. Which still has me stunned thinking about it.

The majority of the town was there, to my surprise, including a lot of ponies I actually recognize from back home. Rarity and Rainbow Dash were there, as promised, and even Applejack was there, to my surprise. Though, to be honest, the introduction between the two of us was rather short. The only ones from the Mane 6 that were not there were Twilight (for obvious reasons) and Fluttershy (for… also obvious reasons).

Overall, the party was, again, surprisingly fun, I got the chance to socialize a bit more and the food, of course, was unbelievable. Big props to Pinkie’s amazing baking skills. Though, I have to be careful with that if I don’t want to ever plan making a return trip to the local hospital.

But thankfully I got that event out of the way and now I was just waiting -again- for the two sisters to finally get-

“Helloooo, Equestria to Nava, are you there man?”

Oh. Right. Rainbow Dash is here as well.

I shook my head. “S-sorry Rainbow I was just… spaced out again.” I say awkwardly.

“Again? Jeez, dude! Sometimes I wonder if you are still on the same plane as ours. Spacing out so much like that can’t be healthy.” RD chided playfully beside me.

I simply chuckle. “Well… yeah, it’s just that I have a lot of thoughts running through my mind. Sometimes I just like to sit down and think for a while.”

Rainbow Dash shook her head. ”Well anyway, as you already know, today is the day where I finally take the spot of Ponyville’s weather captain… which is both neat and… sucky to be honest.” RD explained with a groan at the end.

“Why is that?” I asked while looking at her.

“Well, for one thing the income will be better but... that also means I am going to be even more busy than before which means less free time and less practicing my stunts.” She answered with a disappointed look.

I placed my hoof onto her shoulder to comfort her. “Hey, it’s really not that bad, is it? You’re probably only going to be busy during the major seasons, and besides, the fastest flyer in all of Equestria should be able to clear up a bunch of clouds faster than they can come. Think of it as training as well, the faster you can clear or move them the better.” I explained to her with a smile, which thankfully did the trick in lifting her spirits.

“You're right. I can do it. Faster than anypony ever has.” She announced proudly and with determination.

I chuckled. Now that is the Rainbow Dash I know.

“Ok, we're done! We are ready to go!” Flitter suddenly announced as she and her sister came back with saddle-bags strapped onto their backs.

Rainbow Dash and I got up from out sitting position to join them as the four of us made it onto the platform where the hot air balloon was waiting for them.

I felt particularly sad about it, because it meant saying goodbye to the first ever friends I made on this rock. But it also meant that I was going to be on my own from then on, a thought that never fully registered until right then.

But then again, I can’t just freeload off those two forever, that would just be way too selfi-

“Well Nava are you coming or not?” Flitter suddenly asked as she was about to enter the basket.

“What?” I asked totally confused.

She gave me the same confused look before shaking her head. “Well, are you going to enter basket or not? Our pilot can’t wait for us forever. He has a schedule to keep.”

“Wai… wait, am I supposed to come with you guys?” I asked, surprised.

Flitter raised an eyebrow at that. “Well, duh… I mean do you have a place to stay here?” she asked me as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

I simply shook my head as Cloud Chaser made her way back over to me.

“Well then, come with us to Cloudsdale. Our home has some spare bedrooms that have been empty for a very long time. Too long, in fact. You can have one of them and live with us. Come on, it’ll be fun. I promise.” Cloudchaser offered with a smile.

I was surprised even more. “But… But… why would you two offer me your home to stay in? You two already did and paid so much for me, I don’t want to invade your home as well as a freeloader that would be just…” I began before I got stop by Flitter as she trotted over to us.

She sighed. “Nava, don’t worry. It’s ok. Think it as us repaying you for saving our lives. I don’t know about you, but to me somepony’s life is worth more than all the Bits and gold in Equestria combined. So there will never be a limit to how much we owe you.” Flitter explained with a truthful smile and tone behind her every word.

I began to feel really emotional after hearing her say that as I did my best to keep the tears in me. This was easily one of the friendliest offers anyone has ever given to me. These two literally offered space in their own home for me to stay and live in. Becoming part of their lives, essentially.

I felt a wing wrapping itself around my back as I sat there still feeling unsure about it. I lifted my head to see that it was Cloud Chaser sitting beside me giving me an encouraging smile.

“Hey, don’t you dare go all sad and emotional on us now. As my sister said it’s totally ok. We would happily share our home with you, unless you prefer sleeping in the streets alone with no name to yourself.” Cloud explained before killing the mood at the end by spelling out the reality of my situation.

Well done for killing the mood there, Cloud, real smooth.

It was then RD’s time to step in. “Wait a min… He is a unicorn right. So how the heck is he supposed to live up in Cloudsdale if he isn’t a Pegasus?” RD asked looking rather confused.

“Cloudwalking spell.” All three of us automatically answered in unison.

“Oh… forgot about that.” Dash answered.

“Well anyway, just come with us, ok? No need to feel as if you are taking advantage of us. It really is our pleasure.” Flitter said as she gave me an encouraging smile of her own before turning back towards the Gondola.

“Yeah, Nava. Let's go. Before Steam tool over there starts complaining about us taking too long.” Cloud Chaser added before she followed her sister.

A voice came from the balloon. “Hey! What’s taking you girls so long?”

“See?” Cloud Chaser said, smiling sweetly before trotting back.

I sighed in defeat and looked over to Rainbow Dash for any form of comment, in which she nodded her head at the two sisters’ invitation to join them.

I nodded back and made my way over to them.

“Well, as much as I don’t enjoy the idea to weasel myself into their lives I guess I just have to accept their generosity. And to be honest they do have a point. I have nowhere else to go or to stay.” I thought to myself as I entered the hot air balloon’s basket.

“Alright, we're off. Next stop: Cloudsdale.” The stallion named Steam tool announced as he pulled a lever which caused a small geyser of flame to erupt from the burner above us.

It wasn’t long before the entire thing began to slowly rise into the air. Flitter and Cloudchaser began to wave and shout goodbye to Rainbow Dash below as Ponyville slowly started to distance itself from us as we rose higher and higher.

I would have loved to say my goodbyes as well, but my fear for heights prevented me from even looking over the edge of the gondola as I simply sat down in my own little corner.

I just hope we don’t have to go up too high to reach Cloudsdale, otherwise both the trip and my stay in that floating cloud city is going to be a nerve wracking one. I thought to myself as I tried my best to ignore the fact that the Gondola was swinging slightly in the wind.

I might actually regret the idea of posing as a unicorn instead of a Pegasus.


“Come on, Nava, just a little peek isn’t going to hurt you. Besides, you will have to get used to it eventually, especially if you’re going to live with us.” Cloud Chaser teased, being her fifth attempt already to try and make me look over the edge.

But I held firm. “I already said NO. I am not going to look down and see how high up we really are. It’s already bad enough that this stupid thing is swaying in the wind, so I really don’t need the extra information.” I complained back.

I already feel bad enough in my stomach thanks to the constant swaying of the Gondola in the winds and I don’t want the added bonus of pissing myself too, thank you very much.

It was then when our pilot finally decided to step in as well. “If you are so afraid towards heights, then way are you going to Cloudsdale?” The unicorn stud asked making me almost gag as a heavy wind caused the Gondola to sway again.

Because these two live up there and I have no other choice that’s why. I thought, again trying to not make myself look or sound like an ass by saying it out loud.

“Just leave him alone you two. You can already see that he feels very uncomfortable about it. So stop teasing him.” Flitter stepped to the rescue once again, making them shut up.

“Thank God for Flitter and her ability to…” I began to think before getting interrupted by her.

“BUUUUT Cloudchaser is right about the fact that you have to get used to it one way or another if you are going to live with us.” Flitter quickly added.

I groaned in annoyance as I knew that they were right.

I stood back up. “FINE… I am going to take a peek if it makes all three of you happy.” I shouted as I wobbly turned myself around to look over the edge of the box.


My heart rate quickly skyrocketed as I realized just how high we actually were, making me collapse back onto the floor of the Gondola as I tried my best to keep my breathing under control.

Until I started to realize that separating me and the vast expanse of space below me was nothing more than a thin wicker floor preventing me from falling to my utter demise. Making my situation feel even worse than it already was.

Panic mode engaged. Please make sure that your breathing and heart rate are as irregular and wild as physically possible, please contact your local service operator for further info.

Why am I here again? Can I please get back down? I think I am going to throw up.

At this point the world around me slowly started to numb from existence as I curled myself up into a ball trying my best to keep my panicked mind under control and failing miserably as I started to slowly hyperventilate. The only thing that semi worked on me was my hearing, but really. who cares about hearing when you’re on the verge of breaking down.

“I… I think he’s broken.”

“I think he is having an internal panic attack. I told you two to leave him alone.”

“HEY, you where the last one pushing him about it.”

“Well, I had no idea he would react like THAT.”

“Well what are we going to do now Flitter? We can’t leave him like this.”

“Hmmm… I have an idea.”

“Really what is it?”

“Try kissing him.”

“…. WHAT?!”

“Well, on his cheek, not his lips, stupid. Calm down, Cloud.”

“Yeah, but… still…”

“I know how Virgins like him work. Trust me. The shock of getting randomly kissed out of nowhere by a mare should be enough to break him out of his… well, broken state.”

“But… but… ”

“Oh just do it.”

“… Fine… but you owe me for this.”


Everything suddenly snapped back to reality when a strange but otherwise soft sensation suddenly assaulted my right cheek. It was too quick to notice but it still registered despite the jumbled mess my mind was at the moment. My eyes quickly shot open when the memory of the previous conversation I heard earlier finally registered as I slowly lifted my head.

The first thing I saw was Cloud Chaser’s face being really close to mine, with a faint blush visible on both of her cheeks.

“Did… did you just…?” I stuttered, wide eyed, as my own cheeks quickly went red as well after realizing what she had just done.

We both recoiled from one another as our faces turned even redder. Cloud Chaser’s wings suddenly sprung out as she tried her best to explain this embarrassing situation.

“IT… it-it-it WAS HER IDEA, I SWEAR! SHE MADE ME DO IT!!” Cloud Chaser stuttered accusing her sister with a hoof.

“THEN WH-WHY DID YOU DO IT?” I shouted back as my wings started to uncomfortably twitch under the bandages.



“I-I-I DON’T… DON’T KNOW… I-I JUST THOUGHT THAT…”She tried to explain but failed as she simply began to turn around to hide her flustered face from me.

An awkward silence followed afterwards, with only the sound of two snickering ponies filling it.

“It’s not funny you two.” I muttered trying to get my own blush under control as I sat there.

“Yes, it is!” they said, laughing even harder.

Is this really going to be the norm for me, from now on? Awkward embarrassing moment after awkward embarrassing moment? Heck, I even almost jumped off this stupid thing because of my panic attack. And now, I’m starting to feel sick again.

Oh would you stop swaying already? you're not helping me out here, wind.

From that moment on the rest of the flight was pretty much uneventful, both me and Cloud sitting in our respective corners while Flitter and our pilot simply kept to themselves as our journey continued.

Welcome to Equestria Nava, this is pretty much your new life now.

Absolutely fantastic.

Author's Note:

Once again another chapter for you guy. Have fun.

Today's sketch might not the the Highlight that most of you would agree on but i just wanted to make this one instate of the...kissing scene.